Who is God, and who are we in him?
[video link to this teaching: https://youtu.be/dARCZDS24kI ]
John 1:1-14, 18, 29, 34, 38-39, 46, 49-51
“In the beginning [the commencement or time and place, and rank: G746] was the Word [spoken thought/topic/reasoning and motive, computations and the Divine Expression that is Christ: G3056], and the Word [Divine Expression of Christ] was with [toward/facing, pertaining to, near to and sided with, destination in relation to, among (or in/at in a fixed position), together with: G4314] God [the Supreme Divinity magistrate— the exceeding deity: G2316], and the Word [Divine Expression of Christ] was [I/thou– were/Am] God [the Supreme Divinity magistrate— the exceeding deity].
The same [he: G3778] was [I/thou were/Am: G2258] in [positioned, in relation and resting in/at: G1722] the beginning [the commencement or time and place, and rank: G746] with [toward/facing, pertaining to, near to and sided with, destination in relation to, among (or in/at in a fixed position), together with] God [the Supreme Divinity magistrate— the exceeding deity].”
So, let’s pull this all back together with the roots of the meaning behind these verses, in context:
“In the commencement of time, space and place (that would be this material realm, even the earthen vessel of man) and rank of all things created or uncreated (God), the Word— or, the spoken thoughts, topics (imaginings), and reasonings (with the motives behind them— and computations of— meaning wit, wisdom, knowledge and understanding of such things created, or being created) The I Am, in a fixed position in God —through the Divine Expression (of God) that is Christ— has been since the beginning of all this created realm; as he sat, contemplated, reasoned, computed his musings— and developed the created, material realm and beings.”
WOW! The revelation: In just this first sentence. The Word is the Divine EXPRESSION of God, not just his words coming forth— but his pure intentions of his mind, reasonings, computations and musings of— that developed all that is material and created: through his imagination and use of his wit, wisdom, knowledge and understanding of all things.
“The Word, or Divine Expression of God was head-on, completely at one with God, or joined side to side/hip to hip (figuratively) fashioned together with the Supreme Divinity ruling magistrate (meaning— no variance in him), exceeding deity— as the Divine Expression of Christ (the anointed one) was (I am) God: the Supreme Divinity magistrate (ruler), the exceeding deity.”
This means— God chose to EXPRESS HIMSELF to the material world and inhabitants of— through the Expression of himself called: the Christ/the Word of God: the I Am of God— came forth in the vessel called Christ in the flesh/material realm and vessel; who expresses the Supreme Divinity, ruling magistrate, high and exceeding deity— called God.
“He— the I am— is positioned in relationship, and resting in, or at the commencement of all things in the material— in rank or leadership; and he is facing at oneness with, in a fixed position and destination with God, the Supreme Divinity ruler, the exceeding God.”
The ‘I Am,’ he, the same— is positioned, highly relating to the person of God in all ways, resting in that from the beginning, now manifest in a body called Jesus, in the material realm (flesh realm) —in leadership rank, as chief: for he walks as one ‘I Am,’ or as one God, fixed in position, destination in God (or the being that is God, himself, in his totality): the Supreme Divinity.
This is stating that the inner workings of God’s mind, thoughts, topics, reasonings, computations of those reasonings and musings of— is the part of God called— The Word; and this Word of God, this Expression of the Divine— was placed into a vessel called Jesus— from God himself— to express God in the flesh realm, and unto the created in this realm: but he was, and is, and has always been— the Divine Expression of God in a body: the Godhead fully erect inside a dirt vessel, a manifestation of God— in a body, to the earth realm and inhabitants of: and so— reigns supreme over all he has created from his musings and computations.
3 “All things [the whole of all: G3956] were made [was caused to become, or come into being, wrought: G1096] by [through the channel/actions, imported: G1223] him [this person, himself]; and without [in space, apart from] him [this person, himself, a baffling wind (spirit): G846] was not anything made [was caused to become, or come into being, wrought: G1096] —that was made.”
This is saying that all things, everything, that has ever been created in a material realm— that was caused to come forth, become, or come into being— was wrought by, or through the actions and import of Jesus: the Godhead bodily— this person— this Divine Expression of God himself in a physical fashioned body: nothing that is— came any other way.
Jesus is so much more than just the thoughts, reasonings, computations and musings of God’s inner self— and the truth of all— that has been written: he is the full expression of the Divine, called God— in completion, manifest to us all in this realm: he is the body that holds the Spirit of God, and the Word of God— meaning, the inner workings of God made manifest to all, in the flesh: the Spirit of God comes to testify of these things to us.
The Father part of God— is what drove the fullness of God to come forth bodily, and create all that is created— with his own manifest in flesh— dirt body: able to get his hands into the soil, and create more just like him: more who could and would manifest (show forth, in a body, the fullness of God), and interact with him, and live as one with him.
The Father part of God— is the driving part of God, via a deep love— who desired a family made in his image: and, as he tells me— he brought forth the inner workings of his mind, his reasonings, his topics and computations of, in his musings within— and placed that part of himself (the Word), into an earthen body— to create more just like him: this is the man-facedness of our countenance: and the powerful Spirit that he is (the inner force of energy that holds all the inner workings of God, in a light being or force) brought forth, through the Christ (or the Word made flesh), and he created man with his hands, and breathed the Spirit, or the life force that he is— into man, making that earthen vessel that he created— a living soul, fashioned after his image and likeness.
And this is why the Father is seen and known to be ‘over’ Christ: because it was the Father part of God that desired to be— well— ‘a father;’ and it was manifesting this part of himself in a body, and by the Spirit of God himself— that he was able to ‘become’ a father, in the earth realm: by taking the beings of light from his insides, and placing them outside of his Spirit man— giving them a place in time and space— to interact with him, outside of himself.
So— the Father, in his love and musings within him to create a family— manifested himself in the person of Yahshua/Jesus —to bring us all forth, in the material realm (or existence): so, he is over Christ, or the Son— for he is the driving force behind the Godhead fully coming into the flesh material realm— to bring forth the desire of his heart: mankind.
The Spirit is the power to bring us back home to him— into the truth, that way, coming into life in Christ, or life through the Godhead fully erect in the person of Jesus: to come back to the Father part of God, where we originated— we must come through the Door that is the expression of himself in the earth realm— Jesus/Yahshua– The Blood applied; who laid his life down in a dirt suit— to be able to take us back up to the Father, if we yoke with him, and allow him to bring the Father role of God to us again, inside, to yoke with: this is the way, this is the truth, and that is how you enter into eternal life with the Godhead, fully.
And don’t you just love how, in order to do that properly— we must come back into him, and commune with him there, in unity with him and his thoughts and ways again, for those are the Word— or the inner expression of the Divine being called God (his reasoning, his thoughts, his knowledge and the understanding of it, called the Wisdom of God); to properly do that, in a body, that is outside of him— we must return to his Spirit, his thoughts, his reasonings, his imaginings, his knowledge, wisdom and understand (the fruit of his Spirit) in us: this is unity in Christ with the Spirit of God, and the Father role of God, once again.
So, he made a way to come back into us, in the earthen vessels— so we can enter back into him, through the union with the Spirit: but it was always the Father part of God that drove him to create man, in his flesh body, in the material realm— just like himself— to interact with: Jesus, or Yahshua— the Godhead, fully in a body— sent to be the Expression of the Divine deity to mankind, showing the way back into union with the Father part of God again.
Showing us— as a ‘Son,’ how to be with our Father again, as another son— and how to manifest the Spirit of God in our earthen vessels too: by coming back to the Father in oneness, being as he is, and with his Spirit to do so: awakening out of the flesh mind, and coming back into the Divine mind, through the Word of God being revealed and made manifest to us in our flesh vessels: the reasoning, topics, thoughts and musings of the Father, being made manifest to us— in this inner union, in our souls, following after the Spirit of God.
It is why, when all of this is over, and we have no more need of the Savior role of God, known as the Lamb of God to be over us— because we will be in a realm without evil any longer— we will only need to be coupled to the Father figure over us, and the dominion will be fully back in the hand of the Father: who was made manifest through the life and body, of Jesus Christ— or Yahshua Ha Mashiach, the Messiah or Savior of all the created— who will have successfully yoked us all back in union with the part of God that drove him to go after, through a deep love— creating a family unto himself, in the first place: full circle.
4 “In him was life; and the life (in him) —was [I am] —the light [manifestation, by rays, the luminous fire light: G5457] of men [man-faced countenance of human beings: G444].
This is stating that in the I Am, in the Word— in the mind, thoughts, reasonings, imaginings, wisdom, knowledge and person of God— the I am —lived the manifestation of the rays of luminous firelight, that he called ‘man,’ or the man-faced countenance (expression, and seen aspect) of the Divine being called God— in a human being that he mused, imagined, computed, and would establish in the material: the conception location of man originated inside the part of God called— The Word of God, deeply based in the Fatherhood role of himself that he desired to walk in.
And this Word of God came to earth in the vessel called Jesus Christ: and he was (or is the I Am) who walked out the full expression of God in the earth realm— following the Father role, deeply inside of him— that led him to give of himself completely to this Father role of God, and to come and save the children (of which, he created from his heart and musings).
The Godhead (triune being, meaning— the being of the Divine God— in all his 3 manifesting parts, where humans are concerned: the Father— the part of God that drove him to conceive us, and pull us up from the depths of him, in his Word— his mind, musings, imaginings, thoughts, reasonings and topics within him— and to breathe all that— of himself, into an earthen vessel— by his Spirit: the powerful force that is all of the inner spiritual reflection of God, in light, and love: his true essence.
This is the God who created us: he is One. And if you have ‘seen’ the Son, you have seen the Father; for the vessel of the Son, is the same ‘vessel’ our Father used (his body, the body vessel of God) to create us with his hands— breathing his inner essence into us all (his Spirit).
The Father and the Son— are one: The vessel called Jesus, the full Godhead— came to ‘show us the way’ of sonship: so, he sent himself, left in the Father (the dominion), showed us how to accomplish sonship with the Father part of God again— and gave everything of himself to do so.
He sacrificed himself, the only perfect being there is to do so— so that he would ‘make the way’ for us to be able to couple with him as a Father again: he came as a Son to us— to make the way, and show us the way— back to the Father, back to his role as a father in our lives: the same body that formed us, dreamed us up in his Word (inner workings of imaginings and musings), and brought us forth from the depths of his energy, light being source— his Spirit— to give us life in a dirt suit.
He is so beautiful, and he desires for us to know him for who he really is: one being, with 3 distinct roles to us all— in our lives: the Father who dreamed us up in his Word, to bring us forth— by his Spirit; all so we could walk and talk with him in the cool of the day (Spirit), and know him once again (after a fall), in the earth realm.
We can fight this understand of Isaiah 9:6, that says the son, the child brought forth to us all is the everlasting ‘father’ of us— or we can come to understand, he is not a man as we are— he is God: and we ought not place him a created box, bringing him to likeness of man (where we think of him as 3 different persons) — but instead, WE— are brought back into HIS IMAGE.
He displays himself fully in Yahshua; and Yahshua formed you with his hands, conceived you in his heart, brought you forth with both his hands and his Spirit— and bore you from the Father’s heart, that is him: to be your everlasting Father, the great counselor of men (leader, advocate for) — the Mighty God, the principle one of Peace/Shalom: Godly order, and leadership of— in men.
This is the Lord that has revealed himself to me: this is my Father, this is my brother, this is my Savior, this is my husband, this is my best friend who sticks closer to me than a brother— and he is one, and I love him as such.
This is why he is coming to throw down religion— that has kept man in a place of deception, never coming into the knowledge of the truth: he desires to set captives of lies, free— by revealing the truth through his chosen vessels— WHO KNOW HIM; not just an intellectual understanding of him, but who have MET HIM, and interacted with him, who have become intimate with him— who will walk as one with him again, so HE, HIMSELF— can witness the Father (and his works) to the ‘lost,’ or deceived who are set at a distance from him and the truth.
This is part of my job: he said we would reveal first love relationship with God, to man again— as an open book to be read by all: and in this— we will set many captives FREE, by the truth— and revelation of the truth: which is his true identity— revealed to mankind once again; and slaying the serpent liar, who has led many into captivity to lies within their being, and estranged them from knowing the real God, and properly.
5 “And the light [the manifestation of God’s rays of luminous firelight] shines [lightens, and manifests, appears and is seen; G5316] in darkness [dimness and obscurity: G4655]; and the darkness [dimness of light, the obscuring of light (truth)] comprehended [seized it, apprehended it, took it and possessed: G2638] it [the person, that self, baffling wind (spirit/truth): G846] not.”
The light, which was the life of the man-faced expression of God, that was inside of our Father— the manifestation of the rays of God’s firelight— shown, or enlightened, manifested, and can be seen— was man.
And when this light, that is held in an earthen vessels comes forth in the earth, in union once again as one with the Father and Maker of us… dimness of light, where it has been obscured in others, led of the flesh nature, who sit at a distance from our Father, the intensity of true identity found in him, and walking in the truth, his love, and the real identity— does not comprehend what the Spirit brings forth, for they are inside— at enmity to the truth, their real identity, and God’s.
And so— the flesh cannot understand the things of the Spirit, and finds them foolish, for they are carnally minded— and set at a distance from the truth: and so— darkness (the fallen carnal nature, and identity of) —does not comprehend the light (or the enlightenment of the truth in, and of, God in us).
All because when the truth was presented to them— they were in a carnal state, a fallen state, and seared to believing it was the truth: and so, the real truth, the light— cannot lighten them, or shine in the darkness— and it comprehends it not: this is why one must CHOOSE to come out from the darkness, as a mindful choice first, and THEN— the light can shine unto them again, pierce the darkness— and set them free in the truth.
Because darkness (the fallen nature) cannot possess, apprehend or take the light into that nature— it is opposed to it: so, we as witness— must bid them to come out from the darkness, to bid them to come into the light— by choosing first, to make a choice to be enlightened by Christ/the truth once again— and then— we can further expose them to the light: but it’s a WHOLE DIFFERENT LOCALE, inside man— a different gateway or Door that must be accessed— through the will of man to desire to come out of darkness, or the place where the light (truth) is obscured— and to come back to God, the truth, and the way of life in Christ Jesus.
This awakens us to our proper identity again, and his— all in one fell swoop!!
For one must desire, and then pursue the truth— and obedience to him, and what he is (in all his attributes) —in order to walk in the light, regain our shape in him again, and be set free— into the glorious liberty of the children of God! Not the children of darkness any longer— but know those who are enlightened to the truth again, for they choose to walk in the light of the truth again— and be one with God again: slaying the carnal, or choosing it not— and doing away with that existence (as it’s a choice to align with), crucifying it, nailing to the death process that Christ already set up for us— when he finished Calvary on the cross for us.
We must now pick up that cross— and it too— will set us free: and then once in the light, not obscured to the truth any longer, our true identity, or his— WE MUST WALK THEREIN, and REMAIN IN THAT TRUTH and LOVE!!!
For the ‘baffling wind,’ or Spirit that is God— is only found there: and will come and manifest himself in our flesh suits, letting the Word of God (the knowledge, mind, thoughts, computations, wisdom, reasonings, and ways of God) COME ALIVE IN YOUR FLESH SUIT, letting him— MANIFEST IN YOU!!!
6 “There was a man (or, one who shined as the light, of the man-faced countenance of God) sent [set apart, sent out, put in and sent, set at liberty: G649] from God— whose name [authority and/of character: G3686] was John (that means— God is gracious).
7 The same [he] came for [into, reached or entered in place/time for intent and purpose— the intent that: of one mind, never to perish, to be set at one again— with an expressing motion: G1519] a witness [to give evidence, a record, testimony, report: G3141], to bear witness [be a witness/testify, give evidence, bear record, have a good report: G3140] of [with respect to, around the subject or occasion, matter or circumstance— with excess, or completeness] the Light [the shine— manifest, the rays of luminous firelight (here, capitalized denoting Christ, not himself— he only a reflection of the person originating the light], that all— through [channeled through, and imported: G1223] him [the person of that baffling wind (or spirit): G846] —might believe [have faith in/upon/with respect to his person: credit and entrust (especially, it says— to Christ— their well being), commit to, and put trust in him: G4100].”
Okay, so there is one who shines as the light of the man-faced countenance of God… this now is the reflection of him in his first fruits, as like John— who bring the graciousness of God to the people… who is set apart by God, sent out (this is the definition of apostolic), put into play and sent, as well as has been set at liberty (freed, set right inside, and also approved of to go out and establish the foundation abroad to others) —from God, the Supreme deity, high ruling magistrate.
This is the definition of the first fruit company of witnesses, who will go out in the same way as John— to roll out the red carpet for he who will come; and as they do this— they will demonstrate, witness, evidence— the graciousness of God.
This type of vessel/person was put into play in such a time as this, by God— because he entered a position in Christ where he was suitable in time and space for the intent and purpose to bring folks into one mind with Christ and the truth— so they will never perish, and be set at one with him again: and is the expression of the Divine sent forth to accomplish this— as he is led of the Spirit of God, having himself come into oneness with the Father, as the Father does his own works through him.
This all set in motion, and done— to bring, give evidence, record, testimony and report (herold) the truth abroad, by the lead of his Spirit— to bear witness of a good report, with respect to him— in a completeness; that the Light, himself, the Christ, the anointed one of the Father, carrying the truth and liberty to humanity— the one who shines and manifests the firelight of the Father— that by coming through him, his way, his life, and coupling with the truth of him, that baffling Spirit that is in him— others may have faith in respect of his person, and entrust themselves to him— their well being, the Christ— making a commitment to him (covenant).
This is astounding to me— as we understand what a first fruit pioneer really is, and what their purpose is, and that God himself designed them for such a place in time— to fulfill the purpose of rolling out the red carpet for God— and herold him in, as they demonstrate the graciousness of God to all people, in that good report.
There is a reason the first fruit company is only a remnant of the remnant of believers— for these are the only ones who were set apart— and sent out, put in and sent— because they had been set at liberty, or freed within, walking in maturity with God’s Spirit, as one: these carried the authority of the character of God— which had been ESTABLISHED inside; meaning— erected inside for real, as they coupled with the higher thoughts/mind of Christ, with his headship on them now, properly taking Jezebel’s headship off within (the carnal nature), and crucifying the flesh.
You see— it is the flesh nature that was behind Jezebel— and still is: Jezebel is a manifesting person who walks in the fullness of the prideful carnal nature: 666 = the fully carnal person. So anyone who is mature in Christ— will have dealt with pride within, become humble by and toward the Lord and the truth, slaying the flesh in every thought and emotion that rises out of carnality— and takes the head off Jezebel within: these are they who have risen above that nonsense, seen the prideful, self focused nature— and parted ways with it (hence, being set apart from it), within.
Many do not understand that for one— the set apart ones will have literally set themselves apart from the flesh, within their own vessels first— giving God the headship within them; and then— they are called to GO TO THE PRIDEFUL, estranged from God people, who walk and find themselves still set apart from him, the truth, and are coupled with the spirit of this world (self centeredness) —and will be called to MINISTER TO THEM.
I am hearing many want to throw people out— who have an affiliation to Jezebel— or rather, the nature that kills the truth, and those who carry it (pride); and yet— Jesus was dealing with folks like that all the time, bidding them to come out of affiliation with Babylon:
Matthew 16:23
“Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a snare to me because you are not thinking the things of God— but the things of man.”
This is the E.S.V. translation of the scripture— and gives a clear picture of a prideful (self serving, serving his interests and not God’s) man, who was hindering the truth (and person of), and mission.
We will have to deal with prideful people all the time— but we do not throw out the baby with the bathwater: we do not throw the people away— we seek to bring Jesus and the truth to them— letting them taste and see the goodness of God— to at least give them the opportunity to estrange themselves from pride: the Jezebel way— that comes to kill the truth, and mission of people carrying the truth.
Is this not what Jezebel did with Elijah, and those who came with him, and followed after him? She walked the ways of carnality, she was fully embodying the carnal nature, led of satan— and was set out to kill the truth and the bringer of (the prophets): this is still happening today in the world, and in worldly people (professing Christians, too).
But didn’t Christ come to bring life, and life abundantly? Are we not called to bring the light— to the dimmed and obscured in this world?
The answer is yes: we are called to MINISTER to the prideful— they are the lost, and many are in the ‘church.’ Minister means, by definition— attend to the needs, provide, serve.
So— first we attend to the needs of our bridegroom, provide our laid down, set apart lives to do this— and we serve his interests in the earth: this is what Jesus was exemplifying, when he had to rebuke Peter. But secondly— he will send us out— to minister now to the people: and in doing that— we are sent to the prideful, to attend to their need of salvation— by enlightenment of the truth, bringing Christ to them to couple with; and in that— we are providing all they need (him and the truth), and in this— we serve and attend to Christ’s needs, and theirs: this is the ministering of the ministry of Christ.
Jezebel needs her headship within man cut off— YES! But the men and women do not need to be cut off or killed— just the prideful nature of the flesh from within them— being set into life in the truth, and coupling with his ways, by the headship (or leadership) of him now being established and erected inside of them: this is authentic partnership to the way, the truth and life in Christ Jesus.
He came not for the healthy— but the sick; not for the righteous— but for the unrighteous: for they had need of change.
This is the first fruit company of Christ, as well. They will bring the graciousness of Christ— to the lost, and seek to minister the truth and love to them— so Christ may have the opportunity to set them free: this is the ambassador of the Lord, who will pioneer at bringing him to the masses— as they have coupled and become one with his Spirit, inside.
This is why the company of the remnant of believers in Christ will be so small: for we have many who believe in him— but many who do not have HIM established in headship within them, and have the truth erected and leading their vessel: God is gracious, and so are his sent ones.
We do not throw the person out— we throw the dirty waters out (waters = spirits, and conduct of); and the dirty waters flow from hell— and the conduct of those spirits: so, we help them get delivered from that, and delivered into THE TRUTH, HIS WAYS, and HIS HEADSHIP (life in Christ).
This is what John came to do— open the way for the King of righteousness to come to the people: his first fruit company, even now— will do the same; seeking to save/liberate— the lost and dying, with the Truth: the person of God himself, through the channel or way of the life of Christ Jesus.
These are the disciplined ones, disciplined by the Spirit of Christ— who are led of the headship of Christ established and erected inside of them; who have been conformed to his image and likeness again: and these— are set apart from the rest of the people of the Lord, who have not yet ‘entered in.’
8 “He was not that Light, but— to bear witness of that Light.
9 That was the true [truthful] Light (he was a reflection of that light), which lights [sheds rays upon, brightens up, enlightens and illuminates, makes to see: G5461] every man that comes into the world.”
So, the sent ones (first fruit company, the remnant of the remnant of believers) will not BE CHRIST, but the bringer of Christ, the one who resembles him now, again, in their SOULS— not just been given a spirit that knows their true identity and his— but a SOUL (the 24 hour conscious man you are: thinking, emoting, and deciding actions) —who is now a cleaned vessel for the Lord to possess and turn about, doing the Father’s works through: they are duplicate seedlings that took to the proper soil of the soul— and now are a direct reflection of the King of Kings— as he manifests himself through them, WITH THEM— as one: bearers of the Light within (and he’s a person).
He, the Lord— is the truthful Light, we are a reflection, or those who reflect the true Light— like a lighthouse, with its panes of reflective glass: the reflective material (us) is not the Light, but a reflector, or a bearer of the Light. The Light himself— will shed his rays upon, and illuminate, enlighten, and brighten— making to see (spiritually) —every man who comes into the world: because the spirit of this world will dim and obscure that light— but he comes to bring life, light, and love— to enlighten the people— to set them free by the truth: that we are reflections of him, expressions of him— in this world; and THAT— is the truth, and our true identity.
“The reflective surface of a lighthouse is called a Fresnel lens, which is a type of optic array that uses glass prisms to focus and intensify light. The lens is made up of hundreds of pieces of specially cut glass that surround a lamp bulb and are set in a metal frame. The prisms refract (bend) and reflect the light, changing its direction so that all the light exits the lens in the same direction. This creates a bright beam of light that can project farther out to sea.”
Made to REFLECT HIM, the Light— to the world: this is the true witness, this is the duplicate fruit (Jesus came to reflect the Father too): and this is the first fruits company, a remnant of the remnant of believers in Christ— who have come into maturity: the man-child company.
10 “He was [I Am] in the world [the decorative arrangement, the adornment: G2889], and the world [the decorative arrangement, the adornment: G2889] was made [came into being] by him [the person of], and the world [decorative arrangement he adorned] knew him [perceived, was aware, and resolved it to be him, understanding him] —not.
11 He came [appeared] unto [in to, came forth, with one mind to not perish, but to be set at one again, to: G1519] his own [those pertaining to himself, privatized or separated, acquainted, set aside for him, a home for: G2398], and his own [those pertaining to himself, privatized or separated, acquainted, set aside for him, a home for: G2398] received [came near, associated with him, was familiar or intimate in actions or relation, learned and had taken unto] him —not.”
This is probably one of the saddest points in all of scripture, and our Lord’s history: The I Am, came into the decorative, and adorned arrangement he made for man and himself to walk and talk in the cool of day in— that was made by him, the person of Jesus, himself— and the arrangement he made— didn’t even recognize him.
Ouch— we left him to come to this world, knowing him; and when in this world— didn’t come back into him, to the knowledge of him, and life with him: free will is strong, and the carnal nature sets us apart from him; it’s the crucifixion of it— that reunites us to him, his way, his person, and into our right minds and identities.
The people did not perceive their Maker when he stood and interacted with them— for they were too tied to the false, to recognize the true: they were too affiliated with darkness— to recognize the light of his countenance (his person, ways, attributes, disposition, demeanor and character), for they walked contrary in their souls to him: they did not resolve it was him, for they had no understanding of the Light anymore.
And this is the current state of the religiously minded— but who do not walk in the truth within their souls— having been converted to it, coming into Jesus for real— and Jesus coming into fill their vessels, and with his headship— for real; for Jezebel, or the carnal nature that kills the truth in the people, and persecutes the real body (eminaters) of the Light, the way, and the truth— born in true love (obedience and submission, conversion) to the Lord God: having him, literally, as their Lord.
This is why many religious will say in that day— “Lord, Lord—” but he will say we never knew each other— we were never intimately relating to one another, and I was not in you ordering your steps, and you were not in me— submissive to my headship.
He appeared to all of humanity, but first— he came to those who were SUPPOSED TO RECOGNIZE HIM; they are those who are called by his name, which now, since the new covenant— are called Christ-ians; for he had one mind to come to them, reveal himself, and the truth— so they would not perish— and be set as one with him again, which means come back into living in the truth, assimilating back into holiness and righteousness— and having one’s soul ruled by those attributes of his, in his character: having the truth established (Cornerstone) and erected (the building of the Lord) inside their 24 hour conscious souls.
His own— are those who are supposed to belong to him, their vessels (souls) are supposed to house, and walk in— the truth, the way, and abide in the life essence of God, himself; and the life essence of God himself, abide in them— and set them at liberty from the world spirit (Jezebel/pride/self identification, opposite and estranged from God and godliness, our true image) —and in union, yoking, reuniting and becoming one with— the Spirit of God, truth, righteous holiness, and the authentic image we were created in.
These were supposed to be (the confessed to be, but were not in truth— they were religious, and aligned with the other spirit in operations within, still) —set aside for the Lord, having a home for his headship to lay upon (a place to lay his head), and his own were supposed to be ALREADY familiar with his spirit— but instead were working with familiar demonic spirits— born in the carnal, prideful, Jezebel persona and image: they were supposed to be acquainted with him and his Spirit, conduct, ways, and character— within their souls.
I still see this at large in the ‘church,’ and he says church— for a reason; for the church was always in mixture in the new testament— save ONE: Philadelphia, the building and making of the Lord, established and erected— in proper order and image: this is the first fruit company of the man-child of God— the mature in Christ’s image, and with his headship established and erected (brought into the high leadership place within their SOULS) within the vessel, built to house the Spirit of the Lord, and be one with him.
The ‘body’ —is a different entity altogether: the body is his, and is united to him— hence, HIS BODY: these will operate in union with him, as a bride who has come to marry him: the church is a separate entity— that needs reform yet, to come into this union, as the Philadelphian people did.
The ‘church,’ is still a mess— by far and large— as it was detailed out in scripture. The church walks in hypocrisy— as church/ecclesia means ‘set apart from the spirit of the world,’ and yet it is inundated and intimate with it: this is why he comes to cleanse his house— the temple of the Lord, and separate sheep from goats.
‘But I have a few things against you,’ indicates mixture: and one cannot serve Mammon (filthy self gains), and God holy— at the same time: for one will either hate the one, and love the other master; or you will be devoted to one, and not the other: this is when the soul overrules God’s Spirit— and our souls are not under his headship— but instead, we are still ruling the vessel in the high places (mind, reasoning, decision making, beliefs, emotions, etc).
We are supposed to be INTIMATELY familiar with his Spirit, ways, mind, heart, agenda, character, disposition, demeanor and actions; truly relating to him, having learned of him, and having taken him INTO US (that’s in our operations, coupling with him there: that’s consummation of relationship in our souls) —and we walking in him (in heavenly places, high above all other principalities and powers— namely, the carnal nature, pride, Jezebel, and all other entity ways/conducts/character/disposition, and demeanor— NOT OF HIM).
This is why the first fruit company of the Lord— is so very small: we have need for more laborers to bring this harvest in, unto the Lord, in saving the souls of men— by bringing the truth to them, that has the ability to set them free: union with Christ and the truth, established and erected within the souls of men.
This is true repentance, this is true covenant union with God again, and this is where two— are set up, established and erected— as one spirit, operating that vessel: two, become one— IN THE FLESH OF MAN.
12 “But as many as received him— to them he gave power [ability, privilege, competency, freedom, mastery, superhuman potentate token control, delegated influence, authority and jurisdiction and strength: G1849] to become [arise and be assembled, divided out, and finished, fulfilled, married, ordained, and published as: G1096] the sons [product, produce, or production, child produced: G5043] of God [the Supreme Divine ruler/magistrate, exceeding above all] —to them that believe on [have faith, in/upon, or with respect to his person, giving him credit, entrusting their spiritual well being to Christ, committed: G4100: who have the intent (on, definition) of being set at one with him again, to not perish: G1519] —his [his person, the baffling wind (spirit) that he is: G846] name [authority— from his character, which is his surname: G3686]: Which were born [regenerated and procreated, brought forth in conception, delivered, and made to spring up: G1085], not of blood (natural, or carnal), nor of the will [determination, choice, decree purposed, in volition or inclined at pleasure: G2307] of the flesh [natural human nature— with its frailties and passions: the carnal mind: G4561], nor of the will [determination, choice, decree purposed, in volition or inclined at pleasure: G2307] of man [the individual: G435] —but [contrariwise] of [whence, from, out of completion of: G1537] God [the Supreme Divine ruler/magistrate, exceeding above all].”
So let’s take this verse backwards: the first fruit duplicates of Jesus— who is the Supreme Divine ruler/magistrate, exceeding and above all other powers, given all authority— will be men who were completed by the hand of God; not by their own determinations (choices and leading), or decrees (speech, declarations), or volition inclined by their own pleasure to be leading self; but instead— will be the building of the Lord, not established with man’s hand— but by the Spirit of the Lord established in the truth, erected within the high places (mind/heart/will) of man. Not led of the carnal, frail with all its shortcomings, nature— but by the Divine Nature Attributes (DNA) of God holy, and true.
These will walk, live and abide in the truth: they will have been REGENERATED, procreated, and brought forth in the conception, completion, fully delivered, and made to spring up as the planting of the Lord— come to be a full grown mighty oak— all brought to fruition (fruiting out) by the Lord himself, finishing a maturation work inside his vessels of light refraction/reflection of himself— to the world: these being at one with him again, and with his headship established in them, in truth.
They will have his name, his last name, his surname— his Father’s name upon them— in action, and marked: his character established and erected into the high places of their souls (mind, emotions, will of decision making and actions). For he is the baffling Spirit within them, his person— that the worldly do not recognize when he is presented before them.
He desires that none should perish (or be separated from him, in sin and estrangement from his ways, the truth, and life in him/with him), but that all would be set at one with his Spirit, the truth, and life in Christ— again— having an INTENT to be.
Having COMMITTED themselves to him, the truth, and living in and with him there, established in their souls— and married to it/him— having it/him erected into the highest places inside the human, conscious, 24 hour soul; that decides whom it will serve every day, for every day— is ‘this’ day (24 hours).
We must become (be established inside and out) as a people who have respect for his person, and entrust our spiritual well being to him— to convert our souls:
Luke 22:32
“But I have prayed for you, that your faith fail you not: and when you are converted— strengthen your brethren.”
That’s SOUL CONVERSION: under the leadership of the headship of the Lord— living the truth now, not the carnal nature— born in the false identity we were not made in: satan’s identity.
We must have God actually established and erected ‘as’ the Supreme, Divine ruler/magistrate in us (that means one who is judging and ordering your steps, by his decrees inside of you) —he must be placed above all principalities or powers (that’s you, led of the carnal nature, backed by the fallen, and the fallen identity).
The first fruit company of the man-child duplicate offspring of our Lord— will be exactly this; and there will be no other— as a fruit of his— let alone a ‘first’ to come forth: for the sons are a product of the Lord, not their own making, of their own identity, born of the fallen soul: they are a production of God’s hand and headship in them.
They have arisen in the earth, because— HE HAS ARISEN WITHIN THEM— pulling them from the false, and bringing them into the light (enlightenment), and they chose to stay there, and walk therein. They were assembled, divided out (separated from the world, and worldly— goats in the house of God, even), finished, fulfilling his righteousness in them, married him as one in Spirit, and are now ORDAINED of him, and published (manifest) and sent out: this is the 2nd pentecost, first fruits company— who have ‘come into’ the knowledge of Christ, and the truth— and BOTH— have been established and erected in their souls: this is the process of becoming the manifest sons.
And as many as who have received him and truth into their souls in this way— he gives power, or ability, privilege, competency, freedom, mastery, super human, potentate, token control, delegating influence in them and through them— authority, and jurisdiction with strength— to be the sons of God.
This chapter is a beautiful chapter that details out— who he is, who we are— and how to come into our true identity found in him; and how, and why we will be called the MANIFEST sons of God: for we are one with him, and he will manifest this to the lost, worldly people— that we have need to come into oneness with the truth, and the Spirit of God once again, IN OUR SOULS, for real.
14 “And the Word [spoken thought/topic/reasoning and motive, computations and the Divine Expression that is Christ: G3056] was made [was caused to become, or come into being, wrought: G1096] flesh [skin, meat, body– by implication– the human nature (natural) —with all its frailties (physically or morally), with its passions of the carnal mind: G4561], and dwelt [encamped and resided, tabernacling (meaning, in a body)] among [positioned, in relation and resting in/at: G1722] us— (and we beheld his glory [dignity], the glory as [in the manner] of the only begotten [sole one born completely: G3449] of the Father [parent],) full of [covered completely, finished in] grace [graciousness of manner or actions, divine influence upon the heart— REFLECTING the life, including gratitude, acceptable favor, and joy: G5485] and truth [verity, meaning— the state of being REAL].
Okay, so— the spoken thoughts, topics, reasoning and motives— with computations of the divine expression of Christ, was made, or caused to come to being in a flesh suit— a skin suit of meat, with a human nature, including all its shortcomings— physically or morally, having a carnal nature to contend with.
And he encamped, resided, and tabernacled (that’s in a body, hanging out with) men; positioned in relation, resting in, at, or with us; and we saw his dignity (we spiritual had sight), the glory of him— as like fashioned in the manner of the sole one (first, at that point, born of many brethren into oneness with God the Father) born, or completed by him; the Father, or parent of us all (headship, adult, mature one): and he was/is fully covered, and completely finished— walking out the grace of God; which is his graciousness toward all— in all manner or actions of the divine influence upon the hearts of men; REFLECTING (like the lighthouse panes) the life found in Christ, and the life of Christ— including gratitude (honor and thanksgiving), walking in favor, or acceptance and approval of the Father who created us all, and with joy set before him (us to reunite with): and he walked in VERITY— or reality, the real reality and identification (identity) only found in God holy and true: walking AUTHENTICALLY in this world.
Do we understand why the first fruits— who follow in his pattern, patterned after his very life— who will do the narrow walk with the Father figure of God (for his dream was to have children) —will we be just as he walked? The Father— who was exemplified (or in authority over the Son role of God, in Jesus, and in whom he reflected and obeyed perfectly, with approval of— This is my Son in whom I am well pleased) —able to do his works straight through the manifestation of the Son.
WE WILL DO THE SAME— if we are part of the first fruits company of Christ: the man-child company.
All the thoughts/topics/reasoning and motives— with computations of God— will be erected in the first fruits company of the man-child he’s producing.
He was made in a flesh suit— but walked in the Spirit with the Father: the first fruits, born of him, who follow after him and in submission to him— learning of him, and being disciplined by him— will be the same: they will have a dirt suit— but live by the Spirit, in a spiritual existence— INSIDE THEIR SOULS: the vessel created for the Lord, by the hand and Spirit of the Lord— having created a building in them (reformation, transformation, transfiguring their inner man) of his own, built on the Cornerstone, or foundation of living life authentically, based in the truth (real reality), and in the true identity— HIS— corporately: as he is— so are we— having slain the carnal identity, and no longer identifying with it, nor subject to it— having overthrown all principle (headship) powers (us, in a carnal nature, backed by fallen beings, in their ways of self exaltation) —IN THE SOUL REALM (just as he did, and now will do in us— as all things are possible with God).
He encamped, resided, and tabernacled among us in a body: we are now that body, where he will reside, fill, tabernacle with— in us— the temple and building of the Lord, not of man’s hands— but by the Spirit.
And in this, mankind will be introduced to his dignity once again— through his manifest ‘body;’ mankind will see the manner, and dignity of the sole one who was born first— of God placing himself in a ‘son’ role, to exemplify and lead the way for all sons to follow (the first born of many brethren, or brothers in the family) —who is COMPLETED IN THE BORN ANEW PROCESS— in the soul realm (the 24 hour, conscious man, in the material realm; who is made, originally, in the image of God holy— who will now allow the Lord to ‘father them,’ in his ways: the Father, made manifest— in the Son (sons).
When God chose to manifest himself in the earth— he created a body, conceived and delivered of a virgin. He seeded this vessel with himself (overcame her by the Spirit), and created a being inside that was born of flesh— but born of the Spirit of God, too.
He did not come as the Maker, or Creator (the Father role), he came as the Son role to fulfill a mandate upon humanity that must be finished— a perfect sacrifice of a son of man, laying down his life for all brethren, flawlessly: this is the body suit, and soul of Jesus Christ.
Jesus laid down his ‘father’ role, to walk out the Son role, in a perfect sacrifice unto humanity— to connect us back to the ‘father’ role of him: he is the WHOLE GODHEAD, Christ Jesus: if you’ve seen him (the Son), you’ve seen the manifestation of the Father (Creator, Maker, who is your husband): he formed you with his very hands, in the dirt of the earth, and then breathed his Spirit into you— to make you a living soil, soul here in this realm.
He LAID ASIDE HIS FATHERHOOD (his divinity, as Creator of all, Maker of all things created) —and he came to show us the way to reunite with the ‘father’ role of God, once again: he came, made the way, and shows us the way to come back into KNOWING GOD as our ‘Creator/Maker/Father.’
But Jesus is the same God, he is one; he is one Spirit, if you’ve seen him— you have seen the Father— though he came as a son role— the Exemplary, Sole Son role that has always existed inside of God, not created— just extended to us; to show us the way back home to the Father/Creator/Maker of us.
Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy and truth: the Spirit of God, is Jesus in spirit form. Jesus is the Father— in his father role of Maker/Creator who ‘fathered’ all of creation; who laid that role aside, to walk as a Son, to show us the way, and to make the way clear to us— as to how to reconnect to him as the Father: this is why no one comes to real knowledge and relationship with the ‘father’ role of God— lest they come through the Door, the Son: the role of God who came to bridge us back to the Creator/Maker/Father of us all.
He laid that part of himself aside— to submit to that part of God, to show us the way to do this: he said, ‘I sanctify myself, for their sake.’ This was him saying— I am holy, as you are holy, Father; for we are one: but as we are— I pray for them to sanctify themselves, to wash themselves in the truth, and live therein— and be one with us too (both his son role, and his father role).
This is why they are one: and why we must acknowledge both: and why— when the savior role is completed, and his creation has been fully reconciled to him again; we will walk with him forevermore in the new earth, and all dominion will be placed in the Creator’s hands again (the father role); for it was his dream all along: to be a father with children.
So, the graciousness of God, his manners and action— influenced upon the hearts of men— will be REFLECTED— in the lives of the manifest sons, who walk as Jesus walks in this world— WHO KNOW THEIR GOD, intimately, AS HE IS— they ‘see’ him, spiritually speaking.
They will walk in an acceptable way, with favor from the Father in approval, including gratitude for our Father finding all ways to pull us back to him— carrying the joy of the Lord, which is set before him— in the importance of mankind: meaning great treasure to him.
His first fruits will walk in the understanding, from a pure heart motive— to set captives free from satan (that nature and false identity, backed by fallen entities) —and bring them into the glorious liberty of being one of the children of God: a reformed soul— brought back into union with the truth, his ways, and life in him— becoming one with him in spirit, brought to the conscious, 24 hour soul of man.
This is life in truth, or life in VERITY: the state of being ‘real,’ and walking there, in the Truth, with the person of.
These are they who know their God— and will do great exploits with him.
18 “No man has seen [discerned clearly, stared at— mentally, and attended to, experienced or beheld: G3708] God at any time— the only begotten [born solely of God] Son [kin: G5207] —who is in [fixed in position] the bosom of the Father [the parent: 3962] —he has declared [considered, and unfolded] him.”
Many think that ‘seen,’ means with eyes human— nay. You can see the body image of Jesus (the disciples all did), and they did not die. It means to discern him with clarity, stare at him internally— mentally, and attend to him, experience him— as we behold him, and become like what/whom we behold: the Divine deity, supreme, uncreated, eternal, and self-existent One.
Because the Son, the Doorway, the entrance back into knowing the truth of God and our identity in him— who is in the heart of the Father (he is found inside the Father’s heart, born of that place inside of the Father, to reunite them back to him: the Creator/Maker of them. He has considered, stared at, beheld, and unfolded who the Creator/Maker of them is: who the real identity of the Father is— Jesus, himself; who used his hands, his Spirit, his mind, his heart, his attributes to create man in his image.
This is our Father; and if you have seen Jesus— you have seen the Father, for they are One.
The Son role of God came to point us back to union with the Creator role of God (the Father) who made us in his image: his body image— displayed by Jesus, his Spirit image— displayed by Jesus, in submission to the Creator/Maker/Father of all creation; and his SOUL image— or his heart, and mind, and emotions, and ways in which he creates— or decides things, and carries through!
THIS IS THE TRUTH OF OUR FATHER: and I will not argue it with anyone; though I am required to reveal this truth, as he has revealed himself to me: I am called and sent to do this, apostolically, laying the foundation for the Cornerstone to be established and erected in people’s lives/souls: as he has sent me, in such a time as this— for this very work— led of his Spirit, and unto his dream being accomplished and completed: a people in the earth (dirt suits) WHO KNOW THEIR GOD, and are one with him again.
Religion has kept us for so long— in a 3 separate person’s doctrine: when he tells us over and again— we are one. There is NO SEPARATION IN GOD, none: he is whole and complete, and he has many roles— as do we.
We can be a son or daughter, a mother or father, a friend, a husband, a bride, a servant, a priest…. Do you receive the understanding!?
If not— if you do not come into this here, in this realm— fulfilling his dream to be fully known, here, in his people; then you will have an opportunity to get to know him, in all his roles, and manifestations of (including Melchizedek) —on the other side: but his desire is that we would come to know him in his truth— NOW, here, in the earthen realm: defeating satan, delusion, deception, and false identity (including his, in 3 separate persons: nay— roles of one God, one Maker, one Father and Creator of us all).
He is not a one dimensional being, he is MULTIDIMENSIONAL— and so are we; we are made in his image and likeness, after all.
29 “The next day John saw Jesus [Joshua— God delivers] coming unto him, and said— Behold the Lamb (the laid down life) of God— who takes away the sin (offense that separates us from the Father) of the world (the carnal nature).”
God delivers his people from satan, the fallen identity and nature of— through Jesus manifesting the heart of the Father in an earthen vessel, unto God’s creation: and he is the laid down life of God, in a submissive role to fulfill a mandate, necessary to fulfill unto the release and freedom from the curse of sin and death, estrangement from him— and affiliations with satan (the false identity and nature of— backed by darkness); and HE— takes away the separation (sin) and unites us back to the father role of God as our Creator/Maker and Husband— in whom we will partner with in spirit and soul once again: HE SEPARATES US FROM THE CARNAL NATURE (false identity) and he —RE-YOKES US TO HIS SPIRIT AND NATURE: the DNA, or Divine Nature of God.
He saves us from the world: carnality and sin separation; by bringing us INTO the truth, and real reality.
The sons of God will know what the exemplary Son knew: our Father in his real identity, and will partner with him; and because of that union— will do the greater works with him.
34 “I saw, and bare the record— that this is the Son of God.”
His sons now, even— will do the same: bare, is not bore— it is a continued state of bearing forth the testimony: his sons will carry this same testimony as Christ Jesus, and will become one with him, as he is with the Father.
38 “Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and said unto them— What do you seek? They said unto him— Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where do you dwell?
39 He said unto them— Come and see.“
This is the same now— What do you seek? To know God well, in his real identity, who he really is— and not doctrines (teachings) of devils, born of the precepts (understanding and reasoning) of men? Do you seek to know him as he IS— not as he is purported in religion, in a misconstrued understanding of his person?
Do you desire to know where he lays his head, in the earth, even now?
Couple with him today, inside, in the truth, and walk and remain therein. In this— you will ‘come into’ the truth (and person of); and you will fulfill oneness with man— which is his dream in the EARTH.
You will not be delaying this, till you get into heaven— because you stood in opposition to this in the earth realm, in your soul vessel: but instead, you will partner with him in his true identity, your true identity— found in him and his image established in internal reformation inside of your soul— erected there, creating a building not made with man’s hand— but the building of the Lord, in a temple where he chooses and is welcomed to dwell. In a people who were set apart from the spirit of the world (and their teachings), who has submitted to righteousness once again, submitted to the truth once again, come into knowing their Father/Creator/Maker and friend once again— AND THEREBY FULFILL HIS DREAM: oneness with man, walking in the way, the truth, and life with God!!!
His dream was not that you would come into this when you cross over from the earth realm, to know him in heaven only— BUT TO KNOW HIM IN YOUR DIRT SUIT (the earth)!!
Will you give him his dream, come into the truth and real reality— and become one of his sons in the earth— whom he will manifest himself right through— for you and he are one??
46 “And Nathanael said unto him— Can there be any good thing that comes out of Nazareth? Philip said unto him— Come and see.”
Nazareth— spiritually speaking— is a poor state/place— and reflects the carnal nature; so, can anything good— COME OUT OF CRUCIFYING— the carnal identity? YES!!!
Come and see!!!
Come see what it is like to leave ‘Nazareth,’ or the poor, broken down, rundown, fallen state of being— and come to LIFE— in Christ Jesus, the truth: and walk the way of the ancient path (identity) of righteous living, in partnership with the holy Creator of us again, coming through the Door Jesus is —that connects us back to the Creator Father of us!!
“Nathanael answered and said unto him— Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel. Jesus answered and said unto him— Because I said to you, I saw you under the fig tree— you believe? You shall see greater things than these.
And he said unto him— Verily, verily, I say unto you— Hereafter, you shall see heaven open— and the angels of God ascending and descending upon [in distribution and direction: G1909] the Son of man.”
The children of God, who will walk with him as the manifest ones— who have returned to knowing God in his true identity, as well as their own— will see and do the greater works with him: they were created to do so— and have come through the finishing school of the Lord, allowed him to reform them, and convert their souls into his image, and under his headship.
These will live under an open heaven— where they are face to face with God, beginning inside— then outside (seen and known in the material); and messengers of heaven shall ascend and descend distributing and directing the sons of God, via the authority of the Son of man— that Jesus will approve them in, and endow them with: these are they who have come to know him, and have partnered with REALITY.
These are they who have overcome— they have overcome the false identity and power behind it; where they, themselves— were the principled one, with power— set against him, his true identity, theirs— and his headship in them.
These are they— who will know him— as he is: and they will bring him to the world (carnal), and many souls will be brought to the truth— as the Truth— will bring himself to them, through them: the manifest sons of God.