A ‘Sister’s’ dreams: 2/20/25
{2 Dreams}

[video link: https://youtu.be/rOmVnj8RVd8 ]
First Dream: The Kitchen/Heart,
Compromise and Indulgences of The flesh:
and two masters entertained within: and gatekeepers
For the sake of anonymity, we will call her ‘Sister,’ in this posting.
We begin where there are two spouses in a house, with many people in the kitchen with the husband— hosting them— and it was important to her. She walks out of the (a) basement (around this same time) with her back against the wall— and an alligator that seems to be nice, not attacking her, benign (more or less); but she placed her foot up against its mouth to protect herself —like it was still a danger: handling it cautiously.
She leaves the basement and is now no longer aware of the whereabouts of the alligator; but she sees where it has been frequenting, as it has defecated on the ground/floor/foundation— going into the kitchen from the basement. And at this point she wonders if there are other ‘animals’ here, in the kitchen, that can be leaving excrement behind. But not only is there excrement on the floor— but people have been there, obliviously, and noticeably— stepping in it.
She realizes at this point that the people her husband is with, in the kitchen, he could be cooking or providing food for— but instead he indulges in cake with them: and as she sees this— she is disheartened— because she realizes they are not eating real ‘food.’
This is the end of the first dream.

[resembling and symbolic of the tent tabernacling with the Lord]
Second dream: The Church Bed,
Threshold spirits, and covenants with satan,
In the body/church of Christ
Sister awakes in a church/house; it was dark like a morgue— dead people were there (corpses). She felt like she was sleeping in a building where she knew there were dead people; because as she entered this dream she was sleeping, and then awakened to this environment; in a bed, next to her husband, in a dark, church cathedral-like area, and there was a balcony at the top of this room with a door that looked like it opened up in multidimensional ways, or avenues. The atmosphere was very dark there— but she was able to see this multidimensional doorway that seemed to open up from many places— like the floor.
She then notices a man-figure up on the balcony, near this dimensional doorway, he is a very dark figure; and he comes down to where her and her husband are laying (she is awake at this point); and as he’s approaching he comes to near the doorway and demonically moves something in the room, and it scares her.
Then she awakens from this dream: end of dream.
Holy Spirit’s interpretation:
of the dreams and counsels

First Dream: The Kitchen/Heart,
Compromise and Indulgences of The flesh:
and two masters entertained within: and gatekeepers
This is a dream about her life, and her life with her husband (earthly husband); and as the kitchen is the symbolic reference for the heart of man, and what is being ‘taken in,’ of ‘food’ and food preparation in this room— it signifies that heart of man and what his heart holds, and indulges in for ‘intake,’ or food.
John 6:35, 53-55
“And Jesus said unto them— I am the bread of life: he that comes to me shall never hunger; and he that believes on me shall never thirst. Then Jesus said unto them— Verily, verily, I say unto you— Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood— you have no life in you.
Whoso eats my flesh, and drinks my blood— has eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.”
Many people in the kitchen means— many entities (good or bad is determined by the remainder of each individual dream): because they are being hosted. In this case— it is an individual’s life, but also combined within the confines of an earthly marriage (meaning the spouse is involved, as well). In this circumstance— the people in the dream are being hosted by both parties (spouses), and it is important to Sister that they are hosted.
Side note: wonder if it was important to the husband too? May or may not be important— but a question I would pose for Sister to investigate and entertain with the Lord— in communion with his Spirit, upon completion of taking in the whole context of the dream analysis.
Sister walks out of the basement— which signifies ‘below the surface,’ and ‘abasement,’ meaning— behavior that works in humiliation or degradation, belittling, cheapening, disgrace— lower (the definition of abased). So we can see that she is facing behavior that abases, or is lower behavior— humiliating, degrading behaviors— that work in the lower realm of behaviors.
At this point I would encourage her to speak with the Lord about whether she has come out from these types of behaviors— or if they are still plaguing her. But we will see with the furthering of the dream symbolism— which it is.
Psalm 139:8
“If I ascend up into heaven— you are there: if I make my bed in hell (below), behold, you are there.”
Revelation 11:7
“...the beast that ascended out of the bottomless pit (the alligator, in this dream, from the pit of hell) shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them (that’s his goal, through weakness, where Christ is not).”
Psalm 24:3-4
“Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands, and a pure heart; who has not lifted up his soul unto vanity [empty worthlessness], nor sworn deceitfully (covenant with lying).”
Genesis 28:12
“And he dreamed, and behold a ladder (stairs) set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.”
As she comes out of the lower behavior symbolic floor of this house (life) she realizes an alligator is with her: alligators represent ‘twisting’ or perversion— as scripture is twisted— it is perverted, as satan works his works— he perverts the truth, or twists things into what is lies, or behavior and attributes opposite of God holy. Another example of alligator is Leviathan— which works in discord and twisting things— so related to communication breakdown, devils involved, agenda’s of satan involved, and breakdown in interpersonal relationships (usually involving pride/jezebel upheld). So— as we see an alligator involved, at this point I would encourage her to see the Lord about things being ‘twisted, perverted, pride,’ and divisive (divided one opposed to the other) communications breaking down the marriage— for it is present (the alligator).
Isaiah 27:1
“In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan [H3882: a wreathed (crowned) animal —that is— a serpent, especially the crocodile or some other large sea monster; figuratively the constellation of the dragon; also as a symbol of Babylon] that crooked [H6929: torturous, crooked] serpent [H5175: snake]; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.”
*The Hebrew word for ‘Leviathan’ has the root meaning of— ‘coiled’ or ‘twisted.’
Her back is against the wall— as she keeps her eye on the alligator: this symbolizes a recognition in her soul that she is aware of things being twisted, perverted, or divisive in her life/marriage (as two are in this dream) —and she is keeping an eye on this spirit (Leviathan) and acknowledging its involvement in this marriage/two person house. Currently— it is not attacking her, but it is still there— and is presenting as benign; but we know alligators ought never be trusted; they are by nature— untrustworthy (demons).
Back up against a wall means— to be in a difficult situation with no easy way out. The idiom comes from the physical situation of being trapped with your back against a wall— which is a vulnerable position. It was originally used to describe a military force that was making a last stand. So, in this case, there is not much she can do at this time about it— but she is making a stand (as she can), and she keeps an eye on it in the marriage; for it takes two to tango in a marriage (joint efforts), and in this case two to work to rid the alligator, or divisive, twisting spirit in the home (marriage).
But she does realize it involves the ‘mouth,’ that this spirit is working through, because she places her foot (foundation in the truth) up against this spirit to protect herself —and remain out of danger, herself, handling this cautiously.
Revelation 12:15
“And the serpent cast out of his mouth —water (spirits) —as a flood [H4215: drinkable stream], after the woman (bride, church), that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood [H4216: river borne, overwhelmed by a stream, carried away].”
In a marriage— a spouse can only do his or her part in the marriage— and the other spouse does his/her part: it is a joined life, lived, which takes ‘co-operation,’ like our marriage relationship with our God. In this case— the dream is revealing that the Lord’s Spirit has been working with Sister to come out of the lower behaviors (basement) where belittling, degradation, and cheapening her true identity takes place (she is ‘leaving’ the basement); but her spouse may be another story entirely: and she can only walk her own soul/heart out in this realm with God— she cannot ‘do’ her husband’s relationship with the Lord ‘for’ him; but she can lay her life down in intercessions— as two are made one flesh in marriage.
At this point I would be explaining all of this to her, and then encouraging her to place her life on the altar for her husband, and intercede in intercessory prayer with the Lord— over the life of her husband, who may be involved with ‘perversion’ to the truth, and getting all twisted up in communication breakdown with the Lord (and all others— for breakdown in the truth with the Lord will affect all other relationships, as well).
And I would encourage her to speak with the Lord, and look into all areas of her heart where she may need to come into alignment with the truth (as the bible speaks it— as Jesus is, as he laid out) —within her own heart and soul— to be squared away with him, and staying vigilant about places of ‘discord’ in communication breakdown with the Lord— or others (one example— arguments, taking the side of pride or self defensiveness), based in the foundation of the truth walked in. For it was her foot— what she walks in of the truth with the Lord, at her foundation, that stood in the way of a spirit that ‘looked/appeared’ harmless, but should never be entertained or taken for benign or safe: the truth— and staying in alignment with it— keeps spirits like Leviathan out of harm's reach.
At this point she has lost sight of the alligator— but signs exist (excrement) that it is still alive, well, and present; for only living creatures being fed often— defecate; and in this case— the foundation (floor) is being defecated on, which would be the truth: the truth is being ‘poo pooed,’ if you will— in the kitchen, or heart: and in this room— is where her husband is entertaining people (spirits). Sister had said it was important to her that the people be hosted well: in this case— it would be important to host the ‘right people,’ or spirits in the heart of their relationship (the kitchen).
And so, at this point I would be speaking to her about what spirits are being entertained in the heart of this marriage; and to seek the Lord about the heart of the marriage— and what is happening at the heart of the marriage, from her perspective; but also to entertain with the Lord— what her husband’s perspective is (at this time, what he’s thinking, living like, agreeing with), as well as the Lord’s perspective (because that’s always the important one). And again— encouraging her to seek intercessions with Jesus about the marriage, the dynamics of it, the communication, and what truth or lies are in operation in the marriage, pertaining to spiritual matters of the bible’s truth— first and foremost: where is the biblical truth being ‘poo pooed’ on (twisted/perverted)?
She begins to wonder what ‘other animals,’ or what other spirits are involved in the marriage (Leviathan is a big principality, with underlings below it— a gang of demons and their attributes) —working in the heart of the marriage (the kitchen); because a lot of excrement is left on the foundation (floor) of the heart of the marriage (kitchen). And not only is there evidence of demonic entities— they are alive and well, and feeding on something (agreed with, in operation within the people) because they are defecating (results of being fed and kept alive) on the floor: and not only that— but people are walking in it, or stepping in it; which means— it’s a spiritual walk— continuing to be walked out, and people are likely oblivious to this.
The meaning of ‘stepping in it,’ —to become involved in a situation, taking an active role in. And in this case— what a person is coupling with, spiritually speaking, within the soul, mind, emotions, will, actions, beliefs— and heart of a man: all his internal workings. In this case— dung: and dung represents ‘waste’ and ‘ruin,’ and ‘rubbish or filth.’
Strong’s H830: Dung
Hebrew: שׁפת אשׁפּות אשׁפּת
Transliteration: 'ashpôth 'ashpôth shephôth
Pronunciation: {ash-pohth'} {ash-pohth'} shef-ohth'
Definition: Plural of a noun of the same form as {H827 } from H8192 (in the sense of scraping); a heap of rubbish or filth.
And H1828, Dung = manure, as well as H2716, Dung = excrement of bowels (what was taken in [eaten and chewed on, and swallowed], and digested). And H6675 for Dung = excrement, filth, and pollution.
Or— as Paul states in the use of Dung, in G4657 of Strong’s
Greek: σκύβαλον
Transliteration: skubalon
Pronunciation: skoo'-bal-on
Definition: Neuter of a presumed derivative of G1519 and G2965 and G906; what is thrown to the dogs that is— refuse (ordure). And dogs are symbolic of the unclean who will inherit hell and the Lake of Fire.
Revelation 22:14-16
“Blessed are they that do his commandments— in that they may have right to the tree of life— and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and makes a lie. I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David— and the bright and morning star.”
These people were stepping in, walking in (spiritually speaking) carnality— waste, ruin, rubbish (garbage) and filth— within the heart chamber: uncleanness, and in affiliation with spirits of. Instead of walking with Jesus in the truth— these loved a lie, and made lies what they walked in— instead of loving the truth (they would not love the truth; it does not say— know it— it says, love it, meaning— yoke to it, live it, covenant with the truth, within: that’s why the truth (Jesus) does not know them, at the judgment: these— would not yoke to it/him, nor be intimate with it/him: and Jesus knows all who are intimate with him/truth.
Sister realizes what is happening, at this point (this speaks to spiritual discernment with the Holy Spirit making things known).
The ‘people’ her spouse has been ‘with,’ and entertaining in the heart of the marriage (or even, his individual person and vessel) are desiring to eat; and he references that he could cook for them (which means prepare a meal for them, something to take in), but they all decide, instead, to indulge in things that appeal to the flesh (cake), but are not good for any type of real sustenance: things other than the pure, unadulterated truth (Jesus) to take in; and instead— lustful things— things a person ‘likes to’ engage in— but is not good for them, just a lust of the flesh being fulfilled: these are the people he is hanging out with, who have entities backing them in the spirit realm; entities that are supporting those who are indulging the flesh, in the heart of man.
Sister is disheartened at this because she realizes they are not eating ‘real food,’ which would be the word of God— the unadulterated truth: the real sustenance of life is the relationship with Jesus, lived in the truth, abiding in both.
These people want their ‘cake,’ and to ‘eat it too.’ This means— you have two incompatible things, or enjoy both things: but we cannot worship mammon and God; you can’t have it both ways, the best of both worlds (definition online) —which means— uphold darkness and light, truth and perversion, etc: we cannot have two masters who lead us in our ways— for they are two different paths, and we cannot be ‘on’ the narrow path, and ‘on’ the broad path— at the same time: juxtaposition.
This is the end of the first dream; and the end of the counsel from that first dream.

[resembling and symbolic of the tent tabernacling with the Lord]
Second dream: The Church Bed,
Threshold spirits, and covenants with satan,
In the body/church of Christ
Sister awakens in a place that exists in God’s household, where his people are living in darkness— in death— where life, the light, and the truth is not: but where dark entities, and open spiritual doorways/portals exist— where entities engage with humanity: a morgue— where dead people are. There is a real issue in the heart of Christianity in this age— where they are the walking dead; they are living in an intellectual understanding of the truth (if that), but are walking still in darkness (what they are living, partaking in, still allowing themselves to partake in, within their daily lives, inside the recesses of the human heart, mind, and soul).
1 John 1:6-7
“If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness— we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light— as he is in the light— we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanses us from all sin.”
John 8:12
“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying— I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness— but shall have the light of life.”
Isaiah 9:2
“The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death— upon them have the light shined.”
These scriptures speak of the need to be fellowshipping in the light with Jesus, in the truth of the word of God; and if we don’t yoke with him in the word of God, in the truth, and with his person— we are liars (or hypocrites), and we ‘do,’ not, the truth: this is a hearer only, not a ‘doer’ of the word/truth. For a ‘doer’ of the truth, in union with the truth— will be cleansed from all sin (missing the mark, and being separated from the truth and union with the Spirit of God, in the light) —by the blood of Christ: that in which unifies us under sanctification and consecration (yoking in relationship and being cleansed by) the truth (the life of Jesus/his blood and word), LIVED.
James 1:22-25
“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only— deceiving your own selves.
For if any be a hearer of the word (truth) —and not a doer— he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholds himself, and goes his way, and straightway— forgets what manner of man he was (or was to be, in a truth identity). But whoso looks into the perfect law of liberty— and continues therein— he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.”
Anyone who will ‘follow’ the light— that’s a reference to be immersed in the truth, not twisting of the truth, nor indulged in the flesh to believe however we choose to interpret the truth— and live a spiritual lifestyle within the confines of the truth— the actual truth as the scripture defines it…
Will be covenanting with, and in, Christ Jesus: who spearheads bringing every man into the truth by the continued work of the Holy Spirit of God: who is to bring every man into it. And the Holy Spirit of God has been given to those who ‘obey’ God (so, that’s specific people).
If they will walk in the light— they shall follow the Lamb wherever he goes, and in all the paths he has walked— and yet walks with his people: the paths of righteousness— the ancient paths of God, not devils.
So, people who ‘once’ lived in darkness, but have had the light shine unto them (the truth and person of God in Jesus Christ), they ‘once’ dwelled in the shadow of death (dead living), but now— walk in the light: this dream is showing how many still walk in the shadow of death: and if death has a shadow, it is walking nearby— and needs to be dealt with.
Death— is estrangement from God and his truth: and if one is walking in the shadow of death— one is walking in the ‘wake,’ if you will, of death itself: for it is nearby.
A wake— is both a wave, or a spiritual happening going on; but it is also what one attends— when someone has died: the walking dead.
Sister knew people were walking in darkness— as they were asleep (even her earthly husband, who was with her in this church place, but who was asleep— when she was awakened to what was going on now).
All the virgins are asleep when the bridegroom comes for them to receive him and his truth to couple with— but some did not pay the cost of intimacy with him, and when he comes unexpected— he does not come, sup with them, and shut himself in with them (symbolic of the truth locked inside, and in intimacy with it/him): these have ‘low light,’ or more darkness going on within them, in their ‘walk,’ with the truth: the wise virgins are given to rest— but are ready all the time, in covenant with the truth— and upholding it ‘within,’ when he comes through the door, and closes himself in with them and the truth.
But the unwise virgins, called to be separated from darkness (perversion) are still walking in it, their light is dim (because it is obscured by darkness), and they have not paid the cost of the death of the cross in their lives (death to prideful self and untruth coupled with: flesh indulged instead of crucified and killed, and so death becomes them— or takes shape in their lives): and because they are walking in (or playing with) darkness still in their inner man, and actions, uplifting the flesh instead of killing it —their sleep is the sleep of death (or estrangement, and distance, and are locked out at the truth’s coming).
This is happening in individual lives, and by large— corporately— in the church of God: this is why each person needs to be walking in the truth, in the light, inside their vessels; and why the Lord is pulling us out of religion— and into truth yoking relationship to/with the truth and person of Jesus: getting Babylon out of us.
Revelation 18:4
“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying— Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.”
At this point in the dream I would be explaining to Sister that she ought to go over her marriage to Jesus in every way— to clear up any areas where she may be asleep to living in the truth, herself, or otherwise— dead to it (a hearer, but not a doer); but I would also encourage her to ask the Lord to reveal where her husband may be asleep toward the truth— and to continue to intercede for him in this conversation with the Lord about real intimacy lived with God— based in the truth, and walking in it.
As an example— cessationism upheld— can cause a man to not walk in the fullness of the word of God, for this man does not believe Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever— and still functions the same today, as he always has: as he changes not.
Being in ‘a bed,’ in a dream, signifies intimacy with someone (either God, or another human soul); so I would be speaking to her about her own marriage to the Lord, her marriage to her earthly husband— as well as a corporate burden for what the church of God is going through, as a collective— in the body of Christ: it’s all a marriage bed.
It is dark in here (lack of light/truth), and it’s set in a church (cathedral), so it speaks of the relationship to the bible, the truth, and the person of God, himself: and the place where the upper room doorway is: the place at the ceiling (elevation) —which speaks of the heavens, and the mind) —where the dimension doorway/gate is. In this case— the upper room doorway/gateway— where we are to open up to Christ/the truth, who stands knocking for all to open up to him— has been hijacked by a threshold spirit of darkness: this happens when we are not doing our diligent duty coupling/yoking with the word of God, in intimacy with the truth and person of the Lord; and we have ‘another spirit’ as a porter of the gateway of the upper room, elevation, heavens, high places, within the human soul, heart, mind of a person.
{And this is evident in the corporate body of Christ (the church) today— as many intercessors have been speaking of the great burden upon the heart of God in this hour— to the great deception taking place, in subtle works of satan, that appeal to the flesh: I had a dream, yesterday, about ‘shamans,’ which are witchdoctors, or spirit medicine men (which means spiritual entities entertained in the second heavens of deceptions, where a person partners with the spirits there, who work in divination and witchcraft— as the carnal nature and its lusts are lived within these vessels: not the truth of the scripture and Jesus upheld, solely, and reverently in the high places). And these ‘shamans,’ they knew EXACTLY what they were doing, as I confronted two of them in this dream, as they worked, even, as high up as deceiving the very elect— and not only the elect— but the leadership of the 5-fold ministry itself: the ministers of God.
I see this happening in breakneck speed, right now, with the body of Christ being seduced by these spirits working in celebrity person’s of the church; where the people are seduced and deceived because of what they are saying, showing, and bringing forth is appealing to their flesh nature and carnality; but because they cannot discern between the flesh and the Spirit— they are hoodwinked, hook, line, and sinker (fully), and led astray from the way, the truth, and life lived in the way and the truth— in, and with, in union (like/same) —as Jesus Christ: two as one in spirit, now.}
In Sister’s dream— the atmosphere was dark (this is a spiritual reference, and can only be discerned spiritually with the Holy Spirit of God, who discerns all spiritual matters with the mind of Christ, not the carnal mind): and in this spiritual space— the doorway, with the threshold entity— was in the floor, or the foundation: Leviathan is also what is known as a threshold entity: a porter or gatekeeper, that keeps the people of God in perversion, or twisting, of the truth: so that their eyes would not be enlightened, in that they would be ‘converted’ by the truth shining unto them.
When a person— because the truth is upheld within a heart chamber— has an entity guarding that gateway chamber, or the place of union with the spirit—between man and his ‘god/God’ —a man’s threshold guardian is holy and true (serving the God of truth). When a man is in covenant with lies and darkness, believing and living as such within his heart— a man’s heart chamber gateway/portal/opening/doorway —is guarded by an entity of the dark realm— for they are upholding covenant with darkness (lies, perversion, twisting), and partaking from the ‘food,’ or sustenance from the table of satan (pride and perversion, lies and darkness: a covenant with sin and death).
Matthew 13:15
“For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.”
Leviathan perverts the truth— so that people cannot see clearly; and pride is always involved (the spirit of Jezebel, where the truth and those upholding it, are killed): Leviathan never works alone in the church (individually or corporately) —there is always a gang of entities that work with this principality; and it must be addressed by God, directly— with each human engaging God about this entity and its cohorts. Because even Michael rebuked not satan— but said— the Lord rebukes you: that means— the Lord is telling you to back off, not even the principality known as Michael.
We have this issue going on in the church today: and one reason that Leviathan cannot be rebuked by men is because men are very much still carnal, in many ways, and not ‘devoid’ of pride, or self leading: and it's why the Lord, being the perfect one, is the one to do the rebuking of such a high ranking principality. For it will also include a person uncoupling from perversion, indulgences of the carnal nature, becoming sanctified (washed) in the truth— washed clean, and consecrated in the heart, mind, and soul of this individual— IN HUMILITY (the opposite of pride) —obedient, and reverent to the truth upheld, whilst walking in the fruit of the Spirit of God. PHEW! There are many reasons why we work ‘with God’ in relationship to Leviathan and Jezebelic pride and assassination and twisting of the truth: for he is the only one ranked high enough above it all (from his sinless life, and perfect blood, power and authority) to squash it out, entirely.
Jude 1:9
“Yet Michael— the archangel— when contending with the devil he disputed— about the body of Moses— durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said— The Lord rebuke you.”
If a man is moving in pride— Leviathan cannot be rebuked by man (over that man’s life— for he is covenanting with the dragon); and most all men are moving in some level of pride (all): and so— we work ‘with,’ and ‘within’ the confines of Jesus Christ, who is high above even Leviathan, in the church, with all its issues: and we seek him in intercessions, and we petition him in regards to dealing with Leviathan— that he would rebuke, and work with men and women who are involved with this spirit— to repent, turn, come back to God and godliness in the truth lived; so that the Lord may break the works of Leviathan, behind many church people’s lives: it will take a divorce from several spirits, and thus— is a large endeavor that Jesus himself takes on, not individuals, not even Michael, alone.
When the atmosphere in the church is dark— the doorway/gateway/portal/opening— in the floor, and upper room of— will be guarded by a threshold entity: there are many different ones, and we sometimes call them— ‘strongman.’ Our Lord can help us with these head honchos, and their underlings that work with and for them, in conjunction with them: as the boss will work from a certain root, bound up in the foundation of man, such as— unbelief, pride, or fear (most all strongholds come back to these, in the foundation of every man).
Matthew 12:29
“Or else how can one enter [G1525: go in through] into a strong man's house— and spoil [G1283: seize] his goods— except he first binds the strong man [G2478: powerful, valiant one]? And then he will spoil [G1283: seize] his house.”
One cannot enter into a heart chamber (where beliefs are upheld and covenanted with), unless we deal with the threshold entities first: the strong man. For we will not even be able to seize control of this room within the heart and soul of this man— until the ‘valiant’ one is dealt with, the one in power: and the reason they are in power is due to covenant belief upheld, and LIVED, within that heart room, or soul room chamber; and why altars need to be destroyed where activities are taking place, that honor ‘another spirit,’ not the Holy Spirit of God, which lives in lies and darkness, not truth and light of God: when we deal with the threshold entities (strongman or strongmen) —we can then come through deliverance, fully: first things first.
When dealing with a strongman, or threshold entity— we regroup with God, and place him at the lead (let him rebuke through the Spirit of God, in his name); and in this— the person has to acknowledge they have been participating with darkness and lies, and walking in things they ought not too— AND— they desire to whole-heartedly CHANGE: repentance.
Once repentance is sought and agreed to— we can bind this entity/threshold gatekeeper— because the covenant with sin and death has been annulled, and then we begin breaking altars (addressing wrong behavior, not born in godliness), and renouncing all affiliations with this now, and for the future— in covenant with God and the truth, and dedication toward walking in the light henceforth.
This is then when the truth is coming in, cleansing the room from darkness, lies, affiliations with entities (casting them out— all squatters), and covenants and beliefs associated to eating from satan’s table of options— that are opposite of eating the truth; where satan was coupled with instead of God holy; but now— the Lord God holy and true, and his truth— will be what this person now eats of (covenants with, and upholds) and takes into his person in the kitchen (heart of man).
She notices in this dream that there is a ‘man-figure,’ up there, in the upper room, balcony area, where this dimensional doorway is— and he is dark: this speaks to a soul of a man, that is walking in darkness— in the high places of his person (perversion/lies/opposite the word of God and his person, the truth); and is backed by the entities that facilitate walking this way in their souls (body lives down here): spirits of corruption partnered with, in the souls of men, in the church: the marriage bed.
This can be happening in individual marriages (in the earthly), as well as corporately in the church— toward a man’s personal intimacy relationship with the word of God— the truth, and his person.
This dark figure— comes down from the second heavens (where satan’s headquarters is) —where she is ‘awake’ to the truth, and sees what is happening; but where her husband is still asleep (symbolic of unwise virgin, at the coming of the word of God): and this entity is— moving things in the church. This speaks of demonic manifestations taking place in the church of God, in this world, where God’s people are asleep— spiritually dead (like Lazarus slept); and because they are in affiliation with darkness, and their man-figure is misshapen, not in the likeness and ways of Jesus and the light— and thus— they are darkened. She— the wise virgin is ‘awake’ to all of this— but saddened for the reality that many are sleeping right through, in their seduced and deceived souls, who are partaking in darkness— all the while— oblivious to it: the great deception— is upon us.
Matthew 25:1-13
“Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, who took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom: And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
While the bridegroom tarried— they all slumbered and slept.
And at midnight (the darkest of times) there was a cry made— Behold, the bridegroom comes; go out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.
And the foolish said unto the wise— Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying— Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go rather to them that sell— and buy for yourselves.
And while they went to buy— the bridegroom came; and they that were ready —went in with him —to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying— Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said— Verily I say unto you— I know you not. Watch— therefore— for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man comes.”
All— had lamps (light), but the foolish— did not have enough intimacy with the truth, living it, covenanting with it, yoking to it, and spending time in it/him; and when he came— they were all asleep— but the wise were resting ‘in him,’ whilst the foolish— were dead in spiritual affiliation with the truth— and were resting with satan: and hence— the truth/Jesus— knew them not (they were not acquainted, no matter how much bible they had), when he came to receive his bride, and go in unto her for the marriage of the Lamb.
It is time for the church to awaken out of her slumber— and sleep no more toward the truth, but live unto the truth— covenant with the truth— come out of deception and lies, and yoke with Jesus, truly: for the hour is so very late; and no man can do this for another— each man must ‘come into’ the truth, in all areas of his heart, soul— mind and emotions, will and actions— for himself.
Sister— the wise virgin— is scared for the church: and I, for one, have been sitting with the Lord over this, and with Lisa Rickard; and we are in the same place of seeing it, watching it increase— and strengthen in its doubled down stance in many ways, walking in darkness, deception, lullabied into a shadow of death sleep— deceived: this is the hour of the greatest deception of all of time, and it means to increase.
The Lord— is he who sends a strong delusion (a sleep, spiritually), upon those who are deceived— for it comes of their own desire ‘to be’ deceived, or lulled by the allure of the flesh, and its indulgences (have their ‘cake’ and eat it too).
2 Thessalonians 2:10-14
“And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not— the love of the truth— that they might be saved. And for this cause— GOD SHALL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSION— that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth— but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God has —from the beginning— chosen you unto salvation, through sanctification of the Spirit —and— belief of the truth: Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
She (the wise and awake bride of Christ) —awakens from this dream, as it ends here for her: but for the church— it is the place of strong delusion: and many are greatly deceived by the lusts that the church walks in, with shamans and charlatans (those who will spiritually cater to those of the carnal nature and mind, still). And all the while— because they do not covenant with, love, or be washed by the word/truth; nor do they grow up in discipline under the Spirit of truth himself— and get mature in Christ Jesus: they are led astray by the lusts of the life— of carnality (where untruth is lived, where compromise is found in the hearts (souls and minds, wills and actions) of men: backed by the dark spirits.

The burden of the Lord over all of these issues brought up in these two dreams today— has been heavy upon several people in ministry to the Lord Jesus Christ, personally, in the earth. The amount of people we are ministering to, with issues and circumstances involved in one or more aspects of the entanglements with darkness that we have detailed here in these dreams— is staggering, and in plenty.
The Lord has been asking of us to take more time alone with him, to recover from the sheer amount of ministry we are doing (as an example— doing breakdowns like this with the Lord, in great depth, of dream interpretation): ministry is a workload, and the Lord is to guide us (as we are the children of God who are led of his Spirit); and it is common courtesy to inquire if it be possible to give a workload to a servant of the Lord.
He is saying right now…
“Janet, it’s imperative that my people understand that when you ask for prayer (to an intercessor who will, in depth, pray for this person and their needs), or you inquire of personal counsels, or you ask for personal dream interpretation, or deliverance and healing ministry— you are, indeed— inquiring if you can put them to work in the ministry, with a burden.
Now— we are the burden bearers, who bear our brother’s burden, and I am not saying otherwise: but we are also those led of the Spirit of God, in the fruit of his Spirit, and kindness is one of those fruits, honoring others is another, and patience is to be included as well— letting her have her perfect work.
It takes not but a moment to inquire of my Spirit if I am leading you all to come to a minister about something or not; and if I am leading you in this— I desire for you to ask the minister I am leading you to if it is an appropriate time, considering their workload.
Because I assure you— one working with my Spirit, and led of my Spirit to do ministry unto me in the earth— will treat this request with the utmost seriousness, will not neglect it, and will give everything to it; but I am asking that you give them the courtesy of working with my Spirit as to when. Because I may have given them a heavy workload— already, dear children.”
The Heart of man, with all its compartments, situations, and scenarios…
The God, or gods, erect inside a man’s heart— and all its compartments and spiritual business being carried out therein…
The gatekeepers that guard the doors of man’s heart— in regards to deliverance ministry and heart healing, and counsels…
The church bed of intimacy— and where she is sleeping, and with whom inside the hearts of men…
The covenants upheld in the hearts of men with God, or with satan….
The wise and unwise (foolish) virgins— or called out ones from the world….
The people who desire to have their cake and eat it too— walking in two spiritual places in a juxtaposition: a position where 2 opposites are entertained….
A knowingness that people in the church are walking in darkness— not following the light— nor having a love of the truth, where compromise/open doors exist….
Where they are eating food off the table of satan’s options, and upholding a covenant with, somewhere in their hearts….
As well as others taking a spiritual stand for the truth— for spouses and others in intercession….
Knowing who and what people are entertaining in the hearts of man— what people are walking in or engaging in spiritually —within their soul lives (body lives in this realm, carrying out actions of)....
Being the walking dead of the church— hearers but not doers of the word— sanctified and consecrated in it, and to it/him….
Defilement and adultery in their beds of intimacy, places inside the heart chambers of men that have been hijacked by strongmen threshold entities and their cohorts (demon gangs) —because of what the people are eating and taking in of perversion of the truth….
Seeing where pride is walked in and not dealt with— leading there to be a dark-figured-man in the upper room chamber (high places within man), led of dark spirits who have come through open doorways….
Seeing where the church needs to awaken and come out of affiliations with darkness— by dealing with their flesh and its lusts indulged in that leads to compromise: the results are the cake and eating it too, where 2 masters are inside, 2 paradigms; but where really only one is upheld, the other is despised and not really a master at all….
Seeing the result of compromise in the lives of men….
These things, and SO MUCH MORE, do the ministers of the Lord deal with, on a consistent basis, day in, and day out— amongst MANY different individuals: and a beast of burden— can get overloaded; but it is not the Lord’s desire, but it is satan’s desire to wear out the minister’s of the Lord.
So, as much as this is about detailing to the body of Christ how to take thought for the ministers of Christ Jesus in the earth, and be led of the Spirit of God. It is likewise a warning to the ministers themselves to be led of the Lord Jesus, and to explain to others when you will be stepping away, and why, and stick to it, like Jesus.
He went away often to regroup with Father, and many of his ministers in the earth are working night ‘and’ day shifts, around the clock— like ‘on call’ emergency workers (but even they, eventually, need rest): God is the only one who does not need to rest, which is why he needs us to come away with him, and take a break every now and again, for a while: because an overloaded burden bearer— can bear no more; and may even risk being out for longer than a short break— if they breakdown entirely.

These minister’s hearts are very burdened, and very busy with the Lord in his ministry— and he is desiring that we would move in consideration of all he is showing them, all he is asking of them, and all he is leading them and has assigned them to already: with a simple ‘request of services’ —before— the revealing of all matters to them; to consider if they are available, and/or ‘capable’ and ‘led of the Spirit’ to engage with said workload at this time: this is the way of Christ Jesus, and his Kingdom.

[“Walk with Me,” by Greg Olsen: http://www.gregolsen.com ]
The emphasis the Holy Spirit of God
Is asking of us to pour over of the 2 Dreams

Coupling with the truth, in context, not twisted/perverted— no religion or religious spirit.
We are to live the truth (scripture defines what that is, and who that is), walk in the light— righteousness and truth upheld (this is speaking of the character of Jesus: hence the fruit of God holy and true’s Spirit) —all deep inside the chambers of man’s heart, mind, soul: all the high places of regard inside of a man, when either God and his ways are upheld, or satan and his are: thus— no defiling of the bed of the Lord. And the bed of the Lord is where we are to be intimate with him— his way, truth, conduct, character, statutes, precedents, order, fruit of his Spirit— walking in the light— at the place of union between man and God: the mercy seat of the covenant that is upheld between man and God.
What happens when man will not do this with the Lord is that— idolatry is upheld, demons are coupled with, man will be eating from the table of satan, spiritual blindness will occur, and religion takes root (an intellectualized understanding of the scriptures, not holy Spirit led understanding— but led of the carnal, fleshly mind; and there will be a lack of relationship with the Way, the Truth, and the Life of Jesus, where strongholds are established, strongmen are present as gatekeepers/doorway blockers, and the light is not walked in.
These men and women get trapped in the high places of the heart and soul of man— with the fallen realm of sin and death and demons— instead of the God holy and true: because man is upholding another covenant.
And then the bed, and bedchamber of the Lord with man (the mercy seat, and upper room, elevation of the high places within man) gets defiled with devils; and this man has need of deliverance from the darkness, covenants with, altars erected where offerings (beliefs and conduct associated with this way have been taking place) need destroying, along with all affiliations shared with beings in the dark realm— where compromise or twisting of the truth (that accommodates the flesh in some fashion), and the demonic rhetoric, beliefs, conduct, and agreements with— needs to be renounced and repented of: This man has need to be delivered into the truth, the light, the way, the life we are to live in, and with, Jesus Christ: the new covenant with the truth/Jesus and narrow path needs to be upheld and walked out within this man.
The Lord’s ministers have need of setting boundaries within the ministry, established by the Lord, led of the Lord— to preserve the ministry of Jesus in the earth (our vessels, and unto others). If his ministers will burn the candle at both ends, not take the time to rejuvenate with the Lord, in peace and rest, and allow the Lord to minister unto them in resuscitation and recovery; then this man will burn out— too much, too fast, too often— will lead to a total breakdown.
The Lord is establishing his heart for his ministers, and his great need for them to establish boundaries, being led of his Spirit as to when and how to interact with individuals, and to understand that the devil is attempting to wear out the Lord’s saints in doing all he burdens them with through guilt to do all things (people) sent their way— instead of being led of the Lord to do as he is leading, of the— what, where, when, why, and unto whom.
It is imperative that we are led of the Lord’s Spirit— for both those who are caught up in idolatry, and needing repentance, a cleansed heart, and affiliations broken off with satan; and for the ministers of God— to be led of his Spirit in ministering to individuals who are sent in need of assistance; but not of the leading of their own hearts (it has intents and purposes of its own). For if not— we will be led of another spirit (through guilt, or performance based thinking), and we will be destroyed for our own lack of knowledge: both in the ways of the Kingdom of God (where everything has order there, and all are led of the Lord), and in the ways of satan’s kingdom.
Because satan uses tactics of guilt, shame, performance based, puppeting of the human soul; and if he cannot stop a child of God in this life from serving the Lord— he will get him to serve the Lord ‘plus’ him (remember he tried to command Jesus to do things in the wilderness, too). He will cause them to desire to always be striving in performance ministry— even when the Lord has not initiated such an endeavor. And all because satan is able to manipulate God’s children, in ministry, through guilt— that they should be doing ‘every workload sent’ their way (persons): and in this— they will find themselves serving God and satan, 2 masters, and being worn down: the Father pulled Jesus away to minister unto him, and he will require this in our lives as well: Jesus was one man in his flesh, and the ministers of the Lord are as well; and have need to study the life of Jesus, and follow him and his way with the Father, in ministry.
Some people are sent of satan, not of God; and some people are not ready, and are sent as distractions and timewasters: swine (the fleshly) do not know what to do with pearls of heaven, (Kingdom ways, truth, and conduct that reveals Jesus, the Father, and the Kingdom of God). It takes a person poised and resolute to know ‘and’ serve Jesus and the truth— put all his might into it (love God with all our soul, heart, mind and strength); for anything less is half-hearted, and they are not ready to be converted, cleansed, delivered, healed, made whole, and matured in the truth with Jesus).
Both categories of people need to be given over completely to the Lord in obedience to the truth, and his Spirit: DOING THE WILL OF GOD. Or else, there will be hidden idolatry taking place (2 masters): let us heed the warning of the Lord, church of God.
Matthew 6:24
“No man can serve two masters [G2962: supreme controllers]: for either he will hate the one— and love the other; or else he will hold to [G472: adhere to, and care for] the one— and despise [G2706: disesteem and think against] the other….”
In Matthew chapter 6 Jesus is speaking to hypocritical Pharisees who need to be seen a certain way, on the street (faces gaunt from fasting), who also are storing up for themselves treasures upon earth: and so Jesus addresses mammon, at the end of this verse above, stating man cannot serve two masters, and mammon as one of those masters (material gains in the physical world, related to currency).
But we have need to understand— mammon is only one false god that man can couple with and have an adulterous relationship with God, where 2 masters are being served in the same temple: the soulish, self led man, being of the greatest— where other entities couple with.
Luke 9:23
“And he said to them all— If any man will come after me— let him deny himself— and take up his cross [G4716: exposure to death, self denial] daily, and follow me.”
Galatians 5:24
“And they that are Christ's have crucified [G4717: extinguished and crucified] the flesh with the affections [G3804: emotional influence] and lusts [G1939: longings or desires].”
We, the people of God cannot entertain our own hearts, led of the soul (it's a god in itself if we allow it to be, the ego of man), and not led of the Spirit of God; for we are to be the children of God (our Father who leads us), led of his Spirit: even the ministers of God risk walking according to the flesh— in ministry— if they are not tempered by the Spirit of God, in submission to his leading, and being regulated by him.
We are the children of God who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to his Spirit’s lead, truth, ways, conduct, and character; we obey the Spirit of God.
Romans 8:1, 4-5, 8-9, 12-14
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus— who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.
That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us— who walk not after the flesh— but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh, do— mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit— (do mind) the things of the Spirit.
So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But you are not in the flesh— but in the Spirit— if so be that the Spirit of God dwells in you.
Therefore, brethren, we are debtors— not to the flesh, to live after the flesh; for if you live after the flesh— you shall die: but if you, through the Spirit, do mortify the deeds of the body— you shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God— they are the sons of God.”
We must be LED OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD, at all times: for these are the children of God; who do not serve another master; and when they find they have been hoodwinked, deceived, seduced to do so— they crucify that flesh, and crush the headship of satan right then and there: ministers of the Lord are not exceptions to this rule, and reign, of Christ Jesus in them.
Idolatry (upholding another god/person/entity) is a work of the flesh (Galatians 5:20), and is not from the Kingdom of God: hence— the need to slay the beast (carnal nature, self ego, flesh) within every man’s heart, mind, soul— with its lusts or inclinations and desires.
It is incredibly important to be those who are doing the will of ‘God,’ not man, nor devils.
Matthew 7:21
“Not everyone that says unto me— Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven.”
1 Peter 4:2
“That he no longer should live the rest of his time— in the flesh to the lusts of men— but to the will of God.”
Psalm 40:7-8
“Then said I— Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do your will, O my God: yea, your law is within my heart.”
Acts 13:22
“And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David —to be their king; to whom also he gave their testimony, and said— I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after my own heart, who shall fulfil all my will.”
Hebrews 10:36
“For you have need of patience, that— after you have done the will of God— you might receive the promise.”
We MUST be led of his Spirit: all of us
