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This is from the Zoom meeting:

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

WEEP— between the Porch and the Altar


Joel 2:17

“Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord— weep between the porch and the altar, let them say— Spare your people, O Lord, and give not your heritage to reproach— that the heathen should rule over them:  wherefore should they say among the people… Where is God?”

Ezekiel 8:15-16

“Then he said to me— Have you seen, O son of man?  Turn yet again and you shall see greater abominations of these.

And he brought me into the INNER COURT of the Lord’s house, and behold— at the door of the temple of the Lord— BETWEEN THE PORCH AND THE ALTAR— ‘were about 25 men—’ WITH THEIR BACKS TO THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD, and their faces (like countenances) toward the east— as they worshiped the Sun— toward the east.”


Here it states ‘about 25 men,’ and I am reminded of how satan counterfeits and twists everything of God;  in the temple of the Lord, the throne room of heaven— there are 24 elders (about 25, or around).

Revelation 4:10-11

“The four and twenty elders fall down (like hit knees) before him who sat on the throne, and worshiped him who lives forever and ever— casting their crowns before the throne, saying— You are worthy, O Lord, receive glory and honor and power:  for you have created all things for you pleasure they are created and were created.”

The point being that the Lord has been speaking to me about ‘laying down your power (self dominion, unsanctified souls), and lay your lives down to me (souls/leadership/opinions, etc);  which also includes— ‘the crowns you put on yourselves (self dominion).’ 

We are to thrown crowns at him— because any dominion we are to have ever walked in— IS HIS;  the crowns are rightfully his— and his elders understand this;  they are reverent to him, and understand that HE IS THE ONLY ONE WORTHY TO BE PRAISED (to have a crown, is to carry leadership), and yet— HIS PEOPLE— toss that back to him.

The Sun was worshiped by the apostate— because it is ‘to worship the carnal, the created’ —above the invisible, uncreated, Creator:  it’s satan worship all over again;  and when humans keep their ‘crowns,’ (their own dominion) —we never come out of the fall;  we never come full circle back into the one we hailed from:  the Father and Author of all creation.

The 24 elders understand true reverence— and it’s found on their knees— casting crowns.


The weeping BETWEEN the porch and the altar…

These are some things I received from a book (clippings of shared pages) that Doug shared with me a few days ago— as the Lord was highlighting the Temple of the Lord to me:

The porch, historically, is/was the place the sanhedrin "judged" things of the people, (priests), as they sat there at the porch area.

But that was "at" the porch. 

And "on" the porch, above the porch— it was called the terrace, and up there upon the top of the porch— was the place of cleansing for the Chief (high) Priest— Before going on duty to the Lord, on behalf of the People. 

Essentially ... there is much going on at the porch,  and "between" the porch (there were all kinds of tables,  supplies, sacrifices/animals, most movement taking place there---  on behalf of both God AND man [where the two purposes meet]);  because the Largest place available in the Temple courts— was the INNER COURT— where all the ‘other’ priests (not just the high priest) —the family of priests, priests in training, etc…

As well as— the animal sacrifices, places to change garments, CLEANSE (so we can enter the holiest of places— to meet God directly), after passing all the tables (the table of options the Lord provides— DIRECTLY after oneCOMES THROUGH THE DOOR, or porch area— coming from ‘the outer court ares,’ or carnality…

And where all the WORK is done in preparations (preparing a people of the Lord, for the Lord) —and then, the final intimate relationship between each man (priest of the Lord now) —after work in this inner court (soul of each man in sanctification and consecration) —leads men to the holiest (the most concentrated personal relationship with God) —the Holy of all holy places, unto God.

And this is where ALL IS LAID DOWN— the entire life of each man is laid aside, cast down— to CAST UP (exalt) the high and holy One, personally— within each SOUL of man;  I am asked to disclose— THIS IS STILL SOUL WORK;  for our spirit man already resides here with Christ— since being given a revived (renewed) holy spirit:  We must bring our conscious, decision making, human expressing— SOUL MAN— into the holy place with God.

This is accomplished by the blood— by the sacrifice of our Savior— through intimacy with his Spirit— bringing our CONSCIOUS (in this realm) INNER MAN (soul) —into agreement and ACCORD with the holy Spirit given to each of us at the moment of our initial conversion;  THIS CONVERSION of SOUL— is the part that either exponentially CATAPULTS man and God together in this lifetime— ‘as one in Spirit,’ or it is what accomplishes— THE CASTING AWAY, when one will say— ‘Lord, Lord,’ in that day of judgment.

He keeps saying to me…


“Janet— this lifetime is to SEE and KNOW— whom you choose to serve.  Yourselves, or Me— TRUTHFULLY— from the willingness or unwillingness of your SOUL MAN:  remember— the one who can kill and cast both body and SOUL into hell.

This lifetime is all about whether men ALLOW, honoring me and my Spirit— TO MANIFEST THROUGH and WITH THEM.

All of your eternal lives rests on whether or not you come into ‘union’ with my Spirit in this lifetime, by the vital SOUL of each man;  and that— comes through CONVERSION OF THE SOUL:  this is what we are talking about here today.

Have the souls of men converted into my righteousness incarnate?  Because my Spirit is attempting to cleanse them from all unrighteousness— as they YIELD TO ME.”


The "between" matters:  it’s where the priest hits his knees;  looking to the left and the right (mercy toward the people, and God’s will and dominion over all their issues) —and he WEEPS, and pleads on behalf of all he sees and hears in the Spirit.


Symbolically—  the porch being the place we sit with God,  to judge (discern) and contemplate the people...

The "between,"  where we walk out the ministry—  communion,  steps,  cleansing,  intercessions (soul/heart) open to God— on behalf of God AND man, where (uniting both interests) takes place. 

The Altar—  the laid down life,  straight worship of God on our part —only;  the relationship (private), and the sustaining part of —why the glory of God rests with each priest:  because HIS PRIESTS— give all the glory back to him (casting of crowns), and they BOW before him on their knees of a life laid down;  and that life laid down is to honor and serve God— who desires to minister to the people— that none should perish.

So— ‘between’ the porch, the place where we first enter into having any kind of knowledge of God— where all the tables are laid out before us of what we can now walk in…

And the INNER COURT— where the soul is to be laid down;  where the animal (the sacrifice, the one carrying his cross to death) is kept, where the teaching (all other priests in training, where the majority of the body resides) —takes place, where the changing of garments (sanctification process of the soul is to take place), and the cleansing of the priest happens BEFORE he goes into the face of the Lord— in the holiest of all relationship with God:  the place where it’s ALL ABOUT HIM, HIS INTERESTS, HIS PLEASURE, SERVING HIM— with the laid down, dead to self/soul life;  and we LISTEN and ATTEND UNTO HIM, and HIM ONLY

The weeping between the porch and altar— IS FOR WAYWARD MAN;  it is the place of ministry, it is the work horse, workhouse area;  BUT— if we cannot, as the royal priesthood— ever enter into oneness with our Lord, AT THE ALTAR— to come back into the inner court (souls of men) to help them there…  

We will not have come full circle back to him individually— and we will only be able to help others from a knowledge base alone, and an unsanctified one— at that:  because oneness was not achieved— from transitioning from the ‘common place’ where all in training (or in process) priests reside, where the animal IS STILL ALIVE, and has not be SACRIFICED (or killed, the soulish leading) yet— and the changing of garments and the cleansing was to take place…

That PREPARED US TO ASCEND HIGHER— into personal, face to face relationship, bare before the Lord— and in reverence to him, with a healed and cleaned up soul man— who now operates like God holy, WHOLLY:  meaning— we are the FULLNESS of his righteousness, walked out in our flesh:  Emmanuel.


Matthew 6:33

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, AND his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”

Romans 8:4

“That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us— who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”


Do we understand that it is more than intellectual knowledge of the New Man creation in Chrsit Jesus?  It’s the PRODUCTION (what he produces in us) OF HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS WITHIN US that we STEP INTOand BECOME, PERSONALLY… That will lead us into becoming a family of ‘carbon copies:’  the flesh suits/bodies with the same OPERATING SYSTEM (and author of it— his headship) within.

Carbon is a vital component of the human— it’s role is mostly STRUCTURAL— forming the BACKBONE of organic molecules (building blocks).

We must have our foundation, the building (creation) of the Lord, within our inner man— as a duplicate, a seedling copy of the Lord, in spiritual molecular make up— personally being conformed and reconfigured back into HIS IMAGE, or SHAPE

If we will not allow that to personally take place— we will never be able to be a part of the WHOLE (life in Christ) CORPORATELY;  which is how we all were before this world, and how we will all come back into— if we are expecting to ‘do life’ with Christ:  all will come back home, which is one place, all people united, in one person— the person of God:  and let us not forget— YahShua (Jesus) is the example of how God in FULL, came into a flesh— to Father his people again:  he walked with the Father and the Spirit— as The Son, but as ‘a son,’ to show us all— as well.

If we are going to walk out Emmanuel— God with US— we two will walk as he walked/walks:  he LOVES and he is MERCIFUL, as he becomes the TRUTH in us all.

If this is not accomplished in us, it is because we remained in INDIVIDUAL HEADSHIP (self dominion, we kept our crown for self):  the opposite of One King, One Lord, One Spirit, One God and Father of us all:  the opposite of ONE ACCORD (or family— in agreement, and carbon copies of our Father).

We must yield our vessels and our POWER of self leadership (crown) —to HIM:  souls are not conformed to his image IMMEDIATELY upon receiving him as Savior, essentially— the handshake, introduction— one to the other.  The SOUL— must be sanctified— the new spirit was given us in FULLbut the SOULmust be CONVERTED, he said so to Peter;  and it must be converted— WILLINGLY (laid down, cast crown at his feet):  it must come under DISCIPLINE:  Discipleship.


Ezekiel 36:25-38

“Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you (cleansing of the word of Truth), and you shall be clean from all your filthiness, and from all your idols— I will cleanse you.

26 And a new heart also I will give you— and a new spirit I will put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh (conversion), and I will give you a heart of flesh (life in Christ— his heart, one alive).

27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and you shall keep my judgments— and do them.

28 And you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers (spiritually— the promised land of a soul cleansed and sanctified, and set apart— pure and holy); and you shall be my people— and I will be your God (leader of us, in all magistrate/judging counsels).

29 I will also save you from all your uncleannesses (actions, ways, conduct, behaviors): and I will call for the corn, and will increase it, and lay no famine upon you (he keeps those who exalt him, the truth, and the way).

30 And I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field, that you shall receive no more reproach of famine among the heathen.

31 Then shall you remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and shall loathe yourselves in your own sight— for your iniquities and for your abominations.

32 Not for your sakes do I this, saith the Lord God— be it known unto you: be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel.

33 Thus saith the Lord God; In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities— I will also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be builded.

34 And the desolate land shall be tilled— whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by.

35 And they shall say— This land that was desolate— is become like the garden of Eden; and the waste and desolate and ruined cities are become fenced, and are inhabited.

[These are ALL— spiritual references to the SOUL BEING SANCTIFIED, and CLEANSED FROM UNRIGHTEOUSNESS— which, means the conversion had to have taken place— RIGHTEOUSNESS NOW REIGNS IN THAT SOUL:  wasted souls have now become like ‘the garden of Eden,’  that is full circle— full LIFE, fully present with the Lord again, IN HIS DOMAIN/dominion, reverently.  As well— we are now ‘fenced in,’ which means— God set parameters in our souls, and we are DISCIPLINED, doors and openings to the enemy are now LOCKED— with the keys (insights and mysteries, of truths and God’s dominion reigning within) —as we revere the King of Righteousness within.

All because we took a real look at the unsanctified soul, looked at the LORD now, beholding HIM— and chose to resume his image, by his leadership in our lives— and we died the death— as we were called to do— and we cast our crowns, at HIS FEET:  full dominion, and reverence of his ways upheld within us:  this is how we become his carbon copy, and as we do— he knows how to run all things that are like him— he designed us to flawlessly step into our operating system— and run us:  are we ALLOWING HIM TO SET THE PLACE UP RIGHT??

If we can really see how far we fell, as humanity, from his ways and truth operating in us— WE WILL HUMBLE OURSELVES and SEEK HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS once again:  and in that— if we will yield to him, and bow— we will resume his image, and his person will reign in our souls:  if that happens, and WE ALL DO THIS— corporate, or as one family— we came from (inside of our Father where he dreamed us all up, and we once lived together in harmony) —we will return to;  both here in this realm— and in the heavenly realm:  we have to CONVERT IN THE SOULS.]

36 Then the heathen that are left round about you shall know that— I the Lord build the ruined places, and plant that that was desolate: I the Lord have spoken it— and I will do it. (Are we allowing him to do this?)

37 Thus saith the Lord God; I will yet for this be enquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock.

38 As the holy flock, as the flock of Jerusalem in her solemn feasts; so shall the waste cities be filled with flocks of men: and they shall know that I am the Lord.”


If we will not do this— then, Ezekiel 8 (the remainder of that chapter) will play out;  and we have this cleanup process coming, in judgments— to shake and wake— those who slumber in sleeping souls;  not souls awakened to righteousness.


Ezekiel 8:17-18

“Then he said unto me— Have you seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? For they have filled the land with violence (souls), and have returned to provoke me to anger: and, lo— they put the branch to their nose.

18 Therefore will I also deal in fury: my eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though they cry in my ears with a loud voice— yet will I not hear them.”


Souls must convert;  and as they convert— they will come together again, under his headship— in one accord (unity in the body);  as one people, under God— arise, with healing in their wings (hearts/souls), that only he can supply— when he wears the crown in each man.

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