Words given in the Saturday Zoom meeting with Doug, Peter and Brethren, yesterday: December 9, 2023.
[Video with added commentary to this word: https://youtu.be/lHknhd-f-fA ]
“Trust the truth, I order your steps, believe my report. You are saved by my gift of grace, as I work MY workmanship. I have prepared my steps since before the foundations, of all created, so believe it. I know what you have need of, before you ask— so believe. I know right where you’re at, and I have ordered it— believe in me.”
He is there for us. He said— “hell, earth or heaven, I remain.”
He told me— “Janet, you remain at the altar, in my presence, like Joshua, who never exited the tabernacle— even though Moses did. A priest forever after Melchizedek. This is the secret place at the altar, where the High Priest and King dwells forever. He, forever the High Priest after the Order of Melchizedek; he will always be found at the altar of God— bringing sacrifice, mercy, forgiveness as well his priests under him— will partake and perceive of him there.
And from the altar, the King rules. From the blood that speaks of the truth of Christ, and the receiving or dismissal of it. (The receiving or dismissal of the truth.)
The bedchamber, the intimate of all that is intimate between the High Priestly King and his children— will always be at the holy bedchamber of the altar of the High One who presides over the seat of mercy and truth. No one will ever be able to deny his mercy or truth, for it is alive from the depths of him, and was poured and available to us all, by the blood sacrifice.
Unbelief, is denying that he has ordered steps for us, and that with him, we can be strengthened in him, to endure all things: Declaring the end from the beginning. Working all things together for good, to those who are called, and called according to, and with purpose.
Abide in his righteousness. Do we trust him, and his righteousness? —he asked me.
Because if so, we will walk through all in great peace, because he knows what we have need of, and eternally so— he said.
He has planned our very lives since before time or the materialized existence, so believe. Unbelief can only be overcome by the overcomer— in Christ. The one who has quite literally put his trust “in” Christ, the Lamb— given to all from the beginning.
Are we coming into agreement with that??
Do we truly trust in him— his righteousness, his faithfulness, his love, faith, truly trusting in the truth, him? Lay down all the material— into his hands. Trust in him, the truth— that’s him. Lay down all the material into his hands. Truly relinquish the temptation to hold the truth in NONBELIEF of FEAR: anxiety. This is lack of his righteousness— believed.
Know his marvelous works, which are truth, uphold the truth, hear his voice— harden not your hearts in unbelief— KNOW MY WORKS: I am faithful, I am he of righteousness: I am.
You must all overcome unbelief, brought to you by— FEAR, rooted in PRIDE— to self preserve; LET GO— LET GOD. Stop trying to take prideful reins from he who directs all paths.
It is wicked to eat and believe lies, it is unbelief, and is set in your judgment, and preference to preserve self— when of old, God always has, and always will have our best interest at hand— so believe.
Walk in the truth, and walking in the truth is to actually believe he is; that his truth is. And that he will fulfill his promises, for he is called faithful, and true.
The curse— reversed.
Believe he cares for you, this is the curse reversed; believe he cares for you, and is to be trusted (with your lives); reverse all that became— come back to trusting in him. Never leave that bed of mercy, rooted and founded in the truth: he cares for you and nothing will separate his love for you.
He is a gift. And we need to believe he is sovereign, almighty, and has overcome all. What do we have to FEAR?
Melchizedek— King of Righteousness, Shalom, and ORDER: believe him to be these. We are to be the priests who as we behold him in his truth, return to his image. We rest at his feet, in peace— that he has order to his dominion, and his righteousness can be trusted in, as we have faith in ‘him:’ RELAX/REST.
He is meek and humble in heart. He has always given his all toward his children, and always will. He did, and does lay his life down to serve: trust in him. BELIEVE HE IS: faithful, righteous, merciful, loving, and he cares for you; and in this— love and truth, overcomes: FEAR IS DONE AWAY WITH, and OVERCOME.
Do we believe him?
The temporal passes away, and in that we pass from death into life— when we truly lay down all the material and carnal— and rest in our souls, resting in his Spirit. This is faith.
LET GO; awake to his righteousness, for it is found in HIM: truth, righteousness, faithfulness, humility of meekness, mercy, forgiveness— and it all stems from his love: your salvation is found here.
A son of our Father— awake to his righteousness, come out of the darkness— the lies, the fear, the UNBELIEF— into my love for you. Which the truth is rooted in, as is my life. My sacrificial love for you.
BELIEVE and find your rest. I have prevailed over darkness, and you all can too. BELIEVE, and rest. I am faithful and my words and decrees accomplish all they intend to: rest in my truth and BELIEVE I am: I am trustworthy, I am faithful, I am righteous, truth, love, provision, mercy, forgiveness, meek, humble, and I sacrifice my very life for you— eternally— because I care for you.
Live in the truth— children. Abide in my love, believe in my love, and be founded in the truth; because on that foundational Rock— you overcome and remain in me through all storms that may come in the temporal realm.
Abide— by faith in me. You are after all, those who believe in Christ, yes?
You believe in my love for you, yes??
Because I am true and faithful— I am he. Plant yourselves in the truth, buy into it, and sell or release it not. Live not by the temporal bread— but by the eternal bread; know me, and believe me, children.
My love is eternal and true— BELIEVE. My image of my love is true for ‘you.’ Come children— come into my love and truth, yoke up with it, you must; for only in me will you ever be free from lies and torment— of the false identity. The one that has been placed over me— by the lies of satan; and the ones you believe about your true identity— and your worth to me.
BELIEVE, children— you are the only ones who can. I cannot do this ‘for you;’ you must be BELIEVERS, you must throw satan down within. YOU— must exalt the truth inside your temples, I cannot— but I do provide it all to you, as I give myself fully to you all.
You must worship me, walking in the truth— not unbelief of it, over your life; you must worship me with your spirit— that will hold your souls subject to it— as you believe me, whilst upholding the truth of MY IDENTITY toward you. And in this— you will learn of the true identity of yourselves: highly beloved and valued of God, forever and always— you always have been: BELIEVE.
Stay faithful to the truth, fight the good fight of faith in the truth, and in me; and meet your salvation, of your souls— face to face. Behold me as I am— because I behold you, as you are; and you are made and remade as I am.
You are loved— BELIEVE ME, children; walk in the truth— and live.”
He said— “ I have need of these things being known in the church, because we have a problem upholding the truth.” He said— “intellectually we have the truth, agree with the truth— but we’re not actually upholding it, and walking in it— and this leads to unbelief.”
Questions asked during meeting
*Question— “The effect of righteousness, will be peace— from Isaiah 32:17; please, could you expound on this?”
[The fruit of righteousness— shall be peace; righteousness and peace, kissing: in James— the fruit of righteousness— is sown in peace.]
(my answer)
“Well, when the Lord and I start to talk of righteousness, I don’t see myself in it anymore; and what I mean is, I used to think about it as in— we, his children, are either walking in righteousness, or unrighteousness. But when I hear— ‘walk in his righteousness,’ I only see him; I don’t see us anymore. And what I mean by that, is that— what he’s telling me is— “To walk in my righteousness— is to actually uphold WHO I AM.”
And what he means is— It’s really not about you guys. What he means is— “When you start to believe I am who I am— you will start to uphold and walk in MY righteousness. You will understand MY FAITHFULNESS, you will understand I will never leave you or forsake you; you will understand my love for you— you will understand what true mercy and forgiveness embraces: mine, this is MY righteousness.”
And so, what he’s telling me is— “You don’t trust in anything else but that.”
So, really, I don’t see myself having any part in that— other than upholding it; my part, how I partake in HIS righteousness— is to actually believe him to be who he is; and then believe that I am as loved by him— as what he says I am.
So, it really removed me altogether, out of it; and I encourage everyone to understand that. What he’s telling me is that— “You need to walk in the understanding of MY RIGHTEOUSNESS. I am so righteous and equitable, and fair and equal to all— and I am humble, and I am meek, and I love you— and I gave my life for you, and I continue to do that: you need to believe in my love and righteousness.”
To me— that was a saving grace, when he started telling me that; it’s not about me attempting to walk in anything, other than— the knowing and believing and accepting of that truth into me— letting it root deep inside of me, of WHO HE IS.
So, for me— there was a freedom in that.
So, how does peace and rest, flow into that?
As soon as you start really realizing who he REALLY IS, and you start to walk that out in your soul man— and you’re steadfast, and resolutely understanding this is not about me, it’s about HIS FAITHFULNESS, HIS equity, HIS fairness— the way that he rules and reins; he is just, this is about HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS— therein comes the whole shalom that puts everything in godly order inside our souls— and we become at rest.
That’s what I needed in my life, all along, that I couldn’t seem to grasp for quite some time, through all the trials and tribulations— getting to know him, from coming out of not knowing him at all— and beginning to know him, from religion— to an actual intimate way.
And he was like— “This isn’t about you, and what you can do at all— any of you; it is literally about you all ‘knowing me,’ and coming into agreement with MY LOVE, MY righteousness, MY reputation, MY character, MY authority.”
And as he did that— he said— “Now you understand my love, it is endless, it is eternal for you; it will go to all lengths to recover you.”
And in that— I am able to rest; because now I am not striving to beg him.
One of the things I said in my video today that I released— is that I don’t ask much anymore of him; prayer means to petition, technically. I now REST IN HIM.
He said— “That’s when you start to learn, is that what I am actually asking of you all is COMMUNION and FELLOWSHIP—- which is a back and forth conversation all day long; that’s what I wanted in the Garden, where you trust in my righteousness, you trust in my character, you trust in my person— of who I am; and then you find REST, and you rest in that place, and you never leave the altar right there.
The altar is where I laid down that sacrifice.”
And for me— that’s why peace, shalom, and REST— comes with knowing HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. And upholding it— in my life. That was key for me.”
*Question— “How do we take refuge under his wings?”
(my answer)
“I will add something quickly since we are on the vein of what I am going through currently.
The way that I rest in him— is exactly what I have been walking in, and speaking about this whole day, thus far; it’s KNOWING HIM.
The times where I am focused on ‘me,’ I’ve not done well (inside); what I need, what I am going through— etc— the way that I rest in him, in the secret place…
The secret place, to me— is the depths of the truth of WHO HE IS.
Because all of his love and all of his blood, and all his sacrifice that poured out of him— came front he depths of the truth of who he is; so— if I really want to be resting and abiding in that place with him, in the secret place…
I have to actually uphold him FOR WHO HE REALLY SAID HE IS, for he REALLY IS; I have to uphold the TRUTH— within.
And when I do that, I just sit in his presence, and I am able to abide in there; in trust, in HIM, nothing else. That he has ordered my steps since the beginning, before that foundations; which means— my steps ordered for me, are eternal. The steps he has ordered for each of our lives are eternal; they are not born inside this realm— they are born OUTSIDE THIS REALM.
To trust in THAT guy, to trust in THAT Father and Creator of us, to trust in THAT Bridegroom and Savior— to me— is what it means to ‘abide in the secret place,’ where I uphold the truth of his IDENTITY.
So, for me— that secret place of intimacy with him, he keeps telling me…
The most intimate of intimacies, or the most holy of holy places you can be within God… is to actually uphold the truth, at the center core of who he is; and he details that all out in scripture: what his identity truly is.
So, for me— residing in the secret place— is sitting down with him and communing about who he says he is, who details out to us that he is; because this whole world and realm, the fall in the Garden— set about to make us DOUBT, WHO IS GOD AND HIS FAITHFULNESS and HIS LOVE.
So, the opposite, if you want to come back into the secret place with him— is to UPHOLD HIS TRUE IDENTITY— WHO HE REALLY IS, WHAT HE REALLY SAID IS TAKING PLACE WITH HIS LOVE TOWARD ALL OF US: and his love is eternal, it was not born inside creation.
His love for you, his acceptance for you, his intimate relationship he wanted with you— was BORN OUTSIDE of this place; it was an eternal love, it was spirit.
And so— it’s going back inside, for me— and communing with him in the secret place of the DEPTHS OF WHO HE IS; and then, as I am in there with him, and I reflect— like in a mirror— I look back, and I see who my identity is, greater every day; because— what you behold, you become like.
As we behold him, in his truth— as like in a glass, a mirror— like when Doug says, ‘see me, see you…’
I start to see who I was made like— and I start to BELIEVE WHO HE SAYS I AM.
THAT— to me— is one of the most intimate secret places that I can abide in, and the only way we can remain in there— is by coupling up with the TRUTH. You’re not even allowed to even come into that deep secret place, without upholding the TRUTH.
So, one of the keys to entrance into there— is upholding the TRUTH, and then— you will remain and abide in HIS LOVE.
Do you see? Because his LOVE— is what the core of all his truth he poured out to us, his sacrifice and his blood— all of that— comes from this DEEP, DEEP CORE PERSON OF GOD; where his love is poured out toward us, toward his creation.”
*Question— “When do righteousness and peace, kiss?”
(my answer)
“For me, it’s what I had said earlier— when I actually uphold his righteousness, I think on it, meditate on it, I chew on his righteousness, his equity, his justice— he’s just; he’s fair, he’s good, he’s loving, he’s merciful, he’s humble.
When I sit there and meditate and dwell on that aspect of God, which truly is God himself— he is the only one like that— I find my peace, I find my rest, I find godly order restored back into my soul.
So, for me— that is how I see righteousness and peace kissing together; because once you start… Remember he said, Seek ye first my kingdom and my righteousness…the King is the king’s dominion in our lives, so go seek his dominion inside your temple; have him rooted up in there with the truth, as the one who is ruling and reigning inside your vessel…
And then the next thing we are to behold— is that he is the King of Rigtheousness; when we uphold THAT part of God inside of us, and truly have faith in there about it/him— we are resting in the fact that he is RIGHTEOUS; that’s when godly order was restored back into my life, or is being so restored back— as each and every day I look to him more and more— to learn more about who he is, and what he said in scripture, and that he meant it.
And THAT— is his identity; and as I truly start to believe that, and let it get rooted and grounded in me— SHALOM— is restored.
And Shalom is so much more to me than peace— it literally is where God comes in and he wrecks the foundation of sand (built on lies) that was erected inside of me; and the Rock himself (the truth) is actually founded in there now, and it becomes a really sturdy foundation; and then I become sturdy, and I start to understand his SHALOM and peace.
So— for me, when I actually just sit and dwell, meditate and focus on the fact that HE IS RIGHTEOUSNESS (righteous), and what does that REALLY mean?
He’s faithful, true, meek— he serves humanity day in, and day out— every single day since the first breath that any man ever breathed— or any of his creation at all, ever lived out; since before all that— he laid his life down to give everything of himself— for them, for it, for they.
And in that— if you truly BELIEVE THAT, and you truly believe HE IS LOVE, mercy and that he poured himself out, and continues to do so— WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO FEAR??
The lies go away, and the truth gets erected inside, and you start to live out SHALOM, for real, inside; and you start to realize that this material, temporal world, is but a breath, a wisp of air…
And the whole of all breaths that have ever been breathed, my life, in the temporal— in the material— is a wisp of air in the whole of all time; and yet it is SO PRECIOUS to our Lord, that he actually ordered the steps of how my life will go— since before there ever was a material world.
And so ‘shalom’ comes to me— when I kiss with, and embrace righteousness (his); THAT— is when the shalom comes.
So, for me— that’s how I would explain righteousness and peace kissing.”