[link to song and decree: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CY6aNUWg5sY ]
“Where, Oh where is salvation of God?
Where, Oh where in the land of sod?
Hiding in the places Oh so dark and cold,
Where, Oh where is salvation of the Lord?
Finding deep inside she travels far and wide,
In depths of ignorance and fearful pride,
Clutching heart destruction— afraid to be alive—
But inside of Father, she must learn to abide.
Some are found in depths— dragged down by and by,
Some cannot engage, like a disconnected hide.
Can we truly breathe if we hold our breath inside,
Loss of hope for change, and tired of the cry?
Where, Oh where is salvation of God?
Where, Oh where in the land of the sod?
Hiding in the places so dark and cold,
Where, Oh where is salvation in the Lord?
Can we find the way to let the light into the soul?
Can we find it feasible to let go of control?
Can we see he beckons to our broken hearts within,
Welcome him inside the places few have ever been?
He is not afraid, but in the depths of the despair,
He wishes to engage a fragile heart full of tears.
He will speak and beckon us to come out and commune,
Open up the door, trust him to enter the room.
Can we see hope in Christ, can we trust today,
To take away a troubled soul, and bring us home again?
Are we so familiar— the death and decay,
That the hope in our hearts, seems so far and away?
Where, Oh where the salvation of God?
Where, Oh where in the land of sod?
Hiding in the places so dark and cold,
Where, Oh where is salvation in the Lord?
I reckon I will see his face, and we will unfold,
All troubles in the soul of one he longs to hold,
In desperation pleading for her soul to be whole,
As she bravely seeks his face— he she beholds.
Time will prove all things he tells her, wait and you’ll see,
That the truth of my love will prevail surely.
Trust in my word from my heart, throne decree,
For my promise dear, in your land— be free.
Just believe in my love, and believe in me,
For long before you saw this place, you lived in me.
I will rescue you, just you wait and see;
For no one can stop the God almighty.
So, there, Oh there, is salvation in God.
And there, Oh there in the land of the sod,
In places once dark and cold– rivers of my love unfold,
And there, Oh there in salvation of the Lord.”
In the darkest, coldest rooms of the soul— he will wait tenderly;
Pursuing the darkest night, in the coldest depths— never leaving, never balking, never even given to rest.
He won’t sleep, he will not slumber— until all the souls he loves remember, that long before this world had its way… he held us, loved us, and treasured us he’d say; so if you can, if you dare— let him inside my dear.
It may be hard, it may feel unclear— but I promise you, he will not stop till you hear; again, and again, and again my dear— let go, come to me, embrace me— not fear.
I have always loved you, my heart’s treasure you are; and I seek to undo all the world’s destruction, deep and far. Will you walk with me, sit with me, and peer deep and far— into places that hurt, and have left you a scar?
I promise I’ll be gentle, and my love will never fail, so come out of the lie that my power will not prevail. I told you, I love you with a depth I can hardly contain— and soon, my child, soon— you will feel the same.
I came not into this world for the whole— but for the broken, for the ones in need of a physician; let me work, and give me time— I promise I have all the provision.
Don’t give up, don’t give in— sing if you must, and sing from within. I hold the world in my hand— I am your Father— and I always win.”