The INABILITY to ‘discern,’ because they are NOT– being raised up in ‘the way.’
2 Corinthians 11
“13 For such are false apostles, and deceitful workers– (who are) transforming themselves into THE APOSTLES OF CHRIST.”
This means– many people have appointed themselves to positions of leadership in ‘the church,’ just like in times of biblical times– that WERE NOT ‘sent’ of Christ– but of are of satan; they are sent ones– of satan; it’s ultra important to be able to ‘discern’ them.
Apostle– Old English apostol, via ecclesiastical Latin from Greek apostolos ‘MESSENGER’, from apostellein
‘SEND FORTH’. (essentially– a ‘sent one.’)
14 “And do not marvel– for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.”
This tells us, when he loosed for ‘his time,’ and his minions with him– we were supposed to be in process training NOW, in how to discern them in HUMANS, and without their image showing up in an apparition before us, SO WE KNOW– which are of our Kingdom (angels holy) and WHICH ARE AGENTS OF SATAN (demonic and fallen.
15 “Therefore it is no great thing if HIS MINISTERS– also be transformed as ‘the ministers of righteousness;’ whose end shall be according to their works.”
They will be destroyed– AND OUTED as Impostor agents; we ought to be sorting who-is-who with GOD HOLY and HIS SPIRIT, NOW– or we are not prepared when they come with, euphoria feelings, things that sound right, but are twisted, and appear as beautiful.
They are already doing this through ‘humans’ as preachers, ministers and laymen from the synagogue of satan– NOW; are we discerning them now, in their character attributes and twisted teachings??
Many will fall and be deceived and perish– if we do not come under Holy Spirit’s school training NOW– before then.
STUDY HUMANS FOLKS– what they say, how they act, how they live, their body language, their authenticity– NOW; or we have been foolish and have not used the time to be trained up in the way– WISELY… virgins.
“5 They are of the world (worldly people, excuse makers, hypocrites): therefore they SPEAK OF THE WORLD, and THE WORLD– HEARS THEM.”
He doesn’t mean ‘the earth–’ he means THE SPIRIT OF THE WORLD, which is satan; when we live and speak in error, the ‘god’ that does and serves that up– HEARS US OBEYING HIM, and he is therefore the one that is our god, and he teaches us up– IN HIS WAY: satan, the self god: He who leads self in error, and is DOES NOT HAVE GOD HOLY and TRUE as their LORD/MASTER of them.
They are their own ‘insight,’ own ‘leadership,’ and leader of ‘their own reasonings and way,’ NOT GOD’S WAY; and sought ‘like minded, deceived persons,’ that believe like them– example– WOLVES IN PULPITS, not
Holy Priests of ‘the Melchizedek Order.’)
6 “We are of God: he that knows God– HEARS US.”
This states, those opposing you, as you TRUTHFULLY SERVE GOD and THE WORD– will come against you– THIS IS DISCERNMENT ‘of their spirit’ working in them)
“He that is NOT OF GOD– hears not us.
Hereby (or, by this) we know the Spirit of Truth, ‘and’ the spirit of error.”
He just said– THIS IS HOW YOU KNOW WHO IS AGAINST GOD, and WHO IS FOR GOD; if you have folks in your life that COME AGAINST YOU saying…
”I don’t believe like you.”
They have disclosed to you that they are OF ANOTHER KINGDOM ‘currently,’ being raised up in ‘that way.’
And if YOU ARE TRULY BEING LED OF THE WORD OF GOD, and his Holy Spirit, and being conformed to live WITH NO EXCUSE, just HARD REFINING WORK ‘by HIS HAND–’
Then KNOW– you are up against ‘the anti-christ’ spirit in your loved ones, and God will have to humble them out of their error, just like he has had to do with you; AND HE ALWAYS gets his job done properly.)
17 “Herein (or, this is HOW) our love is made PERFECT– that we may have BOLDNESS in– The Day of Judgment– because ‘AS HE IS–’ SO ARE WE– in this world.”
It’s what he is teaching me through persecution; many in my family mock us, and do not believe how God is teaching me, and cannot see through the spirit of error in themselves, that is causing them to be their own idol, their own god and LORD OF SELF.
I don’t worry about them anymore– he will conform them into his image like he is me– or they are not his– period.
We do not have to be emotional about that– emotions should be disciplined, and if it’s not profitable to have them– DON’T.
You can control what you allow into you, and what plays out of you.
Many remain in emotional pain because they do not discipline their emotions.
If God says– “Leave them to me; they are my child, my problem to restore and reform– NOT YOURS;” it would behoove us to separate our emotions from that situation then.
“18 There is no fear in love; but ‘PERFECT’ love– casts out fear: because fear– has TORMENT (God does not). He that fears (still) is not made ‘PERFECT’ in love.”
Technically, this is about DISCERNING– ‘human spirits,’ not disembodied, or fallen angels showing up to deceive a person.
It is imperative we understand what the scriptures are saying ‘in context,’ for many believe that if you just *ASK a ‘fallen’ entity, or what appears as an ‘angel of light,’ comes to you– THEY WILL ANSWER YOU *HONESTLY.
Testing the spirits was supposed to be practiced AHEAD OF TIME, in our lives– BEFORE you ever come up in an encounter with one, in visual format.
(Are you??
Are you practicing
discerning humans,
and the spirits– in them??)
I was asked a question this morning from a dear sister in Christ, because I awoke this morning, and before opening my eyes, when the screen of my consciousness was black in my vision– the Lord typed the word “angels,” before me.
Just that word, as I awoke; he does this to create a ‘lasting impression,’ over a topic or such.
Then, the conversation started when I shared this vision text Father gave me– which I believe is because he wants me to write this posting; for they will be coming in soon with experiences with humans.
Good and evil entities– honest ones working for Father, and deceptive ones that are disguised as angels of light, but work for satan– will be showing up to people soon, if not already happening in some lives.
And “MANY,” he said, “will fall in this season, giving heed to seducing devils.”
But as well, many of his HOLY angels will be on assignment too, coming to his children, in many formats, and he said this about the topic…
They are arguing about unnecessary topics and distracted with superficial mind wonderings, SLACKING and LACKING IN BEING RAISED UP BY ME– being ‘trained up in the way,’ to fair well– WHEN THE WAR COMES.
(Spiritual war discernment)
You see Janet, they have been complacently lulled to sleep in the devil doctrine churches of cessationism– the church age excuse, era…
(preachers and teachers of ‘this way–’ will pay for this)
They are *NOT PREPARED SPIRITUAL BEINGS– they are CARNAL CHRIST PROCLAIMERS, and I never said ‘carnal’ ANYTHING– will make it in the end, especially the LAST OF THE LAST DAYS.
Many will fall during this Judgment period coming in, because only the Bride of Christ (that’s not the church) has been being honed and reformed by my hand, AHEAD OF TIME– NOT BUCKING ME in the process of coming out of what we call: the B.S. (Biblical Stupidity)
Those that remain in ‘religion,’ will FALL IN THIS PERIOD COMING IN (for they have already fallen for the deception in the church), and it is by my design that they be awakened abruptly from their stupor of complacency in lies.
They do not allow me to be their Father and Lord, and so Savior to them, in the time of calamity and judgment– will not save their flesh now, because they chose to live by ‘IT,’ instead of my Spirit.”
1 Corinthians 3:18
“Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you SEEMS TO BE WISE– IN THIS AGE– let him become a fool– that he may become wise.”
Romans 1:21-23
“Because– when they knew God– they did not glorify him AS GOD– neither were they thankful.
But became VAIN– in their IMAGINATIONS– and their ‘foolish heart–’ WAS DARKENED.
23 And ‘changed the glory of–’ the un-corruptible God– into AN IMAGE ‘like–’ CORRUPTIBLE MAN (that means twisted and fallen, excuses to not be reformed fully), and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things.”
This means, they likened God to someone that lies, is in error and makes excuse– like fallen beings, in a fallen world, reasoning FOR THEMSELVES; that’s the story of Eve, reasoning for herself again– OUTSIDE OF RETURNING TO GOD, for ‘the truth.’
James 3:15-17
This means– IT APPEALED TO THEIR FLESH, to believe and think this way– IT SUITED and BENEFITED THEIR ‘life in the earth,’ in ‘the world–’ NOT IN GOD HOLY, and his WAY and TRUTH, from ‘above.’
16 “For where ENVYING and STRIFE IS– there is CONFUSION and EVERY EVIL WORK.”
He told me…
“This is their problem Janet, they are in competition against other siblings; they are attempting to REASON WITHIN THEMSELVES– what is the truth.
And because of this– THEY FALL; And they fall right into the spirit of error’s arms: which is self delusion, self idolatry and self wisdom, that does not come from me– but the Tree of Knowledge that they trust in (earthly reasoning), which is a MIXED POT.
I am not; I am THE TREE OF LIFE, and they WILL COME INTO ME, and ASSIMILATE TO ME– or perish in their own ways and reasons.
This Lucifer did too; his arrogance and pride, and hatred for others, and his desire to COMPETE AGAINST THEM– brought his fall, and his demise.”
17 “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.”
“And the verses above are why– they thought themselves WISE IN THEIR OWN EYES, and they ridiculed, mocked and slandered my ‘servants’ the prophets; well, NOW– they will understand they slandered, mocked and persecuted ME– IN THEM.
No more will I allow disrespectful people– claiming me– to shun me and my true and loyal, dedicated children; sibling rivalry will end with judgment at the rebellious and haughty children’s doorstep now.
They have rejected me, DO NOT TAKE MY WORDS LITERALLY, make excuse after excuse, are RUDE, and VILE against my Word– ‘through’ their siblings, that they COMPETE AGAINST, in their hearts.
That’s right, they are COMPETING WITH MY OTHER CHILDREN, as if arguing scripture should even be taking place; they seek to ‘rise above other children,’ in their ‘worldly, lustful fallen wisdom,’ and now– THEY WILL FALL BY IT.
They will be woefully unprepared in the time that is at hand, because they say things like…’prophets don’t exist anymore, God doesn’t do that anymore, all are in Christ now. It’s through the Son.’
And I say to them Janet…
When you got saved, were you NOT supposed to receive the Holy Spirit, EVERYONE??
The answer is– yes.”
John 20:20-23
(interesting numbers, likened to the years 2020-2023)
“And when he had said so, he showed to them his hands and his side.
Then the disciples were glad– when they saw the Lord.
21 Then said Jesus to them again– Peace be to you: as my Father has sent me– even so I send you (out).
22 And when he had said this– he breathed on them, and said to them– RECEIVE THE HOLY GHOST:
23 Whoever’s sins you remit– they are remitted to them; and whoever’s sins you retain– they are retained.”
(That’s God giving his disciple authority to forgive sins as well, through HOLY SPIRIT LEADING, or to inform them, their sentence stays, and they remain in their sins.)
“And did I not say that I made you all, KINGS, PRIESTS, and ALL CAN PROPHESY– by what I did and accomplished?? (Revelation 1:6, and more)
The answer– is yes.
And ‘if’ you have the Holy Spirit, because you obey me?
(yes, that’s required, or I don’t come into them; I don’t do disobedience and arrogance against me) …
Do you not have the ability THROUGH THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY HIMSELF, to YOU– YOURSELVES to PROPHESY?? (Acts 5:32)
The answer– is yes.
And did I not say– The Testimony of Christ, IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY???? (Revelation 19:10)
The answer– is yes!
And did not Paul say–
‘But I wish you’d all PROPHECY?!’
The answer is– YES!!!!”
1 Corinthians 14:5
“I would (have it) that you all spoke in tongues– but rather (more importantly) that YOU PROPHESIED!
For greater is he that prophesies– than he that speaks with tongues– unless he interprets (those tongues also), that the church may receive edifying.”
Persecuting ME– and coming against ME– In my obedient children that are properly being BROUGHT UP IN THE WAY.
So, now, Janet, they will suffer the consequences of coming against the Living God, and persecuting me, INSIDE OF MY OBEDIENT CHILDREN, who are taking it on the cheek, over, and over, and OVER AGAIN– as I instructed them to do; and they DO NOT SLING BACK INSULT FOR INSULT, but suffer themselves and my Spirit to NOT ENTERTAIN FOOLS– IN THEIR FOLLY.
(Proverbs 26:4-5)
Besides, I said I NEVER CHANGE, for a reason, so these will have ZERO EXCUSE they can give, when I reveal their arrogance, haughtiness and evil spirits that have been ‘teaching them,’ raising them up in ‘THEIR’ way, which is self exaltation, intolerance to my reformation process of refinement, with a side of privileged freewill to choose to not take my Word seriously.
It will be through this error, they will be judged and reformed, being HUMBLED THEMSELVES NOW, from down off their self-righteous pedestals that they put themselves upon, in self worship.
They trust in their own reasonings and wisdom, at the same time as they deny me, my word and taking it literally and being reformed by it.
They MUST SEE THEY ARE LUKEWARM PERSECUTORS OF THE BRETHREN– agents of satan, against me and my obedient serving children…
Or they will perish forever; for I will SPEW THE LUKEWARM OUT OF ME– they DENY ME, and DENY TO BE PERFECTED IN ME– so I will deny them before my Father (that means eternity) and they will cast from me.
So, in an effort to save them– FROM THEMSELVES and their ARROGANCE– PRIDE OF LIFE– that hides them from the reformation process and SUFFERING THEIR CROSSES, like all good children of mine are to do– I will save them, if they repent– BY FIRE. (1 Corinthians 3:15)
They are NOT PREPARED, DO NOT KNOW HOW TO FIGHT and WAR, ‘in the spirit,’ and will NOT SUCCEED AT ‘discerning spirits,’ because…
They COULD NOT DISCERN THE DECEPTIVE ONES THAT HAVE ALREADY ENSNARED THEM– inside their very own hearts, leading them to follow the ‘spirit of error’ inside of them, INSTEAD OF– the Spirit of Truth.
I don’t compromise, and my true children do not either;
I don’t make excuses, and my true children– do not either.
These in error– they WOULD NOT ALLOW ME TO RAISE THEM UP, so my children that have been allowing my Spirit to bring them into all truth, through the humbling processes…
Will be the ones they will be required to go back to, and humble themselves before them, and turn from their wicked ways, and REPENT– or …
They will perish– standing staunchly in their error and pride.
It is Pride that always takes the ‘man’ down, when he WILL NOT BE *PERFECTED BY ME.
Yes, Janet– tell them what *PERFECTED means scripturally; and besides, are not ALL THINGS POSSIBLE– WITH THE GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE??
To claim you cannot be ‘perfected’ in me, is LYING EXCUSE TO REMAIN LAZY, and UNREFORMED– UNDISCIPLINED, UNRULY, WAYWARD through EXCUSE.”
Matthew 5:17
“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy– but to fulfill.”
18 For verily (truly) I say to you…
Until heaven and earth pass away– not one jot or one tittle shall in any wise– pass from the law– till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so– he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whoever shall do and teach them– the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
He is the same, yesterday, today and forever.
44 “But I say to you– Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despite-fully use you, and persecute you…
(because many are our family members, and people God wishes to reform and save, but if we act a fool too– they will not.)
45 So that you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he makes his sun to rise on the evil, and on the good, and sends rain on– the just and on the unjust.
46 For if you love (only) them– which love you (back), what reward do you have??
Do not even the publicans do the same?
(in ancient Roman, Publicans were– collector of taxes; by definition root– Middle English (in publican (sense 2)): from Old French publicain, from Latin publicanus, from publicum ‘public revenue’, neuter (used as a noun) of publicus ‘of the people’. Publican– dates from the early 18th century. Like a politician– essentially)
47 And if you salute your brethren only– what do you do more than (those) others??
Do not even the publicans do so?
48 Be therefore PERFECT– even as your Father which is in heaven IS PERFECT.”
Perfect– G546 Strongs– Greek: τέλειος
Transliteration: teleios
Pronunciation: tel'-i-os
Definition: From G5056– *COMPLETE
(in various applications of labor, growth, mental and moral character etc.);
neuter (as noun with G3588)-- *COMPLETENESS: -
KJV Usage: perfect (17x), man (1x), of full age (1x).
Can we see why Father wanted me to show the ERROR OF THE WAY, when one does NOT DO their DO DILIGENT WORK with the Holy Spirit and STUDY THE SCRIPTURES??
It means a MATURE, COMPLETE ‘man’ in CHRIST!!!
To claim otherwise, is to…
“It’s ‘self’ idolatry on the heart throne, through self EXALTATION OF FREEWILL TO USE SENSUAL, EARTHLY WISDOM and ‘lead’ self– they are ‘self gods,’ unto themselves, and will fall in this judgment phase coming in now, and it is FOR THIS REASON IT COMES.
They have by far and large– fallen away from me Child; and the ONLY WAY I CAN SAVE THE *LUKEWARM, FROM THEMSELVES– is to judge their idolatry and HUMBLE THE PROUD– or they will be spewed out of me, and in separation forever from me.
I will burn the image of satan out of them, or they don’t come home; my refining fires are to SAVE– those who ‘will–’ to be saved by me.
Fear not, I have NOT COME TO BRING PEACE, but a sword and DIVISION– and it’s for all the reasons stated above. (Matthew 10:34-36)
They have set themselves against me and my Spirit in my children, and in scripture, and to be taught of me– which is to be RAISED BY ME.
I WILL RAISE THEM UP IN ME– or they will be rejected by me, but I will do ALL I CAN TO WAKE THEM– to choose this day whom they will really serve– before it’s TOO LATE, and they have not the time to repent, which is to TURN TO ME TRUTHFULLY– and this is my Mercy and my Love– for I wish that NONE WOULD PERISH, but that ‘all’ will REPENT.
But– it is their choice; I do not force anyone to submit, be humbled, or change, being born again– YOU SUBMIT YOURSELVES TO ME– which is to CHOOSE ME as your GOD, SAVIOR, and LORD and FATHER– in ‘truth.’
So, prepare yourselves to DISCERN THE SPIRITS WITHIN HUMANS– NOW!!!
As you were supposed to be doing that with me all along children; don’t hate the mixed words being given out– USE THEM TO PRACTICE DISCERNMENT OF SPIRITS, NOW!!
Use them to ‘hone’ you SPIRITUALLY– in warfare.
ASK ME– AND I WILL BRING YOU INTO THE TRUTH– that is the only way my children can discern anything– THEY ASK ‘ME!’
No other way will you make it; it’s by my design that my children need me.
And it will be my truly obedient and submissive children– that will have victory over the devil.
–As his time to walk amongst men, in many ways– is here.
Those that have been taking me seriously in being raised up in the way– will FLOURISH DURING THIS TIME– it is what they were BORN FOR (literally remade, reformed for, and SENT FOR).
But to those stuck in ‘religion–’ which feeds the ego false security, haughtiness and error, in comfort to live in EXCUSES– they will suffer, and for good reason.
TO SHOW THEM the *ERROR SPIRIT WORKING IN THEM, and to *REFINE THEM into my image…of which they lack in GREAT MEASURE.
Prepare yourselves– for calamity comes, and in it–
Practice asking me NOW– who speaks the truth, from the Spirit thereof– AND PRACTICE– who the Holy Spirit in you, tells and shows you– IS NOT.
Do not allow yourselves to be emotionally manipulated into feeling sorry for them, I do not; they must learn…
For those that do not do the work– PERISH!”
Proverbs 12:24
“The hand of the diligent will rule–
But the lazy man will be put to forced labor.”
Proverbs 13:4
“The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing–
But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich.”
Proverbs 14:23
“In all labor there is profit,
But idle ‘chatter–’ leads only to poverty.”
Proverbs 20:4
“Sluggards– do not plow in (proper) season– so at harvest time– they look– but find nothing.”
(that means they expect to receive, and see others receiving from God– but they will NOT partake the same; for they did not do the work required.
They truthfully– didn’t take God are his Word seriously, or LITERALLY– they made excuses for behavior…and they will be destitute for it.)
Ephesians 5:15-17
“Be very careful then– how you live—not as unwise– but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
17 Therefore– do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”
Proverbs 6:9-11
“How long will you slumber– Oh sluggard?
When will you rise from your sleep?
10 A little sleep, a little slumber,
A little folding of the hands to sleep—
11 So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler,
And your need– like an armed man.”
2 Thessalonians 3:6-10
“But we command you, brethren– in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ…
That you withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly, and not according to the tradition which you have received from us.
7 For you yourselves know how you ought to follow us, for we were not disorderly among you;
8 Nor did we eat anyone’s bread free of charge, but worked with labor and toil night and day, that we might not be a burden to any of you…
(Because those that do not do the work, become a burden to bear unto the rest of the Laborers– which is why they are few right now, and the true saints are worn down in doing double work– for the ‘excusers.’
The lazy are in supply right now.
TRUE LABORERS IN THE SPIRIT– are in DEMAND right now, as supply is low.)
9 Not because we do not have authority– but to make ourselves an example of how you should follow us.
10 For even when we were with you– we commanded you this: If anyone will not work– neither shall he eat.”
(From the Table of the Lord)
Return to God.
Believe scripture properly.
Serve the Word of God, in word and DEED.
Be PERFECT, made mature and whole– AS GOD IS PERFECT, MATURE and WHOLE (reconciled).
And LEARN DISCERNMENT NOW– you will NEED THESE LESSONS in ‘being raised up in the way.’