WARNING: 11/11/24
I woke from a horrifying, and ultra high definition dream this morning; and, as well, another sister in Christ retold her dream to me that she received last night, along with scripture from Zechariah chapter 10 (that the Lord impressed upon her, upon waking).
In my dream there was extreme sickness within the house of God revealed.
The beginning of the dream began with a representative of the set apart ones, who is in an intimate relationship with the Lord God: a prophet, apostle, watchman, or manifest (mature) child of God.
And this representative was walking through a hotel room. It was dated, and I saw a man bringing in fresh flowers. The proper, set apart child of God was to stay in this room. It was speaking of the old ways, the ancient ways or paths, but with fresh flowers being brought in, which speaks of new beauty, new life brought forth— as the ancient paths were lived in again.
A man (that I know in the house of God) approached the servant of the Lord, and asked if he could come along, if he could stay with them in this room (indicative of the ancient paths, refreshed, seeing that this set apart one has the Holy Spirit, and is in oneness with the Holy Spirit). The servant of the Lord (apostle, prophet, watchman, priest of the Lord, manifest child) said, ‘sure,’ and he stayed in this place with that child of God.
This person walking in a pure relationship with the Lord, represents a son or daughter of God walking the ancient paths of righteousness, and taking others with them: it’s a beautiful picture of what the manifest sons/daughters in the house of God are doing in this hour.
But what happened next was horrifying: the person, who is a Christian (one who is called by his name), who I know well (it’s all symbolic, meaning— this is familiar, not far removed in the body of Christ, it’s pervasive, and closer than we discern) —he began to get in bed with the sanctified child of God, the servant of the Lord… and began to become inappropriate, self gratification, lust that would not be contained or curtailed, and they were perverting the bed (symbolic of the personal relationship that is supposed to be taking place with the Lord), and they were abusing the servant of the Lord (the prophetic, priestly one), and they only desired to fulfill the desires of their flesh.
This was speaking of the adulterous relationship that the church has with prophetic words, hanging on everything that the prophets say, to fulfill the desires of their flesh— but never walking straight with the Lord God themselves— and getting clean; but becoming adulterous in this pursuit of gratification of their desires to want knowledge information (tree of knowledge, and lust of, ever increasing, but never coming into the truth for themselves), defiling themselves, and defiling their relationship with the Lord, and the body of Christ in the earth— causing idolatry of the prophetic.
It was lusting after prophesy— instead of desiring intimacy with the Lord for themselves. It was tickling their fancy, instead of developing their own walk with God, where he made it possible for all to prophecy now, with the finished work of the cross. And it was becoming satisfied (or satiated) with the created (human servants of the Lord), and worshiping them, instead of worshiping God, hearing from him, getting cleaned up and sanctified, and fulfilled in him.
So I saw perversion, lust, desires fulfilled of the flesh, not seeking after God, but worship of self (lust conceived and brought forth sin, that brings forth death— estrangement from God, if not curtailed and corrected): it was worship of the created men and woman of God who are hearing clearly from him, being satisfied, hanging on, getting in bed with them, becoming satisfied (after lusting after their words) with what they are bringing forth to them, that is satisfying their fleshly desires: but all the while they are defiling themselves before God, and adulterating the intimacy bed made for the Lord and each man.
The inappropriate behavior, the idolatry, the exaltation of prophets, trading off a relationship with them (indecent, at that) over a pure relationship with God— was grotesque to witness in this dream.
Then the dream shifted, and again— these are all people I know personally, which means it’s closer than what people can discern (the idolatry and inappropriate behaviors taking place in the hearts of men and women in the house of God).
The dream transitioned, and the first scene with the inappropriate relationship to the prophetic, and the idolatry there… flowed right into a large group of churchgoers who were going on a retreat of some sort. Only, as they did— the sanctified body of Christ, prophetic, apostolic, watchmen, manifest, set apart, child of God representative of the pure church— was abandoned, rejected, and left out: and with harsh disdain.
This speaks of the true sons and daughters and their persecution that is, and will continue to come from the church itself: same as it did with Christ Jesus when he walked the earth.
I watched this great group of churchgoers abandon, reject, and persecute— with almost ZERO compassion in them, toward the sanctified and consecrated manifest child of God: absolute rejection, abandonment, and anathema— which means, ‘excommunicated person, excommunication’, from Greek anathema ‘thing dedicated’, (later) ‘thing devoted to evil, accursed thing.’
It was the lukewarm, apostate church that was hurting and persecuting the sanctified and consecrated ones from their congregations and gatherings; and who were casting them out, calling them despised of the Lord, and excommunicating them, like they did Jesus— when they said he was working with devils, because they could not discern the Spirit of the Lord before them (in that vessel), when he stood before them incarnate.
The dream shifted again, and I witnessed nakedness, and no shame of walking naked, and showing the private bits: this speaks of no covering of righteousness, no shame either, for they were blind to their nakedness, and this person was gallivanting around others in this way.
This speaks of the blindness of pride in the body of Christ, or the church as it is. It speaks of walking in shame, nakedness, pride, and all the while blinded by the plank in their eyes, living life so long in this state— that it cannot even be discerned any longer that they are not walking in their proper covering, or garment of the Lord: and they are clueless— yet confident in their delusion.
But what was interesting, was that some others could see their nakedness— so, some were discerning this pride, and lack of a true, pure, and clean, righteous covering of the Lord in their lives: they were mixed in with the sanctified ones, but also, more reprobate ones were mixed in as well: it was a melting pot of mixture, perversion, and sanctified ones— all together: this— the Lord cannot let stand for much longer, or the entire household will rot, as the rotten fruit will infect the rest of the good fruit.
That was my dream, but a sister in Christ had this dream:
She dreamt that she was soaring high, flying high with others— high above in the clouds, which is indicative of staying up with the Lord, where his ways are higher, and his thoughts higher, and flying as an eagle of the Lord, with the Lord; and others were with her as well— all joyful, and in one accord.
But then, someone from below, tried to reach up and pull her down; but when they couldn’t— they decided to attempt to fly up there with her, but when they did this, it was for one reason only: it was to get evidence that this person was not doing anything on their own, it was angels that were bearing her up on their wings, so she could fly: as they were taking pictures to prove she wasn’t doing anything at all, angels were doing it— to discourage, and deflate her (bring her down). To which she giggled when she saw what they were presenting as evidence that would deflate her or bring her down; she still enjoyed the fact that she was flying, even with assistance from God’s heavenly host: of one accord.
This is descriptive of those who will tag alongside the pure in heart, soaring above with our Lord, staying above the fray— but who are only their to attempt to take the steam out of the manifest child’s sails, to steal their joy, to find any reason to pull them down, or tear them down (jealousy is rampant, and yet, each can have an authentic relationship with our Lord God): and it was other church members.
Again— this speaks of the fleshly, the sick, the perverted, reprobate, rebellious, jealous, witchcrafting, destructive, unrighteous (naked), prideful, sabotaging, rejecting, abandoning, anathema wielding, idolatrous, adulterous state of the house of God: and this is why judgment comes to the house of God, first, and must.
This is not far removed, this is not people we did not know— we knew these people in the dreams, and so this is pervasive and familiar (or close to home), and it’s happening in hearts near you; and yet, all the while, it’s happening under the cover of the heart: but God searches the hearts of men.
In Zechariah chapter 10 it speaks of ‘another flock,’ and this flock is reprobate— it consists of goats: and there is a serious need for the cleansing, and separating of God’s household.
Zechariah 10:1-3
“Ask of the Lord for rain in the time of the latter rain; so the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to everyone— grass in the field.
For the idols have spoken vanity [H205: nothingness], and the diviners [H7080: those determining by magic scrolls (which speaks of unclean spirits being listened to instead of God holy)] have seen a lie [H8267: a sham, speaking deceit and falsehood], and have told false dreams; they comfort [H5162: console everyone] in vain [H1892: emptiness, transitory, and unsatisfactory]: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled— because there was no shepherd.
{No shepherd speaks of God not leading them, but another type of pastor (a hireling), and the flock fell prey to wolves— for the good shepherd keeps wolves out.}
My anger was kindled against the shepherds [H7462: those who are to tend to a flock], and I punished the goats [H6260: full grown leaders of the people, chief ones]: for the Lord of hosts has visited his flock —the house of Judah; and has made them as his goodly horse in the battle.”
Here we see the Lord speaking of the false orators— the leaders who are supposed to tend to his flock, as well as those who follow after them (who have intermingled with the sanctified house of the God): in whom the Lord will bring his anger against— for they have provoked him; and all the while— he will establish his war horses in the day of battle (his true sons and daughters in his household).
And as well, verse 10, of Zechariah chapter 10:
“And I will strengthen them in the Lord; and they shall walk up and down in his name, saith the Lord.”
This speaks to those war horses who will be brought forth— in the day of battle (which is come upon us).
The Lord has been saying to me that— “Those who will be saying ‘Peace and Safety,’ when sudden destruction is actually about to happen— will be those of my own household; for they will have fallen into the grand delusion that the world is offering them in this hour: that ‘all will be well now, and we can breathe a sigh of relief: for safety and peace have arrived to us now.’ When nothing has changed in the depths of the hearts: and Janet, I have yet to fulfill the prophecy that has been written— and I shall.”
We have such a sick house of God— and most cannot see it, or discern it, most are hanging on tickling ears, lusting after rosy bubblegum prophecies given by the modern prophetic movement, that tickles the fancy of their flesh (they like what they are saying, it comforts and pets them); and yet, God is giving increasing dreams, and visions, and words of knowledge straight from his Spirit ( the scriptures, that align) bringing forth the opposite of the bubblegum prophetic that has been spun abroad.
A great warning to stay awake, do not slumber or come down from the wall, stay alert, pray, get tucked away in the secret place: for they shall say ‘Peace and Safety,’ and yet do. But what is coming forth has not been stayed, it will proceed, and because folks are not ready for the separating, the sorting of the household of sheep from goats, the cleansing of holy fire for that which is reprobate, the scourging and whipping his house into shape— out of perversion/twistedness, bringing humility in and throwing down pride— bringing down the lofty, tearing down the altars to other gods…
And because the false prophets will hail— ‘All is well, we are in a reprieve, a restoration, prosperity’... many will fall away and perish: for the prophets have prophesied a lie, and comforted in vain.
God is not mocked, he will give what has been sown, he will cleanse that which is filthy, he will purge that which is unprofitable, he will destroy that which is evil, he will humble that which is proud (and destruction comes when haughtiness abounds), he will expose that which is unrighteousness, he will reprove that which is idolatrous (with whipping and scourging), he will bring down the altars erected to other gods— in the high places: the King will come, and with him— is his reward.
He will not tolerate rottenness in his household— because he actually loves his people, and desires to preserve them: and so, the judgment will come to his house, and he will purge her with fire— and that which is in one accord with the living God, and his people— will stand: all else will come down in this hour: we will regain the fear of the Lord, in the land of the living, once again.
He desires to purge the rotten fruit to procure the good fruit of his seed: and I come to do nothing less, nor nothing more, than to warn the house of God of the perversion in his church, and the judgment that comes because of its idolatry— to self, in its fleshly indulgences, and adulterous perversions: he’s coming to deal with his nation.
Your very words challenge me to discern more wisely what prophets i have been listening to. Truth is not for our convenience and it should not lull us into false comfort. Knowing Our Lord purifies us by fire and conviction of The Holy Spirit tells me of His Great Love. We Need cleansing, consecration, and sanctification. May All Prodigal sons and daughters come Home, in the Name of Our Saviour and King, for He Is Able ti Save to the Utmost!