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The REAL test--- there's really only one

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

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In these very dark trials, and trying reconciliations within my soul with God— and the truth of his person— and unhealed areas of my soul— he has illuminated some things to me.

One is— no matter what, he’s not going anywhere.  Two— nothing will separate his love for me, from confronting me.  Three— he will work every angle until he recovers me;  and it’s the same for you.

He will turn over every rock to find where we are hiding, and he will continue steadfastly to coax us out to trust him and take his hand in life.

What I have found is that the test is always the same:  it’s never the situations or the issues— it’s how we handle people.

What I mean is— there will always be a situation, issue, problem, trial and temptation— but the test is none of those ‘things;’ the test is— how will you respond to God, and how will you respond to the people around you— in the ‘trying’ circumstances?

Will you respond with ‘Love that covers,’ or will we respond carnally, pridefully, self-focused— and not only fail the test, but fail to even have understood the curriculum material topic:  people, and how we handle them from our souls, or our spirit.


Job 35:9

“By reason of the multitude of oppressions— they make the oppressed— to cry:”

Psalm 5:7

“But as for me, I will come into your house— in the multitude of your mercy.”

1 Peter 4:8

“And above all things —have fervent charity [love] among yourselves: for charity [love] shall cover —the multitude of sins.”


By reason of their oppressions— they make us cry;  there are people who cause pain, and they are oppressed of devils to begin with, when they present this way— and those devils, through the willing vessels— hurt us:  this is oppression that makes us cry.  

But the child who has been reformed by the hand of the Father— will come to every other vessel (house), and will walk in mercies:  they will come in the Spirit of the Father, and his fruits (mercies) will manifest.

Sins— are simply places people trample us, and move opposite of how God is or does:  when we sin against God, we trample the truth, and we move opposite of how God is, or does:  we are incongruent, and we are walking different paths.  

Repentance— is a turning around inside, facing God head-on again, admitting the transgressing (opposite functioning, from what we were designed like), and humbling ourselves in honesty before him, understanding the walk we were walking out.

When we sin against another— we are trampling the truth from coming to them, we are walking in ‘something else,’ and we are moving opposite of how God does, or incongruent from his Spirit.

This is always the test— it’s never the circumstances that are the big deal, it’s always how we handle people ‘during’ the circumstances:  even ourselves and God, inside— but definitely those around us.

If we think the ‘issue or topic at hand’ is the thing that is the issue— and not the delicate, precious vessels in our lives— we missed the entire curriculum of the test itself (the topic of the test material), and we fail the test:  the test is always how our souls— treat other souls (even God) —whilst in trying circumstances.

Examples:  you lose all your money;  the money isn’t the biggest trial— it’s how you will mentally and emotionally RESPOND to everyone in your life when you go through that trial— including God:  will you freak out, go all undisciplined in your emotions, get angry and resentful, testy and hot under the collar, and murmur?  Or— will you remain meek, kind, gentle and humble?

You are mistreated— how will you respond to the people, yourself inside, and God?  Will you become angry, resentful, hot under the collar in murmuring, go into a dark place, hide, stew, get highly emotional?

All these trials do is show us what parts of us are unhealed, incongruent from God, and unstable:  I have been seeing so much in the trials I am facing:  where do I have scared parts of me, where do I have untrusting parts of me, where do I hide, where am I hopeless, where have I placed too much vulnerability with unstable, unhealed, unregenerate souls— giving them too much access to my heart— when they have repeatedly trashed it time and time again?  

Where have I not guarded my heart as he told us to do— and have come into agreement with being worthless, voiceless and invisible— because someone that was supposed to cherish me, be kind to me, respectful and honoring toward me— but has not been?

Where have I turned toward God and been upset with him— because of pain and suffering at other people’s hands, lumping him into the same category?  Where have I blamed God for not rescuing me from hatred, dishonor and selfish prideful behaviors done by others— that have devastated my soul again and again?  Or worse— where have I emulated that behavior or conduct, and have I repented and changed around in these patterns taught to me?

All the people and situations that have presented themselves— have been ENLIGHTENMENTS:  all the people’s behaviors, where they have failed the one and only test we will ever have in this realm— how we treat and handle others— have taught me what I believe, and what I walk in, inside my soul realm:  some things are grievous to me that I have learned about my inner man, and other things are beautiful.

For instance— things that grieve me that I’ve learned:  I give people who have continually dismissed, dishonored, and destroyed parts of my soul, habitually— too much access still, and I have allowed their behaviors (from unhealed, unregenerate soul parts of their own) and words— to define me:  like worthless with contempt— meaning, not worth their time to consider— considerately— kindly, with love and compassion and gentleness.  I have learned that when I am highly emotional, in a negative upset sense— I have given over control/discipline of my emotions— because I believed the lie the enemy was pushing in my face, through others actions toward me, or directly into my thoughts.  I have learned that I have parts of me that do not trust God— because the people who were supposed to have love for me, compassion and be a safe space that holds and supports me in this realm— did not, and so— I do not know how to receive Love properly from God, nor be hopeful in him;  because of my experiences with humans, [but on a side note, we are working inside to not compare him to created fallen beings;  this is all coming to the surface to be dealt with].  I have learned that I do not feel safe inside, nor cared for in this realm— because what people should have, could have, but did not do [in average, common human care] —has deeply affected me, and caused me to wall-off and distrust God— who has said he cares for us— because of their example.

Things that have comforted me that I’ve been learning:  God will never withdraw from me— even though I step back, he will always pursue me to the ends of my earth— and he is.  Nothing can separate me from HIS love, even if my love has been found to be fickle toward him.  He is always gentle, never harsh, and he is always in the mood to recover a soul— he’s never off duty, and his deepest desire is to save.  No matter what I do— he won’t give up on me, even when I do.  He’s not interested in my mistakes— he’s interested in the condition of my soul, and our relationship, and whether I can come to him— or if I will only withdraw and hide;  and when it’s the latter— he will sit right in front of my face, and patiently wait for me to soften and ‘allow’ him back into my heart to work in me, and with me.  I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter what others do to me— I have an audience of One, and he loves me— no matter what others do.  That he is always attempting to rescue me from the lies— and convince me of the truth of his love for me, even when I resist him on this— through thoughts, beliefs/lies and emotions rooted in trauma.  That he will be consistent, say the same things over and over again— even when it bothers me to hear the same things again and again from him— to show me he is consistent and that I can trust him— he changes not, and he has only good things for me and to speak to me [even when others do not have a good image of me, nor are kind— he is].  

I have learned— that I will learn— of his goodness, because this is his desire and mission;  and what I think— will not stop him from accomplishing his workmanship inside of me;  it can only delay the process and make it very painful to go through, should I believe the lies.

It’s a difficult road— learning to love yourself, when all you’ve known is hatred, harshness, and rejection— so you begin to do it to yourself:  if you can’t beat them— join them, right?  WRONG.  We know that’s wrong— but so many times we allow satan to convince us that we are worthless— even though God gave his life, his most precious life in the Son— just to give us the opportunity to reunite with him, and to be saved in our souls.

I am a work in progress, and right now— I do not know what tomorrow holds, or the minutes right in front of me:  I do know, however, that he is present and accounted for— and he’s on a mission to recover my soul, and bring me the truth to live in— within an integrated, whole soul.

I don’t know what you are going through— but how you handle yourself inside, the people around you, and God— is the REAL test, not the circumstances.

My mission has been to become like God, and return to his image— and I genuinely want love to come to all people— the person of God, himself— and through me as a vessel to use:  I have learned that how I respond to people comes from heart motives, that come from either having been returned to his image inside, or not;  and I refuse to be unkind, ungentle, and unloving:  I am, a work in progress still— but I KNOW what it’s like— to be handled without care, and I refuse to do that.

Love— COVERS PEOPLE.  It’s literally what he does— he covers us with his wings, and in them (under that covering) is his healing.


Psalm 91:4

“He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wings shall you trust: his truth shall be your shield and buckler.”

Malachi 4:2

“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and you shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.”


If we are mindful only of the issues and circumstances that life presents to us, as opportunities to shine his light in the midst— we will fail to see the curriculum in front of us, and miss the entire point of the test— and fail:  the point of the test is— How are you handling your own soul, other’s souls, and God’s soul/heart— in the MIDST OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES?

If God is love, gentleness, kindness, generosity, long sufferingly patient, forgiving, and prefers other’s souls receive love, rather than self please —then we are moved by his Spirit when we present love, gentleness, kindness, generosity, long suffering patience, forgiveness and preference to them, that they receive love rather than pleasing ourselves —honoring them, receiving them, giving attention to them— COVERING THEM IN WINGS OF LOVE and HEALING— they, who are right in front of us.

You’ll never go home to God, or meet him in the spirit even right now— where he will tell you… 

“The circumstances are the big deal.”  

He will tell you…

“The circumstances are the OPPORTUNITY for you to see within yourselves what is really in your hearts, and to give you the chance to walk out reformation of your soul, where you are like/same as I am— toward the people in your lives.”

Rudeness, self righteousness, and anger— generally come from defensiveness, and defensiveness comes from an unhealed, prideful (self focused) incongruent with God— soul.  And if anger is left to fester— it will breed bitterness— and you will know you are bitter, when you cannot let the dishonor go:  but it’s not about us, and it’s not about how we are treated by others— it’s about how we are handling our own souls, God’s soul/heart, and other’s hearts.

We will be dishonored, and it will get worse— from people in our own households, those closest to us, he promised us this:


Luke 12:51-54

“Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:  For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided— three against two, and two against three.

The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

And he said also to the people— When you see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway you say— There comes a shower; and so it is.”


All these ‘divided against,’ means he has made a separation, and two different kingdoms are at war in the family;  that is what takes place— when we side with satan, act like satan, led of satan— and do not prefer others over self— to receive love, gentleness, kindness, patience and forgiveness— COVERING THEM— in God (love).

When we ‘cover them’ in another spirit’s conduct, that is not God— we are of another kingdom, and we are divided one from another— and we are not in peace, or one accord:  and in this— we know them by their fruits.


Matthew 7:16

“You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?”

Matthew 7:20

“Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.”


My test is not if I make mistakes— it’s am I quick and faithful to repent, relent, and humble myself to anyone I have offended:  my own soul, God’s soul/heart, or another person’s heart;  and to check my heart motives.  Sometimes someone’s heart motive is off— like self defense from a wounded soul, and sometimes— the heart motive is pure, but others see through their souls wounds— and deem it impure motives, when it is not.  

Can we have patience and a multitude of love to forgive them of their tresspasses against us, as they deny the Holy Spirit when offered to them, to respond how he wills?

This is what it means in 2 Timothy 3:5 — 

“Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”    

When we claim God’s name, but we do not actually walk, listening to his Spirit, being led of his Spirit, as we are congruent (like/same/as) with his Spirit— but we respond carnally, and do not repent, relent, nor humble ourselves and apologize, taking responsibility for our unhealed, unregenerate soul’s actions— we deny the power of the Holy Spirit to work in us, leading us by his Spirit, in his way, and by his will and fruits (actions) of his Spirit:  from such— turn away.

He’s saying— do not let them into your souls to cause havoc in there, and do not listen to them— for they are not led of the Holy Spirit of God, but led of another spirit— and know not what they do:  do not believe what they say about you, and do not let them have a place of influence in your hearts/souls— because this will give the enemy access to your precious souls.

They will have an outward form of godliness— but not an inward changed soul;  they will have religion, and quote scripture— but they will be unable to perform the word of God from their souls— because their souls are unregenerate, and are unable to sync with God in congruence:  they yet need salvation of their souls, and to walk in the new creation— but first, they must agree with the new creation in Christ Jesus, and BE— the new creation in Christ Jesus; and they must revenge all disobedience to his Spirit, and the new creation in obedience to his Spirit, and in his image (fruits of conduct).


2 Corinthians 10:6

“And having a readiness to revenge all disobedience— when your obedience is fulfilled.”


It’s always been about souls— and God, and God’s true children— will always see the SOULS of others, as more precious than their own— or at the least, JUST AS PRECIOUS as their own;  which is how the Lord sees us all, we are very precious, each and every one of us— and we ought to share in that sentiment toward each other;  and we ought to handle every soul with care— even our own, and God’s— but definitely other humans.

For what we do to each— we do to him.  For when he was hungry— did we feed him:  this is to say, when someone was in need— did we give life and love to them?  When he was thirsty (in another soul) —did we give him living waters of the Holy Spirit’s fruits to take in?

He said to me, this morning….


Word from the Lord


“Janet— your souls, are my soul's expression in the earth realm;  many are unregenerate, yes— but none the less you are made from parts of me— and so what we do in human flesh suits toward another soul— is done to my very soul;  because I took parts of my own heart/soul— and invested that into human beings.

And it is not in the good and easy times that my reflection shines the most toward other souls— it is in the harsh times, when not all is going as planned or comfortable— that is when my true children will shine as beckons of light and love toward others, for I was able to father them and return them to conducting their vessels (souls) as I do— in love;  the darkness— bestows the light the brightest during those trying times— when others, and life circumstances are trying our resolve, our image, and our character:  integrity shines in darkness.

It’s easy to shine light, in light circumstances— but can my light shine in darkness— because those are my children:  there was life in me, and the life was the light of men:  the circumstances are the opportunities that catapult you all forward as light that shines in gross darkness— which is in the souls of men.

Can you love the unlovable, can you forgive— the seemingly unforgivable?  Can you be a light beacon, when storms rage (manifest) in front of you?

Because it is the KINDNESS of God that causes men and women to change around their thinking (repentance), which will change around their actions (conduct), and it will change their character (future actions).  

It is true— many will still remain stubborn to me, even when I present myself through humble vessels— and I will see to them about it, directly;  for what they do to others— they do to me directly;  the hypocritical could not see me when I came in flesh either, and many, likewise, will not see me through you either;  and will contest you, and stand up against you:  I did warn you— mother against daughter, father against son— right?

Like I said— when you see the cloud rise, the shower comes;  and when you receive thistles and briars in reactions— you know what spirit you are dealing with:  forgive, let them off the charges, and I will deal with their unregenerate soul, myself;  for it is ME that they are bucking— and are too spiritually blind and deaf to know this.

LOVE THEM, Janet, COVER THEM IN LOVE, Janet— and leave the rest to me:  I do save my children, I do protect them, I do come through for them— and I have appointed times for all of these things:  until then— keep faith in me, for I am not them.  I am one who stands out from all the rest— and I am faithful and true, and I am for you, not against you.  

I know what all have done and said, I know their heart motives.  I know when they are bucking me, and I know when they are unhealed and unregenerate, and I know when they deserve mercy, and I know when they deserve a threshing on my harvest floor:  leave all the judicial moves to me, and I will always do what is right— as my ways are high above the tree of knowledge;  my judgment stems from life itself, and I will review all cases, and I will judge with equity and fairness.

I am in the process of recovering souls, mending them, rescuing them from lies, coaxing out broken and estranged pieces of my people;  and anyone standing against me, hurting souls and causing damage, bringing ruins— whilst I am attempting to rebuild the ruins (souls) —each will be dealt with, directly— by me:  we are a house of building, edifying and resurrecting— not destruction:  and MY SHEEP— hear my voice, and another they will not follow:  this is speaking of the way I raise up my children, to be as I am— and they— so they be, they are, they return to my image.

This is a warning to all who call themselves by my name— but work for the destroyer of souls;  you are not mine if you continue in this behavior, you heed another spirit:  repent, and return to doing the former works— or your lampstand will be removed, and you will not be given such access to my flock members— for you are hurting my very body:  what you do— you do to my very body.

I am come— and healing is in my wings;  and I COVER MY PEOPLE IN LOVE:  if you are not working from MY LOVE— you are working for another spirit, and I encourage you to repent and return to serving the God of heaven, holiness, righteousness, LOVE, and truth.

I suggest you all SEE THE TRUTH of the circumstances for what they are— an opportunity to choose love, gentleness, kindness, forgiveness, patience— preferring others over self— and demonstrating my attributes and character (that is my name) to a lost and dying people:  it will always be about how you handle others, and it will never be about the circumstances that present themselves as opportunities to shine LOVE forth, in darkness;  it will always be about the name of God going forth (the character of God going forth, for my name is my attributes and character) toward a people who need salvation.

This is the great commission:  to bring good tidings to the meek, to heal the broken hearted, and thus— thereby— shine the goodness of God upon the grossly darkened souls— to open prison gates, removing shackles— and setting captives free by the TRUTH:  and the truth is, and always has been:  LOVE, real love.

Become love— set captives free, including your own souls:  the truth will be walked out, if we will walk in love:  for love covers people in my realm;  this is why all tears are washed away— I douse my people in love.

The law— summed up in God’s kind of love;  which is God’s character, nature, demeanor, attributes walked in, and walked out toward others:  it will always prefer the salvation, healing, mending, comfort, support, kindness extended toward others;  and my children know this of me— that I bring these attributes to them, and so they will extend these to others:  a cleaned heart/soul— will operate like I do, and from pure heart motives— in a mutual respect for my attributes and character.

My children LOVE WHO I AM— and seek to be as I am, so they can re-present me— in the world, to all others:  are we re-presenting me in the world to other souls, children?  Or are we presenting the carnal nature— that stands against me and my ways, character, fruits and actions of love?

Listen, heed, learn, acquire, and do— as I am:  and these— are my children.”



It’s never the circumstances— they are only an opportunity to shine love in darkness;  it’s always the precious souls before us that are the test of our character (our family name in God holy) that is the real test:  how will we handle souls— our own, God’s heart, and others?

That is the one and only test— of all time;  and we will repeat it until we are either blue (dying bodily), or we will see it, learn of it, be tested in it— and eventually, acquire his attributes, be like/same as him, and endure the testing to the end— and be saved— by the opportunities that came in life circumstances to refine us back into his image:  and successfully pass the tests that come— to try us in our ability to BE, Love, extended— inwardly toward God and our own soul, and then outwardly to our neighbors.


Matthew 22:36-40

“Master, which is the great commandment in the law?  Jesus said unto him— You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like unto it— You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

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