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Salvation and Deliverance: Stitched back 'together'

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

The finished work of the cross is

the beginning of your MENDING: oneness

[Video to these notes, and word from the Lord: ]


Philippians 2:12-13

“Wherefore, my beloved— as you have always obeyed— not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence— work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

For it is God who works in you— both to will, and to do— of his good pleasure.”


Work out your salvation with fear and trembling; what does that really mean?

Well, first we can see it has to do with OBEDIENCE; as he said— ‘since you have ALWAYS OBEYED in my presence.’

Let’s stop there first. If we are not obeying him…

  1. We are not loving him truly, for he said in John 14:15

“If you love me, you will obey my command.”

  1. And if we are not obeying him, we are failing at Isaiah 45:5

“I am the Lord, and there is none else— there is no God beside me: I girded you— though you have not known me.”

And as well, Matthew 7:22-23“Many will say to me in that day— Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? And in your name, have cast out devils? And in your name, have done many wonderful works?

And then will I (the LORD) profess unto them— I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.”

We are to OBEY him in his presence (bodily), AND in his absence; this means— if he stands before you in a flesh body (his own), or he stands before you in his invisible Spirit body— we are to OBEY him.

If we love him (and he means HIS DEFINITION OF LOVE), then we will OBEY him; this is lordship, and this is sonship walked out.

As well, if we do not honor him as our master (Lord), then we are our own lord— ruling our own vessel, doing our own thing, reasoning for ourselves, being our own bosses— and this is what Lucifer did in the beginning (satan); he rebelled God’s authority role in his life, as his God and LORD/Master.

Even though God clothed him with his own holiness— satan opted for ‘his own ways,’ and he walked out being a murderer, a thief, and a liar, from the beginning; then he seeded man in his ways— because we chose him as our leader (lord).

In order to come out from hell’s kingdom, with hell’s ambassador and principality leading us— we must GAIN A NEW LORD/Master; the only LORD and Master— Jesus Christ: and that comes through OBEDIENCE to him once again, for we chose rebellion to him in the garden; without OBEDIENCE to him again, in submission to his Spirit once again to REIGNING in US, and ‘reining in’ our ‘conduct’ (via him conducting us) —we remain in lordship to satan— clothed in his vesture (conduct, nature, and fruits).

God holy ‘girded’ us in himself, especially upon accepting him as LORD and Savior (and he told us to do that, from the beginning of salvation) —and yet, if we like satan, choose to shrug off his righteousness, and walk in sin, filth and death— we will not be wearing spotless and wrinkle free— conduct (robe of righteousness we were girded with), character, his nature and attributes— we will not be wearing CHRIST (put on Christ)...

And in that— he said— “And you have not known me,” in Isaiah 45:5.

This is a HUGE problem in confessing Christianity— because fundamentally if we do not have him as LORD ‘and’ Savior— we not have received him, nor his salvation properly.

Romans 10:9-10

“That if you shall confess with your mouth— the Lord Jesus— and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead— you shall be saved.

For with the heart —man believes → unto righteousness; and with the mouth —confession is made unto salvation.”

If we confess WHAT— that Christ Jesus is NOW OUR LORD (our Master of us— whom we will take orders from).

Raised from what —death bodily, fleshly death only?

NOdeath to sin (he took on ours upon him) —raising him up INSIDE, to INCORRUPTIBLE, for us; raising him into ONENESS (agreement, like/as/same) with God the Father— and now having God the Father, as the ‘father of his ways,’ coming out of having satan (when he took on our sin debts) as his leader, or counselor of FLESHLY WAYS, carnal ways— as he ‘condemned sin in the flesh—’ Romans 8:3.

So, as we CONDEMN SIN in our flesh, as he has— by the power of his Spirit in us— we too are saved; first by the legal sentence forgiveness given to us by his perfect Lamb sacrifice— forgiving our sin debts; then, by our walk with him, becoming one with his Spirit again, and condemning the sin nature in our flesh lives too.

If we walk in sin, we have taken off satan’s table, and live by his counsels— and satan’s kingdom is still reigning in us, alive and well: sin and death. So we must COME OUT OF agreement with hell, sin and death— and LIVE UNTO LIFE (and he’s a person, and the Word of God).

When we REFUSE to ‘come under God,’ meaning— submit, as in— UNDER GOD— we then have ‘another master,’ namely self and satan— via his leading of his ways; that’s what he walked out from the beginning.

So, OBEDIENCE to Christ, and working out our salvation he gave to us— will determine whether or not we are still tied to the kingdom of hell, sin and death— and have another master still (self and satan, walking in rebellion to God holy and his command in our lives)...

Or, whether we took the salvation he laid of his blood on the altar, and REUNITED TO HIS SPIRIT, ‘under obedience’ to his command in our lives, as our LORD (Acts 5:32— the holy Spirit is given to those who obey) —and are being saved from sin, death and hell: sin is transgression and offending his way; death is— estrangement, not being in agreement with the living God, living as he lives, united as one with him; and hell— the prison zone for all those who choose to live ‘away from’ God’s counsel and leadership in their lives.

SALVATION IS MUCH MORE THAN SAYING HE’S GOD, OR LORD, OR SAVIOR— or even ‘knowing’ that; salvation is when he BECOMES THAT in our lives, for real— as we throw down the other: self and satan, and we live unto LIFE IN CHRIST NOW, and come out of the covenant with death.

Isaiah 28:15 “Because you have said— We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement.”

‘Depart from me, you workers of iniquity, I never knew you—’ comes about because many claimed him— but never had him ruling their vessel, counseling them in his ways, and were not obedient to his voice, leadership or ways about him: they did not FOLLOW AFTER HIM— and he said, ‘follow me.’

Iniquity— continued in transgressions of Christ’s ways; it is walking CONTRARY to his ways and his leadership in our lives— after receiving his salvation and blood gift, as the Lamb— not coming out of the covenant agreement with hell, of sinning that leads to death; and death is ESTRANGEMENT FROM GOD.

Estrangement from God means— we are not on the same page, and walk opposite, contrary to one another, NOT IN AGREEMENT, or NOT RECONCILED INSIDE, to one another: NOT AS ONE.

This is a huge problem, as ‘religion’ has taught man he only needs to confess from his lips— that Christ is savior and Lord— and yet the scriptures clearly state one must also— BELIEVE IN THEIR HEART, UNTO RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Righteousness comes about— only through allowing Christ in, for real, opening up to him, and RECONCILING WITH HIS SPIRIT— desiring to KNOW GOD → IN HIS RIGHTEOUS WAYS.

So, it is with the HEART— a man believes unto righteousness, and then— HE IS SAVED; saved by what?

Christ’s blood atonement and sacrifice— as the Lamb slain— and his RIGHTEOUSNESS as a man’s HEART— believes unto righteousness; in this— the man is ‘saved.’

If we do not ‘believe unto righteousness,’ we are not saved from the ways of hell, and sin (infractioning God and his ways) and death (estrangement— where two disagree inside in conduct and ways).

RECONCILIATION— is where two have agreed a change needs to be made (to save our souls), and brings about a DIFFERENCE: a New Creation in Christ— the old is done away with, and BEHOLD— the NEW!

Romans 6:18

“Being then made free from sin— you became the servants of righteousness.”

Faith has workings

—and so does love—

both are very much ‘verbs.’

James 2:26

“For as the body without the spirit is dead— so faith, without works— is dead also.”

Now— why all this explanation about what is true salvation in the LORD Jesus Christ??

Because COMPROMISE KILLS; it separates us from God NOW‘inside’ —and it will separated us for eternity in ESTRANGEMENT eternal— if we will not come out of it, and RECONCILE with God holy; and not only that— IT ENSLAVES, and we need DELIVERANCE: and deliverance is healing, or being mended and stitched back together— as ‘one’ in agreement with our God, and by his Spirit’s power, at that, as we come into unity with him, his ways, his conduct, his nature— and his RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Matthew 6:33

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, AND his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

The kingdom— is the King’s Dominion: KingDom; so first— we seek the king, his dominion in our lives and vessels, and THEN— we immediately afterwards— seek HIS RIGHTEOUS WAYS.

And what was he talking about right before this verse??

Matthew 6:21-24

”For where your treasure is— there your heart will be also. The light of the body— is the eye (perspective): if therefore your eye (or perspective, leadership, leader, counsel in you— your LORD) be single (or singly focused) —your whole body (the sound whole of you) shall be full of light.

But if your eye (or perspective, leadership, leader, counsel in you— your LORD) be evil (of evil counsel, leadership, perspective, ways, etc) —your whole body (the sound whole of you) shall be full of darkness.

If therefore the light that is in you be darkness— how great is that darkness!?

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will HOLD TO THE ONE, and despise the other.

You cannot serve God and mammon.”

Mammon is wealth personified, avarice— extreme greed, material gains— and confidence of.

Material = carnal, this world’s goods (that includes comforts to the flesh, or the flesh NATURE) —and when supporting Mammon we are greedy about gaining those comforts of the material or of carnality (sins when contrary to God’s nature, and we live of those attributes, or things— feeding the flesh nature) —taking it all into our person, and our confidence is found in those things: money, intelligence, reasoning, wisdom from earthly sciences and education, material items, self leadership of decisions— all base flesh/carnal focuses— not led from above— from God holy— but led of CREATION, the created beings leading self, and seeking things based IN creation.

Mammon will lead us to serve self (this is satan’s way); God holy as our LORD— will have us serve RIGHTEOUSNESS and HOLINESS— and return to him and his ways, LED OF HIS SPIRIT: LORD.

When we will not ‘come out from among them,’ or ‘come out from among her (Babylon),’ or rather— get Babylon out of us (the culture and ways of death by carnal indulgences) —we will be serving two masters if we confess salvation in Christ Jesus.

And the truth is— we will be living compromised (and cannot actually serve two masters— we actually serve only ONE) —and this is why the compromised— known as the Lukewarm— get vomited out with the rest of the reprobate in the end: because they did not know Christ, nor live from his person, nor allow his person to live and RULE within them, being conformed back into RIGHTEOUSNESS and HOLINESS— being mended and stitched back together…

Nor, did come into agreement with God, join him, unite as ONE with his Spirit once again, allowing him to father them in his way and raise them up— out of the ways of darkness, and into the light, nor come out of estrangement from him— because they fundamentally did not want to be with him, as like him, and assimilate back into righteousness and holiness (his shape, the returning to the image of God holy) once again, and remained in the shape of the REPROBATE: the image of satan; for he is the reprobate image.

Reprobate— is reprobate; meaning— if the shoe fits; meaning— if we do not get reformed inside once again— we remain in the shape we began in, and that shape was this…

Romans 5:12

“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.”


Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.

Point being— we all entered this world in SIN— which is transgressing God, and godliness, meaning— we walked, talked, and found our being— ‘being’ opposite of God and his nature: and it took Christ’s sinless life, and blood sacrifice to MAKE THE WAY BACK INTO RECONCILING with the Living Father of us.

Because ‘death,’ or ESTRANGEMENTpassed upon all of us— because we ‘fell short of his glory,’ meaning— we were twisted up in sin, warped from his image and shape of his conduct and person now, and we needed straightening back out, and to regain a NEW LORD, a new counselor, a new FATHER OF US— to father us ‘anew’ in his ways— via a new ‘spirit’ leading us, and given to us— QUICKENING OUR DEAD SPIRITS (ones of estrangement, disagreement, and aligned with hell, death and SIN) —bring us into ‘life.’

And LIFE— is Christ, and Christ— is LIFE; he is the tree (or the foundational one) we need to be ANCHORED INTO (grafted into); he is the one we are to be ‘in,’ and to be in HIM (as he is holy and righteous and no darkness will be found in him, hence satan getting kicked out) —we will be holy as he is holy, and righteous as he is righteous; and we WILL— regain him as LORD of us, or we will remain in COVENANT with death and hell— and we will remain workers of iniquity, who know not the God of righteousness, nor he us— PERSONALLY, INTIMATELY— as a Father of us.

And it will be because we remained COMPROMISED; one foot in claiming the truth (scripture, Jesus, the Word of God), saying we were ‘of him,’ and ‘with him,’ and ‘his child;’ but in truth, from the heart, the deeds and truth we lived— we remained ‘of satan’ and death, and sin and hell… we remained ‘with satan’ in his ways, conduct, character, and counsels of us as our lord, and we remained— the ‘seed of satan,’ where the seed offered and given to us of Christ— ‘DID NOT REMAIN,’ or take— in the soil of the heart it was sown.

There are SEVERAL ‘heart soils’ spoken of in the parable of the sower: fell to the wayside— rocky, thorny, and good soil.

We cannot serve two masters— we actually serve only one, heeding only one, honoring only one— in the end: is it the one of righteousness and holiness, or the one of rebellion to the God of righteousness, walking in unrighteousness— who is of hell, sin and death estrangement from the God of righteous holiness??

Compromisethe acceptance of standards that are lower than what is desirable or required, bring into disrepute or danger— by indiscreet, foolish, or reckless behavior.

Compromise kills; reconciliation, through salvation (God, and relationship with him being offered to be restored relations with him and man) being worked out (practiced) —SAVES.

Since Christ we live (as Romans 8 describes) —by the Law of the Spirit of Life (in Christ Jesus); who is the Spirit of Life? Christ Jesus. And what is that ‘law?’

Let’s define Law, from the dictionary.

Law— the system of rule(s) which a particular country, kingdom or community —recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and of which it may enforce —by the imposition of penalties, a formal system of rule(s), correct procedure or behavior, the body of divine commandment; root definition— Old English lagu, from Old Norse lag ‘something laid down or fixed’, of Germanic origin and related to lay.

Lay— put down and set in position for use, follow a specified course; root definition of lie (as in lay down, lie) —Old English licgan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch liggen and German liegen, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek lektron, lekhos and Latin lectus ‘bed’.

SO— the system of one ruling us, by his rules or conduct and conducting, from his kingdom reigning in our lives (ruling), regulating the actions of us, enforcing that rule in a formal system, leading us to correct procedure or behavior— of his divine commanding of us, leaving us in a fixed, laid down position in him (under God), as a life laid down in submission to God and his rule in us: LORD of us.

And to follow a specified COURSE (the narrow way); because— WHO WE ARE ‘in bed’ WITHMATTERS!

The ‘bed chamber’ of the heart— God is looking at— and so is satan; it’s the grounds that ‘everybody wants to rule,’ including self: but it’s the place designed for God as our Father to be erected as MOST HIGHLY ONE REGARDED, inside.

He designed us like him, and he designed this creation of man— to have a co-dwelling abode: he with us, in here— leading us in all his ways (conduct, character, nature, deeds, words, etc): as in HEAVEN— so in EARTH.

The Law of the Spirit of Life —IS CHRIST, and his person conducting us, commanding us (obey my commandment— that’s lordship); when we deny God his rightful position in us AS LORDwe deny him Fathering us in all his ways, and conforming us back into his image— because we are actually in rebellion still yet to all that ‘ruling us’ again, that we parted from in the Garden.

And if we do not submit, and return to him humbly, and subserviently, allowing him to guide, raise us, father us, and lead us once again— we will remain estranged from him, NOW— and forever— if we do not relent, and come out of that— returning to him to RECONCILE: where both we and he AGREE— our ‘sound whole‘ of us— needs REFORMATION, TO BE MADE NEW AGAIN, RESTORED, HEALED, DELIVEREDSTITCHED BACK TOGETHER PROPERLY

Because we broke, twisted, perverted, and fell out of his shape, and out of relationship with him, as well as out of being ‘under God’ in his authority over us: LORD.


Because we have a plethora of people who are called by him, and who claim him and his name— but are in BONDAGE still, needing deliverance and healing.

Much of it is because of rebellion, and not being in agreement with God holy, made AT ONE with him inside, in the heart— and there are reasons why, in every life— as to why there is still estrangement from God (disagreement, distance, lack of reconciliation); and it revolves around LIES and FEAR.

Mercy leads to deliverance - via the truth (Yahshua) coming in. He has a work to do in us— we have to agree to allow him in, to do that work: healing/deliverance.

If we remain upholding FEAR and LIES IN THE HEART (and take notice— I did not say the mind, but— heart) —we will remain BOUND BY SATAN, and death, and will remain sinning (transgressing— going opposite the truth).

I said, I do not say the ‘mind,’ because God searches the heart; out of the heart we spill forth lies or truth, CONFIDENCE IN GOD, and his person— or FEAR OF GOD, and his person.

And so, God is looking at what is in the heart, and part of the heart (or soul of man) is thoughts, but only a part of the heart of man; emotions, decision making, reasoning, memories, and much more— come out of the HEART (or soul) of man: so what is in the heart (or soul) of man matters, and matters deeply so.

If we have lies erected in there, say, from TRAUMA— like…

“Where were you God, how could you allow that to happen?

Why didn’t you stop it?

Why don’t you love me— you allowed that to happen?

Didn’t you see what they would do to me?

I can’t trust people, and so how do I trust you?

You want to hurt me— because you allowed this to take place.

Can’t you see I’m suffering?

A good God, a good Father would not allow these things to take place. I am not supposed to suffer loss or ruin in these ways.

You could have stopped it all.”

And much much more, that we can speak inside our hearts, JUST FROM TRAUMAS that ‘man’ afflicted us with— not God; and by their free will.

Oh, we may not say these things directly to God, and we may think we don’t actually believe these things inside our hearts— but God can see what we cannot, and knows why.

Let’s break these down in proper perspective.

“Where were you God, how could you allow that to happen?”

He was there, but man— has free will, and man will choose to wield his power, oftentimes, ‘over’ another; and yet God does not do this; it is not his way— it is the way of the enemy kingdom, and prince of that: satan.

God did not desire to do that to us— man did; and God gave man free will to choose in this life; oftentimes men choose badly. But everything that has happened to us— can be redeemed and mended, and then— we can help others, in love (as God heals us) —to come out of brokenness, and fear, and hate— and come into wholeness, forgiveness, and confidence in the LORD, and into love: but we must let him in to heal us, knowing he has (and had) no desire to traumatize us— evil people did.

He would like to actually HEAL US, and STITCH US BACK TOGETHER, with HIMSELF, and to the TRUTH: he is the truth, and his love— is not as man loves, nor even understands love.

We must LET HIM IN, and TRUST HIM TO HEAL US; and we must believe the truth about himHE IS GOOD, and all that takes place in our lives, by the hands of evil men— CAN BE OVERCOME, HEALED, FORGIVEN— and LIFE— can be restored to us, and with that life— FREEDOM FROM IMPRISONMENT (bondage of trauma, and the spirits that keep it alive), as we allow him to access our hearts, with the mending, scrubbing truth of the Word, and his person…

Who loved us SO MUCH, and wanted to RECONNECT TO US SO MUCH, that he found a way to come through for us, and be available to reconnect to us— despite the sin and estrangementDYING FOR OUR TRANSGRESSIONS, since before there was a creation at all??

He didn’t do those things– man did– but he can heal us of what man did, by his person, his love, his safety, his care for us, his power and his mending and stitching us back together; and we can RELEASE all that trauma (and the spirits that keep it alive in us, and recall it, and cause us to be impassioned by it— keeping it alive in us, and keeping us in bondage to what is kept alive) —when we TRULY TRUST HIM, and realize…

He is not a man— he is God— and he is WELL above what man operates like; and he would like to ‘save’ us, in our souls— NOW!

“You want to hurt me— because you allowed this to take place.

Can’t you see I’m suffering?”

No. He doesn’t want to hurt us— but man has free will, they are made in God’s image and use their power for evil— but God does not; it was allowed— because man has free will, and there was NO INTERCESSOR (interceder of man), but do not be deceived— God is not mocked, what a man SOWS, HE WILL REAP: no one will outstep the law of sow and reap, satan knows this, God knows this.

If someone walks in evil— they will reap evil; this is why forgiveness is so important. Why do I say that??

Because satan’s goal was to use someone to assault us… and in doing so, if he can get the first person to sin against us and God (the offender), and then he can get us to HATE, FEAR, and be UNHEALED, and TRAUMATIZED for a long time in life (because of the trauma), and scared and untrusting— then he WON TWICE.

What do I mean?

He was successful at getting the offender to follow his ways, and then the victim of the offense to follow his ways— in unforgiveness, hate, fear, anger, staying traumatized, unhealed, and estranged from God— being angry and bitter against God: satan wins twice in that.


We FORGIVE, and we pray for the salvation of the offender that injured us, as we heal with God, walk in trusting God, knowing God did not do this to us— someone else did, and recalling…

YOU— are responsible for YOUR BEHAVIORS, and ONLY YOUR BEHAVIORS; you are not responsible for someone else's sin, right?

Same with God— he is not responsible for what others choose to do or walking in; it has nothing to do with his identity or person: we must let God off the hook for other people’s transgressions against us— for he was not responsible, he didn’t do all that mess— some other created being did.

HE DOES SEE WE ARE SUFFERING— and would like to set us FREE; but in order for that to happen— we have to uphold the TRUTH inside our hearts, and not LIES; lies will keep us bound, truth makes us free: and the truth is GOD LOVES YOU, and WANTS YOU HEALED, MENDED BACK TOGETHER in your soul— and WELL, but we have to believe he wants that, and then let him in to do that.

We have to ERECT the truth in our hearts first…

“God is love, and in him is no darkness— he loves me, and he wants me well, and HE DID NOT DO THIS, someone else did— and I CAN TRUST HIM.”

We have to actually believe that inside, in our hearts— and when we do— deliverance happens, mending happens, we are restored inside from lies— into the truth, into LIFE— and we are reconciled to God again in that area, that situation— and the trauma is healed, and the spirits re enforcing it— have to GO!

He is wanting this for us all— but we have to uphold TRUTH inside, and definitely about his person; who he is, what he’s about, his true nature, his true desire for us, and then BELIEVE ALL THAT, RESOLUTELY.

Believe he is GOOD.

His people are in need of MASSIVE HEALING/DELIVERANCE; and it won’t happen, and stay healed or delivered— unless they will uphold the TRUTH within, because… if one will not remain resolute about the truth, upholding it in their hearts, and he in their hearts….

Then the house will have been cleansed, or the truth brought in— but if the truth does not remain, and lies come back in that we were once believing— here come the spirits that uphold the lies, to indwell that vessel again— and they will bring 7 more wicked than even they were originally— and the latter state of that house (person), will be worse than it was at the start.

They will come back— if the lies come back— if the heart does not believe God is who he says he is, and he loves us, can be trusted, and he has our best interest at heart: clean houses only remain clean, where truth is erected and remains, and where healing, mending us back together with God— takes place.

He has much mending/healing/deliverance he would like to bring to his children; but we must understand discipline of persons to remain free of evil spirits and their conductand— at one, with God holy, true and loving.

Our faith, the workings of our faith— is our discipline of our person, to walk out what he laid down, and what we claim we believe —or no deliverance of evil will stay gone.

He has need of deliverance, and ministers OF his deliverance— to work through; but if we do not DISCIPLE THEMthey will not stay free.

He has said this to me many times…


Word from the Lord


“Janet, we will not go around willy-nilly kicking out demons; because if a man does not understand the part where I said, over and over again…


Then the devils will come back, because the sin will come back— and sin comes back because man will not live aligned with me, by my lead of my Spirit, nor adhere to my ways, conduct, character or disposition in them: this is a huge problem.

Salvation must be exercised.

What is salvation once again dear?

It is where God and man reunite, and God saves that man— by restoring him to his previous state and form: godliness— righteousness and holiness.

If man refuses this, does not want to be as I am— how does salvation of his soul take place??

How is the soul saved NOW, Janet, OR— later, for eternity, if one fundamentally refuses to BE A HOLY SPIRIT with me, as one— by allowing ‘my’ holy Spirit to reform them into my image once again?

We do realize this is the goal— yes? To return to my shape, form and image— and that only that type of person— enters my domain?

Because I kicked satan out already— no satan (that’s a title for the lawless ones) —will enter heaven. I told you— only they who DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER.

To do the will of the Father, is to obey him, and to submit to him, and to be as/like/same as him— REVERENCING HOLINESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS.

If one will not honor holiness and righteousness— he is not mine.

I must have disciplined ones; ones who will come under me, and be ruled in their vessels by me, making me their God, their Savior (saving them from their old ways of sin), and their LORD— moving them about by my WILL.

The Son, Jesus Christ, Yahshua Hamashiach, the Messiah— is the example of how to be a son of mine; how to walk in oneness, reconciliation with the Father of you all.

Study his person, study his ways, study his reverence to me and to holiness, and to righteousness— doing only what he saw me do— and FOLLOWING IN THAT.

In this— deliverance is ASSURED. Why?

Because where the kingdom of righteousness is upheld— we are RESISTING THE DEVIL; and I told you— resist the devil, and he will FLEE FROM YOU.

If you don’t resist the devil, but couple with him in a covenant of death, sin, and estranged from me and my ways— you will remain BOUND to him, and his minions and unhealed, and unreconciled to me within.

And where I am— the devils flee; where the light is upheld singly (one vision, one perspective, one LORD, one way— the way of righteousness and truth) —the DARKNESS FLEES: hence— delivered and saved, healed and mended— returned to my image.

It is the returning to my image— that sets a man free; and one will only return to my image, when one is resolute about upholding TRUTH WITHIN, and will throw down all that sets them at odds with me (every wicked imagination within man’s hearts and minds, that sets them contrary to the truth of me and my person, and the knowledge of me, my person, in truth), and will walk in my ways.

Walking in my ways —is to FOLLOW AFTER ME; it means, follow after the ways in which I conduct myself, after the ways of my Spirit, after the ways the Father led me in, after the ways of my— character, attitude (perspective), conduct, nature, attributes, fruit of my Spirit, demeanor, and disposition: my Spirit.

Become one with me; become— same as me inside; uphold what I uphold, and refuse and throw down and out— what I refuse and throw down and out: satan— rebellion, perversion, evil— moral depravity, and the fruits of his ways and spirit.

Come out from among those attributes and ways, and you will come into mine; come into mine— and the devil will flee from you.

All is possible and available now in Christ; but first, children— YOU MUST BELIEVE THAT I AM.

I am capable to do these things in you, I am desiring to do these things in you, I am fully empowered to do these things in you, I am fully experienced in doing this reformation in man— many times over— throughout history and time, I am in love with you, I am desiring to make you whole again…

I am setting about to finish a work in you, I am telling you the truthSANCTIFICATION OF THE SOUL— is CRITICAL and REQUIRED.

Without a sanctified, cleaned up, in agreement with God, reformed, reconfigured, made anew soul (that is born out of the redeemed spirit who leads your person now) —who is led of my Spirit as one now— we have a serious problem with salvation walked out.

Salvation was to RESTORE: restore our relationship, restore the way of heaven— the conduct of God in you, restore the sound whole of you, restore righteousness and holiness —in— the sound whole of you, restore an eternal lifetime to be lived with me: it was to RESTORE YOU TO LIFE.

Life is found in Christ, and in Christ— is found holiness and righteousness, for he became one with the Father of; and this is needed in them all, Janet.

I need them to DESIRE to be holy and righteous, and then ‘practice’ that with me— hence, work out that salvation I gave you: my Spirit to bring you into knowing, and then LIVING ALL TRUTH.

I love them, Janet— I want to see them SET FREE by the TRUTH— ‘making them’ free; it has a work to do— but if they buck me— I cannot do my work in them.

I am a good God, a good Father— and desire RESTORATION for them; restoration begins within the spirit, and then the soul; one must OBEY me— to have me as their ‘God, Savior and LORD:’ obedience and upholding the truth within are without varianceNECESSARY.

I need them to walk DISCIPLINED with me, ‘within;’ for if they will not— how can I RESTORE what was broken and twisted, and fell out of shape?

For only in coming into agreement with me to be returned to my shape— can I change a man inside— and save his soul.

The saving of the soul happens, when one is brought OUT OF THE KINGDOM OF HELL, DEATH, SIN and ESTRANGEMENT.

When one enters my kingdom— they enter life, and life— lives a certain way; I live a certain way, Janet— and in that— my kingdom SAVES ALL FROM HELL, DEATH, SIN and ESTRANGEMENT.

But, one must VALUE coming out of sin, and into agreement with God holy, throwing down the lies that say— I do not love them, or wish them destruction; I do not— I desire for them to be SET FREE FROM DESTRUCTION, and the hand of my enemy.

But for that to take place— they must believe the truth about my identity, and the truth about their worth to me, and the truth— about what was given to them already in my holy Spirit; and they must live from their identity in me— not from the false, broken, twisted and perverted identity satan gave them, and seeded them with.

They must come into their identity in Christ, and live from that identity— in their conduct, character, disposition, demeanor, attitude (perspective), attributes and nature of GOD HOLY.

IN THAT— they will be set free, and remain free.

Tell them, dear.”

—Your Lord God, and Savior


He truly desires for none to perish, not even one— but the choice is ours; may we choose reconciliation to him, oneness with him, and walk in— and exercise the salvation of our souls that he gave to us freely: his holy Spirit to live with us, bring us ‘into’ all truth, mending us back into wholeness in Christ.

We have need of healing, deliverance— and those who can deliver with God; but we have A BIGGER WORK IN MAKING DISCIPLESfollowing the deliverance, the healing, and the reconciling with God; it is a continuous RELATIONSHIP with God holy, and with his righteousness— that KEEPS US FREE.

The first step— is understanding all this revelation.

The second step— is THE LEAP OF FAITH, and working that faith, and continuing with him —walking in his righteousness, getting reformed and disciplined by his Spirit, and STAYING CLEAN, and IRONED OUT in our conduct becoming of the King of Righteousness.

Because— in that— WE REMAIN FREE!!!

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