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There's no fear in God's people, who have God in them

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

God’s people are not to be fearful—

Full of fright

All things created should fear the Lord,

Who is sovereign, holy, and holds all things

In his pleasure and sovereign rule.

[video link to this teaching and word: ]


Why are ‘God’s people’ —fearful of things that are not, well— ‘God most High?’  I do not understand, literally, do not understand why created beings, such as humans— are fearful of (as in a fright) of anything that is not God almighty— because all that is ‘not’ God almighty— is ‘under’ him.

We are called to fear only one, that is God almighty, the eternal one who is self-existent;  and we are called to fear him (as in a fright), as unsaved individuals— ones who know him not.  

When we are united to him— why would we fear our Father?  When we are ‘his’ child, and he our Father— and we KNOW HIM proper like— we do not fear him as frightful— we honor his sovereign rule, his almighty, holiness over all that he has created.

We exalt him, because he is set apart from his creation— and reigns over it, hence the world sov-reign;  he is the only one who decrees how all things will go— he— the one over all things created.

When we are ‘his’ child— we move as he moves, because we are moved by him;  and if ‘he’ is moving us, as we are one with him— and HE DOES NOT OPERATE ‘as’ a spirit of FEAR— why, if we are his— do we then?

If we are truly not our own, but we have been purchased with the price of his blood— and it is not us that lives in our dirt-suits alone any longer, but Christ in us who now lives…

Is Christ in us afraid and frightened of ANYTHING in this created existence?

So why are we then?

The truth is— we are often ‘of another spirit,’ and are clueless that we are.  Thank God he is patient with us, and desires to make us all holy beings, righteous beings, looking and breathing, walking and talking— as he does;  and that— often takes a lifetime for us to see the ‘truth’ under all the facade (or masks) that we wear— and are blind to.

Christ is not fearful— so if fear is operating in us— we have another spirit we are listening to.  If we are scared of something ‘non pleasant’ happening to us in our dirt-suit lives— we are still attempting to control our lives (and they are not ours to control— we are owned by the most high), and we are still attempting to ‘cling to’ this reality— as if your entire existence, and the real you— is wrapped up in a mortal suit:  it is not.


Psalm 55

“Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hide not thyself from my supplication.

Attend unto me, and hear me: I mourn in my complaint, and make a noise;  Because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked: for they cast iniquity upon me, and in wrath they hate me.

My heart is sore pained within me: and the terrors of death are fallen upon me.

Fearfulness and trembling— are come upon me— and horror has overwhelmed me.”


One thing I love about David is that he is the common child of God in many ways;  sure— he was fearless when he went up against Goliath, with his skillset— guided by God, of course;  but he was often scared, whilst on the run from Saul— and yet, every chance possible— God came through for him, even when he was needing repentance;  from either fear (which is sin), or from lack of faith in God, his person to save him and keep him, as he established him (which is sin), or from his rebellion, when he took his ‘life’ in his own hands, and did things God would not, like murder and adultery (sin).

David did a lot of sinning— he forgot his life is not his own, when you yoke up with God almighty in life;  he forgot that God goes before him, and paves the way for his children’s victories (when they are not sowing a crop of sin, that will come back with reaping), and he forgot that God is holy, living with him this life— and would require him to be holy:  but mostly— David forgot his life is not his own when he is with God— because we are to obey our Father.  

But yet, time and time again— David disobeyed, sinned, transgressed God— BUT, he was quick to see the error of his ways, and repent:  which is changing around.

Another thing I love about David is that, in the end of all his days— God was faithful— and all that ‘fear’ and reverence he gave to God’s enemy— all the days he cowered in a pit of despair— was unnecessary, because in the end— David prevailed, with God at his side.

I love learning that the tabernacle of David will be re-erected in us;  because it means— even though David went through all that— GOD HIMSELFIS FAITHFUL TO WHO GOD HIMSELF IS:  God was faithful to David, even when David was not— at first.

We too often display times in life when we believe his enemies, when we are led of spirits and their rhetoric about whom we should fear, and why:  like a demonic spirit, a fallen angel, a man with a gun or a knife, a bear or a lion.

And yet— time and time again, what did our Father prove to us, when we are truly seeing HIM, as the MOST HIGH and SOVEREIGN ONE in this realm, and all realms?

He came through in flying colors!

So, it’s truly an issue with whom we are exalting;  when we exalt ‘our own’ lives— we cannot exalt the life of Christ, at the same time.  What do I mean?  When we are focused on our dirt-suit lives as vital, and easily threatened to be extinguished at every turn— what we are not exalting is the Almighty.

He is sovereign over all of creation, every demon, fallen angel, fallen entity of any kind (man or otherwise), any bear, lion, storm or created thing.  And if we TRULY BELIEVED THAT ‘in our hearts,’ we would begin to live differently.  We would begin to tell the spirits of fear, when they come around spouting their power and intimidation— that God is over even them, and they are the most fearful beings there are— for they are on the ‘wrong side of God,’ and they know it.

When we truly exalt God holy as Almighty, and Most High sovereign over all of creation— what, or whom, do we think sneaks by him— as he defends the loves of his life (us, his children)?

Why would we fear anything, or anyone?  God is the most powerful, ruling entity there is— and he has a say to any created being— as to what befalls his children.

And children of the Most High God— why are you afraid? 


Do you not know your Father yet? 

Do you not know his goodness, or do you not ‘believe’ in him?

Because it is those who ‘believe on,’ or ‘in’ Christ— that are saved by faith in him.

When we say— ‘we have faith in’ someone— we are saying— this one is faithful, loyal and to be counted on;  well, do we actually believe that in our hearts?  Because if we did/do— we would put our lives to the proof of it, and we would walk confidently in our God and Savior.

We would know in whom we have believed.

I was speaking with a sister in Christ last night, and I was telling her…

“You know, we can say with our words, over and over again— I cast down satan— but if our hearts are not buying into what we are saying with our words, from our mind’s thoughts— we will remain bound.  Because bondage is within the hearts of men and women— as is the freedom and liberty of Christ.”

Where does Christ reside?  In our souls, in our spirits, and in our body temples;  so, if Christ resides there, in his child— we must actually BELIEVE the truth inside our hearts/souls;  because our spirit man already does believe the truth, and our temples will fall in line with what the soul goes with in belief.

So, I told her…

“I have realized that it takes a long time of us preaching the truth to our hearts, from our minds (even if we are using Christ’s) —but it isn’t until our hearts/souls actually believe the rhetoric or truth— that we are set, or made free by the truth.

If our hearts are still yelling things, slinging things angrily at God, whilst we are reciting the truth of scripture— and we are still bent on some aspect that is not going how we want it to —our hearts are not free yet, nor has it bought into the truth:  buy the truth, and sell it not.

It’s only when we decide to STOP FIGHTING AGAINST GOD, in anger, disappointment, discouragement, frustration— at all he’s doing— and lay down our sword we took up against him, with our hurting words, coming from a heart that is focused on what we ‘deserve,’ or want, or don’t like…

That the truth, his person— is able to free us from the grips of the enemy counsels and lies.  It’s only when we finally AGREE that God is good, and that all he allows in our lives is either sow and reap (what are we really upholding), or it is for our benefit— in the end— as he takes back what was stolen from us;  but he is good, and he is working only good together in our lives.

Understanding of this— IN THE HEART— with an ACCEPTANCE OF this truth— is what makes that soul free, and free in Christ:  it’s also when we truly exalt and worship him.”

You see, we cannot truly worship him— when we are angry at him.  We cannot truly worship him— when we fear ‘another.’  We cannot truly worship him as God sovereign— when we exalt another;  and ‘fear of’ another (any other) —is worship of that being.

So— if we fear ‘losing our lives,’ we exalt and honor ‘another’ (ourselves);  and when we honor ourselves— we cannot honor God holy at the same time:  so we fear ourselves;  we fear ‘our own’ life, and not Christ living in us, as he bought our vessels, and he rules over it, and is sovereign over all created.

If we fear another human, or entity of the demonic or fallen— we worship another, because our focus is on them as powerful, intelligent, having a will to perhaps harm ‘our’ life— again— are we more attached to this dirt-suit, than to the Almighty sovereign one, who watches over his children?  

Do we worship what we perceive as ‘an individual life,’ still?

We are CO–habitors, we are living ‘with’ another, and he is our Father who reigns over all of the created— why are we worshiping the created then?  Why do we honor the created over him?  Why do we fear anyone, or anything that is NOT HIM?

He is not to be even compared to the created— creation is infantile compared to him;  we really need to see the truth for who he is:  Almighty, loving, tender, and such a good Father, protector, and God over us:  just ask Joshua, Caleb, Joseph, Job, Abraham, Lot, Noah, Gideon, David, Esther, Ruth, Deborah, and on and on, and on and on— his track record has been stellar in HIS FAITHFULNESS, and in his SOVEREIGN RULE over all created.

When David said…

“Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hide not thyself from my supplication.”

Why would God?  He’s been searching the earth for eons to find the people of faith in him;  why would he (David) be fearful that God is not desiring to hear his prayer, if he’s seeking the will of the Father, and to be in right standing with him?

Why are we so fearful that God is coming to harm us, before we think— He is my Father, and he loves me— and I honor him, seek him, and desire to please him?

Why do we run to worst case scenarios first— and not honor God in believing he means what he said— he desires to father children, raise them up in the way, and walk and talk in the cool of the day with them:  why are humans so fearful— when we are Christians— who are to KNOW their Father?

“Attend unto me, and hear me: I mourn in my complaint, and make a noise;  Because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked: for they cast iniquity upon me, and in wrath they hate me.”

Yes, perhaps David was realizing he was complaining, and in that complaint he feared, in his infantile walk with God— that God would not hear him because of his complaint;  God has heard many complaints from his people— it’s when he answers their complaints, like in the wilderness— and they still remain indignant toward him— that sow and reap comes in with a culling;  and it’s because they did not actually revere him, nor desire to please him— only themselves.  

But here— David is complaining, and sad, and making noise (crying) about it to God;  all because of the oppression the enemy voice has over him.  We should really think about that.

The enemy was speaking to David, in his voice that he brings all fear— and because David was focusing on what the enemy voice was saying— fear consumed him, because fear was sent to him— to buffer, refine, and try him:  fear will attempt to do this to all of us— are we going to worship and honor the voice of the enemy, when he comes to speak fearful things into your mind and heart?

The wicked will ALWAYS hate the righteous, and seek to destroy us (either spirits, of humans with those spirits behind them) —but ask those who have had our Father come through for them, in the back story of God’s history;  because they will tell of the faithfulness of the Almighty— in the land of the living— toward those who worship and honor him:  3 Hebrew boys, alone— would like to remind you of their story.

“My heart is sore pained within me: and the terrors of death are fallen upon me.  Fearfulness and trembling— are come upon me— and horror has overwhelmed me.”

David’s SOUL (heart) is hurting, in terror and torment— because he ‘cannot let go,’ is what God just said to me;  he cannot let go of his mortal life, and lay it in the hand of the Almighty;  it was an issue with his faith in who God is, and his reliability to come through.

He’s been speaking to me about that a lot lately— that his track record is flawless— and we need to convince our souls/hearts of that truth;  the mind alone will never live the truth— but that is where we begin to counter the lies.  The heart/soul of a man is where the truth needs to penetrate, and be given exaltation in.

We need to exalt the truth in the heart;  and for a child of God— the truth is, his record is stellar, our life is not our own— we are bought and owned, and the one who owns us has a right to walk out all trials he knows he can handle in us, and the one who won against all principalities and powers in this realm already— is the one who assists you, from within— to do the same, by his Spirit:  2 must come into agreement that Christ is in us, and he has the dominion, and he conquers all that comes before him.

The fearful trembling David speaks of, is because the terror of ‘death—’ the possibility of mortal death— had gripped David;  we are not to fear death in the slightest (been there, done that— it’s beautiful, with no sting or fear at all, for the child of God— it’s glorious).  

It’s when David was ‘reverencing’ death, that it OVERTOOK and OVERWHELMED him;  “and in that,” the Lord said— “He forgot my hand on his life.”

We cannot be like this:  especially after the completion of the Cross, and the yoking of Christ to us by his blood sacrifice.  We DO NOT ‘have to’ be scared entities who do not know, nor trust their God in all things;  we have the choice to believe him for who he is, and what his track record is.

But that’s our choice.

The truth can only set the soul free, when we exalt him (the truth) within;  when we exalt ‘another’ entity (ourselves, another human, a fallen being, an animal, etc) as powerful, ABOVE WHO GOD IS— that’s when we experience fear;  and he just said… 

“And that’s when you enter into sin;  because I am the only one who is to be feared, no other thing, or one— is to be frightful to the rebellious souls, or to be honored— by my own children.  I am— and beside me— there is no other.”


Psalms 34:4

“I sought the LORD— and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”


Fear, here, in Strong’s, is defined as— a fright;  the LORD— delivered his child from fright.  Why are we afraid, when we are God’s child?

I believe much unbelief is happening in the body of Christ, and we disguise it under the pretenses of ‘suspicion,’ or ‘discerning,’ and I do not believe it is TRUTHFULLY either of those.

Why do I say that?

Because a child of the Most High God— has the most incredible, strong, almighty, sovereign over all of creation— Father, God and Creator— as the one over their lives;  and in fact— they don’t even have a ‘life’ anymore, because they relinquished it;  it’s now supposed to be NOT THEY, but Christ, who is living the life they have in their dirtsuit, WITH them, and THROUGH them.

So— do we think ‘Christ in us’ is fearful of anything demonic, worldly, supernatural, or temporal?  And yet— his people are operating in fear left and right— as I watch what they say, and why they say it.

For instance— guns and knives— used against another soul, is to DEFEND ‘your life;’  and yet— not one life is worth more to God than the next one he created;  and to live by the sword— is to die by the sword.  To take a life, because yours is in perceived jeopardy, based upon carnal perspective— is to deny every instance the angelic host came through for countless people in scripture;  where man did not need to lift weapon against flesh— God wiped them out by his own hand, will, decree, and spirit beings.

I have heard countless stories of God’s children, in their testimonies, speak of how the Spirit saved them in back alleys, doing the will of God and testifying and witnessing;  and those that had intentions against them— were stopped in their tracks when the angels appeared and protected them.  Or even NO ONE was seen, but they could not attack— a supernatural wall was created between the child of God— and the attackers.  And converts were made in many instances.

To live in defense of one’s life— is to still believe you have a life that needs ‘your’ defense, and you are still tied to this carnal suit;  we are called to die to believing this carnal suit needs saving— and lay our lives down, for the gospel, for eternal life, and for the witness and testimony of Christ:  to attempt to be in fear, of your mortal life ending— is to be ‘attached’ to the dirt realm, anchored yet to it— if you will;  and we are called to be heavenly, and to work from above, not below.

We are called to live in Christ, and for Christ to live in us— and he is far above all this life in the dirt realm, and he transforms the dirt realm to his will.  He is seated in authority over it— so, exactly ‘what’ should Christ in us, ‘fear??’


Isaiah 33:14

“The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness has surprised the hypocrites.  Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire?  Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?”


Let me ask you this— when Isaiah says— The sinners in Zion are afraid;  does this make sense now?  It is a sin to be fearful of anyone other than God;  for no other being is to seem scary or frightful to us— who have God within.  He already put a show to all powers, all principal beings in this realm, and any other;  so— when we do revere them in our fear— we worship them, and in that— we are adulterers against God’s Spirit— and we are sinning:  to be fearful of another, who is not God— is to reverence another, that is spiritual adultery and sin.

First of all, why in the ‘holy’ dwelling of Zion— are their sinners still sinning?  Why are their hypocrites in Zion?

We need to see this— we have the same issues and battles going on today that were of old;  we have the same disbelief, disrespect and dishonoring of God going on (through hypocrisy) that they did, back then.  We have a people who claim God is almighty, sovereign and most High ruler over all of creation— but our hearts are honoring another spirit oftentimes, in adultery to him:  this creates hypocrites.

So— we must be of those who conquer and overcome the temptation to exalt another life form in our time we are allotted here;  we must come to understand that to be fearful— is to bring great worship and respect to the one we fear as powerful:  it is supposed to be God holy, ONLY, in whom we fear as most powerful, sovereign, and worthy of our worship (and our fear tied to our worship).

No created being is worthy to be feared:  no human, spirit being, animal, storm, or created thing:  only the one who remains uncreated, and self-existent, who RULES HIS CREATION, with his hand.

“Who shall dwell with the devouring fire, with the everlasting burnings?

ME!  I want to dwell with the one who is an all consuming fire!  I want to dwell in his holy fire!  I want to not be a hypocrite who fears another, only God supreme do I want my honor, fear, reverence and faith to be in— as I worship him.

So— I will practice throwing down all other spirits— who are not him, and erect him into his rightful place:  sovereign, almighty, and over all of creation;  and there is LIBERTY in that;  I am set free of fear, and I am brought into confidence in Christ.


Exodus 15:11

“Who is like unto you, O LORD— among the gods?  Who is like you, glorious in holiness, fearful [morally to be revered and dreaded] in praises— doing wonders?”


We are not to fear ANYTHING— with God as our Father.  And did you know— fear can spread to others— and God has something to say about it?


Deuteronomy 20:8

“And the officers shall speak further unto the people, and they shall say— What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted?  Let him go and return unto his house— lest his brethren's heart faint as well as his heart.”

Judges 7:3

“Now therefore, go— proclaim in the ears of the people, saying— Whoever is fearful and afraid— let him return and depart early, from mount Gilead.  And there returned of those people (the fearful) 22,000;  and of the remaining (unfearful) there remained 10,000.”


There will always be a remnant of believers in God— who will not turn and cower away from him, his sovereignty, and his power;  the majority— did not support him, believe in him— to carry them through the battles;  we have got to be ‘different’ people, a peculiar people— a people prepared of, and for the LORD:  he is after all LORD— which is self-existent eternal one, who rules heaven’s army of host.

God is attempting to show us that fear spreads, and when it spreads— people think it is wise to be this way;  they believe they are ‘preserving their lives,’ and so— they are useless where bravery and courage are needed, like on a battlefield, and we are ALL on a spiritual battlefield, daily— in the land of material existence.  Which means— in the world we see, feel, taste, smell and hear with our dirt-suits— we have spiritual matters that set themselves against us in this realm, who are unseen.

Well, so is our Father an unseen one— and he is the One unseen one, that reigns supreme over all other unseen ones;  so, again— why are we fearing anyone but him?  

He did say— why fear those who can only kill the body— Matthew 10:28— “Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

We really do need to be more mindful of whom we are revering— and what reverence really looks like— when we do it in these bodies and souls.


A word from the Lord


“Just as fear can spread, Janet— courage in Christ can spread, and that is what this testimony and teaching is all about.  My children must believe me to be who I said I AM.  My children must KNOW THEIR GOD;  and in knowing me— they will do great exploits with me.  

Did you know that will mean walking through fires (things that frighten others), that others refuse to walk through— even though it says I am an ‘all consuming fire?’

Which children of mine— know their God, and are ready for great exploits?  Because the fearful— are not mine, nor perfected by my love for them yet;  because if they were, they would resemble the 3 Hebrew boys, who were asked to demonstrate MY fire, against the world’s fire, and best shot.

My children are the same through time— they will be known by what they walk in, by the fruit of union with me— they will exhibit my nature:  I am here to perfect this in my people;  but my people will have to be believers in me, my nature, my power, my love, and my sovereign rule over all of the created.

But when they do— watchout world, and spirits thereof— for my children are coming on the scene;  and they have my scepter in their hand— because I wield it myself— through, and with them in this realm.

THESE, Janet— these children of mine— KNOW ME, and another voice they will not follow, nor give heed to:  THESE, child of God— ‘are mine.’

And mine— fear only me;  and that is why they are called first fruits of mine;  for my Spirit rules their vessels.

It is more than instructing them, for anyone can choose (and they often do), to not follow through on my counsel to their consciences.  It is more than understanding the truth— it is EMBODYING the truth, and that is me.

The ones who ‘embody me,’ which is to say— I reside in their temples, and I RULE in their temples (not another spirit, like fear) —THEN, I can do my exploits through them, because another is not exalted within.

I did say, in fear, and disbelief— I cannot move and do miracles and exploits;  because their fear and disbelief, BINDS UP my gracious spirit— as another is exalted within.

So, child— who is greater than I?  And what can you not handle— with me around?  What entity is wiser, almighty, sovereign over all creation? 

Then why do you all fear another?”

—The Almighty, Sovereign, High King


Isaiah 35:4

“Say to them who are of a fearful heart (soul) —Be strong, fear not:  behold— your GOD will come with vengeance— God, with a recompense;  he will come and save you.”


This is the God who fights for you;  because he loves your soul— believe him, and believe IN HIM;  he who is faithful and true;  he who rules supreme over all— and he who is no respecter of persons— but who is equitable (fair) to all.

Exalt him, and fear flees;  exalt any other (self, the fallen, animals, storms of any kind) —and we sink in the waves, as we see the ‘power’ of another, and we believe they have some kind of say in our lives— above the mandate of the Most High, and the mandate of the decree of heaven.

Be a believer in Yah— because he is the lover of your soul— and desires that none should perish, but be saved:  “BELIEVE IN YOUR HEARTS, not your heads,”  he said.

No one takes the life of Christ, and he is living in you now— not you alone;  you are the possession of the most high— whom else would you fear??


Mark 4:40

“And he said to them— Why are you so fearful?  How is it that you have no faith?

Matthew 8:26

“And he said to them— Why are you fearful, O ye of little faith?

Then he rebuked (censured and admonished/forbid by charge) the winds and the sea;  and there was great calm.”


Great calm comes— when we rebuke the winds (spirits) that come to disrupt our faith, belief and trust in God— to be who he said he is, and his faithfulness of loyalty to his children.   When we do not uphold who he REALLY is, INSIDE OUR HEARTS (not our intellect/minds) —this is when we are in sin, and we are in little faith toward him.

And he called us to HIS FAMILY— the family of FAITH;  and so— we must be those who are believers of his goodness and his faithfulness;  we must be those who please him in our faith, TOWARD HIM:  his identity must be upheld in our hearts— or we will never be set free from the clutches of fear in/of another.

When we truly exalt him within— we are set free;  because where the Spirit of God is exalted within— there is freedom;  freedom from fear of another, freedom from all oppression, freedom to rest in Christ:  the sovereign, almighty King of all creation.


Hebrews 10:31

“It is a fearful thing— to fall into the hands of the living God.”


All entities should remember this verse— for anyone that sets himself against a child of the most High, an Heir to his throne— will see God’s face, post haste.  So— what are you, child of God— afraid for?


Revelation 21:8

“The fearful [timid and faithless], and unbelieving, the abominable, murderers, whoremongers,  sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars— shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”


Strong’s, G1169, literally calls the fearful— the faithless;  do we understand why we cannot be ‘the people of fear,’ and the people of God holy, at the same time?  Because we can only fear, or revere one— not two masters at one time— he told us this, long ago.

And he did not give us ‘the spirit of fear,’ satan did;  he gave us his Spirit, who knows who reigns supreme, knows this material life and dirt-suit is just temporary, and that can move this realm with ease— and any creature that is not doing HIS WILL— will see his face about it really quick like:  because he is sovereign ruler over all created beings.

We cannot be the people of faith, and the people of fear— at the same time;  and we cannot please him without faith;  it is not the people of an earthly lineage that are his— but the people of faith;  the people of Abraham’s spiritual seed.

We cannot be faithless;  because faithlessness, when truly examined— is faithlessness IN HIM.  So, how can you go to him, after this life— if you have no faith in who he is, and states he is— erected for real, in your soul/heart?

Because, for their faithlessness (the fearful), they became unbelievers— and those are the first two attributes of the satanic nature, listed in revelation— that do not make it home to God holy, true and sovereign over all.  

And it’s all because they could not muster the faith to believe him to be who he IS.

It won’t matter what we think he is or isn’t, in the end— only the TRUTH will speak at the judgment;  and we are to KNOW OUR GOD, NOW— and BE BELIEVERS IN HIM, NOW:  and in that— escape the second death.

I cannot emphasize enough, 2 points:  1— the truth in our hearts of what we really believe— will witness to Christ himself at the judgment;  and 2— God is high above everything else, so we really have zero reason to exalt another within us.

There is no reason to exalt another entity that is not God, as powerful, or as a ruler— because all are under him;  and no reason to exalt our dirt-lives here— for all is temporal, and will pass away— and there is no sting in death for the believer in God;  it’s quite beautiful, and so freeing— actually.

So— the only one who should be feared— is God, for he has all of creation in his hand, and he is set apart, self-existent of all of the created;  and if he is for you (and he’s for all who desire to serve him, honor him, the truth, and life— who trust in him) —then, whom else would you ever fear?  What else— would you ever fear?

Do we believe him, and do we truly believe scripture— when it says there is no sting or pain in the cross over, in death— and that he is the ruling one over all other beings?

Do we believe ‘in him,’ to be who he says he is:  the faithful, and true one?

Do we truly believe the scripture we cling to?

Because if the answer is yes, to both of those— and we live a laid down life, placed in his hands, and we are not our own, to determine or have any control over the life we now share with Christ, who lives in us and through us— then, whom should you fear, when he is for you?

None should go to hell because of unbelief— for it is completely up to us, to be convinced of HIS TRUE IDENTITY in our hearts/souls;  and it only takes ‘faith.’

So— are we the people of faith, or what?!


Psalm 86:8

“Among the gods —there is none like unto you, O Lord; 

Neither are there any works like unto your works.”

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