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Works of our Faith/Persuasion of belief

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Workings of our Faith—

Flesh/Pride or Spirit?


Please forgive there many spelling errors--- I don't have time to correct them all;

and so I release this with errors included.


Revelation 9:20-21

“And the rest of the men— who were not killed by these plagues [calamities]— still yet repented not of the works [toil and labor or actions] of their hands— that they should not worship [fawn over and crouch down bowing to, prostrating self in reverence and adoration to] devils [demonic deities]— and idols [images worshiped, as a god] of gold, silver, brass, stone and wood: which neither can see nor hear, nor walk; Neither did they repent of their murders, of their sorceries [medication pharmacy, and witchcraft], of their fornication [harlotry, adultery and incest— figuratively idolatry], nor of their thefts [actions of stealing].”

G5331 — Sorceries

Greek: φαρμακεία

Transliteration: pharmakeia

Pronunciation: far-mak-i'-ah

Definition: From G5332; medication (pharmacy) that is (by extension) magic (literal or figurative): sorcery, witchcraft.


In the last days, the days preceding the end of all that is— men will rebel hardcore against the Lord God, the true God, the holy God— and they will partake in the plagues that come with Babylon being ingrained within a man.

“Come out of her— lest you partake in her plagues.”

And plagues here, are calamities that will befall the lives of those who are wicked, including the Lukewarm, for they are wicked— as they will not commit to the Lord wholeheartedly— and remove the Babylonian influences, and lusts they partake in, out of their lives.

They will remain unrepentant to the Lord God, of the works of their own hands (endeavors they are partaking in on a daily basis, that stem from their hearts); whereas God tells us— not to worship devils or idols.

Devils being wicked spirit deities we listen to and take counsel from: where we get our ideas, reasonings, and beliefs that we act on, and what we exalt— is the ‘god’ that leads us, and fathers us.

Idols— are images worshiped, and bowed down to in our hearts: for many— the biggest one is SELF; and when he says— which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk…

The superficial meaning (carnal lower worldly understanding) is literal down here— as we picture a statue listening, or speaking or walking; but he is desiring for us to understand with SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING, led of his Spirit.

He is saying— with these types of people, those who LIVE FOR material things— gold, silver, wood, etc— as what they BEHOLD, GO AFTER, GAZE UPON and WORSHIP…

They, these people who go not after God holy, but after the ‘things’ he has created, and worship those things— they are BLIND, DEAF and WALK NOT AFTER HIM: spiritually speaking, they are yet carnal.

Neither did they repent of their murders, of their sorceries [medication pharmacy, and witchcraft], of their fornication [harlotry, adultery and incest— figuratively idolatry], nor of their thefts [actions of stealing].

They murder in their hearts, serve what they ‘think’ is best for them, not what God knows is best for them, they honor themselves, indulge themselves, and disrespect and rebel God holy.

They will take, use and go after medications from pharmacy— which is witchcraft (no mincing scripture), and they will defend it and yoke with it; they will commit fornication (not being pure) as they walk in literal or spiritual harlotry following their own ways (ways of devils), which is against the Lord God and his holy Spirit— which is to walk with and in idolatry— and they will steal: the devil steals; they will take to themselves whatever they want, regardless of whom it hurts, other humans or God— doesn’t matter.

We are influencing others by our actions all the time.

Are we influencing others by the lead and conduct of the holy Spirit of God— or are we actually witnessing the actions and conduct of ‘another’ spirit, or spirits?

We had better find out whether we are walking in idolatry and worshiping devils for real; what do we LIVE?

Because it’s what we LIVE, that we will be judged for— not what we said, or even intended— but by what we DO IN OUR BODIES.

“We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to what he has done— whether it be good or bad.”


James 2:14-26

“What does it profit [benefit for gain], my brethren— though a man says he has faith [persuasion of moral conviction, truth of Godand reliance on Christ: truth and fidelity], but has [holds in relation or condition possessing] not works [toiling and acting in labor of]— Can faith (that kind of faith without workings) save him [deliver or protect, making him whole]?

If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them— Depart in peace, be warmed and filled; notwithstanding you do not give them those things which are needful to the body (you do not works of righteousness); what doth it profit?

Even so [in this way likewise] faith [persuasion of moral conviction, truth of Godand reliance on Christ: truth and fidelity], if it has not works [toiling and acting in labor of] —is dead [as a corpse], being alone [in opposition, distribution and intensity— not joined— but set against].

Yea, a man may say— You have faith, and I have works: show me your faith [persuasion of moral conviction, truth of God and reliance on Christ: truth and fidelity] without your works [toiling and acting in labor of]— and I will show your my faith by [by reason of, through— and marking completion in and from] my works.

You believe that there is one God; you do well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

But will you know [perceive and resolve, with understanding being sure]— O vain man— that faith [persuasion of moral conviction, truth of Godand reliance on Christ: truth and fidelity] without works [toiling and acting in labor of] is dead [as a corpse]?

Was not Abraham our father justified [rendered, shown or regarded as just or innocent— justified, righteous] by works [toils and acting labors of his faith] —when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?

See how faith wrought [cooperated, working together] with his works, and by [by reason of, through— and marking completion in and from] his works— was his faith [persuasion of moral conviction, truth of Godand reliance on Christ: truth and fidelity] made perfect [complete– accomplished, consummated in character and finished— consecrated]?

[CONSUMMATED and FINISHED/COMPLETED/ACCOMPLISHED; our faith needs to be completed, finished and accomplished— through our workings of that faith and persuasion of moral conviction in Christ— and that CONSUMMATES our COVENANT RELATIONSHIP with God.]

And the scripture was fulfilled which says— Abraham believed God, and it was imputed [inventoried and estimated, concluded] unto him for righteousness [equity— equal and just character and actions— being justified]: and he was called the Friend [dear one] of God.

You see then— how that by works [toiling in acting labors of his faith] —a man is justified [rendered, shown or regarded as just or innocent— justified, righteous], and not by faith [persuasion of moral conviction, truth of God and reliance on Christ: truth and fidelity] only [merely].

[We are JUSTIFIED— rendered innocent (that our sentencing we deserved) and righteous— BY the WORKINGS OF OUR FAITH, which is what we are persuaded to believe (live out) of MORAL CONVICTION, reliance on Christ to do it with us and through us, and while remaining faithful to him— fidelity.

And NOT ONLY an empty faith, or words only, but BY THE WORKINGS OF THAT FAITH, the actions that prove the faith we live and believe.]

Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified [rendered, shown or regarded as just or innocent— justified, righteous] by her works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way?

For as the body [the sound whole] without the spirit is dead [as a corpse]— so also is faith [persuasion of moral conviction, truth of God and reliance on Christ: truth and fidelity] without works [toiling and acting on that faith] is dead [as a corpse].”


Our faith is PROVED by the WORKINGS of our faith, our actions; God is saying— Without you doing actions of your faith, essentially LIVING OUT WHAT YOU BELIEVE— then you have a dead faith, dead— like a corpse: and he is life and life more abundantly.

We cannot come into life— through dead works of a dead faith; we come into life (him), when we agree to LIVE LIFE IN CHRIST henceforth; which is live life with Christ, by Christ, with Christ— as Christ lives: for the only life there is, is found inside of Christ, and Christ— inside of us.


Titus 1:14-16

“Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men— that turn from the truth.

Unto the pure [clean] —all things are pure (meaning— they will adhere to clean living, and desire to): but unto them who are defiled [sullied, tainted and contaminated morally] and unbelieving [disbelieving, no Christian faith, untrustworthy] —nothing is pure; but even their mind [thoughts, feelings and will— choses made] and conscience [co-perceptions of moral consciousness] is defiled [sullied, tainted and contaminated morally].

They profess [confess covenant knowledge] that they know [are aware of, behold, consider, perceive and understand] God; but in works [toiling actions of labors]— they deny [contradict, reject and abnegate— renounce and reject] him— being abominable [detestable and idolatrous], and disobedient [unpersuadable— contumacious, meaning— stubbornly willful to authority], and unto every good [beneficial] work —reprobate [unapproved, rejected, worthless and castaway].”


Commandments of men— that turn from the truth.

Who are we listening to?

Who is teaching us— because everyone will give account— not just the teachers who teach, but we— who follow them.

Are they led of God and his holy Spirit— each man will give account to Christ as to whether or not he obeyed the scriptures and the truth— as it was given— both teacher and following students.


I KNOW the weight of the teacher’s accountability— and I both am led of his Spirit as to what he desires to teach of scripture and himself through me, and as well to do it entirely with him, every step of the way— and then as a triple check—- to go over it, and edit it together, and then…

I ask him to help me get out of the way, to allow HIM to bring through his message and word— through his Holy Spirit in me.

We will be accountable, all of us, not just teacher, but students as well— for whom we listen and learn from— that the Lord, or satan has sent into our lives: one way you will know which— is who walks in excuses, and twist doctrine to serve their own lusts, and who walks strait, tight in conduct with the Holy Spirit of God, as/like Christ himself, led of his uncompromising Spirit?

We must be children led of the Spirit of God— for those are his only children; and they compromise not.

Unto the pure, all things are pure that they will seek out to do, be and adhere to; but unto the defiled, the sullied, tainted and contaminated people— all things will be twisted and excused that they walk in, and is CONTRARY TO THAT WHICH THE HOLY SPIRIT WALKS IN.

These defiled, even their minds, thoughts, feelings and will— the choices made, and their consciences (their co-perceptions of moral consciousness) will be defiled, sullied, tainted and contaminated morally.

How many of us excuse behaviors in ourselves that God does not excuse nor allow in himself?

How many of us are searching our hearts for anything that is wickedly following the flesh— things contrary to God holy?

Because these have a seared conscience, the place where we are to CO-PERCEIVE from the Holy Spirit of God— what is good and acceptable— in our conscious living.

These types of ‘Christians’ will profess— confessing covenant knowledge (memorized scripture)— that they know, are aware of, behold, consider, perceive and understand God; but in works, the things they actually toil in of actions of labors— they deny, contradict, reject and abnegate— renounce and reject him— his holy Spirit and working with him, subservient to him in submission to him.

And these, they being abominable— detestable and idolatrous to him, and they are disobedient, unpersuadable— contumacious, meaning— stubbornly willful, against his authority in their souls— and unto every good or beneficial work —they are shown as reprobate— unapproved, rejected, worthless and castaway.

This means— they were given salvation, but would not walk or work it out with fear and trembling; they would not submit to an authority figure over them, or leading them, and they— because of a conscious that he cannot persuade, because they are stubbornly wilful— they cast away the working of righteous, beneficial good works in their lives— and become reprobate in their minding self.

Stubborn is rebelling God, when it is practicing things he does not; “but stubborn,” he said to me— “Can be turned to perseverance— if you’ll follow my command and leadership in your lives, believing me to work all things to your good, even if it makes no earthly logical sense to you.”

The choice is ours— but we will give account for all we work in our bodies in our lifetimes here; choose this day whom you will serve: man or God.


Titus 2:7-8

“In all things showing [holding, presenting, furnishing] yourself a pattern [stamp, shape, style or resemblance, model and instance or manner] of good works: in doctrine [instruction (those are commands) of information and teachings] showing un-corruptness [purity of doctrine], gravity [honesty and venerableness— reverence and noble character, that is probity— strong moral principles, honest and decent, good], sincerity [incorruptible, unending existence— genuine]— Sound [healthy, well, true in doctrine] speech [including thought, topics, reasoning, discourse, mental faculties, motives, computations— as Divine Expression]— that cannot be condemned [unblameable]; that he that is of the contrary part [opposite, antagonistic— hostile opposition] may be ashamed [confounded— proved wrong, defeated and overthrown, confused and mixed up], having no evil thing (they can) to you— say of you.”

[We are to be holding, presenting, furnishing ourselves in a pattern of behavior, a stamp, shape, style or resemblance, model and instance or manner of good works— as like Christ, because it is his Spirit leading us.

Our doctrine— instruction (those are commands) of information and teachings are to be showing our un-corruptness— our purity of doctrine that we adhere to, with gravity— honest venerablenessreverence and noble character, that is probity— strong moral principles, honest and decent, good

With sincerity— incorruptible, unending existence of being genuine— and SOUND— which means, well and true in doctrine, and in speech— which includes thought, topics, reasoning, discourse, mental faculties, motives, computations— as we are to be expressing the SPIRIT and HIS Divine Expression.

So that we cannot be condemned, which means we remain unblameable.

And so that the person that is of the contrary part, which means— opposite, antagonistic— an hostile opposition to God holy and what he leads his person like, and his children like— may be ashamed which means confounded— proved wrong, defeated and overthrown, confused and mixed up; and so that they will have no evil (which means immoral bad) thing they can say of us.

God really does have a reason for all things, and why we need to actually be led of his Spirit and not make excuses for ourselves— like excusing ourselves from HIS TABLE.

We are either taking from his table of options, led of his Spirit in our thoughts, feelings and wills— our souls… or we are being led of ‘another’ spirit, namely satan/self leading— and we are reprobate, unapproved, rejected, worthless and castaway from YOKING WITH HIM— which is what our covenant is.

We are either ambassadors witnessing his Spirit in actions within our souls— or we are witnessing an unregenerate state of ‘being’ still— and have been offered unity with God through salvation and reconciliation— but our consciences are seared into self leading ways, and we remain estranged of a LORD OVER US: we, still on the heart thrones, by our reasonings and leading: only those who overcome till the end— are saved.

Revelation 3:21

“To him who overcomes —I will grant to sit with me in my throne (and don’t forget— ALL OF HEAVEN IS HIS THRONE, we want to go there, yes?), even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.”

We have to overcome wanting to be our own ‘gods;’ and do things his way, and by his lead— which is the WAY (in Jesus) unto LIFE (in Jesus), which is the TRUTH (in Jesus)... lived out in our bodies, souls and lifetimes: you will KNOW THEM, by their FRUITS.]

Titus 2:13-15

“...the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ— Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem [ransom] us from all iniquity [illegal violation of his law— wickedness, the law or unrighteousness], and purify [cleanse and make pure, purging] unto himself —a peculiar [beyond usual, special of his own] people– who are zealous of good works.

These things speak, and exhort [call near and invoke, desire and entreat], and rebuke [confute and admonish, convict and reprove] with all [whole] authority [injunction, authoritativeness and command].

Let no man despise you [depreciate nor hold you in contempt].”

[God, in Christ— gave his life that he might ransom us back from iniquity, and purge it out of us in refinement (the Refiner’s— that’s him— fire); iniquity being all operations in us that are illegal and in violation of his law— and in fact is the law of UNRIGHTEOUSNESS working in our members.

And he has a work to do to purify us in cleansing (by the word, the scriptures and his person— if we will allow him to), to PULL US TO HIMSELF, and make us a peculiar people of his; people who are NOT USUAL or ‘common,’ as man is common here in the earth, carnal realm— but a SPECIAL PEOPLE who stand out as DIFFERENT, for their is A DIFFERENT SPIRIT WORKING WORKS IN THEM.

A people who are zealous to do the good workings of Christ, whose Spirit is working in them.

Philippians 2:13

“For it is God who works in you— both to will, and to do— of his good pleasure.”


Titus 3:5-6, 8 & 14

“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us— (how did he save us) by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost— Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior.

[He saved us by his righteous works, according to his love and mercy— and he does it in us— by the washing of the word over our lives in the REGENERATION PROCESS, brought about to us— by the RENEWING OF HOLY SPIRIT IN US, bringing our spirit and soul to LIFE IN CHRIST.

He gave us ‘his’ own Holy Spirit— to work his works in us, refining us in his fire of refinement to our spirits and souls— that brings a REGENERATION OF OUR PERSON into existence.

Without the CHANGE, which is what ‘reconciled’ in scripture states— we are UNREGENERATE, and walk after the flesh still, and not the Spirit’s lead: regeneration is a CRITICAL PROCESS and state to live, without it— we were offered salvation, but denied the power to reform and be conformed back into his image.

G2644 – Reconciled

Greek: καταλλάσσω

Transliteration: katallassō

Pronunciation: kat-al-las'-so

Definition: From G2596 and G236; to change mutually —that is (figuratively) to compound a difference: reconcile]

8 & 14

This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that you affirm constantly [confirm thoroughly, asseverate— declare and state emphatically] —that they who have believed in God— might be careful [exercising thought] to maintain [stand in rank and preside or practice and rule] good works. These things are good and profitable [advantageous and helpful] to men.

And let us also learn to maintain [stand in rank and preside or practice and rule] good works— for necessary uses [employment and affairs, occasion, requirement, business and need]— that they be [stand and appear] not unfruitful [barren and without fruits].”

[We are to confirm and affirm CONSTANTLY and EMPHATICALLY who believe in God; being careful to exercise thought toward our actions and workings that we work— unto GOOD WORKS IN CHRIST JESUS; because those works are what we practice and allow to rule in us— that hold RANK IN US.

Let us learn to maintain these good workings in us, that help us STAND and APPEAR to show forth HIS FRUITS— not being unprofitable, a withered branch to be pruned off— because it would not BEAR MUCH FRUIT.]


2 Timothy 1:9-11

“(God) Who has saved us, and called [bid forth] us with a holy [sacred, pure, morally blameless, ceremonially consecrated, saintly] calling— not according to OUR works (ours are filthy rags, but by His Spirit working in us now)...

but according to [joined] his own purpose [setting forth in, intentions, show bread exposed before God in the temple] and grace— which was given to us in Christ Jesus, before the world began— But is now made manifest [apparent, appearing and rendered, declared and shows forth] by the appearing [manifestation and appearing brightness] of our Saviour Jesus Christ— who has abolished [ceased and destroyed] death [literal or spiritual] —and has brought life and immortality [incorruptibility, endending existence of genuineness/sincerity] to light [shine, enlighten, illuminate and make to see] through the gospel [the good message]:

Whereunto I am appointed [placed, postured, committed, and ordained] a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles.

[God saved us and bid us forth with a holy calling— a pure, morally blameless, consecrated and saintly calling; not by our workings, but by HIS SPIRIT WORKING IN US NOW.

According to, as JOINED to his Spirit now— the PURPOSES OF HIS OWN, which means— setting forth his works in us, his intentions, making us the show bread exposed before God in the temple (that’s each of us)— and by his graciousness this saves us.

His Spirit and work is NOW MADE MANIFEST IN US— made apparent, appearing and rendering his works, declaring and showing them forth; by the appearing— manifestation and appearing of brightness (his in us, he being the light of men) —of our savior, Jesus Christ.

Because he abolished, ceased/stopped and destroyed the works of unrighteousness (death, estrangement, ununified, not in agreement or oneness) in us— and instead brought us to life and immortality, which means— incorruptibility, endending existence of genuineness/sincerity.

We must be GENUINE and SINCERE in our hearts toward him, and toward living the truth; bringing to light— TRUTH IN US— making us shine his light out and through us, enlightening us, illuminating us and making us to see the truth: HIMSELF, and our true identities in him— through the gospel, the good message.

Wherewith, we too are appointed— placed, postured, committed, and ordained— to walk as children of the Most High God.]


Hold fast the form of sound words, which you have heard of me— in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.

That good thing which was committed unto you— keep it by the Holy Ghost which dwells in us.”

[Holy Spirit has a job to do in us, reforming, regenerating and making us a new creation in Christ Jesus unto good workings; we have had the TRUTH COMMITTED TO US, and we are KEEP IT IN US, and working in us— that the men and women of scripture graciously bequeathed us with, as they wrote of their lives with God, and the truth as he revealed himself to them.]


2 Timothy 3:16-17

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God [divinely breathed in], and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect [fresh (that’s new) and complete] —thoroughly furnished [finished out and equipped fully— a teacher, to accomplish] unto all good works.”

[He just said all scripture is divinely breathed into existence through his children students— and it’s given to us to teach us (doctrine), to correct us, and to instruct us IN RIGHTEOUS LIVING; so that the children of God holy can be made fresh, new, complete and perfect in Christ; being fully finished out, and equipped fully to TEACH OTHERS, and to accomplish good works in the earth realm.

I hope we understand this thoroughly.]


1 Timothy 6:18-19

“That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute [exist to do good imparting liberally], willing to communicate [liberally]— Laying up in store [treasure put away] for themselves —a good foundation [substruction— underbuilding of structure, of building] against the time to come— that they may lay hold on [seize or attain] eternal life [perpetual, everlasting life or lifetime].”

[He calls us to be rich in good works, ready to distribute these good works abroad to others (demonstrating them), and to be willing to communicate them liberally to others (demonstrate them to others); and in this we will be storing away treasure for ourselves, in that we will be BUILDING A GOOD FOUNDATION, a good substructure to uphold us (Christ, the Cornerstone of our foundation and substructure).

Because there is a time coming where we are going to desire to seize, capture, and attain— eternal, unending, perpetual, everlasting life… or a lifetime that never ends with God, dwelling with him together.

So, if we are desiring to abide forever with God, we need to attain the good foundation— and the good foundation is wrought through our good works— that Christ and his Spirit work with us, and through us— that we demonstrate continuously; and in this— we lay up treasure for ourselves, by the faith we are living that is full of good workings of that faith.]


Colossians 1:21

“And you— who were sometime [some time before, old time in the past] alienated [estranged away from, and were non participating with] and enemies [hateful, odious, or hostile— and adversary— satan, a foe] in your mind [deep thoughts, faculties, disposition, exercising your imaginations and understanding]— by wicked works [degenerate of virtue, calamitous, passively ill and diseased, morally culpable, devilish sinful works]— yet, now [emphasis— just now], he has reconciled [fully].”

[Is our alienation— our non participating with him as an enemy, a hateful, odious, hostile adversary of his lead and authority in our lives, as a satan, a foe of him— from our minds, our deep thoughts, facilities, disposition of what we exercise of our imagings and understanding— BEHIND US??

Are our wicked works, the degenerate works, the non virtuous works, the calamitous, passively ill and diseased, morally culpable, devilish sinful works— BEHIND US??

Because we are NOW, right now— RECONCILED FULLY; which again scriptures states meaning— mutually changed, and has made a difference.]


Ephesians 2:10

“For we are his workmanship [product or produce, that is fabricated thing made] created [manufactured and fabricated, founded] in Christ Jesus— unto good works— which God has before ordained that we should —walk [follow] in them.”

Ephesians 5:8-11

“For you were sometimes [time past] darkness [shady and obscured]— but now [immediately] you are light [manifest and luminous] in the Lord: walk as children of light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) Proving [discerning, examining and being approved of] what is acceptable [fully agreeable and well pleasing] unto the Lord.

And have no fellowship [co-participation] with the unfruitful [barren] works of darkness [shadiness and obscured deeds], but rather reprove [admonish, convict and rebuke] them.”

[Are we, are we rebuking workings and deeds of shadiness, things that the Lord doesn’t walk in, that we walk in our lives doing?

Because we are to have no fellowship with those goings on— they are unfruitful barren workings of shady conduct— unbecoming of our Lord and his Kingdom.

Because we are now supposed to be manifesting his light, as he himself shines through us— being the light of men; and so we are to walk as the children of light.

Because God’s holy Spirit fruits are: goodness, righteousness and truth; if we are his— we will walk in goodness, righteousness and truth as well— not hearers, readers or memorizers only— BUT DOERS OF THE WORD, doers of Christ Jesus (he is the Word made manifest in us, and to us).

And in this we will be PROVING— discerning, examining and being approved of God, and what is acceptable to him, being fully agreeable and well pleasing unto the Lord.

And we will have no fellowship or CO-PARTICIPATION with the unfruitful [barren] works of darkness— which operates in shadiness and obscured or hidden deeds; but rather, or contrary and instead— reprove, admonish, convict and rebuke ourselves, and those types of rebellious behavior— unbecoming of the Lord of righteousness.

He is after all leading the Order of Melchizedek— which means— My KING IS RIGHTEOUSNESS— and we, HIS PRIESTHOOD OF CHILDREN.]


Galatians 5:9

“A little leaven— leavens the whole lump.”


This is what we need to remember— we only need to be bucking in God and following idols, and spiritual adultery in a few areas, and we have leavened our WHOLE SOUND (remember this is the definition for body in Strong’s).

We need to understand Lukewarm has leaven in it; and they get vomited out of God in the judgment.

If we wish to be not Lukewarm, not vomited out, where God wishes to reform us, and regenerate us– we need to let him; thereby being new, regenerate, submissive, and conformed back to his image, being led of his Spirit— for those are the children of God, the children of righteousness, a peculiar people made unto himself; those who were a people prepared for the Lord.

The bride— made HERSELF ready for him; his bride will clean house for his arrival, for his Spirit and light to shine forth in them, being cleaned (refined) and pruned (reformed) to bring forth much, and more fruits of his very own kind.

A little compromise (leaven), will defile the whole lump; we must cast off the works of darkness (compromised living of 2 kingdoms, by 2 gods at the same time), and BE YE SEPARATE, and unified with God holy: we cannot serve 2 masters— self, and God holy.

Only one will prevail in the end— and it’s not satan (self leadership, devoid of God holy as presiding one over humanity).

Best we become pure, sincere and genuine with God— and ditch the compromise that seems to comfort us (temporarily), but will be our demise in the end: for what we behold, worship and serve— is our God in reality.]


The works of the FLESH—verses the workings of

the SPIRIT of Life, in us— Christ Jesus.

And how PRIDE is at the ROOT of every

Work of the FLESH.


Galatians 5:14-17

“For all the law is fulfilled in one word [thought, topic, subject of discourse, reasoning of mental faculties, motive and computation of divine expression], even in this— You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

But if you bite and devour one another, take heed that you be not consumed— one of another.

This I say then— Walk [follow] in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh [human nature— morally, carnal minded].

For the flesh lusts [sets its heart upon, longing and coveting, desiring] against [in opposition to] the Spirit— and the Spirit against [in opposition to] the flesh: and these are contrary [lie as opposites, adverse and repugnant to as an adversary of] the one to the other: so that you cannot do the things that you would [determine to, acquiescing to, choosing or preferring and are inclined to].


Now the works of the flesh [human nature— morally, carnal minded] are manifest [shining and apparent, publicly and externally], which are these…


[Adultery— voluntary (that’s chosen freely) intercourse between a person who is married, and someone who is not, (so someone non covenant or committed).

When we are betrothed to our lord God, in a bonded covenant contract with him— and we are whoring around with other spirits, by their counsels and their leadership in our hearts and minds— we are adulterers; we are uncommitted to our God, fully with all our hearts, and we are two-timing him: this is Lukewarm.

Do we understand why this will not fly in the judgment, and why we need to be loyal, in fidelity to our Groom, as the Bride of Christ??

Adulterers are not just carnal adulterers with other bodies— they are adulterers first IN SPIRIT, against the conduct of God holy— which leads to doing what thou wilt, in the physical bodies; we cannot be adulterers, joining to other spirits and God at the same time— and be found faithful to our marriage to him, in the end.

His Bride— made herself ready; she was full of oil from their intimacy, and she was cleaned up and wrinkle free in her conduct toward him— as she walked out his righteousness that he bestowed upon her.

She did not take him for granted, nor disrespected him— she honored him in keeping herself chaste and clean before him— in her heart.

Pride will have us do what we want to do, fulfilling OUR DESIRES— no matter who is dishonored, disrespected or dismissed; adultery is wanting to have TWO HUSBANDS (or partners) —one publicly spoken of and displayed, and one PRIVATELY ENTERTAINED.

Pride is God’s opponent, and it is the carnal nature seeded to us by satan; and the prideful do not make it in the end.]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Fornication in Strong’s says— harlotry, which goes with adultery above, including incest (which means in the dictionary at its root definition— unchaste), and its idolatry— which is worshiping and bowing to another, not God.

Fornication— intercourse between unmarried people.

Can we see why COVENANT, and being ‘upholders of covenant,’ is SO CRITICALLY IMPORTANT and REQUIRED by God; it defines who really wants HIM, not just what he can provide— but truly wishes to be HIS KID, and CONFORMED BACK INTO HIS IMAGE AGAIN.

Again— this is pride entertained as it is— ‘What I want, when I want it, and how I want it, because it pleases me to do thus, and fulfill the lusts of my flesh.’

Pride will take many to the grave— and it walks hostile and adversarially against God holy: it is only out for itself, and will have no authority figure over it to dictate any behavior or regulation.

Those who will honor the marriage to him, will honor his Spirit; and those who will honor and revere— fear his Spirit— are those who will obey him; and THOSE— who obey his Spirit’s lead, are the children of God: compromise kills, which means estranges us from God, in continued sin without repentance— which is iniquity: which he came to eradicate from us in the purging process (defined in this post in earlier sections).]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Uncleanness in Strong’s is defined as— impurity, the quality of moral uncleanness.

Unclean— defiled, morally wrong, impure, evil; opposite— pure.

He said we are to be a PURE VIRGIN unto him.

2 Corinthians 11:2

“For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband— that I may present you as a chaste [pure, clean, innocent and modest] virgin to Christ.”

Jude 1:23

“hating even the garment spotted [stained, soiled or defiled] by the flesh [human nature— morally, carnal minded].”

Ephesians 5:27

“That he might present it to himself— a glorious [noble] church [called out ones of a congregation— saints], not having spot [stain, blemish, disgrace or defect/defilement], or wrinkle [fold— especially on the face (which also means countenance) so conduct], or any such thing [of this sort, denoting character]; but that it should be holy [pure morally, blameless, and ceremonially consecrated— saints] and without blemish [blame, fault, or spot— unblameable].”

Revelation 19:7

“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come— and his wife has made herself ready.”

We have a job to do— not just Christ; he expects us to work with his holy Spirit— and in doing so, being reformed, regenerated and conformed back into his image inside again— our workings of our faith will prove in fruits of his Spirit— that we are the children of God: clean and undefiled.

Pride will tell you that you can remain how you’ve always been, God doesn’t expect you to be perfect, or holy and clean and chaste— when his word states over and over again— that he DOES.

Be DOERS OF THE WORD, and not hearers, memorizers or knowers only; be ye perfect (whole and complete) as he is perfect, and be ye holy— for he is holy.

These are stating what you ARE, is what you DID in your body here, what image you conformed to: God holy and his righteousness, or satan’s fallen carnal nature.

It is also stating we don’t make excuses, you learn the truth, and then you live the truth; you become WHOLE in your person again, which is returning to his form and walking as he walks— in HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS that he robed us with; and this— is holiness walked out, as he walks his person out.

Pride— will want to have their cake and eat it too; pride will want to uphold two kingdoms within, walking in hypocrisy, never being conformed back into his image again—- but claiming his name and reputation, home destination— but actually refusing his Spirit person to rule them and reconcile to them inside: which means— come back into agreement to have your person operate as he operates (this is his image we are conformed back into).

Pride will walk Lukewarm, or completely in opposition to him entirely— and BOTH— are removed from him for all of eternity into estrangement; both the entirely rejecting of him, and those who reject him by NON COMMITMENT TO HIM, as a LOYAL BRIDE or spouse to him, as they cheated on him with other spirits whilst in this realm of time— when we are to be choosing whom we will serve for all of eternity.

The Lukewarm prideful persons will spend eternity in estrangement and torment and fire, away from God— because they had lovers on the side in spiritual adultery, would not wholly commit to him (he said love him with our WHOLE HEARTS, SOULS and STRENGTH, and then the brethren too), and so they will be cast out, cut off the branch and will go where transgressors of him and his way go; all because they wanted a bit of sinning still, and also salvation.

There is no such thing— one who is in Christ has ceased from sin— scripture states this; they will not operated by the law of sin and death any longer, because they are now INSIDE CHRIST, and he operates in the LAW OF LIFE, and the law of life— upholds RIGHTEOUSNESS and HOLINESS; in fact— these LOVE RIGHTEOUSNESS and HOLINESS.

God’s true children are REFORMED, REGENERATE, and OBEDIENT: loving what he loves, and hating what he hates, and DESIRE TO PLEASE HIM, and SET OUT TO DO SO.

This is why Pride and Lukewarm— are vomited out of him in the end; for they produced fruits of ‘another vine,’ not fruits of his holiness or righteousness, for they were not walking those paths with God, within.]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Lasciviousness in Strong’s means— licentious, meaning— promiscuous and unprincipled and disregarding accepted rules and conventions, freeing oneself.

Lascivious— revealing overt and offensive desires; root definition— late Middle English: from late Latin lasciviosus, from Latin lascivia ‘lustfulness’, from lascivus ‘lustful, wanton’.

Being free from being ruled by God (doing our own thing), being promiscuous in our spiritual adultery and harlotry, being unprincipled in his principles and conduct of his person— is PRIDE, once again; and pride is lustful and wanton of its own desires— not the desires of God holy, but walks to fulfill the desires of the FLESH carnal nature.

Can we see once again— Pride is at the root of all works of the flesh??

Are we lustful, fulfilling our own desires, in an offensive way that is contrary to how God holy conducts himself— if so, we are lascivious; we are unprincipled in the Holy Spirit (that would be terrible students or disciples) and we are disregarding his accepted rules and conventions— and are promiscuous, cheating on his Spirit and Lordship in our lives.

We must see the scripture as it is, not how we desire it to be; we must take it at face value— and accept what he really said, and means.]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Idolatry in Strong’s— image worship.

Idolatry— extreme admiration, love, or reverence for an idol (something we behold and honor with our time and focus); root definition— Middle English: from Old French idolatrie, based on Greek eidōlolatreia, from eidōlon (see idol) + -latreia ‘worship’.

What we worship— MATTERS; if it’s ourselves, to do what we want, and not change according to God’s leading and reformation process, that is part of being reconciled to him (a mutual change, making a difference) —then we are idolatrous, and exalt another within.

Idolatry comes from whoring around spiritually— meaning, exalting, beholding and viewing as pleasurable— ANOTHER SPIRIT, over and above God holy; and this— reveals the truth that resides in our hearts, as to whether we exalt God holy there, or have another god set up on High in there.

In the end— all idols are destroyed in fire; either we can do it now, willingly relinquishing all to him to be burned in his Refiner’s fire— or we ourselves will burn in a fire of his, in a Lake— for eternity.

Pride will take us to the grave— and the BIGGEST IDOL we will ever face off with— is US, in our carnal nature; it’s not just some boogie man, invisible spirit (unless you count our unregenerate spirit given to us from satan) —it is DANGER CLOSE, and it is the ‘dark’ nature we were gifted with, when we decided we could rule our own vessels, in the garden, when we transgressed God, overstepped him, and USURPED HIS RULE, in our lives.

Pride will have you making your own decisions, and in that— we will have remained our own gods, and we will have become OUR OWN IDOLS, as we now do all things, make all decisions, based on what WE THINK IS BEST FOR US; we will not follow scripture, nor will we follow God LITERALLY in his ways— we will continue the paths of SELF LEADERSHIP, believing and living as how ‘we reason’ all things, from our own understanding.

We will not lean on him (God), and his ways— we will lean on our own understanding, because we hail from lower wisdom, worldly wisdom, devilish wisdom from below; God’s ways are higher, and his thoughts are higher— and prideful exaltation, becoming one’s own favorite deity, walking as one’s own idol— will only get us what it got satan: kicked out of God’s presence, and cast away for eternity.

I love him, and I choose to get rid of anything that is NOT his image and likeness in me— and I choose to throw self, and self image worship down with in me; and exalt the only one worthy of exaltation— Christ Jesus and his Holy Spirit, that returns me to my Father, to be fathered of him in his ways.]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Witchcraft in Strong’s is— medication, pharmacy— magic, sorcery.

Witchcraft— practices for evil purposes, bewitching or fascinating attraction or charm.

When scripture, right here in the Strong’s it states ‘witchcraft’ as MEDICATION and PHARMACY— I do not make excuses; I call a spade a spade.

His desire is that we are not witches, but holy as he is holy; I’ll leave the rest to the Holy Spirit for conviction of truth (with all the rest of this).

It’s also H3784 in Strong’s and means— to whisper a spell, that is to enchant or practice magic.

Do we see why GOSSIP is also called witchcraft??

We whisper words (spellings) to others, for evil purposes, bewitching, fascinating and charming others with that garbage, vain, wicked talk.

Witchcraft is a work of the Flesh— and those of the Spirit, have ceased works of the Flesh.

Witchcraft is working God’s image (our person the way we were made, like him, and powerful) to wield power in a form of manipulation; it is to get what we want, how we want it, and even if it’s contrary to God— and actually DEVOID of God, his ways, and his workings.

Witchcraft is power exerted, unto self purposes and self gains.

When used in gossip and slander— it is to exalt self, self opinion, self reasoning and self reputation, self wisdom, insight and position; when used in pharmakeia and medication use— it is to save one’s flesh suit at all costs, and to go the route of magic, sorcery and witchcraft practises— gifted to us from Egyptian and Babylonian practises, with the gods that gave them this insight— and to do all to preserve one’s CARNAL LIFE— even if that means going against scripture, and making one’s own mind up (that’s a self led god) and saying things like…

“Well, God made medicines for us, and doctors too.”

When God is literally telling us the opposite, that it is devil practises, made from sorcery and fallen angel knowledge, comes from the cultural influences of Egypt and Babylon— who exalted DEMONS.

Pride will tell you that you cannot risk dying, so take this sorcery; God will tell you— I am Jehovah Rapha, your healer, and you live not by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

So, what are we really believing and upholding within?

What scripture, inspired and given by God really says— or what we decide it says or means??

Because one of those reasons will not fly in the judgment, especially when God details out that it is works of the flesh, to walk in exalting medications of witchcraft.

Revelation 12:11

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

What do we think we are ‘overcoming?’

We are overcoming fear of death, and believing God, and laying our lives down for our God— not loving life itself, or preserving it, more than serving our God, and trusting him implicitly WITH OUR LIVES IN HIS HAND: because they are.

We are called to overcome the accuser of the brethren, the devil, satan— and he will come to be exalted in our prideful carnal nature; and we are called to uphold God within.

And we do not uphold God within, if we are trying to save our lives— in fact, if we try to save them— we will lose life; and if we give our lives over to him as a living sacrifice, not loving our lives unto the death— we will gain life, and life in Christ.

Matthew 16:24-26

“Then said Jesus unto his disciples— If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

For whosoever will save his life —shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life, for my sake— shall find it.

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world— and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

What are we giving in exchange for our eternal soul?

What are we profiting, if we attempt to save our souls, and gain extra years on this earth with all its things that will burn— if we walked away from God, his ways, and giving our lives back to him?

He gave his life for us, and took on the similitude of sinful man, taking our sentences on for us; we are to give him a life lived in the similitude of his righteousness now— walking out the gift he has given us of his character now, replacing our sinful old man character that he died to forgive.

We have a job to do in obeying him and trusting him, and submitting to him; if we love these skin suit lives more than obeying God— we have remained in pride, self preservation in our carnal suits— and opponents of God, his enemy, and unreconciled to him— fearing or honoring death as more highly regarded inside of us.

We disobeyed God in the garden, we are to return to obeying him in his Salvation— or we were offered salvation of Christ— but refused it and him— to walk our own ways still, and not submit to him, making excuses as to why we did: but in the end, in the final judgment— excuses will not prevail— the truth will of what we really walked out in our bodied.

2 Corinthians 5:10

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he has done, whether it be good or bad.”

Pride will take us to eternal estrangement— if we allow it to make our decisions, rule our vessels, and reason what is good in our own eyes— especially trying to save our carnal lives, and live against God and his ways.]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Hatred in Strong’s is— hostility and opposition, enmity— which means, the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something; root definition is— Middle English: from Old French enemi(s)tie, based on Latin inimicus (see enemy).

Enemy’s root definition (as the base is the same as enmity above), is— Middle English: from Old French enemi, from Latin inimicus, from in- ‘not’ + amicus ‘friend’.

Hatred in the dictionary— intense dislike or ill will.

We cannot hate God, be an enemy of him, a hostile opponent of him and his ways— not a friend of God (Abraham was a friend of God, and we are to be Abraham’s faith family children).

If we are of God— we will not hate God, nor his other children; we will honor God, obey God, love God— and do the same to his children, preferring them over ourselves: this is to live humbly and sacrificially— this is life in Christ.

Pride is the hostile opponent to God, and it comes at him from the carnal flesh nature— it is his adversary; when we exalt our carnality— we debase the holy Spirit in our hearts: we hate God and his holy righteousness, right then and there.

God has called us to hate what he hates, and to love what he loves— but God only hates evil, perverseness opposite of his way and personal conduct— and he said our fight is not against flesh and blood people— but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual forces of evil— not humans.

So, if we are going to hate people— we are not of God; we are called to hate the spirits that are oppressing people, and fight the good fight against those spirits, in spiritual warfare operations, led by our God and his Spirit.

To walk in hatred toward a human— is to walk pridefully, and unforgiving, and mercilessly— while we ourselves have been guilty of sin; and if we will not forgive others, our Father will not forgive us our sins either.

Hatred is a selfish endeavor, and it forgives and forgets our own sinful lives— whilst it debases another for sinful living.]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Variance in Strong’s— quarrelsome, contentious, debating, striving and wrangling.

Variance— different/divergent, inconsistent, disagreeing, quarrelsome, having a discrepancy and a deviation of standard; root definition— Middle English: via Old French from Latin variantia ‘difference’, from the verb variare (see vary).

Fundamentally we cannot be DIFFERENT, VARYING AWAY FROM CHRIST, in CONSISTENCY with his Spirit, CONTENTIOUS, DEBATING HIM, STRIVING against him, and WRESTLING against God— and be ‘one with’ his Spirit at the same time.

We cannot be God’s opponent, or enemy— and be his friend, or bride— at the same time.

We have to actually ‘be’ what we claim, and live our lives in, and out of, and with, and by— Christ Jesus and his Spirit— in truth and verity.

Pride will walk in DIVISION, it exalts self and ostracizes others, based upon MERIT; the carnal nature is self preserving, and it will walk in fear of losing that self preservation— instead of trusting God, and walking humbly, and meek (well disciplined).

Pride will set the house of God in division and segregation, and through JUDGMENT of whether or not another person has ‘merit’ or not, in the house of God; when God is the only one who decides such things— and remember— he’s no respecter of persons.

He respects holiness and righteousness, and those are of his nature; he resists pride.

We are not to be at variance with God’s nature— but as one Spirit with him now, in oneness, and in agreeance with him; and his nature is longsuffering, patient, kind, generous, humble and walks in UNITY OF THE BODY— not contentious, divisive and at variance— one body part from another.]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Emulations in Strong’s— heat, zeal, jealousy of a husband (figuratively God) or an enemy, with malice: envy, fervent mind of indignation.

Emulation— effort to match or surpass a person or achievement, typically by imitation.

Are we emulating God in our own ways, surpassing his lead, husbandry, making him jealous and heated— of a fervent mind of indignation toward us— because we continue to emulate satan, as he led himself in his own ways?

Are we attempting to ‘be like God,’ but not under the authority or lead of God— and imitate him, but not be subject to him??

Again— this is pride, if so.

We have got to be genuine and pure unto him, in sincerity and truth— scripture states this over and again; and we cannot have two masters.

Matthew 6:24

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [confidence in wealth personified, avarice— extreme greed for material gains].”

Do we think mammon is only money?

For we would be spiritually amiss to think so.

What about ‘gains in the material’ to our bodies, or souls, or lusts, or desires?

We can be self-serving, and buy what we want, partaking in what we want to— and be exalting mammon within, as well: it's not only monetary wealth, but wealth and material gains of ALL KINDS.

What, or whom— are we truly emulating??

Are we serving the master of self: pride??]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Wrath in Strong’s— indignation with fierce passion;

Indignation— anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment; root definition— late Middle English in the sense ‘disdain, contempt’: from Latin indignatio(n- ), from indignari ‘regard as unworthy’.

Wrath— extreme anger, see wroth.

Wroth— Old English wrāth, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch wreed ‘cruel’, also to writhe.

To walk in wrath, or passionate indignation, passionate anger or even severe annoyance of someone— as one is provoked by what we perceive as unfair treatment from another— that leads one to believe that someone is in contempt (meaning— beneath us and despised), and regard them as unworthy and with disdain.

To walk in wrath EVER, one must be in an ultimate and superior role of RULE; as like the wrath of God— it is unleashed when one has an ultimate ruling, over a seriously disobedient, unruly, wicked people— who are oppressing others: outside of that— one must be very seriously considering wrath and indignation— because it’s RARELY PERMISSIBLE by God for us to walk in such things, because we are not ultimate authorities in this realm.

We are actually to have a ruler over us— a God over us who decides such matters; and we are to be preferring others— over self, and walking in mercy and grace— as our God does.

I have seen humans walk in wrath through SERIOUS SELF EXALTATION to the point of haughty pride, debasing another from viewing self as ultimately important, and another as lesser, debase, beneath, unworthy and an annoyance at best— and at worst deserving of full on fiery indignation.

I have witnessed this spirit in full action and it is a domineering, tyrant of a spirit— but underneath, it is insecure, selfish, and afraid of losing control of situations; this type of person who walks in wrathful indignation without serious fear of the Lord in doing so— is only thinking of self, hence why it’s easy and permissible in their eyes— to treat anyone however they will; because they are only desiring to CONTROL THE SITUATION (to their liking and benefit) by becoming a TYRANT over them.

Pride— is one of the biggest selfish attributes, if not the MOST selfish attribute one can walk out in upholding the flesh carnal nature; and the prideful are not of God— and do not enter into the kingdom of God after this lifetime.

Can we see that they do not know how to have an authority figure over them, ruling them— because they rule themselves, and what is best for self, by self leading and reasoning, in self preservation and self exaltation?

The prideful will not give rule over to God holy— they like to dictate how things go in their lives; think the Lukewarm— because the Lukewarm want to walk claiming God, regeneration, born anew and being a new creation in God— whilst keeping with the old man ways, not relinquishing sins and clearing up iniquity: they will not make it in the end, and will be vomited out— because they were offered reformation, regeneration, and being born anew, with a God and Lord over them, walking in holy righteousness— but they DENIED SALVATION, by will and choice.

Salvation is reconciliation with God; reconciliation with God is to make up with him, turn toward him— whilst simultaneously turning away from the old man sinful, carnal nature— and becoming regenerate, renovated inside, refined, a new creation completely in Christ Jesus, and conformed back into the image of God on the INSIDE, not just looking the part on the outside.

And reconciliation in Strong’s is a mutually agreed upon change— that brings about a difference; repentance is required, critical, and one does not enter into walking out the new man, walking in CHRIST’S RIGHTEOUSNESS— without that process; we have been ROBED in his RIGHTEOUSNESS, and it is required that we keep HIS GARMENT, CLEAN/spotless and WRINKLE FREE— that’s our conduct becoming our Lord.

If not— no regenerate process took place, and the god and lord in our lives— is US; we remain one who was offered salvation, which is reconciling with God the Father (coming into agreement to live life his way, and with him again, returning to his image) —but we denied actually walking through with it, and we wanted to CLAIM HIS NAME, REPUTATION, HEIR TO THE THRONE, and HEAVEN…

But we actually DENIED HIM, and would not come off the heart throne, and relinquish it to another: we remained excusing our behaviors, making our own rules and standards to live by, twisting scripture, believing what men (guided by demons and devil doctrines) taught us— when they said we can keep our sinful ways, and not be perfect as he is perfect, nor holy as he is holy— when he actually said otherwise in scripture HIMSELF.

We cannot design the bible to fit us— we are required to return to FITTING HIM, in fact— we are called to be RESHAPED INTO HIS IMAGE again; that is a process of being molded by his hand again (that’s an uncomfortable process as he shifts us around, and contorts us into another shape) —and if one is unwilling to bend to him, and become pliable in his hand, submissive to him, disciplined under him (a disciple student) as meek and leadable…

Then one has remained their own god— and these do not make it to his domain in the end, and will be vomited out.

The wrathful fit this category— because they ARE NOT THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY— God is, and only God has HOLY WRATH, brought about by a holy unction to deal with wickedness, from his point of view, which is higher than ours, and HOLIER THAN OURS; the wrathful humans— are walking in pride, self exaltation and of a domineering spirit— and that is antichrist and satan.]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Strife in Strong’s is— contention through faction; faction— dissension, which means— disagreement, which leads to discord, by holding opinions at variance, refusal to accept doctrines (teachings), and the root definition is— late Middle English: from Latin dissentire ‘differ in sentiment’.

Strife— angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues— conflict; root definition— Middle English: shortening of Old French estrif (related to Old French estriver ‘strive’).

God will not always strive with man, meaning— he will not always wrestle with man, being contrary to his ways— opposite in his conduct, desiring man to stop, repent, turn back to him, and walk WITH him, not kick against him.

Strife is another prideful walk, it is not the walk of righteousness (being God’s holy character in action), it is haughty and self serving; it is disagreeable, non-meek (meaning well bridled and disciplined in God’s hand to be turned about and led), it is bitter, and God is not.

Strife comes from exalting one above another, preferring your own opinion and reasoning to the extent that you no long practice mercy, long suffering patience and the rest of God’s fruits of his Spirit— and instead walk in contention and faction; you are now splitting up the family of God, talking about your dissension to others (which is gossiping and slander toward God’s family members), and you are now a dissenter in the house of God: one who BREAKS UP THE FAMILY, because they are FOCUSES SOLELY ON SELF— this is pride displayed, once again.

You are now in DISCORD, SET AT VARIANCE with your brethren, possibly disagree with their doctrine (not walking in mercy) and carry a DIFFERENT SENTIMENT within you now, in the household of God.

Pride— is the biggest opponent of God— self exaltation; and likely— it will be stated over and over again: as it is its own god.]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Sedition— disunion, dissension, division.

Sedition— conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch; root definition— late Middle English in the sense ‘violent strife’: from Old French, or from Latin seditio(n- ), from sed- ‘apart’ + itio(n- ) ‘going’ (from the verb ire ).

This one is very similar to the others before it of variance and strife— except now we are inciting disobedience and rebellion against the King (God holy) —and using violence strife, dividing the kingdom— as a means.

Violence— behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something; root definition— Middle English: via Old French from Latin violentia, from violent- ‘vehement, violent’ (see violent).

Violent— same as above definition with added— involving an unlawful exercise or exhibition of force, same root definition.

When we are dividing God’s Kingdom, and we are encouraging and leading a charge to rebel against God’s authority, rule and dominion, splitting us his household, and bringing that division in through violence— unlawful exercises, contrary to how his Kingdom is run, his person conducts himself, and exhibiting force to do it…

You are EXALTING SATAN’S KINGDOM, and you are a defector at best, and an infiltrate as a wolf, more than likely.

Pride, and self exaltation, with a self throne— will walk in sedition to the King; this is walking as satan walks— in sedition to the throne and Kingdom of God.

He walks another way, and will lead others to do so, thereby partnering with him and his kingdom— which is in opposition, and a hostile opponent of God’s holy Kingdom, and family.

Pride is the biggest work of the flesh there is, and it undergirds all other works of the flesh— sedition is a big one.]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Heresy in Strong’s— choice of disunion, a sect.

Heresy— belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religion (especially Christian) doctrine, opinion profoundly at odds with what is generally accepted; root definition— Middle English: from Old French heresie, based on Latin haeresis, from Greek hairesis ‘choice’ (in ecclesiastical Greek ‘heretical sect’), from haireomai ‘choose’.

At the root of heresy is a choice to pull away in a sect (a sect being— of differing belief from the larger grouping), a faction; I often think of denominations.

God is not a denomination— denominations took a ‘facet,’ and ran with it as its primary focus; scripture in its whole, is the Word, and he’s a person; we cannot take him in part, and exalt parts of him, but debase or lower other parts of him.

Christ followers, are just that— they follow Christ, as he is— not what religion says, has an opinion of, or teaches by their precepts of men, or devil doctrines: Christ, the living Word of God is a person, and the whole of the bible gives his outline, and is the plumbline to which our foundation is built upon (he being the cornerstone, or the strength and foundation of our structure).

To walk in heresy, is to fracture off of the main branch— it is to run, be at odds with what is generally accepted and biblically sound, causing DISUNION, and a sect.

Christ is about UNITY in his body, so anything that goes against UNITY in his body, is to be uncoupled from; his yoke will always UNITE, disunity is of satan, division is of satan— when speaking of the house of God (his Kingdom and family).

Pride will desire for us to be in hidden knowledge, special, divided apart from the body, in an elite status, and branching AWAY FROM the main branch or vine (and he is the Branch, and the Root is the Father).

Pride will walk a man right into estrangement with God, and those consequences— are eternal.]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Envy in Strong’s— ill will (as detraction), that is jealousy (spite).

Envy— a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities or luck, and desire to have a quality, possession, or other desirable attribute belonging to someone else, a desire to have for oneself— something possessed or enjoyed by another; root definition— Middle English also in the sense ‘hostility, enmity’: from Old French envie (noun), envier (verb), from Latin invidia, from invidere ‘regard maliciously, grudge’, from in- ‘into’ + videre ‘to see’.

Ill will as a detraction— and walk in jealousy, or spite— deliberately hurt, annoy, offend and begrudge; root— to show contempt for; detraction means— to lessen someone’s reputation.

Have you ever said something in an ill light about another?

Gossiped, led someone else to believe something NEGATIVE about another, especially a child of God holy’s??

Have you had a grudge against another?

Have you ever longed to have what another has, as a quality, experience, possession or attribute?

Hostility and enmity are at the root of envyings, and those are the ATTRIBUTES OF THE FLESH CARNAL NATURE itself!

‘Hostile enemy’ of God— is the definition of the flesh in Strong’s; so to walk in envy of another, is to walk in the base nature of the flesh, and is to be at enmity with God holy; it also walks in grudges, and detracts or debases (lowers) another’s reputation, as it holds them in contempt (despised is at the root of contempt, unworthy).

To walk in envy, is to exalt self above another; we are focused on self, and focused on what self perceives it does not have, and fleshly desires to have it.

Pride is at the root of envy— it wants what it wants, and it will have its eye (heart) focused on that, instead of God, and what one has with God, and in their own identity: envy is not content with what it has in one’s own identity.

Content— a state of peace, satisfied.

Paul said…

Philippians 4:11

“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am— therewith to be content.”

We are called to be content in the Lord, and to know our TRUE identity in him, and in him— we have all things; we have not— because we ask not, and then with patience— wait for it.

Pride will want what it wants— NOW; pride— is the opposite nature of God and his fruits.]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Murder in Strong’s— slain with slaughter.

Murder— the unlawful premeditated killing, punish severely— or be very angry with, conclusively defeat an opponent; root definition— Old English morthor, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch moord and German Mord, from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit mará ‘death’ and Latin mors ; reinforced in Middle English by Old French murdre .

Unlawful (that’s iniquity and lawlessness), premeditated (that means well thought out in agreement to do so), killing, slaying and slaughter of another— defeating an opponent, and likely— very angrily; with a root of DEATH at the core of it: that is the definition of satan, once again.

We cannot walk with satan in our hearts, and claim we run with God holy and that he has dominion in us— if we will murder another.

And let us not forget what he said about murder (figurative/spiritual— meaning in your mind or against their reputation or character, or literal physical).

Matthew 5:21

“You have heard that it was said of them of old time— You shall not kill [murder or slay]; and whosoever shall kill [murder or slay] shall be in danger of the judgment.”

And also what he said about doing something in the heart— is equal to doing it in the physical, and we are guilty of it already.

In Matthew 5:27-28 — we can be guilty of things we just think and believe in our hearts, that are led of our lusts.

We can murder one’s reputation/name, or character as we gossip and slander— and we are guilty of spiritual murder; we must have spiritual eyes and ears that see and hear what the Spirit is saying.

Pride will walk in murder— Pride is of the devil, and he was a liar, thief and murderer from the beginning.]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Drunkenness in Strong’s— intoxication.

Drunkenness— state of being intoxicated.

Intoxicated— under the influence of something— drink (alcohol/spirits) or drugs— and losing control of faculties or behavior, and is poison; root definition— late Middle English in the sense ‘poison’: from medieval Latin intoxicare, from in- ‘into’ + toxicare ‘to poison’, from Latin toxicum (see toxic).

Toxic— poisonous, very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way; root definition— mid 17th century: from medieval Latin toxicus ‘poisoned’, from Latin toxicum ‘poison’, from Greek toxikon (pharmakon) ‘poison for arrows’, from toxon ‘bow’.

Interesting, isn’t it, that witchcraft is sorcery and pharmakeia, and that is medication and pharmacy— and in this definition, toxic is defined in Greek as Pharmakon— or poisonous arrow from a bow; what does the satan shoot at us— poisonous arrows or darts (also makes me think of the jab— but that another topic entirely).

Under the influence of drink (alcohol), which is spirits (literal or figurative), and/or drug; they all run with demons— alcohol, spirits and drugs (pharmakeia); they are all VERY HARMFUL and PERVASIVELY INSIDIOUS.

Insidious— proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects, treacherous and crafty; root definition— mid 16th century: from Latin insidiosus ‘cunning’, from insidiae ‘an ambush or trick’, from insidere ‘lie in wait for’, from in- ‘on’ + sedere ‘sit’.

Who sits in wait, lying in wait to ambush, trick or cunningly, and subtly, gradually over a lifetime— HARM US with his craftiness???


And here we see ‘drunkenness,’ is far more than alcohol, it’s drugs, it’s spirits— and it's a HARMFUL, INSIDIOUS INFLUENCE UPON US.

Let’s look at the definition of influence.

Influence— the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself— the power to shape; root definition— late Middle English: from Old French, or from medieval Latin influentia ‘inflow’, from Latin influere, from in- ‘into’ + fluere ‘to flow’.

The word originally had the general sense ‘an influx, flowing matter’, also specifically (in astrology) ‘the flowing in of ethereal fluid —affecting human destiny’. The sense ‘imperceptible or indirect action exerted to cause changes’.

So when we allow satan, through drugs, spirits, alcohol or any other substance or channel to influence us, we are allowing him to…

  1. Develop our behavior and character, using the power to reshape us.

  1. He’s flowing into us, directly as a spirit and as well by a substance that works through magic or sorcery.

  1. And also, there is an ethereal component that flows through us, changing our human destiny— by his influence.

  1. All by his imperceptible (subtle and gradual), indirect actions, exerted on us, into us— that causes changes to take place within us.

I’d say that’s insidious and harmful, and we need to be living SOBERLY, not in DRUNKENNESS!!!

1 Peter 5:8

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil— as a roaring lion— walks about, seeking whom he may devour.”

The carnal flesh nature thinks it’s all good doing what it wants to do, but it’s like an unruly child; it has no idea what is best for it, and neither does satan have your best interests at hand— but instead, to lead you astray and into perdition: to steal from you, destroy your life and kill you— if he can.

This is to indulge the prideful nature of the flesh, giving it what it wants— isn’t usually what WE NEED; only God knows what is best for us, and a disciplined holy life is what we really need, and that is found being obedient and submissive to the holy Spirit of God, and being conformed back into his image (INSIDE), and our conduct will show in whom our God really is: God holy, or satan (self indulgence and leading).]

(Works of the Flesh continued)


[Reveling— letting loose and rioting.

Reveling— enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with drinking and dancing, great pleasure from this experience; root definition— late Middle English: from Old French reveler ‘rise up in rebellion’, from Latin rebellare ‘to rebel’.

Not only is rioting and letting loose (that’s doing one’s own thing, with no inhibition or parameters), but also it’s to enjoy drinking in great pleasure (with dancing likely), and the ROOT, is— to RISE UP IN REBELLION: again— that is satan’s nature, and he runs in PRIDE.

We have been learning that PRIDE is at the base root of all flesh works, and it is OPPOSITE of Spirit works, found in the faith; faith without workings of that faith and belief— is dead, like a corpse without the spirit in it.

Pride will lead us to REBEL GOD, and his WAY (conduct, demeanor, holiness and righteousness), and UPHOLDING THE FLESH CARNAL NATURE, satan’s nature— is at the root of that.

FLESH vs. the SPIRIT— they are opponents, and these have been the workings of that PRIDE NATURE.]

Galatians 5:21 (continued)

“...and such like (all listed above): of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past— that they which do such things— SHALL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

But the fruit of the Spirit is— love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

And they that are Christ'sHAVE CRUCIFIED THE FLESH, with the AFFECTIONS and LUSTS (of it).

If we live in the Spirit— let us also walk in the Spirit.”


They that are Christ’s— will not walk in those things, they will not uphold the carnal flesh nature, they will not desire to be self gods, leading self, and INDULGING the flesh with whatever it desires; they instead WILL CRUCIFY ANYTHING THAT EVEN RESEMBLES A SPOT OF THE CARNAL FLESH NATURE, that SOILS THEIR ROBE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS: for they desire to be holy as he is; and they will desire to pull others out of carnality too.

Jude 1:23

“And others —saving with fear— pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.”


Satan has ministers in

the ‘ministry’ too


2 Corinthians 11:15

“Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also are transformed ‘as’ the ministers of righteousness— whose end shall be according their works.”

2 Corinthians 5:10-11

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he has done, whether it be good or bad.

Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord— WE PERSUADE MEN; but we are made manifest —unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.”


John 10:32-38

“Jesus answered them— Many good works have I shown you from my Father; for which of those works do you stone me?

The Jews answered him, saying— For a good work we stone you not; but for blasphemy; and because that you— being a man— make yourself God.

Jesus answered them— Is it not written in your law, I said— You are gods?

If he called them gods— unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken— You say of him, whom the Father has sanctified, and sent into the world— You blaspheme; because I said— I am the Son of God?

If I do not do the works of my Father— believe me not.

But if I do, though you believe me not— believe the works: that you may know, and believe, that —the Father is in me, and I in him.”


John 14

“Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me.

In my Father's house are many mansions [places to abide and reside]: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

And where I go —you know, and the way you know.

Thomas said unto him— Lord, we know not where you go; and how can we know the way?

Jesus said unto him— I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me.

If you had known me— you should have known my Father also: and from henceforth— you know him, and have seen him.

Philip said unto him— Lord, show us the Father, and it will suffice us.

Jesus saith unto him— Have I been so long a time with you, and yet you have not known me, Philip?

He that has seen me —has seen the Father; and so, how do you say then— Show us the Father?

Do you not believe that I am in the Father— and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you— I speak not of/from myself: but the Father who dwells in me—


Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for THE VERY WORKS’ SAKE.

Verily, verily, I say unto you— He that believes on me— THE WORKS THAT I DO, HE SHALL DO ALSO; and GREATER WORKS THAN THESE— he shall do; because I go unto my Father.

And whatsoever you shall ask in my name [authority and character]— that will I do— that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

If you shall ask anything in my name [authority and character]— I will do it.

If you love me— keep my commandments.

And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever— the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees him not, neither knows him: but you know him; for he dwells with you, and SHALL BE IN YOU.

I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

Yet a little while— and the world sees me no more; but YOU SEE ME: because I live, you shall live also.

At that day you shall know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I in you.

He that has my commandments— and keeps themIT IS HE WHO LOVES ME: and he that loves me —shall be loved of my Father— and I will love him, and WILL MANIFEST MYSELF TO HIM.

Judas said to him (not Iscariot) —Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us— and NOT TO THE WORLD??

Jesus answered and said unto him— If a man loves me— HE WILL KEEP [watches, guards, keeps an eye on— to prevent from losing, to note, fulfill a command, detains them, and maintains them: observing, preserving and reserving] MY WORDS: and my Father will love him, and WE WILL COME UNTO HIM, and MAKE OUR ABODE WITH HIM.

He who loves me NOT— does not keep my sayings: and the word which you hear— is not mine— but the Father's (words) who sent me.

These things have I spoken unto you— being yet present with you.

But the Comforter— who is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name [authority and character] —he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Peace I leave with you— my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

You have heard how I said unto you— I go away, and come again unto you. If you loved me— you would rejoice, because I said— I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.

And now I have told you before it comes to pass, that— when it is come to pass— you might believe.

Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world comes— and has nothing in me.

But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment— even so I do.

Arise, let us go hence.”


Romans 13:12

“The night is far spent, the day is at hand:

Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness,

And let us put on— the armor of light.”


Acts 15:13-18

“James answered, saying— Men and brethren, hearken unto me: Simeon has declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them— a people for his name [authority and character].

And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written— After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David— which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up:

That the residue of men might seek after the Lord— and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called— says the Lord— who does all these things.

Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.”


John 6:38 (Christ, the Son of all sons of God)

“For I came down from heaven, not to do my own willbut the will of him who sent me.”


John 8:39

“They (Pharisees) answered and said to him (Christ) —Abraham is our father. And Jesus said to them— If you were Abraham’s children— you would do the works of Abraham.”


John 9:4

“I must work the works of him who sent me— while it is day: the night comes when no man can work.”

John 14:10

“...The Father that dwells in me— he does the works.”


Proverbs 16:3

“Commit your works unto the LORD, and your thoughts —shall be established.”

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