“The Soul, the Spirit, the Body
Of Christ Jesus, of God,
And of all those in him”

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Everything that comes to me in this life, was designed for me to take note of— it is the sovereignty of God. It is the way he teaches in every aspect of life that touches us in this realm, and in fact— in all realms, the heavens, the earth, and every created and uncreated space. So— as my life has progressed on with God, I have come to understand that all I encounter was meant to be encountered by me; and it’s my duty to bring it all to God for him to sort out to me: and it’s my duty to listen, heed, and come into alignment with what he is showing me.
So, many times, things people do, or say, type, or carry out— become those lessons to me, and in this— I came face to face with something on social media last night that was troubling to my soul (awares of my heart, the innermost of me).
I read something last night that vexed my soul; and it was this:
“We're not souls like Adam, we're spirits.
God is a spirit, the Father of spirits.
In fact, we are life-giving spirits like Jesus.”
Let’s pull up this verse, and thoroughly break it down with the original language, and thus— the original spiritual intentions and understanding.
1 Corinthians 15:42-49
“So also is the resurrection [G386: The resurrection, or the standing up again from death, by its author, a moral recovery of spiritual truth— raised to life again from death] of the dead.
It is sown [G4687: seeded] in corruption [G5356: decay, ruin, perishing]; it is raised [G1453: it is collected in its faculties, awakened, roused from death or disease] in incorruption [G861: incorruptible, unending existence, genuineness, immortality, sincerity]:
It is sown [G4687: seeded] in dishonour [G819: indignity, disgrace, shame, vile]; it is raised in glory [dignity, and honor]: it is sown in weakness [G769: feebleness of mind or body, malady, frailty, disease, infirmity, sickness]; it is raised [G1453: it is collected in its faculties, awakened, roused from death or disease] in power [G1411: miraculous power, miracle itself, ability, abundance, might, strength, and wonderful work]:
It is sown [G4687: seeded] a natural [G5591: sensitive, animate, beastly nature, lower, sensual] body [G4983: sound whole]; it is raised [G1453: it is collected in its faculties, awakened, roused from death or disease] a spiritual [G4152: non-carnal, ethereal, spirit regeneration] body [G4983: sound whole].
There is a natural body [G5591: a sensitive, animate, beastly nature, lower, sensual… body, or [G4983: sound whole of a person], and there is a spiritual body [G4152: a non-carnal, ethereal, spirit regeneration… body [G4983: sound whole of a man].
And so it is written— The first man Adam was made a living [G2198: quickened] soul [G5590: breath— spirit, heart, life, mind: these terms thus exactly correspond respectively to the Hebrew H5315, and H7307, and H2416: heart(ily), life, mind, soul + us + you.].
The last Adam was made a quickening [G2227: vitalized, made alive again] spirit [G4151: current, breath, breeze, spirit, rational soul, vital principle mental disposition of the divine God, Christ’s spirit the Holy Spirit, and his mind].
Howbeit that was not first— which is spiritual [G4152: non-carnal, ethereal, spirit regenerate], but that which is natural [G5591: a sensitive, animate, beastly nature, lower, sensual]; and afterward— that which is spiritual [G4152: non-carnal, ethereal, spirit regenerate].
The first man— is of the earth, earthy [G5517: dirty, soiled]; the second man— is the Lord— from heaven [G3772: elevation].
As is the earthy [G5517: dirty, soiled], such are they also that are earthy [G5517: dirty, soiled]: and as is the heavenly [G3772: elevation] —such are they also that are heavenly [G3772: elevated].
And as we have borne the image of the earthy [G5517: dirty, soiled], we shall also bear the image of the heavenly [G3772: elevation, elevated].”
Isaiah 55:8-9
“For my thoughts— are not your thoughts, neither are your ways— my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways— and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
So, let’s recap this with the definitions included— what is God saying to us? Are we going to be devoid of a soul now, and are only spirit? Or is there more to this, in layers and facets of spiritual understanding that we need to come into, that cannot be discerned by the carnal mind?
The resurrection, or the standing up again from death— by its author, culminating a moral recovery of spiritual truth (by its author, God holy) —raising us to life again from death, in Christ Jesus, who arose from death to life (not just literal, from dead soul state or nature offered, unto living life in purity, perfectly, unto God holy, condemning sin in the flesh; meaning— he did not sin, and the flesh nature was condemned in the life of Christ, slayed, dealt with, overcome, gaining victory over).
We— who are in Christ now, have this very victory, in Christ, too! We are raised out of the carnal nature, by the Spirit of the living God, into the glorious liberty of Christ Jesus and his blood; and in this— we too are resurrected from death— to life.
How does this happen?
Man was sown in fall with a carnal or rebellious nature that is in contrast and opposition to the nature of God; it was seeded/sown in corruption, or decay, ruin, and perishing because of the seed we took in of satan, when we ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil: we became compromised by that seed, and we need to eradicate it now— and Christ made that possible, by doing life in him.
Through the resurrection in Christ, we are raised or— collected in our faculties, awakened, aroused from death and disease (within), out of corruption or ruin, decay, and perishing— into incorruption, or incorruptible, unending, faculties of God within us now in operation— in genuine, sincere, immortality of life.
We were seeded by satan in dishonor, or indignity, disgrace, shame, and as vile; but in Christ Jesus— we are raised in glory (which means dignity and honor). We were seeded by satan in weakness of our faculties, in malady and sickness of our faculties; but in Christ Jesus we are collected in our faculties, awakened, aroused from death to life, and by power in him: by miracle itself, by abundant ability, might, strength, and wonderful work in Jesus Christ.
[These are just the definitions reiterated once again, and reread.]
We were once seeded with a natural, sensitive, animated, beastly, lower, sensual nature body— or sound whole of us; but in Christ Jesus we are raised in our faculties, awakened, roused from death to life in a spiritual or non-carnal, ethereal, spirit regenerated, sound whole of us.
There is a sensual, animate, beastly, lower nature body, sound whole of man, or a person; and there is a non-carnal (not flesh natured), ethereal, spirit regenerate sound whole of us (body): one of satan, one of God; one must be slain to erect the other: but we are talking about natures here: one earthy, and one heavenly (but both taking place inside of man).
So it is written— the first man, or first adam was made a quickened, alive, soul— or a quickened, alive, breath, spirit, heart, life, and mind of the first nature; and the second adam, or man— was made a vitalized, made alive again (because the first was dead), current, breath, breeze, spirit, rational soul, vital principle mental disposition of the divine God, Christ Jesus and his Holy Spirit, and mind of— once again.
We can see here, in these root definitions— that we have not lost a soul entirely— nay; but we have instead become an ALIVE soul once again, in Christ Jesus, and by the work of his Holy Spirit— to make alive again that which died: to resurrect the human soul into life, and that resurrection into the life of Christ, and out of the life of the first adam, which was the first nature.
And in this we gained again, we had raised in us a collection of our faculties once again; we had the disposition of God holy: resurrected in us once again, revitalized, made alive again— in a rational soul, principle disposition of the divine God, within us, once again: put into us— was the mind of God again.
Put in you— this mind which was in Christ Jesus; and he had that mind— in the earth, in his soul, and in alignment with the Holy Spirit of God: both the spirit of God, and the soul of God— incarnate: as we are too.
The first was not non-carnal, ethereal, and spirit regenerate— but it was sensitive and animated by the lower, beastly nature; but afterwards (after Christ, the second, and final adam/man, and type of: the first and the last, the Alpha and the Omega) —that which is non-carnal, ethereal, and spirit regenerate came forth in man (Christ Jesus— the first man of the new nature, in his soul, in the earth body, in unison with the Spirit of God, led of the Spirit of God: the first of man, and the brethren to born into this, in him, and unto perfect union with the Almighty, most High God, once again).
The first man, type and nature— was dirty, soiled; but the second man, and nature— was elevated, and from heaven: we are to go from death to life— in and unto our souls, in the earth: choosing for eternity where we will be, and whom we will be with, as we decide this day whom we will serve (honor): self, or God, within our souls, in time and space.
The heavenly, second nature, and man (found in Christ Jesus), is heavenly, elevated, where God’s ways are higher, and his thinking is higher (resurrected in righteousness) within the souls of men, born of the Spirit of God.
We once bore the image of the dirty and soiled— and we are called to reconcile with God through Christ Jesus and the cross, and thus— go from death (separation, being different, and far apart, in opposition one toward the other— as the carnal nature, the flesh is at enmity toward God, and does not obey the law of the Spirit, nor indeed can it— for they are opposites) —into life, and life— is in Christ Jesus, the second and final man (adam) type.
Once we bore the image of God’s opposite, and we were seeded and soiled in it; but now— we regain our proper image and identity, position and place in Christ, reverent once again to the Spirit of God inside of us— and are brought through the re-collection of our faculties in us, as God gathers us back into our right mind (the mind of Christ Jesus in us) —we are brought from death to life— in our souls, in earthen suits, in time and space: and for eternity— we will be found in him, and with him, and among him— and the rest of all those in him, and with him, and among him, once again.
We will forever bear the image of the elevation, of God, of the higher ways and thinking; and it begins in the souls and lives of men and women in the earth.
It is not the soul life that goes away— but the nature of the origin of the satanic seeded soul, the first adam nature that goes away: and it is regenerated by the spirit, becoming a quickened, or made alive again spirit: which means— a current, breath, breeze, spirit, rational soul, vital principle mental disposition of the divine God, Christ’s spirit the Holy Spirit, and his mind, in and of man once again.
Simply— from the death nature erect in man, to the life nature erect inside of man once again— in his heart, soul, and being of life: the sound whole of a man in all his realms, parts, or facets; who is made in the image of God— in all his realms, parts, or facets of him.
His thoughts and ways are not our thoughts and ways, for one reason, and one reason only— death, separation, rebellion, estrangement, and lack of reconciliation: but with, and in Christ Jesus— we are brought back into reconciled relationship with God Holy, and reverent to him, under him, yoked to him once again, upholding a covenant with him, and thus— are made a living being once again, in him, as well: life— in Christ Jesus, and the life of Christ Jesus— in us.
We must ascend upon the Son of man (Jesus, Jacob’s ladder to life with God); and when we do— we are elevated, raised, collected in our faculties and our union with God once again, within: and now— as the new creation, the new man, the new creature in Christ Jesus— our ways and thoughts have elevated, and we no longer slum it in the lower, sensual, base, animalistic, devilish, self serving, rebellious nature we were once seeded with; but instead— are raised from that death through the carrying of our cross, and the following of Jesus Christ in our inner man, souls, and hearts: the innermost of our persons, the sound whole of us— body, soul, and spirit: as one, and as one with God and brethren in him.
So, coming back to this quote:
“We're not souls like Adam, we're spirits.
God is a spirit, the Father of spirits.
In fact, we are life-giving spirits like Jesus.”
I do not disagree that we are life-giving spirit, as like Jesus, and our Father is Spirit; but I am grieved deeply if we believe we are not souls like Adam (for there is the former Adam of whom we are dead to, and the latter Adam— in whom we are alive to, and in).
I am grieved of two things in the above statement:
That it is presuming, and portrayed, that all God is— is spirit.
And that we are not souls— like Adam; but we are (which one remains to be determined by each man, and his God/god).
Here’s why it vexes my soul:
God is soul just as much as spirit— he himself speaks of his soul. In addition, he is body as well. He never describes himself, or details himself to be JUST spirit, and we must take God in his entirety, or wholeness, all of him— and not just part of him. And we must also, thoroughly understand what spirit is, as well as understand what soul is; and understand that God is the one who knows the intricacy of differentiation between the two— for they are so tightly alike (but do have slight differentiations).
And if God is not just as much a soul, like Adam (man), then he couldn’t bring us salvation as the second Adam— or type of man, and life of man— lived by a perfect soul unto God; and that is VITALLY important.
God is not just the father of spirits— but of souls, and of bodies, and so much more (all types of creation): Father— is creator, and author of life.
God is body, spirit, AND soul: and so are we.
To teach anything less, to imply that we are not all that God is; and we are called to know all that God is. To teach in part, or partiality, of God— is to thereby not witness the truth of God (the wholeness of God) properly to the world: and the world, and people of, are in need of the Savior— who is the bodily incarnation, of the perfection of the soul of God, toward God, in union with God, and in service to God and man at the same time: the ultimate servant of God, and reconciler of men.
God is not just Spirit —but he is also soul and body: and so are we.
We ought not diminish God in his wholeness; for in doing so— we diminish, or miss who we are in our wholeness too.
Let us look at some more scripture, and the breakdown of, in the Strong’s of the Hebrew and Greek root words, for understanding.
Genesis 2:7
“And the Lord God formed [H3335: squeezed him into shape, moulded into a form— as a potter, determined a form, resolution, fashioned, framed] man [H120: adam— human being, person] of the dust of the ground, and breathed [H5301: puff, blow, expire, give up, breathe] into his nostrils the breath of [H5397: wind, puff, vital divine inspiration (God exhaled– released of himself, and man was inspired– given God’s breath), intellect, soul, spirit) life [H2416: living thing in flesh (material), creature, thing]; and man became a living soul [H5315: breathing creature, vitality— in body or mental capacity, creature, breath, desire, appetite, heart, mind, pleasure, self, will].”
The Lord God squeezed man, adam, person, into shape; he moulded him into a form— like a potter determining something’s form, by resolution— the conversion of something abstract into another form: root definition— late Middle English: from Latin resolutio(n- ), from resolvere ‘loosen, release’. The Lord God fashioned and framed man into his material form, from the soil— the dust of the earth/ground.
He breathed, which means— God let out of himself via blowing, puffing, expiring, giving up breath— that man should take that breath into his form that was made manifest in material substance (formerly not of material substance, hence, resolution of an abstract into another form) —and man was inspired, he was given the breath of God; which also includes God’s intellect, soul, and spirit (by definition of breath, biblically).
God released from himself— which denoted he could release breath from himself, which denoted (as all things with breath), that he had a substance that could exhale— he had a body that could exhale breath into another body which would receive his breath. And when God released his breath— that breath contained his intellect of his soul and spirit (by definition of what biblically is called the breath of God).
When God did this, he released his soul and spirit into man, bringing his intellect (which means— the faculty of reasoning and understanding objectively, especially with regard to abstract or academic matters. the understanding or mental powers of a particular person, intelligence; root definition meaning— late Middle English: from Latin intellectus ‘understanding’, from intellegere ‘understand’) into man: man was made alive in the material form.
This— all being prior to the fall; this was the material form of man, being made alive in a formed body (which once before was abstract, or in thought, but now became flesh in the physical), and thus was now, in the physical, a living soul: and alive in the flesh, life form, formed by the intellect (mind, understanding) of God himself, and of God’s soul and spirit.
Man became a breathing creature, in the physical, of vitality— of bodily vitality or of mental vitality, as a creature with breath— himself, of desire— himself, of appetite— himself, of heart— himself, of mind— himself, of pleasure— himself, of being a stand-alone entity— himself, and of his own will— himself.
Which denotes that God— himself, was an independent entity who had vitality of body, or of mentality, as a living thing, with breath (intellect, soul, spirit), desires, appetites, heart, mind, pleasure, and will: hence, why we are all these things as well.
What I find interesting is that man usually, in the church, believes he is only spirit first and foremost— yet God clearly shows us he, himself, is soul and spirit (and shows us so in Leviticus 26:12), and intelligence; and he breathed ‘out of’ himself— which indicates there is a substance God is that can release from himself, breath— or intelligent soul and spirit— into something else (man).
Leviticus 26:11-13
“And I set my tabernacle among you: and my SOUL shall not abhor you. And I will walk [go with] among you [the center of you], and will be your God, and you shall be my people. I am the Lord your God [supreme God magistrate], which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, that you should not be their bondmen [servant]; and I have broken the bands [staves] of your yoke, and made you go [led you] upright [erected upright].”
When God said this— he was speaking from the abstract in this world; he was speaking from the spirit, straight to man in the physical (or that which is concrete in this realm, the material): he said— ‘I set my tabernacle among you;’ and in the Strong’s among you is described as— ‘the center’ of you. And tabernacle is defined as— residence, temple, dwelling, habitation.
God’s temple— is man; and he dwells there inside of man (and established it to be so), in the center of him (heart is defined as center most of man), and God’s soul, which is defined (in Strong’s H5315) as his life, person, mind, heart, being, body, self, will, desire, and appetite —will not abhor [detest, reject, or cast away] us.
God’s life, his person (which includes his mind, heart, body, self, will, desires and appetites) will not reject, detest, or cast us away: best we understand this great love he has for us— and stop trying to earn it in actions, and just begin to walk in his love and desire to be with us, in whatever state we are found in; because if we will— proximity to him again, reverence to him again, yoking to him again— will reform us back into our proper shape, and we will find ourselves ‘being’ as we should be; because our God is erected inside of us again, and we are not self regulating any longer— but instead, collaboration, co-regulating the material form, material tabernacle, material soul— with and by God once again; and thereby being led by the abstract (or spirit) once again, for it is abstract to the material.
Abstract— existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.
Our God took us from the abstract of himself, the essence of himself— and he made us into a concrete material form: but we had the essence form (the abstract form) all along: for we are made in his image, likeness, blueprint; we are made from the abstract of God, and formed into the material realm in a concrete vessel.
God had hands— to form us in the dust— hence, he always had a body.
God had thought to conceive us in his womb of imagination— and he breathed us ‘out’ of himself, so we were inside of him, a body of him, to begin with— hence, breathed out, as we took him into a body form in the material.
God has always had thought, reason, understanding— intelligence; and he placed (breathed) that intelligence of his soul (person, being, life, mind, heart, body, self, will, desire, and appetite) into a lifeless form, formed of the dirt. When he did— he released from the abstract (the spirit, abstract to the physical) and placed the abstract, or the not tangible in the physical— into man, of his intellect and soul (that which came from his power, essence, form of him— his Spirit).
God has always been spirit, soul, and body: we were formed with his hands (his body), given the power of the breath of life from his spirit (abstract, essence, thought, mind, energy form), and were blueprinted by his soul— his life (the totality of him— his person), his mind, heart (center of him), self (eternal self-existent one), will, desire, and appetite.
We have always been as he is— he has always been a person of spirit (essence, power, abstract to the physical, intellect), and of soul (of life itself— mind/thinking, heart— substance of him combined in attributes/fruit expression— held together by his personal integrity of character, having desires and an appetite (literal and figurative), and a will (decision making factors, into actions); and he definitely has a body— for he used it to form us by his hands, as well as his heart, mind, emotion, love— his entire soul (person expressed, from the abstract realm, or the spiritual and figurative realm).
Both realms are real: the spiritual and the physical. And both realms of existence have been touched by the fall. But one place— has not been touched by the fall, and that is GOD HIMSELF: the kingdom of GOD HIMSELF— where God rules and reigns his vessel (person) even still, and no evil exists there.
It’s why we can play in the spirit realm— and encounter fallen entities. It’s why we can play in the physical realm and encounter fallen entities.
But when we play inside of God’s person once again (the realm where God rules and reigns entirely, where there is no darkness at all, no evil at all— by the integrity of his character of who he is) —we enter back into perfection himself. We enter back into completion in Christ Jesus. We enter back into safety, security, light, love, truth, and all that is the perfection of Life: we enter back into his body (the body of Christ Jesus, of God himself, in the Son, the Lamb, the Blood, the Life); and we enter back into the soul of God— the mind, heart, will, intellect, desires— center of God himself; and we enter back into the Spirit of God— his power essence, which incorporates all that he is in his abstract to this material realm self, the force of all life.
When we come home again, and home comes to us again (in Christ in us, and we in Christ Jesus) —we enter back into his body, heart, mind, center of him, intellect, will, desires, and powerful force of energy and essence that he is: and in this— we come full circle back to unified life in Christ Jesus, unto unified life with the Father of us once again; and we lose the self life— trading it back out for the unified life, where we all were one inside of God: inside his body, soul, and spirit.
We are so much more than only one of those realms of God, we are as he is, and he is all of those realms or realities: body, soul, and spirit: we have always been what we are; we were never less than all that we are— for we are as he is, and always have been.
We just broke— that’s all. And God is aiming, and laboring, to resurrect us to life once again, out of death. He is laboring to reform us (potter unto the clay once again), and in that he is seeking to save us (bring us back into him, and him into us, and unified at that with him and all others in him), and bring us back whole— in body, soul, and spirit.
John 3:3-6
“Jesus answered and said unto him— Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Nicodemus saith unto him— How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
Jesus answered— Verily, verily, I say unto you— Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh— is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.”
We must be reborn, yes?
Was that of spirit only— or was that to the saving of the soul, as well?
Spirit salvation is the abstract (thought intellect, and energy power of God) our essence made alive again, the abstract made alive again, the powerful energy force that is spirit— made the righteousness of Christ Jesus once again, to be set apart unto God once again (which means to lose our independence and become dependants once again: children) which means to be holy once again.
But as well— not just our inner essence of God being restored to us, giving, and making us a reborn spirit— but also unto the salvation of our souls (the mind, heart of us, desires, appetites, wills, the life of us being made new again— coming out of death or separation away from God, transgressing him in the earth realm, being his opposition— and coming into unity with him in spirit and soul/life once again).
We must have saved souls, according to scripture, yes?
James 1:21
"Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word— which is able to save your souls.”
“So get rid of all uncleanness and all that remains of wickedness, and with a humble spirit— receive the word of God (he’s a person) which is implanted (actually rooted in your heart), which is able to save your souls.“
That is another version of the same verse, in bible translations.
Unto the salvation of our souls— the heart of us, the mind of us, the will, desires, and appetites of us, the center of our inner man (which is where God said he will dwell and tabernacle with men) —we are to reconnect with the person of God there (the word of God), his essence, his abstract self to this physical world, his hidden self— giving over our souls (life, and person of in the physical realm) unto unity with him again; so that the soul, the center of God’s person, being, mind, heart, will and desires— we will become one with once again, and not separated from as our own little gods (beings leading self, in the abstract or spirit, as well as the physical, the body, and all its faculties).
John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Only one Son, and all sons are found alive in him: we were given bodies, souls, and spirit, when God created Adam; and we then fell, or broke away from God, and were introduced to all that is his opposite, or evil.
In one, and the last Adam (or as Strong’s states, man) —we find life once again, which is opposite of death; and so we are born again into life, and that life has always been in the Word of God (who came in flesh, known as the person of Jesus).
John 1:1-4
“In the beginning [G746: in the commencement, beginning corner, magistrate power, principality, principle, rule] was the Word [G3056: thought, topic, utterances, reasoning– mental faculties, motives, computations, of the Divine expression— that is Christ, and his account]; and the Word was with [G4314: pertaining to, in destination] God, and the Word was [G2258: I, thou] God.
The same was in the beginning [G746: in the commencement, beginning corner, magistrate power, principality, principle, rule] with [G4314: pertaining to, in destination] God.
All things were made by him; and without (outside of) him— not any thing (nothing) was made [G1096: caused to be generated, or became] —that was made.
In him —was [G2258: I, thou] life; and the life— was the light [the manifestation of luminous rays— abstract or concrete, firelight] of men [adams].”
This is why I continue to say we are all an expression of God, for in him was life— or, in him, the ‘I, thou,’ is life: and there is only one Son begotten of God, and in him— is all of us, and in him is the only life that is: we are all expressions of the Divine God, but honored to become one with him, and walk with, live life in him, and he in us (in heaven, seated, and he in our earth vessel, seated in all authority as a father and God supreme of us, as his child, or offspring).
Or— we are given the opportunity to reject being one with him— in spirit, soul, and body; and instead choose to be our own god, or self regulating, dying spirit, soul, and body: and an eternal one, at that.
Adams, here, as he led me to type— for the root word in Hebrew for man is adam— reminds me of the atoms that make us up to be what we are in the material (dirt) realm, born of the abstract realm of the spirit (in comparison to that which is tangible in the physical, spiritual things are hidden, and like the wind, can be known, but unseen).
In the beginning, or in the commencement of the corner— the magistrate power, principality, principle, ruling one— was God, or is God: he’s in a continual state of being. And we are eternal beings, or outside of space and time, as well as inside of space and time— beings: as is God, both in time and space, and outside of time and space, in the eternal.
Hence— when we exit this plane of existence— our souls, inner man, will be still existing elsewhere, forever: hence the importance of eternal salvation; which differs from time and space salvation— which is limited, and will be done away with as the end comes to time and space; and why dealing in the temporal realm, about our eternal souls, is vitally important: for we will exist in a perpetual state forever.
My prayer is that we will come to desire to reunite with our Creator, through Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh— and thereby LIVE forever; instead of being in a perpetual state of death, which is estrangement from God— because it is what the soul of each man chose whilst in the realm of choice.
The realm of choice is to decide whether you will serve God (partner with, and reverence a spiritual partner and Creator who loves us implicitly for all of eternity)... or whether we will serve self (independence from unity with God) in this temporal (temporary time and space, material realm) and consequently for all of eternity: essentially— choosing our own fate of life in Christ Jesus for all of eternity, or death away from Christ Jesus (God, the Word, made manifest in a dirt suit with us), in torment and suffering for all of eternity.
A soul— as we can see— is a VERY powerful thing, and is highly tied to the spirit breath of mental, powerful, abstract essence that God breathed into us. And that eternal soul— will decide in this lifetime, here in this realm— as to whether it will exalt itself the entire time here, and for eternity, apart from God, in estrangement, in a state of death, removed from God and in torment of for all of the perpetual existence beyond this realm.
Or— if it will come home to unity with Christ Jesus, the Word of God, the person of God, the Creator and father of us once again, and live in LIFE, in Christ Jesus, forever more, perpetually in bliss and love for all of eternity.
We are— either way— going to exist in one state or the other: collective— with God once again, in Christ Jesus; or separate from one another and Christ Jesus, alone, serving self, for all of eternity— because we never chose to come back home again (into him), and he was never able to make his abode inside of man, in his heart, in his innermost being, whilst in the physical realm.
Luke 15:7
“I say unto you, that likewise— joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repents— more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.”
Why do we think it is that one SOUL that comes home, or is saved through repentance (or turning back to God in his faculties and essence), causes all of heaven to rejoice?
It is because a soul has been given: a heart, a mind— with reasonings and computations, wills, and desires— to each man, to be his own god (we chose this with the tree of knowledge fall), and reason for self, have self intelligence and computations or judgments of, with our own desires and appetites we go after, apart from God, estranged from God— in this realm; and consequently, if not changed, repented, turned back around to unifying with God once again inside— we will spend the perpetual, the eternal, away, separate, as self— because we chose this in the time and space realm (for each soul to decide) and we did not repent from this independence from God; but chose to continue it until the end came to our lives in a dirt suit, which brings us to the eternal realm once again, out of the temporal: hence, estrangement forever, apart, or away from God— because it’s what we lived, as we decided to do this every day of our lives; or every moment we were given to choose this day whom we will serve, now and forever.
Or— a soul has been given, who desired to come back home again. A soul, a heart of man, an intellect to decide, born from the breath of God himself (the essence of the abstract of God, the powerful force of the hidden God and all his heart and mind), decided to unite with God once again, in the tabernacle given (where God made his abode, or dwelling, indwelling with man in the physical), so that he could be united with God in the hidden, in the abstract, in the Spirit once again— inside of God’s essence and person of once again, so that God can be this inside of man in the physical once again; and in doing all of this— man chose to become ‘one’ again, with God and all others, and not self regulation, self standing, alone existing, alone deciding and ruling, independent from God and brethren— but instead, together, as ‘one’ once again, coming full circle back to what and who we all were— before we came into this realm: we were all inside of God, together, with one another, and with God himself.
We will either choose to be self expressing, or we will choose to be ‘one’ expressive: people who will be independent of God, estranged, working our own works and judgments of actions in this realm (and consequently lead to the same in the next realm, the eternal we will all enter back into after this realm); or we will meld back into ‘one,’ inside of God, with God, and with one another— of the same mind, heart, will, desires, expression of God that we are, cohesively, as ‘one’ in Christ Jesus: all sons alive in the Son of God.
Our spirit— is Christ Jesus, especially when we are born again into him. Our spirit is our energy force, source, mind and intelligence of God, and we have come back into him in the abstract, here, inside the concrete (the physical) when we have been born again of the Spirit.
And our souls— are the hearts, minds— intellectual faculties and prowess we were given— born of God’s intellect, himself, as he breathed it into us… that has been given to us to decide if would like to come back into unity in the hidden places of us, where the Spirit in the abstract of thought, emotion, and the powerful forces of the unseen exists— and with that, become a living soul again: for once, Adam was, before he fell, and when he did, he fell into death, not life any longer; and with him, all of us who came after him.
But with Christ Jesus, and Calvary’s accomplishment, and all he has brought forth to us once again, as the second Adam— the perfected Adam, the man made whole in the earth, or an earthen vessel, whose blood (life force) is pure… we find LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS: the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus. And in him— we live, and breathe again, and find our being; and his life, breath, heart, vital principle disposition of himself, his character (and integrity of), his desires, his will, and his appetites— are found in us once again: having returned us to wholeness in him, to life once again, and out of death— in body, soul, and spirit, being blameless before God.
1 Thessalonians 5:23
“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God— your whole spirit, soul, and body —be preserved blameless, unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Soul— is very important, and God is just as much heart, mind, intellect— reasoning, and with computations of; as he is powerful energy force and source, light, and all other unseen, abstract faculties of God— like his fruit of his Spirit.
The soul— is the part of each being (God included), that expresses the heart (the centermost of that being). The spirit— is the unseen behind each heart that is made in the image of God; it has force, power, energy, thoughts, desires, and is alive in an abstract way in the physical realm. Soul— will express the spirit that is behind it; the heart (soul, innermost) of a person (God included) will be expressed by the unseen spirit behind that soul or heart, that life, that being.
God’s soul is expressed in the life of Jesus Christ, and in the life of every person incarnate who will allow him to indwell them, who will reverence his spirit— the deepest of his heart and life; and we are all souls inside of Christ Jesus: we are all his body, and in him.
We come back home— when we enter back into God’s heart and person: we enter back into Life, and Life in Christ Jesus.
Our souls are saved, our lives are saved— when we repent and come back to him: and we do this— by gaining a new spirit, a live spirit, the Spirit of God himself within each soul (heart, mind, intellect, emotions, will, and desires), we become one soul with God once again— one lifeform with God once again.
We become one soul together, expressing itself in a material body in the earth. And that material body was born of a spiritual body, the abstract, that took form in dirt in this realm— and became a living, breathing, dirt-suit soul— born of the soul of God (heart and expression of God in his abstract form to the physical world); and the soul of God brought forth, born of the Spirit of God in his most powerful, energy force and source of who and what he is (light and power, and all attributes of his person), carried out in a vessel within the earth (a body, individual to each of us, and corporate together).
1 Peter 1:6-9
“Wherein you greatly rejoice… though, now, for a season, if need be… you are in heaviness through manifold temptations:
That the trial of your faith— being much more precious than of gold that perishes— though it be tried with fire, (so that it) might be found unto praise and honor and glory— at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
Whom (you) having not seen (in the physical, but in the abstract, or the spirit we know him, in the physical we have not seen him: hence we live by faith, or the substance of the unseen— or the substance of the spirit, and not earthly eyes or sight we know him, and) — you love (him); in whom… though now, you see him not— yet believing… you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:
Receiving the end of your faith (substance and reliance upon Christ Jesus and the truth, known in the unseen realm, of real substance) —the salvation of your souls [G5590: breath— spirit, heart, life, mind].”
God is desiring to save ALL of us, every part of us: body, soul, and spirit. And present ALL of us, body, soul, and spirit— blameless before him, in and through Christ Jesus: and we begin by receiving his spirit into us once again, into the soul/heart/mind/will/desires/computations of us again whilst we are in this body: and in this— we invite him fully into all realms of us, as he is in full dominion of all realms of himself— we now come back to full ‘oneness’ with God once again in his heart, mind, person, being, will, desires, spiritual essence of him in his power, authority, invisible attributes, disposition, demeanor of him; and all inside a vessel or body.
He wants ALL of us back in union with him, under him, he in the father role, we in the child role, willingly, desirously, submissively, and thus become ‘one’ with God once again.
We did not usurp him when we were all in and of him before this realm: and when we will come back to that, individually inside of us each of us, and corporately inside of each of us— we will begin to understand what it is to be saved in full, to be united in full, to be ‘one’ with God and brethren once again: and what it is to go beyond the return to the garden, but the return to God and brethren in oneness within God again, and this oneness within us again— in heaven and earth.
To save us as a spirit only— is not to see the full picture or goal of God: which is to give us life on earth forever, in a new earth, and of a new Jerusalem, or city and dwelling of peace.
We WILL be souls forever, and we WILL have bodies forever, and we are as well— spirits— forever, in and of God: but we are all, and we have never been less than all of these; and to describe us as one, more important than the other— is to diminish the entirety of what God is, and who God is— of the which we were patterned after.
Body, spirit, and soul— are all important: as much as power, energy, force and source, heart, mind, will, emotions, actions, words, attributes of character, light (firelight), and the essential being of God in his entirety is. We are, after all, image bearers of him, are we not?
To diminish God out of one part of him— is to not understand, or see the value of ALL of God: and all of God consists of all his parts, all his person, all his ways, and all his form: body, soul, and spirit— describes God. And body, soul, and spirit, describes us— those made in his form, likeness, and image.
I see that we often diminish God, retaining him in our awares as only one or the other (spirit, or body in the flesh as Jesus Christ) —whilst forgetting the soul of God; and often times we do not regard God in his perfection or wholeness.
Jesus— formed us with his hands (body), and he conceived us in his heart (soul), and he brought us forth of his Spirit (energy source, power, and force that he is— in the realm of abstract reality).
We cannot deny the importance of all that God is, and has: for we are, and have the same: and he’s seeking to save souls, by his Spirit, and bring forth his body.
He said— I set my tabernacle among you, and my SOUL shall not abhor you. He said— I will walk or go with, among you— in the center of you; and will be your God, and you shall be my people.
He said— I am the Lord your God, the supreme God magistrate, ruler, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt (estranged imprisonment), that you should not be their bondmen or servants (to darkness); and I have broken the bands or the staves (root definition being— staff) of your yoke (to satan, self, independence, self regulation), and made you go… I led you upright… I erected you upright.
There is a goal to all that God is doing with us: he’s giving us opportunity to reunite with him, totally change around from becoming estranged from him, and opposite of him, and in opposition to him; and give us the opportunity to change around, of our own choice, and over our own desire to be ‘with’ him again: or among him again; and he among, or ‘with’ us once again (inside). Inside of him— and he inside of us— in spirit, soul, and body: becoming blameless before God, at Christ’s coming.
What does that mean— Christ is blameless before God, wholly, or in body, soul, and spirit: and we, when we submit, surrender, and couple with God once again inside— placing him in the father role of authority in us once again… we become unified with Christ, and come before the Father blameless once again.
So— when Christ comes to each of us— we have the opportunity, now, right here, right now— to become blameless— body, soul, and spirit… by entering into Christ Jesus, through repentant turning toward God again, and his righteousness being exalted within us again— in heart, mind, intellect, desire, will, essence, power, being, light, and love.
All our realms were paid for by the blood of Christ (body, soul, and spirit): because God desires to save us in every realm, and bring us into him in every realm, and bring him into us in every realm (body, soul, and spirit); because God is body, soul, and spirit— and through his spirit, and the life and body of Christ Jesus— he will save our souls.
He will give us opportunity to reunite with him in the soul, to see the salvation of the soul— to see the saving of the life, hearts, and minds of men and women in the earth realm; so that we will be saved in the eternal realm as well: for God has spirit, soul, and body in both realms— and so do we.
Spirit is not the only place of intelligence, essence, or mind— soul also is of mind, essence (breath origination), and intelligence; and that intelligence is of God— the way he understands, reasons, and computes.
We lost that when we fell, and we are on mission (as much as he is) to regain his mind into us once again: his intelligence, of his person, his soul and spirit erect in us: one spirit, one soul, one heart in unison with God once again, by choice to reunite, and thereby choosing in our ‘self’ life that’s been given to us— to come back to unity (inclusion, melded in mind, intellect, soul, and spirit) back with God again.
Now no longer independent, but dependant, or unified, collaborating, coexisting, tabernacling again, together, in the material form— not just the essence/spirit/abstract form (opposite of this realm) —but now with God in both spirit/essence/abstract force and form, into the physical, material form now too: living in both realms of life (both in heaven— spirit/abstract from the physical realm, or material; and in the material, physical, concrete in substance, realm).
Man taking form in the physical— does not mean man had no form before the dirt physical form: for he did, as God designed him after himself; but he took material form, based upon God’s concept of him in the abstract (thought), spirit, essence form in heaven— or inside of God himself: man has always had form, and life— for inside of God was life, and that life was the light of men.
If we do not diminish God in all his person— we will not fall into diminishing man inside all of his person, and dimensions of.
We have need to value the soul, as much as the spirit; for the spirit will bring new life, renewed life, back to the current, present, ongoing living life form in dirt, earthen vessels of men and women— the souls of men.
And those souls of men— are eternal.
Each soul will go with the spirit that fathered it, after this realm: in truth— God originally made us; but in essence— satan, REMADE us: and thus— we have need to be reformed once again, and reunited once again with our original Father: God holy, himself.
Eternal souls, are eternal beings— and God has come, with his Spirit (internal, invisible, powerful, energy source and force that brings forth all he is in the unseen, abstract of life), to bring life to the souls of men once again: for once— those souls had life, but then, the fall— they broke, and death entered into the souls, the lives of men, born into the physical, in the earth realm.
Our earth realm (dirt-suits individual, as well as corporately altogether, as creation itself) is desired, and planned, and being carried out unto full restoration; as the end comes— so does the eternal new beginning.
Our soul realm, our individual internal hearts, minds, person, being, desires, appetites, and unseen dimensions of the living, breathing being— that was originally designed to be collaborating with God… has been set out to be saved by Jesus Christ himself, the Word, God himself, incarnate— given in perfection at Calvary (the cross), to reunite the souls of men unto God once again: and to become one with the soul of God once again: the heart, mind, desires, will, person, and being of God once again; born of his unseen self (the abstract of God, to this physical realm), in power, essence, light, source and force.
And all this— taking place in the tabernacle of God; in the bodies, the sound whole of a man, the tent, the full soul, body, and spirit combined— of a man: God’s full dream.
And God aims to get his full inheritance; and we should rejoice in that: for he does not desire that your soul should perish, or that your body not be redeemed— as we become one with him in spirit once again.
He wants you ALL back, every part of you— for every part of you was born of him; and reborn of him once again, in every part of you— is his dream, goal, and workmanship.
If every part of you is important to God: then every part of God should be important to us, as well: God, in body, soul, and spirit.
He told me…
Word from the Lord
“It would behoove you to read the word soul, from henceforth, as LIFE— because it is the life of God that was breathed into you, of his heart, his mind, his desire, computations, composition, abilities, and faculties; and I did this— by my spirit, my essence of power, light, source and force of all that I am. This life was hijacked by satan and his seeding of the carnal flesh nature— but is overcome, slayed, done away with by the cross, and the carrying of the cross— being brought into resurrection in Christ Jesus.
I am just as much soul within God, as I am force, source, light, and essence of spirit. I am the ultimate, or the most high of essence, source, force, energy, light, power, and unseen attributes: I am God Almighty, the Most High God, or most high Elohim/spirit.
And I have a soul, a heart, a center most of me— expressed— as well, in a vessel; the very vessel I used to form you from the dust of the earth— my body.
To deny any part of me is to receive me only in portion. To place one part of me, over another part of me, is to judge that in which you do not understand.
I am a spirit— God is spirit, but God also consists of soul, or heart, and life itself. And when man comes back into union with my heart, mind, being, person, innermost of me— found in spiritual terms, abstract constructs within the earthen realm… his soul is quickened, and made alive again, through the life of the Spirit: and then— a body, in the end, at the culmination of all things— shall be redeemed, restored, and resurrected, as well.
Soul— is important, for it represents life itself: I am life itself; I not only hold all life in me, but I am the source of life itself.
So do you understand— to negate, or diminish the soul— is to negate or diminish life; and you are born of me and my Spirit in the abstract, in the unseen, conceived there in the womb of my heart; and life— that you are— was brought forth of my soul, breathed by my force of person, essence and power— and you became a living heart, mind, and person, in a body— just as I am.
I desire that all would come back home to me, and I would bring home back to them, once again, inside, in the innermost of them— in their hearts, in their souls: and in this— bring all things back to life, back to restoration, in the end— restoring all.
Mankind has long since exalted the body— it has fed it its desires and lusts.
Mankind has long since exalted life lived for self, within the heart of man, or the soul of man where he reasons and computes, judges and decides, and carries out his desires.
Mankind has long since exalted spirit— as it aligns with unclean spirits to carry out the desires of the flesh, and the desires of the self led soul.
But I seek to search the hearts of men (souls of men) to determine who seeks to reunite with the Spirit of God, with the Soul of God, and with the Body of God.
Who, of men, is desirous of my heart’s desires, my soul's desires, the reasoning of my soul, computations, judgements, appetites, of my person and life?
Who of men will become a saved, redeemed, restored soul— because he came to couple with my Spirit once again, my force, my energy, the source of all of creation, and the light of righteousness once again, desiring to become holy (set apart in this world) as I am, in their souls?
Who of men will become alive again, in Christ Jesus, and unify with the soul of God, the heart of God, the person of God, and become one with his body (him personally, and all those within him)?
You begin this process by receiving my Spirit through repentance. You continue this process by sanctification or cleansing of your souls (hearts/minds/center conduct of you, with its desires and actions carried out in body). And ultimately— we see the culmination of the unification of spirit and soul— in the actions, the works, the deeds, what you all do— in what your body does.
This is why it is said— each will give account for what he has done in body, upon the earth.
Because what is done in body, is a result of what the soul was in alignment with, and which spirit was behind that: me— or satan.
So— souls, are very important: souls— align with my force, source, light, mind, intellect, and unseen attributes… or, it aligns with satan’s force, as one’s fatherly source, his dark light, evil mind, intellect, and unseen attributes— all carried out bodily, in each person in the earthly realm.
Are you aligning to my will/desire/heart/soul in your vessels? Or are you aligning with satan’s will/desire/heart/soul —which, ultimately, since he seeded your souls with his nature— is the carnal nature at the helm, or in charge: it is wayward, estranged, endarkened man— as a god.
The originator of estrangement, darkness, and evil— serving as his own god— will suffer for eternity by his own choices: hell and the lake of fire, or the place to be without me, was made for him— for this is, and has been, his choice. He desires not for me, nor to be one with me, in one accord with me.
All other beings who attach to his way of this nature— will find themselves there too, because in truth, they are attaching themselves to him; and where he goes— they will go, because he has been able to successfully father them, and will lead them there with him.
That is his highest calling that he gave himself, as a leader of self— to lead others into the same way, and place he finds himself in: darkness— as a father of; and he is— to many souls.
He has done this with countless created beings, and he seeks to continue to do this with God’s image bearers even now (men); because he desires to hurt me, and in doing this— he stalks the souls of men, and leads them astray through his nature seeded in them.
I desire to save men from this ambush, like prey. I desire to recover souls by their free will choice to yoke up with me again. I desire to save their hearts, minds, will, desires, actions, person’s in dirt-suit bodies— who will use this realm and time here, to decide if they would like to be with me forever (beginning now, and necessary to choose, wholly-heartedly in the life given in this realm), and resume oneness with me.
Souls of men are very important— and their souls (life of them in the heart, centermost of them) are born of mine; but have been hijacked by satan— and have need to reconcile to me once again.
Why do you think I tell you, love (which means serve, genuinely, within your members— mind, heart, emotions, will, desires, actions), love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength? [Mark 12]
Because I am asking you to obey me, serve me, in your souls/lives, in all forms of the seen and unseen— of the spiritual and of the physical.
I am asking you to give me your lives, entirely, in every realm, facet, and paradigm or model. I am desiring that you will labor in the physical and give me all your effort (strength) to unite with me once again, inside the heart of you, inside your very life, your souls: and this comes to be in serving my Spirit— the source, force, energy, person of me in the invisible, abstract realm of my person; erecting that part of me, and serving my heart (soul) inside your own.
I am desiring that men would desire me to be the father inside of them once again, and to lead them in all their ways, inside their souls— hearts, minds, desires, actions, and person; and in this— give them life once again, real life restored and resurrected unto their souls; and their souls (hearts, innermost of them) resurrected into life again: life— in Christ Jesus, and by his holy Spirit.
Do not diminish me— in all my essence, heart, mind, soul, person, or life; because I do not desire to diminish you from all that you are either: but instead— to resurrect all that you are to life again, in me.
I am Spirit….
John 4:23-24
But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Worship me, attend to me— in the hidden place, the place of the unseen, the place of the abstract in this realm, the place of the innermost: worship me in the spirit.
And worship me in the truth: attend to me, serve me, in the truth of all that I am, all that you are; know me in the truth, know yourselves in the truth, know the substance of the abstract, or unseen, but spiritually tangible workings of God: and do this in your souls.
Know the truth inside your souls in earthen vessels.
Know the truth that God, the Word, became flesh, and dwelt amongst men, and his soul was found blameless before God: in that God needed a soul, a life, a man, an adam to become the perfect atonement sacrifice, life (blood) for the souls of men— in order to reconcile men, by a man (Christ Jesus), who walked out a perfect soul (heart) unto God the Father, and thus all are saved through his soul, his life, his heart, his perfect union with the Most High God.
Know me in the truth that I am spirit, soul, and body, and in that— you have perfect (whole) salvation: as living inside the second Adam, the perfect Adam, the only Son begotten that there is, who is life itself; and all those in him— come into eternal life.
I am Spirit, but that is not all that I am: nor is it all that you are.”
—Your Father, Creator, Savior,
and Companion, in Christ Jesus

The soul— the Heart and Life of God,
In Jesus Christ