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TRANSFIGURATION--- Moses, Elijah and Christ

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Why Moses, Elijah and Christ—

at the Mount of Transfiguration?

And please forgive my spelling mistakes, there a few--- but I think you will figure it out.)

Why are Moses and Elijah the two whom we will embrace, assimilate into by the hand of God— in our transfiguration, too— when WE ASCEND THE MOUNTAIN OF GOD?


Why Moses?



During Moses’ journey from Egypt to Mount Sinai— God delivers his laws to the Israelites, and propels Moses further into the roles of prophet, priest, ruler, and savior of Israel.

Prophet AND Priest, because that is what God originally called him to, it was only when Moses balked at this, that God incorporated Aaron, as priest. Ruler because he was appointed to lead the flock of God, and savior— because he was called to be the hands and feet of God, unto the children of God— bringing them into the promises of God: the promised land.

Moses' most heroic virtue is his steadfast obedience, and it might be said that a passive quality, or a meek character— permeates each of his miracles.

Moses is revered as one of the greatest prophets and teachers, who walked with God.


We too will understand what it is to walk with God, when we understand he is calling ALL his children to walk his paths of righteousness with him. God called the man Moses to him, for his heart was soft, and his neck supple and turnable unto the direction of the Lord, by the hand of the Lord.

We took will become a people who can be led, turned about, and who are soft, loving God and righteousness, seeking to be used of God, be like God, and wash the feet of God, in obedience— by a meek (disciplined and submissive) spirit and character, unto God.

We will be both priestly and prophetic, meaning we will walk closely with God, heart to heart, face to face— and we will walk cleanly: prophet and priest.

We will rule with God, because we follow God’s commandments, every dictation out of the mouth of God, and will operate as/like how God operates his person: priestly, clean, and prophetic, hearing and seeking what the Father is showing and telling us.

And in that— we will assist the Lord in the deliverance of his people, as well.


Moses was considered, and quite literally —cast away; Pharaoh was slaughtering Israelite male children, and Moses’ mother cast him away, in a basket, down the Nile— to potentially save his life; he was adopted into Pharaoh's household, when found.

Moses grew up in what we would consider, the heart of Babylon, essentially; it was Egypt, but Egypt is the first empire that led to the prototype of Babylon. Moses grew up in the carnal luxury, hedonistic living, and was essentially an ‘elite’ of the world, living in that environment. He knew privilege and he lived with God’s enemy.


God has a plan for us to come out of Babylon and Egypt too; a call to come out and ‘be ye separate,’ and ‘be ye holy, as God is holy.’ We are called to come out of Babylon, and get Babylon, out of us.

When we are called to the INTERNAL TRANSFIGURATION, that proceeds the external transfiguration (flesh, or material manifestation), we will go through a process where God removes us from Babylon, to remove Babylon— from us.

God led Moses out of Egypt, and met him in the desert; we will be called out, the same way. We will be called out to the desolate, and from the desolate— to lock away with God, and ‘meet God,’ face to face, and heart to heart.


After killing a brutal Egyptian taskmaster, he fled to Midian— where YHVH (God) revealed himself in a burning bush and called Moses to deliver the Israelites from Egypt.


Deliverance is what a ‘savior’ does; a savior walks in deliverance of God’s people. Moses was a first example of what Christ would be.

Moses was called to be both priest and prophet, ruler and deliverer (savior); we are to learn from the life of Moses, and see how it parallels the life of Christ, the mission the Father has, truly— will all of his Bride, company of Romans 8 manifesting children, and the 144,000:

We are called to live lawfully with God, and to lead and rule with God (by being obedient to his law, dictates and commanding), we are called to be both prophetic children as well as priestly children (face to face, heart to heart with God— in alignment— as well as walking holy as he is holy, clean), and we are to help deliver his other children, as Moses and Christ exemplify.


Born into a Levitical family… Moses was called to both —Prophet and Priestbut cowered at the calling, and Aaron needed to step in, with the decree of God, and walk out the priestly— which was to gain atonement for the children, offer the sacrifice, meet with them face to face, and walk out the public paths of righteousness: the temple worship and duties.


We will not be able to balk at, or refuse God in these areas— we must learn from Moses, and walk in ALL that God calls us to walk in, and walk out; if we refuse, and rebel against God— we will see the same results that happened later on, to Moses, over and again, when he balked, or did not obey— he was refused to enter the promised land.

We will be called to operate fully, as how the Son operates, for he is, after all— inside of us, and is— after all, leading us in all our ways.

We will be required to conduct our person lawfully, that is how Christ turns us about, reforms us into his image, his character, his conduct, and walking his paths of righteousness— which conducts oneself, as like how Christ rules his vessel and person: holy, following the commands of the Father, what he says, and what he shows.

We will be required to walk clean before the Lord, face to face, heart to heart, and obediently— with meekness— which is submissively obedient, and well disciplined, humbly and lowly before our God; all pride will be dealt with, and the fleshly carnal nature will be crucified.

We will then rule and walk in deliverance with our Lord; we will set captives free, and unchain those held in bondage, and open prison doors, walking folks out of Egypt, and into personal relationship with God the Father, through the Son— as well.

The Son is the Door— the Son is the bridge; and all sons walking with the Spirit of God in them, being led by him— will be bridges to the flock, as well— connecting them to the living God, the holy Father, as well.

This is why the life of Moses, is exalted in and with God— and why Moses was one of the spirits shown to the disciples, currently walking with Christ, spiritually speaking— on the Mount of Transfiguration: for Moses, went through a total life transfiguration, from Egypt, to the paths of righteous living with God holy.

We too, will go through this internal walking out, with God, as well— as our inner man is transformed, by the Spirit of the living God— as we choose to come into alignment with him.


YVHY and Moses, ‘together,’ parted the waters of the Red Sea to allow the Israelites to pass, and then he closed the waters again— and drowned the pursuing Egyptians.

We too will be called to walk with God, hear his commands, DO THEM, and watch the living God do ‘partnership,’ do covenant, with his people— pulling them out of the fire, and persecution (which means pursuit) of the enemy, God’s enemy— satan— and into the wilderness.


Yahweh made a covenant [meaning, a legally upheld bond] with the Israelites at Mount Sinai, and delivered the Ten Commandments to Moses— who continued to lead God’s people through 40 years of wandering, in the wilderness until they reached the edge of Canaan.


We will be called to enter a ‘wilderness’ time period with God— it is for sorting, it is for disciplining, learning, and becoming supple in the hand of God— becoming an obedient child.

You see, when we first come out of bondage (the world), we must be ‘trained up in the way,’ God’s way— by the hand of God himself— and that is the wilderness period; this is where the goats and the sheep are separated.

The goats, will die in the wilderness, unless they convert into sheep; because goats are rebellious, do what they want to do, when they want to do it, how they want to do it— and have stiff necks, and hardened carnal hearts— they are ‘lovers of pleasure’ more than lovers of God.

2 Timothy 3:2-5

“For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high minded— lovers of pleasures, more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness (a goat, similar to a sheep, but not a sheep) —but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

Goats want to live with the sheep, eat what the sheep eat, gain the provisions of the shepherd— but do not want to serve him, do not want to be like how his sheep (children) really are, do not want to be supple and turned about easily— like the sheep in his flock; they want to do things their way, when they want, how they want— by their own lead: self gods.

They will walk CONTRARY to holiness, they will balk at walking the paths of righteousness, they will live with feet in the world, but mouths that quote scripture. They will persecute the sheep, and bulldoze them over in spirit attributes of satan expressed; they neither know the nature attributes of God, nor align or practice themselves in them: they exercise not the Spirit of God within them— but the spirit of the reprobate.

They do not walk in salvation, nor exercise it— they do not workout their salvation in their souls; their souls— are given to self, and pleasure seeking unto self.

2 Timothy 3:4

“lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God…”

But sheep are supple in the hands of the Shepherd, and are soft hearted toward him, no matter what they have to go through— they know that God is ‘good,’ and he has their best interest at hand. They love the shepherd, and will be tested and tried— and will remain in the love of God, and the love of God— will remain in them.

John 15:1-11

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that bears not fruit —he takes away: and every branch that bears fruit —he purges it— that it may bring forth more fruit.

Now you are clean— through the word —which I have spoken unto you. (we are to be cleaned up, by obeying the word)

Abide [stay, in relation and expectancy] in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abides [stays in relationship and expectancy] in the vine; no more can you— except you abide [stay in relationship and expectancy] in me.

I am the vine, you are the branches: He who abides in me, and I in him— the same brings forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing.

If a man abides not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you— you shall ask what you will— and it shall be done unto you. Herein my Father is glorified— that you bear much fruit; so shall you be my disciples.

(We will be required to show proof of fruit bearing— and Christ said, to glorify Father— we will bear MUCH fruit, because of our relationship, and remaining in proper relationship with God.)

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you: continue in my love.

IF (conditional statement) you keep my commandments— you shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you— that my joy— might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”

The sheep will fill Father’s heart with their love, and he will fill their hearts with his love; he told us— to love him, is to OBEY HIS COMMANDS; and if he’s loving us, he will discipline us, guide us, reform us into his image, purges us, and fulfill our heart’s desires— he is a GOOD FATHER, and a GOOD SHEPHERD.

Goats— will ‘desire’ these things, but will not remain in his love, nor his love remain in them; they will walk disobediently, stiff necked, hardened hearts, selfish pursuits, loving the pleasures of the carnal world, leading self in all reasoning and decisions, living their best lives evercarnally, and will walk contrary to holiness, the law, and God’s character.

The wilderness is the time period of transition— to determine if you desire to go back to Babylon, or Egypt— to, like Lot’s wife— ‘be of those who draw back,’ and head into perdition…

Or, if you will remain with the Lord, come what may— no matter what you must face: because your God is your everything— and this world has no place in your heart, nor does selfish living, unto selfish pursuits.

Hebrews 10:39

“But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe— to the saving of the soul.”

As God has said to me a gazillion times—

“Those who believe— be live’n it, Janet.”

Those who endure the wilderness, till the end of it— will be saved.

Matthew 24:13

“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.”

Those who endure, and OVERCOME— will enter the promised land.


Moses died before he could enter the Promised Land.

He did author with God, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible: we are to learn from why God instituted those rules to begin with; we are to LIVE BY THE ‘spirit’ OF THE LAW, now— according to Romans 8— especially, if we desire to walk, as a Romans 8, manifesting child, with and by the Holy Spirit of God.

We WILL LEARN what it is to live by the ‘spirit’ of the Law of Life— in Christ— as the Law sits on the throne, as it is embodied in Christ, and was given— of the Father; we will walk the paths of righteousness— because righteousness is Christ, and we are in him— and he abides, yet still— in us.

Romans 8:1-2

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life, in Christ Jesus— has made me free from the law of sin and death.”

Moses’ life changed dramatically at eighty years old, he came across a burning bush in the wilderness. God— speaking from the bush— commanded him to return to Egypt with a message of liberation for the Israelite slaves. Moses returned and met his older brother Aaron on the way.


We will be called— after Father is satisfied with is pruning, purging, scrubbing by the word of God (scripture) and our refining process— to enter back into the drudges of society, to pull folks from the fire, as well— the fire of the burning world; and we will be called to bring forth a message of liberation— in, and through Christ and Calvary.


Yet despite his impressive signs he wielded with the Spirit of God— the Egyptians only responded with increased labor for their captives. Moses then called down ten devastating plagues to demolish Egypt, culminating in the death of every firstborn Egyptian. Pharaoh, finally convinced of the futility of fighting God, freed the Israelites. But he changed his mind again— and pursued them to the Red Sea.

The Israelites escaped by crossing the sea on dry ground, while Pharaoh and his army followed them and drowned.


God will call his children to do great exploits of faith, with and by his Spirit, and unto his purposes— God desires to PARTNER with his children in this realm; YOU are the flesh unit and person he desires to bond his Spirit to, and walk out life UNIFIED in this material realm.

We will be called to step BOLDLY with his Spirit, and go up against God’s enemy— satan— again, and again, and until God is satisfied, and his people are free.

We will be pursued by God’s enemy, because God’s enemy pursues God— he desires to constantly go up against the Almighty— because he desired to do so, from the beginning: “I will be like the Most High,” blah, blah, blah.

BUT— like the Israelites of old, we too will walk with God, as he parts Red Seas with us, and for us— and drowns his enemy, who pursues us, too; BUTlet us not forget— Moses, the child of God, who walked with God— was REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE, meaning— HE HAD TO ‘do something,’ FOR GOD TO MOVE ON THEIR BEHALF.

He struck the ground, as God instructed him; he was obedient, and heard the command of the Lord.

Exodus 14:13-18

“And Moses said to the people— Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will show to you today: for the Egyptians whom you have seen today— you shall see them again no more forever. The Lord shall fight for you— and you shall hold your peace.

And the Lord said unto Moses— WHEREFORE DO YOU CRY UNTO ME? speak to the children of Israel— that they GO FORWARD:

(This was a reprimand, that God was not going to do it all FOR THEM, that Moses and the children of God, were REQUIRED to KEEP MOVING FORWARD, ‘in faith,’ and DO SOMETHING WITH GOD, in and by, ‘faith,’ and ACTIONS.)

But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea, and DIVIDE IT— and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.

(He commanded MOSES— to do the actions, but upheld by HIS POWER; we too, will be called to BE THE ONES who DO— the exploits of God, with and by the lead and decree of God.)

And I— behold— I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they shall follow them: and I will get my honor upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host, upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen.

And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I have gotten my honor upon Pharaoh, upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen.”


God will drown our pursuers, but WE WILL BE REQUIRED, by our faith, in our God— to WALK and MOVE, and BOLDLY SO, in the COMMANDING OF OUR GOD.


(Mt. Sinai)

The Israelites responded by building the Tabernacle, a portable temple, for Jehovah. When Moses went missing on the mountain— however— they built a golden calf and worshiped it. Moses returned with strict punishment. Meanwhile, Aaron —by this time the High Priest-– had his own difficulties when his two sons Nadab and Abihu desecrated the Tabernacle and died as a result.


We, ourselves now, since Christ— ARE THE TABERNACLE, the tabernacle of David that will be erected, from falling, in the last days; we are the PORTABLE TEMPLE now.

And When Moses ‘went up the mountain,’ he was ascending the relationship of God, climbing the Mountain ‘of the Lord,’ meaning— the Lord God, himself.

BUT— notice, those who would not do that, were not doing that— spiritually, symbolically— went astray, worshiping other gods, carnality and the world— and perished because of it.

And when Moses, who was walking with God, returned from intimate time with him— he brought punishment unto the house of God— for their rebellion.

Hebrews 12:6

“For whom the Lord loves— he chastens, and scourges every son whom he receives.”

Those who will not let God purge and refine them, who will walk their own paths, the paths of unrighteousness— will perish; and even the sons whom the Lord loves, will go through corrections and whipping the into shape: those who will not be corrected, or led of God— will perish, and will NOT be received.


The Wilderness of Paran

Leaving Sinai, the Israelites proceeded north toward the Promised Land into the Wilderness of Paran. They prepared for the conquest by sending out twelve spies— but ten of the spies returned discouraged.

Rather than believing the two hopeful spies, the Israelites refused to enter the Promised Land; as punishment— Jehovah condemned them to wander in the wilderness for 40 years.


We will be called to walk boldly with God, see from HIS PERSPECTIVE, not with carnal eyes, and eyesight— but from the leading of the Spirit of God— unto SUPERNATURAL provision.

This lack of TRUST IN GOD— resulted in 40 years of wandering about, murmuring and complaining— and a culling of the flock: only some, entered the Promised Land.

We need to seriously consider this, as goats— do not make it in the end; only obedient, loving sheep— humble, meek and disciplined by the hand of God— will enter, therein.


During this time Moses continued to receive legal instruction for the Israelites. He also contended with the dangerous rebellion of Korah— spectacularly judged by a divine fire and earthquake.

Later, after Aaron’s death, Jehovah dealt with the Hebrew murmuring by sending a swarm of deadly snakes into the camp. Moses fashioned a metallic serpent in response— and all who looked on it, survived.


Again— disobedience and rebellion ended in judgment and death— and obedience, and submission— deliverance; we need to note this about the life and lead of Moses.


The Plains of Moab

Finally situated tantalizingly close to Canaan —separated only by the Jordan River— the Israelites risked everything when they began to commit fornication with the daughters of Moab. The sin finally stopped, and war was waged against Moab’s ally— the Midianite nation. Some of the Israelite tribes, satisfied with the prosperity of their current position, received permission from Moses to settle permanently on ‘this side’ of the Jordan; the other tribes waited expectantly to cross into Canaan.


Are we going to be a people who commit fornication with Moabites (the world, and other gods), or are we going to be people who are obedient, honorable, meek and disciplined under the hand and lead of the Lord?

Will we be satisfied with NOT becoming the Bride of Christ, but only a guest or friend of the Bride??

The choice is ours— but only SOME— patiently endured, and obeyed the Lord God fully— who entered into the Promises.

Moses didn’t even enter fully into the Promises— for he rebelled against God, himself; we ought to learn from the life of Moses, and the younger Joshua’s— who will obey, and submit, and not rebel— and will enter in.


Moses— preparing for his end— gave authority to his younger assistant Joshua. He then delivered a series of orations to the Israelites— pleading with them to love and serve Jehovah.

At the age of 120, after composing his ‘Song of Moses’ and blessing the Israelite tribes— Moses headed out, by himself, to ascend Mount Nebo on the border of Canaan.

After surveying the Promised Land— Moses died on the mountain, and was buried by the Lord, in an unmarked grave in the land of Moab.

The lawgiver, judge, and prophet of Israel was memorialized by thirty days of weeping and mourning.


Will we learn from Moses, and continue with the Lord, humbly, meekly and obediently— and not rebel against him, or curse him and die, like Job was enticed to do so— RIGHT BEFORE THE BLESSING and PROMISES COME, TOO??

Will we mix and mingle with the Moabites and Midianites, and be ‘satisfied’ with that lot— and STOP, right before the entrance to Canaan, and the Promises??

Moses brought us the Law and conduct of God, he brought us the priestly and the prophetic, the rule and the deliverance of God: we too will be called to walk in this, as a Romans 8 child of God.

But, we will not enter the promises, if we rebel against God;

let us learn from Moses.

I believe this is why God has chosen Moses as one of the figures to transfigure with; he never entered the promises with the children, due to disobedience— but I believe God has something better for him— in that he was chosen to stand with Christ, during HIS TRANSFIGURATION, because he was a ‘staple’ figure, and founder— of the walk of righteousness, with the Father, and was, and IS— one to follow, in the spirit of…

“One who walks the paths of righteousness, with God— and manifests his Spirit, to the world, and to his children.”

Let us not forget the Song of Moses— as it, and the Song of the Lamb— will be sung again, as detailed in the book of revelation.

Revelation 15:3

“And they sing the song of Moses— the servant of God— and the song of the Lamb, saying— Great and marvelous are your works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are your ways— You, King of saints.”


The Song of Moses


Exodus 15:1-19

“Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and spoke, saying…

I will sing unto the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider he has thrown into the sea.

The Lord is my strength and song, and he has become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him a habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him.

The LORD— is a man of war: the LORD— is his name.

Pharaoh's chariots and his host he has cast into the sea: his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red sea. The depths have covered them: they sank into the bottom as a stone.

Your right hand, O Lord, has become glorious in power: your right hand, O Lord, has dashed in pieces the enemy. And in the greatness of your excellency— you have overthrown those who rose up against you: you sent forth your wrath, which consumed them as stubble.

And with the blast of your nostrils (wrath and judgment of God), the waters were gathered together, the floods stood upright as a heap, and the depths were congealed in the heart of the sea.

The enemy said— I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoils; my lust shall be satisfied upon them; I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them.

You did blow with your wind, and the sea covered them: they sank as lead in the mighty waters.

Who is like unto you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?

You stretched out your right hand, and the earth swallowed them.

You, in your mercy have led forth the people which you have redeemed: you have guided them in your strength— unto your holy habitation.

The people shall hear, and be afraid: sorrow shall take hold on the inhabitants of Palestine.

Then the dukes of Edom shall be amazed; the mighty men of Moab, trembling— shall take hold upon them; all the inhabitants of Canaan shall melt away.

Fear and dread shall fall upon them; by the greatness of your arm they shall be as still as a stone; till your people pass over, O Lord, till the people pass over, which you have purchased.

You shall bring them in, and plant them in the mountain of your inheritance, in the place, O Lord— which you have made for yourself to dwell in, in the Sanctuary, O Lord— which your hands have established.

The Lord shall reign forever and ever.

For the horses of Pharaoh went in with his chariots, and with his horsemen into the sea— and the Lord brought again the waters of the sea upon them; but the children of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea.”


The song of Moses speaks of God, and his enemy pursuing his people— BUT GOD!

It begins by God’s people singing PRAISES UNTO GOD I will sing unto the Lord, for he has triumphed gloriously. We too will be a people of the praises of God— we will not forget who our Father is, nor who has FULL DOMINION and REIGN, in the WHOLE EARTH, and OWNS— THE FULNESS OF IT!

“The Lord is my strength and song, and he has become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him a habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him.”

We too, will recall that GOD— IS OUR STRENGTH, and ALONE— he is our Salvation; and we too— WILL PREPARE A HABITATION, in our very vessels, our persons, as well— for him to ABIDE and RULE in: and in this, in obedience, reverence and submission to him, FULLY— we will EXALT ‘him,’ in our lives.

The LORD— is a man of war: the LORD— is his name.

The LORD— is the self-existent eternal one— Jehovah; and we will understand as well— we are IN A WAR, and we are SPIRITUAL WARRIORS with our commanding officer too!

We have an enemy, because our Father has an enemy— and Christ is our commanding officer now; do we understand why obeying his COMMANDMENTS is so vitally important now?!

If we want the Red Seas parted— we will obey our God, and all he commands of us.

“Your right hand, O Lord, has become glorious in power: your right hand, O Lord, has dashed in pieces the enemy.”

The right hand of God has been forgotten, he tells me.

“They recall the left hand of mine, Janet— but the right hand of mine, they disregard— because the left hand is my mercy, grace and forgiveness— but my RIGHT HAND— is my justice, judgment and wrath: Moses, did not forget my RIGHT HAND. And those who will walk with me will walk the paths of righteousness too, from my RIGHT HAND OF POWER, my RIGHT HAND OF ‘justice, judgment, wrath and righteousness:’ for my holiness resides there too.” —Christ

Who is like unto you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders? You stretched out your right hand, and the earth swallowed them. You, in your mercy (left hand) have led forth the people which you have redeemed: you have guided them in your strength— unto your holy habitation.”

We will build a PROPER HABITATION unto the Lord, in our inner man, where the Kingdom of God resides and abides— WITHIN; and he will uphold HOLINESS THERE, within us, as we uphold his right hand in our lives: his rule and reign, judgment, justice holiness and righteousness.

And as we do— HE will uphold his ‘left hand,’ in MERCY TOWARD US.

“Fear and dread shall fall upon them; by the greatness of your arm they shall be as still as a stone; till your people pass over, O Lord, till the people pass overwhich you have purchased.

You shall bring them in, and plant them in the mountain of your inheritance, in the place, O Lord— which you have made for yourself to dwell in, in the Sanctuary, O Lord— which your hands have established.

The Lord shall reign forever and ever.”

The Lord made the habitation INSIDE OF US, spiritually now— and it’s from UPHOLDING HIS BOND WITH HIM, His covenant relationship; but it was by his RIGHT HAND, and by his LEFT HAND: by his power, rule, dominion, justice, judgment, righteousness, holiness, mercy, grace, forgiveness and LOVE

That he swallows our enemies, and delivers his children, whom he has PURCHASED (with his blood and life), and whom he PASSES OVER into the PROMISES.

For they are a people he HAS PLANTED, the planting of the Lord— who have ASCENDED RELATIONSHIP WITH and IN HIM, up the Mountain of the Lord, HIMSELF: establishing the Romans 8 children, whom he himself— manifests himself— with, and through.

“For the horses of Pharaoh (his enemy) went in with his chariots (all their power and forces), and with his horsemen into the sea— and the Lord —brought again the waters of the sea upon them; but the children of Israel went on dry land in the midst of the sea.”

Our Father, when we love and honor him properly— will drown our enemies, and deliver us; we need no one other than God himself to bring us our deliverance.

But— it WILL REQUIRE ‘participation’ with us, in our lives, giving our lives to our God, FULLY; and the Romans 8, 144,000 Bridal company of God’s children— will do just this.

Following in the footsteps of the First to show us the walk of REDEMPTION— from out of Egypt, and into meek submission, honoring God, walking priestly and prophetically with God, learning his ways (his law of conduct) and walking in deliverance with God.

When we bring into remembrance the Song of Moses— and we remember the RIGHT HAND OF GOD— and we walk accordingly with him, his law of conduct, meekly and submissively, ruling and judging with God appropriately, and walking in the deliverance of the oppressed— by HIS RIGHT HAND, then we will see the ‘left hand’ of the Song of Lamb, played out too: FULL DOMINION TO THE SUBMISSIVEdying to self leadership, and laying down our lives— to be ruled by God the Father, as the Son exemplified.

But let us see the Song of the Lamb, further down.


Why Elijah?



Elijah's story begins by introducing the state of affairs for the people of Israel; as they had been governed by kings for numerous years and several of these kings had been evil. God was troubled with what the people were experiencing and he delivered his prophet, Elijah, to guide them out of corruption and suffering.

Before Elijah actually arrived in Israel, God sent a drought as he was displeased with the people.

Elijah had been residing out in the desert where there was a river with drinking water and God had sent ravens to bring him food.


The desert often is symbolic of getting humble and low, and alone— with the Almighty, learning meekness and discipline, as well as guidance and walking the walk, with the holy God.

We too will be called to walk in the desolate with God— where it seems all provision is harsh, and things are ‘dry;’ but in this solitude with God— he will prune, purge, guide, command, and discipline us to hear his voice, and see as he sees.


Eventually, the river dries up, and God instructs Elijah to go to the home of a widow who will provide him with food. When Elijah comes to the town of Zarephath, he sees the widow and asks her to get him some water and bread. She replies that she only has a small amount of flour and oil and is collecting sticks so she can cook this last portion of bread as the last meal for her son and herself (hopeless situation). Elijah assures her that God will not allow their food to diminish until the rain returns.

The widow trusts in Elijah— and their food lasted until it rained again.


God was providing for Elijah— but not in a ‘comfortable’ to the flesh kind of way, whilst in the desert; we will go through the same. All provisions were made— but it was a humbling period, a refining period, a time to learn that no matter what— God is loving us, and will get us through all circumstances— even when it’s not appealing to the flesh, but appealing to the spirit.

He then, dries up, even those provisions— leading the man of God, out of the desert, and back into civilization, and unto a desperate woman and child.

She did not have provision in the physical, hardly for herself and her son, but to have one more meal; but the obedient man of God heeded what the Lord had said to him, and went to her as commanded.

It was hardly to feed the prophet alone— but to provide for the woman and child; Elijah was there to demonstrate the love and provision of God— to witness the love of God abroad.

Because she did as the man of God said— she was provided for in LARGE FORMAT, and the love and faithfulness of God was demonstrated, through the man of God, and HIS TRUST, in the Almighty, to provide, and be faithful.

We too will be called to obey his lead, follow through, and wait upon the Lord for him to faithfully provide, and demonstrate his glory and love to the people abroad, as well.

We will be called to walk in the LOVE OF GOD— which Elijah demonstrates very well; and we will see, as we walk further into the life of Elijah.


Sometime later, the widow's son became ill and passed away. The widow was very troubled, believing that Elijah was the reason for this tragedy. Though Elijah was blamed by the widow, he attempted to bring the boy back to life by praying to God. In a miraculous event, God heard Elijah and answered his prayers— and brought the boy back to life.

When Elijah returned the boy to his mother, the woman could recognize that Elijah was a man of God and was amazed.


Elijah, and God’s LOVE was once again tested, when the child of this dear woman, died; Elijah was summoned, as well as the faith of that woman— and the Lord came through; but Elijah, AND the women— were called to faith (which is an action), and they were required to DO SOMETHING too: they were required to BELIEVE (which means be living as if God has full dominion, and love, and provision), and to STAND IN FAITH unto the Almighty, and WORK WITH HIM, for the provision from God, and for his POWER and DOMINION to RULE in the earth (the earth of that child), and call the child’s spirit and soul back into his flesh.

When the woman SAW the results, and faithfulness of God— she believed he truly walked with the Living God— and moreover— she believed in the living God, and SAW THE REDEMPTION, first hand.

The Love of God is demonstrated in Elijah, as well as the obedience, like Moses, to walk humbly and submissively, disciplined of the Lord; to go through the desert process of refinement with God— and to demonstrate his power ‘through his love,’ unto the people of the world, and the flock.

We will be called to demonstrate the LOVE of God too, in deliverance; Moses may not have raised the dead, but he walked out deliverance of God’s people from Egypt, which is symbolic of being under the hand of satan (Pharaoh); Elijah has demonstrated ruling over DEATH, which is part of satan’s attributes as well— and walked out the deliverance, and power of the Lord God— in a different way than Moses, but the same God, unto deliverance of his people.

Moses did great exploits with the earth, in large bodies of water parting, snakes and deliverance of the people, by the hand and power of God; and Elijah moved the earth too— by moving life, by the power and love of God— back into an earthen vessel: both will move the elements of the material, in this realm— by meek, obedient, submissive, disciplined, love and honoring of the Almighty.

We, if we wish to move this realm too, in elements (flesh, fire, water, plant foods, etc), we too will walk in the LOVE OF GOD; and the love of God will walk out the POWER OF GOD, through obedience to his dictations— his commands and following them, and his way.

“If you LOVE ME— you will obey my commands.”


The story continues as Elijah confronts the evil king, Ahab, about being the cause of their problems, for the people of Israel. Elijah challenges Ahab to a demonstration of his deity— Baal, versus the God of Elijah— at Mount Carmel.


We too will be called to go up against Baal, like Moses had to go up against satan, in the form of Pharaoh; we will be called to go up against satan no matter which mask he wears in this world— but for Elijah, it was Ahab and Jezebel, and their offspring.

We, like Elijah, will be called by God to go against the forces of darkness, and often times— those will be in flesh suits; it will be other humans, wearing the countenance, and attributes of satan and his nature: but our fight is not with the flesh suit person— but he wicked evil powers, spirit beings— behind those persons.

We will be called to step up boldly, like Elijah— and give our God, the only TRUE GOD, the opportunity to demolish satan, openly again; but we will be required to move in great faith— as Elijah trusted in our Father.

TRUST and LOVE, toward, and in God— are some of the biggest attributes we’ve seen demonstrated by Elijah, thus far; and these, lead to great exploits of God’s power, because the LOVE and TRUST were established first.


The challenge of Elijah and the prophets of Baal, was to offer sacrifices to their respective deities and see which starts a fire to prove their divinity.

1 Kings 18:19

“Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which eat at Jezebel's table.”

Ahab's prophets pray for hours to Baal but nothing happens.

When it is Elijah's turn he boldly drenches the sacrament with water to display his— supreme TRUST— in God, to start a fire despite being wet.

Then Elijah began to pray:

“O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel— and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. Answer me, O Lord, answer me— so these people will know that YOU, O Lord, are God— and that you are turning their hearts back again.”


God will desire for us to pray, before the unbelievers too— that HE may be known, in the land of living— and that THEIR HEARTS WILL BE TURNED BACK TO HIM, again.

That we will be known as his servants, doing all he commands of us— so that he will be EXALTED within the hearts of man again, and will RETURN TO GOD, in true relationship, submission, reverence and love, again.

Elijah was chosen on the Mount, with the Lord, during his transfiguration, because…

Like Moses, the people must learn who God is again; they must learn his holiness, his sovereignty, his rule, his dominion, his love, his mercy, his righteousness, his forgiveness, his power and his desire for them to return to him.

If we are to be transfigured, first within, then without— unto this world, as Christ was, and remains to this day— then we too, will learn all there is to learn about the spirits of Moses and Elijah; how they walked with God, what they demonstrated, how they were led, and pruned, purged and reformed— and how they walked the paths of righteousness with God— OBEDIENTLY, and MEEKLY (disciplined in submissiveness) unto God’s Spirit, and in right standing relationship with God.

We will walk as he walks— we will live as he lives; we will be holy as he is holy, and we will manifest him, his rule, his dominion, his love and his mercy all the same.

As Christ’s transfiguration also was presupposed to (took place before) his OBEDIENCE and SUBMISSION to the Father, with SANCTIFICATION and CONSECRATION to the Word and conduct of God, (walking as Father walks, by Father’s lead) —we too will go through a sanctification, consecration, pruning, purging, dying to self and fleshly desires, refinement process too.

We too will become his servant, and will do all the things at his command. And in that— he too will answer us— so these people too, will know that HEis God, our Father— and that he is turning their hearts back again.

We will be of those who desire to WORK THE GREAT COMMISSION WITH THE FATHER, and the Son, still yet— we will desire to return the hearts of people, back to God.

He tells me…

“They have largely abandoned the great commission, child; they seek the great signs and wonder, the power of God displayed— but they walk not in the LOVE of God, and what did I say, but that ALL DEEDS DONE, ‘outside of’ LOVE— are chaff, and burned up; they count not.

They have forgotten that the great commission with God— is reconnecting the sinner’s heart— to the holy God again, unto repentance.

They desire to walk out in shining light, dazzling by the power of God— but I asked them to walk in the LOVE OF GOD, and SEEK THE LOST.

When the hearts are reverently under me, in obedience, and meekness (submissive and humble under me, as the leader) —the children will walk in my power; for they will have submitted to my lead, my will, and my command— FIRST.

The leaders— will have been pre supposed to FOLLOW → FIRST; leaders have been great students— great students, will then become great leaders, under my lead.

Those who will walk in FULL TRANSFIGURATION, will walk ‘within,’ humbly, meekly, submissively, disciplined, and orderly with me— as a priest, first— before they reign in dominion with me, as a ‘king,’ secondly.

Kings— are ruling leaders; ruling leaders with me— are FOLLOWERS OF ME, who WASH MY FEET, in LOVE and OBEDIENCE.

Those who will manifest as my Romans 8 children, and 144,000 Bridal company— will have learned the LOW ROAD of the Son— the walk of the Lamb— and they will walk orderly, and accordingly— in order to walk with the Lion, and rule in dominion upon the earth with him, secondly.”



God sent down a fire that completely engulfed the sacrament in flames and the people of Israel rejoiced with a newfound faith in God, as well, to top the event off— Elijah had all the prophets of Baal killed.


It never pays off to walk with the world— especially as a representative of satan— a mouthpiece for him; those folks are the enemy of God— and they will perish.


The fire was followed by rain— ending the long drought— further showing God's GRACE (God’s love and mercy, in action).

And because of this, the Israelites lost faith in Ahab and followed Elijah's guidance in TRUSTING and RECOGNIZING— God's sovereignty.


And that, essentially— is the point; Elijah demonstrated the Spirit of God flowing in his life; he walked out the Love, and Power of God— and it came about because of the CLEAN RELATIONSHIP he walked with God: obediently, meekly, disciplined, clean, holy, righteous, aligned with God Almighty— his HEART, was after God— similarly to David’s heart.

And the tabernacle of God— STOOD— with Elijah!

We will demonstrate the SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD, in the earth too— if we will walk righteously, in right standing with God— obediently, reverently with the fear of the Lord, submissively, disciplined and meek— under his rule.


There are many great prophets in the Old Testament, but a couple are considered the Greats.

Moses, as one, and Elijah— a prophet who STOOD for God, despite huge obstacles, and performed dramatic miracles, who became a symbol of the role that John the Baptist would fill (“Elijah must come first…”).

But, despite the many powerful moments in Elijah’s life, he also had times of doubt and struggle— and we will too; but they were OVERCOME, as he continued to walk the paths of righteousness with God, and stayed TIGHT, in DIRECT RELATIONSHIP and COMMUNION— with the Almighty: we should learn and heed this lesson; if we DON’T QUIT GOD, we WIN.


Elijah was described as a “Tishbite in Gilead.”

Like most prophets mentioned in the Old Testament, Elijah’s job involved condemning sinful leaders, and foretelling the punishments that God would bring → if the people didn’t repent.

Jezebel forced Elijah to flee into the wilderness— he was a fugitive from the Queen.

We too will be, like Moses as well— forced into a ‘wilderness’ period— and it will be to SORT US OUT: separation and refinement.

Jezebel, the heathen queen, intended to murder him and keep up the worship of Baal. Elijah, now at the city Jezreel, fled the country. Traveling to the southern city of Beersheba in the kingdom of Judah,

Elijah left his servant and headed even farther south, into the desolate wilderness. Feeling that his ministry was a failure, he begged God to kill him; in response— God sent an angel to strengthen him, and Elijah went farther south to the sacred mountain, Horeb.

At Horeb, the mountain where God once formed a covenant with Israel, Elijah presented a covenant lawsuit against the Israelites.


We will have to uphold the sovereignty of God, his dominion, the Law of his rule— and it will be against the ungodly— and it will be BECAUSE OF THE COVENANT we uphold with him; just like how Moses was a covenant upholder, law upholder, and obedient to God— they both walk out the power, dominion, and rule of God— rocking the earth realm in judgments.

We will do so— if we walk as they walked, if we will be pruned, refined, purged, sanctified and consecrate our lives to God holy, the same: we will be called to BRING UP SUIT against God’s enemies too.


They had disobeyed God, pursued idols, and slaughtered the faithful.

God appeared to him – not in a fierce wind, powerful earthquake, or devouring fire, but in a still, small voice.

In response to the covenant lawsuit, God agreed with the prophet: it was time for justice (walking in the RIGHT HAND OF GOD— to which many want to disregard, only to support his mercy, grace and forgiveness; but the LOVE OF GOD— reigns from each hand and arm of the Lord— both right and left).

He commissioned Elijah to anoint three men who would bring punishment on the land: Hazael to be king in Syria, Jehu to be king in Israel, and Elisha —to be prophet in Israel.

At the same time, he encouraged Elijah that 7000 men were still faithful to the true religion: he thought he was alone.

Elijah returned to anoint the new kings, and as he passed by a plowman— Elisha threw his cloak on him— symbolizing a call to ministry: and his name was Elisha.

Elisha —sacrificed his oxen, turned them into a feast for the people— and followed Elijah.


We too will be called to MAKE DISCIPLES: Christ told us so.

Matthew 28:19-20

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

The Bridal company, the Romans 8 children of the Lord, the 144,000 —will not be about their own, only— they will be fulfilling the great commission, they will be making DISCIPLES, students of the Lord, under them: these are ‘fathers,’ in which the ‘children’ (students/disciples), will be turned towards again— that Elijah demonstrated: and these ‘fathers,’ or elders— will be following the Lord, and directing the disciples to do the same.


Elijah took on a disciple, Elisha; and Elijah continued to speak out against Ahab on at least one occasion when he had someone murdered. He also spoke out against Ahab’s successor— Ahaziah.

Sometime after Ahaziah’s death— Elijah passed his title (or mantle) on to Elisha…in a particularly dramatic way.

1 Kings ends with the death of Ahab, and 2 Kings starts with the story of Elijah calling down fire. After that, Elijah apparently got a message that God was going to “take him away,” which other prophets also knew.

Elijah and Elisha traveled to Gilgal, then to Bethel, Jericho, and finally to the Jordan River. And as they traveled, Elijah repeatedly told Elisha to stay behind while he went on to somewhere God had called him to (1 Kings 2:1,4,6) — but with Elisha always replying— “As surely as the Lord lives and you live, I will not leave you.”


Oh that the disciples of the Lord operated this way, even now— saying— “Lord, I will not abandon you, at your leaving, Yahshua— but I will fast and mourn, all the more— and remain with you: in Spirit.”

For this WHY and HOW, one becomes a disciple of his, who turns into a Romans 8, 144,000 caliber, Bridal company— child of the Most High God: STEADFAST DEDICATION.

And steadfast dedication— is the life, and example of Elijah.


Finally, at the Jordan— Elijah made the water part (like Moses), and the two men walked across.


We will be called to ‘cross the Jordan,’ too— just like the children coming out of the wilderness with Moses, and just like Elisha, who followed the prophet Elijah as a disciplined one of the ’way to walk’ with God…

The waters will part for us, we will cross over, and we will walk the righteous paths, WITHIN, first— with the Living God— and THEN, afterwards— we will move the elements of this earthen realm…

Fire, Water, Flesh earthen vessels (miracles and wonder), Plants, Animals and the likes; for we have TRANSFIGURED WITHIN, first.

Transfiguring the ‘outer’ elements, is easier, than learning to be purged, refined, pruned, cleansed by the scrubbing of the fullers soap from the word of God, submissive and meek— lowly in servitude— and dying as the Lamb dies: a sacrificial life.

BUTwhen one does— the Lion will rule out of them!

But it will always start with the INTERIOR TRANSFIGURATION of the spirit and soul of the man— before outer elements are transfigured.


On the other side (after ‘crossing over’), Elijah asked Elisha, “what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” (2 Kings 2:9). Elisha asked to inherit a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, which Elijah said was difficult but, “if you see when I am taken from you, it will be yours” (2 Kings 2:10).

Then, a chariot of fire pulled by fiery horses appeared, coming between Elijah and Elisha. Elijah went up in the chariot in a whirlwind, and Elisha yelled, “My father! My father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel!” (2 Kings 2:12). Elisha then took the cloak (mantle) Elijah had used to part the water, and went back to the Jordan river— and made the water part in the same way that Elijah did (2 Kings 2:14).

Elisha was later persuaded to send fifty men to search for the missing prophet, but Elijah was not seen again until Christ’s transfiguration.

There— briefly appearing to Peter, James, and John, he spoke with Jesus and Moses —about the Messiah’s upcoming crucifixion.


We too will go through a crucifixion, dying to self— and in that— we will overcome, and be led of LIFE, himself.

Elijah is one we are to learn from, as Moses, the same— for to understand our transfiguration, the process of, and why.

Elijah, was Elisha’s spiritual father, or elder— and we will have them too— namely though, our actual Spiritual Father— Jehovah; but we will raise his children up, in the way, as well— returning the hearts of the children to him, and his paths.

We will be transfigured, FIRST, within— and secondly— we will transfigure without, and transfigure or rule— the elements of this world; as the spirits of the created are subject to Christ in us, and because we heirs with him, and unto the throne.

First— we will walk humbly with our God, as lambs; secondly— we will rule, reign, and ROAR— as Lions, with him in dominion, moving this realm by the dictates of the Almighty God, in which we serve and follow— and transforming this place.

Our transfiguration— upon ascending the Mount of God, as well— like Christ, will follow the ways in which Moses and Elijah lived: and as/like their relationship with God— was, and is, and remains.

FIRST, the Song of Moses, THEN— the Song of the Lamb: both, bring in the rule of THE LION.


The Song of the Lamb


Revelation 15:3-4

“And they sing the song of Moses— the servant of God— and the song of the Lamb, saying— Great and marvelous are your works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are your ways— You King of saints.

4 Who shall not fear you, O Lord— and glorify your name? for You only are holy: for all nations shall come and worship before you; for your judgments are made manifest.”


We will not forget his JUDGMENTS, his KINGSHIP, and his MERCY and GRACE; we will not forget his RIGHT HAND, nor his LEFT.

He is the Almighty, he is the Lamb— who rules now, as the Lion!

He is HOLY, and RIGHTEOUS, MERCIFUL and JUST— we will not forget your RIGHT HAND, nor your LEFT: the full stature and standard of the Lord, we will recall.

And we will worship before you, we will be true, holy and just, as you are— as your judgments are made manifest in the earth.

We will prepare the people of the Lord, with you—

it is what the Bride is called and chosen to do— Sir.

Luke 1:17

“And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah— to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children— and the disobedient— to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

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