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The ENTRANCE into the Priestly Order"

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

The Tabernacle of David—

is only the ‘entrance’ into “the Order.”


Notes from this YouTube video:

25 Points to learn from the Life of David and his lineage— as well as the Priesthood, of the Order of Melchizedek— led by the High Priest himself— Yahshua Ha Mashiach.


The Heart of Matters


David, as we know, was a man after God’s own heart, as quoted in 1 Samuel 14:13; but David had many issues within his very own heart.

We cannot forget that ALL ‘the issues of life,’ stem from our very hearts, in how we are perceiving, what we are heeding, and whom we are actually serving in every instance and circumstance presented to us.

David loved God with a SINCERE love, and a DEDICATED love— but often David stepped back into the humanness of life— and walked carnally; we need to learn from David in his successes, and in his failures— just like we need to be— introspectively, with God— learning from our own lives in this way.

  1. The Priest will follow after God’s heart as well— but the priest will be seeking to be sanctified and as wholly clean as possible, in all aspects of their person, character, attributes and nature— as unto God’s very own.


When God calls the Unlikely,

and Unqualified


David was chosen to succeed Saul, and Samuel was called by God to anoint him at this; he was ‘chosen’ of God, and even as a child David showed promise to trust God— in the slaying of Goliath— when all others lacked the faith/trust in God to do so.

He was a ‘non-traditional’ candidate for this position of king, and Samuel— at first— had his reservations; we too can be ‘called of God,’ when it is very hard for others to see ‘why.’

1 Samuel 16:7 – ““The Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

This is important to remember, as God is looking ‘within’ the man, to his center most part of where his spirit and soul meet— and there, in that place— God sees the ‘truth of’ the man, and especially the truth of the man concerning God, and his desire to please and serve God— which God later in scripture defines as ‘love.’

Sometimes, the last, or the overlooked— becomes first in God’s kingdom, and plans here on earth; never give up being loyal and following our God— he always brings his plans in for that expected ending— eventually; and that expected ending— that good work he’s finishing up— is always greater than what we could have wanted for ourselves, or even imagined.

It’s not always the person with the most charisma that God chooses, as charisma does not matter to God— character, however, does.

David never stopped pursuing God in his heart— he was distracted at times— but he always allowed God, and God’s man, to turn him about— and he faced the Lord, head on, once again, in repentance.

  1. The priest will never seek to hide anything from the Lord, he will present all things before the Lord, even their faults, confessing them to him, and in that— the priest will maintain good communion and right standing in the intimate marriage covenant, standing clean before the Lord in repentance and purity.

Charisma doesn’t matter— character DOES.


David was reliable and consistent


David was consistent and reliable as a shepherd boy first— God looks at these things; what are we like— when no one but God is looking? Because God is looking.

David was beginning to qualify for positions as a shepherd boy, and he had no idea that he was— but God was watching; and David was loyal, consistent, strong— and a competent leader.

2 Samuel 6:21 – “And David said to Michal— It was before the Lord— who chose me before your father— and before all his house— to appoint me ‘ruler over the people of the Lord,’ over Israel: therefore I will play before the Lord.”

David was very mindful of his calling, by God, to serve the people of God that he put him over; he took his position and calling seriously.

  1. Consistency matters to God; if one cannot be consistent with God and in their character, they will fail at leadership; and the priest, in the Order of Melchizedek— is a leadership role, and one that requires consistency and reliability— which is accountability. The priest will be accountable to man, and God both.


Slaying the Flesh nature


David was mindful of the Lord, ‘most’ of the time; we will see later on that David would transgress, and cross over that line of wholly unto God— and then back right into carnality, flesh zone again— and then repent, and turn back toward God again.

  1. The priest, since Yahshua— ought not be crossing back and forth into the carnal— but slaying that carnal nature, by remaining in the Lord, and communing with him throughout his entire day, in all things, as the Lord is currently WITHIN man now— and walking in the Spirit throughout his entire day.

This is accomplished when indwelled by the holy Spirit, and inviting him into all your endeavors and areas within: marriage sex intimacy— God should be there, finances— God should be there, balancing your time, worship and schooling with him— God should be there, in all manner of your conversations, what you should say, what you should not say, and how disciplined you are— God should be there, etcetera and so on.

  1. The priest will be balanced in his worship, schooling, communing, fellowshiping, parenting, counseling and prayer time; for the priest is balanced in discipline. And discipline of the inner man is defined as one honed by the hand of God himself, and obedient to his lead. The priest will be obedient in his servanthood, and unto the authority and lead of the High Priest himself.


Another of David’s serious transgressions was when he partook in sexual exploits with Bathsheba, and ordered the assassination of her husband— Uriah.

David’s first issue was when his heart— and the lusts thereof— led him to ‘continue on’ watching, and lusting after another man’s wife— this is where we are to stop and exercise DISCIPLINE of character, and REVERENCE the Lord, right then and there, as well as the ‘other persons’ in the scenario.

David ‘continued in’ the lewd activities, which then led that action— into the next— in a series of bad choices, based upon lust of the heart, eyes, and flesh— that led to transgressing God, Bathsheba, her husband and others— and ultimately led to trying to cover his transgressions— with murder.

He thought to cover his tracks, and had less care for living human souls— than ‘how he would look,’ and be judged; we have to care more about what God sees and thinks— than any other person or judgment.

David failed to reverence God in those moments, and consequently, that lack of reverencing God— led to his lack of reverencing others, as well— and was the next character attribute to fall away— deepening his transgressions and crimes commenced: complete with copulation and conception of a child.

There are always ‘fruits’ of our actions—

it is God’s law of sow, and reap.

But— God was long-suffering with David, and fulfilled his covenant with him, even so; we should encouragingly recall this as well— for David was VERY MINDFUL to ‘repent’ unto the Lord— and in that repentance, and turning and learning from his mistakes— the Lord was generously kind and long suffering with him— and he will be generously kind and long-suffering with us, as well.

  1. The priest will know repentance very well, and will be inclined to be corrected over and over again— as the priest knows that correction, often times = purging, and cleansing; and the priest is to be clean, and emptied of himself— in order for the High Priest himself to rule and reign within the priest.

David’s integrity of character was challenged— and he fell short; we are called to introspectively— with God, daily, hourly, examine ourselves within— to remain in right standing with God.

Psalms 26:2 – “Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins— AND— my heart.”

When we commit adultery, especially against the Lord spiritually, as we follow ‘another,’ even the flesh nature— we gather disastrous consequences in that ‘sow and reap,’ result.

The priest is to be clean in his servitude— the priest FOLLOWS— he does not lead himself; the priest is led of the High Priest— and is mindful of him at all times, as to what his desires are, and as to what his leading of the lesser priest— is.

David’s crime was an abuse of power, carried out in the form of gross, adulterous, sexual violation: and that violation was toward God holy, and his person, nature, and law.

  1. The priest— is to be chaste, both physically, and spiritually— and to never operate in power trips.

Greater is it to ask for forgiveness, in a prostrate positioning before the Lord— than to try to defend one’s insidious behavior— when in clear violation of the Lord’s dictates.

David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.”

2 Samuel 12:13-14 – “Nathan said to David— Now the Lord has put away your sin; you shall not die. Nevertheless, because by this deed you have utterly scorned the Lord, the child that is born to you shall die.”

There is forgiveness— but consequences still play out— and even David’s children have issues with the same behaviors, later on; our example— matters— for many are watching.

  1. The priest will live clean before the Lord, and will not seek to cover any personal transgression— but instead, will seek to bare all before the Lord; the priest will be introspective— and in doing so, and in cleaning and purging with the Lord, as such— will walk in great discernment— without— and toward all that come before him.

This is the walk of Yahshua with the Father— in his lifetime— and it is duplicated out, through the Son, in us all— even now.

SANCTIFIED— is the priest.


David honored other men of God


David revered the other men and women of God; he counseled with the prophet/seer Samuel, and followed his lead. He understood as a king, or potential, not yet positioned king— that God had set counselors, by his will, into David’s life; and when David adhered to this godly counsel— David’s choices usually panned out better— especially concerning ‘moral’ situations.

Unlike Saul, who took to his kingship fairly quickly after getting anointed— taking up position relatively immediately— David took quite a decent amount of apprenticeship, and training— which is good for our inner man.

  1. In the priesthood, in the Order of Melchizedek— we too will be trained up and apprenticed by the Lord— for quite some time— before we move in all the ways he has planned for us. He is the High Priest, and we will be required to be ‘clean,’ and sanctified— which also in definition means— to be ‘prepared’ of the Lord.

David had many examples of following God, and with reverence to his person— like the musical ensemble that he erected, as a necessity, as he saw it, for the worship and honoring of God; and God delighted in David greatly.

But we will see that without the sanctification, preparatory clean up in the heart of each man process within— one will struggle in the priesthood.

David suffered greatly in the heart— the psalms are indication of this— and we too will suffer in afflictions of a contrite spirit as well.

Part of the psalms are David remembering God, and who he is and his might and love to carry him through— and the other half is David crying out in whoa and agony— despairing in his situations, as if he had forgotten God’s identity, and his very own identity with God.

  1. The priesthood will KNOW their identity in God, and KNOW God’s identity— INTIMATELY— and they will ‘move in’ the kingly, ‘because’ they understand their place within God, and in the kingdom— as priests first and foremost; and they will be clean, sanctified, consecrated and prepared of the Most High Priest himself— before deployment in the ‘greater than’ works, with the Lord.

  1. Priests are consecrated— making God the most important factor of one's day, all day, everyday; sanctified— becoming scrubbed clean in all areas of one’s life, and prepared by the Lord himself, as one is purged and purified: all self talk, talk about one’s own life, personal revelations and focus on what God was doing with one today, or any other situations— DIES— from this priest, and only what God wants spoken, and done— will commence.

This man of God— has ceased from self endeavors, from needing to be heard of others, or seen of others, or have some input all the time— and they only ask “what would you have me to do, or say– sir?”

  1. Priest are ULTRA OBEDIENT in their thinking— they refer all to the Lord to lead them there; priests are ULTRA OBEDIENT in what they do— they ask the Lord, before speaking, or moving in all and any direction— for they know it’s only the Lord’s will that will succeed in all endeavors.

This was one area that David struggled in, and it's why I say that the “tabernacle of David,” is only the ENTRANCE into the Priestly Order of Melchizedek; because David had a heart ‘after’ God, but his heart needed much cleansing— as does most all of ours.

But in that voluntary process of losing ‘self’ and self flippant leading from our hearts— we gain reverent fear of the Lord, as we are conscious of him swimming around in the hearts of men, where intents and thoughts swim— and with reverence to the Lord, ushering HIM to the forefrontwe gain the wisdom, counsel, knowledge and understanding of the Lord, to lead us in all our ways.

This is what we have been given unto us now, since Yahshua shed his Spirit unto us all— at Calvary, on the cross.

The priest of the Order, will now seek above all else, to become CLEAN, SANCTIFIED and HOLY as God is holy— and will CONSECRATE HIMSELF UNTO GOD— as God being the most important aspect of his every day, thought, and considerations.

A ‘heart after God,’ is only the first KEY— or first pearl of revelation, and opening of the door— the next step is SANCTIFICATION (create a clean heart in me, oh Lord), and CONSECRATION unto God holy, just and true.

  1. The priest becomes— holy (clean and prepared of the Lord), just— he walks in the justice of God’s way, sow and reap— and he remains true to God— he gains God’s attributes as his very own: gentleness, kindness, long-suffering, patience, generosity, honesty (speaks no lie), love, etcetera and so on.


David was very long-suffering, patient and generous when he suffered Saul to continue living, and not take his life, when he could have; God was training David up— and as long as David was mindful of God— God was sure to carry him through.

David, here, did not try to rush the calling on his life, but instead, waited things out, as God led, and was trained during the circumstances, as he was groomed by God to fulfill his calling to be king; David was called to an authority leadership role in earth, over others— and as we too are called to lead, we will be asked to wait patiently upon the Lord, and not rush anything.

He will place us where we are supposed to be, when we are supposed to be placed there— but, until then— we wait.

  1. The priest will be ULTRA patient with his calling, mantles, positioning and equipping; the priest will wait upon the Lord to lead him all preparations and purifying— he will sacrifice greatly— and he will put himself LAST, in the order of importance. He will see the value in others, and he will— like the Lord— seek that all should be saved of the Lord— and he will conduct himself as if his very example— is dependent upon another’s accepting of the Lord God holy and true. The priest knows he’s an example of the Holy Living God to others.


David had a temper, and wanted to kill people several times in scripture, and did, in certain cases— like ‘wanting’ to kill Nabal, but his good wife stepped in— Abigail— and defused the situation.

1 Samuel 25:33-34 – ““Blessed be your good sense, and blessed be you, who have kept me today from bloodguilt and from avenging myself by my own hand! For as surely as the Lord the God of Israel lives, who has restrained me from hurting you, unless you had hurried and come to meet me, truly by morning there would not have been left to Nabal so much as one male.”

  1. The priest in the Order of Melchizedek will be well disciplined in the soul— is necessary of the priestly Order— and Yahshua is our example of ‘suffering wrongly,’ and told us to be of the same caliber— not easily provoked; but we can certainly learn from David’s struggles.

David was a good leader who was constantly encouraging those he was leading; he was grateful for his soldiers, and often thanked them for their work efforts and loyalty.

  1. We too, in the priesthood, will be called to be encouragers, and grateful for those God has put into our lives; we will be called to LIFT the others up, and often to do that— one must be willing to STOOP LOW, in order to do so. The priest is LOWLY within, not LOFTY without; the priest will be much more silent when others are around— and allow them their voice— and then when the Lord directs them to speak and move— it will be at the Lord’s leading.

The priest is continuously reverent and mindful of the Lord, especially when others are around— as now, many souls are involved— and many need an encounter with the Living God— not the soul of another man at the helm, alone, of his own leadership.


When David didn’t take himself so seriously— and was just living with, and under God— he often succeeded; it was when God became ‘out of sight,’ in the moment, from David’s heart view— that David made some grave mistakes, and outcomes were less than desirable.

When POWER got to the heart of David— he often failed, and failed miserably— like when taking the census, which God told him not to do— and numbered the people.

In the taking of this census— he brought a pestilence upon the land, as God was very displeased with his disobedience.

Although this seems like a prudent thing to do— taking a census, the biblical text tells us that— Satan incited David to do this against the advice of David’s general Joab. Furthermore, "God was displeased with this thing, and he struck Israel."

(1 Chronicles 21:6).

David acknowledges his sin in taking a census against God’s will. He’s given three choices— each of which would harm many in the kingdom: (1) three years of famine, or (2) three months of devastation by the sword of his enemies, or (3) three days of pestilence on the land.

David chooses the third option and seventy thousand people die as an angel of death passes through the land; at this David cries out to God— "Was it not I who gave the command to count the people? It is I who have sinned and done very wickedly. But these sheep, what have they done? Let your hand, I pray, O Lord my God, be against me and against my father's house; but do not let your people be plagued!"

(1 Chron. 21:17)

(credit to

for the 2 paragraphs ^ above)

  1. A priest is very cognizant of ‘others,’ and how our decisions will affect them— the old testament priests brought sacrifice and offering for the sin oblation of himself and the people— this is the same with the Order of Melchizedek priesthood. We will be intercessors; priests— are intercessors— in that they live sacrificial lives for ‘others,’ and have given up self pursuits and accomplishments— and live to serve the Lord, who lives to serve the people.

  1. Priests are mindful of how living clean matters— and they will train up the others to live clean as well; for only in holiness, and loyalty in faithfulness unto God and his leading— do we bring about the Lord’s will and pleasure into the earth.

When we transgress his pleasure, leading, and will— and assert our own, with reasonings and counsel, outside of him— we displease him, as we have ‘followed another.’

Little junior priests follow orders— and they follow orders of the High Priest himself: Yahshua Ha Mashiach.

The transgression of leaders— harm the people— as we saw above with David; and the priest is a leader in the house of the Lord.


How David’s dysfunctional family dynamic

and leadership— leads to civil war.


David allows conflict among some of his sons to plunge his family into tragedy. His oldest son, Amnon, rapes and then shames his half-sister, Tamar— in 2 Samuel 13:1-19. And Tamar's full-brother, Absalom— hates Amnon for that crime, but does not speak to him about it. And David knows of the matter— but decides to ignore the situation in 2 Sam. 13:21.

Accountability and leading by example matters— when we slip up, like David did watching lustfully of Bathsheba— David was to CHECK THAT BEHAVIOR immediately— as to not lead to further transgressing, and a deeper pit dug.

But further than that— when children, and others, watch our deceitful and treacherous ways, and we do nothing to stop them from repeating this wicked behavior— we will ‘seed out’ others, in this ‘way,’ as it is our example.

That is what took place here— David was an example of what not to do, but also, an example of attempting to do whatever he wanted to, and cover it up— well— his children were watching.

We can repent of our behavior, but if we have exemplified it out unto others, and not directly sought to CLEARLY teach of its wrongs and consequences— others are likely to follow our lead.

David was very much in the know—

but seemed rather complacent to it all.

The priest— cannot live, nor move this way; the priest, in the Order of Melchizedek, will be required to remain in clean garments— and often times, that requires not only repentance, but to TEACH OTHERS of the errors of our choices— and how we got cleaned up, and purged from those errors, by the hand of the Lord— WITHIN.


David learns that he NEEDS GOD to help guide him, and help him— and that’s a good thing to teach others, as well.


David decides, after counseling with others, that he needs to bring back the Ark of the Covenant, from Kiriath-Jearim, where it had been left of Saul’s reign; but because he did not remember the LAW and rules of how the Ark was to be cared for, and whom was to carry it, and how— great calamity befell the king— and Uzzah died, whilst attempting to steady the Ark on the cart of oxen.

After these incidents, David reflected on this experience and ordered that no one but the Levites may carry the ark of God, because the Lord had chosen them for the task, in 1 Chron. 15:2.

This was written in the book of the Law, in Numbers 4:15—

but had been forgotten or neglected.

After David assembles the Levites to complete the job of moving the ark, he says of the previous failure— “Because you priests and Levites did not carry it the first time, the Lord our God burst out against us, because we did not give it proper care,” in 1 Chronicles 15:13.

The second time— because they followed the procedure prescribed by the Law— the ark was successfully moved.

(credit here to these ^ 4 short paragraphs,


  1. The priests are crucial to the CARRYING OF the ‘covenant,’ they will be mindful of the Lord and his orders and procedures; David was beginning to understand the seriousness, of the delicacy of carrying covenant with God: the priesthood is all about the REVERENCE to the ‘covenant’ with God.

And the covenant— is the marriage union— and upholding it, both ways— from God to man, and man back toward God— in sincerity, loyalty and obedience.

If we are the Bride, and the husband is over the wife in an ideal hierarchy of holiness carried out— then the priesthood is the Bride, and she is UNDER THE AUTHORITY of the Groom— the High Priest over her; and she does not usurp that authority role. The Bride/priesthood— is submissive to the Groom/High Priest, in her roles she carries out— from the marriage covenant.

As well, as David learned— God has ‘some people,’ for this, and for that— and not all persons, are the properly chosen persons or prepared, for all jobs and roles— per the Lord, and his choosing.

Because some are ‘prepared by the Lord himself’ to carry out certain tasks that others— are not prepared for— nor given authority to accomplish.

  1. The priest will know his place, and will assist others in coming into their callings as well; Yahshua was a great leader of those he was discipling— and the priest will very minded in discipleship— he will not forgo or put on the back burner— the others, and lifting them up in to their positions: thereby making the laborers— greater in number and calling.


In all these infractions and transgressions against God and his way and leadership— David was still chosen and highly favored of the Lord— because → he ALWAYS REPENTED.

Which truly means, David found himself HUMBLED by the Lord, saw the results of his infractions and how they affected the lives of others— and desired to be ‘right’ with God once again— and he took the discipline of the Lord in stride.

  1. The priest will be HIGHLY DISCIPLINED.

Now that means highly ‘trained,’ like a ‘skilled discipline;’ but it also means HIGHLY CORRECTED by the Lord, in reproof, and in being continually humbled by the Lord’s hand.

The priest will be bowing low in servitude to God, and then God will have him bowed over before men in servitude, as well; but as the priest bows and gives reverence and preference to God first, others second, and himself third— God will take ‘this one,’ and he himself will lift him into leadership: as the Last → will become the lead— and those that needed to be served first → will become the least in leading roles and authority, in the Kingdom of God.


will lead ‘with’ God.

David’s heart remained true to God (1 Kings 11:4, 15:3), however errant his deeds were.

Since Yahshua came and fulfilled his calling and mission, and shed abroad the Holy Spirit of God to every man that wants him to be their God, Savior and Lord— and to lead them in all his ways, and bring them into all truth of the Godhead and the Kingdom— we have the High Priest within us now, and we are more than capable of bowing low, and giving preference to others— namely God, and his leading of us.

The priest, in a constant state of reverence to the presence of God in their lives— lives in right standing with God holy, has become one with him in his attributes, and is disciplined of him, trained up, corrected, admonished and prepared of him— and thereby, lives in God’s righteousness— the righteousness of Christ, the High Priest himself.


David prepared Solomon to succeed him.


  1. The priest as well, will be preparing the next of God’s children, coming up behind him— to lead after their succession. The priest will be minded upon the next generation— as God is always minded upon the next of kin, up and coming.

The priest will be leading by example, and will be training up other disciples under him— other little priests— in the High Priests Order; this is the will of the Father— exemplified by the life of Yahshua, and our example to follow.

1 Chronicles 22:9 – “Behold, a son shall be born to you, who shall be A MAN OF REST— and I will give him rest from all his enemies roundabout: for his name shall be Solomon— and I will give PEACE and QUIETNESS unto Israel in his days.

10 He shall build a house for my name; and he shall be MY SON, and I will be HIS FATHER; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel for ever.”

David learned from transgressing the Lord, and his leadership in his life; and in doing so, he sought to raise up one child unto the Lord that would honor the Lord, and would be a man of REST, and of PEACE and of QUIETNESS— before the Lord, and all men.

This is to be noted, as well, that God describes— THAT KIND OF CHILD— as being fathered by God himself, and his son.

The priests of the Order of Melchizedek, as like Yahshua himself being taught of Melchizedek— are fathered by God himself, which is to say ‘are brought up in his ways,’ and have become true, clean and consecrated sons and daughters of the Most High God, King and Priest; and in that— have learned to rest in the Lord, peacefully and quietly.

True leadership— will outlast one’s lifetime— as it mothers the next generation; the priest knows this to be true— and seeks not for his betterment— but the betterment of the next little ones, up and coming, according to the will and leading of the Lord.

The greats before us, led the way; they plowed a path of which we can now see the proper way of: the priest will pioneer the fallow ground, once again, for the next to follow in the ways of the Lord— and those will GLEAN FROM all who have gone before them— and they will carry the torch of the Lord even further than the last.

As it should be—

we build one upon another—

in the house of the Lord.

We will need to impart our knowledge and relationship to the person who succeeds us; and in many situations this will come by bringing our successor to work— alongside us— long before we depart.

A priest— is a rabbi, or teacher, a motherly figure— as much as anything else; and will nurture those behind him or her, as they will exemplify— a child of the Most High and Holy God.


Solomon builds the house of the Lord, as he dictated to him; Solomon knew how to follow orders, and in doing so— became an example of us all in this instance.


And the House of the Lord, first and foremost, above all else— is a house of PRAYER; God lives in prayer communion with his people— and the priest will emphasis TRUE COMMUNION with God and man— and he will exemplify it— which is to say, he will teach them how to be intimate with God.

Matthew 21:13 – “And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called THE HOUSE OF PRAYER; but you have made it a den of thieves.”

  1. The priest will DEMONSTRATE their relationship with God, and will teach others ‘how they got there’ with God— and how God led them into all truth, and intimacy.

We must be teaching and rearing up the next generation, and those of our contemporaries even now; we must be a holy people who are minded upon helping God develop MORE holy people unto himself: for the holy people, are the children of God.

Solomon learned how to govern well— his government erected under his rule— was the greatest it had been, in the house of David; he gathered the best for God and the people— very skilled at what they did, and how they served.

Solomon knew the success of the kingdom was dependent upon people working together, and so he provided greatly for those who came under his leadership; as well, the priest will provide and serve those who come under him too.

Like Yahshua came, and condescended down to the common man, and served all of humanity— we too in the priesthood will be called to take care for our brethren— and SERVE THEM in providing for them the care they need.



But in Solomon’s life, he became accustomed to wealth— and he let it get the best of him— and built a home for himself, just as magnificent as the Temple— of the House of the Lord.

We can see the arrogance in making oneself equal to God, in his greatness of the Temple— to acquire such, for self; as he became accustomed to power and wealth— he became self-serving, arrogant, and unfaithful.

  1. The priest— knows his place, as servant to the Most High— no matter what walk of life God bestows upon him; and the priest seeks to reverence God, not comforts, first and foremost: and usually God blesses this person, in doing so, because of knowing his place.

As Solomon sought after ‘all his heart desired,’ he ended up going after ‘other gods—’ namely LUSTS OF CARNAL DESIRES; many demonic beings will assist us in lustful pursuits, should we crave and go after them— and in doing so— we seek other gods, and lose sight of the Most High, right within our hearts.

Solomon was blessed of the Lord— and teaches us a great lesson— we can be blessed of the Lord, called and anointed into our positions, ordained of him— and still FALL GREATLY ‘from’ the presence, reverence and leadership, in intimate union— with and unto— our God.

A priest will remain in constant intimacy with the Lord— as learned by David and his heart that always sought back after God— even after his dalliances/adultery with ‘other gods’ himself: namely— the god of the flesh— base, animalistic nature.

The priest will QUICKLY REPENT, and turn from his wicked way he just partook in, when getting led astray of the flesh or lusts of the wicked heart— and will seek God for purging and purifying.


  1. The priest is not going to be perfect, and never make a mistake or transgression— but he will be swift to see the error of his ways, and not seek to cover that transgression and infraction against the Lord— but instead, he will seek to EXPOSE IT to the Lord, and repent, turning an about-face, 180 degree turn from this error— as to not repeat it again, learning from his mistakes.

David was not perfect— he struggled in sanctification, a clean heart; but he succeeded in NEVER QUITTING, and ALWAYS RETURNING TO THE LORD.

The priest will teach this, and demonstrate this, and will confess his faults to others— namely God, first.


The Tabernacle of David— is to be restored again— because the first step prerequisite in the priesthood— it is having a heart that seeks after God, and his ways, and his leading, and his pleasure; and seeks to bring God pleasure, in that intimate relationship and marriage covenant.

But God, since Yahshua— has sought a deeper intimacy relationship, than that alone of the Tabernacle of David— he seeks for us to desire to enter → The Priesthood; and the one— is built upon the other.

And the Priesthood

is Tabernacling with the High Priest himself—

Yahshua Ha Mashiach

as he intercedes unto the Father.

First, we establish the heart perspective and attitude, which is our heading— and that heading— is due north, after God holy, and union with him; and then— we seek God to reform us entirely, into a priest— clean, sanctified, prepared of the Lord— as we consecrate our lives unto him: and forsaking all the rest of the world, the things in it, and others as second to him.


So, let us recall all we have listed above, in some of the ways of the priest, thus far, in what God has taught us in our studies.


(Recap of Priestly Order)

  1. The Priest will follow after God’s heart as well— but the priest will be seeking to be sanctified and as wholly clean as possible, in all aspects of their person, character, attributes and nature— as unto God’s very own; and in this— The Tabernacle of David is fundamental— but in the priesthood— a clean heart is at the forefront of one’s own duties, unto God.

  1. The priest will never seek to hide anything from the Lord, he will present all things before the Lord, even their faults, confessing them to him, and in that— the priest will maintain good communion and right standing in the intimate marriage covenant, standing clean before the Lord in repentance and purity. Charisma doesn’t matter— character— DOES.

  1. Consistency matters to God; if one cannot be consistent with God and in their character, they will fail at leadership; and the priest, in the Order of Melchizedek— is a leadership role, and one that requires consistency and reliability— which is accountability. The priest will be accountable to man, and God both.

  1. The priest, since Yahshua— ought not be crossing back and forth into the carnal— but slaying that carnal nature, by remaining ‘in the Lord,’ and communing with him throughout his entire day— in all things— as the Lord is currently WITHIN man now— and the priest will be walking in the Spirit throughout his entire day.

  1. The priest will be balanced in his worship, schooling, communing, fellowshiping, parenting, counseling and prayer time; for the priest is balanced in discipline. And discipline of the inner man is defined as— one honed by the hand of God himself, and obedient to his lead. The priest will be obedient in his servanthood, and unto the authority and lead of the High Priest himself.

  1. The priest will know repentance very well, and will be inclined to be corrected over and over again— as the priest knows, correction, often times = purging, and cleansing; and the priest is to be clean, and emptied of himselfin order for the High Priest himself to rule and reign within the priest.

  1. The priest— is to be chaste, both physically, and spiritually— and to never operate in power trips.

  1. The priest will live clean before the Lord, and will not seek to cover any personal transgression— but instead, will seek to bare all before the Lord; the priest will be introspective— and in doing so, and in cleaning and purging with the Lord, as such— will walk in great discernment within— and without— toward all that come before him.

  1. In the priesthood, in the Order of Melchizedek, we will be apprenticed— we will be trained up and apprenticed of the Lord— for quite some time, before we move in all the ways he has planned for us. He is the High Priest, and we will be required to be ‘clean,’ and sanctified— which also in definition means— to be ‘prepared’ of the Lord.

  1. The priesthood will KNOW their identity in God, and KNOW God’s identity— INTIMATELY— and they will ‘move in’ the kingly, ‘because’ they understand their place within God, and in the kingdom— as priests, first and foremost; and they will be clean, sanctified, consecrated and prepared of the Most High Priest himself— before deployment in the ‘greater than’ works, with the Lord.

  1. Priests are Consecrated— making God the most important factor of one's day, all day, everyday; sanctified— becoming scrubbed clean in all areas of one’s life, and prepared by the Lord himself, as one is purged and purified: all self talk, talk about one’s own life, personal revelations and focus on what God was doing with one today, or any other situations— DIES— from this priest, and only what God wants spoken, and done— will commence.

  1. Priest are ULTRA OBEDIENT in their thinking— they refer all to the Lord to lead them there; priests are ULTRA OBEDIENT in what they dothey ask the Lord, before speaking, or moving in all and any direction— for they know it’s only the Lord’s will that will succeed in all endeavors.

  1. The priest becomes— holy (clean and prepared of the Lord), JUSThe walks in the justice of God’s way, sow and reap— and he remains true to God— he gains God’s attributes as his very own: gentleness, kindness, long-suffering, patience, generosity, honesty (speaks no lie), love, etcetera and so on.

  1. The priest will be ULTRA patient with his calling, mantles, positioning and equipping; the priest will wait upon the Lord to lead him all preparations and purifying— he will sacrifice greatly— and he will put himself last, in the order of importance. He will see the value in others, and he will, like the Lord, seek that all should be saved of the Lord— and he will conduct himself as if his very example— is dependent upon another’s accepting of the Lord God holy and true. The priest knows he’s an example of the Holy Living God to others.

  1. The priest in the Order of Melchizedek will be well disciplined in the soul— is necessary of the priestly Order— and Yahshua is our example of ‘suffering wrongly,’ and told us to be of the same caliber— not easily provoked; but we can certainly learn from David’s struggles.


  1. We too, in the priesthood, will be called to be encouragers, and grateful for those God has put into our lives; we will be called to LIFT the others up, and often to do that— one must be willing to STOOP LOW, in order to do so. The priest is LOWLY within, not LOFTY without; the priest will be much more silent when others are around— and allow them their voice— and then when the Lord directs them to speak and move— it will be at the Lord’s leading.

  1. A priest is very cognizant of ‘others,’ and how our decisions will affect them— the old testament priests brought sacrifice and offering for the sin oblation of himself and the people— this is the same with the Order of Melchizedek priesthood. We will be intercessors; priests are intercessors in that they live sacrificial lives for ‘others,’ and have given up self pursuits and accomplishments— and live to serve the Lord, who lives to serve the people.

  1. Priests are mindful of how living clean— matters— and they will train up the others to live clean as well; for only in holiness, and loyalty in faithfulness unto God and his leading— do we bring about the Lord’s will and pleasure into the earth. The priest— will move this way; the priest, in the Order of Melchizedek, will be required to remain in clean garments— and often times, that requires not only repentance, but to TEACH OTHERS of the errors of our choices— and how we got cleaned up, and purged from those errors, by the hand of the Lord— WITHIN.

  1. Priests are crucial to the CARRYING OF the ‘covenant,’ they will be mindful of the Lord and his orders and procedures; David was beginning to understand the seriousness, of the delicacy of carrying covenant with God: the priesthood is all about the REVERENCE to the ‘covenant’ with God.

  1. The priest will know his calling and mantles, and will assist others in coming into their callings as well; Yahshua was a great leader of those he was discipling— and the priest will very minded in discipleship— he will not forgo or put on the back burner— the others— but will be lifting them up in to their positions: thereby making the laborers— greater in number and calling.

  1. The priest will be HIGHLY DISCIPLINED.

Now this means, highly ‘trained,’ like a ‘skilled discipline;’ but it also means HIGHLY CORRECTED by the Lord, in reproof, and in being continually humbled by the Lord’s hand.

The priest will be bowing low in servitude to God, and then God will have him bowed over before men in servitude, as well; but as the priest bows and gives reverence and preference to God first, others second, and himself third— God will take ‘this one,’ and he himself will lift him into leadership: as the Last will become the lead— and those that needed to be served first— will become the least in leading roles and authority, in the Kingdom of God.

  1. The priest as well, will be preparing the next of God’s children, coming up behind him— to lead after their succession. The priest will be minded upon the next generation— as God is always minded upon the next of kin, up and coming.

  1. The priest will DEMONSTRATE their relationship with God, and will teach others ‘how they got there’ with God, and how God led them into all truth, and intimacy. SERVITUDE IS THE HEART OF THE PRIEST.

  1. The priest— knows his place, as servant to the Most High— no matter what walk of life God bestows upon him; and the priest seeks to reverence God, not comforts, first and foremost: and usually God blesses this person, in doing so, because of knowing his place.

  1. The priest is not going to be perfect, and never make a mistake or transgression— but he will be swift to see the error of his ways, and not seek to cover that transgression and infraction against the Lord— but instead, he will seek to EXPOSE IT to the Lord, and repent, turning an about-face, 180 degree turn from this error— as to not repeat it again, learning from his mistakes.

(25— is a semi repeat of # 6— Repentance)



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Mar 18, 2023




Thank you Janet for another wonderful blessing.




Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Mar 18, 2023



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