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The Mark: Christ or antichrist (within): false christs = false Christ-ians

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn


*Opponent(s) of Messiah

False Christs = False Christ-ians

[opposites, upside down inside— representatives]

[Video teaching link: ]


1 John 1-4, 2 John 1, 

3 John 1:4, Ephesians 1:13


1 John 1

“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;  (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and show unto you that eternal life— which was with the Father— and was manifested unto us;)

That which we have seen and heard, we declare unto you, that you also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.”

[Eternal life, which was with the Father— we were once brought forth from the Father, and he is eternal life;  to gain eternal life— we must come back into him;  this eternal life, union, reconciliation and re-yoking was manifest in the Son.  And it was to show ALL SONS how to come back into eternal life— which is ‘to be with’ the Father again.

We only gain entry back into the Father again— when we come through the proper channel/door— which is Messiah, YahShua (Jesus the Christ);  he leads us back to Father, quite literally.  We follow him, he leads us;  we do as he does and says:  we learn obedience and union to our Father again, by being unified with and in Christ again.

We begin to learn that we must do the opposite of this world and its way;  we must go against the grain, be separate from this world and its ways— and come back into righteousness and holiness:  it’s the way of eternal life.

Those who have seen and heard this (the disciples before us) are bringing this revelation to us— that the fellowshiping must be unto and with the Father and Son once again;  and in this— not fellowshiping with the spirit of this world and its ways— we begin to walk in eternal ‘life,’ not eternal separation from God (death).]

“And these things we write unto you— that your joy may be full.”

[How is your joy going to be full?  To rejoin the Spirit of Life, in Christ Jesus— and unto union with our Father once again;  for in him— is life, joy, and peace.]

“This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you— that God is light— and in him is no darkness at all.

If we say that we have fellowship with him— and walk in darkness— we lie, and ‘do’ not— the truth:  But if we walk in the light, ‘as he is—’ in the light— we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son —cleanses us from all sin.”

[He is light, and no darkness at all;  he has no sin— we fell short— we walked in darkness— his opposite.  To gain back the Light, we must walk in the Light— and conquer darkness (or his opposite of him, his opponent or anti).  And as we choose to ‘walk in,’ that is— behave in the light— he is faithful to cleanse the darkness (sin, transgression, opposite, anti of Christ) from us;  as we FELLOWSHIP with him there, in the light;  and that is where his blood (his life) cleanses us.]

“If we say that we have no sin— we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.”

[This is where folks say— and in so, deceive themselves— ‘I don’t have to do anything, Christ did it all;’  and yet— Christ is saying we must come into union with him, fellowship with him in the light (to exit the darkness/sin), and then be cleansed by his life (the blood) and truth.

If we say we do not need to do all that, which is walking in the New Man Creation in Christ— he said— We deceive— ‘ourselves.’  OUCH!

We have to flip things upside down (polar opposites);  we have to step into life, light, love, Christ, our Father and their ways:  we must yoke to the Spirit of Life.

There are two trees in the Garden;  one is the polar opposite of the other:  one has light, life and love— and the other, darkness, death and hate (disunion).

They are opposites of each other;  we must exit living in the dark tree of knowledge (discerning for ourselves, leading ourselves— but reflecting the outer image like the tree of life— but inside— rottenness of bones (inner man system workings).

We must come out of death (below tree, and root system) —and come up above, into the tree of Life:  and to do that— we must cross over, and go through that Door or Gate.

The holy Spirit opens that up to each man, and bids him to come.  But one must come authentically— not hypocritically, not in words alone— but in heart posture:  it’s a surrender all, and come into Life Eternal.

One tree (or rooted into system) —for the other:  one must die, and one must win:  carry a cross to carnality, a cross to die to self leadership and self exaltation of— and come into humility and serve another, our Father once again.

If we willingly fell away from him in the Garden— we will have to willingly return to him in the Garden, as well.]

“If we confess our sins (to him)— he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

If we say that we have not sinned— we make him a liar— and his word is not in us.

[His Spirit, his Truth— are his Word, his Person— the Person of God himself.

And John— the beloved of Christ— who laid his head on his breast (heart), and was an apostle of the Lord:  one of the 3 closest to him, wrote this.  I pray we take heed to ALL of scripture, and gain the full picture.  Because he’s giving us gems of understanding in these epistles.]


1 John 2

“My little children, these things I write to you— (so) that you sin not.  And if any man sins— we have an advocate with the Father— Jesus Christ the righteous:  And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only— but also for the sins of the whole world.”

[Complete redemption, the same he desires of us, to come into full unity with his Spirit, fully redeemed from the spirit of error, within and without:  coming out of one tree (his opposite) —and being cleansed and adopted back into the right (or righteous) tree:  the Tree of Life (himself).]

“And hereby (this is how) we know that we know him— IF we keep his commandments.

He who says— I know him, and keeps not his commandments— is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”

[It’s more than a knowledge base (that’s the faulty tree) —it’s knowing and then GETTING ROOTED INTO THE TRUTH:  that’s the Tree of Life (God himself).  We are called to get rooted into God himself once again;  and he only has one conduct, and one leader:  his, and him.

If we buck his command (and the things he teaches us:  commandments) —then we buck him, and we have not exited the tree of intellectual knowledge, that comes to counter God— and lead itself in its ‘own way.’

We must come out of this— to enter into eternal ‘Life:’  he does not have co-leaders— he has surrendered children who follow him:  satan is the opposite of that.  Satan comes to —do what he wills;  do what thou wilt.

So— if we say we walk in the light, but obey the Light not— then we do not do Father’s will (as in heaven, so here, I do your will) —we are doing what we will;  and we walk yet as his opponent (opposite of what Christ manifested and demonstrated) —and we walk yet in darkness, deceiving ourselves.

We need to be ‘righted,’ in righteousness— for we walk upside down;  opposite of Christ’s walk in and from his inner man:  we must walk ‘upright,’ he told us this;  and we must walk in light, not darkness:  we have to flip things around inside— and defeat that enemy/opposite/opponent to God and his holiness and righteousness.]

“But whoso keeps his word in him— verily (truly) the love of God is perfected [complete, accomplished, consummated in character, fulfilled]: hereby (or by this) we know that we are in him [fixed position constructed].

He who says that he abides in him— ought himself to also— so walk [in this way and manner go around] —even as he walked.”

[Walk— as he walked;  this is his behavior and conduct of his inner man— that turned about his outer man;  this is the Holy Spirit leading him in all his ways— as he demonstrated:  only doing what the Father showed him, of his person and leadership.]

“Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which you have had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which you have heard from the beginning.

Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him, and in you: because the darkness is past— and the true light now shines.

He who says he is in the light— and hates (passionate dislike:  disunion) his brother— is in darkness even until now.

He who loves his brother— abides in the light, and there is no occasion of stumbling in him.

But he who hates his brother— is in darkness, and walks in darkness, and knows not whither he goes— because that darkness has blinded his eyes.

[When darkness has blinded our eyes— we have an eschew perception of righteousness and holiness (right);  we walk in a way that Christ does not walk in:  for example— holding people to tattoos, or former sins, or seeing the place of refinement they CURRENTLY stand in— and shunning them, for they— ‘still have a ways to go;’ and you cannot associate with them.

Christ did not move in these ways.  Imagine where he found you— and we are called to see them as Christ sees them, and to meet them— where Christ too, meets them:  in patience, long forbearance, love, kindness, gentleness, generosity, peace, and joy.

We will either walk in his Spirit (the fruits of his person, the conduct of his person) —or we will walk in another spirit (and the fruit/conduct of that other spirit:  his opposition, his opposite).

The disciples demonstrated this— Peter, Get behind me satan:  that is, ‘Peter— get behind me, you do not usurp the King and the Kingdom mandate, to serve your interests in the lusts of your soul.’

We can walk with other spirits;  just because you HAVE HOLY SPIRIT with you— does not mean we ‘join’ to him in all matters, nor heed his lead in all matters.

It takes a humble person to STOP— assess with God… “What did you do sir, in these circumstances, and how are you leading me, even now— in this one?”

And then, that man proceeds as Christ himself would like to proceed— led of his Spirit, straight out of that man:  that is oneness, that is being one with the Spirit of Life and Love. 

But be assured— ANY MAN, at ANY TIME— can choose to uphold ‘another spirit,’ and often does— until refinement has reached its course within man;  and that man— and his God— see EYE TO EYE, PERSPECTIVE TO PERSPECTIVE— and remain unified in the way they will go (behave):  single-eyed.]

“I write unto you— little children— because your sins are forgiven you, for his name's sake.

I write unto you, fathers— because you have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men— because you have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children— because you have known the Father.

I have written to you, fathers— because you have known him ‘who is from the beginning.’ I have written unto you, young men— because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked one.

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world— the love of the Father is not in him.”

[This is getting rooted in the right system (tree), and this is how we overcome the wicked one.  Each person must do this ALONE WITH GOD.  No other man can come into you, and set you straight, and on the right path, setting you upright inside;  you must exalt Christ and the truth within your own vessel (temple/minding).

The Word of God is the person of truth;  and when he is exalted inside, for real (along with his commands of how to conduct ourselves, or behave) —we overcome the darkness, and the leader of darkness/sin/transgression/violation of God and his way:  each man must do this— and this is deliverance in action, within our inner man.

Allow the Spirit of God to heal you, and deliver you— by yoking to his truth and person:  this is the battle won in everyone.] 

“For all that is in the world— the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life— is not of the Father— but is of the world.

And the world passes away— and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of God —abides forever.

[To lead ourselves, behave (even emotionally) however we choose to, to do our own will— is not of God, but is of satan:  to love to get what we want, how we want it, when we want it, and from our own rationale that this is good— we fall into sin;  and the love of the Father (love to exalt him instead) —is not in us, for we love all the ‘other stuff,’ from the other kingdom (self focus and exaltation of).

We go after everything and everyone else— what and who is in the world.  We love these— MORE THAN we love him:  we are lovers of pleasure more than of God (double spirited/minded).

We love the Father (the love of the Father) —when we ache inside to do his will, be as he is in the earth— not the opposite, which is to disregard him— and focus on self:  what self wants, needs, likes, desires, and is focused on;  and he said— this is the spirit of this world:  self focus and the lusts thereof.]

“Little children— it is the last (of) time: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come— even now there are many antichrists; whereby (or by thus) we know that it is the last (of) time.

They went out from us— but they were not of us; for if they had been of us— they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out— that they might be made manifest— that they were not all of us.

[They went out into the world, from our group;  folks— that is referencing those in the church who have gone astray, and have entered into the spirit of this world;  because if they had not strayed— through false doctrines, precepts of men and hypocrisy lived from within (knowing the scripture, but not BEING the scripture in truth in their hearts— they would have remained in the truth, steadfast, and united with the brethren, and with Christ.  

But these— have been given over to a reprobate mind, that Christ warned about— that they will be the witness of the antichrist spirit— proving that they were not at all with us in their souls:  as like Judas;  ever close to the Messiah (the Word) on a daily basis— but never came into the truth, or the truth into him. 

This is abroad in massive measure right now— and God will shake us to wake us:  a remnant he has always had in the truth of their hearts, and a remnant will remain— who are true to him and his Word.]

“But you have an unction from the Holy One— and you know all things.

I have not written unto you because you do know the truth— but because you know it— and that no lie is of the truth.”

 We must remember him— our first love. 

[We know the truth, and no lie is to stay within the man of God— we are called to walk in the truth, and all lies will have to be gutted from our inner parts;  that is the cleansing by the Word, the sanctification and consecration process.  

We have the truth in the Word of God— we are to assimilate into it in our character, he has said this again and again in scripture;  but we have been living these second hand lives of revelation;  waiting upon the diligent in Christ to receive from him, and pass around the revelation of God (that’s revelation of his person and relationship with him in the truth).

And as long as this is happening, and we are not going to the table of God and supping with him there, ourselves, personally— man will be led astray— looking to man for the truth;  looking to man for the revelation, looking to man for the ancient paths:  and man does not hold all of that— God does.

Man is only as clean as he has been cleansed by the Word and is in alignment with Christ:  I am still being cleaned and aligned.

We must go to him personally, and receive of him;  in the throne room evaluations— we will not be able to stand on ‘someone else’s relationship’ with God;  we will stand alone with the Almighty, and we will face what we ‘gave our hearts to’ in the earth realm:  and if we give our hearts to people…

We will find out…

“Did you love these, more than me?”

And I do not think any of us want to hear that, or find out the truth of that later on.

I watch people, in full on panic, come to me, behind the scenes— and wonder about this person, or this video, or this point or teaching— and I cringe at the things the people are spending their time on.  I cringe for two reasons— the topics they are on are sent of the devil to confuse, frustrate and lead astray on ridiculous topics, devoid of concentrating on the Lord;  and secondly— IF— they would just lock down with him, and LITERALLY have him be their all, spending all their time with him, communing with him, fellowshiping, honoring him and seeking of him…

They would be set free from the bondage, confusion, and grip satan has over them— that is causing them to stay bound and in fear:  all because the truth is not exalted within, nor is their time and focus spent on reading, knowing and becoming resolute about that truth— found in the holy scriptures and words of God.

If we will be a people, seeking people— for God;  we will be led astray again and again.  Because folks— astray is anything and anyone that you give your heart to— that is not the Lord, the Word and worshiping him with your time.

I see many led down paths of seeking knowledge still— and yet, we must come out of that tree— and seek Him;  only in stepping from the death tree of knowledge alone— will we step back into Christ;  who is the expressed wisdom, counsel, knowledge, understanding and might of God himself— bodily.

Do we understand that— we must, in OUR BODY (God in body, Christ with us— Emmanuel) walk in his ways, the ancient paths, the truth:  and it will come with partnering with his Presence, Fearing and honoring him in his— power (might) to transform our lives, to slay all principalities (principles within us) and set us free, by his…

Counsel (the wonderful Counselor), by his Wisdom— the expressed wisdom of God, by his knowledge of all (that’s revelation of truth) and his omniscience (he knows all), and by his understanding of all of his counsels, knowledge, and wisdom.

WE MUST WALK AS HE WALKS— and that is in the light, enlightened, and rooted in the truth;  to be as he is:  holy and true to the word.]

“Who is a liar —but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ [the Messiah, the Deliverer]? He is antichrist— who denies the Father and the Son.

Whoever denies the Son— the same does not have the Father: he who acknowledges the Son— has the Father also.”

[What do we think that means— a confession of this with our mouths, but not in our hearts?  And I mean— does the church confess with their mouths that Jesus is the Deliverer, the Savior of the people— and they do not deny the power to transform their inner man, and come back into his shape again?

Because that is the spiritual implication of these verses;  it is not a profession with lips— but with hearts:  those having both an outward image of God, and those who do not deny the power thereof the holy Spirit, to transform them back into the clean light beings, who live in the truth and holiness again.

If we deny the Son— in his power to save, transform us, deliver us from darkness (inner man workings) and bring us back into the light, the glorious light and glory of God— then we deny the Father and Maker from which we hailed from:  our first love.

We must not deny the workmanship of God in our lives to transform us back into his shape/image;  if we do— and we confess with only our lips that we have the knowledge of God— but we walk not in the truth, and remain walking in darkness within our hearts…

Then we remain in the carnal, and we have not died to that kind of man living and breathing in us— and we have need of salvation.  So much has been tainted about ‘what is salvation,’ and what is not.

Salvation— is Christ coming in, supping with us, bringing us out of darkness (evil) in our hearts, healing us and perfecting us or making us whole in him again— and abiding in us, with us, in the truth, and in holy righteousness:  that is salvation of our souls.

Without this—what has our ‘soul’ been saved from?

And who saved it then?

A work must be accomplished by the hand of the Lord in each of our lives.  Being marked (by God holy or satan) is done within each man, as is the battle to take back ground in a war— is found in the souls of men.

Are we winning?

Are you and Christ, in your life, in your heart/soul— winning the battle against the enemy of your soul?

Because soul battles are won or lost— in the soul.

We must be living straight and true with God— in the soul:  and the soul of each man must be reformed by the hand of God, the Word of God himself, the washing of the truth inside of us— that cleanses us from all sin and evil:  that is salvation— that is the finished work of Christ coming to every man, to now finish every man— and bring him freedom, in the SOULS OF MEN.]

“Let that therefore abide in you, which you have heard from the beginning. IF— that which you have heard from the beginning— SHALL REMAIN IN YOU— you also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father.

And this is the promise that he has promised us— eternal life.

These things I have written to you concerning —those who seduce you.

BUTthe anointing which you have received of himabides in you, and you do not need any man to teach you:  as the same anointing teaches you of all things— and is truth, and is no lie— and even as it has taught you— you shall abide in him.”

[This is what I’ve been saying— we want to abide in him, and he in us— and a key was just given, right here:  The same anointing that all have been given, abides in each of us— and we do NOT need any man to teach us (our flesh enjoys their teachings, but we do not NEED man to teach us) —the holy Spirit himself will bring us into all truth— and out of lies— just like every man before us, and every man that will come after us:  and in this— being taught of God directly, individually, and privately— we will avoid the pitfalls of those who come to seduce us;  and we will be brought into all truth, by the Father of us, who desires to raise his children himself, individually.

In fact— the only time you have been ‘brought into truth,’ was when the Holy Spirit revealed it to you— even if he first revealed it to someone else, and they delivered it to you:  it was the Holy Spirit who taught your inner man of the truth, and enlightened you to it.  He is the one we all need— not man as the majority of teaching— the Holy Spirit, one on one.

In the end— it will always be that one on one that did all the work in our souls:  it will be where we heard the truth, stepped into the truth, and with God and his Spirit of Truth— we were set free by yoking to it:  but it is ALWAYS the Spirit that brings us ‘into’ the truth— inside our person/soul.

We need people to help us with the Word of God— a lot less than we think.  If we would only go to him one on one, and refuse to come out of that place— he would, himself, bring us into all truth— just like he does everyone else:  one precept, one topic, one point, one lie at a time:  he is faithful and true to do this unto, and for all;  it’s his dream after all, to raise up his children, in the way to be.]

“And now, little children— abide in him;  so that, when he shall appear— we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.

If you know that he is righteous— you know that every one who ‘does’ righteousness— is born of him.”

[We cannot really ‘abide in him,’ if we are abiding in, running to, what everyone else is saying or teaching all the time— then— we are abiding in ‘them.’  

And— “Do you love these more than me?” —will be the question we will all face.

We will only have confidence in his coming, if we are coming to him already, now, inside, and abiding with his Spirit there— who is bringing us INTO all truth:  and that is the ONLY WAY you will WALK IN RIGHTEOUSNESS (it’s his) —and be born of his Spirit;  that is one who ‘does’ righteousness, for he, our Father— will be doing his workings straight out of these authentic ones.]


1 John 3

“Behold (look at) what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knows us not— because it knew him not.

Beloved— NOW— are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear— we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.”

[Do we see him as he is now, in scripture, in our hearts?  Do we abide with him in his person (his ways), and does his person abide in us (in our ways and person)?

Because he has ‘appeared’ to many already, and he has come a second time in flesh— the flesh of his children;  and has come to bring them out of all darkness (sin, evil, death, lies and corruption) —and into the Light;  he is the Light, and in him is no darkness, nor shadow of turning:  is it thus, in us?

Do we allow our spirit to be as he is in Spirit?

Do we allow our conscious and internal person (our souls) to be as he is?

Are we disciplined by his nature and person— and have we assimilated into the truth, and has the truth (the Word) transformed us into the New Man, found only in Christ Jesus?

Has his workmanship been taking place in our souls— willingly coming into agreement to be as he is, and finds his person to be?

This— is the work of the Father in us;  and THIS— is the difference between remaining carnal, and marked by satan and satanic ways…

Or… by being marked by the holy Spirit, and sealed in with him and his ways, as the Reformer, the Refiner, and the Savior and God of us.

To fear an outward representation— is carnal;  fear the God who can kill both the outward (flesh/body) and the soul in hell;  he told us this.

The soul dies, if it stays aligned with the outward, the outer court, the removed of God, who stays close to the world, and enjoys fitting into all the ways the secular get along in this place.

The soul flourishes— if we become set apart, get Babylon out of our hearts and minds (souls), and re engage God in holiness and righteousness inside our inner man (soul);  the soul will LIVE IN THE LIFE GIVING SOURCE OF CHRIST:  we will live, and breathe and find our being, ‘being’ at one with God and his Spirit— if we will live in integrity of character (God’s), and will obey and serve him.

Life himself— will mark us by his Spirit (the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus— Romans 8) —if we will uphold life within our hearts/souls;  and life— has a conduct about it, as does death:  and we must know our God personally, to walk in Life— for he is the only bearer of it.]

“And every man who has this hope in him— PURIFIES HIMSELFeven as he is pure.”

[That is a work— WE ARE TO DO— not God, though he will help you, by the cleansing of the Word;  but that is a personal walk and journey with the Word of God (and he’s both written and spoken/or Spirit), agreeing to be washed by it.  

Which in truth means— you will read it, you will analyze yourself with the Spirit of God, contrasting it against your current walk in life (how you are living), and YOU, YOURSELF— will, with God— CORRECT THE ERRORS YOU HAVE BEEN LIVING, and COME INTO LIVING THE TRUTH NOW.  

This is what is meant by— the Spirit of Truth will BRING YOU INTO ALL TRUTH:  you will now live it, and eradicate satan and his ways, and lies from you— wherever the two of you (the Spirit and you) find them erected and living in you.]

“Whoever commits sin— transgresses also the law (the conduct of God): for sin is the transgression of the law.

And you know that —he was manifested— to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.

[He was shown to us (manifested), to walk out a life here in the earth as an example to us all, and to do what no other man could— which is walk perfectly with God our Father and the Spirit;  so that NOW— we too, in Christ, can walk with the Father and Spirit, and not be penalized for every infraction of him— but to be slowly, methodically reformed into his image— allowing him to work in/on us (his workmanship in us— to TAKE AWAY OUR SINS— it’s his work he’s doing in us) —to bring us back to what he created us as:  full circle clean up, full restoration of what man truly is, in the first— when he was designed by God, and created.

He is cleaning us up.  We understand this, yes?

And he is the one who must do this work in us.

We can gain knowledge upon knowledge (revelation), but until we BECOME WHAT HE DESIGNED US TO ‘be,’ we will be waylaid, and wrapped up in the knowledge tree (the place our souls are grounded and rooted and living from);  and that tree— is NOT— the tree of Life:  that is Christ Jesus, the truth (which is composed of knowledge, wisdom, counsel of and understanding in— the ways of holiness and righteousness in our Father:  this is truth).

We have remained in the tree of knowledge (revelation) alone, for far to long— STEP INTO THE TREE OF LIFE:  because in the tree of life, you will learn how to live and abide in God (hence Life, how to ‘be’ ALIVE in Christ);  we are stepping out of death and separation, sin and walking opposite God— and we are stepping into Life in Christ, and union with God, into agreement with his Spirit and alignment with his Spirit in our inner man:  this is what it is to be found ALIVE in Christ, to live in God.

And he has a work to finish in all of us— we must work with him, not against him:  and this religious spirit of knowledge only, that is based in pride (blindness of the truth, because one cannot see how they have fallen short of the glory of God, nor reverence his Spirit) must go!

We have a blind people, who walk carnally minded on fleshly things, who fight amongst each other, try to prove who is right and who is not, who judge one another, and who walk not in the Spirit of the holy one, nor led of his Spirit:  and all this must change— to enter into Life in Christ.

Hypocrisy and spiritual blindness has to go:  we do not operate from fear, pride, judgment, exaltation of man, competition with man (envy), slander (speak not any evil of any man— he said), looking at error only in men— we are all being worked on by his Spirit to be brought out of this— and he WILL accomplish his work— given time:  we must look at all men— through HIS EYES and HEART;  and that only comes when we are actually yoked to his SPIRIT.

We have many yoked to the written, and are willing to kill for it (deface a man, devalue a man for his error— beat them with the word);  who know not that the Spirit of God, and God does not do this, nor would he;  he desires for none to perish, that all would turn and face him again in humility and repent and be saved:  and it is only LOVE— that will accomplish this.  

And LOVE— is patient, kind, generous, long-suffering and forbearing, does not envy, does not puff itself up (in knowledge of scripture or attitudes of unkindness and contention), does not behave itself unseemly, thinks no evil, seeks not her own (to be right, or to gain), is not easily provoked (into arguments and debates, anger or anything else), rejoices not in sin (anyone’s sin or being blinded by it) —but rejoices in the truth (and the truth getting through to someone, brought into the light), Love— bears all things (people in error), believes all things (hope and love for people in error), hopes all things (people in error to be brought out, and loved and coaxed out— by the Spirit of Love), endures all things (patiently and kindly).  Charity (love) —never fails.

Are we walking IN LOVE (because that’s him)?

Are we allowing him to transform us, and indwell us?

Because when Love himself indwells a man— YOU WILL LOVE OTHERS;  and there is a measure that can be seen, when measured out to another in our actions:  and if it’s love— it will be seen, heard and felt (it will manifest);  and if it is hate— it will be seen, heard and felt (it will manifest).

And his children— are known by their fruit.

“And now abides faith, hope, charity (love) —these three; BUT— the greatest of these —is LOVE.”

We will be known, in spirit form, that we are His children— if our souls actually walk out LOVE from our midst:  because TRUE LOVE— stands out from the spirit of this world, and DRAWS MEN TO IT:  his children, who are led of the Spirit— will draw men’s hearts;  for all who come to the Son (inside in their hearts) —are DRAWN OF THE SPIRIT.

The Spirit will call to a man— but the man must requite (return) the love;  and in doing so— he will be saved and recovered:  and sealed in the Holy Spirit.]

“Whoever abides in him— sins not: whosoever sins— has not seen him, nor known him.”

[Here is a great point— sin = walking opposite of God;  it is transgressing or means, in Strong’s —to be/go contrary to (opposite/opposition to) —or otherwise to violate God’s command.

How is he commanding you?

Are you violating what he has commanded us all in scripture to be, and to walk in?

We must abide in him, and to abide in him— to remain— we cannot continue to walk in sin;  which is— to walk in violation of his command in our lives, to walk contrary, in opposition and opposite of— his Spirit and truth.

We must walk with him, in him, in/on his ancient ways and paths;  and we must worship him in SPIRIT, and in truth:  that is— knowing the truth is not enough, lest it penetrate your souls and you begin to WALK IN IT:  and thereby you will be walking (living) in the SPIRIT ‘and’ in the TRUTH (truthfully walking in righteousness and holiness— this is the truth).

“And worshiping— is not raising our hands to him;  it is RAISING OUR HEARTS TO HIM—” he just said to me.

To worship him in our spirit, in unity with his Spirit (as one);  and to worship him AUTHENTICALLY, to believe and walk in the TRUTH— is to walk in/with God’s Spirit (not the other one available) AUTHENTICALLY.

True = authentic.  Do we walk ‘true’ to God and his Spirit?]

“Little children, let no man deceive you: he who ‘does righteousness’ —is righteous, even as he (God) is righteous.

He who commits sin— is of the devil; for the devil sins from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested (shown to us all), that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

[For this purpose, or— This was the purpose for— the Son of God to manifest himself in an earthen vessel to us all…

So he could destroy the works of the devil— IN USas he YOKES TO US NOW, since he lived it out FLAWLESSLY!

Our Lord has a work to do in all of us— reform us in his Refiner’s fire (that’s in him), and help us stop transgressing him, and begin to honor him (exalt him) and his truth within our vessels;  satan— does not do that, and he has been a sinner (or one who violates, and does not come into union with God’s ways inside of him) from the beginning;  we cannot continue in his ways like this, and must be transformed by the renewing of our minds (souls/hearts— that have intents and thoughts of their own).

And TO DO ALL THAT— the Son of God was shown to us all, incarnate (to once again do this in us, the second coming in flesh) —TO ERADICATE (destroy) ALL THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL:  let them not be found in us— as he comes to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

And in this— we are the children of God, led of his Spirit, and sanctified:  he did say, he sanctifies himself— so we too will sanctify (cleanse) ourselves by the word of truth, Father.

We must join him in this work— for only the devil fights him (transgresses) his ways and holiness and righteousness;  his children do not, but are drawn to it, to be cleansed by it, and are delighted to join their Father once again (the lover of their souls, first love) and to regain his shape and functions with in— under him, his rule and as high one in them, in dominion. 

Satan will never be about that— we must be;  we must come out of union with satan and his ways— and walk ‘inside of Love,’ and he’s a person;  so that Love himself— will walk all up and down in us, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, by his Spirit and his Truth.]

“Whosoever is born of God— does not commit sin; for his seed remains in him: and he cannot sin— because he is born of God.

In this the children of God are manifest (shown to all) —and the children of the devil: whosoever ‘does not’ —righteousness— is not of God, neither he who ‘does not’ love his brother.

For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning— that we should love one another.  And not as Cain— who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore (why did he) slew him? Because —his own works were evil— and his brother's, righteous.”

[We will live as God lives in our inner man, or we will walk as, and with the devil— and we are not God’s child, no matter what we claim:  these will say ‘Lord, Lord,’ in that day— but he never knew them.

We either walk out his righteousness, or we walk out evil;  we either love as he loves and by his Spirit— or we will continue to walk in pride, hate, slander, envy, and self-righteousness— in discord (no harmony, one with another)

What ‘works,’ and WHOSE WORKS— are we working, within?

The cleansing of the soul/heart of man— by the word of truth (and Spirit of).]

“Marvel not my brethren if the world hates you.  We know that we have passed from death— unto life— because we love the brethren. He that loves not his brother —abides in death.

Whoever hates his brother— is a murderer: and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.”

[What we do to the least— we have done to him, he said;  if we walk not in love— we walk in death;  there is no other way;  and how do we know we abide in God?  We will walk in LOVE, and that is what it is to truly live.]

“Hereby (by this) we perceive the love of God— because he laid down his life for us: so too, we ought to lay down our lives— for the brethren.

But whoso has this world's good (self good)— and sees his brother have need, and shuts up his bowels of compassion from him— how dwells the love of God in him?”

[How could God, and his love— be in someone that would see another ‘in need,’ and shut off himself from helping this person?

Do we take that further from the physical (the superficial and temporal), and do we take it into the spiritual?

Do we understand that this includes HELPING the brother in spiritual error, in LOVE, and in PATIENCE and KINDNESS?

I see many want to cut ties, run and no longer associate with a brother who is in error;  how is this the work of the Spirit of God— who comes to bring all men out of darkness and error, and into the Light?

Do we see the truth of those who are led this way— they may have knowledge of the truth— but do they walk in it?  Do they recall when they were in gross error, and the Spirit of God came unto them, to bring them into the light and freedom?

So— which are his children, and which are of the spirit of error themselves (the devil) —when we reject God’s household who is in error, not forbearing them, not attempting to set them free by being BRINGERS OF THE TRUTH, in LOVE to them?

My Father has been speaking to me about ‘walking in his Spirit’ lately;  and what that really means.  Because we have many who want to walk in the truth— but they are failing because they only have a knowledge of the truth, but they are devoid of bringing it into their souls, to be rooted and grounded there— and to be WALKED IN, there:  the place where God meets us in reformation, to live his Spirit in:  the temple.

Is the temple really his?

Is the temple clean of satan and his ways?

Because this is the work he is attempting to finish in each man— total unity, alignment, agreement and resurrection of his shape and image again— in the inner workings of man’s souls.

That was his dream in the beginning;  to raise man into his mature image inside;  his dream is not dead— it’s just been challenged by the fall of man into sin:  his dream is still to resurrect us, INSIDE.

How many of us are doing this with him;  and not just having a ‘form’ of Godliness (knowledge, like satan) —but who will WALK IN IT, IN THE SPIRIT OF GOD, and AS ONE WITH HIM— and who will BE THE TRUTH INCARNATE?

That— is true salvation, and union with Christ, unto reconciliations to our Father:  THAT— is true freedom in Christ, and from the ‘anti,’ or other option ‘anointed’ one (the false light— satan, knowledge only).

Out of death— into Life.  Out of darkness— into the glorious Light of God.]

“My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; BUT— in deed and in truth.

And hereby we know that we are of the truth— and shall assure our hearts before him.

For if our heart condemns us— God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.”

[He comes to cleanse our hearts, free our hearts (souls), and is greater than the wickedness of satan, and of lies, and of estrangement;  if our hearts JAIL US (that’s condemnation) —then THE TRUTH COMES TO FREE US FROM JAIL:  but we must couple with it (him) to gain the freedom:  we must TURN FROM OUR WICKED WAYS, to be saved by his truth and love.]

“Beloved, if our heart condemns us not— then have we confidence toward God.

And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him— because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.

And this is his commandment— That we should believe on the name [character and authority, and surname (family name)] of his Son Jesus Christ— and LOVE one another— as he gave us commandment.

And he who keeps his commandments— dwells in him, and he (dwells) in him (them). And hereby we know that he abides in us— by the Spirit which he has given us.”

[That just said— The Spirit he gave us— you can know he lives in you— IF you will live keeping his commandments that he tells how to live by, and by his Spirit’s leading in our lives;  in this— you keep the character and authority, or surname (family name) of God:  and that is when our hearts are clear and clean before God— not condemning (or jailing us) in the ways of satan.]


1 John 4

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit— but try the spirits [approve— check them out] —whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Hereby (or, by this) you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ —is come in the flesh— is of God:  and every spirit that confesses not —that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh— is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist— whereof you have heard that it should come; and even now already it is in the world.”

[Do we think we will not have to try our own hearts (souls) and that of others— to determine ‘of what spirit’ they are of?  All who are in relationship with God— are coming out of error;  Peter was— when he was rebuked by letting satan couple with him, when our Lord said “—Get behind me, satan—” straight to Peter:  and yet— He loves Peter, who then went on to become an apostle of christ.

Are we patient with our brethren, in love— preferring them, forbearing them, and walking in love toward them— in the ways Christ exemplified in his flesh?

And do we think that— Christ has come in the flesh— is only a reference to his own life, in his own dirt suit— thousands of years ago?

Because— I assure you— God is speaking about people who will agree, or disagree— that Christ has come unto, and into OUR FLESH, the second coming in the flesh— unto unity and indwelling of his Spirit, in all of us.

Those who will deny that GOD DOES THIS— and IS DOING THIS, and SPEAKS and SUPS with his children directly— IN FLESH is of the devil, and denies Christ and his Spirit in man.

Antichrist spirits— do not believe in the reformation process, the union and reconciliation of God in his Spirit— to the spirits and souls of men;  and the antichrist spirit remains violating this union, this reformation, this yoking to the truth and living it;  and there are MANY antichrist already with us;  and they are those who OPPOSE HIM INSIDE, and his REFORMATION WORKMANSHIP, inside their vessels:  this is the apostate church— in which tribulation comes to shake and wake from their error and reprobate processes still taking place within them.

If we come not out of this— we are appointed unto perdition, like Judas;  who was with the Messiah daily— and yet denied his workings of truth and love to operate in his own heart/soul.

We must see the truth of this;  for all outward markings are superficial;  the sealing and markings that matter, are the spiritual, inward, and invisible markings of the Lord God holy, righteous and true;  or— that of satan, unholy, unredeemed within, unrighteous and reprobate— who walks in violation (sin) of the ways of God.]

“You are of God— little children— and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you— than he that is in the world.”

[“World”— is an euphemism or symbolic word for:  the flesh/carnal nature.  So— greater is God inside you, than the carnal nature:  let him obliterate it in there— by coming into true salvation, yoking to his truth, and living his truth:  which is righteousness, holiness and love.]

“They are of the world: therefore they speak of the world— and the world hears them.”

[So, once again— they are of the carnal nature, and so— the carnal nature realm and kingdom— hears them;  as they obey it.]

“We are of God: he who knows God —hears us (those led of his Spirit, hear the truth lived out in others, as they know his Spirit); he that is not of Godhears not us (this is the heartbreaking part— many will deny him in others— because they are deceived, and still in the carnal, though they are blind to this, and know it not). 

Hereby we know the spirit of truth— 

and the spirit of error.

Beloved, let us love [Strong’s, literally says this means— in a social and moral sense] one another: for love— is of God; and every one who loves —is born of God, and knows God.

He that loves not— knows not God; 

for God is love.

In this was manifested the love of God toward us— because God sent his only begotten Son into the world— that we might live through him.”

[The only way you will ‘live through’ someone else— is to be in them, and they will conduct themselves, and you will go along with;  and Christ is in us— and he is cleansing us from all evil so he can do this:  live his person straight out of us.

So— are we walking in his ways yet?  And if not— are we agreeing to be reformed into the way he walks?  Are we willing to give up and die to all things that he does not walk in, nor regard?  

For this is to ‘live in Christ,’ and to have him live in, and out of, and in union with— us.]

“Herein is love— not that we loved God— but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Beloved, if God so loved us— we ought also to love one another.

No man has seen God at any time. (But) If we love one another— God dwells in us— and his love is perfected in us.”

[Right here it’s saying— if you allow God to live in you, reform you back into his shape, and become ONE with his Spirit— he will be able to SHOW HIMSELF (in a flesh person) TO THE PEOPLE TO SEE;  because his love will be whole (perfected) inside of us, as we yoke to his Spirit, and are led of his Spirit— and the people of this world will SEE HIM:  this is the man-child, manifesting son of God.]

“Hereby (in this) we know that we dwell in him— and he in us— because he has given us of his Spirit.

And we have seen, and do testify —that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God— God dwells in him— and he in God.

And we have known and believed the love that God has toward us. God is love; and he who dwells in love —dwells in God— and God in him.

[It would seem we need to know God’s definition of love;  and he said it was to obey HIM;  and if we obey him, keep his commandments and tenants in scripture of how to conduct ourselves, and yield to his Spirit to bring us into all this— we would walk in Love toward God, and then love toward one another (the 1st and 2nd law in summary).

But are we?

Or do we stand in judgment of them?

We will be assimilated into his image, or we do not honor and revere him in our souls:  and love will permeate from the souls of those who know their Father.]

“Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is— so are we in this world.”

[He just said— Do you want to know how to be able to confidently approach the judgment day?  BE, in this world and lifetime— AS HE IS.

That’s the answer folks— we will be bold to run to him during the judgment, because we are judging and discerning with him now, all areas we need cleansed, and to return to righteousness within;  and in that— in the day of judgment— WE WILL BE BOLD TO APPROACH HIM, IN CONFIDENCE;  because in this world, we WERE AS HE IS!!]

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment. He who fears— is not made perfect [whole] in love.

We love him— because he first loved us.”

[He is working his workmanship in all who are actually saying yes to the yoking up with his Spirit;  have confidence— that if you are drawn to him, you were drawn of the Spirit, to the Son— as he said.  It’s not all on you, he is drawing you closer to himself;  allow him to do and finish his workmanship in you:  in this— you have confidence, and in this— you know God personally.]

“If a man says— ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother— he is a liar: for he who loves not his brother, whom he has seen— how can he love God whom he has not seen?”

[This is why we will learn— What you do to the least, you do to me;  as the words of our Lord said.  We will learn— we are to see God’s image in every man, and love him— as the Lord would:  for if you can SEE another man (brother) before you, and you treat him not as you would treat God himself— How can you love God, when you cannot even LOVE THE ONE IN FRONT OF YOU?  Because that IS— the walk of God, the Spirit of God, and the Will of God— unto all men.]

“And this commandment we have from him— That he who loves God —loves his brother also.”


G1588 – Elect

Greek: ἐκλεκτός

Transliteration: eklektos

Pronunciation: ek-lek-tos'

Definition: From G1586; select; by implication favoritechosen elect.

G2959 – Lady

Greek: Κυρία

Transliteration: Kuria

Pronunciation: koo-ree'-ah

Definition: Feminine of G2962; Cyria— a Christian woman:  lady.

G5043 – Children

Greek: τέκνον

Transliteration: teknon

Pronunciation: tek'-non

Definition: From the base of G5098; a child (as produced): child, daughter, son.

[daughter of Zion, son of God, children of God— they all stem from the woman of God, or the Bride of our Lord/Bridegroom:  the fruit of the union:  the birthing of the man-child, or fully mature one in Christ.

Adam (dirt man, of blood and light) —forsook his woman in the Garden, and let her go astray;  he did not reproove her, teach her, correct her, or lead her.

Our Lord, is a Groom and Partner who comes to reprove, teach, correct and lead his Bride (woman):  we are coming full circle in the Garden if we heed this revelation:  the Bride of Christ— is the one turned around inside— who walks upright now, not upside down toward him and his Spirit, truth and righteousness:  she will be holy as he is.]


2 John 1

“The elder (mature one in Christ) unto the elect lady and her children— whom I love in the truth; and not only I, but also all they that have known the truth;  For the truth's sake— which dwells in us— and shall be with us forever.

Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.

I rejoiced greatly that I found your children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father.

And now I beseech you, lady (bride)— not as though I wrote a new commandment unto you, but that which we had from the beginning— that we love one another.

And this is love— that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment— That, as you have heard from the beginning— YOU SHOULD WALK IN IT.

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh [reformation to the inner man, after completion of his mission and life— to come to us all— now, in our flesh]. This is a deceiver, and an antichrist.

Look to yourselves— that we lose not those things which we have wrought— but that we receive a full reward.

Whosoever transgresses [violates God, his truth, way, righteousness, love, holiness, etc], and abides not in the doctrine of Christdoes not have God.  He who abides in the doctrine of Christhe has both the Father and the Son.

If there come any unto you— who bring not this doctrine— do not receive him into your house (your temple, what you believe inside), neither bid him God speed:  For he who bids him God speed (to be well)— is partaker of his evil deeds.

I, having many things to write unto you— would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face— that our joy may be full.”

[This is God’s desire unto us all;  that we do not live in second hand relationships— where we do not know the truth, face to face with his person— but instead, ‘learn OF HIM’ through the people who do know him.

This will never save our individual souls;  we must know him for ourselves, intimately;  and we must serve him, and worship him— in Spirit and Truth:  we must know him on paper, and his AUTHENTIC SPIRIT MAN, too.]

The children of your elect sister— greet thee. Amen.”


3 John 1:4

“I have no greater joy than to hear that 

my children walk in truth.”


When we learn to walk with him, as he is;  and we learn to uphold the truth in us for real (which means we live it;  we become it incarnate) —we are made free by the Truth (the person of);  and our souls are secure in Christ, as he has come to fulfill his workmanship in us all— the reformation process, of dead men’s bones— coming to life again, in the New Creation Christ is erecting in each of our souls:  the soul— is eternal.

The soul who finds himself in eternal life;  will find himself living in Christ, quite literally— INSIDE CHRIST:  and he— will live inside this man— IN THE EARTH:  and this is the second coming of Christ, in the ‘flesh,’ or bodily.

He is, after all— the fulness of the Godhead bodily;  we are full and complete, when we are in him, and he is in us:  and Emmanuel— God with us— is completed, when the Godhead (Father, Son and Spirit) are all in us too:  One with the full Godhead.

And the Word came, and dwelt among us— Jesus (YahShua), the Word of God, and the Full Godhead in a body;  and WE HAVE THE PRIVILEGE of having the ‘full Godhead,’ in Christ— IN US, IN A BODY TOO!

He will reform you— so he can take up that image and shape, in proper proportions in us;  this is his workmanship, the New Creation.

He has done this over and over again— with each child he receives;  and he’s delighting to finish his work in all who will.

Choose to dwell with the full Godhead in your body too— and you will have confidence, in the day of Judgment— to approach him BOLDLY;  because you will have already done this— INSIDE— NOW.

There is an opponent to Christ (antichrist), and this opponent lives in the souls of men;  and God desires to eradicate his/its presence and ways from the souls of men.

The antichrist in ‘one’ body, as a representative— will come on scene to represent all the rest;  but he will already have a people who are led of him— who, most all, are blind of;  and this will be WHY he comes on scene— to represent all those who are ‘his.’

And these will walk in compromised vessels, in ways opposite of God, holiness, righteousness, truth and love:  lack of Faith in God’s person.

But God’s children will see the error of their ways, will repent, turn around and face the holy Father again— will choose to reform, will choose to serve him, righteousness, holiness, truth and love— and will be saved:  a remnant, not a majority of humans.

Truth, righteousness, the King of, love, and holiness matter;  and our inner man will either exalt these— or not;  and depending on that choice walked out— we will either walk in darkness, blindness, lies/deception and evil…

Or, we will walk in the light, truly seeing God, in the truth and righteousness and holiness:  the soul man is at stake.

But just as satan marks his— so does God.

And an outward mark is hardly the point (outward, in the flesh);  it’s the INWARD MAN GOD IS SEEKING TO SAVE, that will live on forever, either with God, or without.

So— to be marked by the Holy Spirit— is to be marked in your spirits, souls and sound-whole of you (body) —that you are wholly given to the TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS, HOLINESS, and LOVE— and the King of.

There are 2 marks— either for God, or for the carnal (beast/satan);  and it will be determined by the souls of men, and what, and whom they uphold within.

Let us be marked from WITHIN, Father;  let us see the truth, hear the truth, and come into the truth— and may we be MADE (that’s a New Creation working) FREE!

And in this— we will have confidence to face you in the judgment day— because we FACED YOU, and your truth, righteousness, holiness and love— NOW, in our hearts/souls.


Ephesians 1:13

“In whom you also trusted— after you heard the word of truth— the gospel of your salvation: in whom also, after you believed— you were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise.”

“To BE, or not to BE”  

This is the choice of salvation—

 TO BE— yoked to the holy One, INSIDE.



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