[video link: https://youtu.be/Bb9cVxPs1Wo ]
Eat health— what are you putting into you? Truth, and truthful identity/image/likeness and attributes of— or false identity, satanic nature, do as thou wilt— and walk in legal forgiveness of our deeds (actions, way we live), and not in walking in honoring the nature, identity, truth, and person of God (Yahshua) we were given to partner with.
This is the difference between a handshake with God, coming to the truth revealed to us— that we fell short of his glory, have sinned (transgressed his nature, in us), and need him to save us from, well, ourselves— and hell or estrangement— living opposite of him, in the carnal satanic nature, falling prey to our own leadership, whims, and lusts of what we choose in pleasures (wasted time, and wasted/vain, worthless endeavors of how we spend time— not heavenly minded on eternal purposes— but upon earthly, temporal/time running out here, vain, empty endeavors— that do not work to bring our lord his reward (souls), or further our walk, position, and pleasure of our own lives— unto the Lord— and how we will live with him for eternity, and in what placing and intimacy.
Sabbath— is rest in the Lord, and with the Lord; and sabbath rest— is born of trust and respect: trust, respect of the trust, and waiting upon the Lord (serving him and his needs in the earth) brings us balance, into our lives in this realm. Working earthly ways, earthly endeavors (jobs, responsibilities, etc) we have need to break from (break away from), regroup with God, and regain balance: it’s a balance born of heaven— not of earth— and it is what will continue to feed us, guide us, and regroup us in this place, which has an adversary who is set against us— to derail us— from understanding heavenly rewards, and judgments of.
Do all things with purpose— whatever you do, do it as unto God.
Colossians 3:23-24
“And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that —of the Lord— you shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for you serve the Lord Christ.”
H2403 – Sin
Hebrew: חטּאת חטּאה
Transliteration: chaţţâ'âh chaţţâ'th
Pronunciation: {khat-taw-aw'} khat-tawth'
Definition: From H2398; an offense (sometimes habitual sinfulness ) and its penalty, occasion, sacrifice or expiation; also (concretely) an offender: - punishment (of {sin}) purifying (-fication for {sin}) sin ({-ner} offering).
H2398 – Sin
Hebrew: חטא
Transliteration: châţâ'
Pronunciation: khaw-taw'
Definition: A primitive root; properly to miss; hence (figuratively and generally) to sin; by inference to —forfeit, lack
{expiate} {repent } (causatively) lead astray— condemn: bear the blame, {cleanse} commit {[sin]} by fault, harm he hath done, loss, miss, (make) offend ({-er}) *offer for sin— purge, purify ({self}) —make reconciliation, ({cause} make) sin ({-ful} {-ness}) trespassive.
H819 – Sin
Hebrew: אשׁמה
Transliteration: 'ashmâh
Pronunciation: ash-maw'
Definition: Feminine of H817; {guiltiness} a fault— the presentation of a sin offering: - {offend} {sin} (cause of) trespass ({-ing} offering).
Fault— an unattractive or unsatisfactory feature, especially in a piece of work or in a person's character; a misguided or dangerous action or habit, do wrong, (at fault) responsible for an undesirable situation or event; in the wrong, mistaken or defective: Middle English faut(e) ‘lack, failing’, from Old French, based on Latin fallere ‘deceive’.
James 1:23-24
“For if any be a hearer of the word— and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: for he beholds himself, and goes his way, and straightway forgets what manner of man he was.”
The reason this verse is so pivotally important— is because when it says, hearing the word— this means, not you heard words spoken to you from the bible— but that— YOU HEARD THE TRUTH HIT YOUR HEART, CONVICT YOU, and now you are called to walk therein. And because many do not come to the truth, and decide to live therein, and live in Christ, in the truth— they step away, the birds of the air snatch it up, or it goes to the wayside— after the seed was sown.
And so— we hear, are pricked by the truth, like going to church, hearing it, being convicted— but as soon as we leave, and go home— we step right back into our old ways, attitudes, behaviors, mindings, reasonings, and selfishness— we forget we heard the truth, were convicted— and the truth was snatched away, or fell to the wayside, and was choked out.
And so— we SAW THE TRUTH, and WE SAW HIS IMAGE and LIKENESS that we were made in (saw the mirror), but WE DID NOT COME INTO IT, WE WERE NOT REFORMED, FROM REPENTANCE (complete turn around), and we DID NOT GO THE OTHER WAY, nor effort at it— but instead, forgot whom we just saw (the identity, truth, and way were to walk in) when he put the mirror before us, and we saw the truthful reflection: nay— we go back to what we always saw through our eyes— as we looked out at the world (carnal ways), and not within— where the King, truth, righteousness, and the way is— to live in, and with Christ.
We forget the truth, his identity, and ours— and we resume the false identity to walk in, instead of the truth, and partnering with Christ: we continue to walk with satan, and lead self, and stay in the old man nature.
Falling from truth— from true image and likeness being lived out— and since the fall (fall from what? TRUTH, your true image walked out/in) —we have been walking in the image and likeness of satan, and thereby walking in a delusion, and walking under the guise of a mask— and an identity of our own making (as self gods— those who determine who and what they are, and live that) —and not walking in the paths of righteous living— as what and how we were made, in the image and likeness of the holy God: the fall was a fall from our real identity, God’s real identity and image and likeness— and walking there, in, the truth!
When we will do that again— and not walk in vanity, emptiness, fake, false, worthless endeavors and missions in this earth, wasting— instead of redeeming the time, for the days are evil (and why are they evil days— for man has need to walk in the truth, his real identity, found in God) —when we begin to do that, the days become redeemed, the time is redeemed, we begin eternal affairs, minded on eternal worth— not works that will burn, and thereby— when heavenly minded— we will be heavenly good, in the earth realm: and as a result— eternal rewards, and good judgment (not all burned up).
Relationship not accomplished by earning it (works based, just to receive a relationship with God) —Jesus made that way possible— BECAUSE YOU COULD NOT: but effort put forth, NOW, in that relationship reconciliation Christ made possible for you— is what will, or will not bring God ‘pleasure,’ and what your reward will be— when judgment comes. We are, after all— made for his pleasure.
Revelation 4:11
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for you have created all things, and for your pleasure they are, and were, created.”
We are to be working out our salvation— which really means; work out, practice your relationship that Chrsit reestablished for you with the finished work of the Cross— and build a real relating, back and forth— and built in truth, and effort given to honor one another, and serve one another, and walk authentically in this realm; all because you walk authentically in the spirit realm, seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: and now— you have brought heaven to earth, and the will (good pleasure) of the Father, from being seated with him in heavenly places— to the earth (your person, here, in a dirt suit); and so— now, as it is in heaven (the truth you are walking with him in spiritual places) —it is now, in your earthen suit (in the earth): this is authenticity in Christ Jesus lived— here, in the earth realm; the place that is a work zone, where we are pilgrims who hail from another kingdom, born and residing in another realm of creation, in Christ Jesus.
Hebrews 6:1
“Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ— let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God.”
This is a call to come off of milk, get on solid food of the Holy Spirit, and grow up spiritual— IN CHRIST NOW— and come unto perfection, which in Strong’s means: the state of mental and moral completeness [G5047].
And, let us NOT have need to go over the foundation once again [laying means, in Strong’s— to cast that down again: G2598], which was that we are to— WALK REPENTANTLY— which means, NO MORE DEAD WORKS, which means— dead actions/deeds/words and follow through, born of the vain, empty, worthless nature of actions and words.
Repentance in Strong’s— compunction of guilt, with, now— a complete reversal of decisions (thoughts, words, motives, actions/deeds, etc).
And of faith towards God; faith here means in Strong’s— persuasion, credence; moral conviction of religious truth and of the religious teacher; abstractly— constancy in such profession; truth itself: belief, believe, faith, fidelity.
So he has told us to walk in the truth, our true identity made after his image, and found in his attributes, and in relationship to/with him (the truth and way, living life authentically), knowing we are not to be on milk once we’ve been saved a long while— for what have we been saved of— if we have not come into the truth now (LIVING IN IT WITH HIM)?
We are called to walk ‘in’ repentance (the turned around way, now) no more old man methods of walking carnally (satan’s nature), but now— walking and abiding in the truth: your true identity, born of his— and in his nature now: thereby fruiting out LIVING WORKS, born of Christ Jesus and the Father; no more dead works of satan happening. No more wasted time, wasted, empty, selfish, worthless endeavors here— no! For now— we have been ‘born anew,’ and we are born into purposeful living, with purposeful actions, and words, and thoughts, and motive— born of Christ, where the Father has partnered with us— and does his works through us now.
THIS— is what it is to walk as a son of God, and not in the carnal— after receiving Christ as savior, God— AND LORD! We are now moved by him, led of him, taught of him, and become as he is: this is what it is to see eternal, life giving works— done in the temporal, material realm— that brings our Father such joy and pleasure— being well pleasing to him. And at judgment— we are relieved to see and taste that our works— did not all burn up.
2 Peter 1:1-3
“Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ— to them who have obtained like, and precious faith with us— through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied unto you— through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord— according as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.”
Like and precious faith— and faith was, mental and moral persuasion, to walk in the truth, and heed the teacher of (Jesus); and to be-living (believing) truth itself— and in/with fidelity (faithful to it/him). And we do that— by walking in the righteousness of God that was given to us, when he robed us with that covering to come over us now. We are not to continue in filthy robes/garments/conduct— but to walk worthy of the calling: Ephesians 4:1 – “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called.”
How is grace and peace multiplied unto us, according to 2 Peter, above? THROUGH THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD and JESUS (the word of truth): and we recall— ‘My people perish for a lack of knowledge,’ yes??
And the word says— he has given us all things that pertain unto life lived in godliness, by his divine power— through gaining knowledge of him who has called us to glory and virtue.
He called us to walk in his righteousness, having a like/same, and precious faith that Peter walked in toward God and the truth; and that, according to his divine power he has already given us everything we have need of in all things that pertain to understanding and executing godly living— through the knowledge of him who called us to walk in his glory and virtue.
I reckon, then— that we ought to walk in his righteousness, and his glory and virtue (character), because he then said— if we will— grace and peace will be multiplied to us in this realm!!
2 Peter 1:4-7
“Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature— having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith— virtue; and to virtue— knowledge; And to knowledge— temperance; and to temperance— patience; and to patience— godliness; And to godliness— brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness— charity.”
He gives us exceedingly great and precious promises, how? By walking with him; and how do we do that? We partake in the divine nature.
What is the world, spiritually speaking? It is the carnal nature, satan’s nature— the selfish, opposite of God, walking persons. And we escape that corruption (decay, ruin, and perishing) —by walking with God, as God walks— and partaking in the divine nature.
What is that? Walking diligently, that means— no more messing around; diligence means— dispatched with earnest carefulness, in the Strong’s: that’s a man on a mission in the earth, about the Father’s business.
And he says— adding to your persuasion of moral credence you are now walking in, as you walk the truth out in your lives— add to that, virtue: and virtue means— manly valor and excellence, in Strong’s.
Then he says— add to virtue, knowledge, which means— knowing of intelligence, moral wisdom; and to add with knowledge of moral wisdom and intelligence, add— temperance, which means— self control (this would be discipline): we are called to be disciples of Christ, and live unto all godliness in Christ Jesus— under discipline of.
He then says— add to your self control— patience, which means— cheerful enduring, in Strong’s: add to your self control, cheerful waiting— no murmuring, complaining, griping, sighing in displeasure, rolling your eyes, or otherwise, bitter with guile— in your waiting: in Christ Jesus, was found NO GUILE.
1 Peter 2:22
“Who did no sin (walked authentically as his true nature, godliness— as we are to walk in the likeness we were made in— and thereby, find no transgression of the way, image or truth we are called to walk in), neither was guile [no decoy, trick, wile or craftiness (no false identity or motives/attitudes/inclinations)] found in his mouth.”
And as 2 Peter 1:7, continues— he says, add to your patience now— godliness, which means in Strong’s— holiness, the gospel scheme; and scheme means— systematic arrangement; root definition— mid 16th century: from Latin schema, from Greek (see schema). An early sense was ‘diagram of the position of celestial objects’, giving rise to ‘diagram, outline’, whence the current senses.
Schema— a representation of a plan or theory in the form of an outline or model; root definition— ate 18th century (as a term in philosophy): from Greek skhēma ‘form, figure’.
So— when he says godliness, he means for us to add to our lives the gospel, walked in, for real— becoming the truth incarnate: becoming the scheme of the gospel itself— the diagram, outline of what God ordained heavenly for us to walk in— in form and figure (which is to say, his likeness and image, once again).
And as we do— then we will become corporately moving, as one body that is all like/same as he is (God), and we will then walk in brotherly kindness, which in Strong’s means— fraternal affection. And fraternal means— a brotherhood— of or denoting an organization or order for people, especially men, that have common interests or beliefs; root definition— late Middle English: from medieval Latin fraternalis, from Latin fraternus, from frater ‘brother’.
And adding, finally, to our brotherly kindness— charity. And charity means— affectionate benevolence (which means, well meaning: having good intentions carried out).
In order to walk in his righteousness, carrying out godliness (or like God) in our persons, and to be covered in grace and peace— we are to walk in the divine nature— not walking in dead works anymore (or satan’s ways), but to go onto maturity in Christ’s ways, under him; not going over the foundation, over and over again— but understanding we are to WALK IN REPENTANCE: walk differently, all turned around the other way now, unto walking as God walks, in our persuasion of our moral credence (compass) now: by the leader of— Jesus Christ, and in fidelity of.
We are to obtain a like/same precious faith (walk of moral compass) as Peter, as he followed Christ and his walk; and it is the righteousness of God walked out in this realm— that will multiply grace and peace unto us, through the knowledge of God.
Through knowing God, and walking as he walks, having regained his image and likeness, walking in that kind of faith (moral compass), led of him— we will understand the power of God to bring us into all truth and godliness (not walking in the similitude, outwardly, but denying the power, inwardly— to walk with, and as God does).
For he gave us all things that pertain to godly living— when he gave us Christ, his example, his union through the Holy Spirit— to lead us into all of this type of living in Christ: the walk and relationship that will bring you face to face with your Maker, in the judgment (that comes to all, we’ll get there), who will see his works— not all burn up: for his works will be founded in silver, gold, and precious jewels— which, all under fire, heat and pressure— are REFINED in the Refiner’s fire; whereas— stubble, straw and wood— all burn up when put to the fire.
We are called to walk worthy of our calling— and we are called to live in glory and virtue of (that’s in him, and his character).
And his character walk, the walk of divine nature that we are to ‘partake’ in, which means— eat or drink in, join; root definition— mid 16th century: back-formation from earlier partaker ‘person who takes a part’. That nature— we are to eat of him, drink him in, and walk therein— as he walks, lives, breathes, speaks, thinks, and does— via his (and our) godly character and attributes: which are the things that keep us from perishing into corruption or ruin— by the spirit of this world, through— LUST, selfish desires (do what we want, how we want, when we want to— not led of anyone but yourself— that’s the satanic nature).
The divine nature walk is formed in diligence (effort, and discipline of), in faith, virtue, knowledge, self control, patience, godliness (or the gospel schema— form, diagram, outline, position, model and figure), and brotherly kindness, and charity: are you walking therein, with Christ?
For your eternal rewards, and your judgment will see to all these things.
2 Peter 1:8-9
“For if these things be in you— and abound [increase abundantly] —they make you, that you shall neither be barren, nor unfruitful— in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
But he that lacks these things is blind— and cannot see afar off— and has forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.”
If these things be in you, and increase abundantly in you— they will FORM YOU (make you) —and you shall not be barren (fruitless), but you will abound in the knowledge (know, personally, God and the truth).
But the person who lacks walking this way, does not walk in the truth, or God’s identity— but he who remains living in the false, or carnal nature— is blind, which means— mentally opaque, smoky, darkened (deceived) —and cannot see afar off (no heavenly perspective of eternal matters; too earthly minded— to be of any heavenly, or eternal benefit in the temporal realm— to God, self, or mankind): for he has forgotten that he was purged from his old sins— when he received Christ at the handshake of salvation, when one received him as Savior, God, and LORD.
Lord means— one who owns and leads you; when we remain carnally led, minded on self leading— we remain in the old man nature (satanic), and we forfeit the eternal rewards, the works we do will burn, for they are inferior works— born of wrong motives (fame, likes, favor, riches, superiority, etc) —and at the judgment, we will watch the works burn, and therewith— the rewards we will never have, nor the close intimate walk with God, in a place/position for eternity— that we wish we would have taken more seriously.
There are many judgments that will take place after this realm: the judgment of the angels, nations, christians, unbelievers— just to name a few. Where we fall in this report card session— will be determined right then and there, based in— what effort we really put in with Christ, the truth, and the walk— here— in this realm: our eternal positions with Christ, rewards, and accomplishments, as pilgrims in this realm (we hail from another kingdom, from above, not below), based in our efforts on mission (that’s work zone responsibilities here, as we serve our King), that we will hear about, face to face with our God— at the judgment seat of Christ (determination seat of our King, Father, and Spirit witness) —will be based in what we do, or do not do with Christ and his Holy Spirit, right here, right now— in the dirt realm.
This is why purporting one can continue in their sin— is sin itself: if a man has the means to do good, and he does it not— to this man, it is sin: it would be sin for me, to have the good of the knowledge of Christ and the truth— and not tell you about it. And that truth is— your works will be judged, he said so. And your faith is based in living works— or it’s a dead faith (meaning— a corpse of faith, it’s vain, empty, and worthless moral compass walked out): and those works— will be judged, or weighed by God, in eternity.
Best we get eternally focused, and not selfishly soul, temporally focused down here— near sighted, losing distance sight.
2 Peter 1:10-11
“Wherefore, rather, brethren— give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if you do these things— you shall never fall: For so— an entrance shall be ministered unto you— abundantly— into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”
Fall from what? YOUR TRUE IDENTITY, and the LIKENESS/IMAGE OF GOD— walking in, in your life— as you walk in the truth and light in this realm!!
Okay— at this point, I’ve not mentioned that the Lord put before me a teaching lesson by a gentleman I’ve heard ‘of,’ but never watched or listened to, named: John Bevere. And as I watched what he was teaching (I’ll add the link to this in the comment section of this video, and in the blog link) —he was speaking about how not only do we have many judgments that will take place with Christ— but that not everyone will enter into heaven the same: some will enter in ABUNDANTLY— into eternal life, in the everlasting kingdom of God— and some will not.
I have mentioned that we can enter in ‘maimed,’ because scripture tells us so— and that because of our souls refusing in areas to walk as God does, or to remain in the image of satan’s nature, buck God, and resist— he said some parts will not enter into eternity:
Matthew 18:8
"It is better for you to enter into life maimed, or crippled— than to have two hands or two feet— to be cast into everlasting fire."
The Lord has spoken to me about people entering into heaven— or eternity with him— in all different ways and conditions; this teaching just reiterated that to me, and solidified what he’s been saying to me all along: that what we do here with him, in alignment and assignment with him here, in the right heart condition (motives) matters, and matters dearly! In fact— your eternal position, report card judgment, works remaining— or burning up, and your rewards— are dependant upon your participation with righteousness, godliness, the divine nature, your intimacy with God, your reverence of God— allowing him to turn you about, and raise you up into maturity— as he corrects you, molds you, and is— or is not— able to do his own works (thoughts, actions, deeds) out of you.
We will go through the fire, one way or another— now, in the earth, as he hones you, molds you, reforms you— and you bow to him and the process, joyfully, cheerfully with him— not thinking it grievous to live this way with him. OR— you will go through the fire later, in judgment— in the report card portion (if you receive him as savior, God and Lord, at all), or in the eternal flame— as one who rejected the truth and person of, forever— in hell; because they would not partner with him in the truth, reconcile to it/him, and coming home: best we do.
2 Peter 1:12-21
“Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things— though you know them— be established in the present truth.
Yea, I think it’s meet— as long as I am in this tabernacle (our bodies, spiritually speaking— to keep teaching you, as apostles [foundation establishers]) —to stir you up, by putting you in remembrance; knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle (we will not always be bodily with you all— to teach you all— but the words, as we have written— will carry on), even as our Lord Jesus Christ has shown me.
Moreover— I will endeavor that you may be able, after my decease— to have these things always in remembrance.
For we have not followed cunningly devised fables— when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ— but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
For he received from God the Father, honor and glory— when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory— This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.
We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto you would do well that you take heed— as unto a light that shines in a dark place (we are giving you revelation/enlightenment of the truth) —until the day dawn, and the day star arise in YOUR hearts: Know this first— that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke— as they were moved by the Holy Ghost (as am I).”
We are blind men when we cannot see where God has taken us from (our past, and all the improvements with him in our lives, as we partner with him), and when we cannot see the future, that is filled with hope— as he has a plan he has planned for our lives, as he has ordered the steps of— as he saw the ending from the beginning, the latter end— from the gitgo: we are blind when we only see what is, right now— based in our 5 senses of earthly wisdom: what we see/perceive, feel, taste, hear, smell, and recognize— right now, in carnal ways.
What do we see COMING for our lives, in Christ? What has he promised, what has he said, what has he spoken to you about your future? What future did he do for others in scripture? Because his track record is FLAWLESS, and he’s FAITHFUL, and walks in EQUITY, or fairness to all: he’s just.
Can you see— or are you blind? Do you perish (inside, in fear, doubt, unbelief— with funky attitudes [spirit alignments]) —because you have a lack of vision?
He said— My people perish for a lack of vision, in Proverbs 29:18: vision— of eternity, vision of God, vision of our future in him, vision of his faithfulness, vision of the truth, his love, his strength— HIS PERSPECTIVE: do you have his perspective, and are you heavenly minded— in the earth realm?
How have you grown? What has he saved you from? Where are you now— that you were not, before? Because based on all of that— and where he’s been with you, and what he’s brought you through— you should be able to see where he’s taking you, how much he loves you, how much he will continue to bring you through— no matter what is happening: and you will KNOW YOUR GOD— and you will trust him to finish his good work in you, and in your life he’s living with you!
Jesus has an inheritance— souls: God’s children, and God’s children coming to do life with him. John Bevere mentioned a vision he had— where the Lord was high and lifted up— stairs like the white house monument stairs, many grand stairs— led up to where Christ was seated, on his throne, in authority. And many soldiers were all around the throne bringing him his inheritance— souls; but more, many, many more— were walking around on the sidewalk area, watching— they were not bringing him his inheritance, they were spectators.
There are only so many that are working with him in this realm— to bring souls into the Kingdom of God, who know him, are one with him— to do so: there are only so many that will hear— ‘Well done thou good and faithful servant,’ for only so many are actually serving him— whereas their works are not burning up, and they are pulling others into the truth, in love, and walking out the divine nature in the earth realm with him: these, are the priestly-servant-soldiers of the Lord’s army— who are attending to his needs and mission in the earth.
What you put your effort into— will either haunt you at the judgment seat of Christ, or relieve you: you will either be pleased you laid your life down, and lived the truth with his Spirit, as one— authentically— whilst in the temporal realm (here, earth); or you will regret that you lived ‘your’ best life ever whilst here— and not his best life ever, that he wrote for you— before the foundations of this world, and your existence here.
I love you enough to warn you; and so does John Bevere: https://youtu.be/8aTsRMj786o?si=9W4_B-hx06MyyKhZ
We are to be building ‘on’ the foundation that Christ brought forth; we are to be building the house of the Lord (family) with God; we are to be taking the handshake of salvation that people entered into with God (covenant handshake), and then we are to make disciples (students of the way, and truth) —and we are to help God build his house (family):
Ephesians 2:13-22
“But now in Christ Jesus— you who were sometimes far off— are made nigh by the blood of Christ.
For he is our peace, who has made both one (we, with him— two spirits, now one, in one accorded, led of him) —and has broken down the middle wall of partition between us— Having abolished in his flesh, the enmity— even the law of commandments contained in ordinances (now he leads us, personally); for to make in himself of two— one new man— so making peace (one new man, is you and him— walking and working as one entity, now: thereby making peace, or godly order restored in your vessel); And that he might reconcile (rejoin) both (you and Christ, together) unto God— in one body— by the cross— having slain the enmity (you being estranged, set at a distance, not like same— now, you can be with him, and like/same, working with him, his way, and in his attributes of divine nature, as he leads you) thereby: And came, and preached peace to you who were afar off, and to them that were nigh.
For through him we both have access— by one Spirit— unto the Father.
Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints— and of the household of God; And you are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets (those who brought the truth to us, and established it— just like Christ did, as the Apostle of all apostles, or foundation establishers, establishing the truth in the material realm) —Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone (principle builder, chief builder of the truth, walked out perfectly— to which all other apostolic builders follow, and repeat process with the Father); In whom all the building —fitly framed together— grows into a holy temple, in the Lord: In whom you also are built together —for a habitation of God, through the Spirit.”
1 Corinthians 3:10
“According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise master builder— I have laid the foundation, and another builds thereon. But let every man take heed of how he builds thereupon.”
How he builds thereon— is how we affect souls.
We are all in this together— we cannot be selfish, and looking out for self, in self led ways, and living our best vacations, memories, purchases, and entitlements whilst here— and not be about our Father, his heart, Christ’s mission, and unto the salvation of souls who will enter into our family— whilst we are here in this temporal, temporary (time will end), material realm.
We must be heavenly, eternally minded— and not be nearsighted, on ourselves, and not farsighted on the affairs of heaven— being led by the Spirit of God in eternal affairs, his, at the throne.
In this— we are building a house not of man hands— but a building of the Lord’s hand (spiritual), as he leads us to lay brick by brick, or— living stone unto living stone with him— to the building of his house (family): we are either partnering with him in this realm— or we are partnering with ourselves; and our judgment time period— where we will stand before him, and have our report card read (or, rather, played out before us, complete with seeing it from all perspectives, feeling it, and living it all over again, in a flash— for this is the report card review with God) —will be based upon what we did in body. We will be judged for our works in body, in this realm— he said so.
2 Corinthians 5:10
“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to what he has done— whether it be good or bad.”
Good or bad, and bad, here means— worthless, vain, empty. Works will either remain— gold, silver, precious jewels (Spirit led works— highly resilient, and become even more pure, when put to the fire, or the testing of the word/truth lived, which we will all be measured by) —or it will be stubble, straw or wood (highly flammable).
1 Corinthians 3:14-15
“If any man's work abides (remains) which he has built thereupon— he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned— he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.”
Judge— greek word, Krima— to distinguish, decide for or against— after determination: Strong’s G2917, from G2919.
The man— will still be saved, meaning— come to God to live with him; but all he did in the earth— will be burned up, barely making it into eternal life with Christ— and thereby— becoming one of the spectators in heaven, not the soldiers who were working with God, and bringing him his reward (souls into the family), as they work working the Father’s works in the earth (themselves, and ministry, serving others here) —whilst others were doing ‘other things,’ not on mission with the Lord, nor walking in the truth, in sacrificial living with lives laid on the altar to him, laid down for him to pick up and use, and were living out ‘their own’ best life in this realm— forfeiting the best life God laid out for them since before the foundation— which was based in two becoming one, under him.
What we do here matters, and we will face him about it, and we will either be pleased with our walk with God whilst here, with all we did with him— or not: time is of the essence, and we need to be redeeming the time —that means, taking it with all purpose— NOW— for we understand the days are evil (immoral), and we only have so much time to work these fields (souls of men to be saved, by getting the truth to them).
John 12:48
“He that rejects me, and receives not my words (the truth), has one that judges him: the word that I have spoken— the same shall judge him in the last day.”
We will be judged by the scripture, by the truth, by what our Lord said, did, and exemplified for us to walk in: the judgment is unto all people— and our report card review, as his Child— will be thorough, and we will all see as the Holy Spirit stands with us as a witness— and we will know where we walked the paths of righteousness and truth, and where we did not— or had missed the mark, and had wrong heart motives, that we consumed (or did things), based in our own lusts, or ways and reasonings.
We stepped into eternal living— the moment we received a new spirit, new birth, and said yes to God at salvation: we are to walk in eternity now, and care for the eternal affairs of God now, in this realm: and he will speak to us about this at the judgment— if we do not hear him about this now, in this realm: best we hear his truth of this now, in this realm.
We are temporary residents here, pilgrims— moving through with a job to do as we sojourn in this place with the Spirit of God. We hail from another place, another kingdom, another realm— and we have a job to do, on a mission here— to pull people into the family of God, by delivering the truth to them— so the truth can make them free for them to come home to God: his reward and inheritance— souls.
Hebrews 11:10
“For he looked for a city which has foundations— whose builder and maker is God.”
Those foundations we are helping God to establish in people’s lives, in the truth, and as ambassadors— rolling out the red carpet to bring the King to them— that work, that building, bowing to the Father so he can do his works in us, and allowing the Holy Spirit to sow the truth into the souls of men— THAT IS ETERNAL WORKS, BORN OF THE TRUTH, LED OF THE FATHER, UNTO ETERNAL AFFAIRS AND PURPOSES— THAT WILL NOT BURN AT THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST!!!
Authenticity, living in the truth—
it’s of the utmost seriousness, here.
Moral knowledge, perseverance, self control, the fear of the Lord, and love— matters. You are given a little to steward in this life; you’ve been given giftings or talents to walk out what God has called you to: motherhood, fatherhood, friendship, singer, evangelist, pilot, worshiper, intercessor…whatever it is… he equipped you, and you have been given giftings to bring to humanity, along with the truth, righteousness, and godliness of the divine nature— walked in— to exemplify: planting and sowing that into other’s lives— for the King, and the Kingdom (family) for all of eternity (eternal purposes): living that, manifesting that— fruiting that.
We cannot sit on all God has given us— and be lazy here; or use it for self gains (fame, favor, riches, gains): effort in our relationship with God, here— matters; in fact— it’s called— work out your salvation with fear and trembling (opposite of ‘your’ best life ever, whilst here).
If we do not tremble now, before him— we will when we are face to face at the judgment. What are we pouring into others? Self— or the Father working his works, attributes, and truth— through us, with us— unto his mission in the earth: salvation of souls— his inheritance, and our report card with how we coupled (or didn't) with him in this realm.
Each of us is called to a specific and unique walk and life with God in this realm; don’t waste your giftings and talents he has given you— invest them properly, and with purpose— eternal purpose.
The best way to NOT fulfill what YOU were called to walk out and fulfill with God— is to compare your life to someone else's; where that person is operating out of a completely different storyline— one written for THEM; you are called to walk out the one he wrote for you and he.
Ephesians 2:10
"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
Psalms 37:23-24
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: And he delights in his way. Though he falls, he shall not be utterly cast down: For the LORD upholds him with his hand.”
C.S. Lewis quote— that John Bevere brought up in his video:
“If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world —were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world —that they have become so ineffective in this one.” –C.S. Lewis
The Lord has told me how much he hates the saying— “You are too heavenly minded to be of any earthly good.” Because it’s hogwash— the ONLY way you will ever be earthly good to God, or humanity— is if you are focused on the eternal perspective, and are minded thusly— and under Christ, who is FULLY heavenly minded.
As spoken by John Bevere— God couldn’t love any more than he already does— he loves you in full! BUT— you are 100% responsible for whether you ‘please’ him or not: obedience, submission, loving him as he said to, and fulfilling the mission and storyline he wrote for YOU— in this life, matters.
And as he tells me…
“Love and pleasure are two different things. You all think sex is making love to one another— nay, it’s pleasuring one another: for it is born in the carnal, or the flesh. True love— is not a feeling, and it’s not born in the flesh, or the desires of the flesh: true love is a state of being, and it wants the best for the other, and it desires to please the other, yes— but not please the other in carnal ways— but be pleasing to another in eternal, spiritual ways.
Caring for someone in eternal ways (which is love), is wanting to get them set free from the false, and lies— and come into the authentic, the true— and the truth: to love someone, from heaven’s perspective— it is a spiritual rescue, brought to the carnal man— to woo him to come out from such— and to rejoin God in the authentic, the truth, the image we were all formed in: godliness, righteousness, love, kindness, honor, joy, patience, mercy, grace— and all other divine nature attributes.
Love— has pleasure as one of its components— but it will always be spiritual pleasure, or pleasing— spiritually. The flesh desires bodily, lustful, carnal pleasures— and those are not the ones I’m after, nor walk in.
I do desire for my children to have good lives, but the focus is not wholly upon carnal desires— but eternal ones: for the eternal ones will outlast the carnal ones— and will have eternal rewards attached to them.
So, please— understand the difference between Love, and pleasure: I love you, so I desire to please you.
If you love me— you will desire to please me, as well— and in spiritual, eternal affairs— not earthly.”
Are we wasting time (worthless endeavors, vain, empty) —or are we about our Father’s business in the earth (our vessels, ministry, souls of men) —redeeming the time, for the days are evil (or immoral): and we are called to morality, with conviction of, and to walk the ways of the truth, righteousness, godliness, and the divine nature.
Has the divine nature taken, the seed of, inside of you yet? If not— there is still time to repent, turn around inside— and come to living this partnership with Christ, because he expected you would— when you said yes to him, for his sacrifice and way made for you— on the cross.
If you have had the seed take in you, but you have need to grow up more (the seedling, growing into a mature stature planting of the Lord) —then work out your salvation relationship with God, now! There is still time, and he’s calling you to do so!
You will thank yourselves for giving God your WHOLE heart, with ALL your strength, soul, heart, and minding— to walk with him, his way, and under his leadership in this earth— being reformed into his image and likeness, so the Father can manifest his works (deeds/words) right through you: your judgment report card hearing, and your rewards will be much better, and you will be grateful you did.
Only the things that remain after his fire— judgment of your works— will establish your rewards, and place with him— in his kingdom. So— what we do here with him— is highly important, and whether we yield, and give it all we’ve got— matters.
Receiving him as Savior, and receiving the truth —will determine if you make it to heaven or not, but— how we live here, and what we put into this relationship and mission field— will determine our position in Christ for eternity.
Everything we do— should be done with purpose, and led of the Spirit of God: so you have silver, gold, and precious jewels— unto a crown of life; and not hay, stubble, and wood— that will burn up, and leave you with no reward, or position with God.
Are you eating healthy with God? Are you taking in the bread and the wine, the truth and the intimacy with it— are you eating his flesh, and drinking his blood? Because we will all be judged at some point— as to whether we did, or did not: best we be judged now, and determine it to be so that we do eat healthy with God, and feast ON God— and thereby here, at the judgment— ‘Well done thou good and faithful servant of the Lord.’