“Woe —unto them who decree [or prescribe] unrighteous [vain trouble of wickedness, idolatry, evil, iniquitous mischief— in injustice] decrees— and who write [or prescribe] grievousness [laborious worry, misery, pain and sorrow in/with travail], which they have prescribed [or written, and recorded];
2 To (who) turn aside the needy [destitute, dangling in thinness, poor, weaker men] from judgment [or justice], and who take away [pluck up and rob by force] the rights [or divine law, verdict and sentence— justice— rights], from the poor [or depressed in mind or circumstances, afflicted, and humble] of my people— so that widows [or desolate] may be their prey [booty and spoil], so they may rob → the fatherless [lonely, bereaved and orphaned]!”
In the first two verses of Isaiah chapter 10, God begins by prescribing woe (calamitous judgment), unto the unrighteous people in his ‘flock;’ because these unrighteous folk are prescribing— vain trouble of wickedness, idolatry, evil, iniquitous mischief, in injustices— toward the most unfortunate of his people.
As well as prescribing (or dosing out upon them), laborious worry, misery, pain and sorrow, in and with —travail— to the most hardpressed of his unfortunate people in his flocks.
These unrighteous men in his tribes, who— oppress the destitute, dangling in thinness, poor, weaker men (the needy), from due justice and judgment, who…
take away, pluck up and rob the rights, or— divine law, verdict, sentences (decrees) and justice of his— depressed in mind or circumstances, afflicted, humble (poor) destitute (widows) —and lonely, bereaved and orphaned people— robbing them, and taking everything from them like spoils of war—
He’s not play’n; chapter 10 is a culmination of the previous 9 chapters, where he drew up, and detailed out reasons why judgment is coming to his people— as well as declared the arrival of the Son— who has the fullness of the Kingdom of Heaven resting on his shoulders.
We cannot forget he is High King, over all this place down here, and we OWN IT NOT; we were called to manage this place only— all High Dominion is still his, and he OWNS THE FULLNESS OF THE EARTH, and ALL THAT IS IN IT—
humans included.
Man begins to think ‘he is God,’ and then the real High and Holy One comes in— after a period of amply warning time— and lays down the REAL LAW; not men’s idea of how they ‘own’ this or that down here— HE TRULY DOES. And when we treat this place, and his people— as if they are worthless plunder to take, like spoils of war, to do with however we please— the judgment of the Holy, ALMIGHTY living God— rains down: think human trafficking, and pedophilic prostitutes, slavery of all kinds, and wicked men and women who swim in it all.
We have judgments DUE OUR GENERATION; and living right with our God— keeps us in the safety of his remnant; he’s always had one, and he always will keep one; but you must be in the High King’s good graces— to fit properly into that category.
It always is, and always has been— man’s choice— as to whether he will love, honor, obey and adhere to the Living and Holy God— or not; God has granted us free use of our minds and hearts (free will) —I pray we use them wisely, and according to HIS COUNSELS— not satan’s, and this fallen world’s logic and ways.
Because judgment ALWAYS rolls out eventually— we can see that it’s still 10 chapters in, as God is still detailing out how his people will suffer and face judgment; we often wonder why God is so patient, and long-suffering, as we wait for him to come against the wicked.
But folks— the wicked, oftentimes in history— have been people within his own ‘house;’ and so— he gives EVERY chance, warning and encouragement to ‘come clean’ unto him— before he rolls them out.
There is no turning back, once the fires of judgment fall— like Sodom and Gomorrah.
3 “And what will you do [or accomplish, bear, become] in—
The Day of Visitation [the official day of account— reckoning]— and in the desolation [overflowing tempest of devastation and destruction, and wasting] which shall come from afar?
To whom will you flee for help— and where will you leave your glory [or copious splendor—] (haughty self exaltation and bragging— in this case)?
4 Without me— they shall bow down [prostrate themselves, sinking down, crouching and kneeling, stooping as subdued] under the prisoners, and they shall fall [be overthrown] under the slain [slaughtered and murdered].
For all this— his anger is not turned away— but his hand is outstretched still.”
He says—
What will you unrighteous men do, or— accomplish, bear, and become— when your Day of Visitation, or— the official day of account and reckoning, come— from the Lord God Holy??
When the desolation, or— overflowing tempest of devastation and destruction, and wasting— shall come from afar off, and reach nigh unto you— what will you do then??
To whom will you run to— then, with your— haughty self exaltation, bragging and glorying??
Because, without ME, as the God over you— you will bow down, prostrate yourselves, sinking down, crouching, kneeling, and stooping —as subdued— like prisoners who fall, as overthrown, and become the murdered and slain of war.
And for all this that they were continuing in— his hand of judgment remained upon them— and his anger, too.
Are we learning in this book of Isaiah, which resembles a composite of the entirety of scripture, combining all the rebellion, as well as the testimony of the remnant (who remained loyal to God holy, living with him, his way), and what comes in God’s judgments— when we do not yoke up to him, in truth— he said??
Isaiah has 66 chapters, we have 66 books of the bible— we will continue to see the book of Isaiah, sum them up— so to speak— in ONE BOOK; and it will give us a glimpse, in all manner, of just WHY— we have judgment and woe coming once again, to unroll, from God Holy: because we repeated patterns of rebellion, idolatry and wickedness— in our current generations, as/like the generations of old.
5 “O Assyrian— (you are) the rod [branch of, stick of] of my anger— and the staff [rod, scepter] in their hand → is my indignation [frothing at the mouth, fury and displeasure— rage].
6 I will send him (Assyrians) against a hypocritical [soiled, sinning, impious] nation, and against the people of my wrath [passionate outburst of rage and anger]— I will give him a charge [a command to enjoin, and orders], to take [command to enjoin, and orders], to take the prey [plundered people]— and to tread them down [abase them] like the mire of the streets.
7 Howbeit he does not mean [or, compare it] so (to deliberately do), neither does his heart think [or, compute to do] so; but— IT IS IN HIS HEART —to destroy [make desolate, overthrow and throw down entirely] and cut off [consume] nations— and not (only) a few.”
Here he states— the Assyrian king, and troops he will send, are his rod, branch of, and stick of his anger— and they have his scepter of rule/authority, in their hands— and it is there, because of his INDIGNATION, or his— frothing at the mouth, fury, displeasure, and rage— against his UNRIGHTEOUS MEN/WOMEN, who mistreat and dishonor not just him, but his unfortunate people as well.
He will send the Assyrians, against a hypocritical, soiled, sining, impious nation of his people— who are the people he’s aiming his, passionate outburst of rage, anger and WRATH, at; and he will command to enjoin, and give orders to the Assyrians, to…
Take the prey [plundered people]— and tread them down, abasing/humbling them— like the mire of the streets; which is to say— this judgment will do it’s work, humbling the people from their prideful and idolatrous, wicked ways— as the foreign armies abase them, take them captive, command them, and walk on them— like street dirt.
And they won’t be setting out to deliberately even think of doing this to them, as they couldn’t care less about them as a ‘people,’ they simply are doing this for the sake of CONQUERING— these people, nor their rights— are not even considered; the Assyrians come only to PLUNDER NATIONS, and not just a few— MANY: they are conquerors.
And God Holy and Just— has ‘called them’ unto his bidden, to CONQUER HIS PEOPLE; for they are a people, who have believed, and set themselves to oppress and conquer the needy, poor, orphaned and destitute of HIS OWN PEOPLE.
So now— he will overthrown them, and their haughty, glorying, swimming in sin and iniquity— selves; as he sends a MUCH MORE DEVASTATING and RUTHLESS PEOPLE— against his own, to conquer their PRIDE and REBELLION: for they are truly serving satan’s kingdom inside, right now— and he aims to ‘show them the error of their alignments, and ways.’
8 “For he (Assyrian) says— Are not my princes [or, leadership], altogether— kings [highest ruling leadership]?
9 Is not Calno [city in Assyrian empire]— as Carchemish (place in Syria)?
Is not Hamath [city of Syria, meaning— WALLED]— as Arpad [Syrian place meaning— SPREAD OUT]?
Is not Samaria [Palestinian city, meaning— WATCH STATION]— as Damascus [Syrian city capital]?”
God sends the Assyrians for one reason— THEY ARE FIERCE, HAUGHTY, and VIOLENT OVERTAKERS; they believe their captains and leadership are the HIGHEST, like kings of the earth, over all peoples.
They run an earthly empire— and they are very proud.
They have spread out cities that are well walled up and defended; and they have a capital of Syria that is a watch station— ready to defend, and ready to overtake any, and all people whom they come in contact with.
THESE— are the people God has sent to humble his own; THESE— are the people who will show God’s people, the error of their ways, in their haughty behaviors, and dishonoring disrespect— as they walk in rebellion to him, and decimate his desolate, unfortunate flock members.
God is just, and he will recompense back upon the heads of his people— what they sow in crops to harvest a return of; we ought to understand our God, and biblically so.
We have a bunch of religious believing folk in this world who wholeheartedly believe America— and other wicked nations of pedophilia, human trafficking, slavery, adultery, fornications, pornography, and sexual deviations, crime abounding, rebellion to holiness, capitalism— mammon honoring, riches of carnal wealth seeking, runover everyone in your way to the pursuits of your carnal and broken, fallen nature lusts— of nations—
Never in the history of God holy and his wicked living people— did God BLESS THEM, IN TURNAROUNDS, where their WICKEDNESS ABOUNDED!!!
Delusion— believes this; deception— believes this; haughty, covetous, takers— who live not according to, by, or with God holy— INSIDE, in TRUTH— believe this.
We must honor and worship God in TRUTH (that’s honestly, genuinely, authentically, and BIBLICALLY, KNOW SCRIPTURE, HIMSELF, and HIS WAYS), and SPIRIT; which means— REALLY have a relationship, a back and forth with the holy living God, obeying his commands, falling under his authority as HIGH ONE in our lives, serving him and his kingdom whilst here in a foreign land— HIS WAY, NOT OURS.
The way you can KNOW if someone is religious, or righteous under and in Christ is— they will look, sound, walk and talk, like Christ— they will have his fruits, gifts of his Spirit and his CONDUCT: as well, HIS LAWS WILL BE WRITTEN ON THEIR HEARTS.
They will NOT BE a people who ‘blend in with’ the world, who want riches of the world, to sit in mansions that serve no purpose of ministry, nor who share the wealth with the destitute and need/poor → but who run in COMPROMISE OF CONDUCT, CHARACTER and INTEGRITY OF CHRIST.
They will NOT BE a people who are looking to blend in, but STAND OUT, and not for haughtiness, because they come from the kingdom of heaven— but to BOW LOW, HUMBLY, and SERVE HUMANITY, ‘with’ the living God, living RIGHT THROUGH THEM: and they will have fruits and power and authority, from the High One— because he himself— is LIVING and REIGNING out of them!
We do not rule down here— HE IS STILL THE HIGH ONE; we rule ‘with’ HIM, down here— as he is OVERSEER OF ALL; he owns this joint, and everything in it.
We are to HONOR HIM, BOW TO HIM, SERVE HIM and LET HIM → REFORM US from former offenders of him and his kingdom, into RIGHTEOUS ONES WHO WALK WITH HIM, and HE— OUT OF US: that’s only one kind of man who will walk with they *Holy living God, INSIDE THEM, allowing God to conduct himself, and his RULE— out of them.
They will be CLEAN, and HOLY, as he is clean and holy (sanctified); he doesn’t mince anything in scripture, he is the most BLUNT and CLEAR GOD: he expects effort at repentance and sanctification— he expects a real commitment to his marriage covenant, the New One— that he himself came and delivered to us, at Calvary.
His true children will return the wicked and perverse hearts of men, women and children— to the Father, for REPENTANCE, and RECONCILIATION unto the Holy, High and Living God— through Yahshua Hamashiach— Jesus the Christ.
His true children are not spiritual adulterists, they are LOYAL, and they are SUBSERVIENT, which means— bowing low to serve him; you can know a child of God from an impostor— when the impostor will seek to RECEIVE BLESSING FROM GOD HOLY, ‘without’ repentance.
They will seek to RECEIVE BLESSING FROM GOD, and RESTORATION WHOLENESS— without giving back to God any real effort at living a clean, and loyal relationship, marriage, partnering with him: they are TAKERS, not givers.
They come to GET, not GIVE unto the holy living God— in a sacrificial life— giving up the pleasures of this world; they will come to swim in them, receive them, and walk in ways that mirror the worldly people, who walk in rebellion to holy living: and they will defend this, by saying— “He did all the holy sacrificial living we ever needed; it’s done, finished— I’m good the way I am.”
When he never came to desire men to continue walking in the paths of darkness, wickedness, sin and rebellion to him— he came to CALL SINNERS TO REPENTANCE; and to REFORMATION— to walk the paths of his righteous ways.
He wasn’t joking when he said— “and few there be who find it,” referring to the righteous path, that narrow way— that was made AVAILABLE, at Calvary; but one does— have to CHOOSE— to walk it with him, yoked up to him— to receive the Salvation offered, and paid for.
We can have someone pay for something for us— but if we never receive that thing, and do something to take it unto ourselves— it was offered, but never received.
Salvation is the same— he came, fulfilled and offered himself (Salvation), but if we never yoke up to him, and allow him to reform and refine us— we have forfeited the salvation, the way, and the truth he provided unto us: which is → HIMSELF, and yoking in spiritual marriage to him.
For we truly only wanted to be saved from a fiery destination, and to be blessed of God— we didn’t truly want to be reformed into a holy image that looks, sounds, walks and talks like him; nor did we want the separation, persecution, suffering of a sacrificial life lived here, to further him and his kingdom in the earth: we wanted to feed ourselves blessing and luxury.
Well, that’s exactly how the world lives, and exactly what the world goes after.
How many really want HIM???
Because we will all find out as time goes on— as to whether we wanted ‘what he could offer us, or bless us with,’ OR HIM.
One will be receivers of blessing and comforts only— and the other type of ‘Christ proclaimer,’ will walk the paths of righteous living with him, reform their character, conduct, and live in integrity— will seek HIM, and to BE LIKE HIM— and will SHUN THE WAYS OF THE WORLD, for it REVOLTS THEM TO LIVE, LOOK LIKE, or WALK LIKE SATAN’S IMAGE— or eat off his table.
One is religious and ignorant— at best— and— at worst— TAKERS ONLY, when they have the word of God available to them— to walk with him, and in his ways/paths.
Worse— they will have the blood of their followers, on their hands at the judgment— for they walked contrary to God holy and his ways, taught blessing unto God’s people only, and not JUDGMENT FOR WICKED LIVING— and will be accountable for their ‘compromise,’ as they lead ignorant sheep down the broadway— glamorous lights of— the BROAD PATHS OF THE WORLD.
He’s never played around with judgment in his history, with his people— and he’s not now; WE— are the ones that need to wake up.
10 “As my hand [or dominion] has found the kingdoms [or realms of dominion and rule] of the idols [good for nothing, vain images of VANITY]— and whose graven images [carved out idols] EXCEL —those of— Jerusalem and of Samaria;
11 Shall I not— as I have done to Samaria and her idols [or, her good for nothing, vain images of VANITY]— so do (or do as well) to Jerusalem and her idols [of idolatrous images]??”
He begins here by stating— My dominion of High Ruler, holy and true, has found kingdoms, or— realms of dominion and rule (which means, people running their persons in this or that) —of IDOLS (which are— good for nothing, vain images of VANITY— according to Strong’s); and these people, or kingdoms running in idolatry, have carved out themselves lives resembling (images) EXCEL IN THE WORST OF ‘spiritually adultery,’ namely → Jerusalem and Samaria.
So— shouldn’t he punish Jerusalem, like he has Samaria— for they are living exactly alike— in their idolatry and spiritually wicked and adulterous ways?!?
We are to be reading and understanding what our Lord is showing and saying— and then HEED this information and lesson, and NOT REPEAT IT; for if we do (and we have, as a nation) —we will ‘reap’ all they reaped in judgments, as well.
Why do we think he’s having
us go over Isaiah right now??
Judgment is nigh upon us, and only for his long suffering, and his ample warnings— does it tarry, even yet.
Judgment is neither positive nor negative— but dependent upon the one being judged; if we repeat the behavior, we repeat the judgment, good or bad— this is how our God’s law works.
Sow unto God in loyalty, reformation, cleanliness— walking and talking, and swimming in HIS Spirit, and the attributes thereof— and we reap a blessed harvest; walk contrary to God holy, in rebellion to how he conducts his person and empire, walking in wickedness and sin— reap the results of history, replayed again, and again in a wicked and oppressive, humbling judgment received: for a judgment is a gavel decree from the courts of heaven.
12 “Wherefore it shall come to pass, that— when the Lord has performed [plundered and finished] his whole work [actions and transactions of labor] → upon mount Zion and on Jerusalem—
I (he, God) will punish the fruit of the stout heart, of the king of Assyria— and the glory [ornamental beauty and honor] of his high [elevated haughty] looks [outward appearance, countenance and presence].
13 For he says— By the strength of my own hand [dominion, power and strength], I have done [accomplished] it— and by my wisdom [skillful good sense, and wits]; for I am prudent [distinguished, eloquent, intelligent, regarded and wise]: I have removed the bounds [boundaries and borders] of the people, and have robbed their treasures— and I have put down [cast them down, and subdued] the inhabitants [dwellers] like a valiant [mighty, strong and victorious] man:
14 And my hand [dominion and power] has found [delivered to me], as/like a nest [a chamber or dwelling, including the nestlings]— the riches [strength, valor and virtue] of the people: and as one gathers the eggs that are left [destitute, forsaken and refused]— I have gathered [received and am rewarded] all the earth; and there was no one who moved [wandered abroad] the wing [on the edges or extremities of the land], or opened [uttered] the mouth [speech, said anything about it], or peeped [or chirped, cooed, or uttered a thing].”
Okay— the king of Assyria is massively pompous in his pride of life— it’s why God chose him; he is bragging himself, his kingdom and his conquering— up.
But the Lord himself says, through this ruler— I MYSELF WILL FINISH THE WORK I SET OUT TO ACCOMPLISH, upon Zion and Jerusalem; and AFTER he has humbled HIS PEOPLE— he will humble and throw down the haughty prideful Assyrian king, and empire— as well— for he walks in his own glory, his own ornamental beauty and honor, of his high and elevated haughty looks, or outward appearance, countenance and presence.
Who regards himself as having mighty strength, dominion, and power, wherewith he has accomplished all of this conquering— himself; and by his own wisdom and skillful good sense, and wits— for he is prudent, or distinguished, eloquent, intelligent, and regarded as wise.
Where he has removed all the bounds, or boundaries and borders of God’s people, HIMSELF, as he robbed their treasures— and cast them down, and subdued the inhabitants dwellers of the land— like the valiant, mighty, strong and victorious conqueror he sees himself as.
Like stealing eggs from an abandoned nest— where the parental birds have abandoned their young— he has pillaged God’s people— taking all their strength, valor and virtue; and NO ONE, not even in the outskirts of the area he conquered, even uttered a PEEP— for they were altogether subdued and conquered in their oppression.
Let us remember, this is the type of conqueror God sends, when his people are walking out of his paths, forsaking him, dishonoring and living in rebellion to him— for to SAVE HIMSELF A ‘remnant’ of them— before they ALL PERISH IN THEIR ‘own ways.’
It is the mercies of God and his great love— that seeks to CORRECT US— before we wreck ourselves entirely.
Revelation 3:19
“As many as I love— I rebuke and chasten:
be zealous therefore → and repent.”
15 “Shall the ax —boast itself against him who hews therewith? Or shall the saw —magnify itself against him who shakes it? As if the rod should shake itself against those who lift it up— or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were not wood.
16 Therefore the Lord shall— the LORD of hosts— send among his fat ones [robust ones]— leanness; and under his glory [copious splendor and honor], he shall kindle a burning —like the burning of a fire.
17 And the light [illuminating brightness] of Israel —shall be for/like a fire [burning up, hot], and his Holy One [God eminence— angel of] —for the flame [or, flaming spear]: and it shall burn and devour his thorns and his briers (those are spiritually corrupt people) —in one day;
18 And shall consume the glory of his forest (symbolically— people), and of his fruitful field [garden]— both soul [vitality of life] and body [flesh]: and they shall be as when a standard-bearer [to wane sickly] faints [wastes in fear, grief, discouragement and melts away utterly].
19 And the rest [remainder, remnant, residue] of the trees of his forest —shall be so few— that a child may write [record, describe, detail] them.”
He begins by saying— shall a ‘tool,’ become more powerful than the one wielding it??
This is to show, that no matter what we may think of ourselves, our influence, our power or might in this earth realm— WE ARE CREATED BEINGS, who are ‘dust’ literally, and comparatively— unto God Most High: even the Assyrian king, or God’s rebellious people.
So, the LORD of heaven’s kingdom, ruling and reigning Most High and Holy armies, will— take those robust and haughty ones— and make them LEAN, or weak and lowly; he will— drop the copious amounts of self honor they walk in, as he humbles and subdues THEM— by his own High Rule.
And he will kindle his judgment upon them— like stoking a fire to burn long, and fiercely.
And this ‘fire,’ or judgment upon Israel, will burn hot, and will come from— the Angel of, or the Spirit of the High One himself— and he will come like a flaming spearhead, upon them; and he will burn up, consume and destroy— the spiritually corrupt— in one day.
He will consume these unrighteous people, like burning a forest of people, and their gardens of glory— taking both their vitality of life, or their souls— AND— their bodies, or flesh lives; and they will wane, sickly— and will waste away in fear, grief, discouragement, and melt away utterly in countenance and bodies— as they faint under the judgment.
And the remaining remnant— the residue left of a people— will be SO FEW— that children will be able to record them in the record books.
Folk— THAT’S OUR GOD; we ought to heed what the Spirit of the Lord is saying, and showing us.
Only when we disregard HUGE PORTIONS OF SCRIPTURE, forgetting God’s High Rule → Just and Holy nature— do we walk in frustrating his grace (hyper grace forgiveness/dismissal) —and bring harsh corrective, lump-sum judgment upon ourselves.
I hope we are seeing this; nothing is new under the sun, means— if it’s happening now, it happened then; and if it happened then, it can happen now: patterns repeated.
20 “And it shall come to pass —in that day— that the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped [delivered, and escaped portion] of the house of Jacob— shall no more again stay [support one’s self, rest] upon him who smote them; but shall stay [support one’s self, and rest] upon the Lord— the Holy One of Israel → in truth [stabile trustworthiness, established, faithful, upright, and with verity].
21 The remnant shall return [turn back to, hence come again to circumcision— separation, coming back to, converting]— even the remnant of Jacob— unto the mighty [powerful warring] God.”
In that day, the Day of Visitation— the tiny residue of a people who remain– the remnant, who are escaped, the delivered portion of people, will— NOT support themselves, their lifestyles or their ways, upon the ways of the wicked, rebellious, spiritually adulterous, and idolatrous people; but instead, they will support themselves, and rest in— THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, once again.
They will have been humbled in their rebellion, by wiping a massive amount of them out, and leaving a tiny remnant of them, who will actually align with God holy— to be REFORMED from their previous adulterous, offensive, sinning, iniquitous, and idolatrous ways— that they once walked in— and will REVERENCE THE LORD GOD HOLY and ALMIGHTY, again— IN TRUTH, he said; which means— stabile trustworthiness, established, faithful, upright, and with verity— not walking the paths of wickedness and darkness any longer, but walking upright, clean, and humbly before (which means bowing to) —OUR HOLY HIGH REIGNING GOD.
It’s when we forget WHO HE IS, really, as the Most High and *HOLY one, who is to be OBEYED and REVERED— that we bring judgment upon our own heads and lives; and according to this— we risk our SOULS, ‘and’ OUR BODIES.
We ought to KNOW OUR GOD— and why so very few— find, and desire the Narrow Way, that leads us home to him; hyper forgiveness, of continued in sin, which is iniquity— is BLASPHEMOUS, and leading many down the broadpath to hell.
Where he shows, tells, and points out that it’s rebellion, wickedness, and opposite how he and his kingdom operate— WE OUGHT TO CHANGE, or we will pay the recompense (what is owed in return to us), for our actions and choices.
Lucifer walked in ‘continued offense,’ (which is sin) against the Lord— and God said he’s the originator of that way— it’s called INIQUITY; and when one uphold’s satan’s ways and conduct— he has chosen him as their father, and will go where he goes, and will receive what he receives.
Hyper forgiveness, for continued in sin— doesn’t exist— he said so; he said the ‘former’ sins are forgiven you, from the old man, and his ways— BUT NOW, you are a ‘new creation’ in Christ, and walk a NEW WAY ‘with Christ;’ the former is done away with— behold, all is new.
BUT— if you continue in those old ways, and you have learned the TRUTH, and you have the KNOWLEDGE OF IT (meaning that God holy doesn’t walk, or live that way, and you are still doing it— even though you know better) —you have no more sacrifice left for you.
I didn’t say that— the scripture says that; and if we are ignorant about the scriptures— that will NOT FLY IN THE JUDGMENT; we are responsible for how serious we dive into him (the word of God, bible), or NOT.
Hebrews 10:26-27
“For if we sin wilfully— after— we have received the knowledge of the truth → there remains no more sacrifice for sins, 27 but only a certain fearful looking for → of judgment and fiery indignation —which shall devour the adversaries.”
The truth will still have remained, that he GAVE THE WORD TO US ALL— but what we do with him and his word— has always been our choice.
If we honor him and his word, making it a SACRED and CHERISHED, A BIG PART OF OUR LIVES, the most important, along with his Spirit— we will walk his paths, yoked up in marriage to him— KNOWING WHAT HE HAS COMMANDED US; and in that— we can now obey him, in SPIRIT (that’s his literal person talking to us), and in TRUTH— that’s all he said he is in scripture, and all he laid out to obey of his kingdom, in commands, precedents and statutes.
But, he won’t force us— we will look at him, as he says—
“I gave you 80 years, did you use them wisely to honor me, my kingdom, and to further the Great Commission in the earth— bringing more estranged and rebellious people to me?
Did you obey what I told you to do, in and from the word of God?
Did you live sacrificially, forsaking the life your FLESH wanted, and did you live humbly, sacrificing and giving up the world and its ways— FOR ME?”
And when we do stand before him in judgment, or report card review— we will be ACCOUNTABLE, and ONLY ABLE to answer HONESTLY— because no sin will exist there, and we will tell the truth, straight from our own mouths— and we will KNOW— we either gave him our ALL— or we definitely, did not.
No one will force us into anything— we will know, right then and there— we made our ‘own’ choices, and our own choices— led us to the eternity we came to.
22 “For though your people, Israel— be as the sand of the sea— yet (only) a remnant of them shall (will) return: the consumption [destruction] decreed —shall overflow with righteousness.
23 For the Lord God of hosts shall make a consumption [complete destruction, full end riddance]— determined [decided], in the midst of [center of, bowels of, throughout] —all the land.”
He’s saying— Even though the numbers of my people are like the sands of sea, great in numbers— ONLY A REMNANT, a tiny amount of sand (humans) will remain, and RETURN to me (that means REPENT, and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, to walk the paths of RIGHTEOUSNESS with him); because the destruction he has decreed, and will finish entirely— shall OVERFLOW UPON THESE PEOPLE, dumping RECOMPENSE (what one sowed) upon them— which is RIGHTEOUSNESS.
And, the Lord God of heavens ruling armies— shall make a complete destruction, full end riddance, and consumption of— rebellious, haughty, dishonoring, spiritually adulterous and idolatrous people— and it will have been determined and decided from heaven, to be carried out in the earth— in the midst of, the center of, the bowels of, and all throughout— the land.
That is our God y’all.
He’s not to be trifled with, nor will he be long and patiently suffering our rebellion— forever; eventually— recompense of what one has sown toward God— comes up due, and is received, and GIVEN BACK UPON OUR OWN HEADS.
We ought to honor him with our lives and hearts because we actually, and TRUTHFULLY desire to; but if we do not— we will get back what we truthfully gave to him: what we sow to him in life choice, we receive back.
We don’t sow a wicked nation— and then get turnaround and massive blessing— like the false teachings, preachings and promotion in churches are leading people to believe right now; and when the pew parishioners become wise to what these leaders have done— in fleecing them— those ill informed seat filling parishioners— will COME AFTER THEM, for the wolves they are.
Because the people will realize, they are STILL HERE FOR THE JUDGMENT, and TRIBULATION— and were not saved, whisked away, or blessed with turnaround— financially, physically or socially— but instead, were served up judgment, during the tribulation— because we became a spiritually blind people, in a culture and nation of wickedness— and we recognized it not.
We believed we were all ‘alright,’ in our own eyes; and no matter WHAT ‘we’ THINK— his thoughts are HIGHER than ours, and his ways— HIGHER THAN OURS.
WE— have to get onboard with him, and his ways— not the other way around; and we don’t get to sweep pedophilia, sexual deviation, stealing and defrauding, oppression and slavery, economic domination, human trafficking, occultic practices, idolatrous practices, lying and hypocrisy— UNDER THE RUG— and expect God to bless us.
WE WILL REAP THAT HARVEST; best we find ourselves on the side of ‘getting clean and right before God,’ NOW— when all that comes up ‘due’ to us— in harvest judgments recompensed.
It isn’t food storage or bunkers, gold and silver that will save us when SUPERNATURAL JUDGMENT from the Most High SPIRIT GOD comes in— it’s ‘his blood,’ which is yoking to him for real— that’s been applied to the doorpost of your hearts— that will save you; especially when food and water is poisoned— and we need our SUPERNATURAL, LOVING GOD, to provide manna from heaven, water from a Rock, and multiply our fishes and loaves.
How does the unsanctified, unreformed man— who still walks in the ways of the old man, who hasn’t really desired to return to God, walk clean with him, and under his authority— think they will be ‘just fine,’ during all that???
The sons of Sceva— had KNOWLEDGE OF the truth, but didn’t walk it out with God— in TRUTH, authentically; this is what we have going on in ‘churches;’ we have folk who have been GIVEN THE TRUTH— but love it not, nor, walk its paths, HIS PATHS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Acts 19:13-16
“Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over those who had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying— We adjure you by Jesus, whom Paul preaches.
14 And there were seven sons of one Sceva— a Jew— and chief of the priests, which did so.
(10+ people, who walked not like Christ, nor Paul— attempting to exorcize, cast out— demons, by funky authority)
15 And the evil spirit answered and said— Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you??
16 And the man in whom the evil spirit was— leaped on them, and overcame them— and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.”
These evil spirits will NOT OBEY people who walk not authentically with Christ, in his paths of righteousness— because— UNRIGHTEOUS WALKING FOLK, are UPHOLDING SATAN’S KINGDOM, and they have ‘zero’ authority over a kingdom— THEY SUPPORT: hence, the devils were declaring— “you are not walking with Christ, in his authority— we would know it.”
I pray we understand, and heed these warnings; HOW WE LIVE WITH, or UNTO GOD HOLY— really does matter; in fact, it matters so much so— his eyes are roaming about, searching the earth for real ‘faith’ in him, in the hearts of man.
Real faith in him, is found in obedience to him, because he’s real, and people wish to honor him, and follow his lead/example in life— not try to get away with as much as they can, skirting the boundary lines of sin and holiness; that’s fence riding, it’s no commitment, and for that reason— the LUKEWARM will be vomited out, with the full on unrepentant atheists, who worshiped satan and his ways— in the end.
All because they wouldn’t commit to the marriage union to God holy, and remain faithful to only him— FIDELITY MATTERS, like A LOT.
Compromise kills, as it leads to hyper grace, which is really defined as frustrating the graciousness and forgiveness of God— by walking in sin still, unrepentantly, which is iniquity, which is the walk of satan— and CLAIMING WE RUN WITH, and are YOKED UP TO GOD HOLY.
That’s a very DANGEROUS PLACE TO FIND ONE’S SELF IN— *Lukewarm— because one KNEW BETTER, but never stepped into FIDELITY; but instead, found reasons and excuses to ‘save their flesh,’ or their skin here in this world, by walking the ways of the world— because it pleased their flesh to do so.
We respect the finished working of Christ, which was his mission fulfilled, to make the way home to Father again— coming out of estrangement, and into a union again, where we ‘made up,’ in our wayward relationship.
But if we are not gonna make up with him, and we are still going to walk in opposition to him— we have refused reconciliations, which is salvation, the way made back to taking his hand— and no matter what man’s churches tell you— you will find yourself estranged in hell, then the Lake that burns forever in fiery torment.
All because you ‘believed what you were TOLD,’ not what the truth of the word of God actually said and detailed out; we will be held accountable to having it, never reading and studying it— NOR HEEDING IT.
And we will have ZERO EXCUSE— because we don’t even need a man with God’s wisdom to teach us— he said,
“You need no man teach you: the holy Spirit brings us into all truth.”
So, we will not even have an excuse of— “Well, I am not smart, therefore I will not be held accountable— I just can’t understand the bible;” because he will say—
“No matter what you are, I WAS AVAILABLE, both my Father and Myself, the Son— and our HOLY SPIRIT, who is MORE THAN CAPABLE OF TEACHING YOU.
How hard did you try?? Like your life was dependent upon it?? Because it was— your eternal life.
And I provide all availability and provisions for you to succeed: no one can deny my Spirit was made available to all, at Calvary.”
We need to heed and learn this now— because at some point, we will all stand before him, in one way or the other— and excuses, will not fly; they will fall flat to the floor before us, as WE OURSELVES, WITNESS AGAINST OURSELVES, along with the Holy Spirit.
Romans 8:16-17
“The Spirit itself— bears witness, with our spirit— that we are the children of God:
17 And if children— then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; IF— it be so— THAT WE SUFFER WITH HIM, so that we may also be— GLORIFIED TOGETHER.”
Not only do those verses state that WE will witness, either for ourselves, or against ourselves ‘WITH’ the Spirit of God— but IF WE DON’T SUFFER WITH HIM, we will NOT BE ‘glorified’ with him; nor would we be JOINT HEIRS WITH HIM.
We have to read ALL of the words of God in scripture, and NOT take them out of context; if we do not sacrifice and suffer down here, like he did, when he was here— we will NOT be glorified, restored and whole, in and by him— NOR WILL WE RULE and REIGN EQUAL WITH HIM, ‘on the throne.’
Because equal on a throne, is because we GOT INSIDE HIM, and are now LIVING WITH HIM, OUT OF HIM; and he only has one way, conduct, character, fruits and attributes about him— and they are holy, kingly, and stately— and the conduct of the *HOLY kingdom.
We will REFORM— or we will not return— as Israel, here, in Isaiah 10— details out; and like Israel, here, in Isaiah chapter 10— ONLY A RESIDUE OF A REMNANT WILL RETURN HOME TO GOD, living with him, and REVERING HIM.
We don’t get to change scripture from the way he said it would go; and he said— “Few there will be, who find that Narrow Way.”
So, do we understand that 90% of those
who profess to be married to him— are NOT??
Because, the remnant is like the tithe— 10% of what was given out; 10% of the humans God sowed— will yield a crop back to him, as fruits.
It will be his ‘first ones’ fruited out— that will help him draw the harvest of the rest, who will be saved.
10% of ALL HUMANS SOWN, or made— WILL RETURN TO GOD IN THE END; you do the math— cuz the numbers don’t add up, to all the people who ‘claim’ to be his Child.
We will see his words are true— and their are only a few who will return to him, and for the reasons in this chapter: greed, running over others, leaving them destitute, caring about self and their own families only, idolatry, compromised and excused living that is contrary to— and in disobedience unto God holy, rebelling against holiness, cleanliness— spiritually speaking, people who ran with devils, and upheld the kingdom of his ENEMY, instead: that is HOW WE BECOME an ‘enemy’ of God.
We CANNOT MINCE THE TRUTH— I won’t; I will go home knowing I told as many as I had in reach— to do so.
I will go home to him, and AM ACCOUNTABLE TO HIM, ‘now—’ for the truth he provided to me, the call on my life, the union I have in marriage to him, and to uphold his kingdom— as the ambassador we are to be… and so, I will continue to tell the truth.
For only in the telling of the truth— can captives, caught by satan, delusion and deception— be set free; I love—
so, I speak his truth, with and by— his Spirit.
I live clean before him— which means accountable to him—
his person, his lead, his authority, his character, integrity and nature; I don’t hide things from him, and I seek to be clean and holy, as he is: that is what is required, from requited love— which means— RETURNED LOVE.
24 “Therefore, thus says the LORD God of hosts— O my people who dwell in Zion— be not afraid of the Assyrian (empire): he shall smite [strike, beat, wound, kill and slaughter] you with a rod [branch, stick of punishment— a scepter], and shall lift up [advance] his staff [rod, branch, scepter, chastising corrections] against you —after the manner [road trodden, course of action, mode] of Egypt.
25 For a very little while— and the indignation [strict frothing at the mouth, fury, displeasure of God’s wrath] shall cease— and (with it) my anger [or, nostril flaring, rapid breathing passionate ire] —in their destruction [total consumption].
26 And (then) the LORD of hosts shall stir up a scourge [lashing] for him (Assyrian king) —according to the slaughter [blows, wounds, carnage] of Midian, at the rock of Oreb: and as his rod [scepter and rule] was upon the sea— so shall he lift it up —after the manner of Egypt.”
A lot of people, believe it or not, have a hard time seeing the beauty and love of God, in his judgments; like in this book, for instance— we have just detailed out, again and again, what is coming and why— but as we can see, he gave years of warnings, time and time again— as in other stories and scenarios → before he brought down the gavel judgments, into our realm.
It is the very love of God to pursue his children first, in a direct relationship, wooing them, teaching them, blessing them, etcetera and so on— before anything else; then, he begins to WARN them → this again, is his love.
“Hey, you guys might want to wise up, and seek the Lord, and return to the righteous path, because y’all are wandering into satan’s territory— and he will want to uphold his kingdom, where his kingdom reigns; if you walk his paths, you end up in his kingdom, that’s where his paths lead.
Y’all didn’t know that??
YES— satan’s broad, well traveled paths— lead to his kingdom; and where his kingdom is, his cohorts (demons and fallen creatures) reside.
I am desiring to save you all from that, and bring you back to me again— but I need you all to partner with me; HELLO?!
WAKE UP!!! PLEASE, WAKE UP, and leave the broad paths, and get on the strait/narrow, tight path with me again.
It is restrictive, that’s what tight and narrow means (it’s strait, as in straits, not straight, like an unwinding path, a RESTRICTIVE TIGHT ONE); my path is holy and clean— his are not; this is why his are easy, and easy to find— and mine is NOT, and ‘few there be that find it.’
When a path is tight (strait) and narrow— it’s smaller, like a footpath, you have to be WANTING to find that path, directly— to find it, and walk it; you will need my guidance and help, but I have plenty to offer.”
Then, after his warnings, if we still won’t come back to him, repent, and change from our adulterous and idolatrous paths, following the pied piper devil— on his broad, and well beaten down evil, sin paths— he will then bring in his judgments.
And even that, is his mercy, and love; because the FEW that ‘will’ be saved, the remnant— is better than losing them all, and saving none; he desires that ALL would repent and be saved— but, alas— only ‘some,’ will be saved, desiring to change in reformation with him— and will find that narrow, restrictive, and strait/tight path: his path.
We must hear his heart, and understand our God— HE DESIRES NONE SHOULD PERISH— but the choice is ours.
And some of his kids want to see as many come home to him as possible— we are willing to give up much, for his PRESENCE in their lives, and UPON their lives, with the anointing— because— THE ANOINTING, BREAKS THE YOKE, and LIES of the devil; and in that— the TRUTH, SETS THE CAPTIVES FREE.
Many of God’s people that he made— will never return to him; but he is love, he has loved us all along and he loves us so much still— so much so, that he will pull out ALL the hindrances, and continue to love, bless and provide for us…
Then warn, and warn, and WARN us,
over and over again…
Then —he will finally bring in judgments, of what we ourselves sowed, to harvest and reap…
And even in THAT— is his love— to save those who will be saved; to save those who WILL REPENT, and turn from their broad and wicked paths that lead to satan’s kingdom.
Here, in these verses, when God says— “Therefore, thus says the Lord God of hosts—” we should know, he is laying down his law now; when he draws attention to the fact that he is heaven’s captain, leader of their armies— he’s about to drop judgment decrees in action.
And he addresses his people as such— to the people of Zion.
He tells them not to be afraid of the Assyrians; but that they WILL oppress them, and wound them, strike, beat, kill and slaughter them— by the scepter of rule that has been given him— and they will lift up a staff/scepter against them, like what happened to God’s people in Egypt, with Pharaoh.
BUT— only for a ‘little while,’ and then God’s indignation— shall cease, or his strict frothing at the mouth, fury, displeasure of God’s wrath— as well God’s anger will cease— as the people are destroyed, or totally consumed: leaving, a remnant.
But then, the LORD of hosts will stir up a scourge lashing, for him (Assyrian king) —like the slaughter of blows, and wounds of carnage that came to Midian— at the rock of Oreb: and as how God’s rod, or scepter and rule was upon the sea (when his people were escaping bondage from Egypt)— likewise, God will again lift up his scepter, rescuing them —similar to the manner he did to the Egyptians— when he dropped the sea upon them.
Do we recall, his people went into oppression to Pharoah, for similar reasons: rebellion, lack of reverence, idols, etcetera and so on??
So, if the path is the same— like leading to Assyria, as it led them into Pharoah’s hands before— then the release of the remnant saved— just like in the wilderness, coming out of Egypt, will be the same; as the enemy ranks pursue— God will dump a LUMP SUM JUDGMENT and RECOMPENSE upon their heads— like he dumped the sea back upon Pharoah’s troops.
He will set his people free, as he did with Pharoah, after the work has been accomplished, he said— BUT— the numbers of his people will be MUCH, MUCH smaller— a remnant, even.
27 “And it shall come to pass in that day— that his burden [load placed upon them— the oppression] (of Assyria— the enemy of God’s people, symbolically/spiritually/physically) —shall be taken away [turned back, departed, withdrawn] from off your shoulder, and his yoke from off your neck— and the yoke [imposed load on their back] shall be DESTROYED because of the anointing [richness, fruitfulness, greasiness].”
It shall happen, that one day, the load that the enemy forces have place upon God’s people, around their shoulders and necks— in their bondage and tyranny— will be taken away from off the backs of God’s people; and the yoke, or burden strapped to them, by the enemy (think satan, spiritually— when we decide to walk upright with God holy), WILL BE DESTROYED— not just broken— DESTROYED, cannot be put back together.
And it will be destroyed, by the OILINESS OF GOD’S PRESENCE IN OUR LIVES— the anointing.
Never been so thankful for God being ‘greasy’ before; humor folks, jokes.
But seriously— it said, God’s presence, and the crushing of our lives in refinements and sanctification— is equivalent to the crushing of olives, for oil to burn in lamps (wise virgins); and that crushing, sanctification, reformation process— as we yoke up to God holy— makes for A SLIPPERY YOKE where satan was in our lives— and it destroys that yoke entirely: the richness and fruitfulness of God (greasiness) —destroys satan’s ‘holds,’ ENTIRELY.
I like that; I really like that.
(Seriously I cannot stop laughing inside about God being ‘greasy,’ reminds me of the 50’s ‘greasers—’ jokes again, y’all— JOKES.
But tell me you will forget that now?? Tell me you will NOT remember that God is greasy (rich, fruitful) and his GREASE breaks satan’s yoke in our lives. YOU ‘will’ REMEMBER, LOL.)
28 “He is come to Aiath [Palestine]— he is passed to Migron [place in Palestine]; at Michmash [place in Palestine] he has laid up [deposited] his carriages [weaponry, armor, artillery bags, and carrying, furnishings and instruments]:
29 They are gone over the passage [the crossing]: they have taken up their lodging [encampment] at Geba [place in Palestine]; Ramah [Palestinian city] is afraid; Gibeah [place in Palestine] of Saul— is fled [flitted, chased away].
30 Lift up your voice [proclamations], O daughter of Gallim [Palestinian springs]: cause it to be heard unto Laish [2 Palestinian places] — O poor of Anathoth [place in Palestine].
31 Madmenah [city in Palestine] —is removed [driven away]; the inhabitants of Gebim [place in Palestine] gather themselves to flee [to be saved in strength].”
So far, God has been saying he’s wrecking enemy places, and they are all being driven out, and cast asunder— by his hand.
32 “As yet— he shall remain [abide] at Nob, that day: he shall shake his hand [power, dominion, and force] against the mount [figuratively— promotion] of the daughter of Zion [course, house of, palace of, temple of, family of— branch of his, and apple of his eye] —the hill of Jerusalem.”
God is going to keep them remaining in Nob— and they will shake their power, and force against God’s people and troops— the apple of his eye, the remnant house of Zion, and Jerusalem; but……
33 “Behold— the Lord— the Lord of hosts— shall lop [chop off and divide up] the bough [their branch, or regiment of people] with terror [violence]: and the high ones [exalted, haughty, pridefully puffed up ones] of stature [figurative height], shall be hewn down [chopped down, cut asunder, like trees]— and the haughty [self elevated, arrogant, lofty ones], shall be humbled [depressed, sink, abase, bring low].
34 And he shall cut down [strike, chop down and destroy] the thickets of the forest— with iron— and Lebanon [Palestinian mountain range] —shall fall by a mighty [powerful, large gallant, principal] one.”
The LORD God of angels and host armies of heaven— will lop off, cut down, and divide up— their bough, or— their branch, or regiment of people— with violence and terror; these are the high ones of exalted, haughty, pridefully puffed up stature— as he chops them down like logs for firewood.
And he will drop them low, depressed, sink, and abase them— as he cuts down the thickets (wastes) of the ‘forest’ (people) —with a STRONG HAND (iron), and the mountain range of Palestine— where Assyrians are dwelling, symbolic of their massive reach and power, not one mountain, but a range of them…
shall fall by the mighty, powerful, large and gallant, principal One— God Almighty.
God Almighty doesn’t do anything half measure— he’s full in.
He’s full in when he is loving his children; he’s full in when he is warning his children— and he is full in— when he is bringing judgment upon his children, or his enemies.
Best we don’t find ourselves
on the side of his enemy.
We have free will to make our own choices— he didn’t want robots, or slaves— he wanted only children, who chose him from the truth of their hearts.
He wishes, though— for NONE to perish, so, whilst he will FORCE NO ONE— he WILL do everything he can, to show us what life without him— will be like.
You see, if we refuse him and his leadership in our lives, and to live his ways of holiness with him— we have, by default, chosen satan, and his paths— that lead to his kingdom— which, folks, if you don’t know this already— IS HELL.
His kingdom, and the reward for playing and choosing him— is HELL; and then, when God is ready to totally deal with him, and judge him— he is tossed, WITH HIS KINGDOM, and ALL WHO CAME WITH IT— into the Lake which burns with fire and torment, forever.
It’s the grace of God that leads us to repentance— that means, it’s the graciousness of God that shows us his amazingness, that leads us, by conviction— to want to clean up, and be reformed into his image again.
Repentance, is the first step when one sees they are sinful, jacked up, misshapen, and need God holy to reshape them, with his hands again— and return them to his image.
THEN— we come into agreement with him, stop fighting against him, surrender, and GET REFORMED; becoming ‘reformed offenders,’ who no longer offend in those ways any longer.
That is wholeness in Christ, Salvation means— to become WHOLE AGAIN, RESTORED AGAIN— reconciled to Father Holy, again.
Rebellious people of his— refused him on this, became spiritually adulterous, running with satan down the wide path of easy live’n, idolatrous and estranged; reconciled children, who once were prodigals— who saw the error of their ways, and returned home to the Father— are SAVED ONES.
The choice has always been OURS.
Which one, in TRUTH, as he said in the
beginning of this chapter— ARE WE???