1 Corinthians 14:10
“There are– it be so– many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without significance.”
The Lord has been telling me for quite some time– that his children are addicted to ‘other voices,’ and secondhand relationship to God.
That is one of the saddest things to hear from God– that his heart’s desire was, and still is– to come to earth, make a way for men to reconcile to him, in all ways– and yet, he tells me– they are by far and large, not hearing ‘his voice.’
But they are hearing a plethora of other voices– and he wishes for us to correct this problem in our lives; he is a gentleman, and he will not ‘force’ himself upon anyone, nor will he beg of you to have faith in him.
He desires to be One with you– but he will allow you to choose whether or not you want that– with him; and even then, he will allow you to pull as close to him as you desire– or be as far from him as you choose.
There are MANY voices– [all created beings, and we should note that]– that are ‘replacing’ God’s voice in our lives; and it’s OUR RESPONSIBILITY, to subdue them, and cast them down– along with every other vain thing.
[vain, meaning– empty, superficial, or inferior]
When we hear more from ‘man,’ than we do the Almighty– we have erected an ‘idol’ in our lives– and God will remove all of those, just to get you back; he is a jealous God– and we ought to remember that.
Prophets, or prophetic voices that hear God– he told us, they are a ‘gift’ in and of themselves, and they are to equip the ‘body–’ but they are not The Holy Spirit, they are NOT GOD, and they are not servants to the Lord– just to gain followers, or become the ‘voice’ we adhere to; and if that’s the case– they are idolaters, and they will be removed.
Prophets, or prophetic voices [which really means, one who hears God speak what’s on his mind and heart, and what his plans and judgments are] –they will always SERVE THE LORD, and HIS INTERESTS– not anyone else’s; and they will not seek to be ‘the voice’ in your life– they will turn you back to THE ONE, and ‘his voice,’ as they serve him in truth and Spirit.
We need more discernment in the ‘body,’ and we need SURE FOUNDATIONS– and those– are only found in the God of all Creation, NOT –the ‘created beings’ themselves [i.e. people or spirits].
Christ– needs his ‘body’ back; it’s been hijacked by ‘hirelings’ and wayward ‘ministers’ –who are, at best– ignorant but mean well, and at worst– deceitful and idolatrous.
Deuteronomy 18:18-22
“I will raise up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto you, and I will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak to them all that I shall command him.
19 And it shall come to pass, that whoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name– I will require it of him.
20 But the prophet, who shall presume to speak a word in my name– which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods– even that prophet shall die.
21 And if you say in your heart– How shall we know the word which the Lord has NOT spoken??
22 When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord– if the thing follows not, nor comes to pass– that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken, and the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: you shall not be afraid of him.”
Jeremiah 14:14
“Then the Lord said to me– The [false] prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither [did I] speak to them: they prophesy unto you– a false vision and divination– and a thing of nought– and from the deceit of their heart.”
Jeremiah 23:16
“Thus says the Lord of hosts– Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you– they make you vain [empty, yourselves]– they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord.”
Luke 6:26
“Woe unto you– when all men shall speak well of you!
For so did their fathers– to the false prophets.”
2 Timothy 4:3-4
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers– having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth– and shall be turned unto fables.”
[fables– of storytellers– tellers of false visions and story-lines]
Acts 20:28-30
“Take heed to yourselves, and to all the flock– over which the Holy Ghost has made you overseers– to feed the church of God, which he has purchased with his own blood.
29 For I know this, that after my departure– grievous wolves shall enter in among you– not sparing the flock.
30 Also of your own selves, men shall arise– speaking perverse things– to draw away disciples after them.”
[disciples– student followers of that ‘teacher;’ many prophetic voices of today, have replaced the role of the Holy Spirit in God’s children’s lives, and God’s children– need to place God back in his rightful ‘seat of authority,’ as the ‘voice that leads them.’]
Word from the Lord– concerning ‘other voices.’
“They cannot hear MY voice Janet; they hear a plethora of ‘other’ voices– but they cannot hear mine.
This is a problem with discernment, and a problem with FAITH/TRUST in being led by the ALL KNOWING, and ALL POWERFUL God and Creator– Lord and Father; the entire reason I came and fulfilled the Cross of Calvary– was to RECONCILE to my family.
If they cannot hear my voice,
how can they follow my lead?
If they cannot hear my voice, and do not commune with me, hearing what I tell them in their hearts and minds– and discern the difference between the flesh, and its thoughts and intents, and that of the wicked heart, which has its thoughts and intentions– how will they discern the voice of satan, lies, wolves and impostors– either??
I have a HUGE problem within the ‘church,’
and the body of Christ, and that is–
they are FOLLOWING OTHER VOICES– not mine.
They are following men’s voices, devil’s voices, the voice of the soulish heart with its own intents and desires, they are following the voice of the flesh [which is satan’s play place to deceive] –and they go after what tickles their fancy, what they WANT to hear; and simultaneously, they shun away a hard word to hear, that is truth from those that hear my plans, intentions and judgments– according to my Word…
But worst of all…
They cannot hear me, and discern MY VOICE.
This saddens me, and upsets me; it saddens me, because the entirety of the Cross of Calvary, and all my sufferings and teachings of my way– have seemingly been for nought– because the PRIMARY intention of reuniting with my children, so that I can lead them through life– they and I– has fallen on deaf ears.
I desire to raise my children
–in my ways–
but they cannot discern my voice
when I speak
They run after every other voice in the material world– which is a sign of FEAR, and a sign of ESTRANGEMENT from me; it is fear– for they seek to be REASSURED of the voices of men, often– and it is estrangement, because I am all one needs, but if one is not reconciled to me in truth, and hearing from me regularly– one is reliant upon CREATION [men, angels, self intellect], and not THE CREATOR.
That is the very reason I told you not to erect ‘angels’ with a special place in your hearts, a place where they REPLACE ME; they are my ‘servants,’ as are your brethren, the prophets, pastors, teachers, apostles and evangelists are– they are not to REPLACE MY HOLY SPIRIT in your lives.
There are TOO MANY VOICES that my children are heeding, and they are confused and dismayed by all the different ‘voices;’ tell them what I told you–
‘TURN THE OTHER VOICES OFF, if you wish to hear mine; listen to the VOICE OF THE WORD– commune with me there, and I will speak to you.’
Believe I am– and then LISTEN INTENTLY; understand that to hear my voice, as I am a CALM [still], SMALL [don’t shout] VOICE– one will need to enter SHALOM PEACE– found in trust– to hear me.
I will not shout over the voice of FEAR; I expect you will eradicate the other voices from you– even your own opinions and intellectual reasoning, the voice of your fleshly [things you desire in the world] thoughts and desires, and the voice of your heart– and its cries…
in order to hear my voice.
I will not subdue all the other voices– it is your job of being a disciplined one, you are to set your environment within; I will assist you, and in that– we will work together as true partners– modeling what it is to be ‘married together– as one now.’
My goal is to RAISE UP MY OWN CHILDREN– it is not for MEN to raise my children; men– my servants– the prophets, pastors, teachers, apostles and evangelists, are for EQUIPPING THE BRETHREN– not to REPLACE ME in their lives.
A TRUE SERVANT OF MINE– will turn you toward ME, and will encourage RECONCILING TO ME IN ALL WAYS, including– hearing from me; they will not feed you little feedings of words to-- tantalize you-- and keep you DEPENDENT upon another word from them to sustain you.
My true servants will desire to RECONNECT YOU TO ME, and teach you just how to do that; they WILL give you words of encouragement and warn of things to come– but if that’s ALL YOU HEAR OF THEM– they are feeding you ‘their own words and hearts.’
I came upon this earth to teach all to reconcile to Father God– my servants, who sit at my feet, and take in all that they can of me– who delve into my Word, and FEAST THERE UPON ME– will also be praying the Lord of the Harvest– to send more laborers.
They will not seek and desire just to feed the flock enough to keep them sustained in the hour– they will seek to reconnect ALL– to God the Father, and God the Son– in that– my children will be sustained for all of ETERNITY.
Like the saying– feed a man [a fish]
and he will survive another day;
‘get the food himself,’
he will be fed for ALL HIS DAYS.
This is my desire, that my children FEED FROM ME, myself– not off the table of creation– from the CREATOR himself.
My true ‘servants–’ seek to assist me in reconnecting to my children– that IS– The Great Commission, and the Good News of Christ: that RECONCILIATION TO THE FATHER OF ALL THAT IS– is NOW POSSIBLE!
If my children do not reconnect with me, and dive into the Word of God for themselves [which is also where my Spirit is found]– and ask my Spirit to teach them myself, and to hear their own Father speak to them– they will remain afraid and estranged– listening to CREATION’S voice through many ‘mediums.’
[Definition Medium– one who intervenes, to convey something– and in-between– a middleman; and the Holy Spirit is to be the only Middleman– the Spirit of Yah’shua.]
And these voices/people– will not be available to speak to them, when times get personally rough in their lives– and they will miss the entire point of Calvary– in action: which was for God to be reconciled to them, through his SPIRIT– so they have their own trustworthy relationship and communion with the Almighty– FOR THEMSELVES.
We have a generation that does not know God for themselves, and yet I told everyone– ALL CAN PROPHESY NOW– for I am the Spirit of Prophecy and I am with all who are mine– and ALL CAN KNOW GOD, for I give the Holy Spirit to those ‘who obey me.’
That brings me to another problem within my ‘body,’ Janet, and that is this– my body is sick; I have a plethora of people who call themselves by my name– but they will not read their scriptures as if their life in this realm, and the next, depends upon them doing so– BECAUSE IT DOES.
I have a generation that WANTS THINGS THE ‘easy’ WAY; the world will never offer the ‘easy way–’ the world will try the hearts and lives of men of faith– and if my children are to be ‘overcomers,’ they will HAVE TO HEAR MY VOICE and MY LEADINGS.
Tell them what I told you; tell them that if they will step out in bravery, and will read my word, and pray to me, and shut nearly all the other voices of INFLUENCE– out of their lives, depending on me, and me alone, for the most part– THEY WILL HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD like they have never experienced before.
I am not a God of empty promises; if I have said– ‘those who seek me with all of their heart, will find me–’ then I mean it.
How much they will hear me,
if they seek me with all of their heart–
which is all of their affections and desires.
We have a generation of created beings, who are relying on other created beings– FAR MORE EXCEEDINGLY– than upon the God and Father that created them.
How can this be the model?? It is not the model that I modeled to them– when I walked the world incarnate, teaching and leading men into ‘how to reconcile unto the Father.’
If my children will not STEP OUT IN FAITH– how can I bless them? For without FAITH WALKING– man cannot please me.
We have a faithless generation upon us child– that seeks a sign, and a word– OVER THAT OF THE WORDS GOD SPEAKS OVER THEM, directly to them, DAILY.
I grieve over my children being led by ‘other voices;’ I grieve because it is the heart of the Father, and the PURPOSE of the Father– to raise his own children.
I have SERVANTS, who serve me and them– TO DO MY WILL, and to REDIRECT THEM back to me, and to EQUIP THEM with the ‘know how’ to do that; I do not have any other servants.
For those that desire to BE THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR OTHERS– speak of their own hearts and desires; these, will be those that do not led men to reconcile with God for themselves– and speak only ‘a word’ here, or there, to keep them coming back TO THEM– and not directing their gaze back upon me.
KNOW– DISCERN– and reconcile back to me children; I HAVE NEED FOR YOU TO DO SO.
Not just for ‘my sake,’ and the sake of my heart that GRIEVES DAILY over the estrangement, and the heart to heart conversations we COULD BE HAVING– but for ‘your sake’ as well.
For YOU WILL HAVE NEED OF ME, in the days and hours to come– and you will not hear me, when the days are beyond hard– if you do not TRUST IN ME NOW, and ‘turn away from all the other voices–’ and reconcile in FAITH TRUST to me– and hear the words of the Lord for yourselves.
Gather to you, a SELECT FEW [and I mean a few] VOICES– in whom you KNOW, and I have PROVEN TO YOU– speak with me, and speak for me– as I SPEAK THROUGH THEM; but turn the rest off!
Because this is the truth at hand, and the conundrum you must face– DO YOU WISH TO HEAR FROM ME FOR YOURSELVES– truly, or– are you content with a ‘second hand’ relationship??
Because that’s what I see happening by far and large within my body; I have CEASED TO BE THE HEAD, and you the ‘body.’
My children do not wear ‘the mind’ of Christ, and have not placed me AS THE HEAD upon their lives; how will they hear me, or see from my perspective– if they do not have my head [MY LEADING]?
For only with MY EYES, can you see the truth– and only with MY EARS– can you hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying; and you must WEAR MY HEAD– to see through my eyes, and to hear through my ears.
COME AWAY WITH ME CHILDREN– seek not what man can do ‘for you;’ seek your heavenly Father– and see what WE –CAN DO TOGETHER.
My servants– SERVE; and in serving, they honor me, when they ‘RETURN THE HEARTS OF MEN TO THE FATHER.’
Know my true servants– know discernment.
Know my voice– know my heart.
Come and SEE, and TASTE for yourselves, that the Lord is good.
I have a whole world of splendor waiting for you– but you will never partake in it– if you run only with men.
Heed the voice of your Father– and come deeper with me.
If you remain upon the surface, I will not be able to fulfill my perfect will in your lives; I have SO MUCH MORE IN-STORE FOR YOU– but you must ‘leave the others behind–’ if you wish to gain what you can only dream of with God.
Did I not say– ‘He that loves father or mother
[human, created beings]
more than me– is not worthy of me:
and he that loves son or daughter–
more than me– is not worthy of me?’
There is a condition within the hearts of men today– and it is a condition of ‘lack of faith trust’ in God almighty– to BE ENOUGH; I am MORE THAN ENOUGH.
My true children will support you, and guide you, and comfort you– but they will also– POINT YOU TO ME, DIRECTLY.
If you have voices that speak into your life only– and turn you not toward HEARING FROM THE LORD YOURSELVES– then you have voices that feed you little bits of this and that, from time to time– to keep you coming back for more– as they are your shepherd– not I.
They are your FOCUS– not I; and THEY will be THE VOICE YOU ADHERE TO and FOLLOW– not I.
This grieves my heart so– and this keeps the flock immature– not growing in the Lord, nor being reconciled to the Father in TRUST and FAITH; this keeps my children RELIANT UPON MAN– and does not allow the Father of all of CREATION– to be ‘enough’ to his very own children.
When you move in this type of faith walk with me– RECONCILIATION TO HEAR THE LORD FOR YOURSELF– will take place; and then, in that– we will have MANY who can, and will– PROPHESY.
I am the Spirit of prophecy– and that means– I am the SPIRIT WHO SPEAKS of things that were, things that are, and things that are to come– FOR YOUR LIFE; and I wish to do just that– speak into the life of my children– for MYSELF.
Hebrews 1:1-2
“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners
spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
has in these last days– spoken to us → by his Son…”
This is my goal, this is how the prophets hear from me– FROM WITHIN– and this, I wish for ALL MY CHILDREN, as I indwell them– FROM WITHIN.
Come to me– shut the MULTITUDE OF VOICES OUT; reconnect to your Father and Maker– for there are MANY VOICES IN THE WORLD– and they all have different intents for you.
If you do not shut down the multitude of voices speaking to you– you will live confused and in fear, dismayed– never knowing what to really adhere to, or who to believe.
Come to me in the WORD– and let me teach you what is true; LET ME– be your ‘God,’ and take the others– OUT OF MY SEAT in your life– including self, self intellect, self deceitful hearts, and self’s fleshly thoughts and desires– that will keep you anchored to this material realm, and material things and thoughts.
Money and success– will not save you.
Prophetic voices– will not save you,
nor be there for you always.
Comforting words will come, and they will go.
But ‘I–’ will always be there for you; but if you value the created, more than the creator, and you follow their voices, more than mine– you will never come to know me for yourselves.
And that– GRIEVES MY SPIRIT– and makes defunct, all that I came and accomplished– to reconcile you, TO MYSELF.
Let the trust, and reliance upon others– GO; and in doing so– I will show you who is speaking for me, and who is not.
I will tell you, who serves me, and who serves themselves; I will show you– what a life in the Father and Son is really like.
I will make MY DREAMS COME TRUE– in ‘our’ life together.
Tell them Janet– tell them my heart's desire– IS THEM; tell them that I desire to HAVE ALL OF THEM, and I am jealous of ‘other voices.’
Tell them; and if they shall choose to obey– I will TURN THEM ABOUT, and they will SEE THE FACE OF THEIR GOD.”
--Your Father, and The Son
Proverbs 8:17
“I love them that love me– and those that seek me early– shall find me.”
Jeremiah 29:13
“And you shall seek me, and find me– when you shall search for me with all your heart.”
Romans 10:17
“So then faith comes by hearing– and hearing– by the word of God.”
Isaiah 30:21
“And your ears shall hear a word behind you saying– This is the way, walk in it– when you turn to the right hand, and when you turn to the left.”
Revelation 3:20
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock– if any man hears MY VOICE, and open the door– I will come in to him, and will sup with him– and he with me.”
Deuteronomy 4:12
“And the Lord spoke to you out of the midst of the fire– you heard THE VOICE of the WORDS– but saw no similitude; you only heard a VOICE.”
John 10:2-4
“But he that enters in by the door– is the shepherd of the sheep.
3 To him– the porter [gatekeeper] opens– and the sheep hear HIS VOICE: and he calls his own sheep by name– and leads them out.
4 And when he puts forth his own sheep– he goes before them– and the sheep follow him: for THEY KNOW HIS VOICE.”
He’s waiting for you, with restoration and reconciliation in his wings; the only thing he desires– IS ALL OF YOU!
Why don’t we all give him– all of our heart, mind and attention– and reduce, reduce, and reduce some more– ALL THE OTHER VOICES, that vie for– our ATTENTION and AFFECTION from us– that is only to be UNTO HIM.
"I giggle at the irony of writing this, prophetically hearing his voice, and sending along his heart, and his words to his children-- whilst he asks us to 'shut out most of the other voices--' in order to hear him more clearly; but perhaps-- he will tell you, I am one he wishes for you to listen to, from time to time-- to affirm his words to you. 🙏
But ultimately-- my greatest desire for you all-- is that you hear HIS VOICE, for yourselves."

I feel so blessed that He lead me to you. Thank you for telling me a bit of your story. It gives me hope. You are a blessing and I thank God for you.
I am to listen intently to only His voice.i am to work out the discipline, to set up the environment within (working with father).
Ooh that i may cultivate patience and complete trust in Him who is Faithful and True!
Thank you for this.
Thank you Janet for being a true servant of the Lord. His message, through you, spoke directly to my heart. My mind goes all over the place and its hard for me to stay focused, so I search for His words through other voices. I lack patience and discipline. Here I am Lord. All I need is you. I am sorry I made you weep.