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Word from the Lord of his First fruit, priesthood, purified, wise virgins: who share in his sufferings

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

The SHARED sufferings of Christ

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Acts 26:23

“That Christ should suffer, and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead— and should show light unto the people, and to the Gentiles.”

G3805 – Suffer

Greek: παθητός

Transliteration: pathētos

Pronunciation: path-ay-tos'

Definition: From the same as G3804; liable (that is doomed) to experience pain: - suffer.


If Christ suffers, then we will suffer (or be liable to experience pain with him);  not just because we are his people who follow after him, and the spirit of this world hated him, so it will hate us and treat us thus— though that is very true;  but because he suffers, and he is in us, and we in him— he has his sufferings still with him:  let me explain.

Many people think that Christ’s literal sufferings ended with the Cross;  and yes, I am saying most think of his sufferings in his body, but I am speaking about ALL his sufferings.

Christ (or shall we say, God) suffered long before this world was ever created, and Christ suffers yet.  He suffered long before the fall of mankind— when he first saw it coming from far off:  his soul/heart/mind/emotions suffered, as he beheld the fall of mankind.  And still today— he views the fall of mankind— and suffers yet (not every tear has been wiped away yet.  As well— he in us, and we in him— we share in what is vexing his heart still today, and he shares in what is vexing ours:  so suffering is still at hand in both God and mankind.

He suffered physically in going through the cross, and at the whipping post before that, and at every prideful encounter he had with humans— before even that:  he has suffered in physical, spiritual, soul/heart/mind/emotional suffering— and still does because we suffer, and he is in us;  but also— because all tears and suffering is not wiped away yet— and so, he suffers too— in all he beholds, all he has to endure as he watches mankind refuse, reject and turn away from him and righteousness:  these are the sufferings ‘of Christ;’  and we share in them.

He was the FIRST to walk through all that with the holy Spirit, as an example to all men— that we too will suffer if we carry his Spirit, his heart and his mind— because he yet suffers humanity.

He shows the light unto the people, as he has risen from the dead— what does this mean spiritually?

It means— the Light is his person, it is love, it is forgiveness, it is mercy and grace, patience, long forbearance (with all hope for repentance), it is sacrificial in a life laid down for the brethren.  

Do we understand what a life laid down really means?

I think most think of dying in the physical— born out of love— for humanity;  but it is more than that:  it is to lay down your benefits or comforts in this lifetime— and SUFFER instead— for the betterment of others.

He started to speak with me about a life laid down in the physical— born from the passion of love for God and the lights who were born of him.

He said…

[Word from the Lord]

“Janet, a life laid down in death, is only the beginning— for a one on one with God, intimately— as you give up all your soulish desires and carnal lusts— to honor/revere and obey me and righteousness, and MY WILL, once again.  Death is only the beginning though— once one dies the death of selfish pursuits in this life, born of temporal things— and seeks out the eternal treasures to store up— NOW ONE MUST LIVE FOR LIFE.

What do I mean— you quite literally lay your life down now for God and the brethren— and you carry them, and their burdens, and mine— with me— in the earth (your earthen vessel, and sound whole of you):  that means— I will ask you, as I did the Son (and example to all sons) to carry burdens of the ‘body,’ the whole of us all, corporately.

Some— because of sow and reap— will quite literally, without mercy, love and grace (like a grace period) —will expire to soon from the earthly realm— and will not return to me:  I carried all of humanity’s legal sin debt, to bring freedom to all who will choose me back, and live repentantly (turned around from carnal ways), and exalt the kingdom of righteousness (righteous living/ways/ethics/character, etc.).  

The problem is— men are caught up in religion and teachings of men and devils —and are on the broad path to eternal destruction;  I divide up a portion for all my children to carry, of burdens of mine, in the earth realm.  Each man’s life is lined up to assist others on the path to salvation, as my Spirit leads;  each man must understand that what I ask of them will have been exemplified by the life of the Son in the earth;  so, in what ways he carried my will, my burdens (heart and desires for humanity), my mission in the earth— I have blessed my children to carry with him:  for he is in them, and I in him— and so, we are all together to do this burden bearing.

I have chosen great exploits of faith and love to be carried out, on behalf of those that are, as the world would deem— unworthy, at this point, of having such mercy and grace, love and sacrifice bestowed upon or toward them;  and yet I say— Is not that the REASON for MERCY, GRACE, LOVE and SACRIFICE in the first place?

Do not we need a life given for the undeserving— in intercessions, heart break pleadings, and even deeds in this earth that go above and beyond what they currently deserve— to recover them?  This is what I demonstrated through the life of the Son— and will demonstrate through the lives of the sons of God, even yet.

I have asked some to carry penalty in their own lives, in their own bodies— like the Son bore for humanity himself— in those who have willingly drank from my cup;  in this I baptize them with what the Son was immersed in:  sacrificial life given to carry other’s penalties upon him/them— for love to cover a multitude of sins, and give them time— to repent and come to me for salvation.

If the Son went through it— you will too, in some measure— if you walk with me and the Word of God:  for the Word became flesh (he will in you too), and he dwelt among men (and in you even now), and he came to carry the sins of the world (and he will ask you to do the same— if you have drank from his cup/allotment that I gave him) —sins of people— in his own life;  you will carry others in like manner:  what would you do— to give someone time to repent, to come home to me, children— would you carry whatever it takes in this temporal realm for me and my mission to save?

Because this is what I have asked of all my first fruits:  my first fruits are duplicates of the life of the Son, inside them, and in outside actions/deeds/good works;  because I work my will and good pleasure in and through them.

Pioneers, forerunners and first fruits pay a price most will not— as my Son did.  First fruits will lay their lives down entirely— even if that means carrying things in their bodies that others would run to get rid of— at the first sign of suffering:  my Son laid his life down, including the right to not suffer in such ways— but chose to give, and give, and give— to be spent, and spent entirely for just the OPPORTUNITY that someone should have the chance to repent and turn back to me, and life eternal.

I have laid this upon my first fruits— whether they realize it or not.  Many wonder— ‘Why me, Lord?  I love you and I serve you, and I serve the brethren;  I have laid my life and soul down to you and them in this lifetime— and yet I suffer so— why Lord?’

And I say to tell them— IT IS BECAUSE OF THAT— that I chose you to ‘share in what I have in a cup of sufferings,’ so that they too will come home to us in the end;  I am faithful— what I have asked of you— I will make the way and accomplish, and no suffering (like my Word) goes out and comes back unprofitable:  all works together for YOUR good, I told you so;  and if you give up your life for you friends— as I in the Son laid down to humanity (my most precious child duplicate of myself) —then there is no greater love you could give to me, or them.

And I told you— if you truly love me— obey me:  and in obedience to carry other’s burdens, giving them more time to repent, sharing of your heart/soul, and pouring it out to them— you fulfill what my Son fulfilled as well:  you poured out your soul— unto death, for God and family:  this is my righteousness fulfilled in you, under obedience, reverence, holiness and life sacrificed in love:  THOSE ARE MY CHILDREN.

And my first fruit duplicates of YahShua, who walk with him (and I am in him), and he with them— I have chosen them to share in my sufferings;  I have chosen to share some of them with them, to carry, to honor me with, and to wash the feet (that’s give help in cleaning them up) of those who do not deserve such love;  but in doing so— my first fruit duplicates of YahShua— carry the heart of the Father toward a perverse and estranged generation, as he did, in a holy life given for them.

When you learn to love the unlovable, undeserving, and perishing (like Judas) —you will walk the heart of the Father out in your earth:  and in that— I gift these who are like me, to carry my Spirit and burdens of— in their lives.

Many wonder what they can do for me— and I say, Let them know they already are suffering for me, with me, and for the brethren— if they carry my heart, love, sacrifice, mercy, forgiveness, long-suffering patience, kindness and generosity— toward those who are the farthest from righteousness, currently:  this was what the Son did— and is duplicating in his disciplined ones.

I am in and with you all in this— and my power and grace will sustain you in all I’ve asked of you, and in all I’ve placed in our lives:  for I, the Father, am with you (as is the Son and the Spirit), and my full force of spiritual troops;  and we seek to fulfill great exploits of powerful love in the earth— covering the multitude of sins, by the prayers and deeds of the righteous one— of whom I do my works in and through.

You are blessed;  carry and endure to the end of the trials— and a crown of ‘life’ is given you when you have completed:  you will be rescued (saved);  I am faithful and true to my Word.

Life is in the blood;  do you live by my Son’s blood of mercy, forgiveness, grace and love— and lay your life down for the brethren too— and LIVE FOR THEM, and GOD?

For and to whom much was required— much is coming in recompense, delivery of faithfulness;  I am not mocked— what a man sows, he WILL REAP BACK UNTO HIM.

Mark 10:29-30

“And Jesus answered and said— Verily I say unto you— There is no man that has left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's— But he (that for all that) shall receive an hundredfold, NOW— in this time— houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands— with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.”

I said— if you give up whatever I ask of you to give up, lay down, or endure with persecutions (which means, defined— hostility and ill treatment, and harassment) —for the brethren and my will in the earth… as like the Son— you will reap in THIS LIFETIME, your reward (10 fold, like a glorified body, mind, soul, and other provisions from my kingdom) will come back to you in recompense, in the earth:  YahShua saw the resurrection and glorification of his mortal flesh, IN THE EARTH, and demonstrated this as well;  this is the allotment that was his, and he is in you now— and to the first fruit duplicates who have laid their own lives down, as he did— this is coming to you in the earth too.

You will demonstrate the power and love of God to save— and what a life laid down to God and brethren can really do;  as it brings forth treasure from heaven— in eternal matters (souls and salvation) that come forth— in the lives of the first fruits of Christ.

They die, their own lives/souls/pursuits are buried with Christ (and in obedience to him, living Spiritually now, and forsaking carnality and pride— walking in humility and love), and they are raised/glorified/matured and completed in Christ —as they resurrect with him too, and walk that out (as he did, demonstrating such for 40 days of teachings on the kingdom of heaven) in the earth, as he did.

I am just— what a man sows (or gives back to me and humanity) —I will recompense 10 fold to him in this lifetime;  and I will manifest MYSELF through them, as I complete my works in the Son/sons.

I love you children, endure;  for soon— I send your Bridegroom from his chamber, to ‘come into/unto’ the wise virgins;  are you ready?”



Romans 8:16-19

“The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:  And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; IF IT BE SO— that we suffer with him— we may be also glorified together.

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 

(This is what he is talking about, as he comes ‘into/unto’ his wise virgins, to manifest himself in them— as he is revealed in us.)

For the earnest expectation of the creature —waits for the manifestation of the sons of God.”

G4841 – Suffer

Greek: συμπάσχω

Transliteration: sumpaschō

Pronunciation: soom-pas'-kho

Definition: From G4862 and G3958 (including its alternate); to experience pain jointly, (or of the same kind —persecution; to sympathize):  suffer with.


We will jointly suffer with him, of HIS AFFLICTIONS– that we will carry in and with us— but we will also, not only experience the suffering and pain of sacrificial living with Christ, in Christ, and Christ in us (the anointed one, with the other anointed ones) —but we will be RESURRECTED and GLORIFIED with him, too.


1 Corinthians 12:26

“And whether one member [limb, part of the body] suffers— all members suffer with it [experience pain jointly, sympathize];  or— one member be honored [rendered glorious] —then all the members rejoice with it [congratulate].”

G3958 – Suffer

Greek: πάσχω πάθω πένθω

Transliteration: paschō pathō penthō

Pronunciation: pas'-kho path'-o pen'-tho

Definition: Apparently a primary verb (the third form used only in certain tenses for it); to experience a sensation or impression (usually painful):  feel passion, suffer, vex.


If one hurts or suffers affliction (Christ is also one of our brothers, the first to be raised from the dead, to show us the way) —then the others will suffer;  but likewise— if he is raised, then we glory with him and congratulate him— because it benefits us all, that he is raised.  Do we do this for the brethren when they are rescued, blessed and honored?  Because when they advance— we all do;  when they are completed/rescued/honored/restored —we all benefit, and rejoice— for the expectation of such coming to us, as we lay our lives down the same.


2 Corinthians 1:6

“And whether we be afflicted— it is for your consolation [solace] and salvation [rescue/safety, deliverance]— which is effectual in [actively efficient in] the enduring [hopeful enduring] of the same sufferings which we also suffer:  or whether we be comforted [consoled]— it is for your consolation [solace] and salvation [rescue/safety, deliverance].”

G2346 – Afflicted

Greek: θλίβω

Transliteration: thlibō

Pronunciation: thlee'-bo

Definition: Akin to the base of G5147; to crowd (literally or figuratively):  afflict narrowly throng, suffer tribulation or trouble.

G3804 – Sufferings

Greek: πάθημα

Transliteration: pathēma

Pronunciation: path'-ay-mah

Definition: From a presumed derivative of G3806; something undergonethat is hardship or pain; (subjectively an emotion or influence):  affection, affliction, motion, suffering.


If we, the body (members of) are afflicted— it is for your consolation or solace and salvation, or rescue/safety and deliverance, too;  because in suffering, we are actively and efficiently enduring (hopeful in it) —the same sufferings that you suffer in life (following Messiah, and Messiah in you, too);  we suffer the same afflictions in both of us.  But also— if we are comforted or consoled by Christ —it is for your consoling and saving, or rescue/safety and deliverance, too.

We are called to ENDURE TO THE END— and then be SAVED;  we are all going through the sufferings of Christ in our own lives, in whatever way the Lord has asked us to.  For the apostles and disciples of old— they had to suffer in various ways— we are called to the same, and it is all for God and the brethren, and their salvation:  in whatever way the Lord walks out his suffering in us.

And let us not forget— Christ learned what obedience to Father was— through his suffering;  we will learn what true love and reverence, servitude and sacrifice is as well— through the sufferings that Christ shares with us:  if he learned from them, and he is in us— we will learn and endure them as well;  and it will be to the benefit of all:  Father, Son, Spirit, brethren, and us.


Philippians 1:29-30

“For unto you it is given— in the behalf of [regarding] Christ— not only to believe on him— but also to suffer [experience painful sensations, passion] for his sake [regard/self];  Having the same conflict [contention, fight and race] which you saw in me, and now hear to be in me.”

G4100 – Believe

Greek: πιστεύω

Transliteration: pisteuō

Pronunciation: pist-yoo'-o

Definition: From G4102; to have faith —in, upon, or with respect to a person or thing— that is credit; by implication to entrust (especially one’s spiritual well being to Christ):  believe (-r), commit (to trust), put in trust with.


If the brethren like Paul had to suffer, and Christ had to suffer, and all the disciples (disciplined ones under God) had to suffer— learning obedience and surrender to God, his will and his missions in this lifetime— then we will too;  and it will all be for God’s sake, or regard of person:  we all have to run the same race, the same fight of faith, and contend for the love, the life, and salvation to all— by laying a life down, so that others may ‘live,’ too.


1 Thessalonians 3:2-4

“And I sent Timotheus, our brother, and minister of God, and our fellow laborer in the gospel of Christ— to establish you, and to comfort you concerning your faith:  That no man should be moved by these afflictions: for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto [with purpose].

For verily, when we were with you— we told you before that we should [be purposed in duty] suffer tribulation; even as it came to pass, and you know.”

G2347 – Afflictions

Word: qliyij

Pronounce: thlip'-sis

Strongs Number: Orig: from 2346; pressure (literally or figuratively): afflicted(-tion), anguish, burdened, persecution, tribulation, trouble.

Hebrew Strong’s: H343 H1674 H3906 H4035 H4157 H4689 H6040 H6115 H6125 H6233 H6862 H6869 H7200 H7722

1) a pressing, pressing together, pressure

2) metaphor:  oppression, affliction, tribulation, distress, straits

G3195 – Should

Greek: μέλλω

Transliteration: mellō

Pronunciation: mel'-lo

Definition: A strengthened form of G3199 (through the idea of expectation); to intend —that is— be about, to be, do, or suffer something —of persons or things especially events; in the sense of purpose, duty, necessity, probability, possibility:   to come, intend, was to (be) mean, mind, be at the point, (be) ready + return, shall (begin), (which that) should (after afterwards hereafter be), tarry, which was, for, will, would be yet.

G2346 – Suffer Tribulation (same as afflicted G2346)

Greek: θλίβω

Transliteration: thlibō

Pronunciation: thlee'-bo

Definition: Akin to the base of G5147; to crowd (literally or figuratively):  afflict, narrowly throng, suffer tribulation or trouble.


We are fellow laborers in Christ, unto the good news, as well;  and he’s establishing our faith— incarnate, and encourages us that no man should be moved (detrimentally/negatively) by these afflictions we now must suffer;  because God said we are appointed to them, and they have a purpose (which is what thereunto means).

And that the disciples and apostles of old, told us we will be purposed in duty to suffer tribulation— purposed IN DUTY.

Definition duty— moral or legal responsibility (if Christ in us, and we in Christ— we are obligated, because he is— and carries that within him), task required to perform, military service, performance of prescribed church services by a priest or minister;  root definition—  late Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French duete, from Old French deu —see due.

Due— expected and planned for a certain time, required at a certain time— as a moral obligation, an obligation;  root definition— Middle English, in the sense ‘payable’: from Old French deu ‘owed’, based on Latin debitus ‘owed’, from debere ‘owe’.

Christ has a debt he owes to assist in a laid down life, to serve humanity IN LIFE— to those who will repent and turn to him again;  and if he is in us— HE WILL CARRY HIS OBLIGATIONS— and he will share them unto us— and we will WALK THEM OUT UNTO HUMANITY TOO:  because we are first fruit duplicates of him, with him, by him— in our earthen vessels;  who walk out the Spirit of God to the world, so he fulfills his OWN WORKS —in us.

We owe servitude, as a priest in his order, with moral obligations to uphold him, his way (righteousness), to perform the tasks assigned to us by his Spirit— to MINISTER to him, and his family members (current or future):  it is due/owed.

His first fruits will walk in what others will not, for they were unwilling to pay the cost (what is payable) —and would not sacrifice;  so those who will, who do, and are— recompense is coming:  sooner or later— God repays all from the storehouse;  if it is righteousness, love, mercy, grace and sacrifice sowed— great recompense of restoration and provision is coming:  wise virgins.  

If not— the opposite is coming to the Lukewarm (hypocritical, and unwilling to sacrifice their lives for others);  they will be recompensed for what they gave God and humanity:  vanity.

But they will see the first fruits with their own eyes— and should they now SEE TO BELIEVE— they too can be saved, but by fire;  and they will have to go purchase their own oil of intimacy (as they were unwise virgins).


2 Thessalonians 1:3-12

“We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because your faith grows exceedingly— and the charity of every one of you, all toward each other— abounds.

So that we ourselves glory in you, in the churches [the called out (from the world to be separated unto God, consecrated)] of God —for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure [put up with and forbear]:  Which is a manifest token [and indication, concretely] of the righteous judgment of God, that you may be counted worthy [deemed entirely deserving] of the kingdom [royalty— rule, realm and reign] of God [the Supreme, Divine, Magistrate/judge] —for which you also suffer [experience pain and passion]:  

Seeing it is a righteous thing with God— to recompense [requite, render and pay] tribulation [pressure, affliction, anguish, burdened, persecution or trouble] —to those who trouble [crowd, afflict, narrowly throng, suffer tribulation and trouble] you.

 And to you who are troubled— rest with us— when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire— taking vengeance [vindication, retribution, revenge and punishment] on those who know not [see, be aware of, consider, know, behold nor understand] God— who obey not the gospel of our Lord [Supreme one in authority, Master] Jesus Christ:  Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction —from [off, away from] the presence [countenance, face and person] of the Lord— and from the glory of his power [ability];  

When he shall come [accompany and bring] to be glorified [adorned with glory/dignity] in his saints [sacred— pure, morally or physically— blameless and ceremonially consecrated, holy ones], and to be admired [wondered or marveled at] in all those who believe (because our testimony among you was believed) —in that day [time of space, period, age].

Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy [deemed, entitled or fit] of this calling [invitation] —and fulfill all the good pleasure [satisfaction, delight, kindness, wishes and purpose] of his goodness [virtue and beneficence— charity/mercy], and the work of faith— with power [miraculous ability]:  That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you— and you in him— according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”


We have a calling, an election and a duty— in and with Christ, unto Father’s will and mission in the earth— to seek and to save, that which is lost:  to recover them.  That his name (character and authority) may be glorified (dignified) in us:  manifest.

First fruits are a rare people;  in the old covenant, some pleased God— and were no more (like Enoch).  And in the New Covenant relationship with and through Christ Jesus (YahShua Ha Mashiach) —we are called to walk as the Spirit of God walks, as well;  and we are called to manifest the Spirit of the Father of Grace, Mercy, Love and Sacrifice, who walk in the Truth (and he’s a person).

We have a mission we are on, and the ones who have died, been buried (no more soulish life of their own) with Christ— will be raised with him;  and they are the Bridegroom’s wise virgins.  

Virgins in Strong’s, means— separate and set aside for one, a virgin— from her privacy (chastity).

Chastity— pure and abstaining.

These ones have set their lives apart unto our Lord, walking in chastity, privacy— pure— unto him, not mixing or having relations with any other (spirits/ways) —they abstain from the spirit of this world, and affairs of:  wise virgins.

The unwise virgins are Lukewarm, and mixed up with spirit of this world, and the affairs and customs/cultures of— they are not first fruits, they are hypocritical and they are compromised by intercourse (relations) with other spirits, and need cleansing, and intimacy— abstaining from the spirit of error/this world, and worldliness— needing to purchase (their is a cost to pay in how we live unto God) their own intimacy oil (anointing, where the Spirit of God will rest on them too) from God (a serious repentant life laid down to him, in true reverence— not lip service).

There will be opportunity to repent and become sanctified through a consecrated life too— but it will not be the first wave of first fruits:  they will, those, the pioneers/forerunners/first fruits— pray the Lord of harvest for— as he sends more laborers.

You see— they will have to WORK for real now, clean up— working their salvation out with fear and trembling now, too— and be reformed, to enter into the workforce of the Lord in earth:  creating more laborers for the harvest— by themselves— being harvested for real:  sifted, removing chaff and debris that is dross from their souls (unrefined souls) —refine them in the holy fire that is God himself;  as they NOW HUMBLE THEMSELVES BEFORE HIM;  because they see the difference between themselves— and the first wave of the first fruit duplicates, of Christ.

The prideful need to see the error of their ways, oftentimes— by blunt means;  they quite literally will defend themselves before God— instead of humbling themselves before God;  and until he shows the difference between the favor on person A, versus person B— they will not believe.

He said… 

“It’s quite simple dear;  the first fruits will step out with me, and the others will not.  I will not have to show much more— and they will see, know, and have an opportunity to repent and humble themselves before me and the brethren that they persecuted;  as they walked out intimacy with other spirits (lukewarm, and hypocritical) —not knowing Ichabod was with them— and the glory of God had departed.”


2 Timothy 2:8-13

“Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David— was raised from the dead according to my gospel:  Wherein I suffer trouble [undergo hardship and afflictions], as an evil [a wrong] doer— even unto bonds [or bondage]; but the word of God is not bound [tied or constrained, free].

Therefore I endure [remain, undergo and persevere in] all things— for the elect's [chosen’s] sakes [on behalf of, because of]— that they may also obtain [make ready, bring to pass, properly affect, light upon, attain, secure an end, hit the mark (like a bullseye)] —the salvation [the rescue, safety and deliverance], which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory [dignity].

It is a faithful saying:  For if we be dead with him— we shall also live with himIf we suffer— we shall also reign [be co-regents: joint ruler] with him: if we deny [contradict (deny the truth by exerting the opposite), disavow (deny any responsibility or support for), reject (dismiss, fail to show affection or support of), and abnegate (renounce or reject) in refusal] him— he also will deny [contradict (deny the truth by exerting the opposite), disavow (deny any responsibility or support for), reject (dismiss, fail to show affection or support of), and abnegate (renounce or reject) in refusal] us:  If we believe not [betray, having no belief in him]— yet he abides faithful [trustworthy]: he cannot deny [contradict (deny the truth by exerting the opposite), disavow (deny any responsibility or support for), reject (dismiss, fail to show affection or support of), and abnegate (renounce or reject) in refusal] himself [his own person].”

G5278 – Suffer

Greek: ὑπομένω

Transliteration: hupomenō

Pronunciation: hoop-om-en'-o

Definition: From G5259 and G3306; to stay under (behind) that is remain; figuratively to undergo —that is— bear trials, have fortitude, persevere:  abide, endure, (take) patient (-ly), suffer, tarry— behind.


Those who are not walking hypocritical— he will not be able to deny, because to walk authentic to God holy and his righteousness— is to uphold righteous living and the Spirit thereof;  and in that— he cannot deny his own Spirit or operations in that man— as he manifests himself to them, and through them.

His children will be tried and they will suffer in this earth;  they will undergo suffering and they will persevere through them— as they uphold God’s ways, Spirit and Truth in them— as it has become them:  they have fortitude, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love— covering a multitude of sin.

They live not for themselves— but for Christ and the brethren:  these are the wise virgins, and the first fruit duplicates of Christ:  they are the sons of the Son (the followers of the Son, the Truth and the Way), and they bring with them— the way, the truth and how to live in LIFE with Christ Jesus:  they are his seedling duplicates in earthen vessels, who are surrendered to the leading of his Spirit, and refined in his Spirit’s fruits and attributes.  

They are able to express them, and rein in any not of the Father;  they repent VERY QUICKLY, and are always being honed or reconfigured, controlled by his Spirit, and course corrected:  they are the very elect who have plowed the fallow ground, for God and the family of.

They ceased to exist unto self— and exist only to represent the Father in them, through the life of the Son (now duplicating in them), as the Godhead is fully established and IN CONTROL of their vessels/person:  Emmanuel is with them, and in them, and leading them:  these are the sons of God, these are the first fruit duplicates of Christ— and these are they who will manifest soon in his fullness, and witness to the rest of the house— he who comes to purify with fire and intimacy.


2 Timothy 3:10-13

“But you have fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, persecutions, and afflictions— which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered [rescued/saved] me.

Yea, and all who will live godly in Christ Jesus— shall suffer persecution [being pursued and fleeing because of— being ensued after].

But evil men, and seducers [wizards, impostors]— shall wax [increase, advance and grow] worse and worse— deceiving [roaming from truth or virtue, go astray, err, seduce, wander out of the way (heretics, Hebrew Strong’s ref)], and being deceived (same definition as deceiving).

But you —continue in the things which you have learned, and have been assured of— knowing of whom you have learned them;  that from a child, you have known the holy scriptures, which are able to make you wise —unto salvation [rescue, deliverance, safety]— through faith [persuasion of your moral conviction, reliance on Christ, truth itself, and fidelity of] which is in [fixed in, instrumentally positioned in] Christ Jesus.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God [divinely breathed], and is profitable [advantageous] for —doctrine [instruction, in the function of the information], for reproof [convicting proof and evidence of], for correction [straightening up, rectification, reformation], for instruction [tutorage— education or training, disciplinary correction— chastening/chastisement, instruction, nurturing] in righteousness [equity (fair and equal) of Christ’s character and actions]:  That the man of God may be perfect [fresh (new: New Man Creation in Christ) and completed] —thoroughly furnished [finished out in time (like finishing school, refining/polishing), equipped fully and accomplished entirely furnished:  fit accommodations (house/dwelling of the Lord/vessel), supply someone with something (in this case, Christ’s character and actions), be a source] —unto all good [beneficial] works [actions].”

G4190 – Evil


Pronounce: pon-ay-ros'

Orig: from a derivative of 4192; hurtful, i.e. evil; figuratively— calamitous; also (passively) ill, i.e. diseased; but especially —morally culpable, i.e. derelict, vicious, facinorous; mischief, malice, or (plural) guilt; masculine (singular) the devil, or (plural) sinners: bad, evil, grievous, harm, lewd, malicious, wicked(-ness). See also 4191. G4192 G4550

Hebrew Strong’s: H343 H873 H1681 H1800 H7200 H7227 H7451 H7489 H7489 H7563 H8441

1) full of labors, annoyances, hardships

    1a) pressed and harassed by labors

    1b) bringing toils, annoyances, perils; of a time full of peril to Christian faith and steadfastness; causing pain and trouble

2) bad, of a bad nature or condition

    2a) in a physical sense: diseased or blind

    2b) in an ethical sense: evil wicked, bad


He is watching and weighing our works (our operations taking place in us), and evil works are those of hurtful, calamitous, ill, diseased morals;  and they are culpable of them, meaning— deserving blame, and responsible for.  Who are full of labors of hardships, pressing, annoying and harassing others— in peril, causing pain and trouble;  they are of a bad nature or character and condition, essentially— diseased, blind (spiritually), and ethically wicked/bad.

And God is attempting to cleanse his household now;  to those who will reform and be sanctified (cleansed) —he is coming to refine them through tribulation, as he was seeking all along to raise us up in the way to go.

But they refused doctrine, or— instruction in the function of the information of truth given to them in scripture;  they as well refused reproof by his Spirit, which is the convincing proof and evidence of their wicked ways— but instead, stayed steadfast in their sin and rebellion, and lack of reverence to bow and serve him and righteousness, walking out the TRUTH— as they were to BECOME IT.

They refused correction, straightening up, rectification— setting right, improving and replacing mistakes, and reform;  they refused instruction from the Spirit of Truth and Holiness— to be tutored, educated, trained, disciplined, chastened and nurtured by him.

They refused to become or uphold righteousness— BECOMING the fulfillment of his righteousness in them, which means— fair and equitable character and actions of Christ Jesus himself, incarnate— in them.

So that the man of God could be perfected, or made fresh, new: New Man Creation in Christ, completing Christ’s foundational blueprints in them;  and thoroughly furnish, or finish them out in time —like finishing school, refining/polishing, equipping them fully, and accomplishing entirely his own house:  fit accommodations (house/dwelling of the Lord/vessel), supplying them with Christ’s character and actions, as the source of —unto all good and beneficial works, or actions in them.

First fruits fell from the tree of Life, died as seeds— and he sprouted new life in them— as they grew in him, and he in them— not hypocrisy or pride.  

These will shine with the brilliant light of God— for he is in them, and has polished their vessel in refinements— that he should show his Light through them, in them, and unto them— and the world will behold them.


Hebrews 13:1-3

“Let brotherly love continue.  Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels [sent messengers] —unawaringly.  Remember those who are in bonds— as bound with them [a fellow prisoner]; and those who suffer adversity [maltreatment and torment]— as being yourselves also in the body [the sound whole of us all (body of Christ, his members: family of God)].”


1 Peter 2:20

“For what glory is there— if when you are buffeted for your faults— you take it patiently?  But when you do well— and suffer (for that doing well) —you take it patiently— for this is acceptable [gratifying in manner of actions— the divine influence upon the heart and the reflection of life— including gratitude] with God.”

1 Peter 3:17

“For better is it that the will of God be so— that you suffer for doing well— than for doing evil.”

1 Peter 4:16

“If any many suffer as a Christian— let him not be ashamed;  but (instead) —let him glorify God— on this behalf.”

1 Peter 4:19

“Therefore— let those who suffer according to the will of God— commit the keeping of their souls to him— in well doing— as a faithful Creator.”


The sacrificial duplicate of the Sacrificial One himself— will lay their lives down in full fashion as that of Christ— though in smaller measure than the full cup Christ was given to drink down;  we are only called to drink ‘from’ his cup, not to consume it all.

His children will ‘share’ his sufferings with him, as he shares them to them, in them, and with them— and they bear them together in the earth, as the Father did with YahShua himself— he will do with his duplicates.

There are those who are bound, those who are in adversity and suffer— and we are called to bear up under them— and for the good of all:  this is what our older brother, Bridegroom, Savior and Lord did for us— as the Lamb sacrificed;  his sheep will do the same, as they follow him wherever he goes.

It is better for us to suffer because we are doing right, than for evil;  and to suffer because of passion (or love) —is the greatest calling a man can have;  to lay down his life for another to live (one laying down his vitality, so another may pick it up, and be given more earthly time):  this is the life of the Lamb, and his duplicates will walk the same, and drink from that cup.

But they also— will be glorified with him in the earth, 10 fold— in this lifetime— for what was sacrificed for God and his friends:  as they commit their souls (lives) unto him— as a faithful Father/God/Creator/Lord over them:  he is faithful and true, what a man sows— he will also reap.


Revelation 2:10“Fear none of the things which you shall suffer:  behold— the devil shall cast some of you into prison— that you may be tried— and you shall have tribulation— ten days [a space of time/a period of time]:  be faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life.”

G1176 – Ten

Greek: δέκα

Transliteration: deka

Pronunciation: dek'-ah

Definition: A primary number; ten: - [eight-] een ten.

KJV Usage: ten (24x), eighteen (with G2532) (with G3638) (3x).

Ten— perfect order (the kingdom is coming):  ten commandments, etc— back in order.

Eighteen— in scripture = bondage to life;  It means— L’Chaim, 18:  

Hebrew letters are also used as numerals, and the Hebrew letters that spell "chai" also stand for the number 18L'Chaim, in Hebrew— is a toast meaning "to life". When a couple becomes engaged, they get together with friends and family to celebrate.

So 10, and adding 8 = Eighteen.

And 10 = perfect godly order, and 8 = new beginnings;  so eighteen is going from death to life, chaos to order —in a New Beginning;  and this is celebrated:  L’Chaim!


Do not fear ANYTHING, no suffering of any kind;  because— even though the devil may afflict us, in this way or that— and try us, causing us tribulation in this lifetime, for a space of time/a period of time— be faithful to God, all the way to death (literal or figurative/symbolic) —and he will crown us with Life.

Crown says— Wreath, in Strong’s;  he will, upon our heads clothe us with Life:  he is life, and he will symbolically/spiritually anoint us with his Spirit— clothed with the Spirit of the fire of holiness.

In the definition of Ten, is the number Eighteen, and ten is perfect order;  so he will restore perfect order in those who are his first fruits;  he will also establish Life in them— ‘to life—’  L’Chaim— the numerical value is Eighteen:  his first fruits will be restored to life, and set in perfect order:  they will walk in Shalom— Godly order restored.

They will have a NEW BEGINNING (8 + 10 = 18, brought ‘to life’) in PERFECT ORDER (completed in Christ as a first fruit), and this will be celebrated by all nations— L’CHAIM!!!


Philippians 3:8-9

“Yea doubtless— and I count all things but loss [violent, detrimental loss and damage] for the excellency of the knowledge of [the act of knowing] Christ Jesus —my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss [injuriously experienced the detriment— being cast away— damaged and suffered] of all things [wholly], and do count them but dung [waste/refuse]— that I may win [gain] Christ— and be found in [instrumentally fixed and positioned] him— not having my own righteousness [equitable (fair and just) character and actions] —which is of the law (outward earning of justification through to do lists of actions) —but that which is through the faith [persuasion of your moral conviction, reliance on Christ, truth itself, and fidelity] of Christ— the righteousness [equitable character and actions] which is of God— by faith (moral persuasion, and reliance upon Christ and Truth itself— with fidelity to the truth).


Hebrews 5:8-10

“Though he were a Son— yet, he learned obedience by the things which he suffered;  And being made perfect— he became the author of eternal salvation, unto all those who obey [subordinately listen attentively, heed and conform to his command and authority] him— Called of God, a high priest [the head of all priests]— after the order of Melchisedec.”

G5048 – Perfect


Pronounce: tel-i-o'-o

Orig: from 5046; to complete, (literally) accomplished, or (figuratively) consummate in character:  consecrate, finish, fulfill, make) perfect. G5046

Heb Strong: H3615 H3634 H4390 H6213 H8003 H8552

1) to make perfect, complete

    1a) to carry through completely, to accomplish, finish, bring to an end

2) to complete (perfect)

    2a) add what is yet wanting— in order to render a thing full

    2b) to be found perfect

3) to bring to the end (goal) proposed

4) to accomplish

    4a) bring to a close, or fulfillment by event



G5219 – Obey


Pronounce: hoop-ak-oo'-o

Orig: from 5259 and 191; to hear under (as a subordinate), to listen attentively; by implication— to heed or conform to a command or authority:  hearken, be obedient to, obey.

Heb Strong: H238 H3985 H5401 H6030 H7181 H7760 H8003 H8085

1) to listen, to harken

    1a) of one who on the knock at the door comes to listen to who it is, (the duty of a porter

[and we are to OPEN THE DOOR to him, when he knocks;  we are then— porters, gatekeepers, door keepers— the way, and the person of— and we need to open up to him.]

2) to harken to a command

    2a) to obey, be obedient to, submit to


G3198 – Melchizedek


Pronounce: mel-khis-ed-ek'

Strongs Number: G3198

Orig: of Hebrew origin H4442 ; Melchisedek (i.e. Malkitsedek), a patriarch:  Melchisedec. H4442

Heb Strong:

Melchizedek = "King of righteousness"

1) the king of Salem, and priest of the most high God— who lived in the days of Abraham.


The Word of God, the Spirit of God, the Person of God— is the King of Righteousness (who is seated on the throne, and head over all) —the Patriarch, or the Father of his people of righteousness;  the one in dominion of righteousness— based in his holiness (head of all priests) as the High Priest of righteousness, and the officiator of it.


Hebrews 7:24-27

“This man— because he continues forever— has an unchangeable priesthood.

Wherefore he is able also to save them, to the uttermost— who come unto God, by him— seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them.

For such a high priest —became us (took on who we were/are:  sinners)— who is holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners— made higher than the heavens;  Who needs not daily, as those high priests— to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's:  for this he did once— when he offered up himself.”


As we are to ‘become him,’ now— in our souls inner conduct, putting on Christ Jesus— his mind, and minding:  righteousness— equitable character and actions of Christ Jesus:  he became us, spiritually/symbolically— we are to become him, spiritually/symbolically, in our inner and outer person now too (the righteousness of Christ fulfilled— in us).

His first fruits, the wise virgin set apart unto only him, ones— will demonstrate to the world, and the worldly church— who Christ really is, what he is really asking and expecting, and what the walk is in intimacy with him— into sanctification of a consecrated life— will be.

Subordinate, learning obedience, and being completed and consummated in character and relationship to God— is what is missing in the apostate, hypocritical, and lukewarm church;  which is a juxtaposition to begin with— as Ecclesia means, the Set Apart Ones.  These must learn holiness/righteousness, obedience and submission to, assimilation into, the truth, love, mercy, grace, sacrifice and a laid down soul to the Lord:  a life for a life, this is wisdom.

He is the King of Righteousness, and his kingdom— is the kingdom of righteous holiness— and his unchangeable priesthood will function the same, for they hail from righteousness, and righteousness is hailing from them (as he is in them).


Hebrews 13:12

“Wherefore Jesus also— that he might sanctify the people with his own bloodsuffered [experienced painful vexation, and passion] —without [outside of the door] the gate [the entrance in].”


We are to open up to him now (the proverbial Door or Gate) and let him enter in, WILLINGLY ABNEGATING all authority and rule to him now— as he stands on the other side of the ‘door,’ and knocks (beckons us);  should we open up to him, in our inner man, for real— he will come in and sup with us;  he will partake with us, and we with him— from his table of conduct/character/disposition/spirit options.

He suffered, OUTSIDE OF US— he was estranged from us— he was OUTSIDE THE GATE (or the entrance into us, the doorway of the soul) —because we shut him out in the Garden rebellion— where we did not want a master over us, but to be our own.

So he gave himself, as a perfect (whole), one time sacrifice— slaughtered like a lamb— for the transgression or rebellion of his children;  he suffered and experienced painful vexation of his body, yes— but also of his soul and Spirit— for we were estranged;  and so— he SUFFERED PASSION;  he suffered IN LOVE TOWARD US— and so, he gave his life, in exchange for ours:  to those who will revere him, welcome him again (within, open up to him again), obey him and yoke or tie themselves to the Priest and King of righteous ways.

He did ALL THAT— whilst still outside the ‘gate,’ or way back into him— as we were filthy in rebellion and estrangement;  and now— he beckons us to OPEN THE DOOR TO HIM AGAIN— and sup together:  which means— learn of his ways, revere him, obey him, become his righteousness now inside of us;  as he became us— in our unrighteousness and sin (transgressing/offending/rejecting him and his clean ways and person).

Leviticus 17:11

“For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to— make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that makes an atonement for the soul.”

He spilled his soul unto us, his blood was shed for us, and as he shed it— the Holy Spirit was shed out abroad to all— for the Life, was poured out for us:  he poured out his soul unto death, and shed his LIFE to us (blood) to make us at one again.

The soul is the vitality of the animal— and that soul’s life— is found in the blood;  when Christ shed his, he shed his soul unto humanity— are we welcoming his soul (principles of thinking [his mind], emotions and heart for people and creation, and doing his will now, not our own) into us— and allowing his person to manifest his attributes in our souls?

He is attempting to, by his Spirit, introduce us to a soul like unto God (a heart/soul like unto God);  and to INDWELL US, and BRING ABOUT— a soul/heart that is ‘after God.’


1 Samuel 13:14

“...the Lord has sought him— a man after his own heart— and the Lord has commanded him to be captain over his people…”

H3824 – After his own heart

Hebrew: לבב

Transliteration: lêbâb

Pronunciation: lay-bawb'

Definition: From H3823; the heart (as the most interior organ); used also like H3820 :   bethink themselves, their mind, midst, awares and understanding. 

Acts 13:22

“...he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave their testimony, and said— I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after my own heartwho shall fulfill all my will [determinations, purpose, decrees, inclinations, desires and good pleasure].”

He’s coming to resurrect the tabernacle of David— this is the first fruit of our Lord, the child of the living God, who walks in truth incarnate— as well as mercy, love, grace, sacrifice and purity:  they are the elect and set apart— who are IN OBEDIENCE and have been REFINED INTO HIS IMAGE, ‘inside’ again— and in whom he is operating out of.

And his children are those who do his will, fulfilling it in them— and they carry and possess his heart, for he is in them— and with him, his heart and truth has been established in their souls:  they have the soul/heart of God in effect (effectual— of effect) in them, and operating through them, and unto all.


1 Peter 2:21-25

“For even hereunto were you called: because Christ also suffered for us— leaving us an example— that you should follow his steps:  Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:  Who— when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered— he threatened not;  but committed himself to him who judges righteously:  Who his own self bare our sins in his own body, on the tree— that we, being dead to sins— should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes you were healed [cured by, made whole and free from sin and errors].

For you were as sheep going astray;  but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.”



Heb Strong: H2280 H2421 H7495

1) to cure, heal

2) to make whole

    2a) to free from errors and sins, to bring about (one's) salvation


He was made an example to us all of how we are to be in our conduct, and he does no sin (does not transgress God’s person or ways), and no foulness is found in his mouth— that we should learn and follow in his ways;  when people reviled him— he did not revile, or speak insults (that’s the definition) at them back— he expressed grace, love, humility and restraint (discipline of his soul).

When he suffered, and unjustly— he threatened no one, snapped at no one, nor blamed anyone— he walked in love, forgiveness, mercy, and graciousness— forbearing.

He committed his soul to God, who judges righteously— and who bore our sins in his own body (we are to learn of him, and follow in his ways) on a tree— unto death.  (I see men walking as trees) We are to bear death in our bodies too;  and in so doing— we too, like him— should LIVE, UNTO RIGHTEOUSNESS:  death to death, and LIVE UNTO LIFE (which is righteousness).

And in doing this, his sacrifice that he carries into us, will heal us— cure us from sin and error, and make us whole or completed in Christ, as well.  For before we were sheep going astray in our souls/hearts— but NOW, through Christ Jesus, his perfect sacrifice, and his ways he leads us in— for our souls to function as his, and by the lead of his Spirit— we are NOW RETURNED TO THE SHEPHERD [pastor] and BISHOP of our souls/hearts.

Bishop in Strong’s—  superintendent, officer, one in charge, one in charge of the church— overseer.


1 Peter 4:1-2

“Forasmuch then as Christ has suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he who has suffered in the flesh— has ceased from sin;  That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh, to the lusts of men— but to the will of God.”


1 Peter 5:10-11

“But the God of all grace, who has called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that you have suffered a while— will make you perfect, established, strengthened— and settle you.  To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.”


He will finish his workmanship in us— if we do not buck him, or kick against his proddings of reformation in us (refinement);  his first fruits willingly laid this life down, and live now, only— in Christ Jesus, and he in them:  and will do mighty exploits of faith in him, through them— in the darkest of hours, which is shortly to come upon the whole earth.


Hebrews 2:9-10

“We see Jesus— who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of deathcrowned with glory and honor; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.

For it became him— for whom are all things, and by whom are all things— in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation, perfect— through sufferings.”


He is crowned with glory and honor— and his glory and honor will show on, and from his duplicate seedlings/first fruits— for the glory and honor is his, IN THEM;  and he was called to suffer death— and his children are too (in whatever manner Father bestows upon them), as they carry their crosses.  

And THIS BECAME HIM— not only does that mean he took it on him/in him— quite literally;  but as well it means— it became him, as in the sentiment— it ‘suits’ him:  becomes him.

That he would BRING MANY SONS UNTO GLORY— as he is made the captain of their salvation, the headship of them— and made perfect (or completed) through sufferings.

He in us, and we in him— he sharing his OWN sufferings with us, and we sharing them INTO US, as he brings them with his person— as his person is manifest in us:  his heart/soul carries burdens of others, and we will too— we are commanded to.

And it is our obligation (moral) and duty to do so;  his first fruits understand this and exemplify this;  they seek only the judgment of the just one, and will be submissive to him:  they are the pure and wise virgins, who will manifest him to the world— that he will do his great exploits of faith, his works— through, and unto a perishing world.

We will share his sufferings with him— but he will also share his glorification with us too— as the Father, glorified the Son (in whom all sons abide).  

Carry your cross with sacrifice and offering, love, mercy, grace and forbearance— bearing one another’s burdens:  Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2)


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