“You are born from the womb of his love”

I dreamed that the children of God who are to birth the Manchild had a plot set against them from the kingdom of darkness. The woman who was with child, mostly, was unaware she was with child— until an ultrasound by Jesse (our Father) was underway, but with one catch; someone, some group of persons had, without her consent— arranged an abortion of the child.
This woman was taking it all in; she was beginning to realize that, she indeed, was pregnant and with child, as Jesse was showing the ultrasound pictures to her.
Jesse is the father of David the King, who represents our King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s (for through David’s line our King Jesus was born): our bridegroom. And the Father of Jesus was showing the bridegroom’s child in development, who indeed, had an adversary (enemy) who was setting up plans to abort the child; abort the development and delivery of the mature child of God, as the image of the Son is brought forth in the maturity and stature of Christ being birthed within each servant child of the Lord.
I say, ‘the servant mature child of God,’ because that is what I saw developing inside the womb of the woman: I saw the ox face of God ⅞ developed inside the womb, in the ultrasound. The ox face of God is the servant, burden bearing, field plowing, discipleship working, altar serving— priests of the Lord. The other faces of the Lord come with this face of maturity (as he’s been teaching me this).
The perspective and ways of God, hearing God, and moving with him high above all principalities and powers (from above, where God dwells, in union with him, seated in heavenly places— not earthly carnal minds and hearts) —comes with the humility of the ox developed firstly: a laid down life to serve God (his domain in your vessel, he as the King and Lord/master) in the earth (your vessel and life). The Lion face is developed when the ox and the eagle face are developed first; for the Lion is the governmental authority of the Kingdom of God, under the Crown, and that is placed upon a man in maturity under the High Priest (service comes first, before crowns of government; for the High Priest and King must have dominion within this man first). And lastly— the true face of the man, in the image of the Son of God comes forth— when the other 3 faces are developed in order: Ox, Eagle, Lion, Mature-Man (the manchild).
I saw that the servant manchild was almost complete, who will be birthed, and will come forth as Jesus did into the earth to serve mankind and the Kingdom of God: Jesus came as the ultimate sacrifice, and the ultimate servant to all (so will his priesthood born in maturity, through laid down lives to serve: the ox). His perspective and ways (high above) come with the eagle face of God into each maturing child; but it begins with the cross, death to self, and resurrected into life in Christ, to serve Jesus and the Crown (the Kingdom of God), and to follow him in all ways— as he develops the mature child of God in each servant: governmental authority comes with maturity, and the finished maturity to the standard the Lord God is erecting within us— is in the face of the perfect man (Christ Jesus) erected inside of us, in charge, submitted to him, serving him with gladness of heart, whom changes every man into his likeness by the workmanship of his hand (not by men’s hands).
I saw how satan was desiring to abort this servant (bonded servant) of the Lord’s (priests) development, and subsequently abort this man’s mature stature coming forth in union (in sync) with Jesus (who is teaching all men to do what his Father is showing each man to do). I saw the woman becoming aware of this plot though, and she spoke forth a call to turn this around.
She began to say— “But I love this child already, and I want to stop this abortion of the child,” as she watched Jesse doing the ultrasound, and smiling over the developing child. Jesse was calm, and delighted the whole time— looking at this child developing, and to the woman with love, too.
The woman was sending out a call, a prayer, to the Father— to stop the abortion of the man-child plots and schemes of the devil: all the plans were made in the dark, without knowledge, hidden agendas. But the woman cried out to the Father for a turnaround of this decided plan (plots) and to cancel the appointment.
To appoint a thing means to— assign, or make an assignment: the woman was in prayer to the Father to break this assignment of the enemy, who was setting out to abort what God was about to bring to fulfillment.
Please, perhaps, speak with the Father about prayer and fasting concerning this cause, to arrest the plots, plans and agenda of satan over the man-child birthing: after full development: unity in prayer and fasting is corporately POWERFUL in all realms of God.
This woman then began to prepare (clean up) the bedroom (place of intimacy and union), for a child was coming.
End of dream.
Revelation 12:1-5
“And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child— cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.”
The woman will birth the man-child (from the womb of the Father’s love), but the dragon seeks to abort the development, stop and waylay the maturity coming forth in union with Christ Jesus (in sync with him): he desires to abort development, delude the woman into not knowing the Father’s love for her (he gave her Jesus his only begotten Son to marry and care for her).
But you see, the discontinuing of the fruit of union with Christ Jesus (an abortion of identity and destiny) was not satan’s to choose; it was the woman’s choice to have an abortion or not: it was the woman’s choice to give up on the fruit of that union, or to fight for that love, marriage, promise of God given— no matter what, and carry on the lineage and family of God in the earth: fruiting more after their kind (Jesus in union/yoked with God’s mature children).
The dragon made the plans, sent his minions to make war against her destiny and relationship with her bridegroom to give up: but she came to her senses, realized a plot was against her, and that she indeed was bringing forth a child for Israel (in the dream the Father’s name of the child to be born, was Jacob, or Israel): and she loved this union and fruit of her womb.
Do not let the dragon and his minions abort what the Lord is developing within you. The face of the ox goes through much trials, testing, and hard laboring for the King and Kingdom; but this must be developed in fortitude (bravery and strength in the face of adversity): satan desires to convince us to ‘give up,’ and not deliver the fullness Jesus is working to bring forth (the fruit of union with him).
“If you will fortify this union with me,” Jesus said to me/us, “then my workmanship will not be aborted no matter how hard satan tries, or what demonic plots, ploys, lies, trickery or delusions he sends forth. Do not give up my beautiful woman— for I am doing in the unseen what men will see with human eyes, as they come to my brightness; but for now— I have you hidden in my love, and protected in my truth: do not sell the truth, do not give it away, bury it deep within you (that field of your heart): for I am for you, not against you; and I war on your behalf in the heavens.”
Please, would you consider taking this to him in prayer (maybe fasting too), and come together corporately before the throne, boldly, to plead heaven’s mercy (compassion, love, pity, strength, service, in a multitude of grace) over the lives of those birthing the fruit of union with Jesus, into this realm?
Because satan desires that we would infight, be in discord, upset with one another, set in judgments (opinions and rulings of) against one another (who’s right or wrong), and be mercilessly— out of —love and servitude one toward the other.
BUT— if we work together in Christ Jesus, carrying our brother’s burden, lifting under the spiritual weight of others, in unity with Christ Jesus (he will intercede and carry the brunt of this load as we are yoked to him), serving their souls in the spirit realm with our Lord for their support, encouragement, strength, and continued understanding of their worth and value to God and us (to know his love); then our Lord can bless the fruit of our union (unity in love) in corporate prayer (perhaps fasting too) and answer our service— one toward the other— in mercy, at the altar (where priests work for the Kingdom of God): for God’s sons to come forth in the earth, fully developed in their identities in Christ Jesus, and knowing the love of the Father for what is being developed within the womb of his love.

Thank you Janet
I'm in. So much confirmation. And love.
I Found again study of leviticus /priest functions-- how everuthing is Christ, in smallest detail.
I had this forst 40 years ago... But then went wondering on empty religious ways for some yrars.
God brought it back to me, it didn't burn..
Shalom ❤️
Thank you for helping me stay focused in the world of distractions
Sister Janet. Wow. Thank you! I love you! I have no words because I know He knows. This was very personal to me. So much confirmation. I know what I've been experiencing is happening to His body. The stories He has written for us and His words leave me speechless. One for all, all for One! 🙌👑 HalleluYah! He will take us from harm to harmony in Him! 🌈🫂🕊 The joy set before us is rich in wonder!