Why your Garments of Salvation and the Robe of Righteousness– matter; one is given in full, as the access – as a gift– straight from our Savior, the other– is expected to be ‘worked-out’ (scrubbed) whilst on this earth– and with ‘fear and trembling.’
One is fully given, and given FREELY– the other is given in ‘seed form–’ to be grown into, and to be watered, and to be cultivate with the Lord God himself-- through the work of, and job of, the Holy Spirit of God: in the reformation process.
Philippians 2:12
“Wherefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed– not as in my presence only– but now much more, IN MY ABSENCE (now not bodily here)...
WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION– with fear and trembling.”
It was GIVEN– Salvation– but one must WORK IT OUT, or one does not get CLEANED BY IT, and readied for the Messiah’s coming– to RECEIVE HIS BRIDE.
(And she is described as only one way: Clean, Spotless, Ironed-out, Wrinkle-free in her conduct, becoming of him.)
Many have been taught that the receiving of the gift of Salvation is all one needs to do– but the Lord says otherwise, and many times in scripture; it’s why we have done a terrible job exemplifying ‘the NARROW way of’ the Messiah (that few find) as DISCIPLINED ONES (disciples)– and why we lack in the fruits of the Spirit here in the earth, being demonstrated by Christians.
We are supposed to ‘be about our Father’s business,’ as our Savior Yahshua exemplified for us to follow.
We must get this right– especially if you wish to be One with your God and become reconciled in all areas of your relationship– and enter into the INNERMOST places within God, and his Kingdom– for all of eternity.
He looks upon what we do here, in singleness of heart– or lack thereof– in spiritual adultery, and what we enter into in the future– be it heaven, millennial reign, or the New Earth– is DEPENDENT upon– WHAT WE DO WITH what was ‘gifted’ to us, by our Savior– here in the earth realm: the CHOOSING REALM, set in ‘time.’
Garments of Salvation, and the Robe of Righteousness– The ‘gift– of the Way to follow–’ and the SANCTIFICATION PROCESS– are both a necessity in this realm.
(The cleaning process of the Lord, achieved by submission to the cleansing process of refinement, and reformation, by the Holy Spirit.)
Upon receiving Christ, and his gift of Salvation, we are gifted in ‘seed form,’ a robe of righteousness ‘through’ him– and a garment of salvation; the garment of salvation is your acceptance of him, that you PUT ON, as you PUT ON CHRIST…‘as your messiah/savior, and WAY TO FOLLOW.’
And your robe of righteousness– is the ‘walking out of’ that WAY, and is ‘YOURS–’ to workout with ‘fear and trembling.’ (honor, and effort)
It was given in ‘seed form,’ meaning, it must be ‘worked on,’ exercised, practiced– as one lives their life out– with the Messiah here.
We often hear of the verse that Yahshua speaks of in his gospels, pertaining to ‘the condition of the heart soil,’ which is to say– the TRUE STATE of the spirit and soul within the man– and the purity of the heart and wholeheartedness in it– or the lack thereof.
The sanctification process of the cleansing of the robe– is what this parable is speaking of: the 30, 60, and 100-fold CLEANSING BY ‘The Word–’ which is Yahshua, through his Holy Spirit– and that’s in obedience to the Word of God himself, both scripturally (as the word/truth cleanses the man by the washing of it) and also by a personal relating-ship with the Son of God himself, Yahshua, who reconciles one back the Father, in Spirit and Truth.
In this personal relating and reading, and heeding of the scriptures– one is ‘made ready for’ the return of Bride-Groom– and is cleansed from his unrighteousness in his soul– 30, 60, or 100 fold– dependent upon one’s obedience level unto the Lord, in the sanctification process.
His goal is for us all– to become a 100 fold, or 100% reformed man ‘to his standard of–’ in this earth realm, restored and made WHOLE again, by his Holy Spirit’s work; for then– one is useful in all ways for our Lord, and for the Great Commission– but as well– we will enter into the Holy of Holies, here, and also will have this access LATER ON– when in heaven with the Lord.
Only some will have direct access, ENTRANCE INTO, the ‘innermost’ sanctuaries of God– and his dwelling place in heaven, and in his heart; For THIS– we should all desire to attain to, and it is ALL WITHIN OUR REACH, ‘if–’ we are willing to go through the fires of refinement with him, and WORK OUT OUR SALVATION with ‘fear/honor’ and ‘trembling–’ understanding the seriousness of it.
Mark 4:18-23
“And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word…
19 But the cares of this world (minded upon earthly things), and the deceitfulness of riches (lusts), and the lusts of ‘other things–’ enters in, and chokes THE WORD, and it becomes– UNFRUITFUL.
(This is where we desire to display God’s character, to know his word– but we often fall short, and cannot understand why; but the truth is– we became like the heathen, living worldly, buying into being minded-on world ways and lusts thereof…and WE– estranged OURSELVES from following God holy, through our ‘lifestyle’ choices.
And in doing so– became UNFRUITFUL– that’s utterly non-efficient in the ways of God– Vain.)
20 And these are they which are sown on good ground; (are) such that hear the word, AND RECEIVE IT (into themselves/assimilate it), and BRING FORTH FRUIT (results), some 30-fold, some 60-fold, and some an 100.
22 For there is nothing hidden– which shall not be manifested (shown and revealed); neither is anything ‘kept secret–’ but that it should come abroad.
(Shown for all to see and know, publicly know– the truth in us– that we really live: SPIRITUALLY, as to whether loyal and true– or adulterous in spirit, playing around on God and hooking up with evil spirits in our hearts, and doing their bidding in deeds sown– and not God holy’s deeds sown.)
23 If any man has (the spiritual) ears to hear– let him hear.”
Which means– understand what he’s saying.
Luke 5:36
“And he also spoke a parable to them…
No man puts a piece of a new garment (sanctification) upon an old (old base nature, old man ways– unsanctified)-- otherwise, then both the new (garment/covering) makes a rent (weak tear), and the piece that was taken out of the new– agrees not with the old.”
(Both the new and the old are TORN, and cannot stand together– will not be held together– in ‘mixture;’ for one is strong and new, and the other old, and weak: this makes for a total FAIL of materials.)
Isaiah 61
(those the Lord has anointed, approved, and endowed with his power and authority)
Isaiah 61:10
“I will greatly rejoice in the Lord– my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he has clothed me with ‘the garments of salvation–’ he has covered me with ‘the robe of righteousness–’ as/like a bride’s groom– (he) decks himself (puts on) with ornaments (beatifications), and as/like a bride (who) adorns herself with her jewels.”
Here he is stating ‘the anointing’ is akin to when a groom and a bride ‘ready themselves’ in grand apparel for their holy union; she and he are arrayed, cleaned and spotless, beautified unto ‘that day,’ and like this, we are to be for the coming of the Lord, on his day. (soon)
We are to ‘clean our garments,’ and be ready: sanctified, spotless and wrinkle-free in our souls– unto obedience to the Word, knowing him, obeying him, and cleaning our act (deeds) up.
This is our ‘reasonable service,’ and is required for access to him, in many ways, and unto signs, miracles and wonder– the anointing, which is approval and his presence upon, in and with a person– is evidence of graduation from one lesson and sanctification– to the next: 30-fold progress, 60-fold progress, and up to 100-fold– or ‘whole’ in him.
It is, and always has been– our choice to make, as to whether we obey and honor him, and work-out our salvation like a muscle of faith to be worked; he forces no one, but many will regret their choices later on, when it is too late to do anything more about them.
The choice is to live for him a ‘tiny bit’ now, or live for him WITH EVERYTHING WE’VE GOT, and ‘give back’ to him– honor and praise and obedience: which is all we can give him here, but it is also– ALL HE DESIRES.
For in this obedience– he is able to care for his children, as HIS HEART DESIRES, essentially, ‘his’ DREAMS– COME TRUE, and we reap the benefits of this relating-ship, and we get cleaned up, and we GET THE CLOSEST TO HIM as we can…
And THAT– influences others to do so as well, as we walkout signs, miracles and wonder; because we have truly become ‘ONE WITH’ God holy, and ‘he’ himself– does the workings through his ‘surrendered and consecrated/sanctified, vessels.’
Psalm 104:1-2
“Bless the Lord, Oh my soul. Oh Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed with honor and majesty.
2 Who covers himself with light– as/like with a garment: who stretches out the heavens– like a curtain.”
I like how this draws the picture both of him being a person of ‘light,’ and wearing that light like clothing, but it also gives us the vision of him being SO MAJESTIC and BIG…that his covering, his garment, is like a curtain TO THE HEAVENS THEMSELVES.
Psalm 109:16-18
(speaks of David and the wicked living me, that have vexed his soul– he’s very upset)
“Because that he (this type of person) remembered not to show mercy– but persecuted the poor and needy man, that he might even slay the broken in heart.
17 As he loved cursing (speaking ill of in witchcraft)– so let it come to him (the same): as he delighted not in blessing (people), so let it be far from him. (blessings)
18 As he clothed himself with cursing like with his garment (like clothing oneself with a covering– albeit filthy), so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones.” (cursing of the same)
Here David is drawing the comparison between what we behave like in filthy actions and deeds– as/like a covering of unrighteousness– in and/OF SPIRITUAL WHOREDOM.
Psalm 73:6
“Therefore pride compasses them about– as A CHAIN (bondage)-- and violence covers them– as a garment.”
Here he states that PRIDE is what one has on, and when doing so– it’s a GARMENT OF SHAME, vile, wicked and full of sinful deeds…and one is in BONDAGE OF CHAINS STILL– when living in ‘Pride.’
And pride is self-centeredness– all things pertain to what one wants, desires, dreams of, must have, likes, loves, is drawn to, must pursue– all the while, and at the same time– IS NOT GOD HOLY, HIS WAY TO LIVE ‘scripturally,’ and is FILTHY IN THEIR HEARTS– living unto self fulfillment and achievements in this world that lead down the BROAD PATH to destruction and estrangement from God.
Ezra 9
“Now when these things were done, the princes came to me, saying…
The people of Israel, and the priests, and the Levites, have not separated themselves from ‘the people of the lands’ (heathen living), and are doing according to their abominations– even of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites.
(Exactly the same today– Christ professing people who have assimilated to the way the world lives– and NOT according to scriptural living– and in whom pride has blinded.
They are arrogant even today in defending the way they live, even as far as to ‘shun away’ what the bible says in truth to do, and be like– and defend their evil lustful living ways.
Because it ‘pleases the flesh nature’ in them to do so– and they live by it. )
[which is demonically influenced, as it’s the demons playground, especially when not taming/disciplining one’s soul, and SUBDUING the desires of the flesh.]
2 For they have taken of their daughters for themselves, and for their sons (unequally yoked to heathen): so that the HOLY SEED has MINGLED themselves with ‘the people of those lands:’ yes– the hand of the princes and rulers has been chief in this trespass.
(THE LEADERS are DEFILED– in the House of God holy; it is THE SAME TODAY in Great Babylon, and because of the blindness of pride– MANY– have been led astray, for the false doctrine and words they give are of devils, who do one thing well: FEED INTO THE DESIRES OF THE LUSTS OF– ‘the flesh.’)
3 And when I heard this thing– I rent (tore) my garment and my mantle, and plucked off the hair of my head, and of my beard– and sat down astonished.
(This ‘poor in spirit’ servant of the Lord– watching the defilement and the dishonor unto his God, of the people that are supposed to be espoused to ONE GOD HOLY– but have gone the way of adultery, spiritually, and in the flesh, and have LEFT THE WAY OF HOLINESS, and MINGLED and MIXED with ‘the way of devils.’)
4 Then (there) were (those) assembled with me, everyone that TREMBLED AT (honored) ‘the words of the God of Israel–’ because of the transgression of those that had been carried away (captive and captivated by evil and joining to it)-- and I sat astonished– until the evening sacrifice.
(The holy living folks are HEARTBROKEN and AWESTRUCK in DUMBFOUNDED belief, at the level of flippant dishonor– and they TREMBLE at the disrespect to God, as they know what this will bring upon the House of the Lord. This is intercessive tears and groanings.)
5 And at the evening sacrifice, I arose up from my heaviness– having rent my garment and my mantle– and I fell upon my knees and spread out my hands to the Lord my God,
6 And said…
Oh my God– I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to you, my God: for our iniquities have increased over our head– and our trespass (against God holy) has grown up to the heavens.
7 Since the days of our fathers we have been in a great trespass (to you, even) unto this day; and for our iniquities have we– our kings, and our priests– delivered into the hand of the kings of the lands (heathen have taken away the holy priests, THE LEADERS of HOLINESS– the servants of the Lord God)-- to the sword, to captivity, and to a spoil, and to confusion of face, as it is this day.
8 And now for a little space grace has been shown from the Lord our God– to leave us a remnant to escape– and to give us a nail in his holy place– that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage.
9 For we were bondmen; yet our God has not forsaken us in our bondage, but has extended mercy to us in the sight of the kings of Persia– to give us a reviving– to set up the house of our God– and to repair the desolations thereof, and to give us a wall in Judah and in Jerusalem.
(He’s crying out for mercy in this regard, and in doing mercy– take the remnant and leave them, wall them up and protect ‘SOME–’ so we can have a revived covering, and survive– in REFORMATION and REBUILDING; it is the same today, and the same agenda of our Lord, today.)
10 And now, Oh our God… What shall we say after (about) this? For we have forsaken your commandments,
11 Which you have commanded (us to follow) by your servants the prophets, saying…
The land to which you go to possess it– is an unclean land with the filthiness of the people of the lands– with their abominations, which have filled it from one end to another with their uncleanness.
12 Now therefore give not your daughters– to their sons, neither take their daughters– to your sons, nor seek their peace, or their wealth forever: that you may be strong (prosperous) and eat the good of the land, and leave it for an inheritance to your children forever.
(Note– this is the same with his TRUE prophets today, they will be returning focus to the Word of God, what he says to do and be like, and to honoring him, and to being ‘clean’ in soul and spirit conduct; they will return the people to their God– not just give tickling words that entertain the flesh, in predictions and soothings.
They have a purpose, and it is ALWAYS to hear and see what the Lord is doing and saying– and be an oracle, a mouthpiece unto the people– in informing them of it; and in doing that– they give the people the understanding and instruction of what to do, and what is coming.
But as always– it’s a choice the people, the individuals must make– to return to the holy God and his holy ways, or to perish in their own way.)
13 And after all that is come upon us for our evil deeds, and for our great trespass– seeing that you, our God, has punished us less than our iniquities deserve (mercy extended), and has given us such (much) deliverance– as this;
14 Should we again break your commandments– and join in affinity with ‘the people of these abominations–’ would you NOT be angry with us– till you had consumed us– so that there should be no remnant nor escaping?
(He is making note, that it would be the justice of God to destroy such a people, if they continue in iniquity– AFTER– the holy God exercised such mercy and leniency with them; because they ought to be learning their lessons, and NOT repeating them, and remaining reprobate.)
15 Oh Lord God of Israel– you are RIGHTEOUS: for we remain yet escaped, as it is this day (mercy): behold– we are before you in our trespasses– and we cannot stand before you because of them.”
Such heartbreaking words of this humble and contrite in spirit and heart– servant of the Lord; he notes that they are SO FILTHY in their whoredoms and lack of CONSECRATION through SANCTIFICATION in the soul unto God– that it would be JUST of God to destroy them.
But he prays God’s mercy, notes God’s mercy– and begs for God to keep a ‘remnant’ that truly serves him, ALIVE; this we pray and wait upon ourselves, today.
Matthew 14:36
“And (they) besought him that they might ONLY TOUCH THE HEM OF HIS *GARMENT (because he’s holy and is anointed with power); and as many as touched (the garment)-- were made perfectly whole.”
Mark 6:56
“And wherever he entered– into villages, or cities, or country– they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might TOUCH…
(because it’s anointed with power to heal– through his being SANCTIFIED and consecrated unto Father God and in his way)
if it were but (just) the border OF HIS GARMENT– and as many as touched him– were made whole.”
Mark 10:49-52
“And Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying to him–
Be of good comfort– rise; he calls you.
50 And he cast away his garment, rose, and came to Jesus.
51 And Jesus answered and said to him–
What will you– that I should do to you?
(What do you want me to do for you?)
The blind man said to him…
Lord– that I might receive my sight.
52 And Jesus said to him–
Go your way– for your faith has made you whole.
And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus– IN THE *WAY.”
Without Christ’s ‘garment of righteousness,’ when he SANCTIFIED HIMSELF TO THE FATHER (John 17), he wouldn’t have been anointed with Father’s power through the Holy Spirit to accomplish these things.
He did all he did to be ‘the example of the way,’ for us, NOW, to ‘follow’ in with his Holy Spirit.
Mark 16:5-6
(Mary, Mary and Salome– coming to Christ’s tomb)
“And entering into the sepulcher, they saw a young man sitting on the right side– clothed in a long WHITE GARMENT (clean); and they were frightened.
6 And he said to them–
Be not frightened: You seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen– he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.”
Angels often are interpreted/seen as what we think of as ‘a man,’ but often have striking attributes; here, we see this young man as having on a WHITE GARMENT (signifying holiness/cleanness), and he speaks with authority and knowledge of the Son of man– God himself– as well aware of his risen status, and true location.
Again– holiness is expressed through ‘a clean’ covering/garment.
Jude 23
“And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment– spotted by the flesh.”
These are the servants of the Lord, working righteousness– unto the salvation of the ‘lost,’ pulling their brethren from the fires of perdition– because of their lack of pure and clean spiritual covering.
The deeds of their brethren were found wanton and filthy– unreconciled, unreformed– by the holiness of God.
And these, their fellow brethren who have gone through the sanctification process with their holy God– teach and admonish them, for they wish for none to perish– but that all, would REPENT and CAST OFF their ‘garments’ of filth and sin– and would receive the cleansing of the Lamb of God– through his holy Spirit’s sanctification process: SO THEY CAN– come home to him with us– in the end.
James 5:1-2
“Go now you rich men– weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you.
2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth eaten.”
Without SANCTIFICATION– there is no hope of prosperity, blessing, or reconciliation to the Holy God; this is a warning that one needs to REPENT of their ‘ways,’ and be ye sanctified– as your example in Yahshua sanctified himself– unto the Father– God holy.
Revelation 3:4
“You have ‘a few names–’ even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; THEY SHALL WALK WITH ME– IN WHITE– for they are worthy (to do so).”
They were found qualified by the Savior, and Father found them ‘worthy as’ the Lamb, and with the Lamb and He– as One in Spirit– CLEAN and SANCTIFIED in their souls: which is obedience in the Mind, Emotions and Will.
Revelation 7:9
“After this I beheld– and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number– of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues– stood before the throne, and before the Lamb– CLOTHED WITH WHITE ROBES, and palms in their hands.”
We can ONLY RECEIVE ‘white robes’ by ONE PERSON– the holy Godhead: Father, Son and their Holy Spirit.
No other one or way, will clean you up, and make you presentable; but you must CHOOSE TO DO SO of your ‘own accord and efforts,’ WORKING TOGETHER as One with your God– but he is FAITHFUL TO FINISH THE GOOD WORK HE HAS STARTED IN YOU.
–Participation in the clean-up process, though, IS REQUIRED; he expects us to ‘work-out’ our OWN SALVATION.
He paved the way, and the way is HIMSELF and obedience to him– The Word of God, the Son, the LAMB OF RIGHTEOUSNESS; and ‘in him,’ we must find ourselves.
And he has only but one way: HOLINESS.
White garments are required– HOW CLEAN YOU GET– is dependent upon you: 30-fold, 60-fold, or reaching 100-FOLD heart soil and sanctification.
He desires 100-fold– because in 100%, HE HIMSELF, can ‘live right with you, and right OUT OF YOU,’ and perform his own signs, miracles– and make folks WONDER.
And even in THAT– it is with GOOD REASON…
He needs his other wayward-lost sheep, to RETURN TO HIM in the Great Harvest of Souls; and they need to *SEE a ‘sign,’ and WONDER about it– for they are *unbelievers right now– hence– they need to SEE TO BELIEVE.
So God holy has planned this out to take place, by glorifying his obedient children, those of Romans 8– they are and will be– the MANIFESTING children of his…
Manifesting HIM ‘in them,’ unto the wonderment of the Lost sheep of Israel, calling them unto himself to reconcile them to himself once again– through –his obedient and cleaned-up children of his: the Manifested Sons and Daughters of the Most High God.
There is always a purpose to all God does as he orders our steps, and he always comes with his reward– to the obedient children of his.
Revelation 7:13-14
“And one of the elders answered, saying to me…
What (who) are these which (who) are ARRAYED IN WHITE ROBES?? And where have they come from??
14 And I said to him…
Sir– you know.
And he said to me…
These are they which came out of great tribulation (much struggling and toiling and woe)– and have WASHED THEIR ROBES– and have made them WHITE– in the BLOOD OF THE LAMB.”
They used what Messiah gave– his WAY, through his blood sacrifice by living HOLY and WHOLLY SANCTIFIED and CONSECRATED UNTO FATHER GOD…
And in doing so, in FOLLOWING ‘the way’ as well– they SANCTIFIED THEMSELVES, as Yahshua did with Father God whilst he was here on earth…
And he made the way, and showed them who to follow– for HE IS– the way, and the truth, and in him HE IS THE LIFE to live and to come home to, AS WELL…
And in washing their robes clean in their obedience and submission to him and his way– THEY SANCTIFIED THEIR SOULS and RECEIVED GARMENTS OF CLEANLINESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS– from the Lamb himself.
Revelation 16:15
“Behold– I come as/like a thief.
Blessed is he that watches, and KEEPS HIS GARMENTS (clean, spotless and ironed out, wrinkle-free)-- lest he WALK NAKED (not properly prepared) and they see his shame.”
Sanctification of the soul, in obedience to the Word of God, Yahshua himself– is required; he will refine us one-way-or-another.
Better that you find yourself CLEAN and READY when he comes, as the wise virgins do– so you do not ‘miss out’ when the Lamb comes back– to receive his Bride.
For he only comes for one BRIDE– and he himself is to READY HER; one must submit to his READYING WORK– and that is only accomplished in surrendering of one’s selfish ways and desires, and submitting ALL RULE and LEADING under HIS AUTHORITY to him, to do so.
He knows how to clean up his children, and his Bride for the coming wedding; we must be ‘willing’ Brides…he comes not for the rebellious to receive them.
He comes to HUMBLE and ABASE THE PROUD in judgment; BUT– should she ‘choose’ to humble herself, she WILL BE SAVED– albeit, by Fire.
And his servants and watchmen warn them, as they see the filthy garments, and hate them; and for one reason they hate this kind of selfish living– because they will be separated from our Father and his Son and the Holy Spirit of God– if they do not repent, and change.
They will not come home to us; and THAT– grieves our hearts for ‘those–’ as well we FEEL, SEE and KNOW– how it grieves our Father’s heart.
Please RECEIVE YAHSHUA, the Lamb of God, and his FREE GIFT OF SALVATION; then, receive his garments of salvation, and his ROBE OF RIGHTEOUS LIVING– through the sanctification process of a ‘refined soul.’
Because, it REALLY DOES– matter, in the end.