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Word from the Lord: 11/6/24

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn


“I aim to bring in my will and judgment from heaven, Janet.  I will have my justice come into play, and it will not be by emotional sway, but it will be by my right hand.

I cannot leave this world, or your nation, in the state that it is in— with the compliance it has affiliated with in its cultural morals.  I will not watch my creation take a nosedive off into the arms of satan, without doing something abrupt about it to wake the world to its alliances with sin and death.

I gave clear instruction to my people, again and again in scripture— to not intermingle themselves with the reprobate nations; not to mix with their women, nor serve their gods: and yet— this they have done.

The state of the world is not because of the reprobate heathen from another nation— it is because of my house, and my nation— whom I called to rule and reign with me.  The people called by my name have mixed and mingled with other gods, and done it all whilst under my roof.  

Recall your dream from two nights ago where you dreamt that John (forerunner) was noting the preachers in my house who were gambling, and speaking with perverse lips.  After they were identified, and exposed to the rest of my household— it was time to pack up, and move my house forward.

The demise and ruin coming is not because of the wicked somewhere else— it will be because my house became a den of vipers:  and I will thoroughly thresh and cleanse my own house.

You are right, I am coming through as the King to you as of recent— and you should be sure to warn them that the King is coming.  Many believe it will be to rescue them from hardship, or from troubles that are coming to the land, but I assure you— each and every one of my people will be called ‘up’ in this hour: not to escape the calamity coming, but to SERVE during it.

I am calling up my first fruit company, and it will not be during rainbow and butterfly time circumstances; it will be in great judgment and great sorrow of times: and it must be.  I must give man what he has chosen from his heart, from his deeds in body, from his affiliations and actions;  if I do not— the wicked will not repent and go a completely different direction into a proper relationship with me, and my Kingdom of righteousness.

There is a grand delusion in the world, Janet.  The grand delusion that all will be restored without a fight.  That all will be bliss— without death and destruction to tear down one Babylonian system of government, to erect mine again in the earth.

There is a grand delusion that a great revival is coming (in the modern day tense), and yet I have promised justice, and that comes with judgment, and that comes with calamity and woe— before people will turn around and desire God, and godly government in this land, or even in the world.

A great clashing is coming forth. You have not seen the evil that will step up to the plate in the hours before us.  Men’s hearts will fail them for what will be coming upon the earth:  I was not remiss when I warned of this in the word of God, and I am reminding all that for holiness to prevail in a world of reprobate, rebellious, blasphemers— a great humbling of biblical standards must come forth:  this is on the horizon of your nation, and the world: war is here, dear children.

My people FOUGHT, Janet.  They fought for what was righteous, godly, and for their King (me), and it will be the same now.  I will take men and women to their breaking points within, as they see the depths of the depravity and evil that has been birthed into the earth: and this will be the kind of revival that I will bring forth: one where people are genuine in their humility and reverence for holiness.

People are not ready to change— before calamity and woe come forth; it is a sad fact.  In fact— many are rejoicing even now, simply for the results of the American election; and yet— there are so many moving parts still at play, that the weak will be overcome when things begin to tip in this nation.

Warn them, it is all you can do.  Those who have been getting the biblical message for some time now, will understand.  I always took my reprobate household to the threshing, and I always raised up a small, but mighty army of loyal, warring, priestly and prophetic men and women: it is no different now.

These know what is being asked of them right now.  They will be called to serve during the darkest of times.  In order to see the new day dawn— we have to fight against the old spiritual regime, and reestablish holiness in my house.  I must cleanse her (my people) with fire, Janet.

You were told you are not of this world (its spirit and ways), and that you hail from my Kingdom, as a new creature in Christ Jesus: but you DO live in two realms at once: earth and heaven.  Make no mistake— you are not of this ‘world,’ but you DO reside in the earth realm; and I do expect my people to be working both realms.

Many desire to just sit back on their laurels and wait for a rescue— when I am calling my people ‘up,’ to live in both realms, and bring heaven’s Kingdom of God, into the earth realm: this will destroy the world regime to bring in the millennial reign of Christ, in the ‘earth:’ but do not think this will not come with a fight against evil, face to face.

If they do not want to help me with this, Janet— they will be removed, as like I whittled down my Gideon army before:  I have need of a people who know their God, who will do great exploits of faith with him in the earth, and stand before the giants who will come against them.

Do you think I can leave this nation called America as it is?  Do you think I can leave any nation in the world in a reprobate position whilst claiming my name?  Do you think that is just?

I cannot.

I also cannot fail to exalt, in due season, my faithful first-fruit remnant who have been fighting against the darkness, doing their jobs to minister to the lost, sick, lame, unclean, widows, orphans, fatherless, poor, hungry, thirsty, and naked:  I am just, what a man sows— he will reap.

I am coming forth to lay all things bare, Janet.  We are going to see the truth one way or another. 

There are so many moving parts going on right now, that it’s no time to sit back and rest on the job: you are priests in the earth, called to serve at the altar, and intercede with your high priest, on behalf of the wayward in the earth: that they should repent, and be saved.  I am watching to see who is still yet working in this late hour, while it is yet day, to do so.

I know you do not want to speak about any of this, but I have need to warn them:  Some will listen, and those who do not— they will know soon enough, and we will continue to pray for their repentance.

Remind the people that war is abroad (and soon— within), that there are still many weeks (months) before any change in administration in your nation— and if anything escalates before then, and calls this current administration into a broader, and deeper involvement in it— many things can take place in the weeks ahead.

My enemy never lays down and rolls over, Janet— they know their time is short.  Tensions are high abroad, and in your nation:  strategic plans are being implemented behind closed doors, deals are being made.  Division— is the goal, and I’m not just speaking about your country, but I am speaking about dividing my own house, as well.

My household is the reason for the season we are in.  My household has been called to live IN Egypt, Babylon— in modern culture— but not to live WITH IT, and in AFFILIATION TO IT: and yet— as you can see my house is sick; and the plague must be cut off before it spreads.

Have you supposed I come to bring peace?  Nay— but a sword, to divide.

I do have redemptive plans— but they will come on the hind side of great cleansing, recompense, and opportunity to repent— as judgments unroll, and eyes are opened.

If I redeem a people, or a place of people— it will come with holy cleansing: and currently— this nation is far from it, and babylon culture is spread abroad:  I said I will bring fire in the next judgment, and not one location— but that I will shake the heavens and the earth— the whole earth.

Holy fire is the judgment, and all things weighed against it— will either stand or fall:  with me, walking, living, and having become holy as I am holy— you will stand with me in this hour;  hypocritical, half-hearted, reprobate, claiming my name (which is my character) but walking with the devil— you will fall in this hour: and thus is the divide.

I am seeking to save that which is lost, but unless they see they are lost, and repent— I can do nothing against their will.  As well— my loyal, pure, clean household, deserves for me to fight for her, and to uphold that in which I have promised her in this hour:  to keep her under my right hand.

I will not let the reprobate take down my entire house; but instead— I will remove the bad fruit before it spoils the bunch:  think heaven culture hypocrites, devouring the flock as they spread their whoredoms to more people.

They forget I am King as much as Savior, bridegroom, and Comforter, Janet: I have a job to do; I cannot shirk my duties, and I am holy and just.  I must eventually recompense for what has been sown.  And in this— it will give humanity a serious opportunity to turn around and face me again, in purity of heart, and lives, to be saved:  they cannot honor me with lips only, I require whole hearts, dear.

These are living people, living entities, living circumstances— meaning— it’s a live chessboard, with moving people, ideas, agendas, and strategies playing out:  prepare for what cannot be prepared for.  This means— trust me when it doesn’t seem like we will make it out of this; for I always come through for my people.  But on the hind side of the wilderness— we break forth with fewer who cross over into the promises than what we started with: the great falling away will come forth, when men cannot believe what has come to play out.

I am sorting my flock, I am whittling down my army and household, unto the faithful and true, the pure and the loving, the brave and the long-suffering:  I am looking for my endtime people prepared for the Lord.

I stand by my word:  ‘October is dicey, November— worse.  And even if Trump gets in, it will still begin the demise of your nation:’ for what was ordained and authorized, must still come forth.  What I must do to dismantle the establishment, must still come forth.  What must come to be, to humble a people— must still come forth: I know what I am doing— and it has redemptive purposes at the forefront.

I am not coming to make it easy for my people— I am coming to save them; and I mean from more than earthly circumstances, I mean from eternal separation for the affiliations and covenants they have made with sin and death: I desire that none should perish, but that all would repent and be saved.  This will give them that opportunity.  It will be my goodness brought forth, in my people, and in my will in the Spirit, during this time— that will cause many to come to me, authentically, for salvation— through a profound and humbling set of circumstances.

Many will scoff, many will deny what my hand is set to do, before it all rolls out: but rest assured, soon enough, not only the nation will see my hand of judgment— but the world will.

Keep your faces set on me, keep your hearts aright toward all— in mercy and in grace.  Pray— without ceasing, trust your savior and King; and when all seems impossible— bring into remembrance your God, and his track record: be the people of true faith in your God.

I have to do what I have to do— in order to straighten things out, and build a people up, under me, in reverence to me, in allegiance to me, who know their God, and will do great exploits with him in the days ahead:  because giants are coming.  

Are my people ready?  Or are they celebrating and resting?  

I plead with my people— keep oil in your lamps, stay up on the wall— and keep watch:  for if the good man of the home knew when the thief was coming, he would have kept watch; and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.  I am speaking of your vessel, your hearts, your souls, your lives.

This is no time to back down from the post.  This is no time to rest on your laurels, no time to relax when war is at your doorstep: stay armored up, right with the Lord, praising his name, and praying without ceasing.  Love your neighbor as yourself, and love God with everything you’ve got— even, and especially, when everything seems to be crashing down all around you.

The crushing— brings forth the wine: and that will bring forth the harvest.”

—YahShua Ha Mashiach,

Priest, bridegroom, Savior, and KING

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