[video link: https://youtu.be/vVLS4j_HUHE?si=h9ZafPiFBHmfgw1h ]
This is an account of my week— this week, my work, and the revelations that the Lord has given me during this time; as he took me down, and through, and out the other side of more in deliverance and healing, mending and stitching, casting out, breaking altars, and demolishing every trace of family line sins passed down to the children.
There are dreams in here (by another and myself— the first is mine), there is personal account of healing and deliverance and warfare, there is an incredible vision of a parable or metaphor he desired to share with us to explain this realm, what it is like, what we are to understand, and how to overcome, here: as well as his dream revealed.
And a quoted word from the Lord about all of this.
It is long, it is detailed, it is thorough, it is raw and candid: and I pray it blesses and enriches you— in spirit, soul, and sound-whole of you.
“First of all, we’re going to recover all things, because theft has taken place.” (Jesus)
This is the dream of generational trauma and open doors: sins of the fathers passed down to the children.
The dream began with me noticing that I was in a home/condo/apartment or such that was ‘for me.’ I had never been to this place before, but the first thing that I noticed was that it was wide open in many ways: windows were more like openings in the wall, and I couldn’t even see a door at first; but I noticed others were looking into this place very easily, so the first thing I did was start to close windows, curtains, and doors.
As I began closing things up I noticed a small door, opening, down low in one of the walls (which reminds me of Ezekiel with the Lord, looking in the hole in the wall and seeing abominations done there of the ancients, or ones who lived before him; because of what takes place within the wall and opening to it, or doorway). As I go through the opening/doorway it opens up in a back room, everything in this room (as much as I could focus on) was beige, tan, or flesh like color.
I found myself seeing ultra clearly that when I came all the way through into this hidden room of this dwelling that was ‘for me,’ I notice that I am drawn to focus on one wall (the one I just came through), and upon this wall was a shelf and a grandfather clock (sort of) looking clock face: the clock face was a mirror with clock numbers and hands upon it, enclosed behind a glass door (like a grandfather clock).

At this point, I notice a woman in this room and she’s dressed like a maid, and she’s attempting to clean up around the clock, wiping at the face of the clock. I begin to think— ‘why is this woman in this room— the place for me? And I just cleaned this clock face,’ and so I addressed her about this.
The woman stopped what she was doing and she opened up this hidden passageway behind the clock (where I had just come through to get into this room), and when she opened this passageway up (like a small hallway or entrance way) it revealed a family crest, or banner, and she made a fuss about it. She kept trying to fix it, as it was falling down off the wall. I said to her, “is this only held up with tape, or poster tack?” Because it was clearly, barely, holding on. She mumbled something under her breath that I couldn’t make out, whilst attempting to fix it in place once again.

She then proceeded to leave this space, where the family crest banner was fixed (albeit falling down, or barely held in place), and she went to the back of this beige/tan room, and she stood before what I could sense (could not see, but hazy) a table (a dark one), and she said, “I’m going to do witchcraft here because of all the people who have hurt me in my life.” I could sense she was not whole hearted about herself desiring to be evil, more or less, she was broken, hurt, defeated, feeling weak and pained deeply; and she was seeking re-empowerment, and what was more like recompense rather than revenge: but all the same, she was resolute about her decision to proceed.
That was when I said to her— “You know I’m just going to come behind you and cancel all of it in the name of Jesus, right?” She heard me (and was not irritated by me, but fixed on what she was doing) and continued at the table. I sensed that she could be reached by Jesus, and unto salvation of her heart. End of dream.
Interpretation by the Holy Spirit of God
The place was ‘for me,’ but I was unfamiliar with this house— it is because it is a ‘generational house,’ detailed out by the flesh colored attire within (everything was tan or beige, denoting generational line of earthly lineage).
Our fathers (ancients ones, or ones of old who have lived before us) can open and close doors with the Lord, just like we can: they can also open and close doors in the bloodline by partnering with satan as well. The Lord has much to say about the sins of the fathers, and about desiring to clean up the open doors, and cleanse the house of its filth (family line) for the righteous, and for their children, and children’s children: for what the ones did before them, he desires not to visit upon those choosing to serve him and righteousness now: but as the Lord has said to me, “an open door, is an open door, Janet; and I desire to close them and seal them, won’t you help me help you and your children and their children?”
When our ancestors (or parents, and their parents, etc) open doors to satan (knowingly or unknowingly) the sin (behaviors, ways, family personality issues passed on) follow to the next generation (as all is in our DNA: codes passed on within), along with the familiar spirits that operate within the open door, personality/familial traits of actions (dysfunction), and continue it; because it was passed down through the blood.
Much as our inheritance in Jesus is passed down through his blood now, before Jesus washes us completely (sanctify) with his word, blood, truth— we are bound by our first blood (family earth lineage): our Lord is seeking for ‘generational breakers’ in this time period, and he’s calling them forth.
These apply the blood, and through forgiveness, and washing of the blood of the Lamb over the sins of the fathers; for now— these walk in the ways of righteousness, following the Lamb wherever he goes, and the generations (children) to follow will be blessed because of it: but first things first— we must APPLY THE BLOOD to the line, just like Jesus died for all, but unless the blood is applied to a person’s life— it was offered, but not taken up.
Generational breakers will work with the Lord in their lives to cease from all known sin (repentance truly lived, turning around and walking out the new man), and will become healed in all the single/individual/personal repentance and healing that each man needs to do; and then— they will take it to the lineage line, for the Lord desires, and indeed needs, to clean up the family house— because if not, if no one deals with the family sin/open doors/familiar spirits having a foothold— the children will inherit this as well.
When there is family sin not dealt with, and grandma, or grandma’s grandma, or your mother, or whomever has opened a door to satan— then birthed you through blood— if the blood of the Lamb is not applied to all of this, it will persist and be passed on: now, we may not be desiring to comply with their sin, but an open door is an open door— and the enemy doesn’t care how he gets in to get at you: he’ll use any door.
So, what the Lord showed me was that he desired for me to close this door through forgiveness to the one before me that opened it (in this case a dark haired woman in my family line, as defined in the dream); and to cover her, the works of satan’s table options she was working with her witchcraft (or fleshly workings of open doors and actions by will), by the blood of the Lamb (for I, in the family line, had chosen Jesus).
The family member opened up to my life, consequences of her actions and free will to yoke with satan, which opened a door: this open door caused satan to be able to affect me within my mind, emotions, heart, etc; because he could, through the blood line: so this line needed cleansing by the blood of the Lamb being applied, and through forgiveness: that is the way of the Kingdom: a multitude of sin covered by love (mercy applied).
{As we did this in my real life, after this dream and counsel with the Lord: a massive door was shut, a part of me was rescued that had been entrapped (in mind, emotions, and heart) was freed, and it was like a giant fog had been lifted from me, and massive warfare of the mind, emotions, and heart was freed.}
When we are led by the Holy Spirit within— we can overcome a LOT by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony of the blood of the Lamb being applied to our lives in intimacy with him, and the blood: everything is a heart issue in this realm, and everything is blood issue in this realm: it’s why Jesus needed to do what he did, and we need to work with him to apply his blood in every situation he leads us to.
Exodus 34:6-7
“And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed— The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin— and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.”
Our God, he is merciful (forgiveness and blood of the Lamb, love); he is gracious (the application of the life of Jesus and his blood toward us, in love); he is long suffering (very, very patient with us, and having compassion toward us); he is abundantly good and true, and he keeps mercy working (the blood and forgiveness, in his love) for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgressions: he is awesome, but he is just, as well.
He will not, by any means, clear the guilty; this means— he will hold us to our tresspasses, if we do not seek his face, humbly, to turn from our sin, and toward righteousness: he is just— what a man sows, he will reap. The problem comes in when what the man sows, now no longer only affects his life, but now the lives of his children, because this man never repented, and that is a spiritual working of the law: if a man does not choose the Lord, nor to honor or revere him or his righteousness, but instead couples with satan; the workings of ‘that law’ get passed down through the blood: but the blood of the Lamb covers all other blood, all other sin, all other open doors (it’s much a key of the Kingdom), and will overrule the other law: for a new law, a new blood (superiour, King of kings blood of the Lamb) is being applied, in love; and it’s being called up to the higher court (or ruling) and judge: the Most High Judge.
When we do this, things are broken off, doors are shut, love, mercy, and grace covers a multitude of sins— and people are set free, and the familiar spirits are no longer able to influence that man (from within, heart, mind, emotions) any longer— because the door has been shut and sealed (locked). The only way satan will be able to influence, now, is from without (offered only in temptations to take him up on his offers: just invitations and offers of satan from without).
But just like satan can affect a family line because of the covenant agreement made from others before us (or what we ourselves come into covenant with in our own will choices in this life), God can also completely turn around by one man who is willing to work as a generational breaker (which means blood of the Lamb, coverer and applier), and clean up a family line, break off familiar spirits and their influence through open doors in the blood line passed on, and set many children to follow— free from continued effects of these open doors (covenant agreements): the blood of the Lamb is the most superior fighting tool we have, his dominion of the blood of the Lamb, combined with love— is the force that defeats all other forces.
Exodus 20:5-6
“Thou shalt not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them (other spirits/gods): for I the Lord your God am a jealous God— visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children— unto the third and fourth generation of them who hate me; And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.”
When the woman in my family line chose to use evil for evil, instead of love to cover a multitude of sin, and mercy over hate— this woman opened up a door, and familiar spirits working with her, passed this along to me (the spirits and their ways) through the blood: but the blood of the Lamb can cancel all of this, shut and lock doors, and rid the spirits from our lives, and everything they came with (deposited inside): and in this— the mercy unto a thousand generations can come forth because someone in the line (a generational breaker, and lover of righteousness, truth, holiness, and the Lord God himself) came forth to keep his command in the family line now.
Satan hates those who are doing this with an ultra hatred; but God has chosen many to move in this within their own lines, and then take it to the others when they are set free and healed, and made whole again: and these are the deliverers he’s raising up now; and we have need of them, for many are trapped and enslaved by spirits and sins of the fathers that lead to open doors for the enemy to work within our lives, beings, and souls (in addition to open doors that we, ourselves open, through sin choices; there is always a consequence to sin in the natural, when we choose it. God’s forgiveness exists for us, but the natural consequences of sow and reap still play out if we change not our behaviors and choices of what and whom we are covenanting with).
Our choices to serve the Lord and his righteousness, in mercy, forgiveness, grace, and love— changes everything, as we couple with his blood, and cleanse what needs cleansing: sanctification— is ours to seek, he told us so in John 17:17, 19-20.
“Sanctify them through your truth: your word is truth. And for their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified —through the truth. Neither pray I for these alone— but for them also which shall believe on me— through their word.”
When a man (person) will sanctify through the truth, wash themselves with it (him), get him and it deep within them by beholding him with unveiled face (seeing him in his truth, no strongholds, lies, separations), they will become as he is: this is when we begin to live in the truth, being cleansed by the truth, and the Lord Jesus Christ is able to stand up (in the truth) within that man, and that man and he becomes ‘one with’ the Holy Spirit of God: 2, twain, become 1. When this takes place, in all areas of one’s spirit, soul, and body (working together, in unison with God) —then this man is freed indeed, for the truth and the Spirit are present— and where the Spirit is (been allowed into all spaces, cleansed the house, and recovered it) a man is healed and whole: and then— we will see the full stature of Christ become erect inside a man (this is the goal and endgame for our Lord: but more on that later on).
Back to the dream breakdown.
Ezekiel 8:9
“And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here.“
Upon the wall (stronghold wall of the room, for good it keeps everyone else out (when it’s the Lord’s stronghold), when a breach is in the wall with open doors, others can come through this stronghold, like Ezekiel’s wall hole the Lord was showing him, with abominations behind it), was the grandfather clock with the mirror face: this is what was grandfathered in, inside of time, lineage line, and the mirror was what I was facing (beholding face as in a mirror: identity).
Ezekiel 8:12
“Then said he unto me— Son of man, have you seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers [H2315: apartment, inner chamber or room, inward parts] of his imagery [H4906: imagination, conceit]? For they say, the Lord sees us not; the Lord has forsaken the earth.”
Come see, essentially, what those who have gone before you have done inside this house (family house), in darkness: these men working in an apartment, inner chamber or room, from the inward parts of his imagination (things we develop within, see, and couple with in spiritual ways and works) that deals with conceit: and conceit means— excessive pride, and fanciful expressions of; and the root definition is— from late Middle English in the sense ‘notion’, also ‘quaintly decorative article’: from conceive— on the pattern of pairs (joined) such— as deceive, deceit.
The description of the dream, and this verse, could not be more accurate for operations that take place within the spiritual aspects of man (innermost), long before outward actions of our souls moving our mouth or body members in evil.
The inner workings, in the house (vessel) toward darkness (which is the obscuring of our light), in the apartment (compartment, house/condo/room, as in my dream) —is the innermost of a vessel’s heart compartments. And this case passed down, and I had coupled with those lies about my identity, worthless, not seen, and saw bitterness, fear, and rejection present that I needed to repent of coming into agreement with, inside my vessel, being washed by HIS TRUTH, and HIS LOVE now, within, and choosing to LIVE THERE, instead, with the POWER of his love and truth to set me free, allowing his Spirit to come in and fill that place now, and heal my broken [not working right] heart.
And in doing this— excessive pride, and fanciful expressions of, were dealt with, overcome, overruled by the blood of the Lamb and the Love and truth of God. And now— the conceived notions that I was joined to by the open door that was there, and the spirits working this in my heart, through deceit, deceiving— WAS DEALT WITH AND CLOSED!!
Glory to God!!! Amen!!!
I came to this understanding with the Lord (and had realized at this point), doors and openings had happened in this family household (stronghold), and someone was in there representing the broken or falling down family lineage (the crest banner on the wall). And this family line falling down, was hidden in the back room (foundationally), deep within the structure of this matrix of soul life. And back there— was witchcraft and works of the flesh, that had coupled with eating off of satan’s table (the dark table, hazy, representing spiritual issues). And this needed rectifying: to cancel it all in the name of Jesus (and his blood to cover a multitude of sins): which I was willing to do, as I saw that this woman (lineage attributes, and person who let this stuff in) could be redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, and the love of God.
This woman may, or may not be alive today (but either way, God is outside of time, and so is our prayer, love, and forgiveness, as well as the blood of the Lamb who was slain before the foundations).
Why was she in that room— because she came through the blood, the DNA, the lineage line— and it needed cleansing and to be set right in the blood, sanctified, redeemed (and I prayed for her soul as well, whomever she is): and so, the spirits behind revenge where present, along with anger, hatred, disdain, bitterness, and all manner of evil. I needed to see this was affecting me in my emotions, mind, heart— and receive the blood of the Lamb to cleanse me, turn this around (repentance), and love the person in mercy, whilst applying the blood (work of God in Jesus) over the person’s life, and close this up once and for all; which frees the soul (me) who this was passed onto.
The family line was falling down, hindered, barely holding up (by the grace of God); but much could be done about it (at least in my soul, for freedom), and would set in motion a much better future for my children, and their children, because of generational breaking off of the covenants of the fathers (ancestors) with which we came down the line from, so that things would not hinder us, by legal open doors to the enemy (spirits to harass us) that no one dealt with, covered in the blood of the Lamb and forgiveness, and shut the doors (or operations with their permissions) to.
This woman was TRYING to fix this family issue, but she needed help, and the Lord and I brought in the help through his Holy Spirit, the dream understanding, and standing in the gap: “Where is an intercessor,” the Lord asked in scripture? I said to him— “Here am I Lord, use me,” and I meant it: this was one of those times, and to the glory of God.
She didn’t know what she was doing by choosing bitterness, self focus— focusing on her pain, suffering, things done to her, and buying into the focus of that— that caused her to become what she focused on as she beheld it all the time; nor that she was erecting this evil behavior inside herself that would take her down in her soul— because she chose evil for evil, instead of love to cover a multitude of sins: and these attributes of bitterness, anger and rage, revenge (evil for evil, like attitudes, gossip, slander, backbiting, nastiness, etc) would take up, inside of her, and bring her under demonic strongholds.
When that happens a person becomes a shadow of themselves, because shadows (darkness) is working within, their light is dimmed or obscured, and this person is entrapped, while they may or may not even know it. I have pity for this (compassion, mercy, grace, love, desire to help), and with love and the blood of the Lamb, with repenting for the family member in whatever way the Lord asked me to, with casting out any devils and closing doors: freedom was brought back, and cleansing of the house was accomplished (mine, handed down to me): this was priestly altar works.
Witchcraft— is a work of the flesh, and that is how all strongholds and familiar spirits come in: covenants to behave a certain way as a person takes from the temptation satan is offering, from his table of options: this needed to be dealt with and covered: and as well— as a benefit, it cleared up misconceptions about myself, seeing myself in ill ways, never measuring up, etc: because it was stemming from something passed down, and enforced, by someone who preceded me: praise God for clean up missions, and his love and blood!!
She sought ‘empowerment’ again, within her vessel, because she allowed what people did, how they treated her, to affect her inside man, and believe things about herself (negative things); and instead of choosing God, love, truth, and to be empowered by God, his love, and his truth about her— she chose the lie: and when we choose the temptation of the lie satan is presenting— then we take from his table, and that always entraps us in our own prison of darkness, in our heart and soul.
Our Lord is a freedom bringer, deliverance minister, healing physician of the broken hearts; but we must come to him, and work with him, and within his attributes and fruit of his Spirit, and not with the fallen options and spirits: we do not repay evil with evil— that will burn and entrap us with devils, in a building of our own hands (mind, will, emotions— worked in).
At the end of this dream sequence I had another small dream snippet, of other people, in their house (a family), who were too busy to clean up for themselves, too distracted by the distractions of this world: they were eating, on cell phones, otherwise occupied, and their house was filthy. This speaks to strongholds and demonic activity. I went around addressing them and helping them clean up, starting with the blanket on the couch— which speaks to the family comfort, fellowship, area of the house— and the Holy Spirit: because the blanket was on the ground— the comforter and covering.

This whole night’s dreams were about generational house cleaning: mine, and then others; and that is the way of the Lord; which reminds me of another conversation with him recently that led him to open up a vision in front of me.
As with the first dream, and with this little snippet: altars have to be torn down inside the house of God— where we are serving the enemy up on them, instead of sacrifices for our Lord. Where anything else has been able to be erected inside the hearts of men— that the Lord does not serve, we must tear down. In the first dream— self exaltation of flesh and lusts of, pride of life (albeit, born in brokenness) must be dealt with, and tear down that altar (enemy table serving up options and agreements, and behaviors in alignment with) by the blood of the Lamb, mercy and forgiveness, and breaking the covenant with darkness… then… destroying the altar altogether (the place we served those things), and now serve God’s altar inside (the truth, exaltation of God, and righteousness in love).
The second dream was altars of pride once again, self indulgences, and loss of God being focused on, or heeded: this took counsel of a man of God (me) coming around to speak with them, and then help them clean up (washing their feet in deliverance help and truth established in counsels): but both of these dreams and situations had ‘altars’ of worship to be dealt with.
And like one brother of Christ said to me recently, that the Lord said to him… “Why are you doing burnt offerings of other gods on my altar? I want my house cleaned out.” And as an example— smoking is one of these burnt offerings at the place that is to be ‘his’ altar.
Restoration of all things, includes (and is especially about) the souls of men (healing the broken hearts).
Acts 3:19-22
“Repent [G3340: think differently afterwards, morally, with compunction— being pricked sharply with guilt] therefore, and be converted [G1994: revert morally, to come back around again, return], that your sins may be blotted out [G1813 : obliterating and pardoning (both actions)], when the times of refreshing [G403: recovery, reviving/revival] shall come from the presence of the Lord.
And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution [G605: reconstitution— the action of building something up again: reconstruction; the process of restoring something dried to its original state by adding water to it (the dry places with living waters now)] of all things (but he is working some reconstruction now, in the souls of men), which God has spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.
For Moses truly said unto the fathers— A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall you hear in all things— whatsoever he shall say unto you.”
We are to be led of the Holy Spirit, of God himself, and through the person of Jesus Christ specifically; when we will— he will restore, reconstruct, revive dead things, places dry from satan and his table options within the hearts and souls of men: by the presence of the Lord, and his truth, and his love, and his power coming in. Blotting out sins [G1813 : obliterating and pardoning (both actions)] through repentance— thinking differently now, morally (truth and righteousness upheld), with compunction or having been pricked deeply, sharply, with the truth— understanding the guilt of that life way. That will bring about a conversion— reverting back around to God’s ways again, morally returning in our vessels; bringing about times of refreshing— recovery, reviving: from the PRESENCE OF THE LORD IN OUR LIVES, inside, in the innermost places.
For where the Spirit of the Lord is— there is freedom!!!
Two, becoming One— is critical!!!
And body, soul, and spirit— is the fullness of this oneness (blameless: 1 Thessalonians 5:23). Once our spirit man is fully onboard with him, no hang ups, no hanging with other dark spirits and covenants of darkness…. and then our souls are with him as one, as the soul has entered into surrender and submission to the truth and God’s person as headship (Lord and father of us, leader) through soul deliverance.... Then the body gets on board and the Lord is able to do his own works ‘through us’ like the vessel clay pots for his indwelling and works that we are ordained to walk in.
This is the dream of God realized and accomplished: to be as one with his child, leading his child, winning at life with his child, because he already won the war, but would like to now win every battle within the lives of the children of God: becoming more than a conqueror within us— as he conquers us in his love (deliverance and healing), and then we take it to the others in their deliverances and healing: Isaiah 61:1.
And that— brings us to the vision of the Lord about this realm, the choice for each soul to choose whom and what they will serve (self and building their own king and kingdom, or surrender and submission to God once again to father us and lead us): all offered to each man through free will.
The vision of the game/simulation realm

I was speaking with the Lord this week, during our lockin together, and one of the conversations and visions we worked together was the vision of this realm, our person’s involvement having to do with free will, and where the Lord is in all of this with us (all of us, saved and unsaved), and what the real battle and choices are that we need to face whilst alive here; and as well— how he is always there to help us accomplish anything with his Spirit, love, truth, dominion, and power: but are we willing, truly, to sacrifice all, and lay our lives down to him to accomplish all he has planned for our lives here?
The understanding of this choice, call, invitation, and coupling, sacrifice, death, and service— is what this vision, conversation, and revelation of the Lord will hopefully help us all with; as I present to you all— what he presented to me, as I learn how to couple with him, fight against the enemy and his invitations (temptations), and lay my life down: because on the other side of doing all this with God, coming through all healing, and closing all doors to the enemy— opening only doors (all of them, the rooms inside) to the Lord God, and sanctifying and consecrating the altar (our hearts to God); we will then help set the other captives free— and the deliverers arise in the earth realm.
The vision began with the Lord showing me a computer desk and monitor, or, and as well (different perspectives) augmented reality glasses, otherwise known as virtual reality glasses, placed on me as I sat at this computer desk in my spirit man: the Lord sat next to me, and I was playing the game of life in my soul man— that was the character, or avatar (body and soul) in this realm.

That was very interesting to see: Jesus sat next to me in his chair as we were seated in heavenly places (both in spirit form) together, at this desk and operation.
Ephesians 2:6
“And has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.”
Now, the interesting part (and we will see how deliverance and healing plays into this) was that this realm (the game/simulation/soul characters being lived out) was the realm of choice: and the choice was if we will run our characters, alone, born of the soul and flesh, choosing right and wrong as our souls and flesh lead the way; or— if we will die to that, carry our cross with the Lord, and die daily to self leadership, being converted by his truth, love, and life, and lay our lives down— that he may take up inside of us.
Matthew 16:25
“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.”
For whosoever will choose to play his own hand, play his own character (be his own god, king, best life ever by his design) here (like lives given in a video game) —this man will lose his life; because he served himself— and that choice really is to be separated away from God, his fatherhood, headship/lordship, etc —and this is death: in this realm it leads to death, separation from God, and that will carry us on into eternity in death or separation from God; because in this realm we chose that: in the realm of choosing whom we will serve this day, and all days.
But he who will give up controlling his own soul (character) in this realm— will find life in Christ Jesus, with Jesus— now, and forever in eternity; because the choice to serve God in his fatherhood, and Jesus in his headship/lordship within our hearts, laying down all self exaltation to live for self (character being played how we want our lives to go, or be) was taken: we chose life, not death.
Deuteronomy 30:19-20
“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live: That you may love the Lord your God, and that you may obey his voice, and that you may cleave unto him: for he is your life, and the length of your days: that you may dwell in the land which the Lord sware unto your fathers— to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob— to give them.”
The Lord promised us the promised land (souls, figuratively) in this lifetime— IF— we will choose life (his life erect in us, not I that lives, but Christ in me now, for I have died to self leadership and separation from God’s fatherhood and headship in me), so that I may live— IN HIM— and THROUGH HIM. And he told us how to do that— obey him in our love language back toward him; obey his voice (leading) and cleave to him; this is how we will have long life, and dwell in the promises in this life (earth realm and heaven).
I began to see that if we sit (in our spirit man), and his Spirit is everywhere (omnipresent), with everyone at all times (omnipresent) —then we have the choice as we sit at the controls of our souls (character) to either yield to his Spirit in this life realm of choice, and simulated or augmented existence in a body with a soul; or— to disobey him, and live for self.
I saw that both realms are ‘real,’ this one is not fake, it’s broken: and we need to live in both realms (and indeed do).
It was designed for us to live in bodies, with souls that interact with the material realm and all that’s in it; but— it broke, and selfishness, self focus, getting what we want, deciding all that— apart from God (tree of knowledge of good and evil) —entered into the picture (or this realm and reality); and it’s been tempting us by its allure and lusts to serve self— to maintain at a distance from God, choosing our own ways, controlling the character how we ‘think’ is right, or we ‘think’ is good— from our soul man’s leading coupled to an unregenerate spirit, or a rebellious one.
Oh yes: both realms are real: the spirit realm where our spirit man resides, as well as the soul realm where our physical bodies reside; and they are both realms of God and man, or Creator and created: but this one has evil in it, and we can choose that. And ultimately— that is separation from God, his ways, his person, and his leadership or mentor ship (fatherhood) in our lives.
And contrary to belief— a person professing Christianity does not mean they are living and abiding in a regenerate spirit man (born again); it means we have the option to abide in our spirit man, regenerate, alive, revived in and by the Holy Spirit of God; or— we can remain unregenerate (not taking God seriously in his headship or fatherhood over our lives, not really walking in what was offered to us at calvary) —and hook up in the spirit realm with devils: one example of this is when we will mix new age and Christianity, for new age is manifest your life as you would have it— devoid of what Father desires, as we listen to him, as he brings forth his desires over our lives, when, how, and in what ways: it’s living in the spirit realm (and spirit man) from a strong soul: the soul is actually leading, and not God, and in that— it is a surrender and submission issue: pride is still very strong in this man.
I saw many things in this vision.
I saw the Lord show me that people are compromised in spirit, mixing Christ’s ways and word, with soul empowerment in this realm (create, manifest, one’s own desires, lusts, and destinies, born of the soul, with accompaniment of devils in the 2nd heavens who will assist in this, and through deceptions of being angels of light, but who serve self, and will assist us in this); as this is mixture, spiritually.
This is where a man is caught up in his own soul, own life here, like video game players that go for days without showering, house is a mess, food and dishes everywhere, neglect of priorities going on inside a filthy house; all because they got sucked into the simulation, the game, and by lusts, and enticements, and desires, and forgot about God sitting there next to him in the realm of the spirit, always available to this man; but this man having lost all contact with the Spirit and person of God, engrossed in life in this realm through the character of the soul, and living separate from God, not conscious of God or reverent unto God; but instead— living by the soul, the lusts, and pride of life.

This was truly devastating to behold. Because they were lost, so lost to the world, so lost to the game/simulation/realm of choices, so allured, deluded, and caught up in it all— that God essentially ceased to be recognized now: and we all hailed from him originally (all one, together in him, before coming here). This broke my heart. And some people like this actually would like to connect back to the Creator and father of them— but got lost in the game, deceived by spirits who offer ‘becoming’ your own god (like he did with Adam and Eve, still running that scam), instead of becoming ‘one with’ our God, and bowing to him in his leadership and truth lived.
The spirit entrapped was the first thing I saw with God, either in those who know him not at all (spiritism, or no religious belief in God at all), or those who would not give up union with other spirits, to gain things unto their own souls in this realm: both were caught up in spiritual delusion and lust of the flesh: both were living soulishly and could not see the Creator any longer, who sat next to them, continually offering himself to them; but their vision (glasses on them that they were not removing to look at him sitting there) was obscuring them from seeing and hearing him, and heeding him— because the soul was engrossed with life in this realm fundamentally; and because of that— they led soulish, carnal, earthly lives, not hearing or seeing God for themselves in their souls, because their spirits were still compromised and needed regeneration, freedom, deliverance, repentance, and revival.
Spirit man corruption was the first impediment I saw to God’s dream (these being very, very fleshly, but operating in the spirit realm with a darkened spirit still): oneness with man, 2 in a dirt-suit working as one is God’s dream (but we have free will choice): if we are not fully with him as one in spirit— we will never have the soul onboard, or surrendered fully, and submissive to him.
Next I also saw where the person was choosing God (in spirit holiness, separation), took down their goggles, saw he was sitting there smiling, said yes to doing life with him, was working at realizing God was supposed to be ruling their earthly vessel (soul character being played), and said yes to this work. BUT… I saw there were people saying yes to him, but were still very fleshly, very compromised in the soul still, and needed deliverance, brought out of the lies and lusts, to surrender to his headship/fathership/lordship over them, and submit to dying the death of leading self, in self ways, unto the life self desires, which brings a man into obedience and submission to what God desires (his will) not our wills being done.

In this I saw that the person would take down the glasses or goggles (virtual perspective glasses) and would hear God, or listen to God’s word— but then would put the goggles back on and still have his soul man in charge, walking his own ways, and attempting to sort of do what God was showing, but the soul and flesh where still in charge— because of lack of being in submission to the Spirit of God: they heard what he was laying down (saying), but as soon as they stepped out in life down here again (deal with people, life’s scenarios, or choices and actions), this person fell right back into the self leading.
They were hearing God’s truth and his attempts to lead them— but they had a surrender, submission, and discipline problem— in their souls leading their actions down here, and not their spirit in alignment and submission to God’s Spirit: and this led to frustration in people where they would say— “But I know what to do, but I am not doing it. I know what he’s asking, but I am not able, or I can’t do it.” And this was because they had a surrender, submission, and discipline problem still, in their souls, and required more deliverance and coming into the truth with the Lord: this is our reasonable service.
He said— be holy as I am (that’s separated from the world and spirits of), he said— sanctify yourselves like he sanctified himself by the truth— that’s LIVING the truth, for real within, and submitting and surrendering to it, being changed by it in your spirit man and soul man. He said— become disciples of him as we follow him (that’s headship and discipline).
These people were failing in oneness with the Lord in this reality, character of a soul, because the flesh nature was still strong inside the soul, and it was leading— despite being able to see and know in their spirit man what God was saying and showing: this required more death, a laid down life, and pruning of fleshly ways and demonic strongholds: it required death to the carnal flesh nature being upheld, and surrender to what the spirit man was hearing and seeing the Lord God do and say; it required a clean heart, a clean soul, and an obedient and disciplined one.
So, the second hindrance and hangup I saw was soul corruption with lust of and impediment to the spirit man in union with God, to bring the moves of God into his soul man (character); and it came through the flesh still being too strong in this soul: and the flesh was overriding the Spirit of God, instead of the Spirit of God being the most high within the soul: the heart needed cleaning (deliverance and casting out demonic activities).
After this I began to see the soul that is getting delivered, becoming whole with God who had his spirit man taking the goggles down more and more, hearing and seeing what God was showing; and in this— the soul and heart of that man was being converted, recovered, regenerated, delivered, and made whole: and God was able to get his works through and into this man, because this man was listening to the Lord and applying what was being shown him.

But I noticed one thing: this man was still in the chair by himself, and the Lord seated next to him in heaven. Oh, the Lord was instructing him in the secret place, and he was listening; and he was putting into play the things the Lord was asking of him, and saw what the Lord was counseling him, or mentoring him in. But the man was seated alone, with the Lord beside him still; I noted this. Which led me to ask…
“Sir, I thought we were seated with you in heavenly places, but your ideal was to indwell a man’s spirit, then his soul, and the body would follow, with you having ALL OF THAT MAN: body, soul, and spirit (and thus, blameless in all areas)? And if this is so— why are you seated next to this man in the spirit man, and not in him?”
This is where the Lord showed me, and said to me….
“Janet, interesting you ask me this, because, yes— my dream is to have a man fully surrender to becoming one with me, and it begins in his spirit. When a man will give his spirit man over to me fully, and desires to get out of the way, to offer me the controls, to surrender and submit to me fully, dying to self leadership in every way, two becoming one in Spirit…. Then… the other areas will eventually fall in line, too.
What you are seeing is where a spirit man is being taught of me, corrected of me, and disciplined by me— and he is applying this revelation to his soul, but the soul is not given over to this fully yet, not surrendered fully yet, and still strong in the way of, essentially, saying… ‘Okay! I’ve got this now! We can put this into play!’ And it does that because it is indeed listening to their spirit, who is listening to me; but it lacks one thing: giving up control of the controls. Giving up doing things of their own strength.
When a man works from his own strength and soul, the things of God— truth, discipline, correction, reformation— this man’s soul will tire, no matter how zealous to come into all of this: because they cannot do it of their own strength, they need me, they need oneness with me; and that will take surrender, submission, and discipline of soul and spirit man: I am asking for all.
When a man will give me all, and relinquish all to me— his soul will not be in such struggle all the time, it will submit, it will beg of the spirit man to come into oneness with God, and to stop trying to work things still for themselves, with all God is showing them and teaching them.
A man’s spirit man can be getting all the help, all the revelation, all the truth— and still work in pride of life, and keep the controls unto themselves, and attempting it all by the arm of one’s own strength and leading: this is a control issue, even unto one’s spirit man, and will cause a soul (character) in this realm to suffer, tire, and walk in pride if not dealt with: and worse— this man will not be promoted further, into the full stature of Christ if not dealt with.”
That’s when the fourth, and best scenario played out before me, in understanding this realm, and in understanding what Abba is attempting to detail to us in this parable, or metaphor.
I saw God’s dream come forward, after all these scenarios were shown; and those scenarios being:
Scenario one— live fully carnally for self in the flesh body, soul, and spirit man: spiritually compromised and taking down every other realm because of it (body and soul realms).
Scenario two— begin to wake up to the fact that God is with all people in Spirit (he’s everywhere), but soul and body corruption (needing a clean heart, surrendered, submitted to God’s ways and headship) was taking place: spirit man was beginning to wake up in regeneration (new spirit man ways and life given), but soul was still so strong in the flesh nature.
Scenario three— getting deliverance and soul healing, and cleansing by beginning to live the word revealed in the spirit, by the Lord Jesus and this man’s spirit sitting together in heavenly places, whilst beginning to tear down altars and idols in the soul. But— still having pride of life erect, seated ‘with’ the Lord in heavenly places, but not seated with the Lord in full control yet. This man was gleaning from the Spirit’s revelations, but still had a strong spirit man independent from Christ’s fully relinquished seat/throne leading (and soul, consequently walking by its own strength and pride): in that the spirit man was relaying messages and information to the soul, but this man was still at the controls: this was a control and headship issue still, and required more surrender, more humility, more getting out of the way and dying to self— but in the spirit man, that led the soul man, by their own power and headship or crown.
The fourth, and ideal option— is oneness with full surrender, submission, reformation into Jesus’ likeness (what he walked out, lived, and is in his structure and example): full sonship and service to the King and the Kingdom, achieved.
What I saw was a man whose spirit man rolled out the red carpet for the Lord God. A spirit man who not only saw the headset (goggles) this realm and character (soul man), but who also knew that unless he vacates that seat (throne) altogether— he will not be a victor in all areas— because the Victor himself has not been seated there in all authority and dominion, with his knees and tongue bowing to him (getting in the backseat, placing God in the most high position within their spirit man): it was spirit man relinquishing his throne and seat— to the Most High God, so that he could step into his rightful position.
And God will not oust us from this seat— it must be relinquished, wholeheartedly, and joyfully. It must be surrendered, and all crowns thrown at his feet; so he can take up FULL INDWELLING DOMINION: when this happens— I saw Jesus come stand up, then he sat down inside this spirit man, and 2— became 1— as the lesser spirit yielded to his Spirit, but together in a vessel: this was step one of full unity.
Then— as Jesus flexed his fingers and rolled his wrists in this spirit man that was yielded to him, reverently, and with zeal; he then took over the controls of this soul (character in this realm); and when he did the soul became in perfect sync with the Father— just as Jesus walked out when he did his own life in this realm.

I saw a soul fully saved, delivered, made whole, in unity with their spirit man, yielded to their spirit man, who was yielded now and given to Christ living in them, and not themselves anymore, losing their life (character) for his sake— and gaining eternal life in that seat of the soul— instead: 2 seats of dominion were given over to the Lord now, and he wore the crown of dominion in both places/realms (spirit and soul).
The next place of dominion was the body— and the body became his hands and feet in the earth; it was given to the soul that was given to the spirit, that was relinquished over to the Lord God himself. I saw the Lord doing the Father’s works through this soul now: and I saw the glory of God shine so bright upon this man that the people of the world took notice: because it was Jesus Christ come in the flesh again; and that light— can nothing darken.
I saw him take it to the next and final phase to his mission, his great commission in the earth: go now, and seek and save those who are lost in this matrix now, too: become the more than conquerors, after allowing him to conquer us in all ways and realms inside; and then go to them— and set the captives free with him, as he leads the charge— from the inside!! Having this vessel, fully redeemed, fully recovered, fully submitted in this realm— unto him!!!
He told me that this is how principalities and powers are overcome with his people in this realm— that are HIGH UP: most cannot do this work with him yet, because their thrones (seats and crowns) have not been vacated yet, and they wear their own crowns.
Folks— we have the option of wearing our own crowns, and being seated in our own dominion; or— we can relinquish it all, let God get all the glory, his dream— seated within us, in earthly places, and leading the charge; we can let him have his crown on, lead inside, have his own vessel again, with his dominion, and his own name exalted within us: this— is the governing body of Christ, who will rule and reign with him: because he can trust a man who goes low, gets out of the way, exalts him into his rightful positions in heaven (elevated high places within us), and in earth (the sound whole of us given over to him entirely).
He gave the first adam dominion and a crown; the second adam (Christ Jesus) has a crown and dominion now, and all found ‘in him,’ and he ‘in us,’ ruling and reigning— are those the principalities and powers are afraid of: these are generational breakers, deliverers, and governing powers in heaven and earth; and it’s all because HE IS!!! And HE— has been seated in flesh again, in these chosen vessels of honor; for they honor— the King of kings (as they bow out), and the Lord of Lords (as they bow out) —in ALL REALMS (body, soul, and spirit)!!
He just said— “Please, note this, for it is the truth, and it is ‘a key.’ I am coming to resurrect the tabernacle of David, the line of the ruling King, and that is me: I am coming to indwell my own vessel, where I am high King, and where I am loved and obeyed: this— is key, and a pearl.”
God’s dream is full, indwelt, oneness of spirit, soul, and body of a man— WITH HIM; and for him to lead, counsel, correct, guide, and empower this man— WITH HIMSELF, in all arenas or realms. A realm— is a place a king reigns in dominion; is it him, or us (in spirit, soul, and body)?
Both realms are real, both realms operate in different mediums (what it consists of), both realms touch each other (are interlinked), and we need to understand what will save us, unite us with our God and Creator and Savior once again, and what will give God his ultimate dream: because full deliverance comes when God is fully indwelt, and in charge of all realms (body, soul, and spirit). And they are HIS TO DO WITH AS HE PLEASES.
So many of those closest to God suffered— and it taught them obedience to God in spirit, soul, and body (submission, surrender, and relinquishing to him, placing him in charge and given to him wholly), as it did Jesus: do not despise this— for as with Jesus also, our cup will pass from us when the will of God is complete in what he’s asking for: and it will teach us what is in us, and whether we are here to serve self (be comfortable and like our life here), or whether we are here to let him have his way, and do with this vessel as he chooses; because what he does through us, and with us, or toward us— is always working together for good, because we love him, and have given ourselves to him fully.
Hebrews 5:8
“Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered.”
Let him have his way with you fully— and let him save every realm of you: for this is the will and dream of God; and— it’s how all principalities and powers are overcome.
Revelation 12:11
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”
Die the death— to live the real life: and real life is only in Christ Jesus: and he desires to take up residence in all of our realms, in all of us— so HE can defeat the powers of darkness in every way, including the dragon himself: by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony together (union, as one, ‘their’ word, as he leads) —and they didn’t love their character (souls) so much as to try to save it, but gave it away, let it die to their use— in order for the King to now use it: they loved not their lives unto the death.
Both realms are real— and Jesus is supposed to be ruling in both: we do not give up on this realm, or call it fake, it’s real; but there is a facade running it (characters); and those characters are souls, and spirits, and bodies (celestial and terrestrial); and God wins (and we win) if we will let him in, and let him take over. That’s what devils do when they oppress someone— their souls and bodies and spirits were given over.
Let’s win with God— by giving ourselves back over to God holy, instead: and let him win all the battles as he walks our flesh out with us now, as we yield to him. I mean— he already won the war, why wouldn’t we do everything we can (our reasonable service) and let him win the battles in us, too— recovering all?! Let’s give up trying to win this game/realm/life by our own soul’s efforts, or our own spirit living in its own power to create and control —and instead allow him to win through us, by relinquishing all the controls, and all the seats of dominion, and all the crowns we could wear; and instead toss them at his feet— and let his crown, dominion, and person win the battles, and recover all in our lives, and for our lives.

He told me he was ‘interfacing’ both realms: this is the definition of interfacing— interact with another system, person, or organization, connect with another computer or piece of equipment.
I was blown away— that’s exactly what he’s attempting to do: interact with us here, in this system (computer-like program running with spiritual laws), within each soul or vessel unto an entire body of people, connecting in his equipment (us, souls, bodies, vessels, as one).
I asked him, as my mouth was agape from this vision, teaching, and revelation, and I said, “I don’t even know how to respond to all of this, it’s (and I was searching for a word, like it’s hard, or heavy, or something), I don’t even know what it is: what would you call this?”
And I was speaking about the revelation, vision, teaching and understanding he revealed in this simulation-soul realm of choosing whom we are going to serve, both now, and for eternity, and how this will forever change my life and understanding, and mission in the earth with him. And he said…
“Revolutionary: that’s what I would call all of this, Janet: Revolutionary. It will set men free into the truth, should they heed it.”
A dream sent to me from a sister in Christ
“We are in my room, we both have a sketch pad, I am on the floor, and you are on the bed— and we are drawing rocks and erasing some of the lines that shouldn’t be there. A very warm and peaceful room and atmosphere. But then the room gets very, very hot— and then you started rebuking a spirit, and asked me if I could feel that. And I shook my head and said ‘yes, yes I can feel it.’ And you, Janet, said— ‘You go now, you oppressive spirit; I know you are here— GET OUT!’ Even though we could not see with our physical eyes, you pointed to an area in front of you, and you were making these circling motions with your hands— like you knew EXACTLY where the spirit was. “

The Holy Spirit’s interpretation and revelation of this dream.
I was in another person’s room (inner man), and we both were sketching rocks (this speaks of foundations, in Christ and the truth; anything that doesn’t look like him has to go). I was on the bed (intimacy with him about this), and she was on the floor (speaks to her moving in getting founded in this within); and both of us were erasing lines that shouldn’t be there.
This speaks of generational lines, and any other lines or inconsistencies with Christ and his truth— and getting them cleaned up: our hearts, our foundations (rocks established on/in Christ) in our lives, and based in the sanctification of the truth, and the blood of the Lamb living in our hearts.
As we are doing this it is peaceful, and warm, inviting and nice, if you will; but soon warfare comes, likely through needing to erase some more lines (open doors, repentance, renouncing, mercy and forgiveness needing to be applied with the blood of the Lamb and his dominion); when the room changes temperature (this is a spiritual environment indicator). And it gets very, very hot: which indicates the Holy Spirit stepping up in power to deal with something, because before this it was peaceable and comfortably warm and inviting.
I begin to take us into warfare; we are doing another erasing of lines on the foundation of the rock, or truth, within: we are about to clean house again and deal with the spirits behind this.
I begin rebuking (using the word, truth, Spirit of God in whom we are following and working with) and we come with the Lamb’s/King’s dominion and truth. We could feel that something was there, and not right (this is spiritual discernment in the life of another, remember, we were in ‘her’ room: this is about her life, but I am helping with the same thing I am doing in intimacy (the bed) with the Lord).
A spirit of oppression, having to do with the foundation of the truth, the family line or open doors (lines that shouldn’t be there), and it’s got to go!!! That speaks, definitely to the spirit involved (that was seen with spiritual eyes that see), but also anything it brought with it: nothing left behind, no lines continued, or other demonic operations continued that we cannot see: ALL, MUST GO!!! And in the name of Jesus!!!
This reminds me of what he said to me, in my deliverance and healing recently as we broke off family lineage, open doors and strongholds, with their powers, or spirits behind it all: he said….
“Janet, I am sending the angelic host to go after every clause and juncture.”
And, because those are words I am NOT familiar with, I knew I needed to go and look them up in definitions, and wouldn’t you know it— it speaks of sending the angelic troops in to make sure anything linked to, in affiliation with, or attached through this stronghold we were demolishing with its altars— was going to be tracked down, destroyed, eliminated, and freed off me too: like tributary rivers off a main river, or like tentacles; he was going after it all, to recover all! And the junctures are where those other tributaries, tentacles, or affiliated links were attached to the main stronghold: take out the head— the body (or rest of it) goes down too, and God was assuring me of this!!
Clause— a particular and separate article, stipulation, or proviso in a treaty, or contract; root definition— Middle English: via Old French clause, based on Latin claus- ‘shut, closed’, from the verb claudere.
God was going to find every article (thing), stipulation (condition or demand of agreement), and proviso (condition attached to an agreement: because then the demonic could still legally carry out their operations, if not dealt with thoroughly), and every treaty (formal and ratified agreement: dealing with consent) of a contract; and he was going to DESTROY IT ALL IN HIS HOLY FIRE, POWER AND DOMINION— with his troops! And that— was going to close the doors, shut up shop— no more business of that taking place, here, anymore, praise God!!!
Juncture— a particular point in events or time, a place where things joined; root definition— late Middle English in the sense ‘act of joining’: from Latin junctura, ‘joint’, from jungere ‘to join’.
And everywhere there was a joining, an agreement, an affiliation with the original stronghold and altars that were destroyed— God was going to go back to those ‘times and events,’ and cleanse it all!!! Hallelujah sweet Jesus!!!
And this is EXACTLY what he desire to do in all, and for all: helping him by doing our reasonable service and partnering with him in this realm— is critically important; and the laborers are few for this harvest and work (deliverance of the truth to people, him, in all ways): and so we must come through deliverance, healing, and abiding in the truth with him: and then— when we are restored and converter, changed around and reformed and freed again; we are to go and strengthen our brother, as the Lord told Peter in Luke 22:32.
This is where the healed and whole, go and help the Lord make healed and whole— the others; but first— we must come through it, and live in union with him: but when he gets ‘all’ of us— we can then take this (him) to the others, as he will do his own works right through us; and we will see the full stature of Christ Jesus stand up within us: and these— are the manifest sons of God, manifesting, well, God, to the world, the lost, the broken, and the sick!!!
The Lord spoke a word to me, and I quoted him, as I was coming through, and out of this session of deliverance, breaking generational stuff off, smashing altars with him, and getting healed, as my soul man came into wholeness with the Lord. This is that quoted word, below.
1/22/25 Generational Bonds
(as told by the Lord to me: and after
Working with his Spirit)
“We spoke of the root of the ancestral covenants and agreements passed down and along the plane of lineage lines; because the demonic will be passed along in these pathways, with all their dealings, into the deep recesses of the human soul— for long ago— someone opened the door; and if the door is not closed (after breaking agreements/contracts/covenants with them) they will continue down the line. This means— the children are affected by the sins of the fathers (past down lineage): like fleas passing from one body to the next, especially upon death of the previous body that comes before it (as we spoke of ‘things’ being grandfathered in).
We spoke about breaking these covenants to darkness and their maneuvers over the mind and heart concerning the true identity of my children found in me, and what they are desiring to live out with me (as each chooses). We spoke about breaking all delusions off, and every work done and maintained down the lineage line, that was pertaining to identity— and causing a false identity and working to be erected and to exist inside a man: as you saw the workings of those attributes within as evidence of.
And I told you, we break off all revelations (revealings) of demonic identities— assumed as self. We break off all mindsets that place us at a distance from God and his love. We break off and dissolve all, and every adornment left behind by satan and his minions and their work.
I am going through the hearts of men, and I fashioned them in my image, and I am aiming to take out everything that sets itself against me and my image, and my love, and my truth from being able to freely move and establish itself in the depths of the innermost places inside of man— that reveals to them who they really are, and who I am, and especially— who they are to me.
We spoke about roots, and about clauses, and about junctures; so let us detail these things out, as I said we are uprooting all roots so that my truth can be placed in the stead; and I said I have my mighty angels pouring through all clauses for which we have broken all covenants and covered the ancestral line in forgiveness and the blood of the Lamb— so these clauses can be found out and rid. We spoke of how I am making sure every juncture is dissolved, cleansed, and taken care of.
So let’s explain what I showed you in the definitions of roots, clauses, and junctures— pertaining to covenant breaking, blood and forgiveness cover (working in mercy: compassion, pity, kindness to cover a multitude of sin), and all the junctures to be thoroughly cleansed and dissolved.
Getting at roots is very important as the definition is: the part of a plant (you are the to be the planting of the Lord and in union with me in my image and likeness) which attaches it to the ground (or base carnal nature and identity) or to a support, typically, underground— conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant via numerous branches and fibers.
Numerous branches and fibers— these are ways in which thing inside of a man are established and formed, building blocks if you will; and when there is a belief established, and covenant or agreement made with the demonic in their ways and operations within a man— it branches off from there, from the root— and we get tentacles or tributaries, or branches; this would be many different demonic attachments to the root, or to the leading head principality.
And I told you principalities are based upon principles upheld within a man: principles being— a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning, a rule or belief governing one's personal behavior or attitudes. It is a fundamental basis or source for something, qualities determining a nature; and it’s an active or characteristic constituent of a substance; with a root definition stating it’s from late Middle English: from Old French, from Latin principium ‘source’, principia (plural) ‘foundations’, from princeps, princip- ‘first, chief’.
So all propositions that are not true (the truth), all things proposed that are not based in the truth must be cast down and destroyed— and all truth upheld within.
All things founded within a man— making up his identity in this realm— that are not truths believed and lived, and that are maintained in behavior or reasoning, in a rule or belief that governs one’s personal actions or attitudes based in the truth— must be destroyed by my love, light, and truth.
Ancestral doors opened, from their actions and principles upheld as they came into agreements and affiliations with witchcraft (fleshly operations of a multitude of different actions) must be severed. For these doors— if left open because no one is renouncing, breaking things off, repenting, and cleansing the house (they travel the line all the way to those alive now), if not covering all in the blood to dissolve and resolve, as well as to cleanse out in purging, and reestablish the truth (fill the house) within— will continue on and on through the children, passed from one flesh to the next: and I am on a mission to stop this, and free my people’s souls from oppression of the devil, and give them a new spirit, clean and free, only coupled with me— to accomplish this work.
The foundation— must be cleansed, and it’s generational; this is why many are stuck; because we need to work together to cleanse the line, and release the demonic as we send forth my angels to be enforcers in this; for my children need to be cleansed of the source, the qualities, the nature, actions, characteristics of constituent substance.
And constituent means— being a part of a whole (or group), a member; and substance means— a particular matter with uniform properties, the real matter a thing consists of; the root definition is— Middle English (denoting the essential nature of something): from Old French, from Latin substantia ‘being, essence’, from substant- ‘standing firm’, from the verb substare .
Being a part of their membership, working with the demonic properties, consisting of their matter or making in the essence and being of you, and standing firmly planted in this— must be eradicated: a cleansing must come forth within my people, covenants and agreements must be renounced and relinquished; and I am calling my deliverers and healers with my Spirit— to bring my people through this heart-work, and assist me in my workmanship.
Principalities are dealt with— when principles are dealt with; and when the principality of Jesus (prince of peace, chief one) is erected within the man in the high places, truly being coupled with: this is freedom from all other principalities and powers, as the ultimate power eradicates them in his truth established.
The nature is dealt with, and the cross effective in killing off all it is purposed to— as the substance, the source, the foundations are established, and the first and chief one erected— is the Lord Jesus Christ, inside the heart and mind of man’s soul: living and bringing the soul into full surrender to the Spirit of God, and to come and make its home there: we are truly talking about the soul being brought ‘into’ the Spirit of God; and the Spirit of God brought into the soul of man: and the living soul now being fully surrendered and subject to the truth, love, and person of God: two working as one now, integrated, consummate, and in sync, one with the other: born again in all ways: This was the dream of God from the beginning.
Again, to continue with the definition of root— it is a persistent, underground part of a plant; the part attaching the plant to a greater, more fundamental whole: the base of something. The basic cause, source, or origin of something— especially someone’s long-standing emotional attachments; and it literally means— descendants.
Janet, persistent things exist inside my people because underground operations are still taking place, because of ancestral roots. Things opened up through blood, that’s how satan gets footholds, and how the Holy Spirit through Jesus’ blood gets his Spirit into a man; it’s always pertaining to blood: and you were born of blood and water when you were birthed. This is not only literal blood and water, but the blood passed along to you in your DNA from your ancestors (parents, and so on) before you: blood covenants passed along that need to be dealt with. Many of my children are punishing themselves, thinking ‘all’ roots are do to themselves in this lifetime, that are playing out in their souls— and this is just not true: it’s generational, and we can do something about it dear.
Let’s look into Exodus 34:6-7, Nehemiah 9:1-2, 2 Corinthians 3-4, because that culminates in me, and getting my people free, in Isaiah 61:1.
Exodus 34:6-7
And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed— The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin— and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children— unto the third and to the fourth generation.
Nehemiah 9:1-2
“Now in the twenty and fourth day of this month the children of Israel were assembled with fasting, and with sack clothes, and earth upon them. And the seed of Israel separated themselves from all strangers, and stood and— confessed their sins, and the iniquities of their fathers.
2 Corinthians 4:3-4
“But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them who believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God— should shine unto them.”
Janet— I will by no means clear the guilty— if they do not seek reconciliation through repentance in their hearts; for they have not chosen the good thing, they have not chosen me, my ways, or to covenant with me: and their sins (and affiliate operators, demons and their ways, familiar, or familial spirits) —are passed onto the lives of the children— courtesy of the their family members who lived before them.
So— it is necessary to forgive them, and come out from underneath their sin and covenants with satan, within your souls, so the ‘visiting’ of the sin and iniquity in your souls (passed on generationally) can be eradicated: the blood does the work and power of, and the forgiveness unto them by you— this releases the soul tie (blood tie), and the power of the cross to do its work within you: releasing principles, behaviors, attitudes, and such— that have had long and strong hold upon the heart and mind of a man.
With prayer, fasting, and humility (sackcloth and ashes) my people have been asking for the forgiveness of their personal sins (your life), and those of their fathers who have gone before them— for good reason; it is critical in dissolving covenants and operations of darkness that can be unknowingly passed on!
When a man realizes that there is a strong way working within them— and it’s a way that does not operate as I do, and it’s a way that hinders our relationship and friendship, our love, and our bond and syncing to be one, together, joined in all ways… this man is likely dealing with ancestral, generational sin and iniquity passed on through the blood (DNA), with all its covenant affiliations with darkness. These things must be dealt with under the blood, by confession (confess your faults one to another, and I am faithful and just to forgive you of your sins, even the ones passed onto you), and by your seeking their forgiveness/release, and your desire to live and abide in the truth and love of God.
The hidden— must rise to the surface to be seen; and when it is, and when it stands against what you and I both desire to be erect within you; there is more than likely— ancestral roots, principles at play, and covenants/agreements that need to be dealt with under the blood, the forgiveness, and the coupling with the truth and Spirit of to finish my workmanship within you. I fashioned you in my image and likeness— and I aim to recover this image (and my proper place with my truth and love) within the hearts of men once again; and the adversary against me— will deal with me, directly— as I come to free my children from all presence of evil, and every power set against them— by the work of the cross and my love for them, in power and demonstration of: the glorious gospel light to shine in their hearts once again, and for no power or entity to stand between my child and full freedom.
And then— I come with the fulfillment of Isaiah 61:1.
Isaiah 61:1
“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.”
I am coming to bring my Spirit and works into every man, by the way of the cross, and the blood of the Lamb, making the way back into the hearts of my children, their minds, principles, actions, emotions, bodies, spirit man, all of it— through the love of God made manifest in Jesus, and what he has accomplished, and still yet accomplishes in each of my children’s souls/hearts— bringing full freedom to the captives: taking captivity captive, itself.
I will use my ministers of righteousness, my deliverers under my Spirit’s led and supervision, hearing me speak to them what needs to be addressed as I come to set captives free by my Spirit, love, blood of the Lamb, and workmanship in each soul: to bind up the brokenhearted (even from ancestral damage), proclaim to them that they can be freed from under all this bondage and covenants— to set captives free; and together— we will open the prison, setting them free, to all who are bound: like grave clothes that bind up a dead man— let us free Lazarus’ dead bones (foundation and structure in the truth and person of God) to be born again (to live) in new found freedom. Lazarus— Come forth; this is the work of the cross: from death to life.
We will free the captives— who have not only been captives because of their own sin and iniquity— but because of ancestral transgression and covenants (not all is the fault of self, but indeed, inherited); as we tell the demons (after renouncing, forgiving, and coupling with my truth) that you must all evacuate the premises— for a new King and principality owns this vessel; and all affiliations through the blood lines that coupled with you— are being covered by the blood of the Lamb now; and there’s a new Sheriff in town!
Another definition of root, Janet— is a fundamental note of a chord; and I am bringing a new sound to sound off within my people, a new foundation or fundamental: founded in the truth and mercy of God within each vessel.
Let’s show what mercy means, once again, and what I showed you.
H2617 – Mercy
Hebrew: חסד
Transliteration: chêsêd
Pronunciation: kheh'-sed
Definition: From H2616; kindness; by implication (towards God) piety; rarely (by opprobrium) {reproof} or (subjectively) beauty: - {favour} good deed ({-liness} {-ness}) {kindly} (loving-) {kindness} merciful ({kindness}) {mercy} {pity} {reproach} wicked thing.
H7356 – Mercy
Hebrew: רחם
Transliteration: racham
Pronunciation: rakh'-am
Definition: From H7355; compassion (in the plural); by extension the womb (as cherishing the foetus); by implication a maiden: - {bowels} {compassion} {damsel} tender {love} ({great} tender) {mercy} {pity} womb.
There is a kindness that comes with my person, a kindness toward souls coded right into the blood of the Lamb itself; there is piety toward God in my mercy, in my blood of the Lamb, and the compassion for humanity.
Piety toward God means— reverent, devoted, holy (set apart wholly), sanctified, consecrated, faithful to God: and the root definition is— Middle English in the sense ‘pity’: from Old French piete, from Latin pietas ‘dutifulness’, from pius (see pious): pity— with dutifulness. This is what we are working toward our lineage lines, in our souls as we do this house cleaning to rid it of its infestation (demons and principles of them) and their covenants— bringing true beauty back where ashes and waste were (Isaiah 61 continued).
Mercy is a womb of compassion, pity, dutifulness to care for another in the way a mother would care for her foetus in the womb— that is born from a deep love to see the person released from satan’s grip, from imprisonment, from torture, from an overlord of evil darkness: where a multitude of sin (and iniquity) is covered by love.
This— is what we are doing in forgiving the generations that came before us, and covering them in the blood of the Lamb, and releasing them from all wrongs done; as we confess before God whatever he is showing that needs to be confessed, renounced, and covered by the blood: and when I do this— I evict (cast out), and I close and lock the doors with the keys of the Kingdom of God.
When we clean the generational line, dears— we are cleansing forward and back. We are covering those who came before us— and we are covering those who will come after us (children, and children’s children) for generations shall the blessing and favor of God persist and prevail.
Many of you have been called to be ‘generation breakers,’ or— new covenant, blood bound, freers— and I have been working in and with you for a while now— to cleanse your line: all of hell will attempt to stop this work, hinder this work, and hold onto any form of entrance (legality) they can— to continue their ‘hold’ in a person and line: I have come to set the captives free, break all holds, open prison doors, heal hearts (deliverance), and uphold the New Covenant that has been made (and indeed purchased by the blood) within their souls: I am come to set the captives free, and it begins with each purchased/redeemed man; and then we take it/me to the next, and set more free.
Another definition of root pertains to computers, and really, you must understand— I have a standard operating system I built you all with, and this software must be run again, within a man, from the hardware (foundation) I have built into each man— to come into union with my Spirit, truth, and love.
In the definition of root— it details out that it is an user account with full and unrestricted access to a system. Can you see how important it is that ‘I’ have the full user account, unrestricted access to your system once again— and satan be ‘rooted’ out?! He’s had his snout rooting in my people, through the flesh, for a long time; and, dear, that’s another definition of root, like a pig roots for things in the dirt— this is what satan does. The root definition for root, like a pig: Old English wrōtan, of Germanic origin; related to Old English wrōt ‘snout’.
And then (another definition of root), he establishes deeply and firmly— as to not lose ground in a soul: but I have come for this purpose— the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).
I told you— I have my angels pouring through all ‘clauses’ right now— because covenants and agreements have been dissolved in the blood of the Lamb, and through forgiveness and confession; so now— all tributaries, or offshoots if you will— can be dealt with by my angelic that have mastered this work with me— on behalf of the heirs of God (my children); and you looked at me with bewilderment; because you didn’t really know what clauses meant— so let’s look into that definition now, for more enlightenment and wisdom.
Clause: a particular and separate article, stipulation (a demand as part of an agreement; these are now null and void, and so should all stipulations be), or proviso (condition attached) in a treaty (formal agreement), or contract; root definition of clause— Middle English: via Old French clause, based on Latin claus- ‘shut, closed’, from the verb claudere .
We are sending forth the experts, Janet, to now shut down all operations based in the renouncing, blood covering of Jesus, mercy and forgiveness given and applied: so these clauses should all be dealt with thoroughly and completely as well. Think of them like little tributaries that come off of a larger river; every avenue, affiliation, link, or tentacle— is being rooted out and cast out— by the troops I’ve put into play to make sure formal notices have been sent out (and enforced, or upheld) on behalf of the one (you) working with me to clean up this house (family line, blood line in the earth), measure it (see it fully), and have a clean slate (heart/soul) sent forth— and unto the blessing of several generations established, beyond you.
The generational curse breakers, or iniquity passed onto the next down the lineage line people— are coming forth in this generation, now: as I bring my deliverers all the way through the fire— to now go room by room (inside the souls of men like military operators clearing hostile houses), to clean every place out that the enemy has found entrance into, ridding them from the premises: whether let in through open doors by individual sin, or lineage line sin and iniquity (passed on sin, undealt with).
I am seeking to save ALL of the soul of man, not only some compartments or rooms— TO CLEANSE ALL ROOMS, and RETRIEVE ALL OF THE SOUL by the work of the cross, and the blood of the Lamb.
I need workers— the laborers are few for such a harvest of souls into the Kingdom AND liberty of the children of God: this must increase; and so I am doing a great work in the servants of the Lord right now— to bring them all the way through the fire of the Refiner: and no demon or contract, clause or juncture, can stay and persist— through the fire of God: stay in the fire until the work is completed.
My angels know how to be the enforcers I’ve created them to be, following the Law of the Kingdom, and upholding it in the lives of my children; you only need to trust me in the work to be completed— AFTER— the repentance, confessing, renouncing, and covering of the blood and forgiveness is applied.
BUT— you must stay abiding in my truth, and it must FILL the places/rooms inside of you where their roots were, their planting was (rhetoric, beliefs, and principles) and it must now be my truth established there, my person as the principality (chief one in operation now), the Spirit of God— and you must come into oneness with my truth inside your heart, and stay in it: the house must not become vacant of the truth in these rooms (go back to old ways and beliefs); the heart must have pure heart motives with a resolute stance to abide in the truth, and my love: and thus— remain free.
For if not— the demons will come back, see it’s been swept clean, and remains EMPTIED and CLEARED— but not FILLED WITH THE TRUTH: this is the warning of God regarding deliverance.
The roots, AND, the clauses will be dealt with— but remaining free of them coming back and trying every door again (everything that worked before) will be dependant upon your affiliation, covenant, and resolute stance to uphold the truth, and be alive to the truth, inside of you: become one with me and my truth, in the depths of your heart— and stay filled with my truth, and freedom will remain where my Spirit (and its truths) are allowed to remain: locking in place with the keys, and a door to the darkness closed for business (shenanigans of satan and his ways).
We spoke of how I am making sure every juncture is cleansed and taken care of. So let’s explain the definition of juncture.
Juncture means— a particular point in events or time, a place where things join; root definition— late Middle English (in the sense ‘act of joining’): from Latin junctura, ‘joint’, from jungere ‘to join’.
A joint— like how it is explained in scripture, in Ephesians… is a place of ‘joining.’
Ephesians 4:16
“From whom the whole body— fitly joined together, and compacted by that which every joint supplies, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part— makes increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.”
So— every joint is the place of unity, or joining; every joint supplies unity, love, mercy, grace, and truth; and this— works effectively in every part (full unity), and thusly— makes increase (or as Strong’s states for increase— growth) of the one body (sound whole of us, another Strong’s definition for body); and edifies or builds in architecture and structure —builds up itself— in love.
So, dear— I am attempting, within each man— to find all the places in the lineage line where the clauses (attachments, branches) need to be dealt with (after renouncing, repenting, covering in forgiveness and the blood, and partnering now in the truth and my Spirit), and to seek out all the places where they were joined (into a covenant) with satan or darkness and operations of; so as to ‘uncouple’ and ‘cast off and out,’ to ‘disjoin’ my children’s souls, and the souls of their children— from the individual soul’s sin (to cease the sin activities through true repentance for self inflicted agreements and consequences of), but also those of the fathers who have gone before us: this— all— the work of the cross being accomplished in each soul.
And I have those I am bringing through all of this, whom I will teach all of this too— who will set captives free with me, and break contracts and agreements with satan, and cast out devils, and clean the houses (souls of men) with me; and help disciple them to learn how to partner with my Spirit and truth (must worship me in Spirit and truth), and bring true and lasting freedom to the souls/lives of men, in the land of the living.
Deuteronomy 7:9
“Know therefore that the Lord your God— is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations— of those who love him, and keep his commandments.”
The prerequisite, Janet, is that they ‘love me,’ and I told them to obey me, and this is how one shows their requited love back to me (obeying my command in their lives, those led of my Spirit, are my children indeed): they keep my command in them, and follow no other spirit, ways, or covenants: all of that— must be renounced for individual iniquity, but also, and especially— where the fathers let these things in to flow to the children.
Psalm 145:4
“One generation shall praise your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.”
I expect you will raise your children properly, speaking to them of me, introducing them to me, showing and exemplifying my ways, person, and conduct to them, reminding them of all I have done for EVERY person who has come before them (as you share the stories/testimonies of lives, scripture lives, and those living now with testimony/witness of me): that they should be in remembrance of me; and hopefully— not go the ways of the wayward fathers before them; but should follow the better thing, the good example, the way of the Son (that, hopefully, you are in covenant with, and living as one with).
Psalm 103:17-18
“But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting— upon them that fear him; and his righteousness— unto children's children; To such as keep his covenant— and to those that —remember his commandments to do them.”
Again, the stipulations or prerequisites to the mercy from everlasting to everlasting are: upon those who revere me (fear me), that means uphold me, exalt me, and place me in the high places within themselves. And my stipulations for the righteousness unto children, and children’s children— fearing me, revering me. To those who ‘keep covenant’ with me: that means one must uphold it, for real, inside, in fidelity and resolutely (being faithful to one God, one Father, and one Lord of us, through the one Holy Spirit, and in union living within the confines of the truth: which is your protection in all of these). Remember— what I have taught the generations before you, and heed the faithful fathers; dislodge the deeds of the unfaithful fathers before you: live in faithful covenant with your God.
Psalm 78:1-8
“Give ear, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old: Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us.
We will not hide them from their children— showing to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he has done.
For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children: That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children: That they might set their hope in God— and not forget the works of God— but keep his commandments: And might not be as their fathers— a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not steadfast with God.”
Proverbs 22:6
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old— he will not depart from it.”
Janet— I am attempting to save my people, and to raise up children after the likes of Jesus— the first born of many brethren who ‘follow.’ And in this work— I am requiring the ‘walk’ that I have called you all to: to walk in the ancient ways already ordained that we should walk in them— exemplified through the life of the Son of God: Jesus Christ. I am calling my children back to the fathers, and this is what I mean.
I am calling them to reunite with the godly men of old, the fathers who have gone before them, who coupled with me: the patriarchs of old who laid the foundational examples of how to walk and abide with the Spirit of God in an earthen vessel: I am returning the hearts (souls) of the children to the fathers, and the fathers— to the hearts of the children: this is much soul work, unity, forgiveness, and restoration of the old waste places (inside souls of men, that the foolish fathers brought into the generations who followed).
Freedom from generational issuances of death, and covenants of— brought now into newness of life in a generational issuance of life, by the covenant of (union with Jesus and the truth) —brought to each through the accomplishment of the Son of God, the Savior, on the cross and by the blood of the Lamb; and by coupling with the Spirit of truth (sent forth from the Father), coupling in a living word (and work/walk) inside each man— of the truth lived.
Freedom— where the truth and Spirit abide; bringing men into me, and me— into men (the truth, alive, and walked in) —in the souls of men (hearts, minds, emotions, principles): the foundation resurrected in life and truth, and the false identity and foundations (ruins) destroyed by the building of the Lord, not of man’s hands (or mens’ doings, inside their souls).
Isaiah 58:12
“And they that shall be of you shall build the old waste places: you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called— The repairer of the breach— The restorer of paths to dwell in.”
Malachi 4:5-6
“Behold— I will send you Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers— to the children, and the heart of the children— to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”
There is a purpose to all of this: one man (fathers/generations before you) set in motion a cascade of events that would affect multiple generations to come; and yet— through the forgiveness in the hearts of the current generation, as they follow YahShua/Jesus, and forgive, and cover a multitude of sins in love and mercy (forgiving egregious sin, and releasing them from the sentence of this in your hearts), repenting for the family line (turning around and serving God, truth, love, righteousness, and living in all godliness with our Lord once again), renouncing (breaking off these covenants with darkness that were made once upon a time, in days past, when your ancestors walked in unrighteousness), and covenanting with me in the truth now…
We will eradicate all the roots, and curses, and clauses, and junctures where the enemy got in; and your generations to follow you— will watch you, study your lives as you follow Jesus, adhering to God, and heeding his headship in your lives, witnessing your freedom (and future freedom of the children to come) by the mighty works of God accomplished in your lives: and together— we will set the captives free.
For where the Spirit of Lord ‘is,’ this man has been freed: and many— need more freedom, dear. So we will come all the way through the fire, ourselves, and we will repent, renounce, forgive, loosen, cover, and bless those that came before us, and we will be set free inside your vessels: and then— dear children— we will go and labor to set more captives free, gaining more laborers for the work at hand, and increasing (or as Strong’s states), growing in the Kingdom of God, rescuing more from the fire, and out of the kingdom of darkness with all it’s oppressors, and oppression.
All of this covenant breaking, blood applying, forgiveness covering (working in mercy: compassion, pity, kindness to cover a multitude of sin)... and the angelic taking care of all the junctures that are to be thoroughly cleansed and dissolved in the spirit realm, and unto the souls of men…
This is the fulfillment of the accomplishment of the cross in the souls of men in the earth realm, and by the blood of the Lamb, coming unto those purchased by the blood, and in covenant with God Almighty: he who is faithful and true, he comes to rescue you.”
—The Lover of your souls

😭❤️🙌👑❤️🔥💛 HalleluYah!