Me: “It’s been a day— God.
Can love just prevail?
Do you see it ending with Love, and in love?”
Jesus: “I do.” (said with emphasis)
“Janet, I challenge my children to do better in challenging situations. In order for that to take place— challenges must take place.
I have to temper the sword, I have to try the iron. It will have to be tested out; and if it needs more work, and more refinement in that area— we go back into the refiner’s fire, and hammer away in reformation with my children. The child is the weapon against the darkness, Janet.
I am fashioning mighty weapons to the pulling down of strongholds of enemy encampments; first in their own lives— hence the tempering, testing, warfare on the front of fighting the carnal nature— then they will practice ‘the working out of that salvation;’ my children will become meek and disciplined, and then turn and assist the brethren: this is carrying their burdens and edifying the body.
This is giving a life laid down for the brethren, by laying your lives down for me, and to me: it will benefit all.
I do not hold back in my refinement. I challenge all my sons; I correct them all, I put my hand and my effort to the reformation myself. I made you all— I know how to turn you back into the image I made— after myself.
Do not despise the chastening, or the refinement; do not despise the conviction— for it is to show you an area that is hurting us inside, and how dealing with it can return us to harmony within— and as one.
Do not despise when your brethren provoke you— for if you can still be provoked in that area, we can work on that— to become healed, and disciplined— and to fight the real enemy ‘behind’ the flesh people.
See them as me, myself, in a needy state; because I am in there, they are mine— and our fight is against powers, principalities and wickedness of darkness— not the people who are being puppeted and oppressed.
I have need of a humble people— and pride is subtle in many ways, in many lives, and many lack discernment; I have need of pointing these things out— and when pride is pointed out— it gets upset: it’s pride.
When fear is pointed out— people will defend themselves, deny it is in them, oftentimes, and reason it away— instead of dealing with it head on, and seeing it for what it is.
It will help us to see things from my perspective: it’s the proper one.
Doubt and unbelief must be dealt with directly by each individual; I can point things out, but one’s heart must throw these things down and out: I will only assist the sons of God in this: it’s part of the maturing process.
And that is what it is all about, isn’t it dear?
Today has been a hard day, an unusually tearful, painful and bizarre day: but good has taken place too.
I am ever close to you, to them all; I am with them. I see all that is happening, and I am fully aware of how to take care in every situation and life: but I need partnership.
I need vessels desiring to be clean, pure, chaste (chastened), reformed, renovated, humble and returned to my image, lead, counsel, perspective, and DIRECTION.
Maturity, the fullness of the stature of Christ— is the goal, yes— here in this realm, and as well in heaven and the new earth?
We must desire to be Fathered by me, and that is more than calling me Father— it is HAVING me as one’s Father; and as your Father— I will ‘father’ you.
I will correct, get my hands involved in your lives (in your inner man), and I will push, and pull, twist and contort you back into the image you started with, from within my person.
I made you like me, inside and outer image: I desire, and will reform ALL MY CHILDREN back into this image— but it requires a desire for this to take place.
Being reconciled to me— is to come into agreement with me, and for 2— to now walk as 1. That means—- as/like/same.
We cannot be as/like/same— if one of us walks clean, righteous, spiritually holy— and the other carnally, self preserving, prideful and selfish: one is humble and sacrificial in image, and the other is prideful and self serving.
I will force no man— I will honor what a man wills, as he chooses from one instance to the next— I am just: what a man sows— he will reap.
I desire for no man to perish— this means within, and then— without, and for eternity: without— estrangement from me forever.
It is a choice for every man— but maturity in Christ is the refinement process: the reformation refinement process— is your security in spiritual warfare: for what spirit you operate from, and in honor to— will be upheld in your life, from that kingdom, in the spirit realm.
Satan is well aware of who runs with him; he was made with much cunning wits about him. Best we see the truth— the spirit realm sees more than man does, on average.
I will finish the work I have started in each man in whom I have called and chosen; many are called— few are chosen: there is reason behind why I say this.
The great ‘shaking’ comes for to wake those who slumber in their sins and carnality, their complacency and their filthy garments; I cannot do both sides of relationship with them— but I can refine, and ready my other children who are willing— and I can promote them— and call them forward to lead a charge.
In this— the others will see, and believe, and step forward for duty; we are to be about ‘our Father’s business—’ yes?
I will promote the consecrated ones of mine; those who have paid a price to carry my anointing and mantle in this earth. They will call forth many more unto me, as my Spirit witnesses to the ‘lost,’ through them; for the ‘lost—’ are more than the heathen— they are the Lukewarm: there are hardly any more ‘spiritually lost’ than they.
Welcome my correction, welcome my chastening and scourging— my whipping you into shape— for it’s my shape, it’s your true shape— and it brings us full circle: my dream.
My dream was stolen from me in the garden: he came to steal, kill and destroy.
In my sons coming through the fire— I receive my dream unto myself again— a people prepared for, and of the Lord; and to walk and talk with them— in the cool of the day, and raise my children.
Give thanks to God in all things; rejoice in the Lord, and again I say rejoice; for all is not as the carnal perspective see— there is a perspective that is higher, unto a calling and purpose that is higher— submit to it: for those are ‘my’ children— for they return to me, in image, in heart, in truth, and in purity.
You are a peculiar people, a royal priesthood, and I— the High Priest: my children will return to priesthood, as they began with me in their conception within me.
These will do great exploits with their God in the days to come; these— I will show myself strong through— I love them, and they love (obey) me, and desire to please their Lord in word and deed.
Share this with them dear— and we will encourage them to plow the fallow ground within their hearts with me; for I have plowed this field before— and I will help them to do so as well; I know the way— follow me.”
—Yah’shua Hamashiach, Jesus the Christ, and your Bridegroom