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Thy Will be done--- Not mine, Lord

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

“God’s will— and the sufferings of his children”

(part 2, of 3)


This section is by the led of the Holy Spirit

In what he is wanting me to show and point to

in scripture, and with the understanding of it.


Paul speaking to us all.

2 Corinthians 4:7-12, 16-18

“But we have this treasure [deposit of wealth] in earthen [clay, frail] vessels [equipment, figuratively— wife (like Bride) as contributing to the usefulness of the husband], that the excellency of the power [force, miraculous power, ability and abundance] may be of God— and not of us [the company].”


I love here that we are speaking of treasure within us, and truly— that is God himself, and his Holy Spirit— when we reduce it all down to its simplest terms and understand; as all good things come from the Father of lights— namely, the gift of HIMSELF to us.

And with this understanding, we being clay and fragile earthen vessels, who have had a valuable treasure deposited within us (the Holy Spirit), have become— equipment, in that we are a ‘vessel,’ or tool and form to be abided with, and within— and it is likened to how a WIFE, or Bride would be contributing in life, as a ‘helpmeet,’ to her husband.

And in that, the excellency of, and the power of, the force of the miraculous might, ability and abundance of God— the husband— is revealed; and it’s NOT US, the Bride or Wife that is all powerful, but the husband— who is working ‘through us,’ that is.

I find that incredibly insightful, and full of understanding— when we properly rightly divide the truth out— and study to show ourselves approved.


8 “We are troubled [crowded, afflicted, narrowly thronged, suffering tribulation] on every side [wholly encompassing] —yet not distressed [cramped, hemmed in too closely]; we are perplexed [having no way out, be at a loss mentally for, stand in doubt] —but not in despair [at an utter loss, despondent];”


We ARE TROUBLED in this lifetime— crowded, afflicted, narrowly thronged (come against in the physical, and with tongue-waggings against us from others, in disapproval, and disdain), and we suffer in shakings, which is tribulation; this is taking place on every side, which means everywhere we go, all the time— wholly encompassing us, roundabout.

And yet— we are not distressed, or cramped, and hemmed in too closely— we have breathing room with the Holy Spirit, as his grace is sufficient for us all; which means— “With me, kiddo— we can get through anything, and this too, shall pass.”

We are ‘perplexed,’ though— as it seems we have no way out, and we are at a loss mentally or emotionally, as to how God is going to bring us about, or resolve these things, or get us through— as we stand having some doubt; but he is there for to help us come through— and out the other side of that doubt— and into greater ‘discipline,’ or growth of the fruit of faith— as brother Ricky detailed out so well.

And in the fact and truth that we are yoked to him, and have him with us at all times, with his grace— that is sufficient for us— we are not in despair, which means utterly despondent— which would be frozen and unable to move, having lost all hope or faith…

But instead— we know that his grace is sufficient; which means— enough to see you through this thing, that you do not desire to be going through— but are led to endure; like when Christ had to endure the tempting of the Devil, in the wilderness— as the Spirit led him into it.

I do believe he sweated blood— resisting— yes??

We have not endured to that extent, likely; but even so— his grace, as it was with Christ— would be sufficient to see us through, as it did him— as well.


9 “Persecuted [pursued, ensued, followed after, given to suffer, and pressed], but not forsaken [left behind, deserted]; cast down [thrown down], but not destroyed [at loss, or perishing fully, or marred];

10 Always bearing about [conveying, transporting around and carrying] in the body— the dying [deadness, and powerlessness— impotency] of the Lord Jesus, that the life [lifetime (his walk)] also of Jesus— might be made manifest [rendered apparent, declared and shown] in our [company collective] body.”


I love the BUTS, that are found in scripture, especially the ‘but Gods,’ that are found in scripture— as they are always showing us that— even though something is taking place, God comes in with his GRACE, that is sufficient: which really, folks, means— his PERSON is with us, and he’s all we need.

This too, shall pass.

We are persecuted— pursued, ensued, followed after, given to suffer, and pressed down— but not forsaken, or left behind and deserted.

We are cast down or out— but not destroyed, or at loss, perishing fully, or marred.

We are always forbearing, and going about— conveying, transporting around and carrying in the body— the dying, or deadness, and powerlessness— which is impotence— of the Lord Jesus, that he endured and went through, that we too will; that his life, or lifetime (his walk) also walked out— as we are walking his ‘same paths.’

And it is so that— he might be made manifest, rendered apparent, declared and shown— in our company, our collective body.

It is the life, or lifetime path of Christ to ‘die to’ many things; he only died in the physical ONCE, and it was for all; but he died MANY TIMES to his own will, understanding, desires, emotions, perceptions and so on— and we will too— for we are ‘walking his paths of righteousness,’ following him and his commanding.

We will walk out HIS WILL, not our own— and HIS GRACE, the grace of the Father, AND OF THE SON— will be enough for us too.

And he died, once, and for all— means more than his physical death; and ours does too, our dying; it is dying in MANY WAYS, that Christ went through to uplift Father within, ONLY— and we will be ‘disciplined’ under them too, as the Holy Spirit brings us into all truth— as we die in many different ways, and unto many different things.

Dying— is never easy, enjoyable, or PREFERRABLE; but it is necessary in a world of twistedness, perversion, compromise, iniquity, sin and lawlessness; and so, the reformation process God brings us through will have us face things we do not desire, and it will be by HIS WILL.

As the sufferings of Christ, as he denied himself, humbled and sanctified, consecrating himself to the Father— was not always enjoyable either.

Luke 22:42

“Saying— Father, if you be willing— remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will— but thine, be done.”

Essentially, Father— this cup is heavy, and burdensome, hard and distressing— IF YOUR WILL is to take it off of me— so be it; but IF IT IS NOT— nevertheless, let YOUR WILL be done— not mine.

We are to learn from the Son, as he is the example ‘son,’ for ALL SONS to follow; and I mean literally, as well— down the same walk, same paths, under the same protocol, blueprint, outline— that the Father had him walk: this is the walk of Sonship; which is what it is to be a ‘child’ of the living God, in the earth realm.

And as Beverly pointed out to me on several occasion— we, IF WE ARE HIS CHILDREN, and IF WE ARE HIS FIRST FRUITS OF— we will share his ‘cup,’ or otherwise known as— his ‘lot,’ and path in life, led of the Father.

There is a baptism, of ‘suffering,’ as Christ did— that we will be led to carry, and bear up under, as well; if we are going to ‘drink from his cup.’

Note, he didn’t say, drink the WHOLE CUP he was given of the Father, as that’s something only ‘God himself’ could have done, and did; but he did say— ‘drink from,’ his cup.

Matthew 20:22-23

“But Jesus answered and said— You do not know what you ask. Are you able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?

They say unto him— We are able.

And he said unto them— You shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, or on my left— is not mine to give— but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared, of my Father.”

Here he details two things, first— let’s start with the latter; God is saying, people will be seated on one side of him, or the other— and it will be by the Father’s deciding.

That is such a full statement— and it is explaining

more than just sides of him to be seated at.

The right side of the Father, is where the Son sits, and those the Father sees have ‘taken’ and ‘followed’ OBEDIENTLY —the same path as the Son; he will approve of these to sit on HIS (the Father’s) ‘right hand side,’ as well; for these— they learned how to SUBMIT TO GOD, and FOLLOW. So these— will LEAD WITH HIM, and rule and reign with Christ, who is seated at his (the Father’s)— RIGHT HAND: these are the ‘first fruits, go to’ kids —of the Father.

The right hand instruments, to be wielded—

as he wills.

Only ‘some,’ will rule and reign with him; again, the position of authority ruling as a king with Christ, is found becoming a priest of the High Priest—FIRST.

And if some are to rule and reign with him, they will be ruling and reigning— over others; which is to say, some will not be, and will be under the leadership of those God chooses to lead with him.

And those— will be the ones who learned to bow down, serve, and humble themselves before God, and before their brethren; they chose to endure the paths of righteousness, as they endured the ‘path of the Son,’ and shared in his afflictions.

All that Father brought to the Son— in point and premise, outline and blueprint— the Father will bring to the ‘sons’ who obediently humble themselves under his lead and ruleNOW and submit to the leading of his Spirit.

The ‘left hand side,’ are those who

would not → during this lifetime.

God’s ‘right hand,’ is his strength, might, power and rule being laid down; and in scripture his ‘left hand,’ is his mercy and grace being extended; not all will come into his mercy and grace— for all of eternity.

His offer, and gift— expires at some point— if folks do not redeem it unto themselves: salvation and deliverance from the kingdom of estrangement, evil, rebellion and sin— into the kingdom of righteousness, holiness and obedience.

Matthew 25:31-33

“When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: and before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them, one from another— as/like a shepherd divides his sheep, from the goats: And he shall set the sheep— on his right hand— but the goats —on the left.”

God is an equal opportunity God— meaning, he offers to all— but all, must choose for themselves. Some will choose to ‘go all the way’ with God— and others will choose not to; they would not step into his reformation process, leadership, or discipline— all the way.

Those who WOULD choose him, all the way— will share ‘his cup’ with the Son; and in that— will endure the baptism of suffering; and will share in his afflictions that he endured, as he walked the paths of righteousness in the earth, as well.

But also— they will be glorified with him; if you suffer with me, you will be glorified with me.

He said— in 2 Timothy 2:12

“If we suffer (with him) —we shall also reign with him: if we deny him— he also will deny us.”

The ‘Father decides,’ because it is the Father in whom the ‘sons’ are obedient unto, and following— if they follow the lead of the first Son, who showed them the way; so it is obedience unto the Father, or NOT, that will place each person— upon one side or the other— in eternity.

It is a leadership role to be seated on his right; some are called and chosen to lead— whilst others are not— and there are reasons why, always.


11 “For we who live [alive in our lifetime]— are always [truly] delivered [surrendered, or yielded up, put into prison] unto [into, for, toward] death [literal or figurative death] —for Jesus' sake; that the life [lifetime] also of Jesus —might be made manifest [rendered apparent, declared and made to show forth] in our mortal [liable to die] flesh [skin, body, human nature, frailties— physical or moral, human being].”


We, who are alive, here in earth, in this lifetime— are continually facing death in one way or another— and for Christ’s sake; that means, even the internal refinement process of ‘dying to self,’ or self leadership, self understanding and reasoning, self desires or pursuits, self discipline, etcetera— and we are coming into ‘the discipline of the Lord.’

The Father has plans for each of us, a course he has set for us, and on that course— a cup, or ‘lot’ in life, has been given us; we will be required to bear up under it: this is forbearing and long suffering.

Let’s discuss ‘the lifetime also of Jesus,’ as the scripture above states; that is not only the walk that he walked, with the cup he drank from— but it is also the walk the Holy Spirit of God is now walking out, through us.

The lifetime of Christ, is walked out through all the sons as well now, as we are yoked to his Holy Spirit— the Spirit the Father sent unto us, yoking all of us together: child of God, the Son, the Father, and through, by and with— the Holy Spirit of God.

The Son’s ‘life,’ or lifetime given him— is still ongoing; he did not die and remain dead, nor was his mission completed with Calvary. NAY— it had only begun, as he shed the Holy Spirit abroad to all— and would now walk, interceding for us always— with each child of God, the Father has called and chosen.

The lifetime of the Son is still playing out— and we are now working WITH HIM— to bring in the Father’s will; not our will be done, as the Son detailed out— but the Father’s will be done, in earth— as it is in heaven.

We still have that opportunity— if we will rest in Lord, (which in Strong’s means— abide in the abode of God with him) —living and finding our being in, and with— Christ, yoked to him, and one with the Holy living God, and Father of us.

And in walking that lifetime out with him (through our lifetimes now, one with him— hence, his lifetime is still playing out) —he is able to MANIFEST THROUGH US— or, rendered apparent, declared and made to show forth → in our mortal flesh— or skin, body, human nature, and frailties— as human beings; when we are weak, or weakened (which is what infirmity means) —he is strong, or able to SHOW HIMSELF STRONG IN US.

2 Chronicles 16:9

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro —throughout the whole earth— to show himself strong, in the behalf of (that’s in the lives of) → those whose heart is perfect toward him.”

He’s looking for those who will allow him to show up with HIS STRENGTH in the earth (or earthen vessels, and their lives); that would be strength to endure (as we are with him) the afflictions and infirmities (weaknesses) → or his strength to stop the afflictions, infirmities and weakness, and take them away: deliverance.

Either way— HE IS GLORIFIED; if we endure them, or if we are set free of them— HE IS GLORIFIED, in showing his strength to endure, or his strength and might, to cease and desist them: deliverance.

And he’s desiring to do that, and with those whose— hearts are perfect (or wholly/fully) toward him— which is to say, COMMITTED to him.


12 So then death works in us— but [or, moreover] life [and in a lifetime] in [fixed position— time or state, instrumentally, constructively rests in] you.”


This may be slightly confusing, but it’s saying— death is working in us all— one way or another; death to selfishness, or death physical, emotional, or even spiritual (if we are not abiding in and with him).

BUT (and there it is again, my favorite word in the bible, when brought about in conjunction with GOD) —LIFE, and a lifetime of it, is— ‘in’ us— which defined above means— time or state, instrumentally, constructively, rests in —us as well!!!

LIFE RESTS IN US, and ‘constructively—’ that means it's working an ordered construction, or reformation in us— a foundational work, instrumentally, and it’s in a fixed position, meaning— IT (or he) AIN’T GO’N ANYWHERE— if you’re still alive!!

So, no despairing folks— YOU’RE STILL ALIVE— and even ‘if,’ death is happening— meaning, a ‘death state’ of decay or ruin is with us— SO IS LIFE, and LIFE IS WORKING A CONSTRUCTIVE, INSTRUMENTAL WORK IN US → and it’s RESTING WITH US, and FIXED (if we are alive still), and IT (LIFE— or, HE) is NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!!

Hence— his grace is sufficient for us; because we are still alive, and he is with us: the Holy Spirit of God— and he is showing himself strong in our lives.


16 “For which cause [through which things, consequently] we faint [weaken badly, fail in heart and become weary] NOT; but though [even also] our outward [outside] man [countenance, human being] perish [rot thoroughly, come to ruin, decay utterly, pervert and corrupt] —yet [contrariwise, howbeit indeed] —the inward [inside within] man— is renewed [renovated] day by day.”


FOR THE CAUSE, or through the things, consequently— that make us feel like we will faint, or fail in heart over— we WILL FAINT NOT, because LIFE IS WITH US (he, Christ) —and he is sufficient for us.

Even though our bodies, or outward— outside man, of our human being— perishes (that’s a state of death, rot, ruin and corruption/twistedness) our INWARD MAN, soul, heartthoughts/mind, emotions and decision making/will —is RENEWED, or ‘renovated’ by his Spirit— DAILY!!!


17 “For our light affliction [pressure, anguish, burden, persecution, tribulation or trouble] —which is but for a moment— works [accomplishes, finishes and fashions, performs and works out] for us a far more exceeding and eternal [perpetual— past or future, everlasting] weight [abundant load, figuratively— authority] of glory [dignity, honor and praise];

18 While we look [take aim, regard, heed and mark] not at the things which are seen [beholden, or perceived] —but [contrariwise] at the things which are not seen [beholden or perceived (with eyes)]: for the things which are seen are temporal [a temporary occasion, endure but for a while, a time, a season]; but the things which are not seen— are eternal [perpetual— of time past or future, everlasting].”


This light (temporary, and light compared to Christ’s) affliction, or— pressure, anguish, burden, persecution, tribulation and trouble which is but for a moment (temporary, ends at some point, as he lays down our cross, as his was— eventually) —is working out, or accomplishing, finishing touches, and fashioning us in refinements, performing and working out our reformation process of sanctification— in returning to his image, and under obedience to all he orders to take place— in conjunction with that plan, and according to his will.

For in us, with that— there is a far more exceeding and eternal, or— perpetual, meaning both past or future, everlasting— a weightiness or abundance, and authority of glorydignity, and honor— is being brought out in us, through it all— and unto HIS GLORY, and PURPOSES.


(The Lord speaks)


Luke 9:20-25

“20 He said unto them— But who do you say that I am??

Peter answering said— The Christ of God.

21 And he straitly charged [admonished or forbid, rebuked] them— and commanded [transmitted a message to enjoin him, declared] them to tell no man that thing;

22 Saying [because] —The Son of man [human being] must [is necessary and binding] suffer [experience— usually painfully, be vexed of] many things, and [in connection with] be rejected [disapproved of, disallowed] of the elders [older/senior council] and chief priests [high priests] and scribes [writers, secretaries] and be slain [killed outright, destroyed], and be raised [collected in faculties, waken, roused from sleep, sitting, lying or death— from inactivity, ruin or nonexistence] the third day.”


He told his students, Father’s children learning under him— not to tell anyone he is the Christ yet, for he must SUFFER MANY THINGS, at the hands of men.

Note that the ‘Son of man,’ as it states in scripture, means— HUMAN BEING; and if we are human beings, as he was numbered with— then we too will go through what he himself did— as we walk his paths following him on them.

And it’s necessary and binding to SUFFER;

if it was for him, it will be for us as well.

I often question those who endure no suffering in this world— for the path of the Son did, and does still yet; their suffering, I have learned, is still yet to come— as all will walk the same path, IF— they are a ‘son’ of God. For we all follow ‘the Son of God,’ as he leads all the ‘sons of God,’ in the ‘way.’ This is just.

And suffer means, here in this verse— experience— usually painfully, be vexed of; and we too will suffer many things, and in connection with being rejected and disapproved of, or disallowed by other men, in this lifetime— especially the ‘elders,’ of the religious church: Pharisees/Lukewarm, compromised vessels, the scribes, or those that ‘write the doctrines.’

And as Christ was ‘slain’ of them— we too will be slain, killed outright, and destroyed by them too— either figuratively, or literally— as this is the walk, and consequence of walking the paths of righteousness, with Christ in this world.

BUT— as Christ, the first Son example of how to live and abide following the lead and submitting to the Father— was raised; so we shall be raised, or collected in our faculties, awakened, and roused from sleep, or death, as well; which means, come out from— ruin, as he did on the third day— as well.

And let me note— 3, is the number of completion or wholeness; Father, Son, Holy Spirit— Body, Soul and Spirit.

So, when he says 3 days, he also means that symbolically— when the working is completed in us— we will be raised up, or GLORIFIED— as Christ was raised up: after 3 days— or the time span (as that is what a day is, a full time span) is finished, and the WORK— is COMPLETED.


23 “And he said to them all— If any man will [determines and acquiesces to] come after [back toward, follow] me, let him deny [utterly disown and abstain] himself— and [in conjunction with] take up [lift up, raise, keep in suspense (the mind), anchor to, bear up under, carry] his cross [stake of capital punishment, exposure to death, self denial] daily, and follow [the road, same way in accompaniment— as a disciple] —me.”


If we— determine, acquiesce and come after Christ (that would be, we want to be as he is, yoked to him, and return to God’s image— being led by the Spirit to walk his paths as well) —we will be required to likewise— utterly disown, abstain from and denyOURSELVES; which means— we will be asked to endure whatever the Father brings into our lives, with the cup/lot that he has purposed for us— and it will be unto his glory, purposes, and will work out in our favor; as all things work together for our good— if we love God.

And he did say— “If you love me, you will obey my commandments;” that’s his lead, direction, instructions and orders— in our lives, and according to scripture, the logos written Word of God— and his rhema, spoken Words of God.

And in conjunction with throwing down our own will in this life, which is our own desires and choices, and leading ourselves— instead giving all back to him, with a surrendered and sacrificial life, as Christ exemplified…

We are called to take up— lift, raise, keep suspended (the mind), anchored to, bear up under, and carryhis cross, or— stake of capital punishment, exposure to death, self denial daily— and follow, the road, same way in accompanimentas a disciple does —the Lord, Yahshua Hamashiach, Jesus the Christ.

We will be required this ‘sameness’ to walk out with him, IF— we are on ‘his paths;’ for he only goes ‘one way,’ and that way we are following, IF— we are truly following him.

BUT—where we are to suffer with him in his affliction, sharing that ‘cup,’ or lot in life; we too— will share in his glorification, resurrection, and will find ourselves— seated with him, in heavenly places; and likely— at his right hand.


24 “For whosoever will [determines to, and acquiesce in consideration, wishes and is inclined to] save [deliver or protect, heal or preserve himself, do well or be made whole] his life [breath, spirit, vitality or sentient principle]— shall lose [destroy fully, or perish] it: but whosoever will lose [have destroyed fully, perish in or mar] his life [breath, spirit, animal vital sentient principle] for my sake [account] —the same (person) shall save [deliver, protect, heal, preserve, do well with, or be made whole of] it.


For whoever wills, or decides and determines within themselves— acquiescing, which means submitting and giving preference and honor to, with consideration— to SAVE, or— deliver, protect, preserve HIMSELF (his person) and LIFE, or— breath, spirit, vitality and sentient principle…

THIS PERSON WILL LOSE, destroy fully and perish— that ‘life’ he has.

BUT—whoever will LOSE, or— have his life given him destroyed fully, marred or perish of his breath, spirit, animal vitality, and sentient principle of him— FOR MY SAKE, or— on my account…

THIS PERSON SHALL SAVE IT, or— deliver, protect, heal, preserve, do well with, or be made whole— in it.

He’s saying— If we are going to try and keep something that is fundamentally his, as he bought us…

and we are going to continue to use our bodies, minds and wills— for our own purposes, unto how, and what we deem is proper, good or right in our own eyes— by our own lead down here…

We are going to perish in all our ways.

BUT—if we will give our lives over to him, and allow him to do with us what he wills, according to his plans, purposes and orders

Then, in that surrender and obedience, honoring him, and making HIM MOST HIGH IN OUR LIVES

We will FIND LIFE, or— be restored, healed, made whole, protected, delivered, recovered and prospered in his hand.

The decisions we make, and who is Most High inside of us— where we make our decisions, according to ‘WILL—’ matters; it especially matters as to whether it is ‘our will’ being entertained as Most High— OR HIS.


25 “For what is a man [human being] advantaged [usefully benefiting, bettered, prevailing or profiting], if he gains [wins] the whole world— and loses [is fully destroyed, and perishes] himself, or be cast away [injured, experiencing detriment, receive damage— suffer loss]?”


Because, what would it benefit a person to prevail at gaining everything the world has to offer, in options of saving us, like— worldly ways, destinations, shiny things, material items, ways of the carnal living, idolatrous and spiritually adulterous, gaining lands and loads of stuff…

If he finds himself— because of all that pursuit— to be on his way to hell estrangement from God, losing himself entirely his inner man, soul of his being— destroyed fully, cast away in detriment— suffering that loss??

We have been given the minds and hearts to choose for ourselveswhich paths we will follow; the world offers many broad, easy and entreating paths— but the Lord —only walks the paths of righteousness.

And if we want to find ourselves where he finds himself— in his abode forevermore, in heaven, and with him— then we need to walk his paths that lead to him: the paths of righteousness.

And if we do— the Father will guide us, direct us, correct our course, command us, and give us a ‘cup,’ or lot in life, as well— to walk out; and in that walking out, and drinking from that cup— we too may ask from time to time…

“Father, if it be your will, please take this cup from me; but if it is not— then

YOUR WILL BE DONE— not mine.”

And it’s NOT an easy walk or lot/cup in life— but is the one the Son walked; and if we are on it, acquiescing to the Father’s lead in our lives too…

Then it will be the Father’s will that we want to take place in our lives too; and that isn’t always the same thing as what we would ‘will,’ for ourselves.


Hebrews 11, the chapter of the CHAMPIONS of the faith.

I include these verses here, because I want us to see how ‘some,’ were delivered, and others— were not; and all— was according to the will of the Father.

Hebrews 11:31-39

“By faith— the harlot Rahab— perished not with those who believed not— when she had received the spies with peace.

And what more shall I say? for the time would fail me to tell of— Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthah; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: who through faith— subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.

34 Who quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, and out of weakness —were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.

35 Women received their dead raised to life again: but others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection: 36 and others had trials of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment:

37 They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; 38 (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth.”


God did not write the same story for every man; we all have different endings, different beginnings, and different lives entirely— but God is working all our lives together, no matter what has taken place, or still yet will— for OUR GOOD, and unto HIS PURPOSES.

We will have to endure what he wills for us to endure— but it will be working that completing, finishing work within us— as his scripture detailed out, earlier— in this discourse.

And should he have plans of deliverance, and restoration for us— because it’s according to his will, and purposes— then we will glory in him, in that— too.

But either way…

Romans 14:8

“Whether we live— then we live unto the Lord; and whether we die— then we die unto the Lord: whether we live— or die— we are the Lord's.”

I think we often forget that he has purchased us, and we are his; and it is his will that is best for us— even if we do not understand; eternity will detail out us, just why it was best for us.

But right now— we are to live by FAITH in HIM, and faith is in the unseen substance.

Hebrews 11:1

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for– (but is) the evidence of things— not seen.”

To live by faith, is to trust that God has our best interest, and his— in his hands; surrendering to that— is our job.

(End of part 2, of 3)

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Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
01 de jun. de 2023



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