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Word from the Lord: "man taking the glory," and the temptation of

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

I began to read scripture this morning, and it was in Micah, chapter one— but I didn’t get but a few verses in;  and as I pondered what I was reading in those first so many verses— the Spirit of the Lord began to speak to me;  and I was lead to grab my computer, and begin to type.

These are the verses that led to the word he gave me below:

Micah 1:1-9

“The word of the Lord that came to Micah the Morasthite in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem.  Hear, all ye people; hearken, O earth, and all that therein is: and let the Lord God be witness against you, the Lord from his holy temple.

For, behold, the Lord comes forth out of his place, and will come down, and tread upon the high places of the earth.  And the mountains shall be molten under him, and the valleys shall be cleft, as wax before the fire, and as the waters that are poured down a steep place.

For the transgression of Jacob is all this (or this all comes), and for the sins of the house of Israel. What is the transgression of Jacob? Is it not Samaria? And what are the high places of Judah— are they not Jerusalem?

Therefore I will make Samaria as an heap of the field, and as plantings of a vineyard: and I will pour down the stones thereof into the valley, and I will discover the foundations thereof.

And all the graven images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, and all the hires [H868: ethanan— gift as the price of harlotry or idolatry, hired reward] thereof shall be burned with the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate: for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot.

Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go stripped and naked: I will make a wailing like the dragons, and mourning as the owls.  For her wound [H4347: makkah/makkeh— blow, pestilence, carnage, plague] is incurable [H605: anash— feeble, frail, melancholy, desperate, wicked, woeful]; for it is come unto Judah; he is come unto the gate of my people— even to Jerusalem.”


Word from the Lord


“Janet I have a very specific mission to accomplish in my leadership (prophetic/apostolic/priests); a mission that will challenge the status quo of the average ministry at this time.  Many have strayed off the beaten path of biblical standard and precedent set out before my people.  I told you I have a standard to erect in the earthen vessels in the earth; and I am calling forth out of the church, a people who have not lost sight of me.

I have seen, and since had my fill, dear— where man has been subtly lured into the glory by satan.  It is a place within man where the tree of knowledge has slyly taken seat in the high places within man— and has counterfeited true revelation.

Informationfacts provided or learned about something or someone;  root definition— late Middle English in the sense ‘formation of the mind, teaching’, via Old French from Latin informatio(n- ), from the verb informare (see inform).

Revelation: a surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made known in a dramatic way, by disclosure;  root definition— Middle English (in the theological sense): from Old French, or from late Latin revelatio(n- ), from revelare ‘lay bare’ (see reveal1).

Knowledgefacts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject; root definition— Middle English, originally as a verb in the sense ‘acknowledge, recognize’, later as a noun: from an Old English compound based on cnāwan (see know).

You see dear— there is but a subtle difference between revelation of the truth, and revelation of information, of facts:  facts are compiled from the tree of knowledge— truth is compiled from experiencing God— for God is truth.  The tree of knowledge flows in facts, like spiritual laws— how the universe has been established on its foundation and laws of spiritual and material physics, and the spiritual laws of sow and reap, and such— but the truth is something far different than facts:  the truth of God is absolute.  

The tree of knowledge is still being dipped into within my people:  the tree of factual information.  But in this pursuit of more and more knowledge to be revealed— how many are having revelation of ME, versus knowledge of the material or spiritual realm and laws of?  2 Timothy 3:7 – ‘Always learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth.’

Because, dear— this is the trap of satan; a place appealed to inside of man wherewith he desires to accumulate knowledge of the universe, knowledge of the spiritual realm, knowledge of laws of the spirit realm.  But ask yourselves this (because I will ask each of you) —am I leading my people into wielding all this knowledge, or the power and dominion to control matter, outcomes, and destinies— or have I scripturally asked my people to lay their power and dominion down, within— to give me the headship within, the crown of authority at the helm, the glory in exaltation and reverence of God (as man takes a backseat to his own understanding and knowledge, position of power and understanding, as a god of his own)?

You see, knowledge can be walked in as power.  

Knowledge of facts can be wielded as power— satan loves this because he does not need to reverence, or reference God in his dominion or authority role as he does so.  He is a created being who will walk and work in facts— and he will wield those facts, by his own hand (and head knowledge and understanding), devoid of my headship, my wisdom, my counsel, or my lead— and he will accomplish playing in the spirit realm (by the laws of), without me:  and it will all be under the guise of spiritual wisdom of the ways of the universe, the ways of the laws of creation.  But the one thing it will always sway toward— is self exaltation; as it simultaneously sways away from Godly leadership, and extolling God himself in his rightful position— over all of creation, as the created steals the dominion and glory for himself.

What do we think man is doing when he walks and talks a good spiritual talk in the earth— but fails to come under the headship of God?  What do we think that man in the church is doing when he is lured by the lust of his pursuit of facts, and power to wield the realms— and not truth, and by the King and creator of— and is slowly turned away from his God, and tipped toward the workings of the universe, or the created realm(s), and away from the Creator— in reverence and recognition of him as the most desired topic, most desired one, most reverenced one, and most loved one?  

What happens when man is lured of his own lustful pursuit of factual revelation— that leads him away from biblical revelation of the truth (I am a person), but unto factual revelation of the laws of the universe (and how to play with them) —and away from the revelation of God himself to his people, and playing with their Father?  

What happens when these are they who love pleasure more than God (to play in knowledge that enchanted their person: 2 Timothy 3:4), having become more entranced by their own revelations (lovers of self: 2 Timothy 3:2) —and were drawn away from God, lost in the seduction of the gains of knowledge, from the tree thereof?

I am watching my people fall into the allure of walking in spiritual dimensions, learning the spiritual laws of the dimensions of reality (and there are many, including false realities and dimensions of), and simultaneously step away from the worship of the Father, and love of God— whilst they entertain deep and vast vaults of factual knowledge of creation.  It is good to know knowledge— but it is a trap when the knowledge itself begins to puff up and draw a man away from the worship of God;  and the man, subtly, slowly, begins to exalt and worship (giving time, affection, and focus to) the knowledge of the material realm, or spiritual realm facts.

I am a person— and when you begin to see the ‘church,’ the called out ones— begin to speak more about the spiritual laws of the universe, or all of creation— and less about God himself, and less about seeking the face of God himself, and less about biblical examples, and the stature of what Christ Jesus walked out in the earth….. Well, then, dear….. Man has found himself basking in the tree of knowledge once again, in the tree of self exaltation (evil) once again, and satan has been able to convince him to ‘be like God,’ but not actually be ‘one with God,’ his Creator— nor to reverence and worship his God any longer;  but instead— subtly lead him into worshiping himself, as he is a worshiper of self— and all he can fill himself with— that is not God. 

[2 Thessalonians 2:4 – ‘Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.’]

WATCH!  Watch my children— watch and listen to what is being exalted, MORE:  is it Christ, is it the Lord himself, is it your Savior Jesus Christ/YahShua Ha Mashiach, is it the Spirit of the living God— or is it knowledge of the material or spirit realm(s), is it man basking in his experiences, is it alluring topics that draw you further and further away from the face of God in pursuit of more and more knowledge, becoming an exalter of the creation/created (and foundations of) —above the knowledge of God himself?

Or does what is being brought forth send you toward God, seeking him directly— with him leading you in all endeavors, walking in the ways of righteousness, walking clean and holy, pure in heart toward God— giving all glory to God, all dominion to God, placing God in the high places within your person (mind, heart, will, actions), where God is seated in all authority and headship within that man— where one is not seeking to understand ‘how the laws of creation work,’ over the God of creation itself?  

But instead— a position in his vessel where that man knows (and is drawn to exalt and worship God in) that God is his all-in-all, and that without God being extolled within that man— he is but dung upon the face of this earth— and bound to lead himself, in his own understanding, straight into the pit of bondage, and allure of— itself;  and that if push came to shove, and satan offered man all the knowledge and power of wielding the material realm, and spiritual realm information, in dominion of— just to bow down and worship him(self) in this pursuit— this man would choose to go naked and destitute in this world— before he would give up God for the pursuit of the revelation of knowledge?

Knowledge of facts— is different from absolute truth, Janet.

Absolute:  not qualified or diminished in any way, total, final, unlimited, unconditional, not relative or comparative, unchanging, universally valid: root definition— set free (absolve).

Absolute Truth:  Absolute truth is a statement or belief that is always true, regardless of context or circumstances. It is a fact that cannot be changed and is consistent and eternal. 

Relative/Conditional Truth (otherwise known as conditional facts):  which is truth that is conditional, subjective, and can change over time.

Something ‘absolute,’ as I am— is something that is not subject to any condition, it remains the same ALWAYS, it changes not, it is universally valid, it is not compared to another (and cannot be), it does not diminish (change), it is not qualified by any other means or conditions (it remains always), it is total (whole/complete, lacking nothing, always), it is unlimited:  it is free— no other is above it, nor can contain it:  it is me, dear.

And absolute Truth (I am the way, the truth, and life itself) is always true, regardless of circumstances or context, it is consistent (unchanging), and eternally so:  It is me, Janet, I am absolute truth— and I am the tree of life, and absolute truth is only found in me.

Conditional, or relative truth (otherwise known as conditional facts) is the allure of satan— a place inside the mind, will, and actions, rooted in knowledge of facts— that is not absolute, but can be wielded, perverted, and manipulated at will in the created realms: it is where conditional, subjective facts of knowledge (that can change over time) is sought after to walk therein— instead of God, himself:  absolute truth— unchanging personhood, and consistency always, steadfast and resolute/unchanging.

Ask yourselves this— the laws of the material and spiritual realm, did Jesus ever work the material and spirit realm laws, bending them to the will of God?  MANY TIMES— like when he laid a hand upon another to heal and set free— by love;  like when he spoke words of life to another and healed their hearts and minds— setting them free;  like when he brought forth knowledge revelation of the eternal and self-existent God in discourse of sermons and teachings— setting men free from the grips of ignorance, falsehoods, vanity, and estrangement from God and truth; like when he ghosted through a crowd to escape untimely death— and many more instances of altering the laws of the material and spirit realm— to achieve the means of the will of the Father.  And that is the point is it not?

Jesus exemplified listening and heeding the Father’s heart and mind— giving all reverence of authority and headship to him.  

[John 5:19-20

‘...Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father do: for what things soever he does— these also does the Son likewise.  For the Father loves the Son, and shows him all things that he himself does: and he will show him greater works than these, that you may marvel.’]

He told you that he only walks in, and does— what his Father is (holiness and righteousness), and what he sees his Father doing.  That means— he was always keeping his gaze upon the Father and Creator of all the created, and creation— and he never wielded his own power, by his own direction, leaning upon his own understanding, or walking in his own dominion:  he gave all the glory to the Father, and he bowed down to the Father, he hearkened unto the Father, the Father’s will got played out inside the life of YahShua, and all the dominion on the throne— was the Father’s, when Jesus walked this earth.

I remind us of all this, for this reason, dear:  I am watching to see which men and women have fallen in the wilderness of temptation; in the place where satan offers all the kingdoms (realms) and information and laws to wield them— in their own dominion (turn these stones to bread) —OUTSIDE OF THE LEAD OF, and EXALTATION OF THE FATHER:  you see— why would satan (fallen created) even say such a thing to Jesus— if it were not possible, by will and power as the Son of ‘man,’ to do such a thing as change stone to bread (unto his lust of flesh to do so)?  Did not Moses bring forth water from the rock as he struck it— when I implicitly instructed him (my headship) to SPEAK to the rock, the second time?

Oh yes, little ones— like the magicians of old who Moses himself went up against with me— created man can wield many things in this realm;  but I ask of you— were they led of my Spirit, or were unclean spirits leading them to walk in bending the material and spiritual laws unto themselves?  And did it not work for them?  Of course it did:  and I will watch to see if man falls into this trap of temptation in the wilderness once again— as all power, dominion, and headship— is offered to man once again— just to turn his face and heart away from God, his headship within, and his worship of affection, time, and focus— in the high places within the called out men.

I am grieved, dear.  I do see all of the allure of knowledge— how do you think the originator of all that is fallenness was lured away of his own lust (that is sin, to walk away from God and worshiping God— to worship ‘other’)?  He was tempted by the power of the pursuit of knowledge (to wield realities for himself, and thrones for himself, and dominions for himself) —and he took the glory I dressed him in (like you all), and he took it for himself; and in this stealing of the glory that I dressed him in of myself— he fell away from me, he fell from the glory (as it is me), and he darkened the light he had:  Light— is me, and Light remains when the knowledge of ME IS UPHELD WITHIN THE CREATED— in the high places; and this is how one’s light remains.

I am watching, and will continue to watch the called— according to my purposes, people—  I will watch to see what they revel in, what they clothe themselves in, and what takes root inside each man:  is it the pursuit of revealed knowledge, alone?  

And what I mean is— revelation of me, revelation of the truth, and coupling with me— will always exalt me;  it will always be biblical with roots inside the scriptures (IN CONTEXT), and it will always point to my person, and it will always draw individuals to ME— not a knowledge base to walk in that can be walked in devoid of relationship and yoking to me— where I lead that man in what he is doing.

Man can choose to exalt knowledge of revelation— but not me;  did you know man can exalt revelation of the word— but not me?  YES!  It is true.  Man can worship the KNOWLEDGE of the scriptures— but never actually place me in the headship position— and man can run with the revelation of the scripture (the logos word of God), and run AWAY FROM MY RHEMA SPIRIT LEADERSHIP:  this is the worship of the knowledge of God, but not God himself.

When you listen to preaching and teaching— is it leading each of you to my face?  Does it lead you to understand your finite existence, and your inept capabilities without my partnership with you in this realm— and my headship leading you in all your endeavors? 


Does this knowledge you are hearing, and tying yourselves to— cause you to see your own dominion as a king, cause you to desire to wield the elements for yourselves, having a kingdom (a king’s domain/place, of your own, in your own vessel: mind, heart) —to see the material and spiritual move at your command?  

Does this knowledge cause man to get the glory— or God?  

Does this knowledge being brought to you exalt man (the created), and focus the emphasis upon man (the created), and all that man can do, should do, can walk in, should walk in— all the while stepping (or sliding) further back away from exalting the face of God?  

Does this revelation knowledge being brought forth have to do more with spiritual experiences, spiritual encounters, spiritual visions and visitations— than it does with seeking the face of God in truth, walking in the scripture as Christ exemplified, becoming the scripture incarnate (as Christ Jesus exemplified), being led of the face of God himself, within— and leaning not upon spiritual experiences that are ‘conditional, or relative’ experiential truth, or facts?

Facts that can be manipulated, and change— are what are offered for man to walk in and with— instead of the unchanging God, and his leadership.  

The laws of the spirit realm— can be superseded by God.  The laws of the physical realm— can be superseded by God.  The law of God himself— cannot be superseded— it is unchanging— as the law of God himself (the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus) —is CONSTANT, UNCHANGING, and UNWAVERING— no shadow of turning— CONSISTENT.

That is because— the laws of the material realm have spiritual forces behind how it is held together, and there are entities enforcing these laws (holy and unholy) —and they can be subject to manipulation:  fallen beings know how to temporarily manipulate weather, metals, material items, etc.  God— cannot be manipulated, he cannot be forced, coerced, or overpowered.  But the laws of the material realm, and the spiritual realm— can be:  think second heavens manipulations, divination and witchcraft.

Your realm, and the heavenlies— have spiritual beings, and spiritual laws gluing this place all together, holding it in operations that are ordained by God himself:  I hold all of this in place— but spiritual fallen beings, in a created realm— can choose to side with satan (spiritually, inside), and he can wield them to bend and manipulate the laws of the created realms:  you see this in weather manipulations, you see this in power grabs of murderous nations, you see this in witchcraft of moving the elements— and suspending matter, you see this in divining— where a created being (man) calls upon another created being (fallen angel/demon) to help them to bend these laws— and call forth the law of attraction and manifestation;  and hence— spiritual entities in the heavenlies (second heavens) —will gladly walk in the glory of wielding power— and co-creating with fallen man.

And who is a better target to gather unto himself (a fallen entity), than to manipulate, trick/deceive, a called out one— who believes in the gifts of the Spirit?  Those are satan's BIGGEST TROPHIES in hell (imprisonment of created exaltation realm).

Satan seeks to gather unto him in these last days— ignorant men, silly men— carried away by their lusts of knowledge, dominion, and power— once again— to be like God, but not led of God— deceived to be his own god;  and it will be his greatest victory and accomplishment to do this with his ultimate partnership, his ultimate mate (if you will) —the five fold, gifts of spirit, charismatic, called out ones;  who instead of separating themselves unto God, his headship, his dominion of the crown, and giving him all the glory— once again— took it for themselves in the most subtle of all temptations, again:  to be like God— but not joined to God, one with God, nor UNDER GOD’S DOMINION.

Once again— satan will deceive many in these last days— by tempting them with the power of the knowledge of the created realms:  and I am watching my called out ones fall for this knowledge— hook, line, and sinker (fishing terms).

I am watching man get excited within himself while he basks in this revelation, and excites himself in all ‘he’ will walk in, and walk out in the created realms:  all the while listening to their words— and listening and searching their hearts:  they are losing sight of my face— and looking unto their own (this is stealing the glory).  

I watch them revel in what ‘they’ will walk out in the manifestation of the sons of God.  I am watching them revel (bathe in, bask in) the glory they will attain— and how they will wield judgment over others.  I am watching, and searching the motives of the hearts— as I listen to them exalt spiritual experiences of visions, and encounters— and yet satan, even satan— glories in such things.  I am watching men and women swim in emotional states of bliss— wherein they are ‘caught up,’ but just not in glorying me; nay— they are caught up in the spiritual adulation of self exaltation, physical sensations, self focus, and the exaltation of what self will walk in, and walk out.

Do you know that my priests— will be like Jesus?  

Do you know that the priesthood itself is a brotherhood of selfless, faceless, nameless, titleless SERVANTS— who serve the high priest day and night making intercessions for (that’s serving) the people?  

Do you know, right now, that my servants— the prophets and priests— they are already working the healing of my people— as I work my works through them?  

Do you know that any priest in my Order— is one who moves by my face, one who is directed by my hand, one in which my heart and mind has been made erect inside of them (for they exalt my heart and mind up into the high places within them) —and it is not revelational knowledge that they walk in— but instead it is God himself that they walk in, and God himself walks in them?

I am watching— knowledge, and the puffing up of knowledge (whether logos word knowledge, or the knowledge of creation itself) —come forth in the called— and I see them inflate their hearts and minds with this knowledge, all the while never coupling with me in it, being led by me, reformed by my hand, nor bow to me at all:  as I watch them still yet wear the crown of dominion:  who will cast crowns at my feet? 

At the same time I am watching a people who have gone through the mill of refinement— who are stripped down in almost every way (though a small remnant of them, much too small), who have understood loss, who have understood pain and suffering (sharing in my sufferings), who have understood and weathered brokenness/contriteness for the house (and condition) of God, who have died again and again— being refined from pride and into humility— again, and again, and again— and still are returning to my image more and more by the day— whilst highly persecuted for it.  

I am simultaneously watching a people of called ones— bask in their own glory, power, and dominion— leaning on their own understanding.  

But in my submissive and reverent ones I am watching… A people who have not only had a knowledge revelation of the Logos word of God, but who have met the Rhema (currently speaking) God of all creation— who worship and honor me with their WHOLE hearts— pure, undefiled before me:  and these remnant priest/warriors (the prophetic, apostolic, priests who will reign with me, for I reign in them, and they walk in me) —who fight to place God’s name above all names (including, and especially— their own) —who refuse to extol any other name in the earth (their vessel, mind, heart, will, actions), who do honor their God…

These I will raise up as my firstfruits— for they are resuming the image of the full stature of Christ;  and these— will help to birth out my mature bride, through much trials and tribulation to come— for she is spotted and wrinkled, and has need of maturation:  she has exalted herself in her filth, and her perverted conduct (wrinkled), and she has need to be cleansed by holy fire, and straightened out in who is actually seated in the heavens (as my throne), and who is over all of ‘his’ creation, and who kicks his feet up, upon the earth (my footstool).

I am not playing around, I never have been— I am not mocked, whatsoever a man sows— that shall he reap:  sow unto righteousness, and exaltation of the King of Righteousness— and reap a righteous man’s reward. 

My way has not changed— all glory is God’s, and righteousness stems and streams from God himself: and the man who exalts God— does a good thing.

Get ready to see the spiritual and material showdown— between the prophets (or the inspired men) of Baal— and the prophets and priests of God:  because the heavens and earth are full of spirits, and spiritual warfare— and the men of the earth have chosen foolishly, for far too long:  and the sovereign God who is over his creation— has said, enough is enough— and now the sowing and reaping of the carnal and spiritual affiliations —will be the biggest revelation to hit the earth in millennia.

We will know them by their fruit;  and the truth— shall make them free:  choose God, righteousness, and give all the glory and worship to God;  because an age is coming to a close— and the next is soon to birth forth in its fullness:  choose this day whom you will serve— because that is who you worship and extol.”

—Your Lord God

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