“Witchcraft and divination: is working in the spirit realm
according to the lead of the flesh, born in the soul
that is tied to the carnal nature, and
in accompaniment with devils”

“When the soul goes to the dark side”
[video link: https://www.youtube.com/live/TJZnin95oV0?si=dgCyhqqE06hZrE6t ]
2 Corinthians 10:3-6
“For though we walk in the flesh [sarx G4561: meat skin of an animal, the body, (or figuratively) the human nature, carnally minded], we do not war [strateuomai G4754: serve (like a military campaign), execute the apostolate (apostolic— with its arduous duties and functions) to contend with carnal inclinations] after [kata G2596: according to, joined to] the flesh [sarx G4561: meat skin of an animal, the body, (or figuratively) the human nature, carnally minded]:
(For the weapons of our warfare [strateia G4752: military service, and apostolic careers] are not carnal [sarkikos G4559: pertaining to the flesh, unregenerate], but mighty [dunatos G1415: powerful and possible], through God, to the pulling down [kathairesis G2506: demolition and extinction] of strongholds [ochurōma G3794: fortified areas, arguments;)”
{Kathairesis, ‘to conquer and tear down, demolish, make extinct—’ and the word katharsis (which is the Greek word root that we get the word catharsis from, which means to ‘release, and gain relief from strong or repressed emotions —to purge,’ with a root definition of Greek katharsis, from kathairein ‘cleanse’, from katharos ‘pure,’ are tightly woven together.
The need to cleanse, purify, and release all things not of God— by tearing down, demolishing and making something extinct within our hearts (souls, with intents and thoughts) is ultra important.
Our thoughts and imaginings are very powerful, and tightly tied to our emotions, and both of those influence our person’s soul: we are either being moved by the Spirit, the spirit of God— or we are being moved by the unregenerate spirit of the soulish man, and the carnal nature.
The Lord explained to me that the soul is a blank slate to be written on every day. It has thoughts and intents of its own (the heart of man) that seeks to have them fulfilled.
When we are moving from the Spirit our hearts begin to align with our Lord’s intents and thoughts, desires and purposes— as he leads us. When we do not align with him, but we align our souls, our hearts, minds, emotions, and imaginings to the carnal, the flesh and its desires— we join to the fallen nature, and the demonic move there. It’s why we need God to help us create a clean heart within us, and we need to be casting down wicked imaginations that set themselves against what our Lord moves in: for if we do not, the evil spirits will attach to us (because we are calling to them in our desires), and we will have flesh strongholds tied to the sinful carnal flesh that are being carried out within our minds, emotions, imaginings, 5 senses, and eventually— our deeds— if we do nothing to arrest (or cast down and purge) these things from us (like masterbation).
The Greek term katharsis, or in English spelling— catharsis, is derived from the Greek root word katharos, which means— “clean, unsoiled.” In order for us to get clean and unsoiled (spotless and ironed out, wrinkle-free), we must ‘cast down, demolish, and exterminate’ all thoughts, inclinations (leanings), reasonings, motives, desires, or actions that are not led of the Holy Spirit, not born of what he does, thinks, reasons, or inclines his person unto.}
(2 Corinthians 10 continued)
5 “Casting down [kathaireō G2507: to lower, demolish, or destroy] imaginations [logismos G3053: computations, reasoning (conscience, conceit): imagination— thought], and every high thing [hupsōma G5313: elevated place or thing— that is (abstractly) in altitude or (by implication) a barrier] that exalts itself against [ kata G2596: joined in opposition to] the knowledge [gnōsis G1108: the knowing(ness)] of God, and bringing into captivity [aichmalōtizō G163: lead away captive (handcuffed), to apprehend] every thought [noēma G3540: perception, that is— purpose or (by implication) the intellect and disposition itself: devisings, mind, thoughts] to the obedience [hupakoē G5218: attentive hearkening, that is (by implication) —compliance or submission:] of Christ [Christos G5547: messiah];
And having in a readiness to revenge [ekdikeō G1556: vindicate, retaliate, punish] all disobedience [parakoē G3876: inattention, that is— disobedience] —when your obedience [hupakoē G5218: attentive hearkening, that is (by implication) —compliance or submission:] is fulfilled [plēroō G4137: finished, accomplished, completed, perfectly supplied].”
Luke 3:9
“And now also the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which brings not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.”
1 Samuel 15:23
“For rebellion is as the sin [offense] of witchcraft [qesem H7081: a lot (allotment); also divination, oracle (speaker) of: reward of divination, {sentence} witchcraft], and stubbornness is as iniquity [âven H205: wickedness, idolatry, unrighteousness] and idolatry…”
2 Kings 9:22
“...the whoredoms of your mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many…”
Jezebel, the woman who lived in biblical days written, was the epitome of fleshly and carnal, and was satanic, and in great supply— working the ways of the flesh nature, in conjunction with the dark spirits, working in alignment with them, to do the will of satan (carnally led man) in the land of the living (flesh life).
She did the bidding of satan, was completely given over to the satanic nature, and was lock-in-step with that spirit (and all others of his kingdom), and thus— worked in witchcraft upon the earth: the carnal nature walked out, but in conjunction with dark spirits: her heart was darkened, and she worked in the dark light, and in the ways of unrighteousness (and many spirits of the unseen, accompanied her, led her, and empowered her— unto the attempted destruction of God’s people: knowingly, or unknowingly, she was working with the kingdom of darkness, and manipulated, and wielded power (there’s always a trade off the evil spirits will entice man with, through his carnal nature— to benefit him in an earth life).
Interestingly, Jezebel’s name means ‘chaste,’ but she chose to align with the flesh, and became satanic in her call to be chaste in righteousness with the Lord God; and she became reprobate, and moved into witchcraft whoredoms instead.
The Lord has shown me that every time someone works, walks in, witchcraft— they have done two things: they have aligned with carnal desires, the fleshly nature; and they have aligned with devils in the spirit realm— through their thoughts, reasonings, pursuits, inclinations, desires and actions— of the flesh nature.
If Jesus does not do it, live it, think it, reason it, walk in it, or condone it— we are not to either; and furthermore— we are to cast it down, demolish it, and exterminate it from us.
I have found when we move too quickly, inside, and we do not slow down to approach our Father, our Lord, our Bridegroom in matters— we often align with the soul that is tied tightly to the flesh, and we find ourselves in places and circumstances we ought not have been in.
The desires of the flesh— unchecked by the Spirit— will lead us down paths we do not desire to traverse in the light of the person of God. But he is available at all times to walk with us, and to lead us, and to turn us around, and head the other direction— but are we submissive, slow, thorough, and reverently seeking him in the garden again?
Adam and Eve failed to SLOW DOWN, and when we follow the adamic nature, and move too quickly from our souls, and are not in alignment with the Holy Spirit, nor even seeking him (for quite some time) before we move… then we risk moving carnally minded, and falling into sin, or things and circumstance that our heavenly Father could have saved us from, helped us out of, or reasoned with us in the cool of the day (which means— in the Spirit of the day).
We must be the children of God who are moved and directed by the Spirit of God— or we will be the children moved and directed by the flesh, and led of satan: it is what it is, and we only need to turn and reverence our Father again; and do what Adam and Eve failed to do the first go ‘round, and instead— be led of the Spirit of God once again.
Romans 8:14
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”
2 Chronicles 33:1-7
“Manasseh was twelve years old when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem: But he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord— like unto the abominations of the heathen— whom the Lord had cast out, before the children of Israel.
For he built again the high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down, and he reared up altars for Baalim, and made groves— and worshiped all the host of heaven— and served them.
Also he built altars in the house of the Lord, whereof the Lord had said, In Jerusalem shall my name [shêm H8034: position, character, and authority] be forever.
And he built altars for all the host of heaven —in the two courts— of the house of the Lord.
And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments [nâchash (serpent) H5172: magic hisses, whispers, and spells], and used witchcraft [kâshaph H3784: whispers, magic, spells, incant], and dealt [‛âώâh (aw-saw) H6213: yielded for use, and applied] with a familiar spirit [ ôb H178: a mumbling water skin, necromancer, ventriloquist], and with wizards [yidde‛ônîy H3049: conjurers of ghosts]: he wrought much evil in the sight of the Lord— to provoke him to anger.
And he set a carved image [pesel H6459: an engraved image, idol], the idol [semel sêmel H5566: the resembled likeness] which he had made [‛âώâh (aw-saw) H6213: applied, accomplished, committed, executed, performed, and wrought], in the house of God….”
1 Corinthians 6:19
“What? Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which you have of God— and you are not your own?”