Soul Entrapment and Rescue conversation with Jesus:
“What kind of war rages against my heart?”

[video link to this: ]
It’s funny, “and by funny you mean horrifying,” the Lord just said to me; that I can miss so much so quickly, when emotions are very strong (we are working on this). By ‘miss,’ I mean— see, but only see to my own soul— not beyond when full on warfare is happening.
The Lord is working in each of us to ‘bring us through,’ and essentially that means— into full freedom in his love, our identity found in only him and his love, and to bring about our full destinies (as he has written them) in the earth realm: and part of that written story of my life is that I am what he called ‘a student body representative,’ in the earth: essentially— an intercessor and burden carrier for the body of Christ (in full), in the situations of the body of Christ in the earth.
Part of the process of being this burden bearing intercession representative— is that I get to ‘hold,’ for a short time, ‘a burden’ of the Lord; and then bring it all the way through, like a birthing (and it’s painful), in order for it to be actualized in the earth (carried in intercession, and born through travail in the spirit, at the altar).
Most every time I have thought that what I was going through was really rough (lots of warfare against my heart and life), and only about and for me: and I have been told (once I come through a brunt of the weeping, groaning, broken pleading with the Lord), over and over again…that…..
“Sweetheart, this was not just for your heart; I mean to bring every man through the fires of my love. This is a CORPORATE BURDEN to set men’s souls and hearts free from the chains that bind them from the dark realm.”
It seems to be a theme for me (and I’m praying I remember faster every time) that I have forgotten (in the midst of the agony and travail happening to the mind, emotions, and heart), that I have been asked to go through the fire for myself, and then carry the burden of the body of Christ at times, in the earth, for His purposes, to address: this was one of those times.
The delusion of the absence of his love, the absence of the light and truth— seemed like hell itself coming for my life. “And in many ways, dear, it was,” he just said. I am called, just like you, to deal with the lies that assault the mind and heart, and lean into the truth, and praise God, and make war against satan and his minions— through exaltation of the truth, God, and praising him within— as I set myself (and you are to do so as well) against the lies of the devil and his plots and ploys.
There are times when this seems unbearable, and this time— the Lord sent intercessors to pray over my life during this week: not only for my freedom from the enemy, but what they won’t realize (perhaps), until reading this or watching it, is that it was and is— ‘a corporate burden and undertaking,’ the Lord said.
I released a word about a dream he gave me last night, about satan and his minions setting plots and plans in people’s lives to abort their union with the Lord Jesus Christ, the truth, and their destinies the way the Lord has written and spoken them: this goes altogether with his freedom mission he is on.
As you read this (a conversation with the Lord that I had), you will see so many other souls (what is going on inside of them), and how the Lord dealt with me (because, remember, all I could see was what was happening to my heart at the time); and what his mission is in the souls of the others going through this: to stop satan’s plans to abort the man-child developing inside his people: which is union in wholeness with Christ Jesus, where he rules and reigns in the vessel with his love, truth, and headship (what he says— goes).
It is the tabernacle of David being raised up in the last days: and David was the King, in whose lineage line Jesus came through, and now resides King of kings forever upon: so— it is the TABERNACLE OF JESUS that will be erected in each clay pot (person/vessel), where Christ reigns supreme, and every tongue and knee (us and our spirit and soul) bows to him in his dominion.
This conversation with him details the war against his people from within: but the war against his people and their union with Christ Jesus and his truth, and merciful love toward them— isn’t always a demon inside, but a foothold, nonetheless: it can be sent from outside, or be residing inside: but if the delusion of the lies is heeded and believed— either way, it’s done its work, and a soul and heart is darkened by their kingdom, and oppressed, and held in chains (bondage) to their headship: the lies must be fought, resist the devil, and cast down every wicked imagination that sets itself against the truth and the person of God inside of you.
I also have a word that is solely the Lord speaking, that perhaps I will add to this (he decided what we have is long enough already, and asked me to edit this statement here; and that it will be brought forth in the next video) —about the war for our souls, and how to fight the witchcraft (coming from human souls engaged with darkness, lies, hate, revenge, etc) that is sent at us— and enforced (fortified) by the demons; but also— the dealing with demons, themselves, from either within or without: either way— they and their garbage they tote with them (lies and delusion) goes out all the same: by the name above all names, and his authority— Jesus Christ.
This is where the conversation began, and you will see where my heart was; a fog of confusion was sent at this time, and attacked me (and several others in my unit, all the same way and same night) with horrid dreams and heavy emotions and mind thoughts:
“This,” the Lord just said, “is the point I was meaning to make all along inside of you Janet; but I understand sometimes it takes, well, time, for me to calm you, and center you in my love and truth again. But the point is— it was an outward attack, SEEKING, a foothold in you (and gained one).
The foothold is gained when you believe what they are inviting you to believe (like bait taken in by a fish), and the temptation ceases to be a temptation now, and has become a received thought or belief inside of you (when you take the bait and SWALLOW IT, hook, line, and sinker, as the saying goes) —as you come into ‘agreement’ with it.
We will warn my people with your candid and raw revealing of what took place in your heart; It will help others with theirs, for the burden was not yours alone, but the lesson brought forward a corporate dilemma, and one I would like to address in order to help my people gain victory in Christ Jesus (and a must is resisting the devil).
And with the subsequent word I gave you about warfare, witchcraft (works of the flesh, in union with demons, and enforced by them), or straightforward— demons— that need to be dealt with.”
This is the beginning of that conversation, and then— Enlightenment of the war on for our souls, minds, hearts, lives; and the do’s, AND DON’TS, that will help us in this onslaught against God’s children, in earthen suits down here.
“From what I understand you said— Entrapment and fortitude. That says— Your soul is entrapped but you are brave in the face of adversity. You said— ‘soul entrapped in so much pain,’ and then you wept and wept as if you were affected by the level of heart pain, yourself.
This is me interjecting in the editing of this with him, as we wrote it raw a few days back and it had many editing errors. I am realizing that it is HIS HEART burden, because he is in the hearts of his children, and they are trapped in so much pain and suffering, and delusion that he is not there with them and for them; while they endure the suffering— but he is: his heart is burdened because his children are entrapped by the enemy and his schemes, and our Lord is desiring to destroy the works of darkness— and this will detail the works of darkness, AND, how the Lord will help us destroy them, when we abide in his love and truth, and it is buried within our hearts/fields, in good soil.
A soul afraid of you. A soul afraid to believe in you, or your love, or your truth, fully. A soul afraid to come out from behind the wall, afraid to trust someone who says they love me, and can help me— when no one has been able to, yet.
I’ve been so very angry… and afraid. So very lost in why you come to, and through, for your other children… but not once have you come and gotten me out of this prison.
“And here,” the Lord just said, “is where the lie took hold that they served up, and it did damage in your heart, mind, and emotions: it is warfare, child, and that’s a fact; but I have given you all you need to overcome these ‘invitations’ when they are offered to your mind in ‘first person’ format (to convince you). I am enough, come to me, and believe what I tell you: and you can find the truth in the Word of God; but I will speak it to your heart and mind, again, and again, and again as needed; and I do this— because— I AM ASSISTING YOU IN THOSE MOMENTS, AND DESIRING YOU TAKE MY WORD, OVER THEIRS!
Please heed this lesson, children, and we will defeat the works of darkness, who send arrows at your hearts, minds, and emotions— to derail you from my love and truth, in the person of Jesus Christ given: his work of the cross should snap you out of this again, and again, and again: you only need bring it into remembrance what he has done for the great love of God toward you: BELIEVE ME, not satan, and we remain victorious in Christ Jesus, and God’s love and truth.”
You said you will not come busting down doors where I am angry, afraid, and wanting to remain away from your love, person, and truth— because in those places I don’t believe in your mercy (gracious love that covers all falling short) for myself; for if you did— you said— you would be ‘forcing’ yourself upon me, and your love; and instead— you desire for me to come to you, or let you in, WITH YOUR LOVE AND TRUTH.
‘What part of me have you been working with—’ I asked you. And you said— ‘Your will (desire for me) and what I have of your soul.’ So, my question is— how much of me has been away from you inside— away from the truth, hating the truth and your love because it’s never come for me and shown itself to me?
Again, there is the lie that took root— “because it’s never come for me and shown itself to me.”
The truth is— his love came for me even before the cross (because for the joy set before him, he endured the cross for me), but DEFINITELY after the cross accomplished, because the Holy Spirit was sent forth so that God could INDWELL me, live within me, forevermore, together, and to become one with him.
If we will believe, and receive, what was served up to our souls (hearts, minds, emotions, wills to believe thoughts and concepts), we will fall into darkness again: and it is very stormy seas inside when this happens: we must come out of the darkness, for the day star arises upon our hearts.
Father— open the eyes of our hearts, as you said in scripture: I pray the eyes of the hearts, for your love and truth, will be opened to all the oppressed of the devil: and that your will and victory will be accomplished in their hearts, as they pair with you (partner with you), as you bring forth the enlightenment of your love and truth that will set the captives free; if they will come into agreement with it in their souls.
It feels enormous, the immaturity of the soul… How you can do something with so little (soul maturity in the truth) given to you, I do not understand.
{Truly a testament to God, in our weakness, he prevails. In our shortcomings— he still is wiser, older, accomplished, patient, gentle, and long-suffering: and he is the one who is still fighting for our total freedom: what a God and Savior!! May we make him our LORD— and LISTEN TO WHAT HE SPEAKS OF THE TRUTH TO OUR SOULS!!}
‘Trapped—’ you say.
‘Imprisoned—’ you say.
‘Afraid—’ you say.
‘Angry—’ you say: And I see a small child.
The Lord is not looking for us to have all the answers and strength or power— he shows us we are to lean upon him for this: he has the answers and the power, and the truth, and the love— we need to stay there with him in this. We need only to CONTINUE to give him our hearts, more and more, every day; and our minds and emotions too.
“For they become the devil's playground,” he just said, “if you do not. There is either one of two lords inside the mind, emotions, heart, and will of man— leading to his actions— at any one time: me, or satan.
Choose this day (and in your temptations), whom you will serve: and do not forget— I am the one who is the Lover of your souls.”
‘I want to go home,’ I tell you.
‘I don’t understand you—’ I tell you.
You tell me my heart really, and truly wants your love— but I have been familiar with your love in my intellect inside this fracture/splinter… not within my heart (hence, being kept in a prison). I have been familiar with you in what ways I can be; and in other places— absolutely devoid of knowing God, and resisting him because ‘he angers me and frightens me’ —because he’s a ‘man and a father.’
How will I be saved in the love of the Father? How will my soul be saved, I say— to the man— Christ Jesus— if I am afraid of what men and fathers have been in the earth?
My thoughts go to others, and how can I help them— if I am terrified of you, inside, in my heart (such fear has existed) —and have not been rescued myself?
Here is where he tells me…
“Janet, you are not the only one who has said that you desire to ‘go home,’ or that you ‘do not understand me;’ this is the body speaking these things forth (of which you relate). You are working a corporate burden on my heart, in my people, to bring about an illumination of the truth of my love and sacrifice (mercy) for their souls. And to equip them in this war that is on for their souls: to steal, kill and destroy what the enemy can: for he goes around ‘like’ a lion, seeking whom he may destroy: ‘may,’ so— don’t let him: he may not— if you will resist his wiles. And I can help them all with this (you included).
The enemy tells you to base your belief in me, based upon what you have experienced at the hands of men: but I have told you, I am not a man who lies, I cannot change, my love is eternal for you, I gave myself for you (and still do), and I am a good Father, and a good man: God is the ONLY one good, and dear: I am for you, not against you.
And though my promises may seem to tarry, on behalf of your lives: I assure you— they are steadfast and eternal: your inheritance is full in ME: and I am fully given for YOU!
Believe this: and we will prevail in my love and truth.”
We live in our spirit man— but I wonder— has my soul (or heart) man been neglected? Has my soul man suffered because it’s too painful to address in listening to its pains and anguish in this realm? Has the enemy having gained a foothold shown— revealed an issue I don’t want to address, which is— ‘Is it well with my soul— and God?’ What kind of war rages against my heart?
Here again is his counsel for me in this situation:
“Janet, for one, this situation is a corporate burden, and I will continue to point you to this, in that you are NOT alone, as you had even perceived: that was another delusion and lie. But, you are to understand within your person as well, that we are to live inside your spirit man, who lives inside of me: but dear, I am attempting to get your soul on board in my Spirit as well, and my Spirit and truth and love, on board inside your soul: when a man’s soul is found in union with my Spirit, and his spirit man is in union with my Spirit, and his body is following course and doing the works of the Father in the earth: we are in perfect union and accord.
And that— dear— is what I am after. As you said, perfect congruent integration: body, soul and spirit man— all in one accord, within God’s Spirit, and God’s Spirit in full unison with the totality of man’s vessel: all 3 realms in God, and God— in all 3 realms— AND— at the head.
Your soul falls into temptation when led of the flesh nature (pride of life, eyes, self focus based in the carnal nature) that satan plays in, when it comes into agreement with what he is serving up into that mind: the goal is to learn his voice and ways, but learn of mine too, and only serve me. In this is freedom, where the truth is upheld and all lies are cast down and out.
This is a WAR dear children, you cannot lay down on the battlefield (heart, mind, emotions, will): you must relinquish all to me, and stop fighting against my love and truth: and give yourselves to me fully: freedom is there in giving your souls to me (I bought them with my blood), giving your spirits to me to rule and teach, and your bodies to follow what the Father desires to work through you.
In this— you are called to do your duty— resist satan in the human (carnal) mind, heart, emotions, and will; and INSTEAD— LIVE IN MINE!
Put this mind on you that was in Christ Jesus (God’s mind), and live in God’s heart of love for you (not a fleshly carnal heart, God’s heart), and feel God’s EMOTIONS FOR YOU, and GOD’S WILL for your lives: instead— LIVE IN CHRIST JESUS, DEAR CHILDREN!
Janet, this will help many; thank you sweetheart.”
I saw so much soul/heart entrapped in pain, torment, and suffering… and I wonder…. Does this go not out but by prayer and fasting? Or— by surrender, and trust, and belief? Or by others unified and working deliverance: enforcers of your love and truth? Either way— I seem lost and bewildered, disillusioned and confused.
What kind of war rages against my heart?
Yes— his children have so much coming against their hearts, minds, and emotions on a daily basis; many entrapped who need deliverance of the truth and love of God to get in (we can pray for all schemes of the devil to be bound up that are causing a strong delusion— this is an entity working a maneuver/skill— so that they can be delivered the truth to their souls), many are under strong delusion; but even this we can assist with.
And yes— prayer and fasting are POWERFUL TOOLS in the face of satan, and a man’s soul freedom into the truth and love of God: hunker down with God, surrender to his love and truth, and then SUBMIT to it (serve it) within your souls and hearts and minds and emotions (so satan has no more foothold, and no more playground).
This is where the confusion, lies, delusion, darkness and entities are overcome: and we are called to overcome; fight the good fight— RESIST THE DEVIL— and he will flee!
Do not RESIST GOD (and his truth and love), or what do we think will happen?? Satan will take up residence and space (having made room) and your mind, heart, and emotions will be overtaken by dark thoughts and beliefs— for they were given over.
We are NOT to resist God (the carnal person and mind does this), we are to surrender to his love, and submit to his truth (person): this brings his LORDSHIP (headship) into our lives: and the Savior and Lord, can then set us free in all arenas.
There IS a war that rages against your heart— but it is not God who wages war against your heart (he fights for you); it is satan who wages war against your mind, heart, and emotions; and it comes in the form of distrusting God, not believing him, being afraid of him, and believing you are far from him— when in fact, the Kingdom of God has come nigh unto you, already; and he is whom is called faithful and true— and he said he is for you, not against you.
The war that rages against your soul is served to you in the form of temptation of your mind, beliefs, reasonings, and standing with your God, Savior, Father, and Lord.
Those warring against you send fiery arrows (darts), and having on the armor of God properly, and using each piece appropriately— defeats satan and his wiles: the helmet of mind protection based in knowing you are saved by Christ in ways you could not do, but he accomplished for you.
Now stand firmly girded over your mind in the truth (for it has been given to you, in Christ Jesus, the Word of God). Have understanding of HIS righteousness over your heart (his truth, ways, conduct we come into agreement with), and your heart will be protected. The truth must be at your core of your being, the belt of truth, and you will remain safe in the truth, and strengthened by it. The word of God, the Spirit of God, the sword of God— are given to us to FIGHT BACK WITH against satan; we must resist, and that’s full on actions of our WORDS, based in the TRUTH, the Word of God (written and spoken). The shield of faith is trusting your God to be who he said he was, and not believing the lies: if we do— the darts hit target (mind, heart, emotions, etc): resist the devil by holding up your shield of faith in God (no matter what), and use your sword and fight back with the truth! And always, always, always— have your foundation based in the word of God, the truth, built on Christ Jesus being the cornerstone of your faith.
If you will walk in the armor of God properly (speaking to myself here, too), then you will be protected from the wiles of the devil, be able to hear God clearly, walk in his love and righteous paths, have a shield to protect from his onslaught of fiery arrows, and a sword to fight back with, based in a solid foundation built upon, and in the person of Christ Jesus.
All things I myself must be reminded of, AND DO!!
I’m tired of being afraid of you, and bad outcomes, and no one showing up, and more pain and suffering. I have wept and wept, and groaned and groaned…. And I have just wanted to lay down. What is it worth? Where is victory in Christ? And where are you? Who are you to me, really?”
This, again, is where he speaks to me that this is CORPORATE, many people saying and going through these wiles of the devil: fear based (resist this). It is worth A LOT to him that you would endure until your cup is taken from you. He assures me— all cups (or lots in life) are eventually finished, as his cup was finished at calvary.
Victory in Christ comes when we endure to the end of what he has aligned for us to endure, and when we can suffer greatly in this realm, and resist satan with the armor of God— the truth upheld, the love of God upheld, in the deepest places within us; here— is where we can sleep in the boat while the storms rage around us.
He is here with us, as he was with Jesus when the storms raged in his life, too. He is aiming to show us, reveal himself to us, of who he is to us— if only we will continue with him in prayer, as he asked his disciples to do; and not give up on him and quit in being weary from life, and the onslaught of satan and his devices.
This is what he said to me when I was in this place recently, and it’s what he’s speaking to you all in the same place.
The Lord:
“Deep within your soul (mind) and heart resides a prison from my love (a place where lies are upheld). A place satan dwells (in his thoughts and ways), and desires to keep you under his spell. A place where enchantments exist and keep your soul bound in chains of pain and suffering (for what is spoken and believed there). A place where my person, my love, my light, and my power has not been allowed into; because you have hated my person, in believing the lies inside of you (based upon what you have experienced from others, and what he speaks and shows you there— hence— enchantments) —where he has dwelled with you for a very long time (since a young child in beliefs and fear).
It is one of the last strongholds, but it is a HUGE one, and I made you type that in all caps because it’s the truth. You have been under a strong delusion (where my love is concerned, and where my person is concerned) for a very long time: under his fear stronghold, and his lying rhetoric about who I am, and how I fail everyone, and that includes you.
It is a place where you do not trust my person; and Janet, if you do not trust my person— I cannot come and save you with my truth and love.
I hear your heart say— ‘I don’t know how to do that. I know how to ask for your help, but I do not know how to trust in things like love and light.’
That is because you have dwelled in the dark for so long— that the light terrifies your soul. You have dwelt in anger and apathy, distrust and fear, for so long… believing what he has shown you in human interactions, and filling you with fears that I am the same, and therefore, cannot be trusted.
You have known devils in this life for so long (in who raised you by their example and lies) that you do not believe in someone different— not at your soul level. You must understand I am speaking of your soul level, not your spirit man; and your soul needs salvation in my love and truth, in a final stronghold that has to deal with my MANIFEST LOVE toward your soul in this life.
I hear you— ‘Isn’t this about saving souls, not spirit men only? And if so— my soul is still in hell? Is that what you are saying? I am still entrapped, and staying there, because I am angry with you, and I have not chosen you or your love and light inside my soul somewhere— because I have been under their spell for a long time? And if you are saying that— How in the world do I do anything about that?’
I am saying you are entrapped and angry, agreeing with satan because you absolutely find it TERRIFYING TO BELIEVE IN ME, and to EVEN TRY TO TRUST ME (here, in this place/part, within your soul: other parts of your soul trust me and serve me; but this place has been estranged from me for some time: under pain, torment, suffering, trauma— and fear to come out, because it may happen again);
Your soul has suffered for so long, and your body too…. And you’d rather lay down and give up entirely than to trust in me or my love, or risk again: the pain of yesterday is familiar (spirits) and you would rather hold up in familiarity, lay down and die there— than to be blindsided by the prospect of new pain, new devastation, new failures of love promised (and especially by even me). These are PROJECTIONS OF SATAN, dear. They are not the truth.”
“Ouch. I literally do not know what to say. But yes— I have wanted to lay down and give up entirely (and you know what I mean— and even covenanted with death to my soul in times past— because I wanted out of the pain; I reckon I will need this soul part to repent and turn to you, and renounce all affiliations to that covenant).
And I chose this all because you have never shown up for me (childhood or otherwise). For others— I hear of your stories, and yet— for me— I’ve never seen you in power of love, in manifestation of truth, and in mercy of the Savior to my soul or body/person in ‘the earth:’ and this confounds my soul.
But what you are telling me is I’ve never desired to come out and want to encounter love again— because it's TERRIFYING TO TRUST IN LOVE, and it’s never been there for me (soul speaking).
So— how does this soul part come out? How do I believe, if I am afraid of you and angry (repentance, renounce— it will have to be real and whole hearted)? How do I trust— if I believe you will let me down, like all the years and months before this? Where is my healing and my rescue, etc and so on?
I can feel that soul voice— pain, and anger, and frustration welling up inside of my heart even now. And it’s true— I have desired for her to die more times than not. I desired for the pain to die; and I would venture to say, satan desires for all of that… and speaks it to my heart where I have not desired to fight him on this: because ‘who cares,’ right?
If you are in the business of saving souls, and not just spirit men… then ‘Houston, we have a problem!’ Because a portion of my soul man is angry, hurting, buried alive in pain, torment, suffering, fear, and distrust of your person (set against you, living in the carnal nature, adamant against you— with spirit wiles); and against all you come with. How in the world (literally) have I lasted this long, but by your mercy!?”
The Lord:
“Janet, it is true that my love, mercy, grace and person have kept you from utterly wasting away entirely— despite your soul condition— because I have faith in us. And I hear your little soul SCREAMING ‘that’s a lie’ as I type this; and your eyes well up with tears because they are mine.
I love you, and I will always love you; but child— you are entrapped in a prison of lies, and listening to spirits and their rhetoric— because you clung to them in their invitation of beliefs and power, just to survive, that they offered you; because you could not make sense of the world and people who were affecting your precious soul/heart: But I am here now.
I hear you, and your heart is saying— ‘How will this be any different than before? He has never shown up before, and he has never shown his face, power, or manifestation of his love and presence to save your soul or your body, yet!’ And dear— that is the closeness of those familiar spirits I am talking about. Satan desires you follow him, and believe him— and dear— you have— in this place within your soul.”
{One thing I forgot to mention, is that in this place of approaching a soul fragment (an entrapped part of our souls, trapped in lies for a long time) —he insists— the soul gets to speak all it needs to, unfiltered, and he will listen. That’s because this part of a man’s soul has been lost, forgotten, held away from God in darkness from his love, light, person, and kindness; and he desires to hear, see, and validate this soul fragment: so, this is why you are hearing raw language, thoughts, no filter, exactly what this part was living in, and believing. He said it’s CRITICAL for the soul to learn of who he really is in his love and grace.}
“I literally do not know what to say… or what to do. How is something like this handled, dealt with, overcome? I am challenged in my soul… and have such presence of death— not life: estranged— not reconciled, deep within my heart (at least in some area of my soul).
I am afraid I will never see you, trust you, know your love— IN MY SOUL; but I know scripture says stronger is he who is in me, than he that is in the world. But sir— what if my soul part is in the world, in hell, in the broken matrix, and not in the Spirit with God (and it was)? You fundamentally said my soul is entrapped, held away from you and keeping you out— so, you are ‘not in’ that part, right?
{Do you hear the fear in that little soul part: “AND YOU ARE NOT HERE, ARE YOU?!” But the Lord is everywhere, and seeks to set us free in his love and truth: and he was at the beginning stages of reconciling this soul fragment, my core person, back to wholeness with him.}
I am very confused.
I have need to understand the intricacies of the soul and heart, and entrapments. For many will tell us— ‘It's not that easy, I say the right scripture, and I am trying with all my belief to walk in them— but I am still not free.’
{This is where it began to dawn on me that we were indeed dealing with my soul, but this burden was MUCH bigger than only my soul; it was the souls of many of his children in the earth: for only at this point of rereading it, did I realize he was giving me the corporate burden, the other children’s thoughts and claims.}
And I am aware it’s because the soul is entrapped, sealed up behind fortified walls, even keeping us in chains of disillusionment, enchantments, and fog— as to not see the walls, and not know that we are imprisoned. I understand that the soul must come out of hiding inside the walls of prison, by coming into the truth, and coupling with the truth: but I feel at a loss as to what to do. Or maybe it’s that I do not have enough strength alone… I’m not sure, sir.
I’m serious sir… I’m tired, and I want to lay down.
{This is where others began a corporate fast for me, and I do believe— the entire body of Christ, in prayer and intercessions for this warfare against the souls of his children, and their entrapments: he made a way to sustain me in their carrying this burden WITH ME, over me, to the throne of God. That is crucial if we are going to come through all that is coming against us in this time: unity, in love, and bearing each other’s burdens, when we, alone, cannot bear up under the weight. It is not forever, but it helps tremendously when we do: for the things you cannot see, but are happening when we do this— are weapons of our warfare being deployed in the unseen realm, on our behalf, where Jesus fights for us!}
I see my soul is tired, and it should be— it’s been locked down with devils and their torment and inflictions. I see my soul man has chosen to stay there— because who has come to rescue it— ‘No one,’ it says; again— I know this is an immature soul to your love and truth and light; and it is satan’s fathering and salvation.
Yep— I said it— satan has his way of saving a soul, and it has to do with those dungeons that keep us away from you and others, where we abide in darkness, in chains (though clueless, usually, to our willing enslavement: usually out of fear, unbelief, or pride, as you’ve shown me).
I see you have come to confront this soul part, this entrapped heart, and stand outside this dungeon to do so. There is fear in the pit of my stomach, anger in my mind, and distrust emanating from both— for my soul has been so afraid you will fail to come through, as all others have before you; and because what it will take is TRUST in the truth (and person of God): I reckon— spirits, and what they are emanating that my soul is manifesting in its immaturity— are desiring that I would not come out of this agreement (contract of invisible agreement) with them: but it must be covered in the blood of the Lamb, and the truth upheld in repentance.
I have been sitting in the healed parts of my soul, and within my spirit man— watching this fight go on inside my estranged soul. ‘That’s a thing,’ I just heard you say. I am watching my healed soul— fight for, and sit with you, regarding my entrapped, angry, fearful, distrusting, and estranged soul. And I have been bawling and bawling— and feel the urge to do so even now.
You know, sir— it’s like I am looking at another one of your children (someone else {again, I should have realized this was about more than only me}), and I am having compassion for them, and empathy for them, and I want to fight for their freedom: but I also know that unless something drastically changes with their stance, and they come into agreement with you— they will not open up to you, and you will not be coming in, or able to rescue them: either they must invite you in, or they must come out to you.
My soul is pacing, and upset… there is a ruckus inside, because a surrender is warranted. It’s like there are parts of my soul wanting freedom for all the other parts entrapped; and the entrapped parts giving side-eye and negative emotions and thoughts. It feels like a full on war for my soul… and I am afraid: I will confess my fears and faults one to another.”
James 5:16
“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
The Lord:
“I am asking you to fight like you have never fought before. Yes— fast. Yes— others will fast: we need to be united for each other, and for each other’s freedom in the soul during this fast.
Many more entrapments exist, Janet, not just in you— but the others too, where my love or my truth, or fear has kept them bound, or pride, or lusts of the flesh, or under delusion: and I desire unified freedom: and it will come by unified fighting— and that comes through fasting and prayer.
{Again, in the heat of it all (high emotions), I didn’t realize this corporate issue and call to action.}
I hear you— ‘I am afraid it will go as it always has— nothing changed.’ I hear you— but I challenge that with my word, and with my love, and with my other children and their laid down hearts/lives/souls to my mission in the earth.
If a foothold is found— you will always be able to be manipulated by satan, and worse— you will not know me and my truth in you, here; so I must clear the house; everything is getting outed this year, this moment even.
There is no shame in me, no condemnation— only freedom, truth, and love; along with patience, power, kindness, joy, and full manifestation of myself to each soul. I am asking that dear: that all who will— would fast for a breakthrough manifestation of my person, my presence, my glory, my power, my love, my truth— to fall upon each of your souls in this time of fasting.
{This is where I spoke of the correlation to last night’s dream, where satan was trying to abort the man-child, servant of the Lord, as his children were bringing forth this maturity, this stature of Christ in them in full union with: but with corporate prayer and fasting regarding his children and breaking the plans of the enemy to abort their development with the Lord (which means full union to his truth and person, and coming into wholeness in Christ Jesus) —we will prevail, and land a devastating blow to the kingdom of darkness.}
STAY RESOLUTE: what you give yourselves to— give yourselves WHOLLY TO.
These are life and death situations: soul life, or soul death.
I desire for the carnal to die— not the soul.
I desire to save souls.
1 Thessalonians 5:23
“And the very God of peace sanctify you— wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless— unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
And Janet— I desire to save your soul, and save it to the fullest, as well as all other parts or realms of my vessel: spirit, soul, body.
Let us work together and see what can be accomplished in love, unity, fight, fortitude, sacrifice, and honor: I for one am willing. How ‘bout you all?
I told Steve, 7 days, and this is the number of perfection. It’s a perfect sacrifice, and I can save to the fullest, and I desire to. I do not want parts of you, my children, I want ALL OF YOU.
I NEED ALL OF YOU— I am jealous for you; and I desire to obliterate satan where he has entrapped, enchanted, convinced, tied down, held in bonds and strongholds— my children’s souls.
I told you, Janet, that when we come ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE FIRE, we will be able to walk the others all the way through. And you are right— if you have not been set free by my love— how will you walk anyone else through love’s salvation?
You have been able to help others conquer and come into the power of God (where you have experienced it), the truth of God (where you have believed it), the presence of God (where you have allowed it) —oh, but child… there’s so much more: to be FREED BY THE TRUTH OF MY LOVE— is something you have yet to experience in full manifestation to all of your parts (soul, body, and spirit); and I desire for you do so; I desire for you to EXPERIENCE MY LOVE— to the depths of your heart and soul, all the way down, and to every side: and this— for all my children.
This— will take full soul deliverance, full effort, full fasting, full unity: but let us see what my family can do when unified, and all for one, and one for all.
I will promise to give myself fully to this if you all will: I desire to move you all forward in LEAPS AND BOUNDS, not just small steps; but it will require LEAPS AND BOUNDS of unity, sacrifice, love, faith, and honor (one toward the other); and I will be with you all.
There are not only strongholds in you alone, and warfare affecting you, dear Janet— but in all (you have all not been brought into the fullness of the stature of Christ yet, BUT SOON!)
As I speak the devil is quivering— for he knows what unified, fortified, powerful love and sacrifice brings: FREEDOM IN CHRIST, BREAKTHROUGHS THAT DEVASTE HIS KINGDOM, SOULS SAVED AND RESCUED FROM HELL, AND THE TESTIMONY AND BLOOD OF THE LAMB (and God’s child) THAT OVERCOMES THE DRAGON.
Share this— and do not be embarrassed— be unified.
It is true— I use you all as I can. And I even use souls only partially freed by my truth and love; but I do not stop until I win all, and until my children win all: BELIEVE ME.
Say yes to this— and I will show myself to you (and I don’t mean only you, dear Janet; I mean all).”
–Jesus (and he points to his crown)
😭😭😭❤️🔥🙌👑 Ahmein!!!