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Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

Matthew 15:3

“Why do you transgress the commandment of God– by your tradition?”


The MODEL OF CHRIST– or man?

The Lord’s traditions– or men’s?


7-9 “You hypocrites, Esaias did well to prophesy of you, saying– This people draws nigh to me with their mouth, and honors me with their lips– but their heart is far from me. In vain they worship me– teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”


John and Jesus grew up relatively at the same time, and their ministries and personalities were very similar.

John went about preaching in the outskirts, the wilderness of Judea, and when the religious of his day encountered him– he always warned them; “oh generations of vipers, who has warned you of the wrath to come?”

Both John and Jesus were bold, they cared less about ‘how’ the religious or heathen took to what they said– and were more concerned about their eternal souls and destinations for eternity.

We ought to look closely at the ‘talk’ and ‘walk’ of two of the greatest prophets and evangelists for the kingdom of God, that walked the beginning of the New Covenant, of the New Testament out: they who exemplified what it is to ‘walk and with– and worship God– in Spirit and Truth.’

I believe the ‘church model’ we have in current day, by far and large, anyhow– is an ‘ill’ model of what Emmanuel actually exemplified while here; and we were supposed to study his life, and the life of his disciples [students] and MODEL that walk and talk.

Have we been modeling how God incarnate and his students walked and talked, and moved in ministry to God the Father, and in reconciling his children to him?

Or– have we modeled ‘man’s’ model of ‘religious acts,’ and traditions, instead?

I say all of that because the conversations I’ve been having with him lately have gone something like this.

[Word of the Lord below]


“Janet, I don’t believe the people of the earth understand ‘church’ and ‘kingdom’ age, or era, or better yet– FUNCTION.

Did you know that I have ALWAYS walked in the Kingdom function, and the sooner earth gets on board with walking in Kingdom as well, the sooner we arrive at that juncture.

Earth– has been stuck in the ‘church’ age, or time period– because they have advanced not, and have remained complacent and stagnant; if HEAVEN– my domain– always operates Kingdom, why has earth not modeled my ways?

Why is man deficient in the ways of the Kingdom?

Scripture has been given for centuries, and it was designed to re-establish communion of man to God– and reconcile our spirits, joining them as one Spirit in Christ now– and in that– we were to always be on the same page, pulling my will in from Heaven, to be established on earth.

My will is MORE THAN scripture alone– I am a living, breathing being, with thoughts, plans and intents– and I wish to share all of that with my creation; I created man to have someone to fellowship with, as friends, and as children to teach– and for us to enjoy each other.

We have a generation of people, who are called by my name that KNOW ME NOT in ‘Spirit–’ they study my truth, but they are NEVER COMING TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF IT; they never learn to abide with my SPIRIT.

My children must learn the truth, apply the truth to their lives, allow me to join to them, reform them– and WALK WITH MY SPIRIT; salvation was for all that, and more.

Salvation was so that we COULD do life together, in earth, and in heaven; and in doing that– we succeed in the earth realm, and bring more into the fold, to come with us, and to join us– who as well, learn to ‘walk’ and ‘talk’ and live life in the Spirit with the Spirit of God himself.

How do you think we come out of the ‘church’ age, Janet? And what do you think the ‘church’ age really is?

Do you know why it’s called the ‘church’ age?

And do you know that what you all call ‘church,’ is not my model and ideal of how I wish to engage my children– at least not how it’s run in this current format.

I DO– wish for my children to come together and to worship me– in Spirit, and studying, learning and applying my Truth [the word of God], but the public assembling, is going to need a MAKEOVER, a REFORMATION– for it to be applied my way, and carried out properly in the earth.

You should study what ‘I’ exemplified, and what my disciples exemplified of my ministry, how I said to live and abide with the Father, what I and my students actually did– and how I approached and dealt with the Pharisees of the day– which you all still have.

They are called ‘religious–’ but they lack my Spirit in operation; they ‘talk a talk’ of religion, and run with devils, and their fruits.

They are hypocritical, compromised vessels– with their own agendas, that benefit themselves, and how they ‘look’ to the world; they know not sacrifice, nor suffering for Christ’s sake– and they will not be crushed, to allow the squeezing of the world to be removed, and for the anointing to flow.

They mock ‘walking in the Spirit–’ because they are carnal, and the things of the Spirit, cannot be understood by the carnal living man; because the things of the spirit, are discerned by the Spirit of God– and they walk not with me.

Study what I ‘actually’ said and did; detail it out, and we will see if our ‘churches’ are walking, and talking, and ministering the moves of God, as I exemplified– or if they walk the walk of, ‘traditions of men,’ and of ‘doctrines of devils.’

[And doctrines of devils means– they are subtly deceived by spirits, and they know it not, and lead men, women and children astray– because they do not walk circumspectly with, and led by, the Spirit of the living God– and have been deceived; the deceived, do not know they are deceived, until the truth smacks them in the face– IF– they wake at all.]

Because MUCH calamity and change is coming, during the ‘shaking of nations–’ to shake loose all that is NOT of me, so that those that are HUNGERING and THIRSTING for ‘ME–’ can find those that walk my Kingdom way, and help to bring in this move I started telling you about in 2020, which is…


Because if my people, who are called by my name, do not do things MY WAY– they are by default doing things– NOT the Kingdom way; for I have always been doing things the way of the kingdom of God– it is man, that has lost the way– and had soon reconcile to it, for we have MANY upon a broad-path, and they are NOT PREPARED for what is coming.

Because they have not walked with the Spirit of God leading them, hearing me, nor obedient to my leadings of the Spirit, and are not prepared for the season and hour we are now entering into– that will shake all that is– to DISLODGE THE FAULTY, and ANCHOR IN → the Kingdom: my way.

Each era change comes about because it was ‘ushered’ in through the Spirit of God, and relaying that to the spirit’s of men; we must begin changes within our structure of operations, within the way the children of God function– in order to move from one segmented period to another.

I need KINGDOM MINDED folk, that hear what the Spirit of God is saying, and showing– to bring it to the dead, and faltering, old church model.

For my way was never to have folks sit around in a four walled building, from week to week, hanging out, never venturing out, and moving with my Spirit in the world– to fulfill the Great Company Mission of heaven in the earth: reconciling sinners to their God and Savior.

If my children, are not about my business in the earth, my way, as I exemplified it– they are living their own best lives ever, their way, and unto their own goals: that’s religion, that’s not honoring the purchase [as you are not your own any longer], that’s not accomplishing your mission in the earth with me– that’s compromise at best, and apostate and fruitless, at worst.

We need MY MODEL reinstalled in the hearts and lives of men again, Janet, and anything less– is not my will; my will is to RECONCILE ALL THINGS THAT ARE AMISS, and DISJOINTED from me, and my way: and I will start within the House of God.”


  1. John and Jesus WARNED the apostate/religious/compromised church people; without warning them– their blood would be on their hands, for they knew– but shared that understanding not. So, God’s number one lesson, as we embark upon the Gospel books of scripture, is that, their model– WARNED THE HYPOCRITES of their time– we are to do so as well.

What they said to them were things like– “every tree that brings forth NOT good fruit [or results] is HEWN DOWN;” this states– God EXPECTS you to be fruitful, and show/prove you are working with his Spirit, and making progress: fruits, are results, and results are always seen and able to be known.

And they said things like: “I baptize you with water unto repentance– but he that comes after me– is mightier than I, and he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost– and with fire: and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner– but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”

This was a continued warning– God is coming to REFINE MAN [because we got all misshapen in the fall– and need to be reformed back into his image], and in doing so, he will burn away all that is not of his kingdom and way, and in doing so– he will separate those who are TRULY HIS, from those that are NOT: wheat, and chaff.

As well, he states there is a baptism of water– unto dying to self, and that old nature and person is dead and buried, unto a new life, coming up out of the water baptism– a new creation, joined now as one to God’s Spirit, starting a whole new life with God– living by his Spirit’s leading.

And then– there is a baptism of fire– when one becomes ‘anointed’ by the Holy Spirit, and has fruits and proofs of that too; each of those are SPECIAL encounters with the living God that he looks forward to– in our growing up in the ‘ways’ of God, as he raises us– his children: and EVEN JESUS followed through with these actions, and special experiences with God the Father– as he is our example, and he is to be ‘followed.’

He said– “Follow me.”

{Side note: as soon as Jesus got baptized– which is a dedication to God holy– he was led into a wilderness experience– and tempted/tried of the devil; we too, if we are ‘following’ him– will go through trials and testings, and the devil will tempt us to swerve off the straight and narrow path, that follows the Lord and his leading– just to get some relief from ‘fighting the good fight of faith–’ which truly means-- the devil will tempt you to give up, and start to NOT FOLLOW THE LORD, because it’s TOO HARD.

Don’t fall for his antics, and continue your steadfast faith in the Lord– for he is the one allowing all the testing, to refine you, and to strengthen you; so he does know what you are going through, and he’s right there with you during it all– he led his Son into the wilderness– so satan could try him, because it’s all in PROVING YOUR FRUIT and WALK WITH GOD, and that you hear him, and trust him in all things.

The WARNINGS– were to show man– he NEEDS TO BE UNDER GOD, and LED by him– in order to succeed here in this fallen realm, when the whole world will come against you– and try your faith, and your knowledge of God, and will try to cause you to– GO ANOTHER WAY: this is where the Pharisees failed– they compromised, and walked not with the Holy Spirit of God, nor lived holy spiritual lives-- joined to the One true God.

But they sure could quote some scripture, sadly– they are in hell today with the same ability to quote the truth– but they cannot be saved by it now, for they HEEDED NOT THE SCRIPTURES, nor LIVED BY THEM: that IS– the warning of the model of God’s way.


2. Jesus and his disciples– GAVE SATAN ORDERS– not the other way around.

In the wilderness, satan spoke to Jesus and tried to order him to do things– which would have made him his god– but Jesus in turn listened to Father in Spirit, and quoted the TRUTH [scripture] properly back at satan– and rebuked him.

If we are following our Lord’s example– we too ought to be rebuking the devil, when he tries to get us to listen to him, and do things ‘CONTRARY’ to what God is telling, and showing us to do.

But therein lies another issue within the ‘church’ model– NOT MANY ARE HEARING THE VOICE OF THE LORD, and we do not have LEADERSHIP– that is helping them to get CLEAN and SANCTIFIED up in their souls, to shut doors and voices out, and to reconcile to God holy in their SOULS– and because of this, MANY cannot hear the voice of God, because no one is helping them to get delivered of foul spirit operations-- still allowed to take up residency in their lives– through compromised living.

There are ALWAYS reasons why God ‘seems’ distant– but he’s truly not; it’s us that have blocks and hindrances that grieve the Holy Spirit, that God wants us to clean up– SO THAT WE CAN hear his calm, small voice– he doesn’t shout over other voices inside of us.

We are supposed to subdue all things, and take dominion.

In Chapter 16 of Matthew, Jesus demonstrates that if we do not take dominion and subdue all things in ourselves– we can be overtaken by satan– in our souls.

22 “Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying– Be it far from you, Lord: this shall not be unto you.”

[The reason this is a big deal is because it was Jesus' entire mission to accomplish the Cross– for the reconciliation of men to God, and for the remission of their sins; and satan knew it when he heard it, that it was A WAY OUT FOR WAYWARD MAN TO ENTER INTO COVENANT WITH GOD AGAIN, fully, and once and for all– and he USED PETER– to attempt to get the Lord Jesus to not follow through with it.]

23 “But he turned, and said to Peter– Get behind me [in authority] –Satan– you are an offense to me [that means, not obeying him, offending his kingdom rule]: for you savor not the things that be of God– but those [things] that be of men [carnal men, at that].”

If we don’t have pastors, teachers and prophets working with EQUIPPING THE SAINTS to ‘walk,’ and ‘talk,’ with God AND the truth [scripture] -- then we are neglecting our duties: the 5-fold leadership, pastor, teacher, apostle, prophet and evangelist– are for one reason given to the body of Christ, as leaders– and that’s TO EQUIP THEM.

We had better start ‘doing’ the model of Christ, and then we will start successfully operating with his Spirit, IN TRUTH of the scriptures, and SHOWING FORTH THE GOOD FRUIT results.


3. God incarnate in Yah’shua/Jesus– next– made a big deal and focus on REPENTANCE; we are supposed to be teaching folks how to ‘walk–’ repentantly: and that’s an ABOUT FACE, 180 degree turn from– the old man ways, that are contrary to, and hinder God and his moves in our lives.

Matthew 4:16 “The people who sat in darkness [that’s confusion and estrangement from God holy] –saw great light [Jesus, truth– that woke them from their stupor]; and to them who sat in the region, and [under the] SHADOW OF DEATH– a light sprung up. [hope and truth– in the form of God– in Yah’shua]

17 And from that time [on] –Jesus began to preach, and to say– Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Which is to say– REPENT– for God has showed up to the men of the earth– and you need to receive him, his words, and his ways, INTO YOU, and WITH YOU– and turn from all you WERE DOING and living like, and BE RECONCILED TO YOUR MAKER.


4. Next, Jesus started to collect unto himself– the DISCIPLES [students to teach]– that Father led him to; we are to be making DUPLICATES of us, in the form of STUDENTS that desire to FOLLOW our Lord as well; are we raising others up, to follow Yah’shua and his Father as well?

Are we imitators of God, as scripture tells us to be, modeling God’s way, walk and talk– and the anointing is with us, and upon us, and is causing God to have the ability to draw more to him– from the fruit coming forth of our very own lives?

Because that’s EXACTLY what is supposed to be taking place: discipleship.

Matthew 4:23 “And Jesus went all about/around Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.”

We are to be ‘going around’ to wherever God sends us, going into the assembling places of the people of God, TEACHING and PREACHING the ‘good news’ that the kingdom of God is here, and at hand– and HEAL all manner of SICKNESS and DISEASE, among the people.


And if we are not– this is an area to reconcile with God in– for WHY ARE WE NOT? Or, why are we not SUCCESSFUL at it; God is faithful to tell us reasons why– if only we will honor him in ASKING– which is part of ‘listening.’

But again, we need to be able to hear him properly, to follow his leadings, and we need to be TEACHING his children, how to do that.

Matthew 4:24 “And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought to him all sick people that were taken with diverse diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatick, and those that had the palsy– and he healed them.”

And great multitudes flocked to him– revival– came to him, for his ‘fruit’ was showing; when your fruit shows, revival– people seeking the Lord– show up wherever you are, for they seek the Lord and reconciliation to him.


5. Abiding with, and under the LEADERSHIP OF– the Spirit of God, and doing things under his command– he is King, after all– and we have monarchy ruler-ship we are to adhere to.

Jesus was consistent to remind folks that the ‘law’ of God is still in effect– which is now falling in line under Jesus, and his Spirit, and doing what he commands, and teaches us of scripture [which is him and his ways]– and we are to follow his ways, statutes, and commands– under his ‘law,’ the law of his kingdom– it has them.

And anyone that does not teach others, as they disciple them-- the commands, statutes, and ways of God’s law, that we are to obey, and worse, teaches them CONTRARY– they will be seen as THE LEAST, in the kingdom of heaven [ouch, and yikes!]

Matthew 5:18 “For verily I say to you– Till heaven and earth pass [which has not happened yet], not one jot, or one tittle, shall in any wise pass from the law– till all be fulfilled.

[Things prophesied in the old testament, must still roll out, and be fulfilled– and that’s why it all still stands.]

19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments [those are orders], and shall teach men [to do] so– he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall DO, and TEACH THEM– the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

20 For I say to you– That except [unless] your righteousness [clean, sanctified living/abiding in, and with God– in Christ]– exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees– you shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

God is making it clear here, that the Pharisees– were hypocrites, because they did not follow what they preached– and compromised in many ways, lived hypocritical to the Spirit of God, became religiously minded, and walked not with, not joined to– the holy Spirit of God– BUT– they DID know scripture, and STUDIED it– they just didn’t CLEAN UP THEIR SPIRIT with God– nor were they joined to him in any way, shape or form.

They missed the premise and point of the holy scripture, and turned it into a ‘list of demands,’ and a haughty way of living, in and with PRIDE at the helm; they learned, but never came to the Truth, nor to lived and abided by his Spirit– they CONFORMED TO HIS IMAGE– NOT.

God has commands for us to follow, because we are to learn the point and premise of what God is showing and telling AND APPLY IT, so we will MATURE INTO HIS SPIRIT with him; but when we are devoid of following orders, we do not want to submit to authority– we do not want to be REFORMED, or RULED, and we remain our ‘own–’ and lead self.

If we cannot ‘fall in line’ under God– we will walk right off the broad path cliff– into the abyss, following and exemplifying satan’s leadership.


6. He taught the statutes and ways of God– and they were steep and contrasting to the ‘easy’ way of the fallen nature; his ways challenge men to be better, mature, loving, long-suffering, reconciled to brothers, and forgiving– honoring God in doing so: and in those teachings– WERE COMMANDS TO FOLLOW.

What does that mean– ‘commands?’ It means– the way to conduct one’s self; for commands are ‘doings–’ they are actions to be carried out by your commanding officer.

Commands are a leader's directions– that his followers, his subordinates– follow through on.

Are we?

Are we reading, understanding, applying to our character and person, the ways of conducting oneself– according to the way heaven’s kingdom operates, and the way our God Emmanuel exemplified– in our lives?

If one does not follow his leader’s commands– one does not HAVE A LEADER [God], one is his own leader [god].

We have a hyper grace movement in the infirmed and ill ‘church’ these days, that teaches– one does not need to heed to the commands of the scripture– where Jesus taught us WE DO; and in this, we have a bunch of people who profess his name– but truly FOLLOW HIM NOT.

If you say you follow him, but you heed not his commands, nor follow through on them [either in scripture, or by the leading of his holy Spirit as he speaks with us] – WHAT ARE YOU FOLLOWING?


He taught– you bring in the will of God, to be played out into this realm– when he spoke to us the Lord’s example prayer; if we are not listening to him, and obeying him– we will not, and we cannot– bring his holy will [desires] from his domain in heaven, into our realm to be accomplished: OBEDIENCE MATTERS, and FOLLOWING HIS COMMANDS– as he is the HIGH KING– is where that all begins.


7. He taught that we are to live SACRIFICIALLY in this life and realm, and to NOT BUY INTO THE WORLD and it’s ways, and material things; which is to say– ‘don’t let Babylon and Egypt, and their ways of living– get into your hearts, men of the earth.’

Matthew 6:19 “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth [don’t buy into the system, and hype down here of shiny stuff], where moth and rust does corrupt– and where thieves break through and steal:

20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven– where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt– and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

21 For where your treasure is– there your heart will be also.

22 The light of the body is the eye– if therefore your eye is single [single minded, and focused on the Lord] –your whole body shall be full of light.

23 But if your eye– be evil– your whole body shall be full of darkness.

If therefore the light that is in you, be darkness– HOW GREAT THAT DARKNESS IS!

24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other– or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.

You cannot serve God and mammon [money and material increase].”

He taught that God provides for all his creation; take into consideration the little birds– God provides for them– he is capable, and does, take care of us as well.

Matthew 6:32 “For your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things.

33 But you [are to] seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness– and [then] all these things shall be added unto you.

34 Take therefore no thought for tomorrow: for tomorrow shall take thought for the things of itself.”

He wants us to live by, and understand that– God TAKES CARE OF HIS OWN– point blank; all his miracles and provisions of the old testament, and of his new testament– testify of this, and we are to live by faith in him, and his nature to love and provide for his own.


8. He taught his nature, and his mission to us; ‘don’t judge your neighbor and condemn him– take the plank of hypocrisy out of your own eye, and forgive your neighbor.’

For even Jesus himself said– “I come not to judge any man;” for judgment is only for the Father, he is the judge– the Son– the advocate: we ought to obey this as well, as we are to be imitators of God and his nature.

We are to judge ‘spirit’s–’ and that’s from a discernment standpoint; we are to know evil and holy spirits working in men and women, but we are not to condemn the person– we are to discern the spirits at play– within the men, women and children– and minister accordingly.

He told us we have not, because we ask not; and if we ask, God will not give us a serpent, when we ask for a fish– he is A GOOD FATHER and PROVIDER of his nature.

His CHARACTER of personis his NATURE, and is to be adhered to; if we are one with him-- we WILL ATTAIN HIS NATURE into our own.

Matthew 7:13 “Enter in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction– and many there are who go in thereat [that way]:

14 Because strait [narrow passage] is the gate, and narrow is the way– which leads to life– and few there be that find it.”

If he says– “few that find it–” we must understand, you must be LOOKING FOR IT, to follow it– are we??

Are we looking to follow his ULTRA NARROW EXAMPLE, direction, way of living and abiding with the Father holy– or are we walking however ‘we think’ is proper, or permissible?

Again– OBEDIENCE and CONFORMITY– MATTERS, and makes all the difference in WHERE YOU END UP, based upon– WHICH PATH YOU FOLLOW!


9. He taught, you will know them [false or true followers of Christ] BY THEIR FRUITS.

Every good tree– bears fruit, and every corrupt tree that does not bear good fruit– will be chopped down, he said.

Are we teaching people how to discern?

Are we teaching people how to bear good fruit?

Because it starts with following all the points listed above, in 1-8 of God’s model, and example.

Matthew 7:21 “Not every one that says to me– Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven– but [only] he that does the will of my Father, which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me on that day– Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? And in your name– we have cast out devils? And in your name– we have done many wonderful works.

23 And then will I profess to them– I never knew you: depart from me– you that work iniquity.”

What does that mean?

It means, we can have folk in this realm, who ‘seem’ to cast out devils [devils play along], ‘seem’ to call God holy Lord– but obey him and his ways truly NOT, because they do not do THE WILL OF GOD, nor walk with him in TRUTH ‘and’ in SPIRIT– and yet ‘claim’ that they are doing mighty and wonderful works in his name.

Note– they said, “we did these works IN YOUR NAME,” but what they did not do, was GOD’S WILL, nor ABIDE WITH GOD’S SPIRIT [that’s becoming ONE with him, joined, no more one man– but a man joined to God].

We can ‘claim’ a lot in this life, but if we are not ACTUALLY ‘doing life with God and his holy Spirit–’ WE ARE COUNTERFEIT.

He taught men to live AUTHENTICALLY and GENUINELY in TRUTH to, and with, the Spirit of the living God; we cannot fake it, and make it– it must be a genuine walk, sacrificial, relinquishing the world and its ways and pursuits– joined to God, his nature and his way: THAT IS THE NEW MAN CREATION IN CHRIST.

He said, the man that lives this way with God, is like a man that built his dwelling upon a Rock, and when the rains and storms come– he is solid, and unmoved.


10. He taught men what Great Faith, and the AUTHORITY OF GOD is– and not only exemplified it himself, but shared testimony of others who walked out that great faith as well.

Matthew 8:7 [the centurion] “Lord, I am not worthy that you should come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.”

He understood the authority of God, and the authority of one who is ‘ONE WITH’ God– as the Son exemplified bodily in this realm– when he laid aside his divinity, humbled himself, and came ‘as’ a man– to be our example of ‘how to do life on earth– with God;’ which is the entirety of this posting.

10 “When Jesus heard it [the faith of the centurion– who understood Jesus’ authority with God, in the kingdom of heaven] –he marveled– and said to them that followed, Verily I say to you [all], I have not found so great faith– no– not in Israel.”

On one account, it’s a tale and example of GREAT FAITH, and on another account, God just said, all my people, who are to be following my ways– in ALL OF THESE– I did not find the faith and understanding that I found in this Roman gentile.

We ought to take that to heart; do the heathen have more understanding and obedience to authority– than the ‘church’ does?

13 “And Jesus said to the centurion– Go your way; and as you have believed– so be it done unto you. And his servant was healed in the self-same hour.”

Do we live with such boldness and trust in God, and understanding his, and our authority in him, and the Father– as this Roman, who knew not the holy God of scripture did?

Do we know what this verse means, 17– “That it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying– Himself TOOK our infirmities, and BORE our sicknesses.”

Right here, he had NOT gone to the Cross yet, he was in his ‘ministry days–’ so it literally means– 'He took the infirmities AWAY,’ and he ‘CARRIED AWAY our sicknesses.’

We have the SAME ABILITY TO DO THIS; as here, he is our example– being anointed by God, like in Isaiah 61– to set the captives free: AUTHORITY [we are kings– under him– he, the High King]

He taught, and he exemplified the AUTHORITY and THE WILL OF THE FATHER, in casting many demons out, healing many sick, and mending and reconciling broken hearts; he exemplified the Father, and we are to exemplify HIM.

He IMBUED his ‘students–’ his disciples– with his power and authority, to carry out the very same ‘acts–’ that is us now as well.

He TAUGHT THEM HOW TO DO WARFARE– are we teaching people how to fight in this realm, with God-- against the powers of darkness in high places?

He taught them what happens, as well, when deliverance services are rendered, and WHY– sanctification of the soul is necessary, to keep them out after deliverance.

Matthew 12:43 “When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walks through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none.

44 Then he says– I will return into my house from whence I came out [that’s a human body and soul]; and when he comes [back]– he finds it empty, swept, and garnished [and cleaned out for him].

45 Then he goes and takes with himself– seven other spirits, more wicked than himself– and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man– is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.”

[the book of Acts– is still being recorded, no ‘selah’ was recorded at the end, to indicate an ‘lifting up,’ or an ‘end;’ and not only that– he tells me often, “I’m still recording it all; and I will have remembrances for all of eternity, of my exploits with my children on earth.”]

Matthew 10:7 “And as you go, preach, saying– The kingdom of heaven is at hand. 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils– freely you have received– freely give.”

He taught that persecution will come, when you walk in the authority of God, and with his Spirit– because the men, and spirits of this world– are at enmity to God.


11. He taught that he came to CAUSE DIVISION and SEPARATION– one kingdom separated and divided out-- from the other.

Matthew 10:34 “Do not think that I have come to send peace on earth– I did not come to send peace– but a sword. 35 For I have come TO SET A MAN AT VARIANCE– against his father– and the daughter against her mother– and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foesshall be those of his own household.”

God came to DIVIDE US OUT OF THE WORLD– and some of our family members have not chosen to walk with God holy, nor were they chosen by God from the beginning– that they would be saved [likely, because he sees all, and knew they would reject him].

God came to set some of the WORST OFFENDERS OF HIM and HIS HOLY WAYS– in households with THE GREATEST DEFENDERS OF HIM, and his HOLY WAYS— as it’s the BEST CHANCE they would have to witness the TRUTH, and his SPIRIT, in operation.

It is why it’s so VITALLY important that we walk circumspectly with the Holy Spirit– OTHERS ARE WATCHING OUR EXAMPLE.

37 He that loves father or mother– more than meis not worthy of me: and he that loves son or daughter– more than me– is not worthy of me.

38 And he that takes not his cross [up– that’s sacrifices and relinquishing things and people– hardships], and follows after me– is not worthy of me.”

He doesn’t mince it– one test of our submission and honoring of him, as our God– is– if we will sacrifice ALL, and if we will GIVE UP ALL [people included] TO JOIN HIM, and to SERVE UNDER HIM.

Are we practicing BE YE SEPARATE, SAITH THE LORD; and are we teaching our congregations to do so, and be so??

Even he said of himself in Matthew 12:48– “...Who is my mother, and who are my brethren?? 49 And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said– Behold my mother and my brethren!

50 For whosoever shall do the will of my Father who is in heaven– the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”

Did we catch that– it’s not the people who ‘claim’ to be his children, or come from a certain lineage, that are his children and family– IT’S THOSE THAT ‘do’ THE WILL OF THE FATHER; we ought to SERIOUSLY meditate upon that.


12. He WENT PLACES to preach and teach, and so did his disciples; he did not plant himself in one place– and if he would have– he would not have been able to participate in the Great Company Mission of spreading the ‘gospel good news–’ abroad, nor would his disciples have.

He sent them out, two-by-two, to preach, teach, deliver men, and reconcile them to their Maker, Savior and God.

Are we; are we going about and doing the same??

The roots of the Kingdom are to be SPREAD, they are not to be rooted only in one place; we need to GRAFT MORE IN, by the work of the Holy Spirit, as we allow God to witness himself THROUGH US.

But if we sit, and stay in one place, and become stagnant waters, not doing the works of the Lord, nor going out-and-about WITH GOD– we will fail to ‘walk the walk of Christ,’ following his example.

We are to be going and doing the Father’s business, in every town, house, store and place we venture with God; if we are only attending a ‘house’ or building of God, once a week, and we are not DOING THE GOSPEL, and we have not BECOME ‘walking talking’ EPISTLES of God– we have neglected our calling and duties unto the King, and unto the Kingdom of God, and its advancement in the earth realm.

As he went about, from place to place– he began to discipline them.

Matthew 11:20 “Then, he began to upbraid the cities, wherein most of his mighty works were done– because they repented not.

Upbraidfind fault, and scold; late Old English upbrēdan ‘allege something– as a basis for censure– brandish’.

Are we CORRECTING, and being UNAPOLOGETIC about how Father’s Kingdom and way is to be upheld and run– out in the ‘churches?’

There was wisdom, beyond their safety as well, when he sent them out two-by-two; he knew “where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst, and whatever two shall agree on– they shall have it.”

We MUST BE out and about, agreeing, and doing– our Father’s business with the Holy Spirit; if we do not ‘do–’ the gospel– we are in dead works upon this earth, and we are NOT– fulfilling our commission.

Commission– instruction, commands, and duty– given to a group of people to fulfill, charge with a function– authorized orders; Middle English: via Old French from Latin commissio(n- ), from committere– ‘ENTRUST.’


13. He taught on the conditions of the heart soil.

Matthew 13:4– the wayside seeds fell on heart soil– that remained out of alignment with God, and did not hit the mark– and the fowls came and devoured them up.

5– the stony heart places were where they had not much earth [soil to use, cultivated lives and hearts]: and forthwith they sprung up– because they had no deepness of earth– and he was offended in his heart, for what the Word taught.

6– And when the sun came up, they were scorched– because they had no root– and they withered away.

Folks didn’t let God have his perfect work in their hearts, their center of their being in their soul– and the things God attempted to plant in them– faded away, they fell away– it didn’t take, after it sprouted up, it withered quickly.

7– some of God’s seeds and attempts– fell among thorns– and the thorns sprung up, and choked them.

They are ‘cares’ of the world, and pursuits that men seek after, that should not be part of their lives, and when heeded and adhered to– choke God and his presence and fruit, right out of our lives; something else– replaced the true seed that was supposed to come up.

An imposter seed, a weed came up in the garden, and no one did anything to stop it from happening: that’s in the soul, and disobedience and lusts and desires took over.

8– But others fell into good ground– and brought forth fruit– some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold; they heard and understood the word, and bore much fruit.

Are we teaching the importance of the ‘heart soil’ and why??

Are we explaining to people, and helping them figure out ‘which’ soil they are currently– so they can be sure they are on good heart ground with God, and are cultivating the relationship union, and fruit results that they are supposed to?

We have 5-fold positions in the churches– that are supposed to be available and operating– in order to EQUIP OUR BRETHREN, help them, teach them, enlighten them and guide them.

It was never supposed to be a ‘one trick pony show–’ with a haughty pastor that does not welcome the other leadership roles into the church; because in that– the congregation suffers, and so does the pastor, for he does not have the help of the other 4 fingers of God’s hand.

OPPOSABLE THUMB– makes so much more sense now– when pastors do not believe in, nor allow, the other offices of God's ecclesia to operate within the church.

He taught about WHEAT and TARES– not all are ‘as they seem,’ and we need to wait until the WHEAT is ‘fully mature–’ and THEN– we will distinguish between the two, and the WHEAT WILL BE GATHERED INTO THE STOREHOUSE, and the TARES– will be burned.

{Side note: we have arrived here, God has been maturing his children– to manifest his Spirit in an outpouring like the world has never witnessed yet; the harvest and judgment come, and we will see, and KNOW– the wheat from tares.

Because there will others who will seek the Lord out, to reconcile to him, in GROSS DARKNESS of judgment– and they will need to know the difference between those that ‘say’ one thing, but DO NOT BEAR FRUIT– from those that actually walk with God holy, and BEAR HIS FRUIT.}


14. He taught that PERSECUTION– will come to his followers.

“A prophet is not without honor [anywhere, but] –save in his own country– and in his own house.” (Matthew 13:57)

And he taught that where UNBELIEF IS– you will be hard pressed to do miracles, only a few healings was he able to do in his hometown, because where people know you as only the ‘face you wear,’ and ‘who you were in your younger years,’ and see you not for the servant of the Lord that you have become, nor that you walk with God holy now– will receive you not as that servant of the Lord– and God’s power will be stifled there, for their unbelief.

He taught that imprisonments and harsh treatment would befall his disciples, for the world hates God, and anyone that resembles him.

Are we doing our due diligence in equipping the children of God, to know how to fight in and with the Spirit of God, how to live in this realm in our conduct, what our mission is to accomplish– and that it will be HARD– and we will be treated badly, sometimes VERY BADLY and even UNTO DEATH BODILY– to complete his mission in this earth?

Are we teaching the children of God that when they signed on, and took God holy upon them, and their lives as their God, and they became his children– that they ENTERED INTO AN ARMY and A FIGHT?

Because if we are not informing themwe are not equipping them for the fight, nor how to be successful when the trials come– and THEY WILL COME.

The disciples and apostles, and Christ himself, of times past– were persecuted in their souls, and vexed in their spirits, and as well– were BODILY assaulted– just for their faith and adherence to God holy.

This is not a walk for the faint hearted, and it is a Narrow Path to go with God– and few there be that find it, and fewer yetwho endure to the end of it: and only in the enduring to the end of it– do we become OVERCOMERS, who overcame all that came against them, with Christ.

We will be tossed around– but we don’t have to sink.


15. He taught men how to pray and fast, and why.

Matthew 17:19 “Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said– Why could we not cast him out?

20 And Jesus said to them– Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If you have faith as [small as] a grain of mustard seed– you shall say unto this mountain– Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you.

21 Howbeit– this kind– goes not out but by prayer and fasting.”

In the Strong’s Concordance and definition of ‘prayer’ in this instance– is called ORATORY WORSHIP; and ‘fasting–’ is defined as ABSTAINING FROM FOOD.

So, essentially God is stating– ‘You have not sacrificed bodily, to strengthen your spirits– you feed your flesh and carnal nature too much; and you are not praying, or rather– WORSHIPING WITH WORDS, unto your Father in heaven– enough.’

We ought to heed that lesson; because in their failure to worship and pray to Father in heaven– seeking his will and fellowship, and leading– and in their feeding of their flesh and carnality, they BECAME SPIRITUALLY WEAK.

Are we teaching this??


16. He taught men that in order to enter the Kingdom of God– one must ‘be like’ a child, in how they approach the Almighty Father.

He is, after all, a Father– and we are, after all– to reach out to him AS OUR FATHER.

Children listen to their father, love their father, and adhere to what he says; they do not challenge him [if they are obedient and well disciplined], they obey, and they know it’s for their own good, and that their Father– loves them very much, and provides all for them.

We are to BE HUMBLE– is his point; we are to look to him for all things, as innocently as a child expects their parent will take care of them.

We are to not doubt he will, and to know that all we go through– he is aware of– and like an earthly parent will cause a child to do hard things, to learn to be mature– our Father will do the same with us.

But if we do not stay small and humble before him, and delight in his presence and person– we will not enter into his kingdom.


Because we rejected his kingdom, and his rule, here– in the earth realm– in the hearts of men, where his kingdom is to rule and reign FIRST, in the hearts of man, upon the earth; that’s why we go home to his heavenly domain later– we sought him on earth first as Father and God of us: naturally, as his Spirit indwells those that do this– his very Spirit will carry them to his own domain later.

The only Spirit that goes home to God– is one that is joined to his Spirit– because it’s HIS HOME; we must be rejoined to him– and how we seek him, in what stance of heart posture [humility like a child], MATTERS.

He also warns those that do not take him seriously on this, and persecute his little ones– who are really us to him– of what will become them, who treat his humble children– harshly.

Matthew 18:6 “Whoever shall offend one of these little ones –who believe in me– it would be better for him that a millstone was hanged about his neck– and that he were drowned in the depths of the sea.”

Meaning– after God gets done with them; yikes– we ought to listen to how God feels about the PROUD.

Because it’s only the HAUGHTY and the PROUD [after satan’s way] – that would conduct themselves in like manner, toward the humble children of the Lord– in persecutions.

Have we figured out who the people are, that are ‘set across from us’ during the TABLE SET BEFORE US– IN THE MIDST OF OUR ENEMIES ??

It’s all those that persecute, mock and make fun of the humble children of the Lord; they will WATCH US PARTAKE FROM HIS TABLE [that’s provisions y’all], WHILST THEY– do not: it’s folk you know.

10 “Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones– for I say unto you– That in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father– who is in heaven.”

We have back up, and we have tattle-tales [that made me giggle], or rather, REPORTS ARE GIVEN as to what ALL MEN ARE DOING UPON THE EARTH, by angels, and unto WHICH PERSONS– they do them.


17. He taught forgiveness, and the great need to forgive our brethren– and serve them.

If we do not forgive, the Father will not forgive us.

He gave examples of a man in debt– a HUGE debt that he could not pay– and when he entreated the king, the king [or authority figure] was generous and forgiving, and he dismissed his debt against him.

But then– when the same scenario came to that man, where another, who owed him so very little, came for forgiveness and kindness– he bestowed hostility, and unforgiveness toward him– and the king found out.

And when the king found out– he threw him into prison– till he too, paid all he owed.

35 “So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also to you– if you from your hearts do not forgive everyone, and his brother– their trespasses.”

He taught that it is VERY HARD for a ‘rich man’ in the earth realm, who is full of material things and excess– to enter heaven; for they trust in all their riches, and do not live humbly or sacrificially-- but store up riches and provisions for themselves in the earthly realm.

He said it’s easier for a camel, to go through the eye of needle, than it is for a man with earthly treasures and substance that he trusts in– to make his way to heaven, and to abide with the Almighty– because his trust is not in God, but in his SUBSTANCE UPON EARTH.

It’s why a sacrificial life, one where we are not anchored down by material things, and lusts of the flesh– is adhered to; to whom much has been givenmuch will be required to hand out among the others, the needy.

And if one cannot do that– God will not entrust them with great wealth– for the LURE OF ITwill consume an immature spirit and soul: and lead them to hell and separation from God.

And he taught– IT’S NEVER TOO LATE, whilst we are yet breathing– TO JUMP ON BOARD, and GET TO WORK for, and with, the Kingdom of God.

He taught that– whoever is GREATEST IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD– will be one who bows down, stoops and serves the other brethren; this was his example as well.


18. He OVERTHREW the temples of the wayward, and the profiteers in the House of God.

Matthew 21:12 “And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

13 And said to them– It is written– My house shall be called the house of prayer– but you have made it a den of thieves.”

This is a MAIN POINT in God’s detailing of what he exemplified in the earth, in his ministry and ways of God, that we are to follow.

We have PROFITEERING going on in the House of the Lord, where the pastors, prophets, teachers, evangelists and apostles– are SEEKING THEIR OWN– as HIRELINGS, making a KINGDOM FOR THEMSELVES IN THE EARTH CHURCHES, and in the ‘hearts,’ and lives of men: because the temple of God’s kingdom– is within.

Are we admonishing and correcting our brethren where apostasy and vulgar twisting of God’s ways are being purported abroad, as they do not fulfill God’s nature– and fleece the flock in the process-- as well, leaving them sick and infirmed, with no healers or delivers?

Because if we are not, and we know better, and we have a means to tell them, and we tell them not– we are held accountable.

We are not supposed to be erecting our own KINGDOMS, and BEST LIVES EVER-- PROFITING off of, the House of, and the congregants of– THE LORD-- or leaving them DESTITUTE in any way, shape or form.

We have widows, and infirmed, elderly and ignorant– giving money to leadership in the ‘church,’ and yet they are going destitute, whilst the leadership lives high on the hog.

God is going to be dropping low, humbling and STRIPPING the haughty wolves that have come to devour his flock in this hour; the goat hirelings and the wolves –have been warned.

He has warned and warned again, to those not taking him seriously, and living hypocritically, and forsaking his flock– “The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation [people] bringing forth the fruits thereof.”

Matthew 22:14 “For many are called– but few are chosen.”

Matthew 23:10 “Neither be called masters: for one is your Master– Christ.

11 But he that is greatest among you [Christ– and now, us in example]– shall be your servant.”

Chapter 23, the latter end of Matthew’s chapter, is full of ‘WOE UNTO YOU, PHARISEES, HYPOCRITES.’

And it is full of all the ways they deceive, defraud, and sit haughty and comfortable– in God’s temples.

33 “You serpents– you generation of vipers– how can you escape the damnation of hell?”


19. He taught the summation of the Commandments– what is most important.

Matthew 22:36 “Master– which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said to him– You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like it– You shall love your neighbor, as yourself. 40 On these two commandments– hang all the law– and the prophets.”

His way, his laws by which he lives by, his conduct becoming him– is still in play– and we are to become, and live by the same; we are to be walking, and talking, bibles incarnate.

Meaning– we are to be demonstrating the Kingdom of heaven and his ways– here, in earth– through our conduct, speech and actions: which ALL RESULT FROM OUR CHARACTER, being reformed into HIS CHARACTER, which is the work of the holy Spirit of God, and WHY he gave us– a ‘newly born-again spirit.’

How we treat each other– we treat the Lord– he’s looking at how we care for, or do not care for, one another; because in how we take care of them, or do not, we take care of him– that’s how he sees it.

Matthew 25:40 “And the King shall answer and say to them– Verily I say unto you– Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these of my brethren– you have done it to me.

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand– Depart from me– you are cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

42 For I was an hungry, and you gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and you gave me no drink:

43 I was a stranger, and you took me not in: naked, and you clothed me not– sick, and in prison– and you visited me not.”



And as we have come to the conclusion of this long dissertation on THE MODEL OF CHRIST, in which we are to follow, with 19 points, thus far, we come to the 20th point– the culmination of what he said, in the final chapter of the gospel, according to Matthew.

I know it’s been a VERY LONG READ– but the Holy Spirit desired for Christ’s model of discipleship to be detailed out, and it took an entire day’s worth of hours to do it; but I do believe it is all worth studying, as to whether or not our ‘churches’ are adhering to his model.

Thank you for reading it to the conclusion– not for me– but for the Holy Spirit– as this was his will to be done, and for the teaching and edification of his children.

May we TRULY– model him, imitate him, in all ways– and definitely in the model of ‘HIS’ church.


20. He taught the Great Commission– and sent us FORTH.

Matthew 28:18 “And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying– All power is given unto me in heaven, and in earth.

19 Go therefore, and teach all nations– baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you– and, lo– I am with you always, even to the end of the world– Amen.”

We are to go out-- and repeat what he did, until the end comes-- all that he taught and exemplified.


The CHURCHis his– and ought to be modeled after HIS EXAMPLE, and ACCORDING TO, and under-- HIS COMMAND.

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Jan 15, 2023

Well detailed, very crucial for the days we are living notepad and pen in hand, taking notes. thank you Janet.


Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Jan 13, 2023



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