Why do we do what we do?

[video link with my current circumstances, and this teaching: https://youtu.be/1rA5Vxr2o-o ]
Why do we do what we do?
That’s a question the Almighty asked me, to ask others— over the past week.
He said…
“Do you all even know why you do what you do?”
I think in all things, we should be looking at our hearts, to understand them; because what we do— stems from those hearts that have thoughts of their own, and reasons within— to bring us to ‘what we do.’ So— we should definitely know ‘why’ we are doing what we are doing (bare minimum).
I believe this helps us in many ways; we cannot even begin to understand discernment— unless we are walking in ‘sorting’ something.
“Think about that,” He just said; “Really think about that.”
God has asked us to ‘discern the spirits,’ yes?
Well, we cannot discern the spirits in people (or elsewhere), lest we are discerners, in general. He also said…
Luke 9:55
“But he turned, and rebuked them, and said— Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.”
That was Christ, rebuking his people; so— how can he rebuke us, if we are operating from a foul spirit— if we are not discerners, ourselves? This is what Christ was attempting to help us with: at bare minimum, a statement such as the one above that Jesus spoke to his disciples— was to invoke deep thought, and consideration, as to ‘whom’ they were listening to. Which heart/soul, from which spirit, was speaking this to them; and why were they desiring the outcome they were?
Motives matter, and Christ was attempting to speak of these things, and when he reprimanded, when he rebuked— it stung, and it should— for their souls were on the line with whom they were relinquishing them over to— as a god over them.
Luke 9:51-56
“And it came to pass, when the time was come that he (Christ) should be received up— he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem— and sent messengers [angels— Greek: ἄγγελος, transliteration: aggelos, pronunciation: ang'-el-os] before his face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans— to make ready for him.
And they did not receive him, because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem.
And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said— Lord, do you will— that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them— even as Elias did?
But he turned, and rebuked them, and said— Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.
For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives— but to save them.
And they went to another village.”
There are so many things to discern in this passage— and that is what Christ is asking me to do. You see, we must become the children of the most high, who can, with the mind of Christ— discern a matter, from top to bottom, left to right, and front to back: this is how he teaches me to discern matters in scripture (stories and parables, scenarios and situations), and it’s how we are to discern all matters (spirits included) in the material world, and it’s scenarios.
First, let us note where we ‘begin.’ We are at a place where Christ is steadfastly approaching his full mission and completion— he’s headed for Jerusalem, and his countenance is showing (meaning– he’s very resolute, and you can see it written all over his face).
And his first call to action, based on what will now go down— is that he will send angels ahead of him, to set the way, course, and preparation of the kingdom (and its assets) to be erected in the spirit realm— upon his arrival into Jerusalem. These angels were sent to a Samaritan village, along the way.

“And they did not receive him— because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem.”
Now, these people— because he had his face, or countenance ‘set’ for Jerusalem— did not receive him, for whatever reason; which means— they were not entreating him, his message (if he was bringing one), nor were hospitable. And so, we see how his students react to this ‘dismissal’ of Christ, and his agenda or message: they seek to kill them, over rejection.
“And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said— Lord, do you will— that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them— even as Elias did?”
The children of God, the children of the Lord Jesus Christ, who were on mission with him, and who had been walking with him for some time now— went all rogue, spiritually speaking— and they desired, and asked if the Lord desired, to— CONSUME THEM— because they simply, rejected him, did not receive him, nor his message, or agenda.
The disciples with him, actually conversed (or they would not all have come to the conclusion to mull this over with Christ now) together, as to whether it was godly, a kingdom oriented mission and procedure— to fry people, literally, to death— because they disrespected and rejected Messiah, his agenda and message.
Good God— if Christ did that, if our Father and his Spirit did that to us all, with as many times as we are stupid, foolish, ignorant and deceived— or working with ‘another’ spirit— NONE OF US WOULD BE SAVED.
Christ wasn’t trying to ‘get his way,’ he was attempting to save those with the truth— that would be saved; those who were chosen from before the foundations of creation (by the Father himself), to be saved by receival of the truth; and lest we forget…
“Some do not receive the truth upon the first go ‘round,” he just said; “some— need multiple chances to receive the truth, as he layers the experiences in life ‘with’ the truth,” he said.
And yet— his students, of ‘his way—’ wanted to fry them for ‘first’ disobedience, disrespect, and rejection.
Hmmm…. I wonder how many of us have a murderous spirit upon us, when we get all steamed up inside— when rejection of Christ, his message, us (his students and children) are rejected? I wonder how many of us operate from a foul spirit— and are clueless, as these disciples— that we are of ‘another’ spirit, right then and there; and we are ‘not in our right minds.’
“But he turned, and rebuked them, and said— Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of.
For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives— but to save them.”
2 Corinthians 5:19
“To wit, that God was in Christ— reconciling the world unto himself— not imputing their trespasses unto them; and has committed unto us the word of reconciliation.”
He turned, because he was addressing a spirit— faced them head on, eye to eye— and corrected them, saying— “You have no idea what spirit you are listening to right now.”
We should all think about that, and long and hard, we should think about that. Why do we do the things we do? We should be asking ourselves this question, here— as if WE ARE those disciples, because we are; there is nothing but common things between one man and another in this world (including Christ, who fought against a common flesh nature): the patterns of the carnal flesh nature, and the spirits that back that nature— are issues every man faces.
1 Corinthians 10:13
“There hath no temptation taken you— but such as is common to man…”
Christ was led into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil— do we think the devil will not come to tempt us, or that the holy Spirit himself— as he did with Christ— will not lead you into a testing phase, where you too— will be tempted by the devil, to see what truth resides in you as well? Or— what you actually uphold within your soul— and which spirit you listen to and heed, and WHY?
Let’s look at the latter part of that verse above.
“But God is faithful— who will not suffer you to be tempted above that (in which) you are able (to bear up under); but will, with the temptation, also make a way to escape— that you may be able to bear (up under) it.”
God WILL bring you into areas in your life, where you will be tempted to ‘go with the flow’ of the spirits around you, what they are desiring, and what their agenda is— and it will be the easier thing to do, the thing with the least resistance, the thing that exalts YOU and your agenda, thoughts, intentions and ways (satanic); because that is the spirit that operates ‘down in the carnal world.’
John 14:30
“Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world comes— and has nothing in me.”
[He is the prince— because he is the principle one of the world’s way; he is the leader of the worldly ways in the average ‘person’ here in this realm: meaning— he is the one who leads the most people (majority) in their ways down in the carnal realm— because most— succumb to the flesh, and fight against it, not.]
Satan is the spirit that operates this place, because this place is carnal— the kingdom of heaven, is heavenly, or godly; this place is not, by far and large— and has a fallen carnal nature (his) to contend with. So…
We need to be thinking, at all times— that the easy way— isn’t usually the godly way; the godly way— is usually the way of GREAT RESISTANCE; which is why it takes DISCIPLINE of the disciple— to living ‘in’ this world, but not ‘with’ this world.
Be ‘in’ the world, but not ‘of’ the world—
for that is ‘a manner of,’ that we ought not be of.
1 Corinthians 2:6
“Howbeit we speak wisdom among them who are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world— nor of the princes of this world— that come to nought.”
Godly wisdom, comes from ‘above,’ and satan comes with his wisdom from ‘below;’ God’s wisdom is higher than ours in morality and integrity (hence, higher) —like his thoughts and ways are higher than ours (meaning— in our fallenness); and so— satan’s wisdom will be the common, average, world ways— and it will be the easier, quicker thing to do— not much resistance at it down here: meaning, the spirits of this ‘world’ will take ease in helping you with accomplishing their ways and maneuvers in your worldly wisdom— because that’s what they run in down here.
Below, or beneath— is symbolism for the selfish, devilish, carnal, fleshly, worldly— ways, maneuvers and spirits; best we do not come into agreement with them (the world), or we are not operating as a child of the most HIGH God.
“Most HIGH isn’t only a rank,” he just said— “But it is my status in holiness; I am set ‘high above’ all principalities and powers, Janet. That means— not only in my rank of authority, but in my rank of holiness. I am not ‘of’ this world, nor is my kingdom: it is HIGH ABOVE all this mess.”
The princes, the principal ones of this world and its ways— come to nought, in the end; we have no business with them, nor they— operating with us.
John 15:19
“If ye were OF the world— the world would love his own (that’s a personal reference, when referring to HIS, rather than ‘its’ own; satan owns this person, when they are ‘of’ the spirit of this world: that’s because he rules them): but because ye are not OF the world— but (because) I have chosen you OUT OF the world— the world hates you.”
We are not to be ‘of’ the world and his spirit (satan); we are to be ‘of’ the kingdom of holiness— the kingdom of the HIGH King’s fruit: love, kindness, gentleness, patience, long forbearance, joy, peace, goodness, faithfulness and self-control: which then tells you— satan, the spirit of this world— will not be ‘of’ these.
So— if we are operating ‘outside of’ these— we are operating in satanic ways, and by the lead of the spirit of this world.
But when we operate out of the attributes and ways of God— the spirit ‘down’ here, beneath, below— hates us: and hence, spiritual warfare— to which we have advocates and adversaries (angelic on our behalf, the host of heaven— and the demonic and fallen angelic host of satan’s domain).
“Best we identify— which we are strengthening in this battle,” he just said; because we are strengthening one side or the other— with every decision and action we reach, and enact in this realm that is formed by our actions, words and deeds— that stem from our hearts.
Best we know what’s in them— and become discerners of the truth.
John 17:15
“I pray not that you should take them out of the world— but that you should keep them from the evil.”
Why? Why is he saying— don’t take them out of all this, Father— but instead, keep them here, but keep them from the evil?
Because we have a mission in this earth to walk out; Christ gave us a co-mission with him; not a singular mission to us— a ‘co’ mission; that’s where you and he work together to further the gospel, himself, and his kingdom in a world gone mad.
We cannot ‘do’ the great co-mission (God’s mission that he chose to do with YOU) —if we are taken out of all this mess, and not asked to uphold, standfast to Christ and his Spirit— and STAY HERE in the madness, to save and pull some from the fire that consumes them (their lusts, led by satan).
We have a job to do— and focusing on anything else— is counterintuitive, and counterproductive to our mission that Christ is on— in each and every one of us.
We fight fights, oftentimes in this world— that have ZERO to do with the godliness of our Father expressed, and it’s over superficial, distractive issues— that the King is not minded on— so why are we?
Sure— he is displeased in a lot, in this world— but he sets his heart and eyes unto ONE PURPOSE in this world— and that is ‘saving it,’ by the gospel, by his Spirit, by his blood, and by man’s free will choice to receive or reject him: he came to reconcile sinners to himself— not judge them, here, and now, and segregate himself from them: he comes to tie himself to sinners, in an effort to reform them into holy ones— BECAUSE— they are now yoked to him.
But many times, I see us— those who claim his name (which means his authority and character, in Strong’s) —and yet, we walk out the spirit of this world— because we have not yet become discerners (of our own wicked hearts first) of the truth.
The first spirit we need to be discerning, on the daily— is our own, with the help of the holy Spirit— whose job it is, to bring us into all truth: bring us ‘into,’ is a plan of action, that brings about a walk, on a path— that goes against the spirit of this world’s path, ways, and maneuvers.
Romans 12:2
“And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind— that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
He’s not joking, he said in Romans 8, Matthew 7, and 12— it is those who DO the will of the Father, who are his children; and we are told right here— we are to KNOW, and PROVE— what is his good, acceptable and perfect will— in our lives/actions/choices/words.
Folks, hyper grace, forgiveness of all continued in sinful deeds and actions— has swept the church, of the people who call themselves by his name— for so long— we cannot even see how FAR AWAY from the truth of what scripture states, that we have fallen back from.
We are a people who go to buildings, on certain days, and do some certain things, and say some certain words— and then we go back to living every other day— as the spirit of this world lives: we speak as he speaks, we reason and decide things as he does (what is best for him, sans God and asking him, under his authority and leadership), we walk in filthy ways that the, holy and HIGH above all this garbage, God does not walk in, we speak words and intentions that the devil walks in— and we have the audacity to call ourselves ‘holy’ as God is holy, and a child (a duplicate) of the holy and righteous God.
How is this so?
And how is it that we cannot see we are walking as hypocrites of the Most HIGH (moral, ethical God), as like the Pharisees before us?
Because he states here, in no uncertain terms— we are to PROVE that we live by the acceptable, good, perfect will of God; and thus— we fulfill Romans 8:14, and Matthew 12:50, 7:21.
Romans 8:14
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God— they are the sons of God.”
[Who is leading us, inside, for real— and do we know why we do what we do?]
Matthew 12:50
“For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven— the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”
[So, here we see who Jesus’s true spiritual household family is— who his true siblings, seated with him are; they are those who, like he, led of his own Spirit— DO the will of his father, who is HIGH ABOVE: those are the household of God.
So— are we even seeking to ‘do’ his will, not know his will only, not understand his fruit of his Spirit— but DO the will of God, and operate IN his Spirit, in alignment and having ‘become’ ONE with him?]
Matthew 7:21
“Not every one that says to me— ‘Lord, Lord—’ shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but (only) he who does the will of my Father— who is in heaven.”
[Why does he say this? Because ‘Lord, Lord,’ is a statement that says— “My master, the master of me.” And because these people ‘claimed’ his name, character and authority in this life— but were not actually subject to him (his Spirit), nor lead of his Spirit— but lead of another…
They did not HAVE ‘him’ as their ‘Lord,’ they had another spirit as their lord— and hence, it will be why they go where that other spirit goes; because they did not seek God, to ask him his will, nor attempt to only do the will of the Father in their earth (vessel, body, temple).
And we will not be judged at the judgment seat (humans) of our ‘intentions;’ nay— we will be judged by WHAT WE DID IN OUR ‘bodies,’ scripture tells us so.
Romans 14:12
”So then every one of us shall give account —of himself— to God.”
2 Corinthians 5:10
“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.”
We will be giving account of what we DO— in our bodies, not what intent we thought we were working under, or in. We are to know, NOW— what spirit we are of, who is leading our thinking, reasoning, and decision making— and WHY.
And if we are not doing this— we are not obedient children of the most high.
We can’t be— to be obedient to him, is to hear him speak— and follow after his lead; if we are not asking, communing, serving and sitting ‘under’ the most high— we cannot possibly be obeying him— because we are not before his face, seeking his will and orders: that makes us the same as satan.
He sits not at God’s feet, washing his feet, listening to him, serving his interests in the earth, by his leadership in his life: he seeks his own.
Best we begin to be discerners of the heart— as God is; our own heart, before we even go after discerning another’s.
John 8:23
“And he said unto them— You are from beneath— I am from above: you are of this world— I am not of this world.”
John 8:12
“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying— I am the light of the world: he that follows me— shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
These verses right here take away all excuses, to walk in continued sin (transgressing God’s leadership in our lives— because that is what continued in sin really is; it is continuing to go against godly leadership inside our persons— and that is satanic, to the core, quite literally).
He tells, as he was speaking to the Pharisees who were ready to stone the woman in transgression— as he was to write in the sand— that they are ‘from beneath,’ in their spirits— right then and there; and that he, Christ— came from ‘above,’ in his Spirit— and was not walking out what they were walking out: he came to save, and to reconcile sinners to God; these came to judge, condemn, and sentence them.
Who does that sound like— but the ‘accuser of’ the brethren; the spirit that comes to accuse us of our sin— as we walk in it. Not the one who comes to lighten our hearts to the truth, and encourage us to step out of those ways— and into the glorious light of the gospel, the truth, holiness, and the Spirit of God.
YahShua shows us time and time again— that he came to ‘rescue’ sinners (save them) —so, I ask— when we post what we post, and we say what we say— are we coming to point out their sin, transgression and filth (and we do it callously at their heart’s expense)? Or is our main intent, to enlighten them to the transgression, but TRULY— it is to receive them, love them, and lead them to the Spirit of reconciliation, love and acceptance— with a choice to step out of those ways, and into the glorious light?
Because we will give an account for the ‘motives’ behind what we do.
So— do we truly know the spirit we are ‘of,’ whose bidding we do?
And do we even know WHY WE DO, what we do?
Because he who follows after Christ (they do not lead, Christ does) —these will be enlightened, and walk not in the paths of darkness; I see many ‘religious’ peoples— in the house of God; but I do not see many ‘surrendered’ people, in the house of God.
So— what spirit are they ‘of’ then? And do they even see it, or are they blinded by the spirit of this world— because he has infiltrated so deeply within the church?
John 14:17
“Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees him not, neither knows him: but you know him— for he dwells with you, and shall be in you.”
We have no excuse— and the truth is, we all know his Spirit; when he comes around, filthy people, who fell short of his glory— they drop to their spiritual and proverbial knees; we see it time and time again in scripture.
So, my question is— if he is ‘with us,’ and we know it; and he is, even, indeed— ‘in us—’ and we know it…
Are we hitting the holy, fear and trembling phase of respecting his Spirit’s lead in our lives? Are we turning to face the holy One— before we reason, think a matter through— let alone decide, and act upon one?
Do I sound like someone who is asking too much of a child of God?
Do I sound, to you, like someone who takes their life in Christ— too seriously?
Because if so— I encourage you to think upon one thing, and not from a spirit of fear (cuz then you fall right back into sin— he didn’t give us that guy to listen to) —but from a Spirit of reverencing the living God…
What will your face look like, as you stand before him— having either lived deliberately— asking his Spirit what he thinks of every scenario, situation, and the souls involved— or gone of your own accord, from the reasoning of your own heart?
I for one— would like to face him now, face to face, eye to eye— and seek him on all matters; for that is what he desired from the beginning— to walk and talk in the cool of the day, with his child.
I will face him on these matters now, each and every one of them— as the days and scenarios pass. Because then— the only conversation we will have is this…
“Child, you reasoned with my Spirit, you chose— based upon that reasoning together with my Spirit— and you made your choice, and the subsequent actions that followed— based on that reasoning with my Spirit.
You did all I asked of you.
It was never about you never making a mistake— but it WAS about you seeking my counsel, learning, obeying me to the best of your ability, talking with me, reasoning it through, and then following what I led you to.
That is what I asked for, that is my dream; and I am faithful— should you be making a choice that is not best— to come back around, and lead you in another counsel, scenario, and reasoning— to learn from, and change our actions, words, and intentions— to bring about a better result: this is Fatherhood, to which I desired.”
That is what I hear him say now— and that is what I believe will take place for all of us— a report card, if you will— if we are SEEKING to ‘do his will,’ in the earth; but ‘seek—’ we must. We don’t just ‘fall into’ doing the will of the God of Heaven— that is not of this place— we must ‘go after’ the will of God, to obtain it (or capture it), from the conversations we are YIELDING TO, as we face him on all matters.
He’s ‘with us,’ he’s ‘in us;’ what excuse will really fly, at the throne judgment— when we had him all along, to converse with, and to obey?
2 Corinthians 1:12
“For our rejoicing is this → the testimony of our conscience— that in simplicity and godly sincerity— not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God— we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly to you-ward.”
The testimony of our conscience; did we catch that?
Our consciences will testify— are we listening? Where we, in simplicity (are we going to God, really, it’s simple), and in sincerity (are we truly doing it) —not with flesh wisdom, or lower wisdom from carnality— but instead, by God’s grace and Spirit…
Are we witnessing into the world— ‘THAT’ —conversation to the world, and to the rest of the church?
Because our consciences are testifying daily, and in each scenario— whether we truly, sincerely and simply put— ASKED, SOUGHT and REVERENCED the holy living God, ‘before, during, and in follow through’ of our words, choices and actions.
WE— it says, will ‘give our own account’ in heaven, unto God; best we do that now, and now know— whether we are serving the ‘self god,’ false god— or if we are truly serving the High One— as we become discerners, of our own hearts, thoughts, choices, reasonings, words and actions: because they all stem from the heart/soul— and the soul/heart will follow whom it beholds all day long.
If it’s beholding the Spirit of God— we will ask, seek, and obey him; but if we are not really facing him, in our days and situations— AND YIELDING TO HIS SPIRIT— we are led of the ‘self god,’ and satan is at the helm: hence— “Lord, Lord,” in that day— he will say— I never knew you. You continued in your own ways and lead.
Ephesians 6:12
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Hebrews 10:5
“Wherefore when he comes into the world, he saith— Sacrifice and offering you would (desired) not— but a body you have prepared me:”
These verses are incredibly important— we wrestle against the hidden, invisible forces that govern our thoughts and actions— based upon our desires; if they be God, and godliness— we are inclined to his Spirit; if they be of worldly ways and actions that God holy does not walk in— we be inclined to the spirit of this world, the spirit of error that works in many.
The Spirit of God came into the world, and said— Sacrifices and offerings (like those of the old testament covenant, and law) —he does not desire of us;
BUT— a “body—” he desires, and has prepared.
A body, in the Strong’s, is defined as— ‘The sound whole;’ now, I have defined this and described this in times past, as the whole of something or someone— and sound, being like a horse— who has been found ‘sound—’ is one who is whole, complete, and in full operation: so, the ‘body,’ is the sound whole of all who are in Christ— like the ‘whole’ of the church, or set apart ones, yes.
But it is also— the SOUND WHOLE of each of our temples, our bodies— which are to be living sacrifices unto God, to inhabit, lead, and cohabitate with: two, as one.
Sound— one person who is whole, complete and in full, healthy, spiritual operation, under the lead of his Spirit, and in alignment with his Spirit— in his body, or temple.
This is why we are to be discerners: we are to KNOW who we are in alignment with, and we are to STOP being in alignment with satan, when we are made to understand that we are: hence, a change in a new man creation and operation within: born anew.
If God shows us we are aligned with, and believing satan, and following his lead— and we are like— ‘oh well, yes, I see that—’ but we DO NOT SUBDUE OURSELVES, THROW HIM DOWN AND OUT— and TAKE CAPTIVE EVERY WICKED THING THAT SETS ITSELF AGAINST GOD INSIDE OF US— we have then ‘given consent,’ he just said.
And so— WE FIGHT AGAINST THOSE HIDDEN SPIRITS; we do not ‘join’ them, by giving in, and giving up: we RESIST satan— and he will flee; it’s all free will choices.
But we do have to fight against him— or we ‘give consent’ to him, God said; and that is how Adam and Eve fell— so what do we think we must do, to ‘unfall,’ or to— STAND UP in Christ?
1 John 2:16
“For all that is in the world— the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life— is not of the Father, but is of the world.”
1 John 4:1
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but TRY the spirits— whether they are of God…”
We have heard the verse in 1 John 2, above— a lot, in our Christian walk and lives— but, do we do the necessity of 1 John 4, above— then?
Because the first we are to try, are the ones who are attempting to lead ‘us’ in our ways— not just discern the ones who are attempting to lead others; we are to be discerners of our own hearts, first— and to KNOW ‘why’ we do what we do.
If we do not know ‘why’ we do what we do— then we do not know WHO IS LEADING US; we couldn’t possibly know— because the one who leads us in his ways from ABOVE— tells us, shows us what to do, and why— as he did Christ.
He only did what the Father ‘showed’ him to do; so— if we are SEEKING his face, and LOOKING TO HIM, before we ‘move’ at all— we'll KNOW who leads us, and he will explain why, as he leads.
If we do not know ‘why’ we do what we do— then we are led of the spirit of this world, who blinds us (means— we are ignorant, and deceived— hence, blinded).
Best we start truly discerning why we do, say, think, reason and act upon what we do; because in that knowledge— we learn whose child we are.
1 Corinthians 11:32
“But when we are judged— we are chastened of the Lord— that we should not be condemned with the world.”
James 4:4
“You adulterers and adulteresses— do you not know that friendship of (with) the world (or spirit thereof) —is enmity (enemy, or opposite) with (toward respecting) God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world— is the enemy of God.”
There’s a reason and rhyme to everything God does— he doesn’t just do things, there is purpose behind all he does; so when he judges man, and we are chastened or corrected and humbled of him— it’s so we do not fall with the world, the spirit of this world, and end up estranged from God, sent to prison with the spirit of this world: THAT’S LOVE Y’ALL.
Because if we follow that joker— we are condemned with him and all his rebellion, disrespect, and disobedience; and we have become adulterers (people who claim loyalty to God, claiming his name, reputation, character and family— but who actually hook up and couple with the spirit of error, the spirit of this world), and who became ‘friends with’ the spirit of this place, the spirit of the one who doesn’t ask God’s opinion, preference, will or pleasure, who does not bow to him…
And in that— we become ‘friends of’ satan; the self god, who leads all others in how to do self leadership, sans obedience to God, changing in our ways to be holy as he is holy— and instead reason for ourselves, what’s best for us in that reasoning, and our choices and actions— are a result of the leadership of self, not that of God in an authority role.
I just described what satan did— when he rebelled against God; and it’s the same with each of us— when we ‘follow after him.’
In James 2:23— Friend of God— is defined as— ‘Dear, associate, neighbor.’
So— if we befriend God, or satan— we are dear, associated living partners (hence, neighbors, abide next to one another).
We become God’s adversaries— opponents of him, disrespectful, disobedient, rulers of self, leaders of self reasoning, speech, and actions— when we ‘friend’ satan (the god of self lead), because we are closely abiding with him, as we associate ourselves to his likeness: satan (it is a title, after all).
Luke 9:55-56
“But he turned, and rebuked them, and said— Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives— but to save them.”
1 John 3:1
“Behold, what manner of love —the Father has bestowed upon us— that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knows us not, because it knew him not.”
I have these 2 verses here— because both speak of ‘what manner of.’
Do we know what manner we are of?
Do we know who has taught us our manners, and mannerisms?
Do we know who is leading us?
Have we reformed from offenders, into former offenders of God’s way and leadership in our hearts— or are we still under the ‘self god,’ and reverent to it?
Because our Father bestowed upon us a manner of LOVE, not murder everyone— in our words, attitudes, motives and intentions of being self-righteous, intolerant, unforgiving and judgmental; but instead— a Spirit of LOVE was given to us, and one that operates in…
Above all else— desiring to SAVE, RECONCILE sinners and transgressors unto God, to yoke up to them, and to save them from themselves, and out of sin; not to point fingers, but to walk in the Spirit, and the fruits of— sent on mission by, and with, the holy Spirit of God— to pull some out of the fire, that takes them down: not push them into it.
The spirit of the world, the spirit of error— is what works in the Pharisee— and they are alive and well, even today. The Pharisee will talk religious ‘talk,’ but will CUT with their words, motives, intentions and attitudes— that stem from the spirit they are ‘of,’ who is working their works behind them (like the puppet masters they are— demons).
So— do we know why we do what we do?
If not— it’s best we begin to be the discerners God has asked us to be— and by, and with his Spirit’s assistance; but therein lies the issue. We must be SEEKING TO OBEY GOD, to even seek his face, obediently— and ASK, what is his good, and acceptable, and perfect (whole) will.
For only they who seek to DO the will of the Father, and execute it in their earth lives— are the children of the Most HIGH God: high, and holy— ABOVE, not below.
So— as we begin to analyze, with the Spirit of God, our own hearts, intents and motives (which scriptures states it has, in Hebrews 4:12) —we will begin to see what’s really in there, why we do what we do, who we are listening to— and whose child we are, based upon whom we are listening to; and whom we listen to— will work from their attributes, motives, intentions and agenda: so— do we know why we do what we do— and who is leading us to do it??
Hebrews 4:12
“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword— piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow— and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
The word of God— is a PERSON— who will divide, separate, and show us the intentions of our hearts, discerning them— who will lead us in HIS WAYS— if we will allow him to.
If we will not OBEY HIS COMMAND in our lives— we are under the command of another spirit— namely, the false god of ‘self;’ and the one who leads that man— is satan.
So— do we know why we do what we do?
And are we discerning why we do what we do?
If not— it’s time we do; for God gave us his Spirit for just this discipline.
And we need to stop, and discern, analyze if what we are saying— is led of God, and is gospel oriented, or not.
And what I mean is— if we are causing division, and arguing things that have ZERO TO DO WITH THE GOSPEL, THE KING, THE SAVIOR, THE MESSAGE OF RECONCILIATION WITH WAYWARD MAN— unto the saving of his eternal soul— then we are led astray of the spirit of this world; Leviathan (who is satan)— who comes to disperse, and disunify the people of God— and get them minded on things that have ZERO to do with the Salvation of Christ.
We ought to be asking ourselves— before posting— ‘Does it stop us from getting into the kingdom, receiving the gospel, or walking out relationship through repentance with our God?’
Because if it’s things that don’t matter to the great co-mission we are on with God— why would we argue another human being on such things: flat earth, Christmas, hebrew roots, eating or not eating certain things, the spelling or pronunciation of Christ’s first name— or any other matters that God has an opinion of— but has nothing to do with people’s eternal salvation— only their current ignorance.
We can enlighten them— but we better make for certain— what spirit we are ‘of,’ as we do: because the Spirit of God, holy and most High— is of LOVE, and of RECONCILIATION— not jugement and estrangement, whilst they are in their ignorance and sin.
Romans 5:8
“But God commendeth his love toward us— in that, while we were yet sinners— Christ died for us.”
So— it’s best we become discerners with God; which really means— partner with his Spirit— and see what he shows you and tells you; let him correct you, and lead you into the knowledge of your ways: for do you even know why you do what you do?
Let the light of Christ (who moves in love, and the fruits of his Spirit) shine unto you— and help you come under his leadership, discern if you are, and correct you when you are not; because the god of this world, the spirit of error, disobedience and rebellion— comes to blind, and deceive (and he purports himself to be ‘of’ light); let the glorious light of the gospel of Christ— dwell richly in you: which is to say— the gospel, is the good news, and the good news is that God has made his tabernacle with MEN; and we can choose to cohabitate with him, and allow him to lead us and father us in his ways, and by his Spirit.
I pray— the light of Christ, in this message, will shine unto us ALL— and we will become discerners of the heart, as he is— so shall we be; and then— as we discern our own, by his leadership in us, as we turn to obey him…
THEN— can we turn and light the torch of the brother next to us— and in love walk out the Spirit of God, in oneness (of agreement together with him) —unto the great co-mission and harvest of souls: for it is the GOODNESS OF GOD, that leads men to repentance— not stiff, attitude, condemnation— as we wield the truth at them, from a funky spirit (that’s satan’s way).
2 Corinthians 4:4
“In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not— lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

Which spirit/Spirit— are YOU, releasing
From within the body/temple?