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“The Judge-- Father”

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Received 10-13-22,

Released 10-29-22


And yet, ALL THE PROPHETS brought ‘the word of the Lord to the people,’ and the WORD OF THE LORD ‘came always’ with Judgment.

(Judgment– a decided outcome of the Lord,

after ‘weighing’ a thing,

and finding the ‘balance–’

wanton or fulfilled.)

When one ‘gives his word,’ he is giving his DECREE, or his ‘SAY,’ or his Judgment on the matter.

This– our Lord has always done, and ‘this–’ our prophets have always done: Give the Judgment of and decree of the Lord.

Isaiah is known as the prophet of ‘Judgment.’

Genesis 15:14

“And also that nation, whom they shall serve–

I will judge…”

Genesis 18:25

“Be it far from you to do after that manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked– that the righteous should be as the wicked– that be far from you: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”

This verse is saying, though God (or because God)

is Judge, will he NOT JUDGE RIGHTEOUSLY, as a ‘just’ Judge: will he punish the ‘righteous,’ as he punishes the wicked??

God forbid, for he is a ‘just’ God, and a ‘just’ JUDGE.

Genesis 31:37

“Whereas you have searched all my stuff…

What have you found of all my household stuff?

Set it here before my brethren and your brethren– that they may judge betwixt us both.”

Here, he is saying that they have gone through EVERYTHING OF HIS (inside man, outer belongings, etc) and HE HAS NOTHING TO HIDE; SHOW IT TO ALL– that they may Judge between them


Again, a call to ‘judge’ a matter justly

to WEIGH a thing; many Christians do not understand one verse in Matthew 7, and often misquote it as a statement to NOT WEIGH MATTERS– God forbid!

I must explain this– Father said.

So, I will interject this verse here, because he said–

“Janet, they misunderstand this verse; I told them they will JUDGE ANGELS in the end.

Do they ‘Know why’ child??

I do not think they do– let us explain.

Post the verse in Corinthians below ‘first,’ and then the verse of contention– in Matthew 7.”

1 Corinthians 6:3

“Do you not know that we shall judge angels?

How much more (will you be judging)

things that pertain to this life?”

Matthew 7:1-3

“Judge not– that you be not judged.

(speaking of judgments against ‘man,’

not angels, to be clear.)

2 For with what judgment you judge

you shall be judged

(or weighed in the balances, by the Lord too,

in THE SAME ‘area–’)

and with what measure you mete

(measure out Judgment)--

it shall be measured to you again.

3 And why do you behold the mote (stick of sin) that is in your brother's eye– but consider not the beam that is in your own eye?”

“Alright Janet, we are going to go over these two verses with a fine toothed comb for all.

First, why did I tell you it says in the end ‘you will judge angels’ Janet?”

“Because you said they are ‘spirit,’ and we are of your Spirit, and we are to judge ALL SPIRITS, now, and at all times; we are to ‘weigh’ the spirits, and if they are found ‘wanton,’ and perverted/twisted, unclean spirits– we will testify against all we knew of them, whilst we were in the earth-- toward their atrocities.”

He said…

“Yes child; now tell me, in the second verse…the one in Matthew,

what does it say about judging?”

“Sir, it says that what area, and in what manner WE JUDGE ‘another man,’ we TOOwill be judged in that manner– equal, no partiality.”

“Now, I told you that you are to ‘judge yourselves’ on your own– so you keep yourselves clean, and all doors closed, like what I said in…

1 Corinthians 11:31

“For if we WOULD judge ourselveswe should not be judged.”

That means, sweet child, if you all would be weighing your own spirit inside you, WITH ME–

BY ME, everyday, in all matters, you would be LED OF MY SPIRIT, and you would not find yourselves in ‘contempt of court’ with me.

So, we are to WEIGH SPIRITS, yes child??”

I said, “yes Lord, I understand.”

“So, when I say, ‘Judge not– that ye be not judged,’ what do I really mean?


“Sir, I believe you are saying, with in a man, many spirits can reside; they can hide, and be subtle foul spirits that can afflict ‘a man,’ and oppress him; likewise sir, YOU can be inside a man, and your holy angels transverse our spirits on a daily basis…

So, I believe here, you are saying that we are to ‘judge’ the SPIRITS operating, in OPPRESSED INDIVIDUALS– that ‘lead to,’ sinning.

Thereby, NOT CONDEMNING THE SINNERS– but meeting them ‘in their conditions,’ and SEEING THE FOUL, OFFENSIVE, PARASITICAL SPIRITS-- that have oppressed the individuals

AND DEAL WITH THEM– as we have compassion for ‘the man,’ or ‘woman,’ or ‘child of God,’ sir.”

“YES! YES! YES!!! –sweet child; we are to ‘WEIGHT THE SPIRITS’ in the ‘balances,’ and man’s spirit is in there WITH THEM, and he’s ‘all twisted up’ with them.

In compassion, child, WE SEE the ‘error’ of the way, we see the ‘spirits’ at play inside, and we devise the plan to get the truth to them, in love, and deal with the unclean spirits.

We do not ‘judge the man,’ BUT WE DO JUDGEthe spirits ‘in the man,’ same as you will judge them latergiving witness to what you observed of them, in the earth. (remember– earthen ‘vessels’)

So, we ARE TO JUDGE ‘matters,’ and ‘spirits,’ and a man’s spirit can be FILTHY and TANGLED UP WITH DEMON spirits; so you all are to come to ‘me,’ and we ‘weigh’ the matter, and the person, and we counsel, and we take dominion over the evil spirits, WHERE PEOPLE WANT TO BE FREE.

They must DESIRE TO COME OUT OF THE ‘sin cycle,’ that got them into the ‘dance with the devils.’

We ‘do not’ condemn themwe come to set them free, by ‘the truth,’ measured out ‘in love.’

This is deliverance Janetthis is SALVATION; and salvation comes in power, love, sacrifice, and dominion‘to–’ set the captives free.


Do you ‘know’ what that would lead to, in a

‘child of God,’ daughter??”

“Sir– I heard the answer before even typing; it would mean, a compromised vessel, that knows


‘easily led astray–’ I see this often.

(Hebrews 13:9

“Be not carried about with

diverse and strange doctrines.

For it is a good thing that

the heart be established with grace…”

2 Corinthians 6:15-17

And what concord (agreement, harmony)

has Christ –with Belial?

(Belial– devil or fiends)


what part has he that believes–

with an infidel?

(infidel– ‘not in faith trust–’ heathen)

16 And what agreement has the temple of Godwith idols?

(idols– spirit worship within–

contrary to God holy,

and worshiping him alone;

God’s competitionin man.)


You are the temple of the living God;

as God hath said,

I will dwell in them,


walk in them;


I will be their God,


They shall be my people.



BE SEPARATE, says the Lord,


Touch not the unclean thing;



I will receive you.)

They embrace only ‘the love of God,’ and they DENY– your justice of reap and sow, and

your holiness, and your JUDGMENT.

And yet, your Judgment really means–

After you see a situation,

and take a look at it–

you MAKE A DECISION about it,

and then,

it gets carried out,

as you are HIGH KING.”

“Yes child– it is ‘lambs led to slaughter,’ for they KNOW NOT THE WAY OF ‘judgment’

‘through holiness.’

When people claim to be with me, and of me, but DO NOT OPERATE WITH ME, AS I DO

the result is compromised faith and belief,

WHICH LEAVES ONE IN DANGER of ‘the wiles’ of the devil and his mission to– ‘KILL, STEAL or DESTROY’ people.

No ‘Judgment,’ NO WEIGHING OF HOLY SPIRITUAL MATTERS, leads to, results in– ‘religion,’ and ‘powerlessness’ in my kingdom, and it gives devils the advantage in my children’s lives.

We must ‘discern spirits’ Janet; so, we MUST– learn to ‘weigh’ MATTERS properlynot the men alone, but the ‘spirits’ they possess inside them, the operations that are speaking and living through them, and that must be done: in TRUTH and in LOVE.”

This, he is doing now, bringing in ‘his judgments’

of matters going on, for ALL MUST BE LAID ‘bare,’ for us to ‘see the error’ of ‘the ways’ that we've TRUTHFULLY CHOSEN in each, and every ‘individual’ life– for our ‘time–’ is SHORT, and the devil has ‘bound-up’ MANY in ‘chains,’ and they are on their way to hell– and are CLUELESS about it.

So, Father will ‘shake the earth,’ and the ‘earthen vessels’ NOW– before their is no more time to do so, and NO CHANCE to ‘save’ them at all.

We are ONLY GIVEN a ‘certain,’ and KNOWN number of days to ‘each’ individual life, and usually, we are not privy to ‘when our time is up.’

So, it is VITALLY IMPORTANT you hear our Lord out now, about ‘genuinely following him,’ and repenting, turning from a life of willful sin, and come out from that, and INTO THE TREE OF LIFE– him.

That means– live with him, his way, where he is; not to live our way, where we want to, and with out him.

That is one that is ‘deceived,’ blind, and being led like a bull with nose ring, right down the broad path that leads to destruction.

God is going to be ‘laying our lives bare’ for all to SEE, because ‘man’ has been ‘hiding’ his iniquity ‘under bed sheets’ of defilement, not spotless,

not ironed out/wrinkle-free

But they ‘lie with’ demons and their conduct; Father sees all, and he judges all justly, as we are to be doing.

But if we fail to adhere to the scriptures, and we do not ‘weigh’ our own lives in ‘balance,’ to see where we are in errorGod will eventually be the one ‘weighing’ our ‘case,’ and it will pertaining to our ‘final destination,’ and whether that’s with him, or not.


Because A GREAT PLETHORA of the ‘church,’ is DECEIVED, and in DENIAL, and we have ‘fluffy’ oracles of ‘god,’ that are spewing

(like they did in days of old)

out and out– LIES, not preaching on repentance and holiness and judgment…

and we have people perishing in their ‘iniquity,’ which is PROLONGED SINNING without

‘turning from’ THOSE WAYS, and this is happening because we have ‘compromise’ behind the pulpits and microphones in ‘the church.’

Because we have ‘compromise’ IN THE HEARTS.

(Compromise in this stance, meaning–

MIXTURE, good and evil, wicked and holy–



DEFILE ‘the whole’ of the man.)

SHE IS FILTHY, ‘the church–’ and he’s about to show us– HOW SO.

And ‘if we have eyes that see,’ and ‘ears that hear’ WHAT GOD HOLY IS SAYING

Then he ‘gave us the ways to know;’ and THAT

is God’s mission here in this post today.

For himself, through his word, to ‘teach us,’ YET AGAIN.

“What is a prophet?

What do they do?

What do they look and sound like?

What do they talk about?

Whom do they speak to?”

Many have zero idea ‘what’ a prophet of God really is, nor HOW MANY GOD KILLED, that ‘lied,’ and led men astray.

(same he does with pastors, preachers, teachers,


that stray from him and his way)

America– (and the ‘world,’) are UNDER JUDGMENT from God; how can you tell??

He said “I give you signs, to know THE TIME and the SEASON.”

If we ‘ignore’ the signs, and live in

‘Fluffy Jesus land,’ with FALSE HOLY SPIRIT (which is antichrist jargon operating inside)

we will SEEK THINGS that ‘only’


To our own demise, as we see not that we are ‘actually’ on– the BROAD-WAY to

‘The Lake of Fire.’

And God ‘warned us’ of ‘those pursuits’ and the demons that ‘lead’ that way, and where those people end up– when following FULL ON DECEPTION.

Because the were living ‘carnal’ lives

(even with great biblical knowledge and memory of scripture), NOT ABLE TO DISCERN, or Judge, because they ‘knew not’ the Spirit of God, nor took him seriously, nor was CONFORMED ‘into him’ in image– become a ‘junior’ of his, in ALL WAYS– judging matters, and spirits properly.

Let us continue...

Exodus 2:14

“And he said…

Who made you a prince and a judge over us?

Do you intend to kill me, as you killed the Egyptian?

And Moses feared, and said, Surely this thing is known.”

This is ‘God’s chosen man,’ anointed

to fulfill his purposes in the earth.

But IF WE HAVE SIN TO BARE…it will ‘show,’ and come out now, IT HAS TO, in order for us to be ‘saved’ and REDEEMED truthfully, in order to come home to him, later…


Even God’s ‘elect,’ are not immune to his judgments, or his ‘weighing of’ matters–

they can SIN– and SIN GREATLY.

Repentlest ye fall too; repent, turn from that way, be sorrowful, but GAIN GOD’S CHARACTER NOW IN THAT AREA (otherwise, that’s not repentance) rule and reign OVER THAT now– THAT, is repentance, and being LED OF THE HOLY SPIRIT INTO ALL TRUTH and REFORMATION of ‘spirit, soul and body temple’ unto our LORD and GOD.

Exodus 18:13

“And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses sat to judge the people: and the people stood by Moses from the morning to the evening.”

And THEN, ‘after’ repentance and CHANGE OF CHARACTER happens– God can USE THIS ELECT MAN, now that he’s under God.’

Exodus 18:16

“When they have a matter– they come to me; and I judge between one and another; and I do make them know the statutes of God and his laws.”

God has ‘elected’ or chosen people, set up, created by his hand with a special purpose to fulfill; judging the matters of holiness and righteous unto God, a ‘position’ that lies with the ‘priestly’ people of God– especially, the priestly prophet apostle.

They DO Judge; and they DO JUDGE RIGHTEOUSNESS, as to ‘whether the people HAVE IT, and LIVE BY IT’

(which is to say– live by God’s Holy Spirit LEADING)

or NOT.

Our world has ‘fallen short’ right now, our ‘church’ has FAILED HER COMMISION, and in

GREAT MEASURE– so, God’s judgment is here.

What does that mean??

It means, God does not desire to destroy…

man does.

And he chose to DESTROY THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD, by NOT living ‘righteously’ RECONCILED unto God, and NOW, his prophets have to bring this message out pertaining to what he’s doing, and saying and why– and they pertain to ‘his gavel’ Judgments.

They FACE HEAD-ON this mission with Christ,

NOT RUN FROM it– even through great persecution, ridicule, mocking, rejection, ostracizing and more…

because people actually ‘despise’ Holy Spirit in them, and ‘his way,’ and HIS CORRECTIONS that come against– the demonic operations in his people, who are ATTEMPTING TO SET THEM FREE, by bringing Christ, his Holy Spirit, Love– AND

THE TRUTH to them.

The reality is many are ‘continuously’ living in SIN, with FORNICATIONS and TWISTED SERPENT BEHAVIORS that we have been partaking in–

that are tied to HYPOCRITICAL LIVING

Which is to say one thing– but live another; and not only that, we are ‘culpable’ to the upbringing we are EXEMPLIFYING to the next generation.

Their ‘blood’ will be on our hands, if we are guilty of living lives of sin, that our kids witness as ‘normal’ or ‘good,’ when it is exactly the opposite.

("Woe unto them that call evil good– and good evil;

that put darkness for light, and light for darkness;

that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isa. 5:20.)

Because then our kids die, inside and out in all manner…

(like the kid that shot up our high school last year)

and they end up in hell, because we were really compromised parents, who knew not the Lord, and DID NOT– RAISE UP THE CHILD IN THE WAY TO GO– but instead…

led people down– the Broad path to destruction.

He’s quite serious, he loves all the people he makes; but they must love him back, in all ways.

That is ‘why’ the EVIL RULERS WILL TAKEOVER, because the ‘evil rulers in individual hearts,’ LONG TOOKOVER INSIDE MEN and WOMEN and CHILDREN

Long ago, and NOW…

We will reap that ‘sown crop.’

Judgment is RELATED TO HARVEST, because it ‘comes on the heels of,’ WHAT WAS SOWN IN THE DECADES BEFORE ‘now.’

What is coming in…IS THE ‘fruit’ OF ‘those years.’

Time– catches up, eventually.



IT’S A WAR, and YOU MUST ‘contend for’

THE PROMISES!!! (the hope of scripture fulfilled)

The ‘faith’ MUST BE WORKED, LIKE A MUSCLE, and WE MUST LIVE ‘according to God’s way,’ or he isn’t really our God.

Which he just said…

“And THAT…is WHY,

Judgment is incoming– as we type Janet.”

Leviticus 19:15

You shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: you shall not respect the person of the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty

(no partiality– all equal judgment):

but in righteousness –shall you

Judge your neighbor.”

We are to ‘judge,’ but we are to JUDGE RIGHTEOUSLY– being we are ‘made righteous’ by our Lord, ALREADY, for….

We CANNOT JUDGE ‘righteously,’ IF WE ARE NOT ‘living’ RIGHTEOUSLY.

He just said…

“Janet, these are the false and deceived prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors and apostles, laymen and women and ‘all in the church–’ living in ‘error.’

They are my children needing repentance,



Many have ‘turned’ from ‘the way’ INSIDE, being drawn unto lusts, little by little, and are SEEKING FOR SELF GAINS.

They are ‘blind’ to it; please pray for them, for the HUMBLING PROCESS of judgment is coming in to ‘reset’ them, and get them ‘righted’ with me, and thereby…

SERVING ME again.”

Deuteronomy 16:18

Judges and officers you shall make for you– in all your gates, which the Lord your God gives youthroughout your tribes: and they shall judge the people with just judgment.”

Deuteronomy 17:9

“And you shall come to the priests, the Levites, and to the judge that shall be in those days, and enquire; and they shall show youthe sentence of judgment.”

Deuteronomy 17:12

“And the man that will do presumptuously, and will not hearken to the priest that stands to minister there before the Lord your God, or to the judge, even that man shall die: and you shall put away the evil from Israel.”

These last 2 verses explain to us that there ‘will be’ a PRESUMPTUOUS ‘man,’ that WILL NOT LISTEN TO THE PRIEST that speaks for THE JUDGE (Father God) and ‘that man–’ shall DIE.

God is saying, “you should take heed to this story, for I am JUST, and MY FAMILY– ‘behaves–’ and CONDUCTS THEMSELVES– by MY LEADING, and the evidences of that will be one’s CONDUCT and SPEECH coming out of them, which will state


Whether of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit WITH YOUR SPIRIT,


The devil and his minion demons, evidenced by ‘WHAT COMES OUT OF THE MAN, TO DEFILE HIM.’ (Matthew 15:11)

That is to say– God’s kingdom, or satan’s kingdom WILL SPILL FROM THE CUPS WE HOLD, with WHOM WE HOLD


Deuteronomy 25:1

“If there is a controversy between men, and they come to judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify the righteous, and condemn the wicked.”

Deuteronomy 32:36

“For the Lord shall judge his people, and repent himself for his servants, when he sees that their power is gone– and there is none shut up, or left.”

Ouch– it says God will wish he didn’t make servants unto himself, WHEN THEY OPERATE ‘unrighteously.’

Judgment is here, and God is seriousnow man will be too, and it will be ‘the mercy of God,’ to bring in his judgment shakings; for without them, for without a GREAT WAKING UP, FROM VIOLENT SHAKING, man will slumber in his iniquitous sins, and depart from God forever.

So in his great mercy, he brings Judgment, and harvests in, so as every man, can see where he truly stands with God, or against God– and has ‘the time left’ to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

The Great Harvest will follow upon the heels of ‘Great Judgment’ and Tribulations.

May we prepare our hearts for what we have ‘never’ before seen on this earth; and TURN, and come to God in Truth ‘AND–’ in HIS SPIRIT.

Get indwelled by Godask him to come in and clean your vessel and prepare you to come home– as many now will be.

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