[Video of these notes, with spoken, first person Holy Spirit word given from the Father, at the end of the video, only: https://youtu.be/GLhzzTXxY0U]
H1696 – Spoken
Hebrew: דּבר
Transliteration: dâbar
Pronunciation: daw-bar'
Definition: to arrange; but used figuratively (of words) to speak; rarely (in a destructive sense) to subdue: (usage) answer, appoint, bid command, commune, declare, destroy, give, name, promise, pronounce, rehearse, say, speak, be a spokesman, subdue, talk, teach, tell, think, use, entreat, utter + well + work.
Psalm 50:1
“The mighty God— the Lord— has spoken [arranged and spoke], and called [bid forth, invited, preached, pronounced, published and proclaimed] the earth [wilderness— figuratively] from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof.”
Genesis 1:2
“And the earth (land, wilderness— figuratively) was without form [a desolation, lying waste, a desert, a worthless thing— vain: with confusion, empty, wilderness], and void [empty, vacuity— lack of thought or intelligence; empty-headedness, in ruins]; and darkness [wickedness and obscurity— unclear and dark] was upon the face [countenance or person] of the deep. And the Spirit [mind and rational being] of God moved [brooded and relaxed] upon the face of the waters.”
Genesis 21:1
“And the LORD visited Sarah— as he had said— and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken.”
{Abraham’s servant, coming for reason to retrieve Rebekah— spoke to Laban— to be wife to Isaac, and led of an angel.}
Genesis 24:42-45
“And I came this day unto the well, and said— O Lord God of my master Abraham— if now you do prosper my way which I go:
Behold— I stand by the well of water (life is always seen coming by the well of waters); and it shall come to pass, that when the virgin comes forth to draw water, and I say to her— Give me, I pray you, a little water of your pitcher to drink— And she said to me— Both, drink yourself, and I will also draw for your camels: let the same be the woman whom the Lord has appointed out for my master's son.
And before I had done speaking in my heart, behold— Rebekah came forth with her pitcher on her shoulder; and she went down unto the well, and drew water: and I said unto her— Let me drink, I pray you.”
He spoke IN HIS HEART— and it came to pass, not ALOUD— I pray we understand this; our spirit man speaks directly with God, and he HEARS. We need to be EVER MINDFUL of our thoughts, hearts, and words we dwell upon and speak to our God— from ‘within.’
For he inquired of the Lord with his words within— and the Lord heard him, and he answered him— and did the thing in which he desires of his heart.
The Lord delights to do the desires of our hearts; are they aligned right, and do they speak the right words of life?
{Jacob’s dream of the ladder, whilst in journey to take a wife of God’s choosing as well.}
Genesis 28:12-15
“And he dreamed, and behold— a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.
And, behold, the Lord stood above it, and said— I am the Lord God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon you lie— to you I will give it, and to your seed; And your seed shall be as the dust of the earth— and you shall spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in you, and in your seed— shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
And, behold— I am with you, and will keep you in all places whither you go— and will bring you again into this land; for I will not leave you, until I have done that which I have spoken to you of.”
It may take some time, the things in which God speaks to his children, his servants— but his word/decree, WILL COME TO PASS, as he has spoken it; for his word never comes back void.
Do we trust God in this, that if we speak according to his will, his word, his decree and in alignment with his Spirit in our lives— that he will be less faithful to us?
For he is no respecter of persons— but gives to all men liberally, and according to his will.
{As the Lord was attempting to promote Moses to speak for him, and showed Moses great signs that they should believe he is sent of the Lord— based on his hand going into the breast of his garment, and coming out leprose, and the water from the river upon dry ground that shall turn to blood in their sight; so as they should believe.}
Exodus 4:10-12
“And Moses said unto the Lord— O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore [time since then], nor since you have spoken unto your servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.
And the Lord said unto him— Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? Have not I the Lord?
Now therefore go— and I will be with your mouth, and I will teach you what you shall say.”
The Lord was attempting to have Moses be his mouth piece to the people, declaring thus says the Lord— as his relationship was well with the Lord, and he was chosen of the Lord; he reminds Moses that despite his own carnal perspective of himself— the Lord is almighty, and capable of all things— especially helping Moses to speak well; in fact— he assures him that he himself will put his words into his mouth.
But Moses, just a few verses following these— failed in his faith, saw only the carnal— and angered the Lord (and lost his position to do it all with God, and his brother was called up into position— because Moses doubted the Lord God).
Do we??
Do we doubt his faithfulness to help us speak properly according to his Spirit? Do we doubt he will put his words in our mouths even yet— especially with Christ having come already— and given us his Spirit to partner with us, assist us in all things, now??
Exodus 9:1
“Then the LORD said to Moses— Go in unto Pharaoh and tell him— Thus says the LORD God of the Hebrews— Let my people go, that they may serve me.”
Again— it may take some time, whilst we cultivate faith in God to bring his words to pass— but his words and decrees from heaven, and he is High King over all of creation— WILL COME TO PASS, eventually: keep decreeing what he’s showing you and telling you— from his Spirit and his word given.
Exodus 14:13-16
“And Moses said unto the people— Fear not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord— which he will show to you today: for the Egyptians whom you have seen today— you shall see them again no more forever.
The Lord shall fight for you— and you shall hold your peace.
And the Lord said unto Moses— Wherefore (why do you) cry unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward:
But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.”
God is expecting we will DO SOMETHING, SPEAK— and in that— he can back us; he has told me many times…
“Janet— if you don’t partner with me in the physical realm, like my Son did, and call forth the things that we have shown you from above— how will they come into your world? How will we reform the things that have need of formation— into what we are desiring and destining?
I need you to listen to me speak to you child, then write, reiterate, and call forth things you see me give unto you; in that— we will have it come to you, as it has been decreed from heaven: as in heaven, so in the earth.
But you have a job to do in this partnership, this covenanted relationship— we must work together; I show you what to say, believe and do— and you obey, and DO IT: then, I back it— as it’s been MY WORD SPOKEN FORTH THROUGH YOU— and my word never comes back void.”
So, are we listening to what he’s saying to us within, and based upon how the Son functioned in his walk with our Father, and then believing what he’s been saying to us— and waiting on the Lord to fulfill HIS WORD GIVEN?
Because partnering with him in this realm— is the only way his will gets done to both our liking, and his— in our lives, and according to our scrolls written about us.
He has desires for our lives— but if we blow him off, dismiss his attempting to speak to us from within our minds (his mind given to us), and listen to him there, in the inner man— we will be unbelievers, doubters, and double minded— receiving not the things we desire— for we believed not for them, nor believed and held faith in him, for them.
Exodus 16:12
“And the LORD spoke to Moses saying— I have heard the murmurings of the children of Israel: speak to them saying— At evening you shall eat flesh, and in the morning you shall be filled with bread; and you shall know that I am the LORD your God.”
His command comes first— DO THIS, as he speaks— and then, he fulfills it— IF we obey him, and do what he instructs of us; we must be partnering with him, bringing the things to pass— is through our obedience, and not doubting his faithfulness, love, or power to bring things to pass.
Exodus 19:3-6
“And Moses went up unto God, and the Lord called unto him out of the mountain, saying— Thus shall you say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel; you have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself.
Now therefore— IF you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant— then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: And you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words which you shall speak unto the children of Israel.”
Not only is God going to instruct us with his commands (commandments), but he’s going to liken us to PECULIAR TREASURE if we heed him, OBEY HIS VOICE— and in that we will be ‘priests’ and a holy nation (people) in his sight.
But we must recall what he says and does— he took care of the Egyptians, he will take care of us too— they unto destruction FOR US, by his power, love and will— all to take care of us; we ought to believe he will do the same for us, and do as he shows and tells us, being obedient ones— becoming holy priests unto him.
This is his goal— for us to BE— the royal priesthood, of the Order of Melchizedek, under the High Priest himself now— Yeshua Hamashiac, Jesus the Christ.
Priests are VERY humble, clean before the Lord, and obedient— as he calls us to be— and we are all now priests, who are IN CHRIST: they are led of the High Priest, and they do as he does: this is our Lord Jesus, and he calls us to do and speak forth the things the Father shows us— as he did in his body here, as we FOLLOW HIS WAYS, and his person.
Exodus 25:22
“And there I will meet with you, and I will commune with you from above the mercy seat– from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony— of all the things that I will give you in commandment to the children of Israel.”
He is attempting to meet with us, inside, from above— spiritually/figuratively— the mind, and from the mind of Christ we are to be operating out of— where the marriage seat is, the mercy seat upon the ark of the testimony; and here— is where he gives us all things, and commands.
He is speaking to all his children; My sheep know my voice, and I call them by name— and another, they will not follow— he said.
He is speaking to us, in the place of marriage within us, where he is seated and enthroned within us— where the testimony of our covenant is found (if we are truly in covenant with him); and it is in that place he leads us by decrees and words given to us in commands.
We must listen, believe, and call forth the things he shows us in this secret place, within our temples— where the kingdom resides: within us.
KingDom = the place of the King’s Domain, or Dominion.
We must be sure we are truly giving him dominion and rule within us, and that we are obeying and heeding his rule there.
{The lamb burning before the door, of the altar}
Exodus 29:42-46
“This shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your generations at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation— before the Lord: where I will meet you— to speak there unto you.
And there I will meet with the children of Israel— and the tabernacle shall be sanctified —by my glory.
And I will sanctify the tabernacle of the congregation, and the altar: I will also sanctify both Aaron and his sons, to minister to me in the priest's office.
And I will dwell among the children of Israel— and will be their God.
And they shall know that I am the Lord their God, that brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, that I may dwell among them: I am the Lord their God.”
The altar, where we are to be living sacrifices unto our Lord, will be sanctified by his very own glory (presence of him), and the entire temple tabernacle too (which is our persons now), where he will meet with his spiritual children (Israel), to speak with us— if we will come to the DOOR, with a continual burnt offering.
Who is the Door— Yeshua, Jesus; and his offering, himself slain— is the continual burnt offering as the LAMB slain for all; and if we will come to him, and lay our lives down, serving him, coming through the Door to the Father in reconciliations now…
He will meet us there, and speak to us, and sanctify us, and the altar too which we are living sacrifices unto him— and we will be in the glory of his presence— CLEAN BEFORE HIM.
And as he said before— will then have become peculiar treasured priests to him: he is the High Priest who presides and leads all other priests.
Is there anything else we should desire in this life??
Psalms 12:2 (the wicked)
“They speak vanity, everyone with his neighbor: with the flattering lips— with a double heart— they do speak.”
Psalms 12:3-4
“The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips— the tongue that speaks proud things; Who have said— With our tongue will we prevail; our lips are our own: who is lord over us?”
Do we speak of our own accord, or by the lead of the Holy Spirit?
Because the wicked speak to their own hurt, scripture says— and their tongue will bring destruction; but we are to speak the word of the Lord, and bring life— death or life is in the tongue, and with power: which are we choosing?
For the speech comes from the mind, which comes from the heart; one clean and unto the Lord— will speak forth the words of the Lord, and will prosper in the Lord.
Psalms 15:2
“He that walks uprightly, and works righteousness— speaks the truth in his heart.”
Psalms 17:10 (the wicked)
“They are enclosed in their own fat: and with their mouth they speak proudly.”
Psalms 34:13
“Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking guile.”
Psalms 37:30
“The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom— and his tongue talks of judgment.”
Psalms 49:3
“My mouth shall speak of wisdom— and the meditation of my heart, of understanding.”
Psalms 50:20
“You sit and speak against your brother; you slander your own mother’s son.”
How are we speaking toward our brethren, what are first— our thoughts toward our brethren? For out of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Are we slandering (ill contemptuous thoughts and words, to the hurt of them and their name) —for we are our Father’s child, not the devil’s.
Psalms 58:1
“Do you indeed speak righteousness, O congregation?
Do you judge uprightly— O you sons of men?”
Psalms 60:6
“God has spoken in his holiness…”
Psalms 115:5 (the heathen)
“They have mouths— but they speak not: eyes they have— but they see not.”
We must see and hear what the Lord is truly desiring for us to operate like, and in; for if we do not hear and see him spiritually— we will continue in carnality— making excuses, and living the broad path; the tight, narrow way— is of faith, believing God, obeying God— and walking a spiritual life.
Carnal men and women are doubters and unbelievers— they need to see in the material world, carnal ways to believe anything, for the material world, and carnality are what they truly believe is the real reality; even though scripture, and our Lord said and proved otherwise, again and again.
We must return to being spiritual beings again— working from the inside out with God again, not the outside in; meaning— believe from the hidden inside man, the spirit man now— not the carnal, outside, material man that is anchored in the material world, who needs to see something take place in the material world— before he will become a spiritually functioning person again.
We are spirit first and foremost— and we were put into a material body; but most believe they are material, and not spiritual bodies and persons FIRST, anymore; and to their detriment, they are unbelievers and doubters of spirit, and spiritual matters
And our Father, in which we all come from— is SPIRIT.
Best we become spiritual again, and work on the inner man with God— becoming powerful spirits again, in, through, and with him— and come out of carnality; and start calling forth the things he’s leading, speaking and showing within our temples (minds and hearts).
If not— we will remain carnal— and we will not return to him, now, nor later; he did say…
Hebrews 11:6
“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that comes to God —must believe that he is— and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
We have to TRULY BELIEVE, that— both HE, and WE— ARE SPIRITS!
Psalms 119:46
“I will speak of your testimonies before kings— and I will not be ashamed.”
Psalms 127:5
“For my brethren and companions’ sakes, I will now say— Peace within you.”
We cannot be ashamed of God, nor of being spirits, nor of reaching toward him from the inside— as spirit beings do; for spirit beings, in the material world, are not seen— carnal lives are.
And we must SPEAK in what we are calling forth from the throne room, when we commune with our God— of what we hear him speak, and what he shows us of his person: this is what it is to be a spirit being.
Proverbs 8:6
“Hear— for I will speak of excellent things; and at the opening of my lips— shall be right things.”
Proverbs 23:16
“Yea, my reins shall rejoice— when your lips speak right things.”
God will delight, when our lips speak as his lips speak— of right things; and then, the reins which he turns us about by— shall be joyous.
Proverbs 25:11
“A word fitly spoken— is like apples of gold, in pictures of silver.”
He will FRAME our words, guide them, order them, and fill our mouths with them— if we will obey him, listen, heed his words and instructions, his commands to us— and to him, they will be as framed pictures of silver— with the golden (pure metal of refinement, a purely refined one) apple of his eye in them: us.
Psalm 50:19
“You give your mouth to evil— and your tongue frames deceit.”
Psalms 94:20
“Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with you— who frames mischief [toils that wear down, worry— whether of body or mind, grievances, being miserable, troubled or wicked] by a law [enactment, labor, appointment, decree, ordinance— and authoritative order, or task]?”
Shall we be a people who are framing our labors, appointments, decrees, ordinances— an authoritative order, or tasks (law) by mischief??
Shall we be a people who are framed by worry, that toils to wear us down, whether in our bodies or minds— grieving our souls within, making us miserable, troubled or even wicked? (for he gave us not a spirit of fear— the other guy did)
For that is the throne of iniquity [ruin, calamity, mischief, naughtiness, perverse and wicked].
Iniquity— immoral, or grossly unfair behavior; root definition— Middle English: from Old French iniquite, from Latin iniquitas, from iniquus, from in- ‘not’ + aequus ‘equal, just’.
G1342 – Righteous
Greek: δίκαιος
Transliteration: dikaios
Pronunciation: dik'-ah-yos
Definition: From G1349; equitable (in character or actions); by implication— innocent, holy (absolutely or relatively): just, meet, righteous.
KJV Usage: righteous (41x), just (33x), right (5x), meet (2x).
Iniquity is the opposite of righteous; it’s why satan is kicked out and not allowed into where God holy is, and it’s why we are to be robed in his righteousness now.
We must not be walking in iniquity— and claiming Christ; which would be walking according to the flesh still— for we will be in condemnation yet, and not in Christ— but in the flesh, not led of the Spirit: for only those led of the Spirit are the Father’s children.
And the throne of iniquity is erected in those who frames mischief —toils that wear down, worry of mind— grieved, being miserable, troubled or wicked— by a law, which is an enactment— which means to act something out (that’s our actions and doings)— laboring, decreeing— and making authoritative orders— those are what we say we will do, and we do them.
We must be ordered and led of God— not ourselves any longer, so we will walk not in condemnation of iniquity— but in the Spirit, obediently, heeding and honoring our God: in righteousness, his.
Hebrews 11:3
“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word (words) of God— so that the things which are seen (material constructs), were not made from the things which do appear (material things that show forth).”
Isaiah 29:10-16 & 24
“For the Lord has poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and has closed your eyes (spiritual eyes): the prophets and your rulers, the seers has he covered. (blinded)
And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying— Read this, I pray you: and he says— I cannot; for it is sealed: And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying— Read this, I pray you: and he says— I am not learned.
Wherefore the Lord said— Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips they do honor me— but they have removed their heart far from me— and their fear (honor) toward me is taught by the precepts of men:”
{Men, teaching men how to honor God, not God teaching men how to honor God: man is yet worshiped, as God is denied.}
“Therefore, behold— I will proceed to do a marvelous work among these people, even a marvelous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish— and the understanding of their prudent men —shall be hidden.”
{These are the religious— they worship the book of the bible, but deny the person of the Word himself: Jesus the Christ, and his holy Spirit they deny in his power; they say— “He doesn’t do that anymore, he doesn't actually speak to us, he doesn’t do miracles any longer.”
And yet they worship the book— but believe it not; they worship the works of their own hands and minds— the precepts of men, and doctrinal learning taught of devils.
To these— the book, and its understanding is SEALED; this is why they will say— “Lord, Lord,” in that day— and will be cast out into outer darkness, with gnashing of teeth.
For they will have persecuted the true bride, and will have denied the Lord in his power and PERSON— whilst they worshiped devil doctrine, learned of the precepts of men (their take on everything, by their wicked and devilish wisdom— the doctors of the law, in our own generation: PHD’s.)
To these— he knows them not, for they loved the book, but not the God of the book; and yet, even though they claimed to love the book, even so— they misquoted it, took it out of context, twisted it entirely, or OUTRIGHT DENIED WHAT WAS SAID IN IT.
To these… The book is SEALED, and they understand not— and the spirit of SLUMBER— over takes them: these are they of the religious spirits.}
“Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord, and their works are in the dark, and they say— Who sees us, and who knows us?
Surely your turning of things upside down (doing things all backward, and not straight before the Lord) shall be as esteemed as the potter's clay: for shall the work (vessels, people) say of him that made it (them) —He made me not?
Or shall the thing framed [formed, conceived, and purposed, imagined and worked] say of him that framed it —He had no understanding?
24 They also that erred in spirit —shall come to understanding— and they that murmured— shall learn doctrine.”
If we will be coming home to him, NOW, or later— WE WILL LEARN PROPER DOCTRINE (teaching of the Word, by the Word and truth), and WE WILL COME TO PROPER UNDERSTANDING; and if we do not— we will remain erring in the spirit.
I pray for the blind spiritual eyes to open, so that the Lord can speak to their spiritual ears— and THEY WILL HEAR THE TRUTH, and BE-LIVE IT!
Hosea 5:1 & 4
“Hear this— O priests; and hearken, you house of Israel; give your ear, O house of the king; for judgment is toward you, because….
They will not frame [commit, consider, count, deliver up, direct, fasten, make, put forth, pull forth, render, submit and yield] their doings [endeavors, inventions and work], to turn [turn back to, return again to, come back home] to their God: for the spirit of whoredomes [adultery and idolatry] is in the midst of them— they have not known [seen, sensed, observed, acknowledged, acquainted with, been aware of, comprehended, discerned, been familiar with, come to have knowledge of, learned, perceived, regarded, or understood] the LORD.”
When we as a people will claim to be of God, but will NOT frame our doings— yield, submit, and commit them to the Lord, AS A LORD OVER US, a master…
And TURN BACK TO HIM, returning home to him again, FOR REAL, INSIDE…
The SPIRIT OF WHOREDOMES, being a spirit within us that leads our souls to continue in spiritual adultery and idolatry…will remain with us.
And we will NOT KNOW OUR GOD, which means— we will not have seen, sensed, observed, acknowledged, acquainted ourselves with him, nor been aware of him in his Spirit form— nor comprehended, discerned, been familiar with him— or come to have knowledge of, learned, perceived, regarded, or understood the LORD God.
And for all that— JUDGMENT WILL COME.
Best we heed this understanding NOW.
Ephesians 2:18-22
“For through him (Christ) we both have access by one Spirit— unto the Father.
Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners— but fellow citizens with the saints— and of the household of God; and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone; In whom all the building is fitly framed together, and grows into a holy temple in the Lord:
In whom you also are builded together— for a habitation of God through the Spirit.”
We are to be Living Stones, with Christ at the Corner, holding all together— and of which every member is built upon— until it is erected fully— the holy living Temple of the Lord, where his Spirit presides over all who are the ‘building of the Lord’ —in unity: a person given to LIFE, not death.
What we give ourselves to, matters.
We are either giving ourselves to LIFE, or we are giving ourselves to death; LIFE— lives as God lives, functions as God functions, where his ways are higher and his thoughts are higher: we need to live this, for we are IN GOD NOW.
Death presides in vanity and destruction; death walks in counterintuitive works that go contrary to what God or his children would really want to live in, or bring forth.
What we do must align with what God does— he is the God over us, we are in him, and we are obedient to him— or we are truly in rebellion, and only speak lies; we say things that are contrary to him and his conduct and speech— but tell others we are ‘of him.’
The foundation where Christ is the Cornerstone in a man— is the place where Christ is the place where he has been seated as Most High, and is the STRONGEST ONE who holds all things together, and from whom (as our Head) all our works are stemmed from as he leads us: as all those led of the Spirit, are the children of God.
The foundation of the building of our lives is to be rooted in Christ, the truth, his way of living out the truth, and that leads to LIFE IN CHRIST: for he is the Life, he is the Way, and he is the Truth to be rooted and grounded in— through the Love he shed abroad to all, to be able to live life with, and in him, via his Holy Spirit given to all who will welcome him and obey him— at Calvary.
Acts 5:32
“And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God has given to them that obey him.”
The Holy Spirit of God is in us for a purpose, not just so we are never alone— but because he has a job to do, which is to bring us into all truth; we must welcome him to do this in our lives; but it is also our job to then, walk therein he said.
Deuteronomy 8:6
“Therefore you shall keep the commandments of the Lord your God, to walk in his ways, and to fear him.”
Deuteronomy 23:14
“For the Lord your God walks in the midst of your camp— to deliver you, and to give up your enemies before you; therefore shall your camp be holy: that he see no unclean thing in you— and turn away from you.”
{Your ‘camp’ spiritually/figuratively speaking— is your person and vessel now— the Temple of the Lord, the building NOT OF HANDS, but of the Spirit— and God is to walk all up and down those living stones, in the fire of the altar made for him— that’s inside our hearts, the place he ENCAMPS within man.}
Jeremiah 6:16
“Thus says the Lord— Stand in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths —where is the good way— and walk therein, and you shall find rest for your souls.
But they said— We will not walk therein.”
Best we get on board with God now, and walk his righteous paths, the paths of old— where we walk in his ways, are clean in him, obedient to him, rebel not against him, are holy as he is holy— and where God himself will walk upon those living stones, and in them (us), and the encampment of the Lord will be holy and righteous— and he will not turn away from us: for we took our God, and our LORD— seriously, and returned to him, as spirit beings— from within, as we submit to him, and are led of him, reformed, and REFRAMED by his hands.
Hosea 14:9
“Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? For the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein.”
Romans 6:4
“Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead, by the glory of the Father— even so we also should walk in newness of life.”
Romans 8:1
“There is therefore now no condemnation— to them who are in Christ Jesus— who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”
Ephesians 4:17-18
“This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord— that you henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk —in the vanity of their mind— Having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God— through the ignorance that is in them —because of the blindness of their heart.”
Our hearts must ACTUALLY be-live it— that he is God, faithful, real, inside, unseen— but all powerful, reforming us, speaking to us, leading us, the same yesterday, today and forever— and cannot lie about any of it; or we will remain walking as the unsaved walk, in the emptiness of the carnal mind (not the mind of Christ given us), having our understanding darkened, which in Strong’s means— obscured (clouded) —and thereby will be ALIENATED FROM THE ‘life’ of God.
HE IS LIFE ITSELF, outside him, is death.
And alienation will come because of ignorance in the heart of that man, and SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS in their HEARTS.
We have GOT TO BELIEVE we are SPIRITUAL BEINGS, and just WALK OUT WHAT HAS BEEN GIVEN US— life, and relationship in Christ, from the INSIDE OUT— where the King’s Domain is; for the kingdom— is within!
2 Peter 3:3
“Knowing this first— that there shall come in the last days scoffers— walking after their own lusts…”
Scoffers to spiritual things— carnal men and women.
Colossians 2:6-7
“As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord— SO WALK IN HIM: Rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith— as you have been taught —abounding therein with thanksgiving.”
Proverbs 12:15
“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes— but he that hearkens unto counsel— is wise.”
Proverbs 21:2
“Every way of a man is right in his own eyes— but the Lord ponders the hearts.”
It won’t matter what man’s perspective was— only the truth will stand in the judgment; the Lord ponders the deepest, inner parts of the man— the heart of hearts of his soul: best we do that too, now— and come clean to him, and get real with him.
Proverbs 18:21
“Death and LIFE are in the power of the tongue: and they who love it (love the power in it)— shall eat the fruit thereof.”
Those who speak LIFE, because Christ is in them, and they in Christ— and he only speaks LIFE— will LOVE THE POWER OF SPEAKING LIFE; and they will eat the fruit of speaking life, and all that life brings.
But those who love speaking death— will eat the fruit of speaking death (what you sow, you reap— what you speak, comes to be) —and the power of death will work its work and result in their lives.
I pray we begin to speak LIVING WORDS, with and through Christ Jesus, and his Holy Spirit.
Christ— is LIFE— and in him is no death (darkness or perversion) —only holiness, uprightness, higher ways and thinking, love and power.
Are we aligning with Christ in our thoughts and in our speech?
Are we bringing in LIFE or death— truthfully?
Because in Christ we have all the ability to be the reformed (reframed) man— the New Creation created in Christ, by Christ, and unto Christ and the Father of him; but are we working out our salvation with fear and trembling?
Are we calling forth the things that are true, the words our God is speaking over us from the unseen— calling them into the seen realm??
Romans 4:16-17
“...Abraham— who is the father of us all, (As it is written, I have made you a father of many nations) {walks} before him whom he believed— God— who quickens the dead, and calls those things which be not— as though they were.”
God himself sees us as his finished work— calling forth in life, those things which he sees afar off— into the now, as if they were here already— and exist right now in this time, already.
These of Abraham— are the children of faith.
Are we calling forth the things we should be— or are we speaking idle, vain words and declarations?
Have our thoughts risen above this carnal nature, realm and plane— and begun to LIVE, WALK, and BREATHE in Christ?
Has Christ, through his Holy Spirit, been able to reform your inner man’s thoughts, perceptions, ways and conduct— based upon his own mind— and of which you are FORMING, as created beings…
and successfully bring you into his vision, his perceptions, his perspectives, his workings and by his leading? (For we perish for a lack of vision) —Taking the former away, and depositing and resurrecting the newness of LIFE within you?
Because in Christ— is LIFE; for there is no life outside of Christ, but to every one of us— if we walk not according to the flesh any longer (Romans 8:1) —then are we led of the Spirit; and those led of the Spirit, are the children of God.
We must allow Christ and his Holy Spirit to reform us from the old manner, paths and ways (think pathways in your brains, connections, patterns of thought and synapses, reasoning and principles) —and step into Christ, using his mind (putting on the mind of Christ) —and walk away from lower realm living (earthly minded); for to do so, is to walk in the Spirit with our Lord, for he is Spirit.
We must become spiritual beings again who are ALIVE IN CHRIST, and not of dead workings— not carnal; we must begin to truly believe all things, and walk in them— calling forth the things we see not yet, as if they are— and walking in the hope of the Lord in all things: for what is hope if it is seen?
Faith is risking, believing and living in the truth— that what God said, who he is, and what he does— is faithful; we can rely upon him, for he is holy and righteous.
He said to me that his holiness is WHO HE IS, and it is righteousness walked out; we have been robed by him, and so if we were robed with his mantle— OUGHT WE NOT USE IT??
Ought we not use all that has been given us of Christ— righteousness in thoughts, creativity, understanding, counsels, actions/deeds/works, and LIFE itself?
To walk in LIFE— is to walk as/like Christ; and Christ spoke life, and power, and faith, and uprightness— as like the Father, doing what he SAW the Father DO.
The Father does life bringing actions— he spoke, and worlds were formed; when satan spoke— death came.
The Father is a bringer of life, and when he— moves, thinks, dreams, works and walks— he brings life to all he does— and so the Son (son) does as well.
Satan is a bringer of death, and when he— moves, thinks, dreams, works and walks— he brings death to all he does (vanity, emptiness, defeatism, negativity, cursing, speaking down/against, in hindrance of all things that bring life— for he is the opponent of life) —and so do his sons, as well.
We need to come out of following satan, come out of carnality, come out of broken— for we are in Christ now— where all things are saved; and saved in Strong’s means— mended and stitched back together, rescuing, and in health.
What are we really thinking and speaking to ourselves, and others, all day long?
Is it bringing life to us, and to our circumstances— or is it hindering, defeating our hopes and dreams, bringing negativity, emptiness, vanity, curses upon ourselves (things we don’t want, things we are not in our true identity of how he made us originally), speaking down upon and against ourselves —and the destiny God has written for us, that we desire to live out— becoming our own worst opponent, and God’s too?
We must become one with our God; we must CHANGE— for that is the definition of RECONCILED in Strong’s, and it is what is supposed to take place at Calvary, the Cross, and Salvation— when we accept Christ as our God, Savior, and Lord.
G2644 – Reconciled
Greek: καταλλάσσω
Transliteration: katallassō
Pronunciation: kat-al-las'-so
Definition: From G2596 and G236; to change— mutually— that is (figuratively) to compound a difference: reconcile.
Reconcile— cause to exist in harmony, friendly relations restored, make one consistent with another; root definition— late Middle English: from Old French reconcilier or Latin reconciliare, from Latin re- ‘back’ (also expressing intensive force) + conciliare ‘bring together’.
Are we mutually agreeing to be changed, both God pointing out we need to return to his image, and us agreeing to be reformed, REFRAMED into his image again— and then changing, being different, turning from the former ways, the old manners, and walking in the newness of life that was given us, when we received a new spirit within us; when we were born anew from dead workings and ways, into LIFE himself, and his image?
Are we being brought back together, consistent— one with the other— and existing in harmony with relations restored within us (definition reconciled)?
The worlds were framed— THE WORLDS, not world; we are the workmanship of God, by the Potter’s hand, the Refiners fires and the Husbandman who prunes and purges his garden.
YOU— are a world unto yourself; your God and his entire kingdom is found WITHIN YOU, as you are the temple of the Lord God, the house in which he dwells.
How is your temple being run?
Is it by you and the old man nature still— for that is still the realm, kingdom or world of darkness.
Come into the LIGHT— the kingdom of God, who is ABOVE all other things, not below; step into life, and life more abundant. Walk with your God as he walks— we are to be following him, and he walks one way, no other.
And in him is all the power of the Godhead,
and he is IN YOU!
LIFE should be spewing from within you, poured out into this dark and void, shapeless realm/world— and we be the bringers of resurrection to the world— with, through, and as— becoming one with the plans, intentions, and workings of the LIVING GOD.
We need to COME INTO the identity and inheritance found in Christ, and given to all the children of God; remove the mask of false identity, the empty or destructive works of darkness, and come into life more abundant— that brings restoration through reconciliations, oneness with our God.
1 Corinthians 6:17
“But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.”
Be ONE (which means in harmony, working together, as/like same) with your God— join him in his ways; and then— we can all come together, working the workings of God individually, as/like how God functions, and by his lead, counsels, understanding and works: coming to the unity of the faith.
John 17:11
“And now I am no more in the world— but these are in the world, and I come to you. Holy Father— keep through your own name— those whom you have given me— that they may be one, as we are.”
For in that— mountains are moved in this realm; and mountains be the things which need to be tamed, removed, overcome and TRANSFORMED.
John 14:12
“Verily, verily, I say unto you— He that believes on me— the works that I do, he shall do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”
We have a high priest who intercedes for us, works with us, died for us, gave us himself ENTIRELY (especially his mind and his head over us), and in him— we have all things; we need only to believe this, and then walk it out in this realm.
All things bow the knee to him— if we are, then we will walk in what he walked in (thinking, speaking, actions, obedience to the Father, unity with the brethren, laying his life down, bringing life and restorations, defeating the works of darkness, sanctifying himself, etc) —and we will crush satan (the carnal nature in us, which he gets in through) under our feet; he said so.
Romans 16:20
“And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet —shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.”
His grace is sufficient for us too— as he said to Paul.
We need to do our job, and he will do his (he always tells me); and our job is to exalt him and return to his image through obedience to him, and to walking in the newness of life given us— and BECOMING, and LIVING— the New Creation we ARE— as we are found in Christ Jesus himself now.
walk it out now!!!
We are more than capable, more than conquerors— we are conquerors who conquered and then LIVED THAT VICTORIOUS LIFE HENCEFORTH!
Don’t look back— be as he is; be ye holy —as he is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16 “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation— Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy”), and be ye perfect— as he is perfect (Matthew 5:48 “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” which means WHOLE again).
1 John 3:2
“Beloved, now we are the sons of God— and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear— we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.”
N O W !!!
We can see him as he is, in his inner person, his Holy Spirit— NOW; and we can choose to realign with him, with life— and life abundant.
I pray we all will.
I pray we will see that he is the bringer of life, and his fruitlings— his first fruits, seedlings, plantings of the Lord— will be disciplined ones of his way.
And he framed everything in— with his intentions, thoughts, dreams and words; we too ought to put on the mind of Christ, seek what is his dreams, intentions, thoughts in our lives— as he counsels us— and then SPEAK IN WHAT HE DOES!
For the Son (sons), can do nothing of themselves— but that they with the Spirit— DO what the Father DOES; and are DOERS, not just hearers or readers of what the Father says, or of the words of God— but DOERS OF THE WORD OF GOD!
Our words (which come from our thoughts, which come from the depths of our hearts) —and they need to align with God’s word (spoken and written).
Does it??
Genesis 1:2
“And the earth (land, wilderness— figuratively) was without form [a desolation, lying waste, a desert, a worthless thing— vain: with confusion, empty, wilderness], and void [empty, vacuity— lack of thought or intelligence; empty-headedness, in ruins]; and darkness [wickedness and obscurity— unclear and dark] was upon the face [countenance or person] of the deep. And the Spirit [mind and rational being] of God moved [brooded and relaxed] upon the face of the waters.”
The earth— us, we are made of the earth, and are a vessel unto him— has been without form, before Christ in us— lying waste, vain, confused and like a wilderness— void, in vacuity— lack of thought or intelligence, empty-headed, in ruins; it has been darkened by the fall, and has lain in wicked obscurity— unclear, over our faces— or persons.
But as like God formed and framed the worlds with his words, intentions and actions— God too desires to REFORM US, to REFRAME US in our foundations— into newness of Life in him: the New Creation; as he sets himself to brood over us, and relax upon us, and in us, and with us— over our persons (the face of).
Hebrews 11:3
“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God— so that things which are seen, were not made of things which do appear.”
What we DESIRE to ‘appear,’ is brought to life— by that in which is unseen (the thoughts, dreams, intents, and words we speak); what are we FRAMING in this realm, and in our lives— as we co-create with our God.
Because if we want to bring in less than what he has for us— he will allow it; but if we desire to bring in ALL HE HAS FOR US— we will study him (both written and in Spirit), and we will seek him and his will— with everything we’ve got— and then we will SPEAK IT IN, and LIVE BY IT.
What HE HAS WRITTEN OF US— should be the ONLY THING WE SPEAK IN; and you can find his pattern— in the Word.