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“Tribulation, Judgment & The Love and Mercy of God—Who is being rejected”

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

The Lesson and Story of

Psalms 22 & 23

[video and commentary to these notes:]


There is a time in the earth, when the Lord will need to show his people, and the people of the earth— where error, rebellion, disobedience unto the holy Creator of them— has been upheld.

Where destruction and every evil thing has been upheld— and where a lack of holiness, righteousness, and obedience to God— has been remiss.


Judgment is a decree from the throne of heaven— to bring in a crop sown– that has come to maturity, fully grown, reached its limits, and must be cut down and sorted, and rendered back to the one who sowed the crop.

To the just, merciful, righteous, holy, loving, forgiving, servants of the Lord— who are obeying him, upholding the law of the Spirit of life in Christ— who are assimilating back into his godly nature, his will being enacted in them, and by his leadership in them, as they bow to him humbly and submissively— they will render blessed harvest of all they have sown in.

But— where others have sown in wickedness, rebellion, eating off the table of satan’s options— immoral, with usury toward mankind, with self preservation and exaltation, living in complete contrast to God holy and his nature and person upheld within— who walk in darkness, hypocrisy (say one thing, or purport one thing— live contrary), lies, compromise, selfishness, in lewd acts and heinous crimes against God’s nature— heavy harvest comes in: judgment of a harsh manner or crop sown, is then dished back to them— for they cultivated this.

In times like this (and we have found ourselves arrived here now, in this realm) —we are to REPENT, and change from those wicked ways, and turn to God holy, holiness, righteousness and godliness again— exalting him, his kingdom, his rule in us, with us, and becoming one in agreement with him, his will and his conduct again— truly WORSHIPING HIM; or we will not be coming home to him for eternity: so he brings judgment in, and tribulation (shakings), and it has a work to do— cause the hearts of men and women to REALLY SEE what they have been living like, upholding, and WHOM they really were exalting within: God holy, his ways and conduct and dominion in them— or their own, and wickedness and idolatry, with a side of spiritual adultery against our Father, Creator, and Lover of our souls.

Because he desires for none to perish— he will attempt to save as many as will; as they see their error of their ways, repent, and be saved: even on their earthly deathbeds. Better earth-suit ‘deathbeds—’ into salvation eternal; than to lose eternal salvation— on that ‘deathbed’ forever.

This tribulation that is arriving— is a refining period; it will work a work of refinement (and quickly) —in those that will not harden toward him.

You see— many will think ‘God is doing this to them;’ and they will be ignorant and wrong in their assumptions; man did this— as he chose how he would live, who he would uphold within, and what conduct he would govern himself by— instead of God holy in there governing that man: crops reaped in, are because each man sowed them in (judgments and harvest).

It is man who chooses—

it is God who brings the choices to light.

Best we choose wisely— and see the tribulation period for what it is intended for: it is the time and crop men have sown in this society and world, and individually, and collectively; and it will be the love, mercy, and grace of God to attempt to SHAKE them, and WAKE them with what they themselves have sown in pride— the carnal nature upheld, walking opposite of God, and as his enemy: so they can REPENT, CHANGE, and RETURN TO GOD— for real, in their hearts.

Christ suffered in this realm— he died to self leadership, self desires, self counsels, self focus— and we will too, one way or another— or we will not return to him, now— or later after this life; the tribulation time period is to ENLIGHTEN man (albeit, in calamitous times for the world) in his transgression and malalignment with God holy— giving him an opportunity to SEE IT, and CHANGE: a turnaround and face God again— humbly, throwing down pride for real— and honoring God holy within, for real.

We can learn a LOT from Christ,

‘and’ David; I pray we do.

And I pray we understand that in a judgment period, God will always protect those who uphold him; he will always defend them— even if the circumstances down here don’t look like he has their best interest at hand; Christ faced a LOT— but it was all as it was supposed to be for his life.

We will go through the same— but like Christ— we must KNOW and TRUST our Father— that he knows what he’s doing, allowing in our lives, and why: to work it all together for us, because we love God, and it’s set up according to his purposes, and our best interest at hand.

We will suffer— but our Father is with us all the way; and he will move on behalf of his children— the children who are led of his Spirit: the children of righteousness, who uphold righteousness— are obedient to his Spirit.


David wrote psalm 22 on behalf of all the people of God— and Christ quoted the first sentence on Calvary; but as we read, we will see there is much more the Lord is attempting to show us, as we recall what was done to Christ— and how goes his ‘body’ in the earth— based on ‘following after’ him.

Quite literally, we will follow in all he has gone through, one way or another; and we will follow after him in nature and integrity of character, trials, sanctification and consecration to our Father— as he underwent in this earth realm, as well.

And as he wrote psalm 23— we see it is because we are his people— and that when death and calamity compass us— our souls are saved, our inward man is saved— by the Lord, and his rod and staff of dominion— in this realm and every other realm: for the heavens are his throne, and the earth— his footstool.

Our prize— is the LORD; our reward— is the LORD; our portion— is the LORD: when we realize this— we understand the saving of our souls.

We will go through trials, and affliction, and, we will go through tribulation (and great tribulation) he promised us this; we will go through grossly dark times (and they are coming in now) —but through it all, our salvation— is the LORD.

He has not, nor will he stop hearing the cries and voices of the upright, those who fear his name (character and authority), his person, word, truth, and upholding righteousness in the earth (their earthen vessels); but where a crop of wickedness has been sown culturally in a people— a harvest comes up due: we have arrived here.

But his people have always been hedged in, protected and remained (a remnant); the problem is— many believe they are of the remnant right now, but alas— they are of the majority— unrefined, unsanctified, un consecrated unto the LORD, and not in a life of— spiritual purity, where they have bought the truth, buried it deep within their hearts, and uphold it— as the treasure it is; nor have they allowed it to root into them, LIVING IT, BECOMING IT, and truthfully upholding the HOLY kingdom of God.

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God (that’s the king’s dominion in us), and his righteousness” (because we cannot forgo that— it’s a prerequisite).

TRIBULATION COMES— to help us with all that.

Harvesting the crop we have sown, and even tribulation is a ‘gift’ from God that will REFINE US; if we have been bucking him in BECOMING AS HE IS (for only these will enter in) —then he will have to come with his mercy, grace and love— and allow man to ‘reap’ what he has been ‘sowing’ in rebellion to the living God— from what they have been living for real, inside, and in the lifetime they have been given to —choose this day whom you REALLY SERVEwith your words, thoughts, actions, intentions, motives and heart condition.

We live— what we really believe inside; we make choices, and act them out— based upon what is REALLY in our hearts to uphold: if it’s not God, holiness, righteousness— his morals, his values, his character and nature— he will come and give humanity what it asked for, in what they sowed— they will reap.

And this is the grace of God, and the love of God to do so— even if it’s on people’s deathbeds; why??

Because if we do not know we are transgressing God, living reprobate, and still sinning— even though he gave us Christ, his Spirit, his nature and his help to STOP THAT LAW OF SIN AND DEATH being upheld within us— then we will NEVER CHANGE INTO GODLINESS, and RETURN TO HIS SHAPE inside ourselves: the image of God.

And if we do not return to him through humility, repentance (knowing we need to change around completely, and new man is born inside— born anew/again by his Spirit), sanctifying our lives to him, with him, by him, for him— because we REALLY LOVE HIM (he said obey him, if we do)... and consecrate our lives to him (which means make our lives and bodies SOLELY for the purpose of the Holy Spirit to indwell, and cohabitate with us— in a CLEAN HOUSE/TEMPLE— only bowing to his will in our lives, his words, his nature, etc)...

Then we will perish; we were offered reconciliation to the living God in whom we came from— but we really truthfully uphold our own agenda in the lifetime we were given; and we have not returned to him, reconciled (which means come out of living for self, and by self’s leading— and under reprobate, perverted sinning) … and if we don’t reconcile with him through repentance (a complete turnaround, and now honor him inside with our entire person, acclimating back into his ways, nature, character, and by his leadership in us)...

We will not return to him.

Only those who DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER— enter heaven: and heaven is HIS throne.

All other dominions (self exaltation) are thrown down in there (heaven); no one will enter who has not bowed to him in humble submission— from a pure heart.


The cleansing of great tribulation fires, and just judgment of mankind— come our way; tribulation will do what it is supposed to— create a clean heart in man, a humble heart in man— where God is concerned; and man will learn to be honorable to God, fear God— and return to him in TRUTH: or he will not return to him at all.

Tribulation, suffering, sanctification, consecration, pruning, refining fires, and living a sacrificial life— has a work to do in us, where we were stiff necked and hard hearted— and would not bend, soften or obey him: if he loves us— he WILL chasten, scourge, prune and refine us.

He said— “Every son I receive, I chasten and scourge; and every son he loves— he corrects.”


Because they are living confidently in their sin and transgressing his person and way (holiness and truth), and they are walking the broadpath right toward the edge of the precibis/cliff…and on their way to the pit (hell) and estrangement from him forever.

Love, mercy, grace, long suffering and grief of his heart + what wayward man has been sowing in pride, lack of reverence to him and rebellion to him— results in tribulation and judgment coming: so man can SEE the error of his ways, and repent (turn toward God again, and live proper unto him, reverently) and be saved— those that will.

For MANYwill fall away from the faith in him— as the tribulation times and judgment of what man has sown comes in; for they will judge him as cruel and unjust— when he is nothing of that.

He will give man in a ‘crop—’ what man has ‘sown’ in a crop (that is justice); and when man will not relent or repent of his wicked direction he’s traveling in this life— God will come with judgment.

That is a decree that what that person has been living, will now be reaped— and it’s to show them the truth of their wicked hearts and actions— in order to give them ONE MORE CHANCE to change, and come back to God— bowing in fear of the Lord, reverence— and returning to him.

He said— “It is when a man will not submit and succumb to my little nudges of corrections, my soft hands on the reins— and he kicks against me, continues to walk contrary to me, and according to the carnal nature…

That if I do not move, and move soon— I may lose him altogether; so I bring in my judgment of what that man asked for, in the actions and self serving heart they upheld. Even in that— I am merciful as they reject me, as I wish for none to perish— but that they would turn around to me again— face me, repent, and relent of the wicked behaviors— and come to holiness again, righteousness, walking the ancient paths with me.

I bring in judgment after LONG SUFFERING PATIENCE with mankind— and it is to bring in a harvest of souls— out of satan’s household, and into the kingdom family, into repentance (turning to me for real), and into a life of holiness and righteousness: this is the only life there is in Christ, or heaven— my domain, and dominion.”

So, we will see what the wicked did to Christ, is what they will do— and have been doing toward God’s set apart people— who do not exalt the world, and the spirit of this world— and we will suffer as/like he suffered; and we will die to all he died to, and we will uphold what he upholdsor we are not his.

His people— obey him, reverence him, bow to him, assimilate to him, love the truth, have become one with his Spirit, hate the world and world spirit, come out of errorand into truth, walk clean and sanctified, and consecrate their entire lives to God: there is no more ‘them’ anymore— it is the Lord in them + their own soul— 2, have become 1 spirit.

They uphold God’s will, God’s dominion in them, holiness, righteousness and the ancient paths; they uphold a holy Spirit in them, they have become a holy spirit with them, they throw down the carnal and kill that old man —the satan nature from them.

They have CHANGED

and they resemble their ‘Father,’ once again.

If that has not happened yet— and he wishes for none to perish in religion, unrighteousness, lies, or prosperity gospel of greasy grace —then he will bring in the truth, tribulation, calamity, judgment and an abrupt change to how man has been living: and it’s all JUST, and it’s all what man asked for, and it’s all his love, mercy and grace to bring it all about— TO SHAKE and WAKE WAYWARD, REBELLIOUS, PRIDEFUL, IRREVERENT MAN.

It’s time; it’s arrival is here, and we have much to undergo— but the Lord is JUST— he does not forget his; and Christ witnessed this.

Christ witnessed that ALL that the Father brought into Christ’s life— was for the good of him, and the good of humanity, and to the ultimate good of the Father: he gave all— for our Father, and for humanity; we will too, or we are not his.

Christ suffered— we will too.

Christ trusted— we must too.

Christ knew that the spirit of this world would hate him and attempt to kill him— it will do that to us too, for he, his Spirit— the same he had in him, and upon him— is in us, and upon us too: for the Lord God is upon me, and hath anointed me.

The Father did not give up on the Son in all he had to endure of tribulation, persecution, false accusations, suffering and death: and he will not fail us either.

And like Christ— in the end, it was all worth it— all that he went through; and it will be the same for us.

We will learn, one way or another— that all that our heaven Father allows, is for our good, refinement, discipline, education, pruning the unprofitable off of us— how we are not like our Father in this way, or that— for he has DOMINION and RULEover all things.

The devil does not.

God tells the devil what he’s allowed to do, and not allowed to do; wicked spirits have more obedience to him when fulfilling his will and decrees in the earth toward man— than wayward man, who became their own gods in self leadership— who refuse to bow to God almighty.


1 Kings 22:21-23

“And there came forth a spirit, and stood before the Lord, and said— I will persuade him. And the Lord said unto him— Wherewith? And he said— I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said— You shall persuade him, and prevail also: go forth, and do so. Now therefore— behold— the Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouth of all your prophets, and the Lord has spoken evil concerning you.”


They were LYING SPIRITS— who were in obedience to God holy; and yet man— walks however he pleases, and in opposition to God holy as his enemy— when he refuses to bow to his sovereignty and holiness as the Creator and Father of us.

We need to learn from the life of Christ; and David spoke to Israel, the house of God— in these psalms— and then our Lord chose psalm 22 to quote on Calvary; I believe we should learn from this psalm— and understand what he’s attempting to show us, teach us, and help us with.

And that the famous psalm 23, is not a psalm of woe and death— but one of VICTORY during calamitous times— when we uphold God holy; and those times are quickly descending upon humanity.

May we learn from you Lord; may we learn from David— and may the ‘Tabernacle of David’ be resurrected in us all— who have ears that hear, and eyes that see, and hearts softened, and necks supple in the reins— toward you Lord God.


Psalm 22

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from helping me— and from the words of my roaring?

2 O my God— I cry in the daytime— but you hear me not; and in the night season— I am not silent.

3 But you are holy, O you who inhabits the praises of Israel.

4 Our fathers trusted in you: they trusted, and you did deliver them.

5 They cried unto you, and were delivered: they trusted in you, and were not confounded [ashamed or disappointed].

6 But I am a worm— and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people.

7 All they who see me— laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying— 8 He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him: let him deliver him (now), seeing he delighted in him.

9 But you are he who took me out of the womb: you did make me hope when I was upon my mother's breasts.

10 I was cast upon you from the womb: you are my God from my mother's belly.

11 Be not far from me— for trouble is near; there is none to help.

12 Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.

13 They gaped upon me with their mouths— as a ravening and roaring lion.

14 I am poured out like water— all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.

15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd [pottery]; and my tongue cleaves to my jaws; and you have brought me into the dust of death.

16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands, and my feet.

17 I may tell [see and count] all my bones: they look and stare upon me.

18 They part my garments among them— and cast lots upon my vesture.

19 But you, be not far from me— O Lord: O my strength— haste yourself to help me.

20 Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling, from the power of the dog.

21 Save me from the lion's mouth: for you have heard me from the horns of [projection and corner of the altar] the unicorns.

22 I will declare your name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation I will praise you.

23 You that fear the Lord— praise him; all you the seed of Jacob— glorify him; and fear him all you the seed of Israel.

24 For he has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither has he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him— he heard.

25 My praise shall be of your in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before those who fear him.

26 The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the Lord who seek him: your heart shall live forever.

27 All the ends of the world shall remember, and turn unto the Lord: and all the kindreds of the nations— shall worship before you.

28 For the kingdom is the Lord's: and he is the governor among the nations.

29 All they who be fat upon earth— shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust —shall bow before him: and none can keep alive his own soul.

30 A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.

31 They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness— unto a people that shall be born— that he has done (all) this.”


Psalm 23

“The Lord is my shepherd— I shall not want.

2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures: he leads me beside the still waters.

3 He restores my soul: he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

4 Yes— though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death [the grave and calamity] —I will fear no evil: for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies: you anoint my head with oil— my cup runs over.

6 Surely— goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”


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