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“Will America come back to its former ‘glory?’ I ask– ‘should it’ ?“

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

I am the Lord: that is my name:



I will not give to another–


my praise to graven images.”

(Isaiah 42:8)

American Government modeled after

God Holy, True and Just


Under Roman influence and structure–

mixed with Babylonian influence?

“The fundamental principle was this, — that the true God, the creator and governor of the universe, and none other, ought to be worshiped. To secure this end more certainly, God became king to the Hebrews.

Accordingly, the land of Canaan, which was destined to be occupied by them, was declared to be the land of Jehovah, of which he was to be the king, and the Hebrews merely the hereditary occupants.

God promulgated, from the summit of Mount Sinai, the prominent laws for the government of his people, considered as a religious community (Exodus 20); and these laws were afterwards more fully illustrated and developed by Moses. The rewards which should accompany the obedient, and the punishments which should be the lot of the transgressor, were at the same time announced, and the Hebrews promised by a solemn oath to obey. (Ex 20:14; De 27-30)

In the time of Samuel, the government, in point of form, was changed into a monarchy. The election of a king, however, was committed to God, who chose one by lot; so that God was still the ruler, and the king– the vicegerent.

(Vicegerent– (ˌvaɪsˈdʒɛrənt ) noun. 1. a person appointed to exercise all or some of the authority of another, esp the administrative powers of a ruler– a deputy.

So, the ‘king’ appointed, was to be ‘a deputy of God holy’ in the earth realm.)

In consequence of the fact that Saul did not choose at all times to obey the commands of God– the kingdom was taken from him and given to another (1Sa 13:23; 1Sa 15:1-31).

David, through the medium of Samuel– was selected by Jehovah for king, who thus gave a proof that he still retained, and was disposed to exercise, the right of appointing the ruler under him (1Sa 16:1-3).

David was first made king over Judah; but as he received his appointment from God, and acted under his authority, the eleven other tribes submitted to him

(2Sa 5:1-3).

The paramount authority of God as the king of the nation, and his right to appoint one who should act in the capacity of his vicegerent– are expressly recognized in the books of Kings and Chronicles.

The Roman Republic

The Romans established a form of governmenta republic — that was copied by countries for centuries…

In fact, the government of the United States is based partly on Rome's model.

It all began when the Romans overthrew their Etruscan conquerors in 509 B.C.E. Centered north of Rome, the Etruscans had ruled over the Romans for hundreds of years.

Once free, the Romans established a republic, a government in which citizens elected representatives to rule on their behalf.

(So, then, society here, if based upon Roman design–

went from God holy and true as their true leader,

in obedience to him, and the laws of God,

in appointing his own king to rule his people–

acquiesced to ‘the people’ rule themselves.)

A republic is quite different from a democracy, in which every citizen is expected to play an active role in governing the state.

The aristocracy (wealthy class) dominated the early Roman Republic. In Roman society, the aristocrats were known as patricians. The highest positions in the government were held by two consuls, or leaders, who ruled the Roman Republic.

A senate composed of patricians elected these consuls. At this time, lower-class citizens, or plebeians, had virtually no say in the government. Both men and women were citizens in the Roman Republic, but only men could vote.

Gradually, the plebeians obtained even more power and eventually could hold the position of consul. Despite these changes, though, the patricians were still able to use their wealth to buy control and influence over elected leaders.

With respect to the law and citizenship, the Romans took a unique approach to the lands that they conquered. Rather than rule those people as conquered subjects, the Romans invited them to become citizens. These people then became a part of Rome, rather than enemies fighting against it. Naturally, these new citizens received the same legal rights as everyone else.

In some cases, the Founders copied terms straight out of the Roman constitution: words like senate, capitol and committee. They named places in honor of Rome like Tiber Creek and Cincinnati.

American coinage and civic architecture are also strikingly Roman.

The veneration of all things Roman helps explain why Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Jay used the shared pen name “Publius” for the Federalist Papers, honoring the founding Roman statesman Publicola.

Generations of Americans — and Romans — grappled with many of the problems plaguing our society in modern ways, like complicated wars, crooked politicians, economic disparity and the disintegration of the civic mores that bind a people together.

The government was complex with many leaders and councils at different levels. However, many problems began to emerge with the growth of the republic.

Economic problems, government corruption, crime and private armies, and the rise of Julius Caesar as emperor all led to its eventual fall in 27 BCE.

Rome’s continued expansion resulted in money and revenue for the Republic. Corruption and bribery increased in the government for officials to gain power and access to this money.

Rich people bought votes and gave favors to friends. Bribery and corruption were rampant and led to the commoners distrusting the Senate.

With no police force, crime was out of control in Rome and people feared for their safety.

The wealthy hired their own private armies for protection.

Many of these political armies killed people and stole their land.”

(Is any of this starting to sound ‘familiar’ yet??)

So many naive Americans believe that we are a nation under God, and I need to add the clarification here of– God almighty, holy and true

And the truth is, we are a nation founded on the principals and conduct of the Roman Empire; it’s government was brought up by the Roman establishment, not, the Holy God of the Hebrews

nor of their constructs, nor of being a nation that is run by Judges, and Kings, under the religious workings of the Hebrew God– as he had established his own law with his people.

But instead, the nation of America, adopted the Roman way of life, and we became a people of secular mixture.

If we were truly a nation under God almighty, holy and true, and Emmanuel was in the Monarch seat of authority in this nation– it would not resemble the abominable decline of civilization that the Romans brought into play with their dominating, wealthy rule over the common man, with the decline of moral living unto a holy God, and way of life.

Our nation resembles the deplorable establishment of Roman rule, more than it does the rule, and construct God gave us, in his original design

God almighty at the helm of the constructs of a nation.

Perhaps, if we were to actually become a people that WANTED to be ruled and led, instructed and in obedience to– HOLINESS, God’s way of life, under him

‘Perhaps,’ the nation would recover, but unfortunately we resemble the mixture of Roman and Babylonian structure, OVER THAT OF God’s way, and holiness, under ‘YHWH’s’ rule and design.

And Babylon is destroyed in the end; God ordains it, and it’s because she is filthy in her ‘whoredoms.’

Whoredoms of what?

Living contrary to God holy and true, and selling out for capitalism and conquering other nations, being ruled by elites, with commoners not ‘really’ having a say in it at all.

If we believe that God almighty, holy and true is going to save a nation founded upon principles that go against, that are contrary to God holy’s way of conducting a people, then we have fallen into the deception, and the lusts of ‘living however we desire.’

It is why America/Babylon falls in the end.

God would have to destroy the establishment entirely, and rebuild her upon his principles, and WEwould have to put HIM, and his holinessin the driver’s seat.

I do not see that happening, and he proclaimed it would not, in the book of his own Revelation to John.

The Great Harvest only comes in for ‘one’ reason

It’s all about to end, and God has ‘one last harvest’ of human souls to pull into his kingdom, before it’s total destruction.

Note, I did not say when, as he says, himself said– watch for the signs, be vigilant.

No matter what happens in this nation, politically, red, blue, or otherwise– if she doesn’t turn back to holiness (and I mean the POPULACE BY LARGE, not a minority, remnant of humans living unto God holy), she goes down, totally, forever more.

I do not see, by far and large, a massive conversion to HOLINESS, not folks who simply profess, or ‘claim’ allegiance to Christ (Messiah) holy and true; if it were so, we would have holy speaking, holy living citizens by far and large.

What we do haveis folks willing to die to save their wealth, their property, their comforts, their sin-filled lifestyles; Babylon will fall because of this.

For Americans, of the majority populace– are very, very liberal in their morals and values– and I mean those even on the ‘red wave’ side of things.

I see more lusts of lifestyle pursuits, unto wealth, debauchery, addictions, power trips and consumption of all things capitalisticthan I do, bowing under the holy reverence and rule of God almighty, HOLY and true.

God will give America what she has lived like, and because of ‘who she serves–’ SELF GAINS INTERESTS…

in her pursuits for take-overs, strong-arming other nations, like the crusades of old, devouring it’s resources of lesser nations (like going after Haiti for their gas, with our military ships right now) unto its own lusts for power, wealth and control.

(‘Everybody wants to rule the world.’

But how many– want GOD

To rule the world??)

God help us– our spiritual discernment is almost nonexistent, and shallowness has infiltrated the churches too; we seek power, anointing, giftings, and prosperity… (consumerism unto self gains)


“Pick up that cross I bore, and FOLLOW ME, my way…

(Matthew 16:24)

You will SUFFER Persecutions too,

if you are holy, as I am holy…

(2 Timothy 3:12, 1 Peter 1:16)

You shall share in suffering,

you shall be men and woman

acquainted with sorrow and grief…”

(1 Peter 4:13, Romans 8:17, Isaiah 53:3)

Because you said, if we actually stood for righteousness, the world will be against us, as we are to feed each other, love each other, extend mercy and grace, fight injustice against God’s ways, and reconcile the sinners to a holy God, through the Messiah, YaH’shua, Jesus the Christ.

But sir, our nation sold out to the corrupt Roman way, and the people, in order to be saved ‘out of her,’ this whore of a nation– we need the one last Great Harvest of souls, before she is entirely destroyed.

The Great Harvest, is not to save a wicked nation, but to save a wicked PEOPLE ‘out of’ that nation– whoever WILL BE SAVED.

The rest– will go down with the ship.

The ‘relation’ –ship– to Babylon, and her wicked ways.

I pray Lord, that you blast rays of revelation into this land, that will show without a doubt, what you are here to do right now, how it will be done, and how seriously corrupt this nation REALLY is, and why ‘it’s the last push’ to pull people ‘out of the fires’ that will take her down.

A Great Harvest is coming in, because a great slaughtering is coming into this world, a take down of ‘evil’ along with– those ‘joined to it,’ on a scale no one is prepared for, as we have never been through God saying…


They mock and say, ‘God has never done that before;’ well, ignorantly, these people do not know their scripture, because ‘eventually,’ God ALWAYS lays down his rule, and destroys evileven if his people are ‘partaking in it.’

The ONLY thing that matters right now is–

‘are you righted with God holy,’ and

‘Will you be living for him now, in truth, in your heart, your words, and your deeds?’

VOTEdo your civic duties, but know this– the only one that can save you– is God holy, our Father; and the only way you get to him– is through his Son, YaH’shua, Jesus the Christ.

The last election was rigged, and Biden has said this one will go similarly.

We know they have tested how– already; so, if we have not righted the last debacle, and more nations are in uproar over the same thievery of the rich buying votes, and subduing and subverting the vote…

Do we really believe, honestly, that our votes are legitimate, and we have an ‘honest’ say in the outcomes of these elections?

Please get right with Godtime is short, tensions are rising, and there are MANY antichrists in the world already (those are humans living like, and for, self lusts and gains– the antichrist way), and we ALL– have but one lifetime to get righted with God, for we KNOW NOT THE HOUR of his return.

It will be too late by then, and he will take his true children with him; he came as the Lamb, and you still have time to accept him as such.

But NOW– I can see him in the Spirit, he is clad with his Armour on, and he is ready to set down– as the Lion

of the Tribe of Judah; please seek him now as the Lamb, repent from your wicked ways of living…

And be saved, and reformed into one of his children, and enter that Kingdom with him; because…

He is coming to destroy the kingdom of the wicked, through much calamity and tribulations.

(Your ‘kingdom,’ is the ‘life’ you were given,

the heart inside you,

and how you’ve been leading it…

We are to ‘give that kingdom’ back to God,


to be

ruled by him,



be conformed to him


all image ways.)

I wish for you to, NOT BE ON THAT WICKED SIDE, when his Holy Boots, and forces– hit the ground (earth) running –bringing in his Judgment.

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