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The Sole/Soul dream: the repairers of the breach, the bride

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

The Sole/Soul dream

[video link to this teaching:  ]


I had dreams last night where I was fighting against traps of the enemy, based in carnal lusts/natures/issues— in life.  God is so good when this happens, as the angels show up in the dreams to save me from these things— and I soon wake up;  I had asked the Lord to help me in these situations.

I was given these dreams of fighting fleshly lusts— which are more rare these days— for the dream which would follow;  meaning— I was to experience from his people’s standpoint (as an intercessor), what was happening to his people— with bouts of the flesh, bondage, attacks from the enemy— against the souls of his people, and them walking in their TRUE identities:  and what and how they needed great help with this.

I exited that dream sequence— stayed awake for a while— then laid back down eventually— and dreamt again.  

In this dream I was leaving someone’s home, from a celebration of some sort— where a student and a religious teacher were discussing homosexuality, and not in a disapproving manner— and where dirty dogs were let into their home— and I went to tell the owner, or person responsible for the dwelling— and she didn’t seem too concerned.

These dogs were golden retrievers— they are some of the most benign looking dogs, meaning— harmless;  and yet— when they came in they were shivering and wet, dirty;  they began to immediately be drawn to the television:  the imaging:  and became quite at home, as the people discussing and exalting perversions— were unaware.

After letting the owner of the dwelling, or responsible party, know— that dirty dogs got into the person’s dwelling— the dream shifted, having me walk into a spa (or what was supposed to be a spa/salon) —and I saw a woman carrying a tray of cake— and she was bringing this cake around to serve everyone.

Now, traditionally— a spa/salon— is for restorations, work done on the identity (at least outwardly) like hair, pedicures, makeup, etc;  but it is a place, none-the-less— for identity work to be done.

In this case— what was interesting, is that there was a woman there, serving others with sweet food/cake (sustenance), and I watched a woman come up to her and she asked for some of the cake/sweet food she was serving.  As the one who was seeking the sweet food came near to receive it— she stepped in the sweet food— with the sole of her shoe.

The servant/worker/woman— asked to see the sole of her shoe— to check it out, clean it or whatnot;  the woman reached down to try to clean her own sole of the shoe— the heel area— but when she did, she did not notice ANY sweet food on her sole/heel —she noticed the sole of her shoe was loose, and peeling back— not secure.

The servant then looked completely different— it was known that this particular servant/worker/woman who originally had the sweet sustenance/cake —had been repairing many soles of shoes— abundantly:  for when I glanced at her— she was nearly lying flat on her back, on the floor— and it was obvious she had repaired MANY soles of people’s shoes already— for her shirt, over her chest, was dirty and worn— from the work— where others would lay their soles over her chest as she worked.

I watched her take this other woman’s shoe soles— and repair them, laying a new foundation entirely to this person’s shoes;  it was a very secure sole, with red on the heel area— with great grip for stability.

I saw the woman who was the receiver of said new soles— realize she had no way to pay for this service— as she tried to think of ways to barter for this service, which was denied by the servant/worker/repairer of the soles.

Time was passing— as the worker asked her boss what should be done about the inability to pay for the service— and as time passed, I saw a blind man reading the bible to others in the salon;  in fact— it was a group of blind men and women in the salon.

I said to them— “You should read Philippians 4, about thinking on the lovely things, the things praise worthy, of good report, and virtuous.”  

And then I also quoted the verse number, but when I did— I did not quote the verse— which is Philippians 4:8, I told them to read those verses— but referenced Philippians 4:13-14 to them.

They sought me for confirmation of the scripture verses— as more blind men and women joined in:  and once again— I referenced Philippians 4:13-14.

As the men and women read aloud, I watched the servant/worker/sole repairer— lead the woman who received the repaired soles to the door— as the hour was getting late, and they were ready to lock the door— and close:  the boss didn’t show up yet (they were waiting still for him), nor let them know he required payment for the repaired soles— but the woman reached into her bag to search again for 

‘a way of payment.’

When she did— she realized in her bag, that she had no wallet (identification or money) or purse at all— in fact, the only thing at the bottom of this bag she carried— was makeup:  and she and the other workers there made the statement that— ‘makeup is useless or pointless:’  and the dream ended.


Dream Meaning


To begin with we note that the flesh nature, and lusts of— are a main focus, bondage and trapped in these things— needing assistance to get out (hence the angels coming in, the ministers, to assist an exit).

The dream begins with ‘being in someone else’s house,’ this is someone else’s person/temple/home/vessel, etcetera;  and in this person’s vessel— there is perversion entertained and spoken of— in the religious peopleboth student and teacher:  it’s a real issue in those called by Christ’s name (character and authority) —who are walking in perversion and entertaining it within the home/vessel/persons:  as dirty dogs snuck in (looking harmless), with the slightest opening in the door.

Doors are portal openings that either let things in, or lock things out— and in this instance— someone opened the door— and the dogs came in— and the dogs were attracted to what was being imaged (created, in the television, imagination), and began to settle in and get comfortable:  these are demons, and they began to dwell right there with the people— and no one noticed but me.

In fact— a ‘celebration’ was going on, and homosexuality was the topic being discussed— and since pride is the marker for homosexuality— pride was being entertained in this home/persons/vessel:  and that pride being exalted and entertained (lovers of self, and lovers of pleasure) —the dogs (demons) came in and made themselves at home in this house/vessel/person:  and no one noticed, let alone really cared.

I went to address this issue to the homeowner— and she really didn’t address it much at all, brushed it off— like no big deal:  we are supposed to cast down anything that sets itself against the knowledge of God— his person, his identity, our identity in Christ— and yet— this pride/perversion and entertaining of, with demons involved and at home— did not alarm anyone, and instead— they brushed off the entirety of the situation:  pride and perversion were allowed to stay— instead of coming through the cross in repentance, a complete turn around from sin and transgression— and dying to perversion of the pride of life.

The dream goes from noticing pride, perversion and demons in people’s homes/vessels/persons— and no one caring much about it— to a spa where identity restorations take place:  now, normally in the material world— this is restorations of a temporary manner, done to the outer court or body;  but in this case— it was meant as much more than that— more of a permanent nature and working.

A woman (symbolic of the Bride of Christ, his partner/spouse) was serving sweet food, sweet sustenance to those who came in for restorations:  and I witnessed a woman come in to receive of this sweet sustenance.  She saw that there was white cake to eat (signifying purity), and asked for a bit of that cake.  As she did— the heel/sole of her shoe— stepped into the sweet food/cake— and both the woman being served, and the servant worker— looked into the sole of her foot/shoe, to examine it.

The woman who was being served was slightly embarrassed because she had stepped in the sweet food being served— but when they both looked into the matter, what they saw was that the sweet food (the truth, bread of Life) did not stick, but only— ‘damage to the soul/sole,’ her foundation was weak and loose (not tight conduct of the soul— the narrow way).

Cake— is sweet bread— and the Bread of Life is to be our sustenance, the TRUTH— as he is the truth, the way and the Life:  and yet— the sweet sustenance given by the worker— revealed that the sustenance that was given, was not received into this person’s life, and instead— was vain, not based in the truth— and the soul/sole was damaged by this:  he said, “Look up Proverbs 20:17.”

Proverbs 20:17

Bread [food, fruit] of deceit [untruth, sham, falsehood, feigned, lying, vain (empty)] is sweet [pleasant, or pleasure] to a man; but afterwards— his mouth [portion, appointment, sentence] shall be filled with gravel [a cutting arrow].”

The devil sends fiery darts— otherwise known and described in Strong’s as ‘arrows;’  and the portion or, lot and sentence that one will receive, if being shot with cutting arrows of the enemy— and not doing anything about them (think the minding, what we entertain, whether cast down and out, or upheld and entertained within) —will be pleasing, as sin is for a moment fun (or sweet) —but in the end it will be hypocrisy one lives in, within the church— in a vain relationship with the truth, as untruths are upheld in deception (or deceit), a sham, falsehood, fakery/feigning and lying:  that is the food that the damaged soul takes in— when one will not abide in the truth (or otherwise known as, abide in Christ— as he is the truth).

This woman was UNABLE to receive the sweet substance of the truth (it didn’t stick, think— soil types of the parable of the sower), and her sole/soul was damaged because of it;  I failed to mention— the shoes were black high heels, which are symbolic of darkness (sin/perversion/evil/ignorance/wickedness) and puffed up pride— a raised heel, a high heel.

And we are to have a humble heel, that crushes satan— where the blood is applied;  but here— it is not the right heel to crush satan, as it is ‘loose’ or liberal in sin.

That’s when I saw the servant of Christ— his bride, the woman— lying on her back, almost flat to the floor, only on the slightest platform raised off the floor— where many others had placed their soles/souls upon her chest (heart) —where she serviced/repaired and worked on these soles/souls:  this is the heart of the Melchizedek priesthood— they will serve the King’s interests in the earth, unto the needy souls/soles that need salvation and reformation/restoration.

Her chest (soul)— had much soil upon it as she held the souls of others in her hands— and served them, and repaired the breaches:  the separations between the soul/sole and the shoe—  as we are to be shod with the gospel of peace— being godly order restored— where the foundation on the cornerstone is laid (the truth).

She was in a humble position on the floor, serving others;  and as she gestured for this woman/soul as well— she took upon her the burden of this sole/soul— to help restore them.

She had labored long, and her clothing showed the labor of love she was bestowing upon the body of Christ— and she was tired, but unwilling to not assist another soul/sole in need:  this soul was unstable, not secure— and this was not an option to be overlooked— but instead, a call to duty.

I watched this servant of the Lord tenderly lay a new foundation on this woman’s sole/soul:  a foundation secure, well established in security (grip) for a sure footing, and where the heel was red:  this was symbolic of the blood covering the foundation— Christ, the cornerstone— upon which the entire foundation is laid and supported (the heel), in the TRUTH— that in which CRUSHES SATAN.

I watched her, essentially— PLACE THE TRUTH, and security of— on this woman’s soul/sole:  and in that— a new foundation was laid in this person’s life, with a steady footing/foundation.

The woman who received this— felt as if she needed to pay for the services rendered— and was feverishly searching for a way to repay the servant of the Lord, but was unable:  the servant asked her boss (the Lord, the High Priest) about this person’s concern to pay for the service rendered.

Time passes— and a group of blind men and women enter the scene at the spa (again, a place of identity restoration) —and they get the bible out to read and study it:  I say to them— “You should study or read about the lovely things, the things of good report, praise worth, of virtue;  you should read Philippians 4:13-14.”

So— this man begins to read it to himself, and then a woman, and then another man asked me to repeat the biblical reference— so I do.

Blindness, here— represents being spiritually blind— not being able to be led of the Spirit of God, knowing what he is saying and showing:  blind, as the Pharisees, or the hypocritical or lukewarm.  But what I noticed was this— they all truly DID desire to know the truth, and receive;  so this was a reference to the hunger that was inside of them— but they had spiritual blindness.  

So— I assisted them in an answer.

“Think on the lovely things…”

Philippians 4:8

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise— think on (image/ruminate/dwell/meditate on) these things.”

We have an issue in the body of Christ with undisciplined souls, leaving them unstable, double minded and insecure:  and Christ is on a mission, with his Bride (the mature ones of his stature and standard) —to be repairers of the breach in these ways:  ignorance— is one of the references in the Strong’s for darkness/evil —and our Lord is on mission to rectify this, by his bringers of truth and light.

Isaiah 58:12

“And they that shall be of you— shall build the old waste places: you shall —raise up the foundations— of many generations; and you shall be called— The repairer of the breach— The restorer of paths to dwell in.”

Our Lord, and his servants that he is leading by his Spirit— are on mission to repair the souls of men— the breaches, breakdowns, or gaps between the Spirit, and that soul— living in Christ— living in the TRUTH;  and having the truth— FIRMLY ESTABLISHED IN THEIR SOULS— for their foundation to be secure, assured, and able to rest:  no hypocrisy— living authentically with Christ.

When I referenced the biblical address of scripture, however— I did not reference the right location for ‘think on the lovely things,’ but instead, I spoke that verse, and referenced another;  the verses I referenced are quite interesting.

Philippians 4:13-14

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Notwithstanding (or, but) you have done well— that you did communicate with my affliction.”

I had to look up these verses— and I was quite astonished as the Lord detailed out why they were referenced:  because these are communicating, which in Strong’s means— shared in, participated with, and took fellowship inHIS AFFLICTION;  and affliction means— pressure, anguish, burden, tribulation and trouble.

This was stating— TRUTH— in that, with Christ, we can get through anything— and we only need him, in all truth;  BUT— these fellow servants, shared in, participated with, and took fellowship in another’s affliction of the soul— in pressures, anguish, burden, tribulation and troubles.

THIS— is what the servant of the Lord (his Bride) was doing, as she served the damaged soles/souls —and gave of herself, being spent in labors of love— toward the others in the household/flock of our great Shepherd’s sheep:  LABORS OF LOVE!!!

2 Corinthians 12:15 

“And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you… the more abundantly I love you…”

At the end of this dream— the servant realizes that the boss (the Lord) will not require any kind of repayment— just that the soul in need, would receive this gift;  receive the restoration, reforming, restoring of her soul— in RECONCILIATION TO HIM (the truth, and living bonded to it):  freely received, freely give out— this was what the priest servant was doing;  the works of salvation, healing, being stitched back together and made whole again— are the Lord’s works, and we couldn’t possible pay for this of our own works or wages:  hence, the life given, the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord— to bring about a salvation to the souls of men, with restoration of— that no one could possible work and accomplish in wages— for themselves:  this is the work of LIFE HIMSELF, and his servants carry his Spirit to continue this work— as they are spent for the restoration of souls, as well.

But, interestingly— at the end of this dream, the workers of the spa (place of restoration) were hinting that it was time now for— THE LOCKING OF THE DOOR— as the hour was getting very late:  this is referencing the unwise virgins being locked out, and the wise virgins— being locked in with their bridegroom.

The servants— where going to lock the door, with themselves inside: as they were still waiting for the ‘Boss’ to arrive with word:  he had tarried and not come yet, and it was now dark outside (referencing the hour of gross darkness, and the time of his return being imminent— to lock himself in with his wise virgins;  which means— upper room encounter, unity of the remnant of a remnant— for the imbuement of power and authority— to carry out the last harvest, in signs and wonders that follow them— as he manifests himself through them:  the manifesting sons of God).

As the one who was served looked to find a way to pay, once again (works will never get us locked in with Christ, it will be dying to pride and self godship that will— in a surrender to the Lord and truth, and in just receiving the gift of salvation, the restoration and reformation of the soul— and WALKING THEREIN);  and when she reached down to look for her IDENTITY (purse, wallet) —she did not find her proper identification, only MAKEUP— which is ‘cover up,’ and disguise, a false identity, a facade— that she had been carrying all along.

Folks— it’s time, the hour is late, the bridegroom is coming, his children servants have been working hard— the laborers have been few, and we need more to get on board;  the door is shutting to the unwise, so they will know they are unwise— and can make amends to their actions, and turn, humble themselves, get straight with the TRUTH, the WAY, and LIFE HIMSELF:  and no amount of hiding (cover up, makeup), walking in perverted, twisted, hypocritical living in the soul (religious student and teacher, upholding sexual perversion— equating spiritual adultery) —will ever get you locked in with Christ, for one is fundamentally— not IN CHRIST, if they are IN DARKNESS:  For he is in the Light, and no darkness is in him.

Hiding, covering up (makeup) is USELESS or POINTLESS— our Lord looks upon the hearts (souls/soles), and is searching the earth (vessels) to see if he will find any faith in him— and his truth— before he comes again:  we cannot be carrying dead weight— the dead weight of the false identity.

We must walk in integrity of character— that is what ‘his name’ means— it is HIS CHARACTER, and the AUTHORITY of:  if we are walking in our own character (fallen at that), and our own authority of— this is not ‘the way’ that we will enter in:  and anyone found climbing up another way, instead of coming through the cross (the Door of Christ), where death to self is found, and a reconciling to his leadership and ways in our lives is upheld… they will be cast out into outer darkness, with wailing and gnashing of teeth.

This is the LOVE OF GOD— to bring in a separation now, to the house of God;  where he will separate his faithful and true servants— from the impostors:  those who walk in the identity of Christ, their true identity, blueprint, archetype nature— with fruits of… and the impostors, who claim with lips, but whose hearts/souls are far from serving him, his truth, his ways, and Life— inside their dwellings.

And all this— so the true repairers of the breach (the tearing away, the souls estranged from God, his truth, and his ways) can come forth, led of his Spirit— and repair the ruins (soles/souls damaged, and gone astray) —to reconcile some more of the lost— to his flock, his truth, and himself.

I was given this dream today, on— 3/31/2024.

John 3:31 (like the date given)

“He who comes from above— is above all: he that is of the earth— is earthly— and speaks of the earth: he who comes from heaven— is above all.”

It’s time to be the mature people of the Lord— the children of God— and come to assist the earthly, who speak of earthly things— to help their spiritual blindness— by bringing the God of righteousness, his truth (and the founder/foundation of), and his saving blood, grace and restoration— to their souls— as we usher in the King, as his ambassadors in this foreign land:  for the great harvest is nigh upon us, and our Shepherd desires to save more in his flock:  they will need to follow him— the right way, in the truth, and into life— too.

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