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The Waste Places: Dream 2/18/25: and restoration of all things in Christ Jesus

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

The dream of the Waste Places

(lost and broken dreams/promises)

[video link to this dream: ]


Early, the morning of February 18, 2025, I awoke from a dream that was very emotionally heavy; in fact, the heaviness began the day before this— but the dream helped me to determine more of the fullness of why I was so very disturbed, grieving, and somber in mood.  I am beginning to really note these things when they come around (for it is out of the common norm that I walk in with the Lord, daily); and when I take notice— I go sit with him in it, now; I do not run from it— but into it with him: and that’s exactly where I headed that evening: into sitting with him.  I was not attempting to make it all go away.  I was not attempting to dismiss it.  I was not ignoring it.  I was not making light of it.  I was only attempting to swim in it with him; because that is the only way I come through these things: they must be felt, seen, heard, and known.  After that— we can understand why it is here, and what is happening, and where we go from here: before that— you have not assessed the situation to discern it; you have not explored it with the Lord; and there ought not be a subject matter (especially and emotional one) that we do not explore ‘with’ the Lord.  That is key— ‘with the Lord.’  If we will explore (with no fear or shame), any topic with the Lord— then we will gain victory.

Why do I say that?  Because oftentimes we are sheepish about going to the Lord and sitting ‘in’ our situations with our feelings.  We just accept them, and let them be, or we try to dismiss them entirely (cast them down, quickly) without even seeking the Lord about them: everything— comes to teach and show us something.  And I am bound and determined to learn all I can from everything that comes at me, or to me: for our Lord is sovereign, after all, is he not?  I believe everything is working together for my good— so I go in search of the good with the Lord: but in order to get to the good when things ‘appear,’ or ‘feel’ anything but; we must go and ‘sit in it’ with the Lord— until he can flesh the whole thing out, and have ‘his’ say.

We often take ‘our say’ about our feelings and thoughts— without going into the mind of Christ, to sort all things through with him, and his thoughts and ways— which are higher than our thinking: I aim to get better at doing just that, more and more, as my days pass with Jesus.

So, I went to him, and sat with him (literally, in the spirit), and I let him speak, and show me: I remained quiet, and listened (the best I could when emotional, it’s more difficult, but I practised my discipline to quiet myself), and he spoke slowly to me.

These past few weeks the Lord has been revealing very heavy topics with me, and starting very heavy conversations: mostly the soul salvation, commitment/covenant, legal stuff of heaven’s kingdom (how things affect us here in this realm, due to the spirit realm engagement).  But as well— the ways in which man’s soul is affected (for good and bad) in this realm.  From topics of non-engagement with him spiritually, or non-commitment to him spiritually, or not crucifying the flesh or walking in the Spirit with him, or upholding idols (things/people) that have taken higher affectionate consideration, time, and honor— than he— and why unfavorable sow and reap (laws and consequences in the spirit, that affect the material man’s realm) will come to be.

But he also spoke of the things he sees of his ministers that are beautiful, well pleasing, sacrificial, committal, revering, anointed, and hard-laboring— to the point of grand weariness— because the laborers are few that are serving the house of God and humanity in this hour.

As I sat with him, on his bench in heaven, listening from the place of what he calls— ‘pure exhaustion’ —from hard labor; I was reiterating to him that I have been attempting to come to rest, but still being called to bring forth in the way of ministering unto him.  I also reiterated to him that someone brought something up to me, which set a few things in motion, the first evening I noticed a heaviness come over me.  It was not that the person did anything wrong, for they did not; but it was something that affected the Lord’s heart and mine— profoundly: and a dream was given in the wee hours of the night to help me flesh it out even more.

The question the person asked me was if I had read the book that the Lord had said to me that I should read at some point.  Now, I have been so busy with the Lord in other areas, attending to what he is bringing forth, and has need of— that the particular book he was referencing hadn’t even crossed my mind for weeks now: nor should it have, really, for I was otherwise engaged with the Lord in his business, where he had me, unto his purposes.  But— what it did do was tip me toward a place inside where I looked at the Lord in exhaustion, grief and sorrow; for the needs are many, the laborers are few, and the labor is hard, arduous, and oftentimes— heartbreaking, with long hours (night and day); and I simply found myself in a place where I was wondering if I am doing all that I am supposed to, or if I was lagging behind in my workload.

The Lord assured me that I was not— or he would have pulled me in that direction; and that I should not, for a moment longer, think that I had failed to pull my load given me, or that I disappointed him: because I was feeling like there was not enough hours in the days to get the things done that the Lord was showing me, that needed to be done (in corporate ministry).  I can see so many areas that need attention in God’s house— and I desire to help in every way that I can, every time I can.  But he said to me— “You are one man, Janet, and that man that you are is not Jesus Christ; let Jesus carry the load, dear; you are doing all I have asked of you (and then some), and I am aware of the magnitude of the responsibilities and workload of my house; and it’s upon my shoulders: let it be in your awareness— but not your accountability: I am responsible, in full, over my house, dear: come— let us reason together about this.”  And so— that is what we did.

I sat with him: literally just shared spiritual space together with him in my soul man (conscious inner man in company with my spirit, experiencing this realm of physical reality).  He patted his hand upon the bench we sit on when we speak— and I sat next to him; he knew I was very emotional from the dream I had just awakened from; so he used few words, concise, pointed, and powerful— because I was emotional; and there are times when he shushes me with my own mouth, to calm me (and I found him doing this).  He said a few things to me, which I will speak of later on; but mostly, he shared that painful and weary place with my soul— and I cherished every moment, no matter how difficult it was.

You see, after processing the evening with the awareness of the workload (the needs needing to be met in this realm, on mission) with the Lord, to be accomplished in this realm— like the people needing the truth, the workers to help with that, the information needing to be learned and relayed, the warnings needing to come forth, and on and on; I went to sleep very heavy hearted, for seeing all the places in which there is great demand— but low supply (where his children need to get to work in coming into the truth, getting reformed, matured, and then to help with the workload mission in the earth; but also— the very weary workers doing this work, now— and how few they really are:  low supply).

The evening was very hard: I kept thinking— ‘If only I were much more further along in the physical manifestation restoration you speak of fulfilling; then— I could do more, help more, accomplish more for the Kingdom of God (not to mention that as the days go forward— the normal things I’ve been doing, seem to be even harder to continue to do).’  

The place I found myself in, again, was akin to the scriptures that Paul and Jesus speak of concerning hard times and circumstances that deal with loss.  

This is the dream that the Lord gave me that helped me with my heavy-heartedness concerning the work load, the need to be further along in our coupling with him in this realm, and, well— even his hopes and dreams waylaid; because it has taken the church so long to come into remembrance of him in this realm, couple within, learn to fight for the truth within the inner man’s deep places of the unseen, in order to collaborate with the Kingdom of God in this realm: bringing in a time and place that worships and honors the King of creation.

This dream brought a unity to my soul man who has been experiencing heavy matters with the Lord concerning this realm, his people, his goals, his heart, my heart— dreams, desires, wishes, promises, and future— in conjunction with his own.

Our Lord understands profound loss (look at how many do not come back to him in the end), profound heartbreak, profound thievery from satan (and under the ignorance of his human creation), profound disappointment, and profound grief.  We are built as he is, and we experience a range of emotions and situations in this realm, the same as he does.

BUT— he is also the God of restoration, recovery, redemption, restitution, resurrection, and new beginnings— with a hopeful and expectant future: for he wrote the ending from the beginning, and he authors— and he finishes: and this whole story finishes— in restoration, recovery, redemption, restitution, and resurrection new life— with, and by him: and he isn’t willing that we should forget this!

This is the dream of the waste places— but I assure you— he does desire to rebuild the waste places, he told us so; as much as he desires and plans to mend the breach (which is the separation).  He is on a mission to recover all to himself, restore it, and begin again: this dream details out the place of loss, pain, suffering, and warfare— and many are found in this place, with a sense of less-hope, and need encouragement, and a reminder that the Lord is not slack as some men count slackness— concerning his promises, and he aims to fulfill (2 Peter 3:9).


The dream of the Waste Places


The dream began with me sitting inside of some kind of car, with no top, nothing— open air only.  I was looking around attempting to take in where I was and what was going on.  I was in this car, that was on the streets of some city, in front of some houses (duplexes, inner city like).

As I sat in this car, I noticed other people were in the car, as well as standing on the street next to this car.  I began to note that there were ‘bad guys,’ if you will, standing on the street harassing people— and they had weapons.  Then I noticed the two people in the car with me— were in affiliation with these bad guys (nefarious characters) who were harassing the people on the street (who were average humans going about their daily business): the ones doing the harassing on the street were the head honchos, if you will, the bosses or leadership of this gang.

I noticed the bosses, after they fulfilled their desires harassing the people on the streets— they came over and jumped into this open topped car— where I was seated with these other bad guys of their gang.  I looked at them— they looked at me— and I was like, ‘nah, I’m outta here; I don’t want anything to do with these operations or characters;’ they were flaunting their weapons, and they just looked at me with a smug grin across their faces, like— ‘good on you for getting out.’  Because I sensed they would have loved to take me for a ‘joy ride,’ if you catch my drift: like a very uncomfortable, unpleasant, carjacking kind of ride.

As they went on their way, and I was now out of that car (it was someone else’s, not mine) —I went into the house that was right there where this was all taking place.  I realized— as I stepped into this dwelling, that I had been here before, a long time ago; it was familiar, but old, dated, and I once lived here, but not for a very long time, though it was familiar.

As I walked into the entrance of this house— it was like a duplex— with one dwelling at street level, and another up a flight of stairs, on the second story level: I headed upstairs, that was where I once dwelled, or stayed, lived.

It was dark, and reddish brown, light burgundy and brown, everywhere.  It reminded me of a dilapidated house (maybe not that bad, but close).  It had this dank feeling, like dark and not comfortable.  There was a bed right at the top of the stairs, it was a double size bed, or two person sized bed; it had a burgundy red/brown blanket or comforter on it.  Further into this room, was another room; another bedroom, like off in the back, where another person would stay: I think I stayed here once, lived here.  

I went back to this room, and like the first bedroom area, this back enclosure area was a small room with a bed, dresser drawers, and minimal things in it: essentially, four walls, a bed, and the most minimal of adornments or belongings.  I closed the door to this room, and looked around, clothing was on the bed, strewn about: someone had been living here, recently.

These living chambers (both rooms) were places where dreams died, loss happened, hopes died, pleasure was long forgotten— though still sought after; but where futures were stolen— by past circumstances where people suffered great loss, and ruins were laid down inside their lives (hearts): it was a place where people go to when they suffer great devastations, where they have had much taken from their aspirations in life. 

At the moment, when I realized that this place was a place where waste and ruin of comfortable, pleasurable life was removed from the hearts of souls of men… is when a known prophetic child of God, with a great number following on social media came into this upper room to engage me.  She walked into this back room— where I began to say to her— ‘I’m looking for anything of mine that I left behind, here.’  And I searched through clothing strewn on this back bed; but that’s when she said to me, as I picked up a brazier (bra) wondering if it was mine left behind; ‘no, that one is mine; it’s too big for you.’

I agreed with her— it was hers, not mine; and so— she smiled toward me, soft, endearing, but withdrawn, all the same.  I told her of the bad guys outside stealing her car, and she told me— ‘no, that is another woman’s car who lives here; I will inform her.’

I headed back toward the door to leave; back where the other large, two person bed was, with the burgundy/brown comforter blanket on it.  As I looked over this bed really well, I saw her sit upon it, and then I sat down with her, and I just looked at her as I ran my hand over this burgundy/brown comforter, and said…

‘I hate this place; like I REALLY, ABSOLUTELY, HAAAAAAATTTTTEEEE, this place;’ as I looked at her with such sorrow and grief.

I knew she still lived here, even though I did not, and had not for a long while.  I knew this place though, and it was heartbreaking to be here again.  I desired for her to never have to live here, as I thought about this place and sat with her.

She smiled that withdrawn smile, tender, though pained, once again.

That’s when the dream ended.


The Holy Spirit’s interpretation

Of the dream of the Waste Places


I was in someone else’s life, experiencing it: for I was in their car.  A car, when I dream of them, often symbolizes a single person’s life; and depending upon what the vehicle looks like, determines a symbolic/spiritual understanding about the person’s inner man and life.  In this case, this person’s inner man had no covering, no protection— their life was wide open for marauders to pillage: these would be open doors for the demonic, with their weapons of warfare (tactics).

This particular gang of demons were affiliated with the principalities working this street, or territory: it was street warfare going on, and these entities were the upper hand in this neighborhood; which means that the people who were living here were entrapped, like under a mafia; and they were living this way.  But, particularly, whoever this woman was who lived in this building, too (I think she lived down stairs, which speaks of the dungeon and abasement, symbolically) —she not only had open doors, there was no covering at all; which, to me, speaks of not knowing Jesus at all.  It was like a person in this world who has been robbed, pillaged and plundered in their inner man— suffering much loss and devastation— but who also does not have the covering of the Holy Spirit of God (no roof to the car, at all); because the other woman, upstairs, who still had a room inside her heart of massive devastation, loss, grief, robbery, brokenhearted and with loss of dreams (future), this was not her car, and she was relatively alright, getting along ‘ok,’ but dealing with a lot still inside (despite her outward, tender, and warm, smile).

The houses on this block were many, in a row, like an inner city suburb would be (think Chicago); but they all represented people living in this condition of great waste and ruin; where their hopes of a good future were still alive— but barely, and with much not having changed for them in their current circumstances, leaving them in the same ‘place.’

The demon gang wanted to keep everyone here, and all the people were going along with them, cowering or not fighting them, complying.  But I was there, seeing it, taking it all in, not willing to hang with them, for it was not my life.  BUT— I had come back, led of the Spirit of God, to remember this place (that’s why I was trying to figure out where I was, and why I was here, he led me here).  There is always a reason why the Spirit will lead us somewhere, just like Jesus’ wilderness excursion where he encountered the devil, too.

I saw that if someone remained, within their inner man, in this place (the car with no covering) —these entities, this gang horde— would take them for ‘a ride;’ and this ride would not be pleasant, or enjoyed: they would be tortured with their weapons of warfare.

This is a place many people are living in; a place where the Holy Spirit of God not only desires to bring out and expose— but desires to deal with, cleanse, and deliver God’s people from: hence, he sent in his ‘sent one,’ who knows this place, to expose it; and to offer those who have found themselves living and abiding here in the place of ‘waste’ or ruin, two things to consider and understand:

  1. To let his people know he has a future planned for them, and he has hope (cheerful and pleasant expectations) in this planned future; and he is different than all others— and he is faithful and true: and what he writes (it is written), and what he wills (he desires), and what he sets in motion (what he starts, his workmanship) he will finish: and he is a good Father and Savior.

  1. And he invites all of those of his children who have been living in hopelessness, looking at the loss, remembering all the devastations, and the loss of pleasure and enjoyment— to come to him, abide, sit in his presence, share that space with him— so he can come in and sanctify (bring you into change, within your heart, into the truth, and hopeful future) —together, in that waste place within your heart and mind.  So he can be with you in that place where dreams died, hope was lost, and thinking you would be here forever; so he can bring your heart and mind life again— in his love, plans, dreams, hopes, and desires for your lives, as we will sit and entertain his thoughts, desires, dreams, hopes, and futures he has written for us: for he is the author and finisher of our faith— and he has plans!

The familiar rooms with all their trappings— needs the Lord Jesus to come in and sweep them out, clean them up, and change our living arrangements.  This place of devastation was old— many people had lived here, come and gone— and were still living here (even those in the church); and many more on that same block or neighborhood; which tells me we have many people suffering in heartbreak and loss of dreams. 

Well— Jesus is the dreamer himself; he dreamed (conceived) this whole place, and each life, in his inner man; and he desires, as with all things Christ— to ‘resurrect’ the dreams and lives of his people (inside and out).

The bed— is made for two— though this woman was living alone, here, in that upper room: Jesus desires to fix that in our lives: the bedchamber and bed is for 2— you and him, each of us with our Lord Jesus.  And no wonder it was dreary and dank— Jesus was not there, and so death was: but our Lord redeems, he resurrects, he restores, and he brings restitution where loss and death has happened; he’s actually an expert master at this!  And he desires to do just this, and change people’s hearts and lives (inside, out): and give a new covering, a new vehicle, even (outer body/court); and save.

The clothing was garments— and, thank God, I had no garments left in that room (they have been changed); but others still were wearing these garments; and these garments were breast garments— or chest/heart garments.  And she said— ‘it was too big for me;’ which spoke to me of the magnitude of loss in her life: and that I cannot carry this, I was not built to: that tells me that Jesus will show me many things— but it is not mine to carry upon my heart (bra garment) for it was too much for me, too big— that is his job: but he will show me, and he is, even in this dream and detailing: and I will pray and intercede with him.

God’s leadership (the woman I knew in this life, who was in the dream), even they are in need of restorations only the Lord Jesus can bring to each man; but I saw their hearts (one woman representing many), and as I did— I know the Lord has much in restorations to bring forth: for this woman is doing much with our Lord, but she still needs so much inside to get straightened out: for the blood, plans, and power of Jesus’ love to fulfill what only he can.

I said I hated that place— and I do, I really, really, hate the place of waste and ruin; but it was all for good that I was taken back there: even in my own life I can relate to great loss and suffering, as well as— my hope being anchored in Jesus Christ for the restoration of all things.

I desire for no one to ever have to live here, ever again (and I minister unto all, even now, that we should be restored in the Lord Jesus): I have a big heart burden for the Lord’s restoration in the lives of his people— where even restitution is called for, in the ways of pillage and plunder that was sustained as the locust ate, and the canker worm devoured, and the thief stole from his children.  For even though she smiled her smile— she was burdened, and heavy inside— and it could be known, seen, and felt: though she was always tender— she was still yet pained: I believe this is many, and his bride in general, in many ways.

And I know he has so much more for us— for us all.


Philippians 3:8

“Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ…”

2 Corinthians 11:26-27

“In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren;  In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.”

Matthew 26:41

“...the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

And 2 Corinthians 4:16 (but I would like to show multiple versions of this scripture, and their variations: for good reason, and full emphasis.)

2 Corinthians 4:16

“[KJ21] For this cause— we faint not, [AMP] we do not become discouraged, [CSB] we do not give up, [CEB] we aren’t depressed, [CJB] we do not lose courage, [DLNT] we do not lose-heart, [EASY] we are not afraid to continue our work, [PHILLIPS] we never collapse, [NIRV] we do not despair, [OJB] we are undaunted and do not lose strength, [WYC] we fail not….. 

[KJV21] though our outward man— perish, [ASV] decay, [AMP] waste away, [CSB] being destroyed, [CEB] breaking down on the outside, [CEV] gradually dying, [DARBY] being consumed, [DRA] corrupted, [ERV] older and weaker, [PHILLIPS] suffer wear and tear, [MSG] even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, [OJB] even if our outward man is becoming old and atrophied……

[KJ21] yet the inward man— is renewed day by day, [AMPC] our inner self being progressively renewed day by day, [CEV], we ourselves are being made stronger each day, [DRA] our spirit inside of us is made new every day, [EASY] our spirits become stronger every day, [GNT] our inner person renewed day after day, [TLB] our inner strength in the Lord is growing every day, [NRSVA] our inner nature is being renewed day by day, [VOICE] our inner humanity is breathing in new life every day, [WE] our heart gets new strength day after day, [PHILLIPS] the inward man receives fresh strength— for these little troubles (which are really so transitory) are winning for us a permanent, glorious and solid reward out of all proportion to our pain, for we are looking all the time not at the visible things but at the invisible— the visible things are transitory: it is the invisible things that are really permanent.”


The [JANET] paraphrase version of 2 Corinthians 4:16

“Though our outside has one experience— of loss, devastation, wasting, plunder, corruption, and withering away— our inner man is encouraged, joyful, fulfilled, healed, loved, and recovered in the knowing of Jesus Christ— and joining him within, day by day.”

The [JANET] paraphrase version of Philippians 3:8, 2 Corinthians 11:26-27, Matthew 26:41

“Everything that happens to us, that we endure, that we go through and experience— it is all loss— but we are gaining knowledge of our Lord God through it all, as we come to him in it all; we have suffered loss of all things (many, many things) —but it’s all dung compared to winning Christ Jesus every second of every day to be with, inside, in the deepest places of our real identity and person.

We journey far and long in this realm, going through many perils, challenges, hardships— where robbers plunder— even our own family and acquaintances (countrymen), even by the unsaved, everywhere in this lifetime in this realm: by many who walk in the false light, not the Lord God and his love and truth.  And we are often cold (treated harshly), naked (not cared for as God would desire us to be, by others), hungering and thirsting— yet going without, watching— often— in weariness and pain: where our spirit man is willing— but the flesh is weak.”

Isaiah 40:31

“But those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

Romans 15:13

“Now the God of hope— fill you —with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.”

Psalm 42:11

“Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope yourself in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.”

Psalm 119:114

“Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in your word.”

Psalm 130:7

“Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption.”

Hebrews 11:1

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Romans 8:25, 28

“But if we hope for that we see not— then do we with patience— wait for it.  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are— the called —according to his purpose.”

Isaiah 41:10 

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Philippians 1:6 

"Being confident of this very thing, that he who has begun a good work in you— will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”

Micah 7:7

“Therefore I will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me.”

Romans 5:3-5

“And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation works patience;  And patience— experience; and experience— hope:  And hope makes not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”

1 Corinthians 13:13

“ And now abides faith, hope, love— these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

Isaiah 43:18-19

“Remember not the former things, neither consider the things of old.  Behold— I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”

Revelation 21:5

“And he that sat upon the throne said— Behold, I make all things new.  And he said unto me— Write: for these words are true and faithful.”


The Lord’s desire is to encourage us, and remind us that what has happened in the past— is not what he has instore for our futures; that what has been in the past must be cleansed by his love and truth— and all the debris from the heart chamber rooms— cleaned out and removed: for this is salvation healing.  But dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ— restoration is the part that comes after this, where and when the infilling of the truth is available to us all, to fill every heart room chamber in us; he then comes— following the truth infilling— to restore the old waste places: our good, good, Father does this for us all.

Even Jesus dealt with loss, betrayal, heartbreak, and grief over the state of the house of God— his people; as many educated of his people (in the word of God written) did not even acknowledge him when he, the word of God, came in the flesh.  Even our God— saw the greatest loss, in all who would never return to him.  Even our Lord watches the ruins of lives, the devastation and loss, the corruption and brokenness; as well— he suffered his own ruin— in the penalty walked out for our own sin, in what he endured before and during Calvary’s Cross Crucifixion.  

In Matthew 26:36-46, Jesus’ disciples fail him, and the one who will betray him— comes.  

Matthew 11:28-30

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Psalm 34:18

“The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saves such as be of a contrite spirit.”

Psalm 51:17

“The sacrifices of God— are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart— O God— you will not despise.”

Psalm 147:3

“He heals the broken in heart, and binds up their wounds.”


He desires to make all things new, to bring in restoration on the heels of restitution, to fill every heart room chamber in us— as well as to give a real restored, hopeful, beautiful future: where he restores the old waste places; the places where the ravages of time have afflicted us— but where his love, power, desire/will, and plans for us are good, and faithful, and true toward us: the restoration of all things.

He said to me— when I was sitting with him, where he was saying very little because I was so emotional about all I had undergone as he showed me these things in the lives of his people— as I had experienced even myself..….


Word from Jesus


“Shhhhhhh…. Come.  I am here, let me in, sit with me.”  

And we sat for some time, quietly, as I and he recalled all I had just experienced in the past few days, and in the dream.

“I am not a man that I should lie, nor leave a partner I love in ruin and waste.  We rebuild the waste places, yes, dear, like in the book of Isaiah.”

Isaiah 58:12

And they that shall be of you— shall build the old waste places: you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called— The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

Isaiah 61:4

And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.

“I have much work still to accomplish, sweet girl.  Just like that dream— it was a city, and I have plans for this place.  I plan to deal with the infestation, the prisons, the rooms and chambers— and rescue my people from the former devastations.  And even— in your life, still yet, too.

I am not remiss— I miss nothing, nor forget anything: I have it written already, dear child.  The many lives you are burdened over— are mine to fulfill— as is yours.  Are you your own god— or am I?  Are you your own restorer and savior— or am I?  Are you Jesus Christ who redeems all things, and unto himself?

Dear girl, you have much need to rest in me, as much as all my other children do, as well.  I am here— you are not alone.  I am in the pain and suffering with you— and I will be in the pleasure of restoration and resurrection of new life, hopes, dreams, and futures with you— as well.

Give me time— let me have my way; for it works for me, anyhow; you do know this, yes, child?  I exalt— in time, in due season.”

That is when he showed me time, like a circular ring of gears, as it rolled around: similar to this.

I was the little ring (life form), attached to his larger ring (or time) of life.  And as time came around (as time is circular, not linear), what once left me— would come back around again— and he would redeem, restore, and recover all things— ‘in time’ —for me (and all of us).  

Could I wait for time to come back around again, for me?  Could I trust in him— to be faithful and true?  I saw that he was attempting with this image to draw a picture for me— where I could see that if I just let patience have her perfect work— in time (due time) —the answer, the rescue, the promise, the dream, the restoration and restitution would come around to me; where once the world sought to strip me, and rob me, and devastate me— the Lord was intending from his very person, to recovery me, all of me: he was the one dreaming for me, and always has been.

I saw what he was showing me— now the question was— would I keep holding onto that string of hope, or that anchor of hope in Christ Jesus that is spoken of in Hebrews chapter 6?  Because he said to me….

“Janet— I will salvage what I can, and where I cannot— I will rebuild, reconstruct, and bring in things all new; and in this, your dreams, and my dreams, will be fulfilled— and they will satisfy:  and I am time.

You may not have seen me, or knew I was with you in your past— but your past is not now; you are in a different place now.  And whilst I may not have been your past— I am definitely your future.

I am time, I am hope, I am dreams, I am love, I am redemption, I am restoration, I am restitution, I am your future— dear child.  So tell them all the same: endure, hope, praise, glorify, live in hopeful expectation of my promises; because children— you have seen nothing yet.  I am coming— and with me— is my reward.

Keep the faith, for I am faithful and true— and I am with you— till the end: and then— the new beginning: there is always hope, plans, and redemption and resurrection where I am, sweet children:  stay with me here, in this place— and we will rebuild the waste places and cities: and you will be known as the people of New Jerusalem: the restorers of ruins, and unto many generations and peoples.

There has always been a plan of restoration dear children, give me back time: it is not yours to determine, but mine: so stop writing in your minds and hearts what you ‘see’ as your future; and instead— let me show you what I have already written: for no one shall contest what I have already written: stay there, in that space with me (where I prophesy over you), and we will abide together in hope, and faith, and love: for my Love— is the greatest.”

–The Author who Finishes


He will play songs for me, especially when I am having a hard time.  When I got into the car that day to go to the grocery store, on the way there I heard a secular song on Amazon Music; it was a popular song in the 80’s inside America, called— ‘Time After Time,’ by Cyndi Lauper.  It isn’t about an artist (usually), or even about the music itself— but the lyrics: these are the lyrics of the song he played for me.


Time After Time


Lying in my bed, I hear the clock tick and think of you

Caught up in circles— Confusion is nothing new

Flashback, warm nights— Almost left behind

Suitcase of memories….

Time after…

Sometimes you picture me, I'm walking too far ahead

You're calling to me, I can't hear what you've said

Then you say, "go slow" —I fall behind

The second hand unwinds

If you're lost, you can look, and you will find me

Time after time

If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting

Time after time

If you're lost, you can look and you will find me

Time after time

If you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting

Time after time

After my picture fades and darkness has— Turned to gray

Watching through windows— You're wondering if I'm okay

Secrets, stolen— from deep inside (deep inside)

And the drum beats out of time

If you're lost, you can look, and you will find me

Time after time

If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting

Time after time

If you're lost, you can look and you will find me

Time after time

If you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting

Time after time

Time after time

I've got a suitcase of memories, that I almost left behind

Time after time

Time, time, time

But you say— to go slow— I fall behind

Time after time after time (after time, oh)


Now, why do these lyrics matter?  I began to see the dream play out before me again when listening.  I saw the people who had lived with so much loss— the clock that had ticked away the days of their lives, along with the hopeful expectations of dreams and glorious futures— long since passed away— with little hope left of any change; as the hours continued to tick by, seemingly one day repeating as the day before it.  And as I saw these people living in a kind of stupor, a type of hypnotic trance that Groundhog’s Day (a movie where the same day repeats, endlessly, until someone changes their thoughts, attitudes, and actions) —would seemingly never end: hope was almost extinguished (but holding on in the smallest of ways).  

People lying in that bed, listening to the humdrum of the same old clock ticking— but never hardly allowing themselves to dream of a hopeful future any more.  But I did notice that just like in the Groundhog’s Day movie— when the people turned their focus, and changed perspective— things began to start to take shape (inside and out) for them: and in this song, the change began to appear when she thought of the other person (in our case, focus on Jesus, as time ticks forward).

People so caught up in the repetitive cycle of cyclic thinking, and hopeless perspectives; and that will only lead to confusion, even with Jesus in a person’s life: if a person will not focus upon Jesus, and his plans, and his hopes for our lives, as he writes our story (in fact it is written, already) —then a person will find themselves in the fowler’s trap of unchangeable circumstances (all happening in their hearts and minds).  And if this takes place— hope dies out, expectations of something beautiful coming around our way, again, isn’t just something that seems hardly possible— we don’t even allow ourselves to believe or dream such a thing any longer.

Flashbacks of some long since lived glory days, that are seemingly untouchable again, are all that remain; no more future hopeful expectation, only a focus on the loss of what was once had; but no dream of what will someday be: and this— is hope deferred: as in Proverbs 13:12

“Hope deferred [H4900: prolonged, delayed, drawn along or out, extended, stretched out] makes the heart sick [H2470: grieved, worn, afflicted, pained, sore]: but when the desire [H8378: delight or satisfaction] comes— it is a tree of life.”

Our Lord is desiring to full-fill our hearts: first with himself and his truth and love— next with our heart’s desires, which have become his desires born in our lives (our hearts become one toward the same goals, objectives, and future).  So— no longer just flashbacks of warm nights of yester-year, almost left behind (a suitcase of memories): NO.  He desires to salvage what can be salvaged, and redeem it; but what cannot be— he desires to replace with something even more spectacular— for what was lost, in things we cannot conceive of in greatness.

1 Corinthians 2:9

“But as it is written— Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man— the things which God has prepared for them that love him.”

He does not desire, nor is it even possible for the child of God, on the circular clock gear of time itself— for a day to not come back around where the child of God will receive his due reward— that comes with Jesus.  

Time… after…. Time: a time that follows what already ticked by (a time, after a time past): a different time, a new time, a time after passed time: where the future one day arrives into the present: this is the dream and way of God, as well as the way of time itself.  And I am being reminded of this myself (for we all need encouragement and reminders that what he said— will be, and what was already written— will be walked out).

Sometimes our hearts and heads— get ahead of our lives, or God’s plans— because we desire the good things now: as all children do: but in this waiting on the Lord— patience has her perfect work.  It does take time, literally, for our Lord to work with moving pieces of our destinies, born into this realm: it is a constraint, time; but it is also, a promise of a future to come: the way in which we perceive it will be determined by what we are choosing to look at, which lens: the lens of yesterday, or even today, only; or the lens of the vision of the Lord’s eye— who sees well into the future— and what he declares:  this has always been my challenge, or the temptation for me to see darkly, instead of clearly, from his eyes and knowledge of the future.

Am I a believer in the Word of God, the person, and all he is?

That question is where every child of God will find themselves facing at one point or another; and depending upon which storyline is focused up and upheld within— will determine whether one is anchored in hope in Christ Jesus, or anchored in the loss of the past (believing it will repeat).

We are called to fight the good fight of faith— and to remain steadfast with his Word of truth: and his word of truth told us to not only hold faith, but have our faith anchored in Christ Jesus himself; and know that he is who he said he is, faithful and true, for us, and bringing into play a hopefully expectant future: where he wrote the ending of our story, and knew it— from the very beginning.

When we get too far ahead, and lose sight of Jesus and what he is doing— we will fall behind, or lose our place on the narrow way— ending up in a ditch, one side of the path, or the other.  He will beckon us to slow down, and let patience have her perfect work (this requires a dance with time, and he is the perfect timing); this requires us to not buck timing— but embrace it— for only in perfect timing will it bring about the perfect (whole) plan— will it even turn out as it should: so he will tell us to slow our roll, of our hearts— and not turn to the left or the right— but keep looking straight ahead and into his eyes.  If we will continue therein— our hearts will remain steadfast and in truth to God, and in hope, and will be strengthened in him as we endure, till the end, and are saved from the current circumstances: as the second hand unwinds.

If we are lost, we can look, and we will find him— he told us if we search for him with our whole hearts— we will find him: and when you do— don’t lose sight of his face: this is your salvation— to keep the Word of God in your heart, mind, and soul.

Time— after— time: the time that comes after all the other time has already been walked out: and this after time— is a hopeful and expectant time: his word tells us so.  He will be waiting if we fall— to catch us— time after time.

After all the pictures fade, and darkness (tribulations in this lifetime) have turned all the once colorful days to gray in our memories— our Lord watches through the windows of time (or in time) —and he is wondering if we are alright inside, with him; or if we are focusing upon the wrong things, wrong perspective, and losing hope (or at the least— watching it fade).

When secrets, or hidden treasures of hope, and dreams, of futures and all good things— are stolen, and plundered or destroyed— deep inside; our hearts will beat out of time from his, in a place of hope-less-ness: and he is our hope— so our heart’s beats will beat ‘out of time:’ which is a reference to being stuck in another time, not the one that is upcoming with gears of time brining in what we have long been waiting for: our hearts must beat ‘in time,’ in what he declares, and in sync with the heartbeat (dream and will) of the Father.

Please— don’t give up on perfect timing (it is Jesus, after all).  And if you are lost— let your eyes once again look to where your help comes from:  Psalm 121 “I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence comes my help.  My help comes from the Lord— who made heaven and earth.”

If you fall— get back up again with him— he will catch you, and lift you: he is waiting for us to resume faith in him, once again: to believe he is who he says he is, and exemplifies in the life history of Jesus Christ.

A time, after a time— is our Lord Jesus: he said he is our future: he is our portion, he is our all in all— and that includes our hopeful future.

Revelation 22:12

“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me— to give every man according to his work —shall it be.”

If you have loved the Lord, and served the Lord in your heart altar, and in his Word— obeying your God and Lord: he has a hopeful future planned for you: in fact— it’s his future he desires to walk out with you— unto the purposes of fulfilling his word— over your life: and it never, ever, ever— comes back devoid of fulfilling its requirements and duty: this is he who is faithful and true.


I pray this gives you restored hope in Christ Jesus today; because it has given me what I was needing: to bring into remembrance— Christ Jesus, and just— WHO HE IS, inside my heart and mind once again.  And to remember that no matter what he shows me, how much work still needs to be done in the earth, and hearts and minds of men and women; it is his job, and I am only yoked to him to do his work with him— but he is carrying the load; I am only doing what little he assigns me to, and unto whom he assigns.  I can rest in Jesus— for he is faithful to finish what he starts: he is not a quitter, or one who fails.  If I recall this, in my heart and mind— I will not sink in the rough water— for he is with me, and with you all, too.

He’s here with us, he’s coming with even more for his— and with him is his reward: let us bring him into remembrance— and recall— that it is he who walked on rough waters before, and the same God who parted seemingly impossible waters (situations for his people) for them to walk on dry ground, in safety and security in him: he led the way then, and he leads the way now: let us give way to Jesus, inside, in the most desperate places of ruin; and watch the King come in all his glory, and glorify it all with his presence, plans, power, and dreams.

God bless you all.  And may you find rest for your souls today— in the bosom of Jesus Christ— just like John: and be at hopeful peace— no matter what waters you find yourself in: this is my plan, to remain in the secret place of —resurrection and restoration— in Christ Jesus, where all things hoped for, exist, in him.

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