The Kingdom of “God”
in heaven
The earth

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This is a conversation that I began at 10 a.m. with the Lord— and that ended at 1:31 p.m. today, about his first fruits, the time we are in, and the difference between the saved, and his first duplicates in the earth; as well as the difference between the Kingdom of heaven and the Kingdom of God— and why his priesthood will be the only ones ruling and reigning with him in the earth, and from a servant role in heaven, serving the High King, and the brethren, and his interests in the earth: in addition, the readying of a bride that must still come forth in the earth: and the first fruit duplicates of Christ Jesus that will serve him, and them, in the judgment period of God, that comes to shake heaven and earth.
This is that conversation I had with him this morning concerning these things.
“But many of them are saying and feeling like— ‘I don’t know if I will be able to take much more of the crushing;’ I hear them in the Spirit sir, I hear them make mention to you about this period.”
[Right before this, he spoke of the massive onslaught against the minds, lives, and hearts of the children of God as first fruits, at this time— coming from satan in spiritual warfare.]
[The Lord]
“And I would have you tell them to ‘hold tight,’ Janet. I am making a way for my first fruits to come forth: I see and feel every second of the excruciating pain in their bodies, the onslaught of mind assault sent unto them to doubt me and my goodness, my plans and my hand— in hopes it will cause them to lie down and give up, from sheer exhaustion. I see and feel every attack satan is using to come against them through others, and I see the battle of those thoughts, emotions, reasonings, and happenings going on inside my children, and thrust at them; but I also see their fight within that is set, fixed, finding every bit of strength left to keep coming forward to my face, to serve the King and the crown of the Kingdom of God, in heaven and earth— even during all of the raging waters, and unstable minds and emotions they are being tempted with: I see it all, dear, and I ride every wave with them.”
“There are so many, sir, who are literally (not figuratively), wondering if they will survive this time period of testing and crushing, of being stripped of every bit of their health and prosperity in the earth (it seems), knowing the only reason they continue on in this realm— is by your hand, and your will. We speak with them, and they have lost their friends, their family, their bodies decay, their finances stripped and lost, their living situations— homeless, in squalor and destitute situations, their belongings— few, and far between…
I see them crushed, but not giving up… like this verse states, sir.
{2 Corinthians 4:8-10 “We are troubled on every side— yet not distressed; we are perplexed— but not in despair; Persecuted— but not forsaken; cast down— but not destroyed; Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, so that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.”]
Oh what a crushing, sir; oh what a humbling, sir. And what frightens me for others who have not come through this, and do not think they will have to— is that they will: for this is the way of the cross, there is no other way.
I see a dichotomy right now, a two-fold if you will: on one side of your household there are those who are broken, crushed, stripped of the material world’s wealth— testing every bit of the heavenly realm of God that they claim they live from, and are a citizen of; and in this testing, stripping, and crushing— they are excelling with you, eyes fixed on you, remembering the prize is simply this – to be by your side, know you, and serve you – and be known of you: come what may.
And then I see the other side of this indelible line that you have drawn in the earth, in the house of God within the earth. This place where the intellectual knowledge of man is high within, where the mind has achieved what it has (and because it is a gifted mind) —but the heart has not attained the walk of what has been revealed to the mind (where it even has been revealed in a knowledge, but not in a way erected inside the heart and soul of that man: for many walk blind still in general, and I fear the Lord for them in what will come to be— just to save them from this). I see a place where man has not lost his wealth ‘in the world,’ and by wealth I do not mean money only sir.
I see the place in man, in your household, where he still walks in abundant blessing of material wealth in this realm: where he still has money to buy and to sell, where he still has health to even use it in whatever manner he chooses to— to walk, to run, to play and be entertained in the things, the opportunities of this world: the ability to come and go, to buy and to sell, to indulge or to abstain, to breathe freely everyday, blanketed in comforts: where there has not been a loss of people, places, and things, a loss of ability, a loss of temporal blessings— a stripping, and testing of, has not taken place: a testing of their true reliance upon God (as their ONLY way of sustenance, as their only way of remaining upon this earth, and content with), has not come forth yet— as like those you have established as your first fruits who have been walking in this fire, in this realm, for some time (decades, even), and not understanding the fiery trials that have come against them… but who now do.
A true reliance upon God, a true reliance upon Christ Jesus and the truth— is what the definition of faith, in the Strong’s dictionary of the scripture means, sir: and this is exactly how your household will come forth as sons— being tested, tried, refined, and reformed into your image through wilderness tribulation.
{G4102– Faith
Greek: πίστις
Transliteration: pistis
Pronunciation: pis'-tis
Definition: From G3982; persuasion— that is credence; moral conviction (of religious truth, the truthfulness of God, a religious teacher) especially reliance upon Christ for salvation; abstractly— constancy in such profession; by extension— the system of the religious gospel, truth itself: assurance, belief, believe, faith, fidelity.}
Sir, there is no way to test our reliance upon the truth, our reliance upon Christ Jesus himself, to test what our persuasion and credence, and moral conviction within us really is— lest we are tried in the material wealth loss in this world, loss that comes forth in circumstances of wherewith we lose the temporal things, from a world we do not hail from: we must be tried to prove we come from another Kingdom, where rust and moth ‘cannot’ destroy that which hails from this Kingdom.
{Matthew 6:19-21 “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust does corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust does corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”}
If you do not test your people (now or later) in the very same way you tested (refined) Jesus, the first Son of man to serve God in the earth fully, and by the Kingdom of God becoming erect in him, in the proper image— how will many more be born into the same way, following him, following in his footsteps, lest they be tried in the wilderness stripping, in the very same way: testing the pride and lust of the flesh, eyes, and of life itself in this realm; tempted in the area wherewith they could become comfortable, and at peace with the world, in ways the lost are?
Their bread will be taken from them (in parallel to satan’s temptation toward Christ in his hunger, in the wilderness), their protection seemingly removed as God allows the devil to test and sift them (as like he did when you walked out the wilderness period, sir, and you said that one is not to be tempting the Lord God, but instead to trust your Father in all he’s doing/allowing in our lives), to be tempted with material wealth, power, and influence— to move as the world moves, thinks, speaks, reasons, and to gather all the people unto oneself, gaining the worldly systems and people of (the fleshly), unto yourself (money to take care of whatever, whenever, and to never hunger or thirst in this world: like the rich prince).
And yet— I watched you walk right through all of these temptations, and strippings, and not give into doubt in your Father to keep you – even though you went hungry in the world (literally, no bread), even though you were stripped of all material belongings (not a place to lay your head even, and stripped naked, too, at one point – with nothing to your person), I watched you become seemingly wretched, despised, looked down upon, reviled – not exalted in fame, or money, or earthly power (and the only influence you had, were from those who knew your Father, could hear him in you, and see him in you in your actions— they knew you hailed from another Kingdom, another way, another conduct, one of purity, for they two were seeking to know your Father, and return to that which is pure).
I saw your stipping in this world, sir: how do we, or why do we think God does not desire to take us through the same walk as he took the first Son —with all sons?
Why do we think, if we have never suffered the loss of all— that we will never have to if we desire to be seated with him in authority, ruling and reigning with him in the earth? Christ suffered the loss of all, and still yet does as he walks with each of the Father’s children— as each first fruit is tried in these fiery trials, and walks the crucible in this world with him.
{1 Peter 4:12-13 “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you— as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice: inasmuch as you are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed— you may be glad also with exceeding joy.”}
(And his glory IS going to come forth in the earth, in a people who have been prepared of the Lord, for the Lord, and in whom the Lord is erect in his government in them.)
I’ve heard you say to me that— ‘All will come through the same Door, Janet, and what I have walked— those following me will walk out the same: the same path, the same way, the same course in this world.’ And so I understand what must come, and why— but it still causes me great travail, for I know what I will see, and what people will go through (people we know, and even some who teach or preach). And I know this will come to them as well, because your first fruits, born and refined, have been walking it out with you for some time now.
A complete dismantling of one’s life, and lifestyle in this realm: a stripping down to the bare bone structure of Christ in one’s life (and yes— these bones can live again, Ezekiel): returning to his likeness in the earth (as the sacrificial Lamb— the lambs/sheep as little ones in this realm who follow him, as the good Shepherd of the way, now leads).
Christ erect in one’s life— is a humble life and walk: one walking a walk of complete stripping, to erect the proper, true, conformed image within, of God holy once again, where the head of Christ is exalted, and in full possession of a vessel. And in this one, he/she will then be restored, in each life, unto the wealth of the Kingdom (which is an entirely different wealth from anything that could be walked out in this realm, but will also bring with it— an earthly wealth bestowed directly from God, in many vast formats, for the furthering of the Kingdom of God in the earth).
The wealth of the Kingdom— begins with the fear of the Lord, which is where all wisdom begins (Proverbs 9:10): we will come back into this within the house of God first— then the world, all nations will come back to walking in this toward you, and toward righteousness in the earth.
The wealth of the Kingdom of God, in bodies— is found in losing all vanity in this realm, and living the truth, walking pure in the heart and mind, toward God and fellow man: it begins in a purity walk of reformation within, that is manifested— regardless of the earthly suit, circumstances, or hardships: always giving, even the last mite, penny, material item, the last bit of wisdom led of God, the last laying on of hands, the last impartation of the will of God in a moment— even if it’s on one’s last breath in this realm: as the servant of God gives all, and freely so: and so, in time— this one will be restored in all.
The wealth of the Kingdom of God, is found in the heart and mind to serve God— when all has come against the child of God in this realm: when they are pressed on every side, when they are sifted by satan, purged of all material constraints and distractions in this life, and called to walk forward with God as if all is stellar, perfect, and good— because it is: our heavenly Father brings forth pure gold, refined in the fire, through suffering (which teaches us to obey God, not earthly things, or focus), and through loss in this realm: as Job, Lazarus, the apostles and disciples who followed our God and his way, became familiarized with.
You will lead us all through the wilderness of stripping, sir. You will be with us in it all, and you will be behind it all (your Spirit led Jesus into it, and will lead us into it the same: for we are in and of him), and it is with cause— not without.
All you do with your first fruits is to, well, make them into just that: and you change not; you are the same yesterday (in all you did with everyone before us), today (in all those going through your protocol even now), and forever (you will continue to do things the same way for all generations): you are equitable and just, and all who go forward with you (beyond initial salvation, entrance into heaven) will go the same way with you into discipleship, sonship, following in your footsteps, and by your lead: whereby bringing in the understanding of the difference between first fruits, and those saved by grace in salvation, alone.
The difference being— what one walks in that was freely given by Christ Jesus to all who accept (entering into the heavenly realm at the place of furthest possible reaches from the proximity to the holy places with God, as one with him, serving him there); and one who will walk in all that Jesus walked in upon the earth with our Father, returning to the proper image in earth: discipleship, sonship, sanctification, consecration, a laid back down life to be led by way of the Spirit in every situation, in every stripping, whipping/scourging, sacrifice, and every temptation to step away from faith in our Father, in his sovereignty over our lives.
First fruits are duplicates of Christ, manifest, in truth, love, light— and actions of, erect in the earth realm, with proofs of: which means— testings of. Study to show ourselves approved— is not of a written text… nay. It is of ‘the person of God’ himself (whether written or spoken to us directly by his Spirit) —seeing him face to face, countenance to countenance, as like in a glass, within our own vessels.
And we will see the difference between those who are staying at the least level of co-laboring in this realm with God, which is salvation level— where one gains entrance into heaven (but not the Kingdom of God, for that has to do with his government erect in a person, and a person erect in his government in the Kingdom of God, in his counsels), and the persons who are, or will become first fruits (duplicates of what Christ became in this realm, unto the Father, and with the Father; some already going through this for some time now, and where others will be brought into this).
If then… if we are to walk exactly what Christ Jesus walked out with the Father in this realm— why do we think we will not be stripped, scourged/whipped, persecuted, go naked, hungry, seemingly abandoned by God (whilst actually in his perfect will), lose health, vanity, and all things born of this world or flesh (you went through this, sir), losing friends or brethren, loss of reputation, slander, gossip— and all manner of evil coming against you?
Why do we suppose that ‘Christ did it all,’ and we will not have to do anything of giving like he did unto our Father and Creator, if we desire to rule and reign with him, to be manifest sons in the earth, as he was/is? Sir, you made the way for us to reunite with you— we couldn’t do that; but sir— after that way was made, we were called to walk it out in the earth with you, where two become one in Spirit: these are the sons of God.
We were called to go through the fire, to go to the crucible, to walk naked in this world, to lose (or give up, and die to) all this world has to offer— in order for our souls to be saved from all it has to offer us in its temptations to walk contrary to the Son in our lives: beauty (external), healthy bodies (external), material gains (opposite of eternal, heavenly treasure), favor of man (versus favor of God), many friends and much influence (versus godly friends— a remnant of, and a friend of God, with his approval and companionship), walking in ways that make no sense to the carnal minds (like letting your good friend Lazarus die— to fulfill the will of God, because that is what the Father led the Son in).
If we are to be fruits on a tree that you hail from— would we not come by the same way you did? Would the root that grew you on that tree, and brought you forth as the first matured one to walk out the new man creation, the one new man (Christ Jesus, in which we all are to find our being living in), would we not come forth of the same root system, same growth process, in order to be a fruit produced upon your same tree?
If so, sir— then we have much to watch come forth of the same pain, suffering, hardship, testing, trials, persecution, slander, gossip, whipping/scourging, stripping, and temptations you came through: and you will be with us to help us with every step of it; and no one will come to be a fruit who follows after you without coming through this phase of growth and production of such a refined golden vessel for the Lord God himself, to indwell, and bring his headship into— without this very same process.
Some, very few, have been coming through this process with you. You told me once….”
[The Lord]
“Janet, so many will not come this way with me. So many refuse my gift of suffering for the body of Christ, and his will and mission in the earth. So many desire (and even tell everyone else) that they should not suffer in all ways upon this earth, and that God does not desire this, ever, but that all would walk in comfort upon the earth, blessed with material things (health, bodies, minds, bank accounts, possessions, etc), and yet— I walked a very different life, one of humility. And now they say— because I walked that… that they do not need to, or it is not expected of them.
But I say this— No one will come to reign with me in wealth upon the earth, that did not gain the stripping of all things material, to make way for the image of God to become erect inside a man, and for the headship of the Almighty to be produced within that man, through a great humbling, sanctification, and consecration process— wherewith he has given up all, to have his all in God alone: in THOSE men and women— I will give all things into their hands with me, as I did with Christ Jesus, the first born Son, of all sons of mine; because he gave up all for me, in every way, and was tested in such. So those who will do the same— will gain the same (rule and reign with him).
No one who will not come through this Door, and this Way— will rule with me: for they are camped out at the basic level of relationship with me, unwilling to give up all in a world and kingdom that is not mine, where they will look foolish to stand apart, be hated for their righteous stand, their love, their purity in this world, who would be born through adversity, and relinquish all this world (physical life) can offer to them (including one’s prosperous dirt suit body).
The Kingdom of heaven— is where my throne is, and where most saved by Christ Jesus, people, enter into; I rule and reign the Kingdom of heaven by my divine person itself, and with jurisdiction and kingship of: but the KINGDOM OF GOD— is where my rule is erect, ANYWHERE IN MY CREATION, including inside of man in the earth (mind, will, words, deeds/actions): it is my government erect, wherever, in all my realms (spirit, soul, body, heavens, galaxies/cosmos), and especially in my vessels of honor— where I uphold my throne from the heavens, even in the earth.
The Kingdom of God is where God is in rule, not just in heaven— but in the earth as well, especially in my vessels: did I not tell you the Kingdom of God is within?
{Luke 17:21 “Neither shall they say— Lo here! Or— lo there! For, behold— the kingdom of God is within you.”}
Many will enter into the Kingdom of heaven, Janet— but not the Kingdom of God (and even there, will be gnashing of teeth over this): only my duplicate children in the earth (as Christ Jesus is), my fruit duplicates, will enter into the Kingdom of God— whilst on earth, in their earth; and it will be through giving up ALL for me, and to me, in a world where everything is about what man can indulge in, walk in, work in giftings and intelligence, glory and bask in, uphold, seek after (like Las Vegas neon lights), as they are drawn away from the humble, stripped of this world existence in God.
And the wayward man (still spotted and wrinkly), instead of what he can sacrifice and give up for God in the earth realm— has learned to partner with, exalt, seek after, desire and lust after, and run to it with all their might.
How does one become restored in the earth, to my Kingdom assets, provisions, and prosperity (even in material formats, physical world ways)?
This is how one gets restored, dear: they are willing to lose all they could have here, not loving their own lives unto the death— to gain a life and inheritance that only God can recover in them, and to them in this realm: the stripping, the loss— the sacrifice, through suffering and gaining obedience to my Spirit, getting to know my person, and coming through the same way I did… is what will bring restoration of all things to my first fruits: for one must first give up all, to have ‘All’ fulfilled in them, and restored unto them – being raised from death to life (from ashes to beauty).
I must take them all through this dear, and must move them from the mind— to walking things out in the full soul realm. I must take them from a knowledge base, born only in the mind and understanding— into a knowledge base, experiential – lived from the soul, carried out in the body, where they have become the truth incarnate, as I did.
All that I do is with good reason— and I will bring no man any other way: I reveal these things to my prophets (and Jesus is the chiefest of them all, dear). Each man will pick up his cross, die the same death as Christ Jesus exemplified in this earth— to all that is of this realm, and all it offers man to walk in. Each man will come through the same way, and any other other way he will attempt to climb up into a wedding with God— he will be found out, for his garment will not be as it should be, and he will be kicked out, and gnashing of teeth (regret and wailing of) will be heard and experienced: for man thought he could forgo, go without, this process. And I assure you— no first fruit, no mature partner (bride) will come any other way to wed my person.
Many will enter into eternal life, at salvation, into heaven: but only my duplicate fruits will come into marriage with me, and the bride will be prepared to do this marriage with me— in the wilderness, where all men are made in their relationships to their God, who will yoke to their God in a marriage union of oneness.
The first of these to come through the fire, to come through the refinement, to have resumed their proper image in Christ, and after Christ Jesus— will help the others to come into this understanding, just as Jesus has done in their lives. Many are to enter into this wilderness period, now, dear – if they have not already. And who will better feed them in the wilderness, nourishing them up in the way, coming through the same testing of their faith— but the first fruits?
You see, dear— just as a tree, booming with its height, and its health, and its green leaves, will boast of its beauty in this realm, like the fig tree I crossed paths with… So is the man who has not been stripped, who has not died to self, who has not relinquished all, and been tested in his stripping in this world. He is a tree that boasts of his heights, and of his green, lush leaves in this world, and his seeming wealth and prosperity… but he knows not that he is wretched, filthy, and naked in his own righteousness, or walk of— born of the tree of knowledge, brought forth with lips, but not born into the soul and heart, erect in a pure relationship to the truth, to love, to the light being clean and pure in them.
This tree, or branch, must be pruned because it is unprofitable in the earth: it brings forth everything BUT truth, the way, and the life erect in a man: the fruit, that feeds others, that is born of walking hand in hand, step in step, life for a life, with God in this realm.
This person needs yet to be stripped— in order for them to come into what I have called them for, in such a time as this: sonship, as a fruit duplicate of me in the earth, unto my goal – to erect my Kingdom in the earth once again; for this is why I have need of priesthood. And I do not have need only in heaven of a priesthood, but I have a need for my priesthood that hails from heaven— who brings the service to the crown and King, into the earth.
My first fruits who have undergone this wilderness period, where they will have been tried in all areas— will come forth with me to assist the others into this, as they will come through great humbling; and so— I will expect grace from my first fruits toward them, in and through it all: you will be scrutinized by my Spirit, and by my messengers (angels) during this period, as well— as much is required from those who will teach, govern, and lead: to whom much was given, much will be required of you all: responsibility, but as well, accountability.
Those who will assist me in the government of the earth will be those who already wash my feet and minister to me in heaven: all ministry is unto me— secondary, it is unto man in the earth: many have allowed ministry in the earth, unto man— to usurp the first love ministering to me in this realm: and this will all come crashing down, as well, and must. For my people have need of a headship over them, me; and they must be given over to me, to assist and serve me— not man first and foremost: that is loyalty misplaced, and favor of man in the earth, over God.
All branches on my tree (household) in the earth, that are unprofitable branches in the earth, toward my government and rule being established in the earth (namely themselves, firstly) will be pruned at this time— in order to save the production of fruit in the profitable branches, that they would produce even more fruit: a little one (a humble one who serves) will become a thousand.
I will not bring forth a government of people in the earth who have not produced for me in heaven – in the Spirit, first: it will be cast to the ground, and wither— like the fig tree that would not produce whenever God had need of fruit in the earth to feed the sons.
I have goals here, Janet, and it’s not just to save people into heaven— it is to fulfill my dream to begin with, where man and God live in the earth, in a productive, and unified format, in my image, bringing forth a restoration into this place: that does not come with a people who are only in it for themselves and what they can gain (camped at salvation, satisfied with only this for themselves), nay: but it will come by a people who were willing to give me their all in this realm, to come walk what Christ Jesus walked in this realm with me, and to be reformed back into the image of the Son, HERE, in this place, to finish carrying out what he introduced to you all: sonship. Where he is now seated, in full power and authority— to help my duplicate fruits carry this out now.
THOSE PEOPLE OF MINE— who have come through this process with me, who have been for all of time coming through this process with me in sanctification, with a consecrated life unto me IN THIS REALM (who you all know as the greats of faith)...
These will be those who followed the Lamb wherever he went, laid their lives down too, and sacrificed (relinquished all), CHOSE TO DO SO, WILLINGLY (as I heard them, literally inquire of me to take them this ‘way,’ the same way as Christ Jesus, to become a son born after him, and to do whatever it takes to accomplish this), and because they have— they will be restored, lifted up, exalted in the earth, as my Son demonstrated, as well, like him.
These will be displayed on full manifestation-display, as I walk them out in the earth— because they became the least.
They lost everything— for me.
They kept their faith through the fiery trials, and continued to worship me like Job on the ash heap of all that seemed to be their life in this realm— trusting me that there was cause, reason, and worth in it all; and that worth was not only in this temporal realm, but in the realm of eternity— and born of my will, mandate, plans, and redemptive purposes. That all I would ever take from them— would not only be restored in some way, shape, or form, at some time… but also was working a far greater glory, unto my name, in the large scheme of my Kingdom, and a great harvest of souls, and unto a bride who is made ready.
You see— I do need a people that I can indwell and use to bring many more into this cleaned up, and ironed out life, yoked to God Almighty in this realm: a people of purity of heart, of righteous garments – getting cleaned, and keeping them clean, who will marry my Spirit in this earth— and allow me to possess them, turn them, use them, as my hands and feet, heart, and mind, words and ways in this realm, unto a people who need yet to meet me, and come back into life with me, unto true salvation – and even, just maybe, marry me too.
Not all will marry me— but all who are first fruits have come into this already, this union marriage with my Spirit, and given themselves wholly to me, as a bride does: these will be my priesthood in the earth, for they are my priesthood in heaven, already; and they will bring many more into this, and through this with me.
This will all come through the darkest period of time that this earth (and definitely this generation) has ever seen. Dear, they will be lighthouse beacons in the midst of great and gross darkness, great evil upon the earth, war, and pestilence, famine and dearth— where many will fall away from me.
This generation has never seen what it is like to have its blessing of fatness removed, to be tried of hunger in the wilderness— for she stepped away from God long ago, and has need to be reacquainted.
This generation will come through a holy fire that is to sweep the land of my judgments rolling into this realm from the throne room; and when it does, and when they go through this— I am not without compassion, I will erect a first fruits company, gathering them together in one accord, led of my Spirit, to help many come through this time period.
But children— these will be front-line workers, they are laborers (they are few, currently), and they will assist the brethren who have yet to come through this.
Many will be disheartened when they are not removed from this earth as judgements come forth— like the preachers have told them. When this comes to be— you will be called up to serve them the truth, with love erect, and a desire to see them embraced by the family of God in this time period; because it will be jarring for them, and it will be very hard on them— because they did not prepare, as I have prepared you: they did not have ears that heard me, nor eyes that saw what I would have to bring in— just to save some of ‘them.’
And I will use my first fruits, who move in love, patience, long-suffering them, continuing to extend grace toward them— for they see my heart that I desire that none should perish, but that all would repent, and come back to me, in truth, within, and couple with me, my way, and their right identities in me.
First fruits are not those who have had all blessings in the material, have it easy, or have it well off in this world: in fact, they are the opposite— they have lost, relinquished, and been stripped of this world; and they serve me first, and the brethren second: and for all of that— I will restore what the locust has eaten, and what satan has stolen in their trying and testing wilderness period: for they have been found to still yet honor my name, still yet go forth in all I ask of them, and still yet work the harvest field great commission, and do not hail from this world.
So— I will give them the world, and they will rule and reign with me; because I was able to rule and reign, reform, correct, humble, and establish my headship in them; and they were WILLING VESSELS, hearts, minds, and hands and feet for my Kingdom of God to be established in them.
{Psalm 37:11 “But the meek shall inherit the earth, And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” Matthew 5:5 “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” }
They will not inherit the earth for nothing; or rather, they will not inherit the earth as I bring in my Millennial Reign into earth for ‘doing’ nothing, and staying at the level of being content with entrance into heaven alone (salvation, basic level of relationship with God, based only in what God did for man); but because they desired to return to the image of the Son, being reformed fully into his image IN THE EARTH realm— when everything else was offered to them as a temptation, or distraction to not go all the way with God, whilst here, serving God’s will and interests, mandate, and mission in this realm.
They will inherit a governmental role with me in the earth— BECAUSE THEY DID GIVE IT ALL UP – for me to be established in the earth again: and they were tried to the max, to come forth as a golden, pure vessels of honor to me in this realm: where sonship, under my headship, was established— as they reformed into the image of the Son, in their earthen vessels once again, going the same way/path he did, in his testing/trying in the earth.
They will not all hear this right now, dear; they will not all heed this right now, dear. But soon enough, the earthly way will change, abruptly, and all they thought would never come— will come. When it does, some will turn toward me, in repentance, and will willingly walk into the fire with me, to be refined, cleaned up, regain a spotless image in righteousness (as Jesus exemplified), and they will choose to marry me in the proper garment, as well.
Many more will fall away— but dear, let them be as they are, and will be: for every many must choose me, willingly; and every man who desires to marry me, not just get into life eternal with me— must choose this as well for himself: so let those who will come to me, come to me; and those who will not— leave that burden to me to carry.
{Revelation 22:11-12 “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he that is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And (because), behold— I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according to his work, shall it be.”}
The time comes for the judgment of the house of God, and for the harvest to come forth— they come together: the world (the spirit of), will not be saved, only the lost of my fold: but the world will be reformed, melted, and revamped for my meek who will inherit it: and some— will walk the taste of this out with me before the end; they will usher in the reign of the King of Kings into the earth— and many will come to know me in this time period.
It will be a tumultuous cleansing period— but when was war ever dainty, or without great calamity? We will come through this— but not without much loss, as is the walk of the sons of men in this realm: but it is to bring forth a victory in Christ Jesus, a redemptive cause to restore creation to my hand, and my people, who have chosen to couple with me in this realm (surrendering and giving all to do so).
We will make it through this all, and many more will join the ranks of my first fruits, in time— as they will be brought through the very same circumstances in the wilderness: and if they will not, and they will fall away from me in the wilderness of testing, sifting, and choosing whom man will serve and exalt (himself, or me)... I will bring them home the same way I did in the wilderness, through death, bodily.
I am on mission here, Janet, as I am seated at the throne of all of God’s creation: and those who will remain on mission here with me— I will keep here with me to continue the great harvest of souls. But if my people will be unprofitable to me in the earth, will not serve me, minister to me in the earth, wash my feet, and serve the crown for the purposes of erecting my government, the Kingdom of God in the earth— I will remove them, as I whittled down my army before (like Gideon), and I will accomplish my war, and with victory of, with my small, but mighty, remnant army of Calebs and Joshuas in this hour: for they were born for such a time as this.
Tell them, warn them: for it is all you can do, outside of living and demonstrating the Kingdom erect within you, and my person and headship as well.
I came as Son of man— to demonstrate the Kingdom of God erect in a man, and to bid more to come, and teach them, and instruct them, and lead them into this, and to warn them of the wrath to come should they choose me not.
This is all you can do as well: live it, demonstrate the Kingdom of God manifest, and erect in man (you), and bid more to come humbly to the face of God and lay their lives down to serve me in this realm too. Instruct them (as you have been in all the ministry we’ve been doing, children), lead them in the way to go by walking and living it yourselves, and helping them with it, warn them of the wrath to come (so they will choose to repent now, before all of it): this is the great commission, and the role of the ambassadors of Christ in this realm.
Now the world's testing and refinement comes forth, and many of my household are caught up in it: be kind, generous, gentle, loving, merciful, graceful, loving and peaceable with those who will desire to repent and come to me. Many will come on their deathbeds, but others will join your ranks, and come work alongside you— to fulfill the great commission and harvest of souls into our family, and out of the clutches of satan’s grip.
Hold your faith, little, humble ones. Hold your ground within your minds, your hearts, and stand steadfast in the truth; because I will lift you up, and bear you up on my wings, and I will restore you my first fruit children, my beautiful partners in the earth: you have been tried, and found worthy vessels— the next phase is your restoration.
Rejoice in this dear ones— for your fiery trials are coming to a close, and you will be restored in all I have for you, so that you can serve the others who will come through this same way (path) that you have; for you only went before them in the stripping away of the world, and the reestablishment of the government of God becoming erect in you.
You will lay your lives down again, not just to me, but to them, next.
You will give your all to bring them through the same way you came, the same way I lead all of my bride through— so that she, herself, can choose me, and honor me, and reform back to my image – as she makes HERSELF ready in the wilderness, for me to return to retrieve her, clean, and ironed out, and ready for a wedding celebration, reception, to come forth.
When I come for her, not only will the first fruits be ready— but so will she, as she is the fruit wherewith the first fruits accomplish —one, who will become a thousand: my Son was the first of the first fruit of God to come forth, and he served all, giving all, helping and assisting all: and so will my first fruits found in him come forth with the same in the earth, by the same walk and route in the earth, and unto assisting all the others, the same as he did in the earthen life given him in this realm: he is a servant to all, and so are the other first fruits who came the same way, through the same Door, and walk in the same Life as Christ Jesus.
Stay the course— it’s all coming forth as it should be.
Oh, and yes, dear— prepare them that things will not be as they seem in this realm: things are fluid right now, ever changing, and to be prepared for what cannot be prepared for. But trust me in it all— for many things I will walk out will be abrupt, and satan will not see what I have coming, for my plans are hidden for the day they will come forth.
It will appear that satan is winning for some time— but keep your faith in me: for as you see these things come upon the earth, LOOK UP, for your redemption draws nigh.”
—Almighty God, who is seated in
all power and authority