PARABLE– a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels.
Middle English: from Old French parabole, from an ecclesiastical Latin sense ‘discourse, allegory’ of Latin parabola ‘comparison’, from Greek parabolē.
Matthew 22
“And Jesus answered and spake to them again by parables, and said,
2 ‘The kingdom of heaven is like– a certain king, who made (arranged) a marriage for his son,
3 And (he) sent forth his servants to call those that were bidden to the wedding (sent out invitations–calls): but –they would not come.’
Okay, so there’s this ‘King,’ and he’s from a Kingdom ‘like’ that of God’s in Heaven…
It was an ‘arranged marriage,’ set by a ‘Father–’ unto a Son, promised a ‘Bride’...
‘INVITES’ or ‘CALLS’ were sent out, by ‘The Servants of this Lord/King’ (like the bible calls ‘his servants–the prophets’)...
They WOULD NOT ‘COME TO THE WEDDING;’ they ‘REJECTED’ the ‘Bridal Offer.’
We do follow the parable, explaining The Greatest Love Story of All– YaH’shua, the Messiah–unto his Bride, yes??
4 “Again, he sent forth (an offer sent out, a ‘call’) other servants, saying, ‘Tell them who are bidden (called), Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatling (calves) are killed, and all things are ready: come to the marriage.’"
He doesn’t want to just ‘accept’ that they don’t want to ‘come,’ he’s relentless with his gracious ‘offers.’
He even explains how ‘luxurious,’ or ‘worthwhile’ it will be to ‘come to him,’ and share with him–and his Bride.
He ‘assures them’ that ALL THINGS have been ‘prepared’ for this ‘DINNER TABLE WEDDING’ ARRANGEMENT–by ‘his’ Father.
5 “But they ‘made light of it–’ and went their ways, one to his farm (house/home), another to his merchandise–(stuff/riches):”
So, now…
These folks that were ‘called personally’ and ‘invited’ to JOIN IN this WEDDING CELEBRATION, but…
They ‘refused’ outright, from the git-go, simply out of ‘no interest.’
Then, they ‘refuse’ even after hearing how awesome it will be to be ‘a part of’ this WEDDING, with his BRIDE.
Again– REJECTION/REFUSAL to ‘join’ the ‘Groom,’ ARRANGED BY THE FATHER, unto the ‘BRIDAL SUPPER.’ (ugh)
But, worst of all (thus far) they are MOCKING ‘this King,’ RIDICULING HIS ‘offer,’ and they again REFUSE HIS ‘offer’ to JOIN HIM, and his BRIDE, or CELEBRATE WITH HIS FATHER– at the ‘SUPPER OF HIS WEDDING,’ and because their ‘home life’ and their ‘stuff,’ their MERCHANDISE of this ‘world’s stuff,’ DREW THEM ‘away.’
(We can see this parable clearly–yes?)
6 “And the remnant (evil, wicked) took his servants, and treated them spitefully, and slew them.
God just said, The Kingdom of his, of Heaven, SENT OUT 'invites-ambassadors’ of his Kingdom, and THESE WICKED PEOPLE, TREAT THEM HORRIBLY (persecutions) and KILLED THEM (in one way or another), like the prophets warning people, and ‘inviting’ them now, to ‘join’ in with him, and say ‘yes’ to his INVITATION to HIS BRIDAL WEDDING.
An invitation to become his ‘child,’ adopted in, via Christ Jesus and his Sacrifice–unto RECONCILIATION with the Father…
Which would be– COMING TO THE WEDDING OF HIS SON–which HE, ‘arranged,’ via their ‘counsel together’ over us– before the Foundation of the World…
to determine –WHAT THEY WOULD DO, to ‘assure’ OUR SALVATION– Calvary.
7 “But when the king heard of it, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.”
They murdered people, for inviting them to a Bridal Party/Dinner, a Wedding Celebration…eesh.
8 “Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy.
9 Go then, into the highways (public streets), and as many as you find, bid (them) to the marriage.”
The ATROCIOUS BEHAVIORS of those he ‘knew’ and ‘invited,’ ANGERED HIM SO MUCH (they murdered people–very demonic) that he WENT OUT INTO THE ‘streets,’ unto AVERAGE, SINNERS– and ‘invited them’ now, instead.
You see it, right– the Gentiles, after the Jews ‘refused’ the Jewish Messiah, because he ‘came’ not as how they ‘expected’ him to, so therefore DENIED/REJECTED him– and KILLED HIM.
10 “So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all –as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.”
I truly believe God was so frustrated by his ‘chosen’ REJECTING HIM, that he decided within himself, ‘these nobodies’ will receive me and my ‘invitation/offer,’ and cause the ‘elect-chosen’ to become JEALOUS and they will either become like ‘Pharisees,’ and MURDER/KILL/MOCK/REJECT…
or they will ‘Submit- Agree’ and COME INTO THE UNITY OF THE FAITH, and Family.
Romans 11:14
"If by any means I may provoke in jealousy, to emulate them which are my flesh-- and might save some of them."
11 “And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there (was) a man that did not have on a wedding garment:
12 And he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here– not having a wedding garment?’
And he was speechless.”
13 “Then the king said to the servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
This was done because, regardless of the ‘niceness,’ or the ‘fanciness’ of a person’s attire, there is an expectation to come with ‘your appropriate on,’ as it is RESPECTFUL unto the ‘glory’ of the Ceremony and Honor unto those ‘joining.’
When this person did not come to the ‘wedding-joining’ dressed in any fashion of an ‘honorable’ outfit…
(demeanor/respect–right ‘spirit’)
It was not signifying lack of ‘wealth,’ or ‘haughtiness,’ it was not regarding the ‘fanciness’ of the GARMENT or lack-there-of…
It was signifying– DISRESPECT, REJECTION, and ‘coming in’ INAPPROPRIATELY in one’s ‘CONDUCT, MORALS, and ETHICS–’ *SANCTIFICATION unto HOLINESS of Christ’s character.
Why do I say that??
Because ‘garments’ in the scriptures represent– a person's connection to God, their commitment to follow His will, and the blessings and protection God has promised to –the faithful.
‘The Garment of God–’ The garment will be worn by those who are anointed and favored by God. It clothes priests and kings, servants and leaders.
Brides and warriors are to be wrapped up in its protection and power. (rep’n Holy Spirit–and his anointing presence)
Clothing symbols are a reflection of what a specific society believes is valuable –at a given time.'
He was simply ‘inviting’ people and ‘expecting them,’ regardless of economic status or public stature–to ‘come the right way,’ to such an event due of respect and honor.
Those that did not– were found ‘disrespectful’ and they were ‘removed.’
This is what happens to anyone that tries to ‘come into’ God’s Kingdom– ‘ANY OTHER WAY.’
John 10:1
“Verily (truly-seriously), verily, I say to you, ‘He that DOES NOT ENTER –by the door– into the sheepfold, but climbs up some other way, (this person is) –the same as thief and a robber.”
14 “For many are– called, but… few are chosen.”
Because LOYALTY and GODLINESS–matters–CHARACTER and WHOLE-HEARTEDNESS, coupled with OBEDIENCE--matters.
15 “Then (the) Pharisees went and took counsel (as to) how they might entangle him in his talk.”
the ‘religious’ folk of ‘the Day,’ SOUGHT OUT, TOOK COUNSEL MEETINGS AMONG THEIR ‘board,’ and DECIDED –they would ‘attempt to’ –ENTANGLE HIM (corrupt-entrap him) in his SPEECH-MESSAGE.
16 “And they sent their disciples (duplicate in conduct–servants–same spirit seed people) out to him, with the Herodians, saying, ‘Master, we know that you are true, and teach ‘the way of God’ –in truth, neither do you care about any man (opinion-reasonings):
you regard not the person of men.
(fear not man’s opinion of truth)
17 Tell us then, What do you think??
Is it lawful to give tribute (taxes/honor) to Caesar, or not?’
What they just ‘baited’ was– COMPLIMENTARY attributes and acts of Christ Jesus were mentioned first in that they wanted to ‘ensnare’ him with in the latter.
After the superfluous compliments, they set him up to ‘entrap’ him in an ‘honor’ debate.
‘So, if you honor ‘no man,’ is it then ‘lawful,’ according to The Kingdom of God, to ‘pay tax-honor’ to an ungodly, secular ‘human?’
In an ‘attempt’ to make him ‘appear’ –unlawful, unruly, DISOBEDIENT and disrespectful to the ‘rule’ of ‘another king,’ and his kingdom– in regards to ‘law.’
Pharisees are always like satan–LEGALISTS, coming at you with ‘condemnation’ of ‘offenses,’ whether real or perceived, and it’s always ‘skewed’ unto THEIR BENEFIT–if –the MANIPULATION CONTROL is victorious.
18 “But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said...
‘Why do you tempt me, you hypocrites??
19 Show me the tribute money.’
And they brought him a penny.
20 “And he said to them...
‘Whose is this image and superscription?’
21 They said to him, ‘Caesar's.’
Then he said to them, ‘Then Render to Caesar –the things which are Caesar's; and (render) to God –the things that are God's.’"
He just stated that you can be ‘in right standing’ with an earthly governmental society and king, and God at the same time–if their kingdom ‘goods’ are separated unto each KINGDOM– appropriately.
Meaning, if you have ‘land laws’ that do not ‘go against’ God’s laws, rules and regulations of ‘his people,’ in ‘their kingdom way,’ then– we can peacefully abide together, rendering unto one kingdom that which is due it, and to the other–the same.
22 “When they had heard these words, they marveled, and left him, and went-- *their way.” (self will--*their 'way')
The ‘entrapment’ failed, because of his RIGHTEOUS CHARACTER and his RIGHTEOUS WISDOM: lead of the Holy Spirit.
23 “The same day the Sadducees –came to him, who said (claim) that there is no resurrection, and asked him,
24 Saying, ‘Master, Moses said, If a man dies, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up (his) seed unto his brother (legacy).
25 Now there were with us –seven brothers: and the first, when he had married the wife– deceased, and having no issue, left his wife to his (other) brother:
26 Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.
(They all died after marrying her– up to the 7th brother)
27 And, last of all –the woman died also.
28 Therefore, in the resurrection –whose wife shall she be of the seven??
they all –had her.’
An ‘attempt’ at ENTRAPMENT again. We understand that Christ, in this chapter of his Word, is WARNING US– the Lukewarm will be evident in their ‘disunity’ EFFORTS: note this.
29 “Jesus answered and said to them…
‘You do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor –the power of God.
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are they given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
(no need for reproductive body parts, so he’s saying we will not have them, in heaven–you only need them ‘in dirt flesh realm,’ for –REPRODUCING SEED.)
31 But as touching the resurrection of the dead (concerning the topic of ‘the dead’), have you not read that which was spoken to you by God, saying,
32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?
God (almighty-holy and true) is not the God of the dead –but of THE LIVING.’
This is a truth because in order to be ‘with’ God, in heaven, we are ‘BORN’ again/anew.
This in in contrast to being ‘dead’ when one is now ‘born.’
He also means that LIFE HIMSELF–cannot have DEATH IN HIM, nor ‘in’ or ‘of’ ANY OF HIS CHILDREN, and that SATAN IS THE ‘author’ of DEATH.
NONE, ‘in Christ,’ ARE ACTUALLY DEAD; we cannot be, for LIFE has NONE TO DO WITH, ‘death,’ they are from TWO OPPOSITE KINGDOMS.
So, there is no ‘speaking to the dead,’ in Christ– for they are ALIVE.
ALL HIS CHILDREN are ‘within,’ exactly where his Kingdom is– in Conduct and Spirit and Power.
‘HIS KIDS,’ are ALIVE–not dead; ‘the dead,’ are in SEPARATION (hell) with their ‘god’ --the one ‘of DEATH.
33 “And when the multitude heard this, they were astonished at his doctrine.
34 But… when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence…
They gathered together.”
Oh here we go again with another ‘board meeting’ against Jesus –in the ‘apostate church.’
35 “Then one of them, who was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,
(Legalist Lawyer–accuser of the brethren before the Lord–Day and Night. They are just like their ‘father’ the devil.)
36 “Master, which is the great commandment in the law?”
37 Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.
38 This is the first and the great commandment.
39 And the second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor –as yourself.
40 On these two commandments –hangs (the whole of) ALL the Law, and –the prophets.’
41 “While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,
42 Saying…
‘What do YOU think of Christ??
Whose son is he??
They said to him, ‘The son of David.’
Referencing only ‘the carnal’ lineage of David, not the ‘spiritual’ lineage.
43 He said to them…
‘How then does David, in spirit, call him Lord, saying,
44 ‘The Lord,’ said to ‘my Lord,’
‘You sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool?
45 If David calls him Lord --how is he his son?"
Here Christ is making the inference that ‘in order to be Lord OVER HIM,’ as he states Jesus is–over David, he must be GREATER THAN, and HIGH RULING– he speaks of ‘spiritual reigning’ as Lord, SUPERIOR TO ‘carnal lineage’ –IS SPIRITUAL LINEAGE!
46 “And no man was able to answer him a word, nor did any man, from that day forth, ask him any more questions.”
That last line cracks me up. Jesus really does ‘silence’ the ‘unruly’ lambs, doesn’t he (pun intended, as they are murderous).
I hope this has brought us some more clarity about how ‘our Lord’ sees, explains and exemplifies–through bedtime parables–what our ‘family spiritual lineage’ consists of.
I hope it has explained to you how the Lukewarm, educated Pharisees and Sadducees will ‘come at’ the Holy living, unto God, in ‘right standing relationship ‘children’ of his–
because they are not actually ‘of his fold/flock,’ and are indeed–
being separated out currently:
Goats and Sheep.
Goats ‘sound the same’ in their SPEECH (baaaaaa…)
But ONLY ONE ‘produces’ for God.
(wool, loyalty, flocked together, dependant)
(online article differentiating between Goats and Sheep)
Goat vs Sheep: FOOD
“If you’ve ever come across goats before, then you’ll have heard that they have a liking for eating pretty much anything they come across (and often even things they’re not supposed to eat).
The reason for that is because they are browsers and roam around, nibbling and picking at –whatever takes their fancy.
Goats-- prefer to eat leaves, twigs, and shrubs and often stand up on their hind legs to reach the tops of plants. However, coupled with their curious and inquisitive nature, their liking for anything they can get in their mouths –oftentimes, this gives them a bad name.
Despite their cute and innocent appearance, goats have a knack for finding trouble – and a way out!
They have an extremely independent and curious nature and often –
like to go and investigate things (experiment).
Goats are extremely agile and are well known for their ability to jump or climb things and it takes good fencing to keep them in. (must be confined–to be CONTROLLED)
There is a scent gland that causes male goats to have such a strong and offensive smell during mating season, while male sheep don’t smell as much.
Both sheep and goats are from the same family group Bovidae and subfamily Caprinae.
However, they split at genus level.
Sheep belong to the genus Ovis, and goats belong to Capra.
Ovis is a genus of mammals, part of the Caprinae subfamily of the ruminant family Bovidae. Its seven highly sociable species are known as sheep or ovines.
“Present-day genetic and phenotypic differences between the Capra (goats) species are largely related to (1) discontinuity of and impeded migration between Capra populations during glacial periods.
The goats of the genus Capra have complex systematic relationships, which are still not completely resolved.
Sheep process their food differently from goats.”
John 6
Jesus says, “I am the bread of life.”
“For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world."
They said to him, "Sir, give us this bread always."
Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life.
Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."
The Word of God is our ‘bread–’ which is to say ‘CHRIST IS OUR INNER MAN FOOD’ that SUSTAINS US and NOURISHES US.
And, Goats and Sheep– DIGEST THE ‘WORD OF GOD,’ differently.
Jesus teaches us to pray, “Give us today our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11).
But is this request only about bread??
While it is asking God for the food we need each day, it also covers – having all our needs supplied –by our loving Father in heaven.
What is the bread of the Presence?
Shewbread– also spelled Showbread, also called Bread Of The Presence, is any of the 12 loaves of bread that stood for –the 12 tribes of Israel, presented and shown –in the Temple of Jerusalem in the Presence of God.
Showbread –Hebrew: לחם הפנים Leḥem haPānīm, literally:
"Bread of the Faces."
If Goats and Sheep are so VASTLY DIFFERENT, within the ‘church’ in their FUNCTIONS and in their USEFULNESS…
In their PRODUCTION or their lack-there-of…
We should be able to ‘discern’ the behaviors of the ‘spirit’ within them, with ‘deliberate’ efforts to ‘look,’ and ‘see,’ what ‘spirit’ they RUN WITH.
One will be PRODUCING VALUABLE RESULTS, DIGESTING THE FOOD (and what kind of ‘foods’) PROPERLY–FULLY, and this ‘food’ that is TAKEN IN and FULLY UTILIZED–will PRODUCE FRUIT. (wool-garment)
As well, the sheep --POOL TOGETHER IN *UNITY; they are DEPENDENT UPON–the Good Shepherd; Goats --WANDER and ROAM.
God really does say SO MUCH to us in his Word; thank God the Holy Spirit LOVES TO REVEAL THE MYSTERIES OF GOD in Scripture– REVEALING HIMSELF, to ‘those that have ears–AND HEAR, and those that have eyes–AND SEE– what the ‘Spirit of the Lord is saying.’
The Separation of the GOATS and the SHEEP, is taking place now, and he’s TRAINING US UP, with how to ‘spot the differences–’ DISCERNMENT of SPIRITS.