Jeremiah 23
‘Woe be –to the pastors that destroy and scatter the Sheep of MY pasture!
Says the Lord.’
WOE –means “grief, anguish, affliction, wretchedness, calamity, or trouble.”
God is sending them, ‘woe.’
God is saying that, because of this first indication of the primary reasons due to– DESTRUCTION of, and SCATTERING of– his SHEEP (children), “pastors–” are ‘on God’s angry-side.’
His PASTURE, as well indicates, THEIR REST ‘in him’– is ‘destroyed’ and ‘scattered,’ along with HIS CHILDREN, from ‘wolves’ in pulpits.
Goats don’t SCATTER SHEEP– ‘wolves’ do.
2 “Therefore thus says the Lord God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people;
‘You have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not VISITED them: behold, I WILL ‘visit’ upon YOU –THE EVIL of ‘your’ doings, says the Lord.’
VISIT– attend to them: bind up their wounds, feed them, nourish them, clothe them, ‘care’ for them:
‘raise them up,’ in the ‘way,’ godly.
In this case, the Lord is addressing that the ‘pastors’ did not ‘visit’ the NEEDY and VULNERABLE children of the Lord– AS THE LORD WOULD HAVE –in holiness, love, service, and with nourishment unto edification of the ‘body.’
So, now, the Lord will ‘visit’ upon the wicked pastors/hirelings that did these things upon the ‘lusts’ of their own ‘bellies–’ gains.
‘I WILL ‘visit’ YOU, with the same ‘care’ you gave unto mine; and it will be HARSH, for ‘you’ came in MY NAME UNTO THEM, this is ‘my reputation of conduct’ and you –BLASPHEMED my holy conduct and character– MY NAME SAKE.’
He will ‘visit’ his wrath, his judgments and his justice of ‘what you sow– you reap,’ back upon the lives of these ambassadors for satan.
It’s not what we purport to be or be doing, or be ‘of,’ it is WHAT WE DO– that ‘proves’ the kingdom we re-present to the world.
3 ‘I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries –where I have driven them, and I will bring them again to their folds; they shall be fruitful and increase.’
He is assuring ‘his kiddos,’ the world and his enemies (these wicked pastors– currently) that –he is COMING TO RESTORE THEM and BRING THEM unto ‘himself–’ to redeem them, save them from the wicked leaders that ‘should have been’ BRINGING THEM TO GOD, themselves.
HE HIMSELF –drove them out from among ‘these’ wolves, to PROTECT THEM– they were scattered out.
I imagine….
as denominational churches continue to Shun and Persecute his children, KICKING THEM OUT OF THEIR CONGREGATIONS…
who are walking in ‘holiness’ and ‘purity’ in right standing with him, carrying the ‘gifts of his Spirit,’ his very PERSON/presence with them–
Telling them, ‘You should go where others believe like you’...
(like ‘exactly’ how scripture states we are to, and who he is)
These, who are speaking the truth –through the Holy SPIRIT of God…
I imagine…
Just like it was for God –then.
ALL BECAUSE they have –’Jesus coming around now, through his anointed ones, messing up all “their” *DOCTRINE and *DISPENSATIONALISM…
that they raised up all these years–
instead of being in service to the Jesus of the Scriptures –that RE- PRESENTS
–HIS FATHER, HOLY and TRUE, in Heaven.’
It isn’t ‘us,’ the children of God, in offices of service to him that you don’t believe in, even though scripture states it as so, over, and over, and OVER again…
That you are DISRESPECTING and REJECTING and PERSECUTING– it’s Christ’s Spirit, it’s God ‘inside,’ that you do this to.
Just by the way you treat his children who carry his essence within them– HE GOES WITH THEM, and he RAISES THEM UP, and HE WATCHES YOU…
try to kill them, ostracize them, entrap them, persecute them, ridicule them, shame and shun them FROM ‘CHURCHES.’ (God forbid!)
Because it’s being done unto ‘his spirit,’ they did it to him WHEN HE HIMSELF WAS ‘in the flesh,’ they –being the satanic of the ‘church’ in that day that were apostate as well– Pharisees and Sadducees.
Today… they are called: The Lukewarm, apostate church.
I’ve literally prayed for people, laid hands on, they ‘FELT GOD MOVE IN THEM,’ got relief, felt woozy, cried and released, ALL WILLING for God to do so– unto healing and being set free, given words of knowledge, or otherwise was ‘loving and helpful, kind and considerate, because Christ wished to love on his child then and there– through me.
All to be challenged by the ‘leadership’ that is in DENIAL that CHRIST IS MOVING, and has his ‘being’
–THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY and FOREVER; whilst not providing this ‘service from God–BIBLICAL SERVICE of God’s–’
UNTO THE BODY OF GOD, the BODY OF A CONGREGATION– from themselves: that’s NEGLECT, in the least, and NEFARIOUS at worst.
As well, I’ve been told – ‘You need to go where people BELIEVE THE SAME AS YOU.’
This is one is– ‘WITNESSING THEMSELVES’ unto God almighty, holy and true, as NOT BE-LIVING the SCRIPTURES, ADHERING TO THEM, or in ‘right standing with’ THAT GOD– the one that detailed himself out to the world…..
and it’s not good.
It is stating they are ‘turning folks away,’ that walk according to scripture, as it’s written, KNOW HIM PERSONALLY because of their be-living it, him and his way; they are PUBLICLY STATING, that ‘if’ God does run with these folks: they, and THEIR GOD, are not WELCOME HERE, at our ‘church.’
(their God being, the Jesus of the Scriptures, because they ‘live, abide’ with His Spirit)
Because, ‘should they be TRUE,’ should these walk with his Spirit and OBEY Him, live according to scripture and are persecuted for it…
And it’s ‘you,’ that doing it…
You run the same risk of getting what the folk that did that back then received.
The scriptures are not remiss to mention over and again – the Prophet, DISCIPLE and Apostle (with the other offices), and WHY??
Because they ALL HAVE A ROLE; ‘religion’ is what DIVIDES and SUBVERTS, not living true to scripture: compromised, of mixture, not resolute with Holy Spirit.
We ought to at bear minimum…
You see, you may not ‘like’ God’s children, but if they speak the truth, in love, and challenge ‘the religious antichrist spirit’ in the world as Jesus did…
in the churches (synagogues) as he did, where he was THROWN OUT…
It is because THEY CARRY HIS ‘same’ PRESENCE in them ‘THIS DAY,’ and I question ‘why’ the ‘pastors,’ WOULD NOT ALREADY BE DOING THE SAME, and able to…
‘see’ and to ‘hear’ what the SPIRIT is saying– to the churches, if they were not truly deceived in ‘false doctrine??’
We are STILL ‘all’ SUPPOSED TO be LED OF the HOLY SPIRIT, ‘inside’ ALL DAY LONG– EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK– unto the continuous unfolding of eternity.
If we do not LIVE IN TRUTH NOW, you will DIE IN THE LIES and go where all ‘discarded’ goes, at the end of ‘dirt realm choosing time–’
‘Who you will serve this day–’ and for eternity.
If ‘we,’ the sheep –have zero discernment of ‘spirits’ in pulpits, because we ourselves have ‘neglected the Holy Spirit and his presence in our lives,’ because we have been living compromised…
In our ‘inner man’ character conduct– UNBECOMING of the Holy Spirit –we have grieved him–
ADULTERATED –with ‘another spirit.’
–Carnal Living.
If we will ‘shun’ and ‘dishonor’ –vessels, sanctified vessels he has SENT UNTO US, ‘sent ones,’ that we NEED AT THIS TIME– ‘for they help to UNITE THE BODY, and BLESS THE BODY WITH GOD’S REVELATIONS, just like EVERY TIME BEFORE ‘our time’....
Then we are doomed in DISCORD and DISUNITY “of SPIRIT;” WE NEED THESE VOICES OF GODLY WISDOM and REASON that carry ‘him’ within them, that…
‘like Christ,’ and his bold disciples, apostles, prophets, children…
WILL ‘face-off’ with the POWERS OF DARKNESS– within our ‘ranks–’ or our people will perish entirely.
If we cannot be a people ‘SUPPORTING’ and ‘ENCOURAGING’ our brothers and sisters, and THAT WON’T TAKE THIS LYING DOWN, but will CONFRONT THE ‘compromised wolfy-leaders–’ leading God’s people in ‘the doctrine of devils,’ CORRUPT and COMPROMISED ‘teachings’...
Infiltration has long since occurred.
We will not BE A PEOPLE ‘en-mass,’ we will be ONLY A ‘remaining few–’ a REMNANT; and there will be only few that ‘find’ the ‘way home’ to Father, as he said.
He is serious– those with ‘hearts’ unto him in truth, and love and holiness, will ‘find him,’ because they are LOOKING TO DO SO; those that are ‘not interested’ have much they will discover soon, to their error, but…
God is doing EVERYTHING HE CAN TO WARN THE REBELLIOUS, ‘especially’ WITHIN HIS LEADERSHIP, for he will ‘graduate dirt bodies’ off this earth, he said, that are HINDERING and even LEADING HIS PEOPLE ‘off cliffs’ unto DESTRUCTION and HELL.
He WON’T STAND FOR IT, or ‘leave it be.’
He’s coming, and he’s coming quickly, like a ‘thief in the night.’
4 ‘And I will set up shepherds over them –which shall FEED THEM: they shall FEAR NO MORE, nor be DISMAYED, neither shall they be LACKING, says the Lord.’
He just said, he’s going to TAKE THE WICKED PASTORS ‘out,’ and REPLACE THEM, ‘himself,’ with ‘Shepards’ from HIS TRAINING– discipled.
5 ‘Behold –the days come,’ says the Lord, ‘that I will raise unto (the house of) David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute JUDGMENT and JUSTICE in the earth.’
6 ‘In his days –Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called– The Lord, Our Righteousness.’
7 ‘Therefore behold, the days come, says the Lord, that they shall no more say, “The Lord lives, which brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;”
8 But (instead) –”The Lord lives, who brought up, and led, The Seed of the House of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries where “I” had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land.”
He himself, coming to free his people, by bringing them back under– HIS PEOPLE IN LEADERSHIP, and UNDER his RULE.
9 ‘My heart within me is broken because of THE PROPHETS; all my bones shake;
I am like a drunken man, like a man whom wine has overcome, because of the Lord, and because of the words of his holiness.’
Why did he say, ‘and my heart breaks because of the prophets?’
Because God’s prophets are ‘supposed to’ –hear from God clearly, and break, weep, sacrifice, relinquish earthly things, serve God in HIS HEART DESIRES and in his HOLINESS…
Because of THIS, their hearts of dedication and ‘care,’ will edify and BUILD UP the rest of the church, including– LEADING THE PASTORS in ‘the word of the Lord.’
But, he WEEPS INSIDE HIS PERSON, because the ‘pastors,’ are DEVOURING OUR BRETHREN, and have ‘strayed from the way of Christ Jesus.’
(All because THE CHURCH IS REFUSING GOD’S ‘other parts of’ his ‘church governing body–’ his ‘other offices’ of:
Apostle, Prophet and TEACHERS of ‘the way’–THE PRIESTLY –that HELP THE OTHER OFFICES and the ‘rest of the church members,’ by equipping the body in their ‘callings’ and ‘offices,’ ‘giftings,’ and ‘COMMISSIONS.’
HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HEAR FOLKS SAY: “I don’t know my purpose…I don’t feel I ‘fit in.”
THIS IS THE REASON, we ALL COME HERE with ‘a mission,’ a personal one from God: prophets help folks with this, by words of knowledge –from God; we cannot SHUN GOD’S CHILDREN because we ‘don’t understand their office of service–’ unto our Lord.
Can we see how the local church is in need, and how they cannot understand what’s happening right now, where we are in the scriptures, what apostate is, or ‘compromise’ TRULY LOOKS LIKE, folks are perishing from sickness and disease…
Because in truth– it departed from ‘the way,’ and NEEDS TO KNOW THE ‘Way Maker–’ the ONE OF SCRIPTURE, and be LED of HIS SPIRIT– reforming them, *UNITING THEM.)
Prophets– ‘warn,’ but if none are listening or heeding…
or if they are LIVING WICKEDLY…
I digress…..
10 ‘For the land is full of adulterers; because of swearing (curses) the land mourns; the pleasant places of the wilderness –are dried up, and their course is evil, and their force is not right.’
Swearing/Curses and COVENANTS with ‘devil living’ = swearing, promising an oath to whatever follows, of that conduct perpetrated.
Curses– set into motion, plans the kingdom of DARKNESS has in mind: they LEAD ASTRAY FROM THE WORD OF GOD, and others follow.
THEY ‘swear’ (or promise) DESTRUCTION unto the people, and these– he is saying, have been occupying PULPITS in ‘denominational churches’ that DENY THE VERY WORDS, PREMISES and POINTS of GOD’S CONDUCT and PERSON from what scripture ACTUALLY STATES: ‘wolves.’
11 ‘For both PROPHET and PRIEST are PROFANE; YES!
IN ‘MY HOUSE’ I HAVE FOUND –their wickedness, says the Lord.’
He’s very upset, clearly.
‘False prophets–’ are often times people living soulishly, and if they were to CONVERT with Holy Spirit TRUTHFULLY IN CONDUCT BECOME of God: truth, honest, purity, whole-hearted, they would COME INTO THEIR ‘true calling,’ THAT GOD DESIGNED THEM TO ‘be and walk in.’
12 ‘So, *their way –shall be unto them as slippery ways in the darkness: they shall be driven on (in that way of destruction– themselves), and fall therein: for I will bring evil upon them, even (in) the year of their visitation, says the Lord.’
The Lord has been telling me that ‘the year of visitation’ –is NOW, for many. (just fyi)
13 ‘I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria (a heathen nation and culture); they prophesied in Baal, and caused my people Israel –to err.’
14 ‘I have also seen in the prophets of Jerusalem –a horrible thing:
they commit adultery, walk in lies:
they strengthen the hands of evildoers,
none does return from his wickedness;
they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof as Gomorrah.’
He just said, ‘as I did to Sodom and Gomorrah– the reasons ‘why,’
the same, and bring the same.’
15 ‘Therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts concerning the prophets; Behold…
I will feed them with wormwood (it is bitter), and make them drink –the water of gall: from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land.
He just said that he will give them ‘the bitter waters’ they, themselves, dished out: reap/sow.
He is LIVING WATERS, not ‘bitter’ waters, in fact he said, ‘both bitter water and sweet water– comes not out of the same well.’
James 3:11
“Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening?”
16 ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts…
Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy to you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord.’
‘They make you VAIN–’ meaning, they LEAD YOU INTO VANITY-EMPTINESS-VAPID nothingness, unto DESTRUCTION: Carnal-worldly, unto death.
A prophets job is to –REVEAL THE HEART AND MIND OF GOD; these are living wickedly, and they are still prophesying…
Which then means, they are PROPHETS of BAAL– satan’s workmen –destroying YaH’shua’s BRIDE.
God made prophets for a reason– to REVEAL GOD’S HEART and MIND; when they work ‘for self,’ they work for satan, it makes them ‘false prophets,’ for TRUE ONES WORK FOR, and WITH, GOD, ‘false ones–’ satan and his agenda.
Self-SOULISH prophesying is still going on today; you can know the difference when the Holy Ghost confirms his presence, by –the confirmation of the Word of God coming out of HIS TRUE PROPHETS, in LOVE, TRUTH and HOLINESS, and ‘wearing–’ THE LENS OF LOVE…
The SOULISH–’peace, peace– ALL IS WELL,’ without the weight of the truth of the patterns God revealed throughout EVERY BIBLE STORY: when my people obeyed– this happened, and when my people live wickedly, unto soulish/carnal desires– this happened, included in the DISCIPLINE CORRECTION.
There was ALWAYS God’s Power and his CONVICTION involved, and it was to ‘save’ his people, not NEGLECT THEM and lead them astray of his holiness, character and law of reaping and sowing.
It was to REGROUP THEM, REDEEM THEM and SANCTIFY THEM, so that they would not CONTINUE TO PERISH– under satan’s leadership of sinful ways, that lead to ‘death,’ in its culmination/fruition.
17 ‘THEY STILL SAY TO THEM –that despise me–
The Lord has said, ‘You shall have peace;’ and they say to every one that walks after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon you.’
They say what the people ‘want to hear,’ NOT WHAT IS –TRUE!
18 ‘Who has stood IN THE COUNSEL OF the Lord, and has PERCEIVED and HEARD his word?
19 ‘Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth in fury, a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked.
In general throughout scripture, he states that –the wicked shall inherit his wrath and judgment, but in this chapter and premise/point, he is TELLING HIS 'professing church,’ NOT THE WORLD’S PEOPLE– though he is DRAWING A PARALLEL to the WORLD’S HEATHEN, WICKED-LIVING folk
–to the WICKED and REBELLIOUS ‘leaders–’ IN HIS 'professing church.’
He is NOT, some mamby-pamby, weakling PERSONA the false church purports– HE IS RIGHTEOUS, JUST, HOLY and POWERFUL, he’s the MOST POWERFUL...
And ‘he,’ works out of LOVE; the LOVE– that REFORMS US to rid us of the EVIL ‘in us–’ by GETTING IT OUT OUT OF US, in ALL AND EVERY WAY, bringing us into ‘his’ RIGHTEOUSNESS, ‘his’ HOLINESS, by ADOPTING HIM IN CHARACTER within us: that is LOVE.
That is what brings us home to him later, the reformation process of him CLEANING US UP…
Him, PULLING US BACK INTO THE unity and communion OF HIS PRESENCE, by CHANGING US INTO ‘the only kind of person he can dwell with–’
HIS WAY, HIS LEADING, HIS PERSONALITY, and they ‘desire’ to be LIKE HIM, because they ‘SEE’ LOVE IS THE ANSWER–hate
(passionate dislike) IS DEATH.
20 ‘The anger of the Lord shall not return (back to him– be cut off), until he has executed, till he has performed these thoughts of his heart:
IN THE *LATTER DAYS –you shall consider it perfectly.’
We are ‘in’ the LATTER DAYS, now; he is saying WE WILL *KNOW THIS NOW,* for this is CURRENT DAY HAPPENINGS– within the ‘church,’ within the LEADERSHIP OF HIS HOUSE.
21 ‘I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran (with it– lies and self leadership from their soul): I have not spoken to them –yet they prophesied.’
Note that pastors are supposed to be ‘hearing’ from God personally too, led of him, and then sharing it with the congregants– if they LEAD ASTRAY OF OTHER DOCTRINE, they are THEMSELVES–apostate, are FALSE PROPHETS, for they ‘taught of the kingdom of Baal.’
They teach and speak whatever they desire, to keep ‘congregants,’ not FEED SHEEP FROM HIS FOLD, for ‘if they did’ –
they WOULD BE MUCH MORE MINDFUL TO ‘remain biblical’ in their teachings, which is to say–
remain true to scripture as it ‘details’ itself–
Jesus– The Word of God.
To teach ‘whatever,’ to teach things CONTRARY TO THE BIBLE, CONTRARY TO WHAT ‘Christ’ said about himself, his Father or THE CONDUCT OF GOD and HOLINESS, and ‘change’ the MEANING of the Words of our Lord–
IS DANGEROUS, for our Lord will SET HIS OWN HOUSE STRAIGHT –one way, or another!
22 ‘If they had –stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear “my words,” then they would have turned them from their evil way, from the evil of their doings.’
23 ‘Am I a God ‘at hand,’ says the Lord, and not a God afar off?’
He is saying, ‘I am a God OF THE INSIDE MAN, I am not FAR AWAY– I can be ‘heard,’ if one ACTUALLY IS SEEKING ME, and I KNOW ALL, SEE ALL, and REIGN OVER –ALL.
24 ‘Can anyone hide himself in secret places –that I shall not see him?
Says the Lord.
Says the Lord.
25 ‘I have heard what the prophets said, they prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed…’
26 ‘How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies?
Yes, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart;’
27 ‘Who think (contrive ways) to cause my people to forget my name –by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor (spreading lies), as their fathers have forgotten my name –for (to follow the ways of) Baal.
Here God is drawing a parallel to the ‘fathers’ of these men–ancestors–
that raised them up, being wicked themselves –following Baal/satan.
All the while, we are reading, here in Jeremiah, by the mouth of a ‘living true to God,’ PROPHET OF GOD–
REVEALING THE WILL and WORD of God– his heart, RIGHT HERE IN THIS BOOK and CHAPTER: righteous and following the GOD OF TRUTH, YHWH–ELOHIM.
28 ‘The prophet that has a dream –let him tell a dream; he that has –MY WORD– let him speak my word faithfully. (loyalty)
What is the chaff –to the wheat??
Says the Lord.’
He is stating, if it’s the TRUTH, and it came from me, then there is BOLDNESS TO TELL IT, and it will be UPHELD BY THE HAND OF THE LORD, for it is ‘his will,’ brought by the ‘priestly prophet’ going in Spirit, unto the Lord–
reaching heaven in communion with God in DEEP INTIMACY and HOLINESS…
LIARS are nothing AGAINST THE TRUE that are telling the TRUTH– for it WILL BE BACKED BY GOD ALMIGHTY, HOLY and TRUE.
And we will KNOW IT’S SO, because it will BE PROVEN of God, for it’s not the prophets soulish will, but one CONSECRATED UNTO GOD TO ONLY DO –God’s will.
29 ‘Is not MY WORD –like a FIRE?
Says the Lord; and like a HAMMER that breaks the Rock in pieces?’
(Hebrews 4:12)
He, will point out ‘the soulish’ living, where it resides and abides; we must live UNDER THE HOLY SPIRIT and his LEADERSHIP or we perish– ‘in *OUR way.’
30 ‘Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, says the Lord –that steal my words every one from his neighbor.’
Do you remember the ‘soil types,’ THORNY, WAYSIDE– ‘snatched up,’ BEFORE THE WORD (Holy Spirit revealing) COULD ‘take root:’ this is that.
31 ‘Behold, I am against these prophets, says the Lord –that use their tongues, and say –’He says.’
Simply because– he DID NOT– say, THEY SAID– of their *OWN hearts/souls–bellies/desires/self interests.
32 ‘Behold, I am against those that prophesy false dreams (because that’s just straight-up lying–which is NOT IN GOD to do), says the Lord…
and tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies –by their lightness (come as Light); yet I sent them not, nor commanded them:
Therefore –they shall not profit these people at all, says the Lord.’
33 ‘When these people, or the prophet, or a priest, shall ask you, saying,
What is the burden of the Lord?
You shall then say to them…
What burden?
I WILL *FORSAKE YOU –says the Lord.’
Old English forsacan ‘renounce, refuse.’
34 ‘And as for the prophet and the priest, and the people, that shall say, The burden of the Lord, I will even punish that man and his house(hold).’
The burden of the Lord, meaning –what’s on God’s heart and mind, his ‘burden;’ and the ‘false prophets and priest,’ are not actually speaking with him, so it is GOD’S WRATH and JUST JUDGMENT coming for these– ‘leaders.’
Because God’s ‘true’ BURDEN, at that time, would be THE WICKEDNESS ‘these’ ARE PURPORTING UPON THE ‘sheep’ of HIS FOLD –BY ‘hirlings.’
35 ‘Thus shall you say –every one to his neighbor, and every one to his brother…
What has the Lord answered?
What has the Lord spoken?’
36 ‘And the burden of the Lord –’YOU–’ shall mention no more:
Every man's word shall be his burden (to carry); for you have perverted the words of the living God –of the Lord of hosts our God.’
Not good, definitely– NOT GOOD.
37 ‘Thus shall you say to the prophet…
What has the Lord answered you?
What has the Lord spoken?’
Because he wants us to ‘ask questions’ –this is part of HOLY SPIRIT DISCERNMENT process; and also, because they are NOW, going to be ‘weighing’ the WORDS GIVEN, scripturally, which is what ‘should have been going on,’ anyhow.
38 But since you say, (it’s) The burden of the Lord; thus says the Lord;
Because you say this word…
The burden of the Lord, I have sent (word) to you, saying…
“You shall not say, The burden of the Lord;”
He states this, because he wants them to KNOW, in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, to STOP SAYING…
‘It’s the heart, mind and words of God’
–because it is NOT;
39 ‘Therefore, behold, I, even I, will utterly forget you, and I will forsake you, and the city that I gave you and your fathers, and cast you out of my presence:’
That’s what hell is described like, ‘outermost, cast out of his presence,’ ESTRANGEMENT, forgotten/forsaken– UTTERLY.
40 ‘And, I will bring an everlasting reproach upon you, a perpetual shame, which shall not be forgotten.’
Here he states that ‘these false leaders–’ of satan’s way, not God’s, WILL BE ESTRANGED FROM GOD–FORSAKEN–CAST OUT,
THEIR REPUTATION OF WICKED and ILL REPUTE– will go on among the people of God’s testimony– and WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN.
He’s stating, these leaders and apostate (left his way) people, will be infamously recalled by all that see and hear of their APOSTASY, publicly.
They will BE AS AN EXAMPLE unto the ‘rest of the body’ of Christ’s– NOT TO FOLLOW THE CORRUPT, ERRORED ‘way–’ OF THE CONDEMNED (wicked).
He didn’t mince his word here, in Jeremiah, unto the wicked and rebellious in ‘his house,’ and he stands in this state, even now.
He comes with corrections and reformation to
‘the church.’
If the church folk will repent of their ‘false doctrinal’ ways and conduct, and come INTO THE HOLY SPIRIT, truthfully, and his LEADING within their ‘spirit’ and their ‘SOULS–’ he can USE THEM IN THEIR ‘callings’ again.
It is ONLY BECAUSE THEY ARE ‘unsubmitted’ to HIS WAY, and HIS HOLINESS –that they are ESTRANGED, but..
IT’S SERIOUS; if they do not RETURN TO CHRIST JESUS, under the Leadership of the Holy Spirit of God– they will incur the same WICKEDNESS they are ‘dishing out’ to the sheep entrusted to them, via God, UNTO THEMSELVES.
‘Blood on Hands.’
Not only is this JUSTICE, in his law of SOW and REAP, but it is justice in God– defending his own REPUTATION and NAME SAKE, himself.
I would be ‘wary’ of DISRESPECTING the Word of God, for it ‘IS’ God; and I would be ‘wary’ of saying…
because those ARE THE REQUIREMENTS for Prophets and Priests, especially, but ALSO, ALL OF THE OTHER ‘offices’ of LEADERSHIP in God’s ‘house,’ which is to say…
‘We–’ do not choose to ‘be’ Priests, Prophets, Apostles, Pastors OR TEACHERS (a high role actually– as he is the Rabbi)...
HE DOES; he ORDAINS, and YOU WILL KNOW THEM– by their ‘fruits,’ they will be THE HOLY SPIRIT’S FRUITS…
THEIR FRUIT– WILL BE HIS FRUITS, for it is ‘his Spirit’ conducting them.
CORRECTIONS and JUST JUDGMENTS are coming; we ARE…IN ‘that’ TIME PERIOD that most do not want to acknowledge.
‘WE–’ are the generation spoken of, RIGHT BEFORE, not too long before– The Antichrist– ‘on scene bodily’ time period; he is being prepared, but there are already, MANY ‘ANTICHRIST SPIRITED PEOPLE’ –IN THE WORLD–drawing him ‘in.’
1 John 2:18
“Little children, it is –the last (of) time.
And… as you have heard –Antichrist will come, even now– there are many antichrists, whereby we know that this is –the last (of) time.”
1 John 4:1-6
‘Beloved, do not believe every spirit, TEST THE SPIRITS, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
2 By this –you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh –is of God,
3 And every spirit that DOES NOT CONFESS –that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God; and such –is the spirit of Antichrist, whereof you have heard that it should come, and even now already –it is in the world.”
Do we understand God is pointing out that –ANTICHRIST SPIRITS– are ‘IN’ HUMANS;
we are to ‘test the spirits’ OF ANGELS COMING TO US, SHOWING UP TO US…
but also…
WALKING WITH, AND WALKING OUT: the ‘anti’ JESUS CHRIST– ‘attitude and conduct.’
Humans are spirits, not just angels, we just have BODIES OF FLESH ‘over’ them; he’s telling us to KNOW OURSELVES, GOD, and thereby PEOPLE’S INSIDES– to know if they run with devils, by the fruits of the conduct displayed.
He is instructing us to ‘DISCERN HUMANS’ of ‘what spirit’ they RUN WITH, ‘inside.’
4 “YOU ARE ‘of’ GOD –little children, and have overcome them…
(here he states we are to OVERCOME that spirit– not allowing it’s CONDUCT inside us),
HE WHO IS IN YOU –is greater than he who is in the world.
(satan runs the world’s conduct)
5 They are of the world.
Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them.
(satan–the father of– *their way)
6 We are of God.
He (we) who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us.
By this –we know the Spirit of Truth and ‘the spirit of error.’ ”
Prepare yourselves –for the LEADERSHIP, JUSTICE and REVELATIONS of ‘our Lord,’ on scene, bringing corrections and reproof to our ‘churches,’ for the UNITY of HIS BRIDE…
and unto REFORMING US into –
And HOLINESS –will be ON THE RISE, to those ‘ready’ to be REFORMED ‘by the hand of God,’ in TRUTH “”and”” IN SPIRIT– ‘inside.’
He’s READY, and he’s COMING TO ‘teach’ again–
his WAY.
At the end of the day, why I DO, and YOU SHOULD 'speak and do the truth, under the HOLY SPIRIT'S LEADERSHIP, in conduct of person'-- unto the world as a witness, UNASHAMED, UNABASHEDLY...
because Lives depend on it, and we will face God head on about it now, under his rebuke, or his approval, but one thing is for sure...
(WITHOUT RISK/FAITH/TRUST in God-- he said we cannot even please him; it's because COWARDLINESS, is not 'of' him.)
There will be no blood on our hands, as we are ACCOUNTABLE TO THE LORD of the matters, NOW; and SOMEONE, MANY SOMEONES, MIGHT BE SAVED-- finding the 'Narrow Way' home --to FATHER GOD.
–The Word of the Lord, August 3, 2022