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Will you suffer a witch to come to Christ?

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

The soul of the Witch 

(or workers of flesh)

And God’s heart for them

[Video link to this teaching, with commentary from the Holy Spirit:


There are no coincidences, and if you wonder what the heart of the Father Creator of all is, concerning the LOST souls he created;  I heard directly from him about it today— and I wasn’t seeking to, except that we’ve been in a place of broken/contrite soul today— concerning those in ‘bondage.’

I came in from a long (weeping) walk with the Lord outside, to come back in and warm up— whilst settling my soul/heart while listening to thunderstorms on Amazon music.  As I lay listening— I stopped the storm sounds long enough to hear one teaching on prayer, by a minister he approves of in my life.

I listened, and then I logged back onto Facebook to check messages, and I read a disturbing post:  devoid of my Father’s heart/soul/Spirit, and Love he shed his blood and soul for.

It said— “If Taylor Swift were singing at my funeral, I’d still get up and leave.”

I realize— her music is reprobate, but her person— Father desires will not perish.

I have been given dreams of her for years (maybe a decade), where I am ministering to her of her need to repent and come to God, loving her with the delivery of the truth, and giving her my time and focus of a sacrificial heart/soul (intercessions/interjections).

When I read the above— I get it, about her singing and songs;  but— I said, “Father, that is not your heart for her.  That she should perish, and no one will stand to the saving of her soul;  who will be spent for her in intercessions and burden bearing.”

I was writing before this about ‘sharing in his sufferings,’ and will finish that tomorrow, I think— and so, bearing burdens for others is DEEPLY upon my soul, and it is what I was bawling about outside, in prayer to him.

As I sat pondering if we truly have a heart for the LOST to be saved at ANY COST TO OUR SOULS— I wondered if we are truly walking with His soul alive in us (heart, mind, will and emotions)?  Because I am a mess listening to his heart for the people he created that are (thus far) not coming home to him;  so I ask— “What can we do about it sir?”

And as I was pondering this— I put Amazon music back on to listen to the thunderstorms again (because they remind me of his Voice:  like thunder);  only when I did (usually it stays right where it’s supposed to be, because I put it on— REPEAT ONLY THIS SONG) –it played a song I’ve never heard before, called:  Made in the Image, by We are Messengers.

And these are the lyrics to that song (remember, it should have still been on thunderstorms, and I have NEVER heard this song before, and it’s not in my music).


MADE IN THE IMAGE – We are Messengers

[Verse 1]

“I woke up with a broken heart in my chest

I couldn't sleep, couldn't get no rest

Weighed down by the heaviness of life

And I, try to shake it flipping through my phone

But all it does is make me feel more alone

How could anything that feels so wrong, be right?


Seven billion voices separate us

But only one can show us who we are


We are made

Made in the image of

Made in the image of God

Beautiful shades of love

We are made

Made in the image of

Made in the image of God

That's where the light comes from, yeah

[Verse 2]

We all need the same medicine

We all need another second chance

There's no first in line at the foot of the Cross


Father, forgive me

Show my concrete heart


We are made

Made in the image of

Made in the image of God

Beautiful shades of love

We are made

Made in the image of

Made in the image of God

That's where the light comes from


We fall apart

We all lose sight of Heaven

But still Your love is chasing us

And oh give me a heart

For every heart that's breaking

And give me eyes to see

We're so much more than flesh and blood


We are

Made in the image of

Made in the image of God, yeah

We are made

Made in the image of

Made in the image of God

Beautiful shades of love

We are made

Made in the image of

Made in the image of God

That's where the light comes from, yeah


Made in the image of, made in the image of God

That's where the light comes from, yeah yeah”


As I sat reflecting upon those in the church who would rather —suffer a witch not to live— by killing them in reputation, refusal, rejection and judgment;  the Father said to me….

“Janet— I do not want to suffer a witch to live, either;  but instead, that they— through the truth and LOVE— would repent, die the death, and turn and face me reverently —and be saved, just like all the rest of you.  A witch is someone who wields power in the fleshly nature— and many do not understand what that will lead them to for all of eternity.

Just because you THINK you know, that they KNOW what they are doing, outright— does not mean they understand the fullness of eternal estrangement with torment;  many are floundering in BROKEN SOULS in this earth (despite what it looks like), and have NEVER KNOWN LOVE.

So tell me this child…

Which is truly my child— the one who will not suffer them (give of yourselves to help me recover the truth in their lives through conviction and love) —or the children who see my heartache for the foolish, and are willing to be spent in labors of love for them (intercessions and ministry)?

My children DO MY WILL, dear;  that means— my good pleasure, and I desire that none should perish:  I have called many soft hearts to intercede on behalf of the wayward and LOST:  my children with my heart— GIVE TO THE FILTHY SINNER— LOVE, MERCY, SACRIFICE and TRUTH— as I did, when I bore their transgressions and reproach against me on the Cross.

My children carry my heart, my will, my mission, my love, my forgiveness, and my WORK ETHIC TO SAVE— with them, and FREELY GIVE IT, as they themselves— FREELY RECEIVED OF ME:  and are cognizant of the grace extended TO THEM (as they seek to extend it to others).

I came and shed my blood FOR ALL;  and my children understand this— and they give their ALL— for every chance for the sinner to repent— as I did, and do.

Taylor Swift walks as a carnal, reprobate, fleshly sinner, who walks in works of the flesh (witchcraft— wielding power in fleshly ways) —AND SO DID YOU ALL, before you knew better:  who came to you (witnessed to you) with the love of God, that YOU SHOULD NOT PERISH, but receive eternal forgiveness and life in Christ Jesus?

I’m looking at the TRUE state of the hearts of those called by my name:  Christian;  and I am looking to see what their ‘motives’ are, as they bring forth either MY WILL (as my children do), and MY HEART— or the heart of judgment, rejection and disapproval— that they too are desired, and EVEN CALLED and CHOSEN— for salvation.

I told you all to preach to ALL OF CREATION— the gospel of good news;  are you?

A witch— I do not want to ‘live;’  for that is a juxtaposition to begin with— a witch is ‘dead,’ of a dead spirit and soulish workings based in carnality;  as were some of you, and dare I say— STILL SOME ARE— and yet I am long-suffering and merciful.  Are you??

I need them to die the death of self— but many have never been introduced to my love and truth— why would they give up self preservation— if they do not know the Savior?  And if they know not the Savior and his Truth and LOVE— (which causes men to repent) —how will they desire to TURN TO ME?  And where do you think they will have a demonstration of my person, character, disposition, mercy, forgiveness and LOVE through— IF NOT MY HANDS AND FEET IN THE EARTH:  YOU??

I am watching all— and I need my people to humble themselves— and live sacrificially in love, one toward another;  THAT— is how the unrighteous will see righteous love— and seek TO KNOW ME TOO;  because YOU— have allowed ME— to EXPRESS MYSELF— through you!

The wicked do as the song suggests, Janet (as do many of my people, called by my name) —they wake up with broken hearts (souls), can’t sleep, cannot rest, they are weighed down with the heaviness of life, they flip through their phones— feeling more alone than ever;  and what are my children doing— TO SHOW THEM the ‘way?!’  


The good news of ME and my SALVATION and LOVE?

There are billions of voices around them all day (and literally, to the famous in this lifetime) —and yet, ONLY ONE— who can show them the way:  are you bringing me to them, in intercessions or in real life?  


Are you made in my image— beautiful shades of love, mercy and grace?  Are you the light to them, the world (worldly) —as I said you are?

You all need the medicine of the great Physician, and you all need a SECOND CHANCE.

And as the song said— ‘Father show me my concrete heart;’  I am attempting to show you whether you have a heart alive IN CHRIST, or one of stone— toward unsaved sinners, of which you may have been chiefest of, once upon a time— yourselves.

You all lost sight of heaven;  but as the song states— I sought you out, I pursued you;  and I desire you should have a heart like my own— a heart that understands the depths of separation, fallenness, heartbreak and destruction of human souls— who NEED ME:  so you will see the VALUE IN EVERY SOUL— and that we are so much more important to me, than to discard a wayward soul— without giving all the love, forgiveness, mercy and grace that we can extend:  that’s what I do, and I am supposed to be in operation in my vessels/children.

That’s where the Light comes from— the image of God, manifesting in you all.

Is it?”

—Father/Creator/Author of all Life


I encourage you to GIVE OF GOD’S HEART— and intercede on behalf of the LOST souls— as he leads;  you may be the ONLY ONE doing so— and thereby, fulfill the will of the Father for that person.

God bless you today— and may we be worthy of the calling of Christ Jesus.

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