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“The Walk with God– cannot be cast out.”

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

This was given to me by the Lord yesterday, on 2/22, but brought to you today, on 2/23/23; it is the TRANSCRIPT to this YouTube video:


There is a difference between casting demons out– and “crucifying the flesh.”


One thing with God is that everything comes at its perfect timing; I have been going through a lot, and dealing with a lot with God, as to what is on his heart, with unpopular and heavy topics.

But in that, I've also been being taught, and teaching. I myself am going through a process where God is “collecting me” again.

I have explained that very much like a horse in a horse show, if the horse is “uncollected,” not paced, and methodical in its movements, well disciplined and under control of its master— it will not win the show, it will not get the victory.

In that, the Lord has been speaking to me about being “balanced in the soul.” And he's been showing me through his Ultra discernment— how to tell when people are not.

What I mean by that is— ask me how I know. Because at one point in my life— I didn't feel as though anyone could hear me, or see me.

And in that— I felt rushed to get out all that I needed to say, and all that I was thinking— before someone ran over me in conversation with their own thoughts, about what they themselves were going through, as they completely dismissed the individual validity of what I was saying, from my life and experience.

But the Lord began to show me that this is not how he functions; he will never put himself at the forefront, or stop you from explaining yourself to him— he will make you VALUABLE in his ears, and in his heart, and in his eyes.

As I began to realize who my identity was in— Christ— he was able to start to reform my soul man, by returning me to MY proper identity. Because my soul-man had been attached to all the things that had happened to me in my past, and all things OTHERS thought of me, and HOW OTHERS treated me. And it had WARPED my real identity.

He began to walk me out of this ‘mistaken’ identity, as he healed parts of my soul, by giving to me THE TRUTH; that I was very valuable, I did have things he truly desired to hear, I did have a voice, and HE WANTED to hear it.

Which brings me to the point here, many of us do not know our TRUE IDENTITY “as Christ sees us,” and as our Father formed us.

We’ve been seeing through a ‘darkened’ lens, or perspective, only looking at our lives from down here; and this place is broken, and creation is broken down here. Which means— you CANNOT KNOW your TRUE IDENTITY whilst your ‘gaze’ is fixated upon the VIEWPOINTS down here.

We must LOOK ABOVE, from his perspective, and out of HIS GAZE upon our lives— to understand our TRUE IDENTITY, and TRUE REALITY.

And in that— he needs for us to UNROLL and EXAMINE the difference between THE FLESH, THE SOUL, and THE SPIRIT once again with him.


Let's start with “THE SPIRIT;” when we accepted our Lord and savior in Yahshua Hamashiach— the Messiah, Jesus the Christ— what we gained was a BRAND-NEW SPIRIT MAN, one that is so new and holy— that it is married to the very Holy God himself.

It is very difficult to completely mess up our new spirit man; it would take a massive and deliberate effort— to align with demonic entities BY CHOICE and make a COVENANT WITH THEM— to ever get us into a position where our spirit man has been massively compromised, and brought out of union with God, after making covenant with him.

[SIDE NOTE: Many folk are concerned about this— your spirit man, after TRUE REPENTANCE, and desiring to become God’s child, and walk life out with him, to return to him— it is very hard to take a child of his— out of God’s hand; we are actually engraved upon his hand. The devil doesn’t have that powerful of an eraser.]

Our newborn Spirits can become “contrite,” and broken, and sad, and can listen to other spirits– but it is really difficult for that to happen for any length of time— because God has become one with us, and he will always “regroup” our spirit man.

But what he told me was that— somewhere in between the carnal, flesh, base nature of our human person— and in between this new spirit man that is one with Christ, and reunited to the father— lies THE SOUL-MAN.

And it is THE SOUL-MAN where the true Battleground is— within man.


The soul is where we THINK and EMOTE, and find our being MAKING CHOICES.

And in this place, when we are allowed to think for too long in one negative place, and our emotions get involved with those RABBIT HOLE THOUGHT PROCESSES, as we REFUSE TO SEE GOD’S PERSPECTIVE— those ‘thought processes’ that we are ALLOWING and ENTERTAINING— drag us down, and our emotions become involved in a ‘negative format.’

And it is in ‘that place’ that the soul-man wants to VACATE BEING LED BY THE NEW SPIRIT MAN— which is where God’s perspective lives, and the Lord himself— and wants to go back and ‘take the hand of the flesh.’


The true Battleground— is within THE SOUL of man, and we have to get our soul-man DISCIPLINED UNDER OUR SPIRIT MAN, who is DISCIPLINED UNDER THE LORD GOD HOLY— as our spirit has now become holy, with the very holy God himself.

The battle is always going to be in your soul— aligning at this moment in time— with what is going on in your “thought processes,” and what you are feeling in your “emotions.”


Proverbs 4:23

“Keep your heart with all diligence— for out of it are the issues of life.”

Hebrews 4:12

“For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword— piercing even to the dividing asunder of SOUL and SPIRIT— and of the joints and marrow [the foundations of life], and is A DISCERNER OF— the ‘thoughts and intents’ of the heart.”


Is the soul-man, and his perspective— lining up with the Holy Spirit of God, and getting the Victory at— throwing things down that set themselves against who God really is, and who your real person is and your true identity??

Or— is it wanting to ‘take the hand of the flesh again,’ and open doors to OLD behaviors and habits— that Devils have influenced us in the past, and cause us to want to do them again??

Because it is in The Soul Man where the battle is daily, where your conscious man lives daily with the lord, as to whether or not we're going to follow scripture, follow the holy Spirit, and our Father God— and throw down everything that wants to get us to align and act opposite of that in our lives.

Or– are we going to give in to that old nature, and open doors to the enemy once again— to come in and take from him, off of his table of options— and sup with him again.?


The true area within the inner man that we are constantly working with God in— on our walking this life out TOGETHER— is in our soul-man.

And you cannot cast out your walk with God; demons can be cast out— but if they still find a playground within you— an area within your soul-man where you are allowing them entrance— then they are going to be able to affect you even from the outside.

The body is not the only playground of devils— the heart is where they start their operations, and the heart— is in the SOUL MAN arena.

Like a bubble around you, the Holy Spirit has you sealed in; but they are going to surround you daily and pound on those doors that are sealed— to see if they can wear you down enough, so that you will TURN YOUR BACK ON TRUSTING GOD, stop listening to Spirit Man— and seeking God’s face and perspective— and get a cracked door to open, so they'll be able to get back in.

You see the flesh, the carnal nature, is where they will play inside man— and if we decide that we are going to live by that carnal nature again, by ALLOWING SOUL-MAN— to ‘take the hand of the flesh again—’ we have OPENED THE DOOR TO THE ENEMY.

And the only one that can open the door to the carnal nature, to the old man again, is the place within us that is very conscious in every 24-hour period— that is making decisions based on what it is thinking, and what it is emoting, in its emotional status— which is THE SOUL MAN.

Therefore the biggest battle we will ever face is getting our soul-man on board with our spirit man, who is throwing down all demonic operations.

And in that— it doesn't mean you'll never be tested or tried, because you still have a flesh nature— but we are to keep it in check; it is what we and the Holy Spirit being married as one now— Complete in our work together— are to be doing, CONTINUALLY.

We all have different weaknesses, but we are to take those weaknesses to our God— because with him— all things are possible; and in doing that— we throw down the enemy in the soul-man— before they ever get their claws in to swim around in our flesh nature, taking up LAND again, and leading us down paths we do not want to find ourselves in.

We never go back to Old Habits we shouldn't be walking in, unless we have been tempted and tried in those areas again, and lost a battle; this is the walk with God, this is what Yahshua warned us we would go through with temptations.

And you WIN THE BATTLES WITHIN— when you do not take your ‘single-eye’ focus— off of him, what he said in scripture IS THE TRUTH, and what his Spirit is saying and showing to us— right now, from HIS PERSPECTIVE.

HE— is the Truth, and Lies cannot stand where he stands; so stay standing resolutely upon the Word, and what he is saying about you, and the true reality.


When the Lord said that he was tempted, and sweated blood during temptations in the Wilderness against satan— who were the Demonic entities in that area, and what were they tempting him with at that time— that made him have to resist SO HARDCORE— that blood came out of his very flesh??

Because whatever demonic principalities are in your area where you reside— in your towns and states— those will be the entities that are going to be coming at you from the outside, the most hardcore as well, in temptations!

And the way you can tell which ones are operating in your area— is to think about which criminal things are going on, that God doesn't partake in— in your area.?

And now reevaluate your life and see if you have issues with any of those things going on.

For example— if there is heavy alcoholic consumption in your area— then addictive things are going to be around you the most, through those principalities and Fallen entities.

If there is sexual deviant behavior that is Heavy in Your area— then we will be tempted with masturbation, pornographic images, and thoughts inside of your flesh to do perverse things— to partake WITH THE ENTITIES in them.

These are just two examples of the fight within, based upon what deviant operators in the spirit realm are operating in your area.

And when your vessel is clean, and the Holy Spirit is in there, and you've gone through Deliverance with him— and yet you're still struggling— very much so, your battle could be IN THE FLESH NATURE, and you’re needing to CRUCIFY IT.

You cannot cast out the FLESH NATURE– you have to get it under control of the soul, and the Soul— has to be under the control of the spirit, as the spirit— is to be under the control and authority of the holy spirit of God himself.


The flesh, the old man ways, the base, animalistic, Fallen nature of man— still exists– even in the saved person's life; in one who has become one with God: it’s always an ‘option,’ so throw it down.

We live in a fallen world— it's broken; and in that there are entities that are here who are trying to live their lives and lusts out— through a vessel, because they don't have one anymore.

When we understand that fully— you'll understand why Temptations will continue, and warfare will continue in your lives— because they're looking to take over your vessel again, so that they can enjoy something before their eternal punishment.

They would like nothing more than to use you, abuse you, and then kill you entirely, moving onto the next ‘mark–’ as they go on to the next person.

Your job with the Holy Spirit is to recognize when they're tempting you, and when they're pounding on your doors, and to keep them locked and keep your Gaze on your holy God— choose no other path than that.

Take away the things they want to participate in, out of your life, and then they have nothing that they can find a place in you to align with— to get in— where you're in agreement with them anymore.

This is what it means to unalign from the kingdom of hell, and death, and to align with the kingdom of life, and God holy— and Be ye as HE IS.

Take the playground facilities away– and they will have no equipment to play on or with.

When you resist the devil— he flees.

He has no ‘hold’ any longer— which means, no place is found in you, that he has RIGHTS TO hangout in— it’s a legal area.

They can only POUND on those ‘shut’ doors, where the old man has been CRUCIFIED and LOCKED Out— from the New Man creation, in your NEW BORN ‘status.’

The Old man is DEAD— don’t resurrect him!

Like a ‘bubble,’ as the seal of the Holy Spirit is around you— they will pound on those doors, to see if anything ‘CRACKS,’ and you will ‘let their operations’ back in— by RESURRECTING YOUR OLD MAN NATURE, by ALLOWING THE SOUL-MAN to—

‘take the hand of the broken nature of the flesh’ once again.


Crucify the flesh/carnal nature;

and leave it DEAD.


Two masters— loving one and hating the other.

Matthew 6:24

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one— and love the other— or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.”


This is the exact point he's talking about; if we listen to the flesh— and we allow excuses in our behavior— and allow ourselves to be compromised; then we will have two masters within the soul realm.

Our soul realm is the 24-hour period of conscious thought, and emotions that we operate in every day; and a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.

This is why we have to become one with the Holy Spirit and throw down all operations within our thoughts, and our emotional statuses, daily, that are opposite of God and the way he conducts his person.

Or we will have two Masters within— and we will be at opposition inside of ourselves, which is chaos and warring: and a house divided— cannot stand.

In order to bring us into that calm, and that balance, and that rest in God— we have to throw down all the operations within our minds, And in our emotional statuses, that OPPOSE GOD HOLY.

He's been speaking to me about just how to do that for quite some time now; did you know that you do not have to express an emotion that is coming at you, or through you??

You actually have the authority and ability with the holy Spirit inside of you— to tell yourself no!

That you will not express that, and that you do not align with that, and you're going to go speak to the Holy Spirit about the truth of what your mind is trying to tell you in that moment– and in that— you will regain the one master within you— that of the holy Spirit of God himself.

And when you do that— you are actually throwing down the kingdom of the enemy within— and you are dethroning him there, and you are taking his voice from him in your life!

Many of us have grown up in environments where we did not have a voice, and couldn't be seen; it seemed like everyone else was telling us what to do, and telling us to be quiet, or sit down, and we really couldn't be seen or heard whatsoever.

But that is not the case with God holy— he is constantly listening to us from his person.

And his person operates in stillness, and calmness; for he has a still small voice— that is to say— a steady and calm PERSON.

When we start to realize that something within us is not still, or calm, and in fact is shouting loudly at us in some format that is not the way God himself would speak to us or treat us— then you have come up against either the enemy coming from outside speaking to you, and pulling you into agreements in your soul man— or there's a demonic operation set up in your flesh nature, that is influencing you right now.

And in that— it has gotten a hold of your soul man, and it has gotten ahold of your thoughts and your emotions; but your job with the Holy Spirit is to take all things inside your wicked imaginations— your mind and thoughts— and throw them out when they are not what God is sending to you.

And you are also supposed to be regulating your emotional status on the regular.

Which really means— a lot of things and emotions are going to go through you based on what you are partaking in and allowing— and in that— you're going to have to throw down those operations of emotions and thoughts— that are not beneficial to you.

You have the right to feel any emotion that you so choose to at any moment— but you also have the right to throw down any that are not beneficial to you, in your soul man or in your life— bringing the benefit of shalom shalom to you: PEACE PERFECTED, and he’s a person.

You see it is the shalom shalom that God is going after— because God lives in that perfect shalom; this is why shalom shalom is spoken— as it is bringing in perfect peace, and restoring you in areas where the enemy once had his reign, and Chaos was there; but now the kingdom of God has been re-erected in there, with the Spirit of God— and he is still, and he is calm— and his voice is not going to shout.

He explained it to me before that if you have shouting going on within, he is going to not speak to you in that moment, until you can bring your person under him, and the holy Spirit; because the way the holy Spirit operates is in COLLECTED CONDUCT.

And, before he's going to speak to you about anything— he’ll require you to RECALL— he didn’t give you a spirit of fear— but of A DISCIPLINED MIND [sound mind]; because otherwise you have too many loud voices that have been given a place inside you, who are not him— and he expects you to throw them down, before he can reveal all of the wisdom and counsel to you that he wishes to.

You see we have a job to do in our life with God, and that job is to— Wrangle the soul-man, and to throw down the flesh operations within our lives.

If we are not doing that— then there are still two masters within— and there's a man who is thinking two opposing thoughts at one time.

What does God say about us, what does scripture say about us and himself— and then, what is the enemy shouting at us in unworthiness, in false identity, etc— that we are entertaining??

If you continue to listen to the enemy, and what he thinks and says about you, and what he says you should do in his counsels— you will have a man who is double minded, thinking two opposing things about reality [because God is saying something else]...

And you will not stay single-eyed with the Lord– and have allowed the flesh, and demonic entities to influence the soul-man once again, and you are undergoing experiences, and warfare— that you do not wish to partake in.

Warfare from the outside is just that, but it will tempt you to allow it inside, where it can shack up with you.

It will tempt you to open doors that have been previously locked, as you cleaned out your vessel with God. This is what it means to be tempted by the old man nature once again– do not give in to the old man nature, do not open those doors to those entities again!!

It does not mean that your life will be all roses— he warned us of just the opposite; he told us that in this lifetime we will have tribulation, and we will share in his sufferings and afflictions.

How do we think that happens in our souls??

It happens when we neglect the walk with God that we must maintain in this earth, with our soul-man; that walk is remaining clean and sanctified, and consecrated under the lord.

We cannot cast out the walk, we have to discipline the walk; which is to say— have a disciplined relationship with the Lord, honoring him in it.

He's been speaking to me about the need to have demonic entities within kicked out, so that you can have a clean vessel and walk straight with God; and then walking straight with God, and maintaining that cleaned up walk with him, whilst the devil's try you in all different ways to tempt you to open back your life to them, so that they can erect their Kingdom Within again.

If we were of the world the world would love us, and would hear us— and would accept us; but because we are not of this world, the world hates us– and the demons are going to try and come back inside— to hold-up in there, to erect their operations within man again— because they do not like to walk in dry places.

Dry places are where humans will not let them in, and they're forced to remain outside of a vessel that will partake in the lusts of what they desire; so continue to keep your soul man clean, and sanctified, giving them No Place Within– and you will keep the demons in the ‘dry places.’

But— because they are in dry places— they are going to seek to be in— not dry places, they're going to seek to be in the places where the holy spirit's refreshing Waters Flow Within– but it is our job to keep them out, and use the keys of David and lock those doors that no one can unlock.

But if you actually open those doors to them— we can hardly blame them for erecting their operations within.

You see— many people believe in a hyper Grace movement, that you don't have to do anything with God to be saved and be one with him.

Whilst you may get into heaven by the skin of your teeth by doing that, by accepting him in some fashion as your savior– you will definitely be going to hell in this lifetime, through your soul man— as demons will purposefully erect themselves within your soul-man, and live out all their desires through you— and steal, and destroy your life— and ultimately, if they can, they'll take you out physically as well.

And remember— it’s the SOUL that is cast into hell with satan; have we ever wondered WHY???

It’s because we ALLOWED OURSELVES TO ALIGN WITH HIM, in our inner man operations; and we never really REALIGNED WITH GOD HOLY, truthfully— and KICKED SATAN, and his NATURE— TO THE CURB.

You see— sanctification isn't just to be beautiful, and shiny again, and look like God again— it is to save you.

Salvation is so much more than just the spirit man being REBORN– it’s our ENTIRE PERSON BEING REBORN ANEW; salvation is to the soul man just as much, and to the body, lastly— as it will be glorified— as he will glorify mortal bodies as well.

But he has been telling me for quite some time.


Quote from the Lord


” Janet people need to be cleaned up in the soul man, that's the biggest Battleground; The body is the easiest to rectify– but it is in the soul that if we do not clean up, and shut doors, it will not matter how much we glorify the body and cast out demons– they are just going to come back through the undisciplined soul man.

And when they do— they are going to tell everybody with them to come— and they're going to bring seven spirits more wicked than them, and they're going to house up in that person, and do you want to know why Janet??

It is because that person has been noted in the enemy spirit realm as —one that has open doors— so everybody should just come on in!

I am attempting to raise my children myself, by my Spirit— but if they refuse Me In The Soul Man– then the devil will keep his flesh, animalistic, broken and defiled living nature– alive and well in these people.

And in that there are two masters Within–

How can my house stand??

I need you to help me to get the word out that I do expect effort and work at this process of sanctification within– because if they do not— then I cannot complete my perfect work in them, because they refuse to get rid of two masters within.

I need them to become Resolute with me, and Throw down all operations that are not from me, that they are being tempted with living out —within their soul-man.

I need them to make the choice that they are going to fight against the enemy, because this is exactly what needs to take place, so that they do not align with the old man nature again.

I cannot have manifesting sons and daughters in this earth, who are undisciplined in their soul man, and have open doors to the enemy realm; for what is coming next is going to try every man in their hearts.

The operations of the enemy will intensify as time goes on, and as the years and months pass– my manifesting children have already been sparring with the Enemy Within and without, for quite some time now.

It will be these who help the others when things kick up many notches and levels— with the Judgment that is coming into the earth now.

What happens when you pour out a holy Spirit— over a wicked populace??

Many chaotic things start to take place, and the hearts of men and women will be tried, and they will fail, in many.

This is where my manifesting sons and daughters— who have been through the crushing, and have been through the hottest of refinement fires— will help these people walk this out, and get right with God, and get Sanctified with God, and become Resolute with him— becoming one in Spirit, controlling that soul-man.

But children you must understand that when this takes place, and my holy Spirit is poured out over these people, who have refused to be sanctified, who have refused my laws, my statutes, and my precedence for quite some time— refusing to be refined and returning to my image within the soul-man— they're going to face it all at once.

Whereas my children who have been going through the refining fires already, in the soul-man— with whom I have been walking them through it over time— have sparred with the enemy, one battle after another, building them up and getting them used to Danger close.

They have become accustomed to, and cognizant of— what the enemy smells like, looks like, and what it says to each and every man to try and get in— and open doors.

But those who have been refusing to go through this process, those that believe you should not be suffering in any way shape or form— they are those who will not be prepared for what is coming.

And what is coming is going to be the most warfare, and the most trying of times heaped upon humanity— that we have ever had in one lump.

This is why I've been honing a secret company behind closed doors, and that secret company has been going through the mill of refinement, by my very own hand— and WILLINGLY, at that.

I personally have been sending the trials, I have been sending the tempering of their swords, which is their lives– and in them— they will lead the way.

Whereas other leaders— were never preparing anyone for any of this— who were preparing them for blessing, prosperity, and great turnaround.

Well, there is going to be a great turnaround, but it is going to come on the heels of whoa, and of judgment, and of tribulation.

And what kind of leaders do I need in the kind of period where all of humanity has zero understanding of what the true spirit realm really operates like??

It will be my refined ones who will lead in this hour— they are the ones who have been behind closed doors being shunned, rejected, called heretics, persecuted, and much worse.

But it will be those who everyone will turn to when they're looking for who really walks with the spirit of the holy living God, in the midst of the darkest of times— this will be when they Shine the brightest— like Lighthouse beacons in a storm, unto the wayward souls.

I will manifest myself to all of humanity, but it will not come in the ways that people are looking for; much trial and tribulation is coming, And there is a type of man, a caliber of God's man, that I've been honing behind the scenes to lead in this very hour.

And it will be because most have not— not even in the church— been prepared for what is coming; but these men and women of God– they have been prepared for this very hour.

For they were made for a Time such as this.

Little children you need to get your soul-man, your Inner Man, on board with my Spirit, and live accordingly– or you will go through much tribulation in this time— that you do not need to go through— if only you would go through the sanctification process.

And in that process you are to not align with the carnal nature— do not align with the Babylonian or Egyptian ways— and come out from among them and be separate.

For if we fail to do that— you will remain with two masters within— and your house will be unstable, divided— and it will fall.

As well you will be unstable in your mind, because a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

Look to those that have been going through the sanctification process, look to those Pioneers who are walking before you, and are plowing the way— who are lighting the path as they turn with their torch to help you light yours.

For it is these that will be my leaders in the earth, bringing in the sustenance of food, that the Mammon seeking and compromised leaders out there, with public faces and great followings– have not been feeding my children with.

When there is a dearth in the land for the word of God itself, it will mean that there is a dearth in the land for those who actually walk with the spirit of the holy living God, and are anointed by his very presence, and by his approval itself.

As we begin to recognize this as the judgments unfold, it will be these Lighthouses that I have been honing behind the scenes who will move to the Forefront– because there will be a great need for them.

In this time— smooth words will not help men and women, it will be the blunt truth that does— as the truth is what sets people free— and that my very hidden Army of leaders who will be able to lead them into the TRUTH.

My Spirit is the Spirit of Prophecy itself, which is the Spirit of Revelation— which means to reveal the pearls and Truth of God.

Those walking with my Spirit, going through this process of sanctification and consecration, under the hottest of fires and the worst of crushing— will raise up the Next Generation of my children; because there are going to be many coming behind them— who are going to need someone to teach them, and encourage them to keep going through what they will face as well.

But one must follow someone, and be led of someone— who has ACTUALLY been ‘through it,’ already— to glean from them.

Because it is the famous faces, the well-known names out there— who are not preparing my children for just how hard, and just how much tribulation is coming, nor what my children will be facing, or how to equip them.

And in this, the others— will turn away from them— and they will turn towards those that have been preaching the straight, and hardcore truth of the matter, and walking it out with me, and as the scripture itself has detailed out.

That is all Janet; thank you for allowing me to speak through you and use you as a vessel.

This is enough for everyone to understand the ‘hour we are in,’ where the work needs to be done, and what the operations are, that they need to be throwing down.

As well, how the enemy wants to come in, and erect his throne within the soul of man again— at the center of their being— and through getting them to align with the old carnal nature again.

We will teach them this, we will enlighten them to this– but in the endthe work is theirs, and mine, and ours alone to do— in each and every vessel.


‘The walking out’ with God, fighting against the temptations to ‘hold hands with’ the flesh again.


Eating habits, exercise habits, entertainment choices, throwing down temptations to partake in old habits people could be faced with– like porn, drugs, self criticisms, and self abasement, temptation to talk about ‘self’ a lot– like pride of ‘God does this with me, I’m at this level, bragging,’ etc– as there are MANY TEMPTATIONS.


There is only ONE WAY ‘GOD–’ conducts himself– we are to conduct ourselves the same— and we will be ‘tried,’ TESTED OUT, IN THE HOLY SPIRIT SCHOOL OF REFINEMENT, DISCERNEMENT, and DISCIPLINE– as to whether or not we are aligning with HIM– or ‘another way.’


Walking the ways of God, according to the way that God conducts himself, is not any kind of a stifling walk in our lives, and it should not be Grievous– for in it is freedom, and shalom shalom— balance, and a collected person inside.

To walk in the ways of God is to walk in freedom!

To walk with two masters within the soul-man, and to have a divided, and opposing mind and heart— that can hold two separate viewpoints of reality at the same time–– is hell inside of a man.

And God is wishing to eradicate the enemy's Kingdom within man, entirely, and take over every space within each and every one of us, and for good reason; it isn't just so that he can have all of us inside, to look like him again— although that is beautiful.

It is so God can keep us safe, and hedged in, and keep our enemy locked out!

This is how much he loves us and cares about us, but we have got to come into agreement and help him in this walk.

We are called to walk out a life with our God,

as one with him now.

We have got to participate in helping ourselves, to help God; and there is a disciplined walk we are called to walk out.

That disciplined walk takes place in the soul-man, who is given a 24-hour period of Consciousness everyday— to think and to emote, and to make decisions based upon that thinking and emoting; but are we aligning with God, and God holy ONLY— or are we divided within, and do we have open doors to the enemy— and where we are unstable within— because of it??


To the religious man, to walk in self-discipline, Guided by the Holy Spirit himself— is foolishness; because the religious man is a carnal man.

The truth is— the religious man is a Pharisee; and a Pharisee walks not with the love of God within them, nor live out the actual ways he has learned that God walks in.

The Pharisee resides within the soul-man; that is where Antichrist resides as well.

But he will try to USURP the throne entirely within a man, by using the playground of the flesh— and what appeals to the flesh nature– just like he did with EVE, the garden, when she thought that it appeared to be good for food, and she was desirous of it.

Let not our carnal nature be the ruler over us, influencing our soul man in mind thinking, and in Soul-heart emoting; let us allow the Holy Spirit to do his job and return us to God's image— our true identity he made us in.

Because the truth is— we are only made from parts of God, not the parts of the enemy— that is where he duped us, by injecting HIS ATTRIBUTES and KNOWLEDGE within us; Let Us return to our TRUE IDENTITY IN OUR Savior, and in our Father God holy.

Because as we regain the true knowledge of who we are, and come back into living as that person, who God made us to be— which is made holy as he is holy, and clean as he is clean— we will eradicate the enemy Kingdom from within, and we will displace that carnal, flesh, broken, animalistic base nature— that satan would like us to play and live in.

And as we do that, we begin to throw out the other master within, and regain our shape, and image— that is in the mirror image of God holy himself.

And in that we learn to walk disciplined with our God— and how to keep the enemy at bay, and outside— locked out of our vessel!

We will go through temptation–

but we do not have to give in to it!

Resist that devil– and he will flee from you.


As a side note– if you are not fasting, you NEED TO; the flesh needs to be CRUCIFIED, and it’s in food, tv, scrolling socials, and so much more.

I have been fasting since 2020, eating only at dinner time– giving the entire morning till evening— to him— and to hearing him clearly.

He asked me to share that, as many want to know how to ‘hear’ him more clearly, and to have more of his presence and anointing; fasting— giving up carnal desires, in whatever way he leads you [but food is big one], will help you grow stronger in the SPIRIT, as the flesh is TAMED.

He tells me– crucifying the flesh, and its desires [like fasting things we like, or crave]— to honor him, and to give him more— strengthens our lives.

Fasting– and crucifying the carnal nature, its desires, and wants, and comforts– is CRUCIAL; it is ‘there–’ that the Holy Spirit is strong, as we are weakening the flesh.


As an added bonus– when we were DEAD, in our trespasses– our Lord REVIVED us, which means— he RECOVERED US— hence, ‘revival;’ but he has assured me, he will be raising up hidden foundational sons and daughters of his, during this hour– for the current ‘church,’ is NOT PREPARED to raise up ‘his’ children– HIS WAY.

But a hidden company— behind the scenes— who has been crushed, refined and tempered, are being prepared to step out with him; and they care MORE ABOUT OUR LORD’S CHILDREN BEEN RAISED ‘by’ HIM, and his HOLY SPIRIT, and ‘HIS WAY,’ than anything else, and have SURRENDERED TO THE LEADING of him, and his REFINEMENT PROCESS— learning how to ‘follow.’

They seek not their own, nor do they desire to be known, or to be wealthy, or to be even— respected; they desire to bridge the wayward– back to the Father, and help him to raise up his children– in discipleship, according to the Model of the Son, the Messiah— and his lead— connecting them BACK TO THE FATHER— in true reconciliations.


Another Word from the Lord


“We will have to move BEYOND the ‘handshake’ with God, child; we will be reconnecting them back to the Father— and to LIFE AS ‘ONE,’ in, and THROUGH the Messiah, the holy Spirit, and reconciliations to the Father as our GOAL— LIVED OUT, FROM HENCEFORTH— in what is TRULY— the full payout of Calvary, and Salvation.

When my children TRULY come home again— within— it is when they live out life with me, from this step forward— NOT looking back— and living as the New Man Creation, as ONE with God.

Janet my people need to face the corner, they need to face the Cornerstone again and rebuild upon the foundation of truth; and I told you what that truth is detailed out in scripture.

I told my children to follow the very path that I walk, and to be reformed into my image, and I detailed that out very clearly in the Son.

When my children will face the Cornerstone again— like facing the corner in a wall— you will have one focus, and your eyewill be single— and your backwill be turned from everyone else, and the whole world.

It is very much like leaving Sodom and Gomorrah and never looking back.

I need my children that have done this with me— to turn back around, after they have plowed that follow ground— and lead the others down this very path of sanctification of the soul.

We need those who can raise my children with me, like me, and for me— and those will lead.

The current church is inadequate, deficient and defunct; it is a mess of compromise, devil doctrine, and traditions of MEN— we will REFORM IT ALL.

These new converts coming into the KINGDOM— which is what REVIVING THE DEAD IS— will need the ‘mothering’ from my true leadership, that has been honed by my hand in the secret place— bringing MYSELF to them.

The will lead by EXAMPLE

not do as I say, but not AS I HAVE DONE.

That’s right— they paid a price in refinement, that MOST were unwilling to pay; and in this, they will walk out in LEADERSHIP NOW, as they humbled themselves to SERVE ALL, in the LOWLIEST OF POSITIONS, in ‘following’ the path of the Sonfirst.

If they are getting SALVATION— they will need DISCIPLESHIP; and only my ‘disciples,’ can DISCIPLE THEM— and I was very specific about who I called my disciples.

They are students of ‘my way,’

and they BE-LIVE’N IT.

These— will now LEAD— since they did so well FOLLOWING, ADHERING and ADAPTING to the ‘reformation’ process; they have been found worthy to LEAD IN IT NOW.”


Soul reformation and discipline, coming under the Lord— is the lesson and work— of the ‘hour’ we are in; after death, into life— when accepting the Lord, and his Spirit— comes DISCIPLESHIP: that takes place— in the soul-man.

We are entering ‘a new era,’ and one that requires those who have been through his bootcamp of preparations; for they will lead the others through it— as all are required to be refined and returned to his image.

PIONEERS, and FORERUNNERS, are assuming their positions in the Lord, as he EXALTS, IN DUE SEASON; and it will be ‘right, on, time.’



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Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
24 feb 2023


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