[video to this teaching: https://youtu.be/P5e0pOVuao0]
“When the nameless one rebelled, and took with him ⅓ of the angels with him— they fell, because they adhered to rank, assuming, as the military agents of a kingdom, that they were— that if only they followed rank and orders of that rank— they would be in the right.
And yet, Janet— it was the ones who would not defect with him that were in the right; the ones that refused to follow orders and rank of the created being over them, in influence over them— and it’s because they truly understood rank, and orders, and preeminence: The one over ALL— was the Lord himself.
And so, dear— we do not always follow rank of the created beings (think elders or leaders), solely because they are elder or in a leadership role in the fallen realm; you are to KNOW YOUR GOD, and be known of your God— and defer all dominion and rank to your God.
Even Elisha was tested out, and proved in this area, Janet; he was told by his superior in the flesh (his fellow created mentor) to fundamentally cease and desist in following him; and yet— he pursued him even still. And in the end result Janet, do you know why he did? He desired to know his Creator— in the ways in which Elijah did, and in that— he reverenced the Creator above the created man and his orders to cease and desist: I am proving all my children and their loyalty to me.
And humility, child, matters— especially in military ranks, in the army of the Lord— for lives are on the line; and just as in the earthly military— if one is in pride, and serves self only unto self preservation— the betterment of the ‘whole’ is lost, to the survival of the individual: I am showing what is in each man’s heart, Janet.
So— with all lessons, children— we humble ourselves, deny ourselves, pick up our cross, get sanctified, led of the Spirit of the Lord to return to my image— for the individual, AND for the betterment of the whole: because our lives (souls) are on the line, and unto an eternal expanse.”
–Your Lord of Hosts

The ability to be teachable, and heed the lessons in discipline:
A reformed, obedient child and soldier of the Lord.
Aligning ourselves with God:
We— the micro, each of us—
Brought into the macro of all of us—
the big-lens picture, in unity.

Micro— short for microcomputer, microprocessor, extremely small, reduced or restricted size; root meaning— from Greek mikros ‘small.’
Macro— a single instruction that expands automatically into a set of instructions to perform a particular task, short for macro-lens, large scale overall, used in macro-photography (big picture), long— over a long period; root definition— from Greek makros ‘long, large.’
So, in summary we can see that the Macro, or God’s long range, big picture, expanded performance in his particular task (corporate unity), seeing through his big lens— is for each one to come into alignment with him in their micro lives; or essentially— their processing in their vessels, single, small life forms (taken from the macro family/body of God) —and bring them into ‘alignment’ with him there, in order to bring the macro together under one ‘headship’ in Christ Jesus.
Alignment— in correct, appropriate and relative proportions, the route or course, position of agreement and alliance; root definition— mid 18th century: from align + -ment, after French alignement.
Align— place or arrange things set straight, put things into correct, appropriate and relative proportions, come together in agreement or alliance.
Headship— the position of being in charge of an organization.
So, here we can see that to be in alignment with God, and the purpose of being in alignment with God in the micro (or individual person) we will be corrected from previous malalignments (not congruent with God and his conduct, nor under his leadership), we will become appropriate in our relative proportions; what does that mean— ‘relative proportions.’
It refers to the ‘comparison’ of one quantity to another —within a specific context. It is used to describe the relationship between different elements, or parts— within a whole.
So, Christ sets out— under his headship (being in charge of an organized body of people), seeks to align us inside individually, correct our spaces in us that are not appropriate or in proper relative proportions (comparing one part, or person, to the whole— in alignment with Christ’s person), to bring us into a position of agreement and alliance, on the same path, route or road— to set things in order, or straighten them out: corporate unity (macro-lens, big picture unity).
Genesis 24:26
“And the man bowed down his head [deference], and worshiped the Lord.”
That is the point, is it not— we are to bow to him inside once again, come into alignment with him and his purposes and person, as well as alliance to him— as leader of us in our ways and lives; and in this— we will once again ‘bow to’ him, coming back full circle from where we chose to ‘stand up to’ him, in rebellion, dissociation, disaffiliation, alienation and breach.
Bow to— to agree willingly to; it’s a phrasal verb— bow to something is to agree willingly to do something.
Stand up to— to resist somebody.
Deference— humble submission and respect; root definition— mid 17th century: from French déférence, from déférer ‘refer’ (see defer).
Defer— submit humbly; root definition— late Middle English: from Old French deferer, from Latin deferre ‘carry away, refer a matter’, from de- ‘away from’ + ferre ‘bring, carry’.
We must once again come out of ‘resisting God,’ defer— humbly refer all matters to his headship in us, and— as we submit to him with respect— do as he told us— ‘resist the devil;’ and in that— the devil will flee from us, and God will draw nigh. We must WILLINGLY— come to agree with God once again, and we must BOW to him, his headship of us, and come to love his person AND headship of us: this is each man’s duty of surrender in his heart, and how he and the Lord work out their salvation, in sanctification— within each life.
And as we do this with him, and his Word (person and truth, as well as his way) is established and properly cleansing us from all evil— we are then able to come together, joints and marrow, properly— as one large macro family, walking in unity with One Lord, One Creator, and One Father over all.
Genesis 24:48
“And I bowed down my head [rank and rule], and worshiped the Lord, and blessed the Lord God of my master Abraham— which had led me in the right way…”
Exodus 12:27
“...and the people bowed their head [deference], and worshiped.”
Exodus 29:6-7
“And thou shalt put the mitre upon his head, and put the holy crown upon the mitre. Then shalt thou take the anointing oil, and pour it upon his head, and anoint him.
Leviticus 8:9
“And he put the mitre upon his head; also upon the mitre— even upon his forefront— he put the golden plate, the holy crown; as the Lord commanded Moses.”
Do we know why the priest is anointed?
Do we know what the ‘mitre’ is?
And do we recall that we are a royal priesthood, a peculiar people of the Lord?
The mitre— the headdress worn by the high priest, symbol of authority, clean and pure. The mitre (or— miẓnefet) had written upon it (according to jewish references) ‘holiness to the Lord.’
“The miter of the ordinary priests was called "migba'ah"; but the term is found only in the plural form, "migba'ot." These miters were also known by the compound name "pa'are ha-migba'ot," and were likewise of fine linen. That "pa'are" (from "pe'erim"; sing. "pe'er") is not an adjective, but a noun, is evident from the expression "pa'are pishtim" = "miters of linen, worn by the priests" (Ezekiel 18). Indeed, the use of the "pe'er" was not restricted to priests— It was a head-covering of distinction for a bridegroom, and for the daughters of Zion (Isaiah 3:20). "Pe'er" may be translated— ‘a beautiful bonnet.’ ”
—Jewishencyclopedia . com
Essentially, then— we can see that we are called a priesthood of people, and the high Priest (our Lord) is the headship over us— and the high priest wears the head covering of his marriage upon his head, of that unto his bride: we are royal diadems in his crown.
In this instance, as his role of High Priest— he wears the crown of marriage, unto a clean, chaste and ironed out bride, who is pure and has bowed to his headship in her life— and in this he wears a beautiful bonnet, or headressing (she, his bride) upon his head; as he walks out his high priest duties, and his marriage duties.
Do we see the significance here?
Do we see the need to listen to and heed our spiritual husband in whom we are yoked to?
He is adorned with his bride upon his head, and she is pure, clean, white, ironed out and walks in holiness unto the Lord God: she crowns him with glory.
Psalm 8:5
“...thou hast crowned him with glory (dignity) and honor.”
His bride will be dignified, pure, clean, chaste, in alliance to him— will give allegiance to him, under his headship— and in this… She will crown him with glory (dignity) and honor— as he adorns himself with her, and wears her upon his head (crowning glory), as royal diadems in his crown (what is atop his head in headship and dominion).
Allegiance— loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior, or of an individual to a group or cause; root definition— late Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French, variant of Old French ligeance, from lige, liege (see liege), perhaps by association with Anglo-Latin alligantia ‘alliance’.
Diadem— a jeweled crown or headband worn as a symbol of sovereignty. The authority or dignity symbolized— by a diadem; root definition— Middle English: from Old French diademe, via Latin from Greek diadēma ‘the regal headband of the Persian kings’, from diadein ‘bind round’.
So, we can see that the royal and priestly crown, or headdressing worn as a symbol of his sovereignty— and dignity— is ‘symbolized’ by his diadems (jewels/people who crown him in glory); and the diadems are a regal (dignified) ‘band’ worn around his head.
Symbol— something used for or regarded as representing something else; emblem, token, or sign. A letter, figure, or other character or mark used to designate something; root definition— late Middle English (denoting the Apostles' Creed): from Latin symbolum ‘symbol, Creed (as the mark of a Christian)’, from Greek sumbolon ‘mark, token’, from sun- ‘with’ + ballein ‘to throw’.
Band— to hold together or decorate with, a ring— for the finger— especially for wedding, a range of frequencies or wavelengths in a spectrum, a thing that restrains or unites, a tribe, a herd or flock, a mutual purposed group; root definition— late Old English, from Old Norse, reinforced in late Middle English by Old French bande, of Germanic origin; related to ‘bind.’ As well as— late Middle English: from Old French bande, of Germanic origin; related to ‘banner.’
So, essential we can see that the Lord is attempting to show us, even by the head dressing worn by the High Priest— that in this (priest = holy one) we can see the the ‘holy ones,’ who are holy as he is holy— are his diadems (precious jewels) in his crowning glory or dignity; and she (his bride) represents him in the earth and heavens, symbolically— or, as a designated people who are ambassadors to his Spirit, by creed. And creed means— a set of guiding principles or beliefs.
She is held together in his bonds, or banding— he marries her with a band(ing), which is a yoking to her, and her frequency or wavelength and spectrum— is in alignment with his; she is restrained by him (roped and reined in, controlled and led), and she is a particular tribe or group of people, symbolically— a flock with a mutual purpose in the earth and heavens: to worship and honor him, her husband and King. She is bound to him (united in marriage) and he upholds his banner in her life.
Banner— a flag on a pole used as the standard of a monarch (king), army, or knight.
H5251 – Banner
Hebrew: נס
Transliteration: nês
Pronunciation: nace
Definition: From H5264; a flag— also a sail; by implication a flagstaff; generally a signal; figuratively a token: banner, pole, sail, sign, standard.
As his bride exemplifies his Spirit in the earth (meaning, shows him through her, as he witnesses himself, in union and in leadership within them) —he is adorned with her, in heaven— upon his head; and she is endowed, and imbued with him in her vessel— upon the earth: as in heaven, so in earth.
Endowed— provided with qualities and able, bequeathed— leave something(s) to a person as a beneficiary, established; root definition— late Middle English (also in the sense ‘provide a dower or dowry’; formerly also as indow ): from legal Anglo-Norman French endouer, from en- ‘in, towards’ + Old French douer ‘give as a gift’ (from Latin dotare : see dower).
Imbued— inspire or permeate with qualities.
Anointing— ceremonially confer divine or holy office upon (a priest or monarch) by smearing or rubbing with oil; nominate or choose (someone) as successor to or leading candidate for a position. Middle English: from Old French enoint ‘anointed’, past participle of enoindre, from Latin inungere, from in- ‘upon’ + ungere ‘anoint, smear with oil’.
Again, essentially speaking— He was/is our gift— and we are— through Christ— endowed, as heirs of his throne as King of all— specific provisions, qualities, abilities, as he establishes his own— in the earth: inheritance. And in this— we inspire (witness) others who are lost or needy, with the qualities of Christ— that permeate from our vessels (persons).
And in this— we carry his anointing, which is the wine and oil of our intimacy, and our sanctification crushing process (as we go through the processing plant of the Holy Spirit, aligning us with him, and clearing the dross from our souls) in and through sanctification: and in this we are covered, or coated in the Spirit, anointed— as we become one (this is in agreement and alliance) with him, and give him our allegiance: our loyalty or commitment as a subordinate to him— he, the superior one over us, we— the individuals to his macro group, or big family.
Deuteronomy 28:13-14
“And the Lord shall make you the head [ranked, banded, chief, company, forefront, priest, ruler], and not the tail; and you shalt be above [upward] only, and you shall not be beneath; IF— you hearken unto the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you this day, to observe and to do them: And you shall not go aside from any of the words which I command you this day— to the right hand, or to the left— to go after other gods, to serve them.”
Here we see the Lord is desiring to rule through us and with us in the earth, as he imbues and endows us with his Spirit (anointing), as we come into alliance and allegiance with him, and under his headship; this is the sanctification, unification process of reformation he is seeking to in all of us: essentially— unification through re-configuring us, internally— the micro processing.
He desires to rule through us, with us, as we band together as priests under him; and as kings who rule alongside him, because we bow to his headship as obedient children of the Lord.
And if we will bow, we will be the head (because he is, and we are bowing to him within), and in that— we will not be the tail, or as Strong’s calls it— ‘the wagging’ end.
But this will only take place IF we submit, bow, reform, and come into allegiance with him; and that is through OBEYING HIS COMMAND IN OUR LIVES (since we are now in allegiance with the Law of the Spirit of Life— that’s Christ— and we are led of his Spirit); and we DO NOT MOVE TO THE RIGHT HAND, OR TO THE LEFT (that means turn away from his face, and follow another way, counsel and head leadership in our lives— think— who we obey); and in that— GO AFTER OTHER GODS— TO SERVE THEIR INTERESTS IN YOUR VESSEL.
“Head over all the inhabitants;” it’s said over and over in the old testament.
He MUST BECOME— the head of the children of his household; rebellion must be dealt with, in the life of every believer; we must learn to come back to him as obedient children— for we decided in the Garden that we could be grown, and figure it all out, and lead ourselves: we have to come back full circle, and submit and obey.
John 1:12-13
“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born— not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but— of God.”
He gave us the ‘right’ to BECOME— BY POWER [ability, privilege, force, competency, freedom, mastery, delegated influence, and strength]— the children of God, he said in scripture; a right is— an entitlement to obtain something, and the authority to perform it; BECOME— means, begin to be, grow to be, turn to be, be qualified or accepted— acquire status of, happen to, be appropriate or suitable; with a root definition of— Old English becuman ‘come to a place, come (to be or do something)’ (see be-, come), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch bekomen and German bekommen ‘get, receive.’
So there is a work (to be) that is to be accomplished in us, by HIS POWER (the Spirit reformation in us, to help us gain freedom, competency, mastery, ability and strength) —as we gain the right, or entitlement to obtain heirship to the crown and throne of God, with and through union yoking to YahShua Ha Mashiach, Jesus the Christ; and in this— we BECOME— suitable, acquire the status of, become appropriate, come to a place in our ‘being,’ that is in union with his Spirit: where 2 become 1, in Spirit; those born of God above.
Psalms 23:5
“You prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies: you anoint my head with oil; and my cup runs over.”
Psalms 27:6
“My head shall be lifted up above my enemies round about me: therefore, I will offer in his tabernacle sacrifice of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.”
He is our anointing, in approval, as he inhabits his vessels who have bowed to him within. He sets a table of options before us, in the presence of our enemies.
Folks— that means, your spiritual enemies KNOW that God has provided you with ‘a way out of’ every temptation they send us; a table of options, set before the faces of our spiritual enemies; and as well— that we have been anointed in intimacy covenant with God most High, and in that— our cup runs over.
So— we have zero excuses to not come into God’s presence, sit, have our allegiance to him, sup with him at HIS TABLE— eat from his table of options— and all whilst our enemies of our souls, watch us sup with our Lord, as obedient children.
And in this— our heads (or the headship over us, the leadership over us) will be lifted up (if we are obedient and reverent to his lead), and he will cause us to prevail ‘over’ our enemies to our souls, in the earth realm; if we will exalt and praise him, in our ‘tabernacles,’ or vessels.
These are keys— of the success of the Kingdom, and the King’s reign in earth (our lives).
Psalm 133
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren— to dwell together in unity!
It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life forevermore.”
We will see that before we ‘come together in unity’ concerning the macro— we will have to ‘come together in unity’ in the micro (or individual) with our Lord God; we must ‘dwell together’ with our Lord ‘in unity.’
And as we do this— it’s like the precious anointing of priests, under his order of Melchizedek, and the High Priest himself, YahShua Ha Maschiach, Jesus the Christ; and we will drip with the anointing of the relationship establish, through the crushing of sanctification union, as our Lord ‘processes us’ like the wheat harvest to the Lord, that we are: he said the anointing ‘covered him from head to toe,’ did he not?
Like the dew that falls upon the mountain of Zion (the holy hill, of the Lord’s people); and in that— he said, ‘In this place, unto that unity union with my Spirit, as my people come together to dwell with me in unity— the blessing of the Lord falls here, and unto these people— forevermore.’
Proverbs 4:4-9
“He taught me also, and said unto me— Let your heart retain my words: keep my commandment, and live.
Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. Forsake her not, and she shall preserve you: love her, and she shall keep you.
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all your getting— get understanding.
Exalt her (God’s wisdom) and she shall promote you (advance you): she shall bring you to honor— when you embrace her.
She shall give to your head— an ornament of grace: a crown of glory— shall she deliver to you.”
Do we see the wisdom in unity unto and with the Lord? Do we hear his wisdom and have we with it— gained the understanding? For the understanding of his wisdom shall preserve and keep us.
If we will exalt the wisdom of the Lord within us, and bow to him in unity with our allegiance— we will be promoted, or advanced in his Kingdom, and in our intimate relationship with his Spirit.
His wisdom will honor us— when we ‘embrace’ it. His wisdom will crown our heads with glory— because he is the dignity, the glory of God in us, and upon us— and he is our deliverer: we shall be adorned with the grace of God— when we exalt God and his wisdom, within our vessels: found in coupling with his Spirit, and the Truth.
Embrace— to take or clasp in the arms; to press to the bosom— hug, to take or receive gladly or eagerly, to accept willingly.
Do we come into union with his inner man, within our inner man— and willingly wrap ourselves around each other, pressing to our hearts/chests/bosoms in a spiritual hug— receiving gladly and eagerly his headship over us, and the reformation process of sanctification consecration to our inner man?
Jonah 2:5
“The waters compassed me about, to the soul: the depths closed me round about, the weeds were wrapped around my head.”
Are the storms of life, the devil’s handiwork— compassing you about, unto the depths of your soul? Are the weeds (not the truth, but lies) choking your soul, as your heart has intents and thoughts of its own in there?
Well, the headship is not supposed to be our own; we are not to reason for ourselves or lead ourselves according to our own understanding— we are to be led of the Spirit, and under him.
Jonah— was not under the leadership of the Lord, but in fact— he was in rebellion to the Lord; and in his rebellion— the storms over took him in the deep waters (symbolic of spirit and life), and wrapped themselves around him, to take him down to the depths; and it was because the headship was not our Lord— but instead, was Jonah himself, leading himself, unto his own reasoning: rebellion.
Are we rebelling the Lord in ways we should be reverencing him, his word, his truth, his command in our lives— and unto unity with his Spirit and his ways (his ancient paths)?
Are we leaning upon our own reasoning, decision making, allowance or disallowance of what we do and partake in, within our lives? Are we leaning on our own understanding— or are we leaning INTO THE LORD, and UPON HIS BREAST, JUDGMENTS, COUNSELS and HEADSHIP in our souls?
Because we will see the results of the former state of Jonah— if we will act as he did, in the first— with our Lord, too. OR— will we find ourselves working ALONGSIDE, and WITH our Lord and his interests in the earth— and find ourselves functioning as the latter state of Jonah, in OBEDIENCE, SUBMISSION, SERVICE and HUMILITY— as he and God came into ‘accord?’
What does it mean— ‘to strike an accord with?’
To strike an accord with— a formal reaching of agreement: peace.
Matthew 21:42
“Jesus said to them— Did you never read in the scriptures— The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and is it marvelous in our eyes?”
Is it? Is it marvelous in our eyes, our hearts/souls that we have our Lord as our master— the One in headship over our lives, converting, reforming and reconfiguring our inner man to the ways of the Lord— to resume his image in us?
The world, and the spirit in people from the world— REJECT him in this; why does his church? The called out ones— are to embrace their Lord, his ways, his conduct, his image, his person, his headship: the firm foundation stone— that holds his whole body together in unity.
Matthew 26:7
“There came to him a woman— having an alabaster box of very precious ointment [myrrh, perfumed oil], and poured it on his head— as he sat.”
Let’s look at this symbolically, spiritually. There came a woman (bride) having an alabaster box; alabaster is translucent white; so it is— clear and clean: pure. The pure, clear and clean bride, who came with a gift (box) of perfumed oil (anointing of intimacy) came to her bridegroom (in her inner man, and in communion with his Spirit), and she POURED OUT THIS OBEDIENT, REVERENT, PURE union and intimacy of allegiance and oneness with his Spirit— to him— as he sat: he is seated high and above all, that’s dominion: she essentially placed him in the seat of dominion within— and reverenced him there.
‘At meat,’ is in the King James version of the verse, at the end of ‘as he sat;’ but it is italicized, which means— it was added in the editing process. So— it is, as he sat— she anointed him with her perfumed intimacy oil: how beautiful of the union and unity with our God.
Mark 15:17
“And they clothed him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his head…”
Do we know why they did this? They did this because ‘tares’ that choke out the truth (essentially lies and deception) will cloud the head, and the HEADSHIP of our Lord God holy.
So— when they crowned him, they crowned his place of leadership with choking lies (persecution, rejection, denial of receiving him as Lord of Lords, and King of kings); as well— purple is the royal color of heaven, with the blue of his bruising and red of the blood sacrifice (together— make purple, and this is the royal reign color). So they were mocking his Lordship, his Headship and his Dominion— by draping him in purple, crowning him with rejection— UPON HIS HEAD.
Are we?
Do we crown him with glory— or the thorns of the cross yet, with lies, rejection and denial of his headship over us, too? Do we robe him purple, for real, inside our hearts— where he reigns his dominion, blood sacrifice and stripes he took for us— just to have the privilege and right to ‘become’ children of God?
Because it’s all up to how we will yoke with his Spirit, or if we will not.
And the more areas we will come into agreement with him, and tie ourselves to what he ties himself to— we will overcome the adversary of our souls with him, and with his truth getting rooted and grounded in us; as we embrace the cross, and die to self leadership, and we embrace the truth— and die to lies being exalted within— and resurrect with Christ, by Christ and through Christ— as we relinquish all dominion to him.
Let’s not exert our own rank— above his; let’s not follow satan’s way.
When we will allow God to be the most Highly exalted one inside of us— the reformation goes more quickly, the battles are won, the union is heeded and solidified, the reformation, reconfiguring, union— moves forward, and satan loses his holds within us.
Doesn’t that sound PREFERABLE TO ALL?
Ephesians 4:14-16
“That we should henceforth be no more children— tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth— in love— may we grow up into him in all things, which is the head— Christ: From whom the whole body— fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part— makes increase of the body— unto the edifying of itself, in love.”
We should no more be children tossed to and fro, confused by every doctrine known to man— that comes about the sleight of man, their cunning craftiness (led of satan) —where they wait to deceive us; but instead— live in the truth, speak it in love— so that WE WILL GROW UP; and in our GROWING UP (maturation in Christ, as our Father raises us up in the way) —WE GROW UP INTO HIM (his image and headship, as our example and King); HE— THE HEAD OF HIS BODY: his body that fits together properly in UNITY, and with that unity under his leadership— WE ARE AFFECTIVE, ONE TO THE OTHER— and we, the ‘body of Christ—’ EDIFY OUR UNIT (group/body), in Love— as we INCREASE in measure.
Unity— matters; and unity to the macro, big-picture group and body of Christ— will come about as each member of his body comes into micro unity (all the small areas within us) with his Spirit; and under his authority, dominion, leadership and counsels— as he returns us to his image (our true image), and teaches us, and raises us up in the way to ‘be,’ as he matures us in Christ Jesus: to full stature of Christ.
Ephesians 5:23
“The husband is the head— of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body.”
Colossians 1:18
“He is the head of the body— the church: who is the beginning— the firstborn (first birthed) from the dead (estrangement from unity with God and his Spirit— another form altogether, apart from his); that in all— he might have the preeminence.”
Preeminence— the first, and superior, and more powerful than all others: highest rank of all— that no one competes with— whether delusionally deceived or not; he does, and will always rank highest.
1 Peter 2:7-8
“Unto you therefore— who believe— he is precious: but unto them who be disobedient— the stone which the builders disallowed— the same is made the head of the corner, and (at the same time) a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense— to them who stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.”
To ‘us,’ the people who care for the Lord in our souls and desire to align with him, obey him, reverence him, uphold him and yoke to his Spirit and our reformation, sanctification process— find him PRECIOUS; and to us— he is our foundation stone in which our entire temple (person/vessel) is built upon: he being the CornerStone.
BUT— to the disobedient, those unwilling to come under his headship and place him in the seat of dominion, with reverence and humility to him— in the seat of authority within the soul of man— they find him, his truth, his holy ways of righteousness— an offense, and they stumble at him; he who was made the Corner of the house of God.
The ‘builders who disallowed,’ who are they?
They are people who had the opportunity to yoke with God in their vessels— but denied him, rejected him and his foundation within them— and built their own way, and unto their own kingdom in this lifetime: they DID NOT ALLOW HIM, they disallowed him— to ‘be’ the headship in their hearts/souls.
They— who stumbled at the Word; in Strong’s ‘stumbled at,’ means— striked and surged against, tripped over, and dashed themselves upon; which means— broke themselves, wounded themselves as they tripped over the truth— and hurt THEMSELVES; no one did it to them, they did it to themselves— by rejecting him and the truth.
And because they were DISOBEDIENT. And not only that— but they were called and appointed to obey the truth and he who is the CornerStone as well.
These— usurp the throne, the dominion of the most High— and his rank: it only is allowed in this realm, in the realm of freewill; beyond this realm and lifetime— ALL WILL FACE THE HIGH ONE; best we understand this now, and BOW OUT— ushering him into the his rightful place within, and on the throne— IN REVERENCE TO THE HIGH and HOLY KING OF KINGS.
Ecclesiastes 9:8
“Let your garments (remember, wedding attire) be always white; and let your head lack no ointment (intimacy anointing of his Spirit).”
Our heads— will lack no ointment, or perfumed oil— when we exalt him, come into union with him, have our allegiance to him and with him— inside our souls— as we come into Oneness with his Spirit— through OBEDIENCE to his leadership in our lives.
So— where are we out of alignment in the micro (the individual temples/persons)?
Because, as we come into the micro alignment with God— we will venture into the corporate unity with God as well— and all his joints and marrow, structure of his church body— the set apart ones— will step into ONE HEADSHIP; and as they do that— they will step into ONE ACCORD: and it was, of ‘one accord’ that the first Pentecost took place, in the upper room: reaching a formal agreement: and being at peace with God (not his enemy, opposition or opposite any longer), and with our brethren: ONE HEADSHIP, and one body under him.
Let us determine what our state is, as we wait in the upper room to come into one accord with him, and then with the others: in corporate unity, brought in by individual unity and oneness with our Father, God most High.

Something that truly vexes my soul— is when I notice someone is not walking in their true and proper identity, as God made them; this is a tragedy for the individual, a tragedy for our Father, Christ (our Bridegroom) and the Holy Spirit; as well as for the collective body of Christ in the earth.
It leaves a person in torment of the soul; it leaves the person in lies, deception and the clutches of satan and his strongholds within that man. And it is extremely difficult to watch that person remain complacent with satan, his strongholds, his counsels, his influence, his rhetoric, his threats, his attributes and his consequences— in operation within their person— whilst they are upholding the false identity, masked facade of central processing, within their vessel/soul: their mind, will and emotions.
If we will ever gain freedom from satan, lies, strongholds and estrangement from God— we will have to submit and surrender, relent from fighting against God, believing the lies, upholding the lies and attributes of satan within, and remaining in his false refuge away from God as we do.
We will have to DELIBERATELY love God— and he told us how to do that, and if we do not love him like how ‘he’ told us to (not our own way) —we are then still in our own leadership: and he said ‘love me with everything you’ve got;’ as well he said— ‘and the way you do that, is to obey me.’
So, essentially— obey God with everything you’ve got; with all your strength, all your soul, all your heart, all your time, all your thoughts, all your emotions, all your actions, words and efforts; and if we are not willing to discipline ourselves to ‘this kind of love,’ then we are undisciplined, and remain reasoning for ourselves with which is good and evil, acceptable and unacceptable; and we indeed, are not obedient to God as he has required, and we are not loving him— as how he detailed out to do.
Rebellion of self justifications has got to go— to gain freedom in Christ; we must relinquish our own reasoning— and put on the mind of Christ, and honor what the Word of God actually said.
The false identity, if continued to be upheld within man— will drag him to hell; first in alignments in this time realm— and then, after this time realm, it will draw men into hell with those lies and deceptions (because that’s where they go, with satan) —and beyond hell, eventually— hell will be emptied into the Lake of Fire, forever.
He said…
“Janet, they will remain as miserable as they want to be, for as long as they want to be, fighting against me for as long as they do nothing to come out of those agreements, and demonic attributes they are aligned with, in league with the demons that are helping them.
And until they really understand that this is what they are doing, and whom they are in league with— they will stay upset, and uphold them inside with their principles, attributes and fruits.
So— let them remain miserable inside if that is what they choose— until they are willing to do everything, and anything (like truly loving me, obeying me, and bowing to me and my truth within) to get out of their current inner man's circumstances.
I am the only one who can save them; reveal the truth, counsel as I lead, support when and if you can— and when all fails, in all attempts— know you have done your part, and now the only part left to finish— is my part with them, alone; if they will bow to me, and come under my headship, and uphold the truth, be healed and made whole: but that is not your job— it’s the job of the Holy Spirit.”
—Holy Spirit
It’s not about heaven or hell— it is about reconnecting, reconciling, recommitting our lives unto God holy again— and in that, losing estrangement, and gaining adoption and reconciliation (that’s where two who were enemies and at enmity with one another, are now in accord).
Without the FULL ON DESIRE, and the FULL ON RESOLUTE PURSUIT of our true identity, found in Christ’s identity, and UPHOLDING IT in our hearts/souls for REAL— we will continue to make excuses and walk in the false identity of self preservation, self focus, self interest, rooted in lies and deception and the fullness of the fruits of satan; and we will remain bound to him in agreement, strongholds, and false refuges— hiding away from the most High and Loving God: both now, and then in eternity— if we do not FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH, and throw down, subdue, and cast out every, single, thing— that exalts itself contrary to the truth of what scriptures details out as the truth, the way, and life in Christ.
And we will have to know what scripture says— to uphold it; but when we do, and we know we have to be the people of faith, trust in God, love of the truth (for they loved not the truth), uphold the truth, defend the truth in their hearts, and his leadership in their lives— we will be set free from the false identity, walk in the New Man in Christ Jesus— and will have put satan under our TRUE IDENTITY’S FEET, crushing him entirely.
And the first way we do that— is to come into alignment with God, his Word written (scripture), the truth, the way of the ancient paths, and begin to live; and life is only found in the identity of Christ— and our identity, our true identity is found in his: as we are to be duplicates of his nature, attributes, fruit of his Spirit, conduct, actions, words, demeanor, disposition, character and namesake.
Those who ‘overcome’ the dragon— stepping into your true identity, ditching the old, walking in and walking out the New Man in Christ Jesus, that has been sanctified and aligned with his Spirit— is how we overcome the dragon, and crush satan under our feet.
The false identity— is our enemy, and God’s too; our true identity— when upheld— brings us into alignment with God, whilst we uphold the truth; and our true identity upheld, in conjunction with upholding God’s true identity— brings us the victory, in and with Christ.
So— let’s see some of the ways we need to contemplate whether or not we are in alignment and agreement, in accord with our Lord, inside our inner man; so that we can incorporate and exercise these alignments with God, in our lives— upholding our true identity in Christ; upholding our reformed identity, our washed and cleaned, sanctified souls— walking as he walks, being as he finds himself being, and moving in synchronization with the Spirit of God, our Father, and our Bridegroom.
Some areas to check in with him—
concerning being aligned in godly attributes, as
He finds his person: and keeping him in preeminence and dominion:
Learning our proper place in humility and rank— in and among the Kingdom.
Character/Conduct— clean and ironed out, good deeds
Light/dark (what we bring)
Holy as he is, robed in his righteousness
Knowledge of the Word, written and spoken (he’s a person)
Communion with the Father
Defer leadership to the husband over us
Obedience to him (fast, pray, praise, loyalty, fear of God over man)
Carry other’s burdens in intercessions, and any ways he leads
Mend the broken hearted, free the captives and bound, heal, cast out demons, walk as his children in the earth
Gain his attributes and giftings of his Spirit— lose satan’s: unbelief, doubt, fear, pride, envy— competition, strife, jealousy, discord, disunity, self righteousness, etc
Fighting the fight of faith, and the warfare against God’s enemy
Believing God to be who he is: his identity (miraculous, powerful, sovereign, loving, etc): walking in confidence of his person, and as our Father and high King: trust and faith in him to be true and present in our lives
Is he King most high over our decisions and reasoning in all things
Leading us in the ways of holiness, in the Order of the Priesthood: intercession, interjecting, proclamations, applying the blood to others in the spirit realm
Engage his realm and Kingdom: angelic participation, and asking the Lord to engage with us, with them— and release them as he leads
Practice his voice, and communion back and forth: like a bike— it must be practiced
Discerning of the spirits
Willing to be striped and put through the mill of processing by his hand— and still honor, trust and exalt him— not matter what
Discipleship, discipline of learning under him: he speaks to all his sheep, and calls them by name— to sit at his feet and learn of him
With hearts and lips— not only lips, no hypocrisy; identify it, turn and face him— repent— and rebuke (which means— correct it)
Humility and Servitude— he is the lowest serving servant in the Kingdom unto all
Knowing and upholding the truth— throwing down and out— the lies
Walking in his fruits, but ESPECIALLY true Love: his definition of
These are just a small list of some— explore this more with our Lord
In your lives, one on one with him: explore his Spirit,
And he will lead you into all truth and union
With him: he is faithful and true:
Surrender all to him, and
Step into unity.

Duplicate seedlings of our Father