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“WARNING– to the 5-fold leadership, and those that follow them; judgment is coming to ‘my house.’

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Updated: Nov 6, 2022



Why I am not a ‘fluff’ prophetic voice, and why GOD WILL NOT LET ME PREACH or TEACH

‘fluffy words of comfort right now.’


If you are following these voices– you have been led astray and are deceived– having been led down a path of…

“What ‘I’ want/need from God,” instead of…

“What am I supposed to be doing to SERVE HIM?!”

You see, he’s coming for a Bride that is ‘spotless and wrinkle-free–’ and that’s because HE HIMSELF, was able to ‘clean them up,’ BEFORE their ‘time ran out.’

Did I mention– he’s engaged?

And he’s coming for those that are ENGAGED TO HIM; not those that are whoring themselves out unto self pursuits and satan, and his way.

There are wise virgins, and unwise virgins; there are those prepared, and loyal– and there are those unprepared and disloyal.

I do not preach fluff, because the UNprepared, FAR OUT NUMBER THE ‘prepared.’

And he has asked me, like everyone else, to GO AND FEED THE REAL WORD OF GOD, THE TRUTH TO HIS SHEEP, and to PREACH THE GOSPEL, for ‘many’ have succumbed to preaching…PROPHECYnot the gospel, unto wicked living folk, that need to seek God and repentance, to become his child in image, and reformation.

Prophecy is not THE GOSPEL, and many of his 5-fold, have fallen away from it, and preach ‘future events’ instead.

Prophets (if functioning properly under God holy’s instruction) WILL RETURN YOU TO HIMrelationally.

He will NOT ALLOW ME TO preach fluff, or foretelling alone– nor would he or I want to; we see far too many ‘dying in their unrepentant sin.’

The Great COMPANY MISSION still stands, though many have forgotten this, and barely even give an altar call, or a ‘if you’re not saved’ at the end of an entire 2-3 hrs of proselytizing.

YaH, and YaH’shua are watching.

Who is, and who is not ACTUALLY SERVING *HIM and the Lost Sheep of Israel– or their bellies.

For 2 reasons right off the bat I do not preach, teach or prophecy from the soul.

(otherwise known as ‘fluff’

that leads to the demise of

other souls– eternally.)

  1. Because YaH is telling me that we have very LITTLE TIME left, and ‘he’ is NOT a fluffy prophetic voice; YaH’shua– the Word of God is direct, just and proficient. He does not mince things, or sugarcoat ANYTHING, because his Father did not teach him that.

2. LIARS– in pulpits and behind microphones and cameras– are leading ‘ignorant lambs’ TO SLAUGHTER, through their ‘smooth’ and ‘tantalizing’ words.

He tells me we have a PLETHORA of ‘childish’ adult ‘Christians–’ and they WILL NOT MAKE IT in these ‘Last of the LAST DAYS’ events– that are about to unroll.

He tells me, ‘fluffy’ prophetic voices– evangelists, pastors, preachers, apostles, teachers of all kinds…will be now removed.

(He ain’t got time for that; he has given opportunity after opportunity to SERVE HIM, but they serve themselves, and fame, and MAMMON.

–and he’s UPSET about the lack of repentance– in his ‘leaders.’)

He tells me…

“I don’t have any more patience for these that are leading my professing children to the edge of the precipice– with coddling words of lies; the blood of these parishioners are on their hands, and they will go with the lying prophetic voices that led them to hell.”

Let me explain Matthew 7 to you, the way he explained it to me…

Because many of the 5 fold ministry, in ANY DENOMINATION– will fall, and be cast into hell, and then the Lake of Fire– because they ‘served not’ YAHbut themselves, otherwise known as: satan, the ‘self’ god.

Matthew 7:20-27

“Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.

21 Not every one that says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father– which is in heaven.


“Janet, this means– THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FOLLOWING ME; do you see this?? They would not have even had the audacity to say ‘Lord, Lord’ if they did not– for Lord means: Master.

But if they do not adhere to me ‘AS’ the Master, for REAL in this lifetimethey are THEIR OWN MASTER.

People that are ‘their own masters,’ their own leader, their own consciences, and their own deeds– And their deeds and endeavors will burn up when I judge them– I told you this. (1 Corinthians 3:12-13)

EVEN IF THEY BELIEVE THEY ARE ‘holy like’ behaviorsthey ARE NOT MINE, are NOT under my RULE, or my LEADERSHIP, and are doing things for their ‘own’ reasonings.

Obedience, and REAL RELATIONSHIP of surrender, submission and LISTENING TO ‘MY’ INSTRUCTIONS– ‘is the matter at hand’ and

‘is what will prevent them from being called ‘MINE’ in the end– at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

Do they not understand I see all, I know all, and

I will judge all; and it will have NOTHING TO DO WITH, ‘well, was what you did nice, even biblical?’

NO CHILD, it will be…

“Did I KNOW YOU??”

“Did you LISTEN and OBEY ME??”

“Did you SERVE ME, and BEAR ‘My’ FRUITS??” “Did we JOIN– and BECOME ONE??”

Because, child– those are ‘my children.’

My childrenhear me, obey me, serve me and my interests in the earth, and become like me, UNDER ME.”


22 “Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name?’


Prophesying ‘in my name’ will NOT SAVE THESE PEOPLE Janet; Performances– will never outweigh LITERAL RELATIONAL OBEDIENCE to me

‘as their Master, leader–’ their God.”


“And in your name we have cast out devils?”

(vrs. 22 cont.)


“Janet, DEVILS are obedient to ‘My Name’ and ‘My’ authority, remember the Sons of Sceva (Acts 19)– casting them out is not a sign that one is in right standing with me; and also, I will use anyone I can to set another free, if I want the child that is TRULY SEEKING ME– to be saved and set free.

Just because one does performances, also, dear– does NOT MEAN the devils actually left, or that repentance from the wicked ways was achieved; they play opossum and they can stop manifesting symptoms, and lie dormant, or come out– just to let another in.

Humans are GREATLY DECEIVED in these

‘Last of the Last Days;’ but we will all see this very soon, as you will see supernatural things in these days –that most cannot fathom.

It will not be SMOOTH and COMFORTING FLUFFdemons, fallen beings and unclean spirits are coming out to have their day now, and hardly anyone is seriously ready.”


“And in your name we have not done many wonderful works??” (vrs. 22 cont.)


“Again child– PERFORMANCES, and the audacity to believe ‘doing things,’ whilst being hypocrites, will get them into my good graces, or everlasting Life with me; NAH I SAY– only a truly submitted one, in a REAL RELATING-SHIP with me, UNDER MY AUTHORITY and LEADERSHIP, hearing and obeying meGETS HOME TO ME.”


23 “And then will I profess to them…

I never knew you: depart from me– YOU WHO WORK ‘iniquity.’

Iniquitycontinued rebellious disobedience, and refusal to surrender to holiness; one who swims in sinful self lustful pursuits, all the way to the end of days. (my version as he tells it)

Iniquity– immoral or grossly unfair behavior.

Middle English: from Old French iniquite, from Latin iniquitas, from iniquus, from in- ‘not’ + aequus ‘equal, just’.

–which essentially means, ‘one that never conformed,’ and ‘is not equal to Christ’ on the throne– as his children are to be.

But instead the iniquitous are ones that only served what they themselves believed to be ‘true,’ but was in fact LIES– and they conformed to satan’s image of ‘self service.’


24 “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine, and DOES THEMI will liken him to a wise man, which built his house upon a Rock:

25 And when the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house (he’s speaking of one’s life)-- it fell not: for it was founded upon a Rock.

26 And everyone that hears these sayings of mine, and DOES ‘NOT’ DO THEMhe shall be likened unto a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand:

27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and IT FELL: and GREAT WAS THE FALL OF IT!


If you do not believe I will cast them out– you are a fool; for a wolf in sheep’s clothing, looks like a sheep, talks like a sheep, but is really– devouring them, and leading them to their demise.

MANY of my professing children are not only following them, but they are DEFENDING THE VERY ONES that are leading them to slaughter.

They will NOT COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, because they have them on ‘pedestals.’

All because they ‘tell them what they want to hear,’ and they DO NOT KNOW ME THEMSELVES, and they DO NOT KNOW MY WORD, and even if they do…

THEY DO NOT OBEY, because their leader does not obey me, and they will all go down to the PIT– WITHOUT ‘true repentance.’


I will now judge my 5-fold leaders.

Because– Biblical plagues are coming, man made plagues are coming, Nephilim– are coming, visitations– are coming, because–

We are in ‘THE LAST OF–’ the Last Days.

How will they know how to do spiritual warfare against them– if they follow ‘fluff??’

They will not– and they will perish in their ways.

How will they know how to rebuke the devourer from taking them down, with my authority, if they are being ‘smooth talked to’ about prosperity, and ‘SOON YOUR BREAKTHROUGH IS COMING, SOON GOD WILL TURN THIS ALL AROUND *FOR YOU!!?’


So, we will continue to tell them that they are deceived, and they have accumulated a life of nothingness, that will lead them to hell, IF I CANNOT SAY, ‘I KNOW YOU– ENTER INTO MY REST and HOME.’

I have not the luxury of endless patience, and my Cup of Indignation for the filth and vile rebelliousness to my wayIS FULL.

That means– Judgment now falls upon mankind, starting with my leadership– cascading down the layman and child– satan gets his ‘allotted time.’

They were supposed to be prepared for this, by my LEADERSHIP in the ‘church,’ that is why leadership– shall be judged FIRST.

What will they do when the internet goes down, bible’s are outlawed, persecution and enslavement comes to their doorsteps, and a world wide DARKNESS FALLS

and they CANNOT EVEN GET TO THESE LEADERS, to run to??

They will have to face ME, and ME ALONE, for their salvation and leadership– TRUTHFULLY– for the first time, and learn the error of ‘LEANING ON,’ and ‘RUNNING TO IDOLS’ for guidance, instead of relying upon the Holy Spirit of God, as their true God.


Many people that you know– will not make it Janet; because they do not even read the words we write, or simply click the blog link– they do not even read ME, the Word of God, the Bible, CHILD.

Because many of ‘the voices’ they follow– DO NOT WARN THEM THAT THEY WILL PERISH, if they do not KNOW ME PERSONALLY.

They feed their egos, and sooth their souls; did you know child– YOU CAN ‘NICE’ SOMEONE RIGHT TO HELL and THE LAKE OF FIRE??

It’s called: Leading them astray for self gains, and my leaders WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for NOT PREPARING or TEACHING ‘my flock–’


They will be ‘left behind’ in many ways; and will go through tribulations they NEVER THOUGHT THEY WOULD SEE, fire will refine them unto repentance

(1 Corinthians 3:15– “...he himself shall be saved– yet so as fire.”)

or they will hear…

“Depart from me, you person who spent an entire lifetime running from me, holiness, and my still small voice that begged you, and gave you chance after chance to GET RIGHT WITH ME, and ‘follow me–’


And child– it will be just.

So, we DO NOT PREACH, PROPHESY or TEACH ‘fluff;’ fluff kills and separates people from me forever, and leaves BLOODY HANDS.

*Our HANDS– will be clean.

Release this, some will read, some will listen– but mostly it will be strangers to you that do; your family and friends mock us right now.

They will not make it, if they do not repent.

It is what it is, child; we have done all we can.

We send the words and the warnings out, but as always dear child of a contrite heart– THEY– must choose this day, and everydaywhom they will truly serve.

Self– or Me, through My Way, and requirements of conversion and loyalty.

For if they remain loyal to themselves, and continue to carve out a survival life for themselves herethey will perish in their own way, which is the

Broad Path to Destruction: satan’s way.

I do not believe they understand sweet child, that ‘satan’ is a title, and ANYONE THAT FITS IT

(his image, like him, in self pursuits)

PERISHES WITH HIM in the end.”


So, those are the reasons you will not hear me putting posts out on Meta-book, Father’s blog posts, or any audio or video that tells you…


God is about to TURN THIS ALL AROUND


*YOUR BREAKTHROUGH is coming any day now!”

–Or any other vague and distractive word that leads NOT TO REPENTANCE OF A WICKED HEART, unto reconciliation with the Father, through YaH’shua– Jesus the Christ.

  1. Because, for one thing, IT WON’T SAVE YOU FROM HEARING– ‘depart from me.’

Nor will it be actually speaking ‘what the Lord’ is saying in this hour– it would be LIES to delay you getting right with God, or GROWING UP TO FACE WHAT IS COMING.

That is True Lovewhen one warns you to pull up your big, mature underwear, and saddle up with your God Armour

(his, not yours) and PREPARE FOR WAR.

It’s coming you knowliteral earthly war, and spiritual war.

Do you know how to do that with God??

Can you fight the unclean spirits when they come??

Can you rebuke the devourer, and rebuke the fallen beings when they come to over take you??

If these questions concern youGOOD!

Then I am doing my job, and the Holy Spirit is doing his to convict you of your error.

If you knew you had only days, weeks, or months left to get this right with God, and get ready, GET REAL– WILL YOU?!?

2. If I do not tell you EXACTLY what’s coming, and exactly HOW UNPREPARED YOU REALLY ARE, in hopes that you will GET TO HIM, GET REAL WITH HIM, and GET PREPARED–

*I will be judged for being ‘just another fluff voice,’ leading the sheep astray, with THEIR BLOOD ON MY HANDS…

(which means

they will be cast to hell,


I will responsible

for being

too much of a ‘wuss’



By NOT– FEEDING THEM the truth.

I will not be that person, because I feared man, their ridicule and their opinions and persecutions of attitude and their estrangements to rejection


I fear God, and alas, that is ONE THING HUMANS DO NOT DO RIGHT NOW; they fear poverty, unpopularity, rejection, devils, being told what to do, being uncomfortable

Etcetera and so on.

But they do NOT fear God holy, and he said…

Matthew 10:28

“Do not fear them that kill the body– but are not able to kill the soul; but ratherfear Himthat is able to destroy both soul and body –in hell.”

(That’s him– final judge and authority.)


It has ALWAYS been– being weighed by God.

These– they will perish and be separated from God holy forever, because they SUBMITTED NOT– to his holiness and leading; they chose to lead self instead:

to fornicate, seek money, prosperity, fame, a name for themselves, accolades, collegiate accomplishments from the sensual devilish wisdom pursuits of the world, their addictions and their excuses.

“We will NOT SUGARCOAT WHAT IS COMING JANET, and for all the reasons listed in this post; because they are already deceived, and on their way to hell.

YOU– will allow ME– to say what I want to say, WHAT I NEED TO SAY, and the ‘others,’ even the other prophetic voices that read this, that mock you, and roll their heart eyes at what you type, which is actually ME TYPING THROUGH YOU

EVEN THEY– will be humbled in the end, and will take my words of warning more seriously.

I SEE IT child; I see them judging what I say through you.

But in the end, MANY WILL REPENT, MANY WILL UNDERSTAND that they were not prepared, not warning people, and didn’t know how to war with me.

Worse yet– they will understand they prepared NO ONE, for ANYTHING, except *prosperity.

I am not coming to bring prosperity, I am coming WITH A SWORD; those that know me, KNOW THIS.

'Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth.

I have not come to bring peace, but a sword' (Matthew 10:34)

Those that honor me, WARN MY FLOCK.

Have they been telling people of the war, pestilences, plagues, oppression, invasions

(fallen creatures and human troops), fresh water problems drying up– turning to blood and contamination, famine, and the OTHER biblical judgments THAT ARE COMING IN NOW?!?




And that is ME, and the FALLEN ONES, and JUDGMENTS.

–YaH’shua, Commander of the Host of Heaven

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1 comentario

Miembro desconocido
07 nov 2022

I was caught up in the fluff. I fell for their líes. I wonder if the deceivers are being deceived and they really think they are hearing from God. Please pray for me. I am so thankful to Jesus for leading me to you channel, Janet, his true servant I want to be prepared to stand with Jesus in these last days. I am the least of the least. There's much work to be done and time is running out.

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