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What is Salvation and Faith REALLY?

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Your Salvation and Faith

[Video link to this teaching:]


Our Faith is the working of what we believe; what we believe— is what spiritual understanding, workings, deity— and attributes of that deity that we believe.

If we are Christian, our faith is what gospel we believe; and there is the great DISCREPANCY.

Many believe a ‘different gospel,’ with a different Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ’s life must be studied to understand the God of scripture, our Father in whom we come from— what is he like, what is his nature, what did he do, what are his followers or children— to do, or be?

Jesus Christ is a specific person, a specific God, and has a specific conduct of himself, that sets him apart from ALL OTHER spirits (gods), including the fallen human nature— that is worked from the fallen spirit’s seed that was implanted into us— from the Garden.

The true gospel of the kingdom of heaven (God holy’s domain) is that Jesus Christ (Godhead bodily) came in the similitude (likeness) of sinful flesh, condemned sin in his flesh, gave the perfectly walked out life following the Law (conduct of God/heaven, given to Moses, that sinful man could not accomplish on his own), then became the perfect sacrifice— laid upon the eternal altar— to atone man from his sins (bring him back into reconciliations, legally forgiving his sin debt— to the living and holy God once again) —paving the way for a New Creation to be established in Christ…

That would bring God holy, and his creation— BACK TOGETHER— in oneness: reconciled, stitched back together— Salvation.

And with the walking out of that salvation (relationship restored, reformation process begun— to be same/as/like once again, inside— in the inner man, returning him to godliness again— Father’s image) —leads to the works of the faith: he said without a working faith (productive and successful faith) —it is a dead faith.

And what is death again?

It is SEPARATION (a difference, and a distance) from God holy; it is ESTRANGEMENT: and the root of estranged is— ‘strangers.’

Essentially— if we have a faith (a belief structure in us) of the gospel, that is not changing us back into God HOLY’S image once again, creating a new creation entirely of us— we have been walking a dead faith out: we are still estranged from God, his ways, his character, his nature, his attributes, his demeanor, disposition, fruit of his Spirit— his conduct in us.

If we do not regain his conduct of his person in us— we have denied his holy Spirit’s job: REFORMATION of our inner person, that ‘brings us into’ ALL TRUTH.

Folks → we have to BECOME THE GOSPEL— living epistles; we have to BECOME THE TRUTH‘bodily—’ same as Christ.

We have to have a NEW NATURE within us— or nothing changed, we were brought out of NOTHING, we were saved from NOTHING —and we still remain ESTRANGED, or ‘strangers’ with the living God, INSIDE: we are not like/same/as, nor are we ‘believing,’ that we are supposed to be.

Why do we think the Lukewarm (noncommittal) does not make it in the end?

Because they would not submit to being reformed, inside— and confessed only with their mouths that God is God, Jesus is the Savior, Jesus is LORD— but they remained pharisaical, and walked in compromise and hypocrisy— not TRUE, with a PURE HEART: loving the truth— scripture says.

Christ was not FORMED IN THEM; they did not have Christ FOUNDED IN THEM.

Founded— established and originated, construct or base— according to a particular principle(s); root definitions— Middle English: from Old French fonder, from Latin fundare, from fundus ‘bottom, base’.

And— early 16th century: from French fondre, from Latin fundere ‘melt, pour’.

So, when one is ROOTED IN CHRIST (the truth), and Christ is ROOTED IN THEM— they will uphold and live the truth and the course (the way of righteousness, the way of Christ): for he is the WAY (course to live), the TRUTH (his person’s conduct and principles), and that’s the only LIFE there is; this is LIFE, ‘in Christ,’ as Christ’s LIFE (course and truth) is upheld in us.

He is POURED INTO US (the truth/scripture/his principled way), and we are REFINED ‘melted’ and poured out into a new creation in Christ (refiner’s fires); and we have a BOTTOM or BASE (foundation) now: Christ FOUNDED IN US, and we are now FOUNDED UPON THE ROCK —and the Rock— has been upheld in us: established and constructed into us (we become the truth, we become Christlike again, returning to his image— godliness).

Salvation: where two who were estranged in their ways and relationshipnow reconcile to one another, and have come ‘back together’ inside, relationally— and become ONE in Spirit once again.


John 17:11

“Holy Father— keep through your own name, those whom you have given me— that they may be one, as we are.”

John 17:22

“And the glory which you gave me— I have given them; that they may be one— even as we are one.”


Ever wonder why we have marriage down here in this world (other than to repopulate)?

It is to simulate the perfect union between God and man restored, spiritually in the earth: where two who were separated (strangers), are now one in agreement (marriage), and become 2 in 1 flesh body: this is the reconciled relationship with God and man, walked out in a reformed person who is IN AGREEMENT within now.

No sinful nature upheld that is separating them, making them ‘strangers,’ or estranged from one another.

One part of the definition of estranged is— ‘not in agreement.’


Mark 10:8

“And they twain —shall be one (in) flesh: so then —they are no more twain— but one (in) flesh.”


God has a goal— where we and he are ONE in the flesh, married; this is why he speaks of coming for a ‘bride;’ she will be those who have married to his Spirit inside, and became like/same/as he— and are in AGREEMENT with his Spirit, in their own spirit— and whom walks it out in their flesh.

Because God holy is walking in their flesh, living incarnate once again— in this man; the religion this man upholds, the faith of his religious persuasion belief system— coincides with God holy, how he lives, operates and finds his being…

He is upheld in this person, this person has assimilated back into the truth (the rightful image of God holy) once again— through the reformation process (the work) that the Holy Spirit is to be doing in us all; he who ‘brings us into’ ALL TRUTH.

What does that mean— ‘brings us into’ ALL TRUTH?

It means, where we were walking different than God holy— his job now, in the one who accepts him as LORD and SAVIOR— will now honor his Spirit coming into them, saving them from the fallen nature of satan, and will now lord over them in leadership— leading them in his ways: follow after me, he said (after his way and person).

Our faith— is what we believe; and that— is demonstrated in our actions.

Our salvation— is of God; and he comes in and ‘saves us’ from something and someone: from our sin nature, the nature of death, hell and estrangement— the nature wherewith we were NOT SAME AS GOD and his PERSON and TRUTH (righteousness walked out)... and from satan— the opponent, the one who is contrary to God and his nature— opposite.

This is why salvation has not human workings— it took God to complete the Mosaic Law (fulfill it, flawlessly); and that Mosaic Law— was the written example of God’s holiness— hence, why fallen man could not walk it out perfect, and never will— in a fallen realm, in fallen flesh.

BUT— since Christ did it, fulfilled or completed that requirement— we now are to have a WORKING FAITH; what does that mean again?

We are to have a religious belief system in us now— that LIVES— what we believe spiritually; and has proofs of what we really believe in our hearts— because we ‘become’ what we believe.

Now, if we believe Jesus came to reconcile wayward man, to a righteous God, and we are to not only confess with our mouths that Jesus is our LORD now, leading us around by his very person and by the truth of the scriptures— but we are to BELIEVE IN OUR ‘heart’ —unto RIGHTEOUSNESS.

We are to be of those who believe (be living in) RIGHTEOUSNESS now; this means— we come out of unrighteous living— and we assimilate back into godliness; because our gospel, the true witness of Christ— shows us that a REPENTANCE is to take place…

Which is a complete turnaround, seeing we are sinful and estranged from God and his ways of righteousness, receive God and his righteousness— and now walk with God and on his paths (course and ways) of righteousness.

If we are Christian— we will be Christ-lings; and if we are Christ’s seedlings— we will duplicate his Spirit in this earth (in our earthen vessels).

If we are reprobate still, and we are of those who confess with their lips— but are far from him in the heart (and that is where your true treasure is found— Matthew 6:21) —then we are hypocrites, these were called Pharisees and Sadducees in the scripture— they were P.H.D.’s (doctors) of the Law (memorizers of it) —but they COULD NOT SEE THE LIVING GOD’S SPIRIT INCARNATE (Yahshua) when he stood in front of them— and witnessed the living holy God to them: spiritually blind, based upon living reprobate, or contrary to his actual Spirit’s ways and conduct of his person.

We cannot be reprobate, or estranged from God and his ways— and claim we are his, as his child; it is a juxtaposition— a contrary and opposite manner, spirit and conduct.

Juxtaposition— the fact of two things —being seen or placed close together— with a contrasting effect.

We must be BORN ANEW, or again, in spirit;

And that new spirit in us— must lead our souls in proper conduct becoming of our Lord, and his.

And a spirit is— a conduct, attitude, disposition, demeanor, character, attributes, nature and way of a person.

If our spirit nature is contrary to God's holy Spirit— if our demeanor, disposition, attributes of how we conduct ourselves— our nature and ways— are CONTRARY to God holy, righteous and true— we are not of him.

We have a ‘dead’ or estranged faith and spirit.

If we believe that having ‘faith in Jesus’ requires no efforts on our part to come into agreement with him…

If we believe that we do not have a part to play in a partnership relationship, to be faithful and true to him…

If we believe we don’t need to change, and deny that he came to RECONCILE us to himself, and in him— is no darkness, nor is darkness allowed in him, and that he said— those ‘in him,’ and ‘he in them,’ are now ONE

Then we fundamentally have a ‘dead’ or estranged,

useless and vain— faith, that stems from an unregenerate spirit in us: a dead spirit, and in whom our soul ‘follows after.’

His salvation— IS PERFECT; but if we deny his salvation, where he came to reconcile us to himself, reform us out of satan’s image, bring us back together where we were before— estranged and in disagreement, following satan and his broken, fallen nature…

We have rejected the righteous King, we have rejected holiness, we have rejected righteousness, we have rejected becoming one with him in Spirit and conductwe have fundamentally/foundationally— rejected becoming reformed into his image once again— the shape of God holy.

Salvation is not only a profession of the truth— salvation is the walking out of our lives now → IN THE TRUTH; it is our lives— BECOMING THE TRUTH; it is our person— becoming as/like/same as God holy again, and being RECONCILED WITHIN: 2, now become 1in flesh (ours).

Without this working faithwithout this profession of the truth, and being ‘brought into’ living the truth, and being reformed into a new creation who agrees with God holy, with holiness, with righteous living— where we believe HE IS WHO HE SAYS HE IS, and we ADHERE TO HIM, and to his TRUTH…

We are then a people who do not agree to be SAME/AS/LIKE with him, nor to return to his image, nor to be new now— and not estranged— or STRANGERS who DISAGREE with one another: we refuse/reject SALVATION— where 2 now become 1 in agreement, inside flesh.

And in that— we have refused the whole purpose of salvation: to bring man back into relationship with him, and he’s holy and righteous (and darkness cannot coexist with light), to be changed back into his image of holiness and righteousness, righteous living again— where 2 become 1 entity ‘in Christ Jesus.’

The priests of Godas we are a people of holy priests and kings— will walk with their holy priestly Godas he walks, breathes, and finds his being— for they are one with him, in agreement, and becoming his image again; they have a working faith, not a dead and estranged belief system— but one of LIFE, and they are being returned to LIFE (that’s Christ) in relations to the holy righteous God.

We will return to being priestly— and if we disagree with that— we will not return to him; for he’s coming for his PARTNER (his bride); the one who said YES to him in his proposal (engagement), and who is now betrothed to him (married his Spirit) —and they have become one in flesh now (the man’s flesh who truthfully accepted being returned to him, and returning to his image of light: holiness and righteous living).

We cannot claim Christ only— we have TO LIVE WITH CHRIST, be found IN CHRIST, and Christ IN US: in agreement, reconciled, anew creation— where 2, have become 1 entity in agreement now— and the difference is seen, heard and known: a New Man, made into the image of Christ Jesus once again— by Christ Jesus, and of which— Christ Jesus is living, breathing (in their flesh), and finding his being once again.

Do we not understand he wants to ‘walk’ and ‘talk’ with us in the cool of the day— since the beginning?

That doesn’t mean ‘outside’ of us— it means INSIDE OF USwhere his kingdom is, where we uphold him, and we do not rebel him, or are estranged from him; what happened to Adam and Eve when they said ‘NO’ to him, INSIDEthey then became souls who had become estranged from God within, and now— had to seek him from within again— to reconcile with him.

He wants to ‘walk’ with us— that is our COURSE OF LIFE, folks.

He wants to ‘talk’ with us— that’s the INTERIOR COMMUNION once again, restored.

Where 2 are not in disagreement or rebellion to him— but have now accepted him back inside— to reform them from their criminal behavior (transgressing him and his ways— and rejecting him and his ways and leadership in them again) —and NOW— desire to accept him back into the leadership role within them, accept becoming like him again (holy and righteous, and submissive), in obedience to his person as their ‘father’ once again— and come out of alignment with ‘doing their own thing—’ out of satan’s counsel and ways.

If we are not allowing the holy Spirit to bring us into being living epistles— those who ARE THE TRUTH NOW, ‘incarnate,’ as Jesus exemplified— then we have missed the point of salvation: to reconcile us to him again.

We must attain his nature and conduct again (his course), and that will come by upholding the TRUTH (his conduct and nature) within, again; and coming out of lies, compromise, excuses, self leadership, not being reformed back into his image, nor coming into agreement with his Spirit and how his Spirit lives: he is LIFE— and we have to come ‘into’ living IN, and FROMLife, not living IN, and FROMdeath (estrangement, where two person differ, and are not in agreement, they are estranged and strangers to one another).

He did say, he will say to many— ‘Depart, I never knew you;’ this is because they were STRANGERS to one another, and they DIFFERED inside, in their spirits and souls: they were not like/same/as, nor in agreement about being like/same/as in their conduct, in holiness, in righteous living.

Salvation has no works of our own— it took Christ Jesus and his perfect self to complete the Mosaic Law.

But our faith does have workings, and he told us to work out our salvation (exercise it, use it, demonstrate what we are saved from, and whom we are saved from— and whom we are reconciled unto, and what we are now living in: truth, holiness and righteous living) —with fear (honoring him and referencing righteous living) and trembling (knowing we have to REALLY BECOME THIS, no faking, or claiming only— or he will say, “I never knew you,” because we were not actually like/same/as, nor did we become one in agreement with each other and how to conduct our person).

Or if we will not do that— we have a dead faith; which he equated as a soul, or person— without a living spirit— and that makes the body (the sound-whole of that person) DEAD.

We must have a ‘living faith,’ with a living God, who walks in righteousness and is holy— and our belief system of religious belief— should align with him, righteousness and holiness— as we throw down unrighteousness, and unholiness, and rebellion to him: and become 1 entity in our flesh, who agree with God holy, and is conducted by him (we obey his commanding of us, and his ways).

Salvation— is a verb; it is an action that God does, by his power, Spirit and works in us— to reform us, reconcile us, forgive us, lead us out of sin and death— and into life; we could not do this alone, we needed the finished workings of Christ to do this— but it is a ‘verb’ in that the holy Spirit has a work of his own to do ‘in us,’ as he BRINGS US INTO ‘all truthful living,’ as we BECOME THE TRUTH EMBODIED, just as Christ exemplified to us: he did what the Father did, and said what the Father said— this is oneness walked out.

Faith— is a verb; it is an action of walking out what our gospel is; where 2 become 1 again, in agreement, not estranged nor strangers any longer— but 2 are like/same/as, in agreement with holiness and righteous living— are walking that out as the holy Spirit does his work in convicting us, and assisting us in reforming us from our fallenness, and being restored, redeemed, reconfigured, and— made anew in Christ Jesus.

But it is a ‘verb,’ in the sense that our faithmust show— what we really are IN OUR HEARTS.

For if Christ, holiness, righteousness, the heavenly way, conduct, demeanor, disposition, character, attributes and nature of godliness is a TREASURE in there, for real— IT WILL SPILL FORTH IN A LIVING FAITH.

It —will spill forth from the heart, he— will spill forth from the heart of this man (his whole soul), for God holy— is the treasure erected in this man’s heart (soul) —and he’s been allowed to work his works, in this man: 2, have now agreed to be ‘on the same page,’ like/same/as, and ruled by his Spirit— not the spirit of self, satan or fallenness and rebellion (or being contrary) to God’s ways and person any longer.

Christ has a job to do: salvation in man.

And we have a job to do: walk out (exercise) that salvation given to us— in our FAITH WALKthat in which shows the world, God, and ourselves— who, and what— is erected as the TREASURE in our hearts for real: God holy, his righteous holiness, truth and obedience to him— or— continued in rebellion, not in agreement to BECOME a righteous and holy person again, as/like how he originally made us, nor how he himself is (his image), and not in obedience to him, nor his reformation process that needs to take place in us?

The choice has always been ours.

We cannot save ourselves— but we ARE to allow him to save us; and that salvation comes freely from him, and involves his Spirit coming in to SAVE US FROM SOMEONE, and SOMETHING (satan— the fallen nature, self leadership based in being contrary to God holy and righteous and true), and BRINGING US INTO LIVING ALL TRUTH; not just an understanding of truth, with no application— no.

Where 2 become 1 entity in agreement, and under one leader (God holy), who uphold righteousness, holiness, truth and love: and he said— if you really do love me— you will obey me again.


Why is God going over all of this so meticulously now?

Because we are entering a place in time, where many will soon be departing in mass— we need the truth of the gospel walked out in our lives— through a living faith, not a dead one.

The thief on the cross had ZERO amount of time to walk out the faith he believed— he had no time to transgress God and his ways, because he was about to ‘cross over’ from life— to death— on a cross.

Weare to be dying on a cross too— but we are given timea long death on a cross process— where we are still walking, talking, breathing and moving about in actions of our will; and in this— we have to have a faith that proves our belief system: which gospel, and which Jesus we are believing in, and upholding— for real— inside.


Matthew 24:24

“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible— they shall deceive the very elect.”


Many are deceived already— many are believing in a different Jesus, a different way back to reconciling with the Father, and not the one Jesus walked out, nor exemplified (only did what his Father showed him to do), and the elect are being deceivedand will continue to be— if they do not uphold the TRUE GOSPEL and TRUE GOD OF HOLINESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS and his Spirit— wherewith they have become 1, and HE IS —erected inside on the heart throne, for real.

It is possible for the elect to be deceived— the chosen— if they fall back into lies; hence— ‘and they fell away,’ being repeated over and over again in scripture.


2 Kings 25:11

“Now the rest of the people that were left in the city, and the fugitives that fell away to the king of Babylon…”


Now that says a lot right there, spiritually speaking, doesn’t it?!

Those who ‘fell away’ from God holy— by ‘falling into’ upholding Babylon —the carnal nature being exalted within, lies, seductions of— the pride of life and by— the lusts of the flesh.


Jeremiah 39:9

“Then Nebuzaradan —the captain of the guard— carried away captive into Babylon— the remnant of the people that remained in the city, and those that fell away— that fell to him— with the rest of the people that remained.”


Spiritually speaking— if we allow the spirit of this world, to carry us away inside, upholding Babylonian Culture (lusts of the flesh, and pride of life), we will be brought into bondagechosen and elect, or not— God is not mocked— what a man sows, he will reap back to him.


Romans 10:9-10

“That if you shall confess with your mouth— the Lord Jesus— and shall believe in your heart —that God has raised him from the dead— you (too) shall be saved.

For with the heart —man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth —confession is made unto salvation.”


What do these verses mean??

They mean that with your mouth you confess, or profess something— in this case, that Jesus is now YOUR LORD; that he will move you about by his person, and you will succumb to his requests, willingly, and will delight in FOLLOWING AFTER him, and his course (way) of life.

And as we truly start to LIVE THIS (be-live, believe) —from our HEARTS, where our treasure is held (who/what we really cherish and uphold) —we will believe that God raised Jesus from a corruptible state, into incorruption— and we too, God will raise from a death state (estranged and out of alignment with him and his course of life— and from being strangers, to those who now know each other and live life together now, as 1, like/same/as) —and into— believing, in walking that out with God— WE TOO SHALL BE SAVED, as God ‘saved,’ or redeemed Christ from death— to LIFE, and LIfe abundant with the Father, the leader of him and his ways (conduct, and course).

Because with the newly regenerate heart— man BE-LIVES, believes and starts walking that new belief system out, with the new God and Lord of him, who finds his course walking in righteousness and holiness— upheld in his HEART, FOR REAL now (because the King, and his Righteousness is a TREASURE in this man’s heart now: his soul) —and righteousness is now upheld within!

And now— with this man’s confession— the confession of life with Christ, in Christ, and Christ in them— like/same/as, in agreement, not estranged any longer— nor strangers who disagree— God and this man become 1 entity, slaying sin— condemning it in this person’s flesh now— and this man IS SAVED by his Savior, his Lord bringing them back together by his salvation he offered, and by being allowed to perform his work inside this man— ‘bringing him into living the truth—’ as a living epistle, a LIVING WITNESS of Oneness.

As he walks out that living faith: what that man really believes, who he really believes in— and what that man is really living, and unto whom he is really living, inside, in affiliation with, and under obedience to— by the confession of his faith in Christ, as his Savior, LORD, and God— the Father of him, and his COURSE, or way.


1 Timothy 6:3-5

“If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words— the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness— He is proud, knowing nothing— but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof comes— envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings— Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and (who are) destitute of the truth— supposing that gain, is godliness: from such withdraw yourself.”


If someone comes along and teaches a DIFFERENT WAY, that goes contrary to what our Savior himself lived, and taught— the DOCTRINE THAT IS ACCORDING TO GODLINESS— then we are to withdraw ourselves from such: because they will walk in PRIDE, and they know NOTHING.

We are not to dispute with them/argue with them, we are not to function in strife, evil surmisings, railing accusations, envy, or endless questions of words of strife (people who want to argue the word, or doctrine) —for they are not of the holy Spirit: separate from this, and these.


1 John 2:18-20

“Little children— it is the last (of) time: and as you have heard —that antichrist— shall come (to play), even now— there are many antichrists; whereby we know that it is— the last (of) time.

They went out from us (claimed to walk with us, and be of us) —but they were not of us (compromised, believing a different gospel, and a different Jesus/Savior); for if they had been of us— they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest— that they were not all of us.

But you have an unction —from the Holy One— and you know all things.”


We are to be LIVING THE TRUTH, as FOLLOWING AFTER CHRIST Jesus, and we KNOW THE TRUTH, and so— the TRUTH— has ‘made us free.’

The truth (and the Spirit thereof)— has a job to do in us, CLEANSE US, SANCTIFY US (Father I sanctify myself, for their sakes— that they too shall be sanctified by YOUR TRUTH), and to ‘bring us into’ —all TRUTH; holy Spirit has a job to return us to the image of the Son— one who walks in righteousness, is holy, and follows after the Father (what he shows, he does).

If we will fundamentally not uphold God in truth— who his person is, what his person does, how he operates, what is example is, obeying his person, submitting ourselves once again to his leadership in us, and to return to his image— we fundamentally reject salvation, and have a dead spirit, a dead soul, and a dead faith.


Again— why is understanding godliness and returning to his image so important right now?

Because the spirit of death is roaming about— seeking whom it can destroy and devour, once again; and we need the Lamb on the throne within us, the blood on the altar of our heartsbringing us into all truth and life, and the King seated within as the TREASURE WE BURIED IN OUR FIELD (hearts) wherewith we gave up all else (sold out to him, truth and righteousness— coming out of sin) —to bury him, and his truthDEEP INSIDE US, because we actually desire to be with him, like him, returning to him, and his image upheld within.


Romans 8:29

“For whom he did foreknow— he also did predestinate, to be CONFORMED → into THE IMAGE (or likeness) of his Son— that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.”


Jesus— was Father’s first example of how to walk out Sonship properly— and we are to be ‘following after’ him.

We are to be walking as he walked, and walks (that’s the course of our lives, according to the ways of godliness).

And we are to be talking with our Father (communion, relationship, obedience, love, respect, following after his command of him, his leadership, counsels and ways) —as Jesus had relations with our Father.

We are coming full circle back to the relationship that fell apart in the Garden, once again— and we are RECTIFYING and RESURRECTING THAT RELATIONSHIP.

What does it mean to rectify and resurrect

(or re-erect) a relationship?

Rectify— put right again— correct, convert into a direct current (overflowing of the holy Spirit— flowing waters of holiness, living waters in function within us), purify— and refine; root definition— late Middle English: from Old French rectifier, from medieval Latin rectificare, from Latin rectus ‘right’.

Resurrect (or re-erect) —restore from death to life (spiritual or physical), revive the practice, use, or memory— bring new vigor to; root definition— Middle English: from Old French, from late Latin resurrectio(n- ), from the verb resurgere ‘rise again’ (see resurgent).

So— can we see to be resurrected from death to life in Christ— is when we BECOME SOMETHING WE WERE NOT, and RETURN TO WHOM WE WERE ALWAYS SUPPOSED TO BE— as how we were made, and are to be remade back into the image of godliness??

We are to RISE AGAIN, from the death, estranged, two in disagreement, not like/same/as, ‘strangers’ state of being— into reconciliation, ALIVE IN CHRIST, where two are reconciled (brought back into oneness), agree and are now— like/same/as, NOT STRANGERS nor estranged— but TOGETHER AGAIN.

And this RECTIFIES our relations, puts us right again— inside, and with the relationship restored with God— and we have been converted into a direct current (flow) of godliness once again, by his Spirit and our spirit at ONE again: 2, are now 1— in flesh, having slain and condemned the sin nature in their flesh (like Christ showed to do).

Salvation— is much more than confession— it’s a verb, where God has a work to do in us to conform us to his Son’s image once again— where we started; and he desires to bring us full circle back to being like/same/as, and reconciled in our relations.

Faith— is much more than a confession— it’s a verb, wherewith WE have our part to do in this two way relationship/partnership; where we come back to where we started with God— in walking his way, and talking with the Fatheras like Jesus exemplified, as we FOLLOW AFTER HIM and his EXAMPLE.

Salvation has work to doHis workings in us; and our Faithhas works to do, his works, his good pleasure, his ways/course and conduct— performed in us— as he reforms us back into his image.

And WE— have to partner with God for this to happen; he is not a tyrant, but a gentleman who gives us free will to obey him, or rebel against him and his course (way) in our lifetimes.

I pray we will come into agreement with him and allow him to do his work in us, in reformation, corrections, teaching, raising us, leading us, and saving our souls; as he brings us into the image of the Son— returning us full circle, to where we left him— in the Garden (heart/soul).

Only we can agree to stop kicking against him, and come into obedience and submission to his Spirit’s work in us; and we do this— by exercising the salvation given to us— coming into agreement with his Spirit, and walking as he walks, and talking and communing with our Father as/like he did, and does.

The choice is ours, it always has been.

We must have a living faith— that upholds our salvation; for we were to be saved from someone, and something— and brought back to someone, and something: God holy, and his righteous lifestyle— the conduct of his person, we are being refined back into.

SALVATION— is him; FAITH— is our true walk with him.

Our HEARTS— hold the TREASURE we really exalt within.

If it’s HIM, truly— we will uphold the TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, HOLINESS, GOD HOLY and his leadership in us


And we will BE RESURRECTED FROM THE DEAD (estrangement, and different— strangers), and we will BECOME AS ONE SPIRIT—within…

Where 2 —now uphold godliness inside— and condemn sin in their flesh; because these two— have truly MARRIED: hence—

the Bride of Christ.

Salvation and Faith gohand in hand in marriage—

Literally ‘take the hand’ of God, and become a married couple —intertwined for eternity—

who uphold one another → inside and out.

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