Marriage, Married, Unite,
Unity, True & Love
H5772 – Marriage
H1984 – Marriage
G1062 – Marriage
Definition— NUPTIALS, WEDDING, ESPOUSE (1061).
H1166 – Married
Definition— TO BE MASTER, MARRY, Beulah (hebrew word for Bride or be married), HAVE DOMINION OVER, BE HUSBAND married to WIFE.
G1096 – Married
H3161 – Unite
Definition— TO BE or BECOME ONE, JOIN.
G1775 – Unity
Definition— ONENESS, UNANIMITY— agreement of all people.
H3651 – True
H571 – True
G227 – True
G4103 – True
G1103 – True
H157 – Love
Definition— AFFECTION FOR. [definition affection— to affect or influence]
H2836 – Love
H7355 – Love
Definition— from root TO FONDLE, COMPASSIONATE, SHOW MERCY or PITY upon.
H1730 – Love
Definition— TO BOIL (kindled) LOVE.
G25 – Love
Definition— LOVE in a social or moral sense; BENEVOLENCE, a LOVE FEAST.
G5368 – Love
Definition— TO BE A FRIEND TO, FOND OF, AFFECTION FOR, PERSONAL ATTACHMENT of SENTIMENT, TO KISS; [Strong’s additional defining] G25 is wider in embracing especially— the judgment and the deliberate assent of the will— as a matter of principle duty and propriety; the two thus stand very related— the former being chiefly of the heart, and the latter— of the head.
One example of marriage, as used according to H1984, is 2 Samuel 22:4— “I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised [H1984]: so shall I be saved from my enemies.”
Interesting, isn’t it— that LORD is used; LORD in all caps is descriptive of God’s authority role as High One, militarily, and over all.
As well, the word PRAISE is the word that has the same definition of ‘marriage’ used here; this also tells us of the importance of two things:
That we are to be married to, joined with— the Almighty, Most High God, over ALL— to which every knee will bow, and tongue will confess.
That PRAISE— goes along with a good marriage union.
Definition of praise according to Strong’s first— REVERE, WORSHIP, BEMOAN, CONFESS, GIVE THANKS.
Now, the dictionary definition of praise— express warm approval or admiration of, express respect or gratitude— especially in song; root definition— ‘to prize, praise and price.’
So, if we read this verse again, and interchange the word praise, for marriage— we have a whole new understanding of what a good marriage to God is, or even— another human.
2 Samuel 22:4— “I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be MARRIED [h1984]: so shall I be saved from my enemies.”
Marriage— is to be prize, praised and priced— meaning, VALUABLE; and praise, or reverence, confession, thanks, rejoicing, celebrating, merriment, singing to, kneeling to, and blessing one in adoration, triumphing massively and abundantly— together, addressing one another, commending one another, making famous or well known— the other— through stories or testimony, and bringing dignity unto…
Is a HUGE part of a ‘good marriage,’ or union.
As well, Job 29:3 speaks of the ‘shine,’ that is mentioned in H1984, that goes along with praise, related to marriage, and it says— “When his candle shined upon my head, and when by his light— I walked through darkness.”
Again, how incredibly beautiful for us to understand that when we are honoring a good marriage union, and we are bringing praise unto our spouse— we also PUT A SPOTLIGHT ON THEM.
To partner with someone, the Lord tells me, is to PREFERENCE THEM ‘over self;’ and in doing that— one another prefers the other, and we shine a light upon the spouse— and two bring honor to each other, making the spouse— the HIGH ONE in their lives.
Can we see that we first need to love and uphold the marriage to God first and foremost, and then, like the fulfillment of the Law— “first love God with everything you’ve got, in all ways— then— love your neighbor like yourself.”
Which he tells me, means— “Learn how I love, and love me the same— then turn and love them likewise.”
If we are HONORING and PREFERRING one another over self, and we are praising and shining a light upon the other, not detailing out to ourselves or other— all their faults and errors— we will be upholding, and participating in— a ‘good marriage;’ whether that is to God first and foremost, as MOST HIGHLY REGARDED ONE in our lives, or our earthly spouses— second to God.
Psalms 34:2 — “My soul shall make her boast [h1984] in the LORD: the humble— shall hear it, and be glad.”
Again, even here with David— the LORD, the Most High kingdom ruler of heaven is addressed in all caps, and BOASTING OF ‘him,’ is the point.
Psalms 113:3 — “From the rising of the sun, unto the going down of the same— the LORD’S name— is to be praised.”
We need to understand these things in order to have a good marriage unto our Lord, as well as— our mirrored marriages, unto our spouses in this life.
Part of the definition of marriage is G1062, which is nuptials, union— and I’d like to include a verse in Matthew, where Christ is speaking for himself about ‘the marriage.’
Matthew 22:2-3 — “And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said— 2 The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son, 3 and sent forth his servants to call them who were bidden to the wedding → and they would not come.”
I include this verse because marriage, union, becoming one with our God again— is what the New Covenant is all about; it does not mean just a legal joining— but a LITERAL JOINING, ‘spiritually.’
Which really means— becoming in unison with, becoming aligned, same, congruent with— God, his nature, attributes and person.
In order to do that, we must perform a ‘good marriage,’ unto him; and a good marriage, thus far, from what we have gathered, pertains to— praising him, reverencing him, spotlighting him, boasting about him, celebrating, thanking, lauding him, commending him, and bringing dignity into the union.
So, when he states here— ‘they would not come,’ he’s really saying— THEY DIDN’T WANT TO DO ALL THAT, above ‘stuff,’ toward, or with him.
That’s INCREDIBLY SAD— but y’all, he didn’t want, nor did he make ‘robots;’ he gave us free choices in our decision making (free will) for us to CHOOSE HIM, because we WANTED TO, REALLY— from our hearts— NOT OUR MOUTHS ONLY; being ‘doers’ of the word, not hearers only— means…
We can ‘know’ a thing, we can know the truth— but it can fail to set us free— if we do not LOVE the truth, and he’s a person; he will force NO ONE to ‘uphold him’ as cherished in one’s life.
THAT IS OUR JOB— and if we do, or if we do not— stems from the condition and stance of our hearts; what we give to in our time and focus and adoration— is what we worship: it’s supposed to be him, if we are married to him.
But as we can see— MANY WERE CALLED— unto the marriage, but FEW— were chosen; like you choose a bride or groom— we marry, or join to in union— one who is TRUE— which we will detail out later on.
These would not have him— they did not want him IN ACTIONS, IN TRUTH OF THE HEART— to be ‘tied’ to; it was inconvenient, or cumbersome— and so, ‘few,’ are chosen— but MANY are ‘called.’
Matthew 22:8 — “Then he said to his servants— The wedding is ready, but they who were bidden (called) —were not worthy.”
Remember when he said in Matthew 10:37-38 —
“He that loves [H5368] father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 And he who does not take up his cross, and follow after me → is not worthy of me.”
There’s a reason he says all this— for one, they didn’t really WANT TO BE yoked up to, and with God holy— nor return to his image and likeness inside their hearts— for they refused his marriage bidding (calls to union); and secondly, the PUT OTHERS IN THE ‘number one priority’ spot in their hearts and lives down here.
We HAVE TO have ‘him’ in the Most High place within our hearts and lives— there’s no getting around that.
And when we erect another HIGHER THAN THE ALMIGHTY FATHER— we have placed another in the Most High position in our hearts— and it’s the HEART, INNERMOST PART OF MAN, the soul/spirit place— that goes into union marriage with God holy— or to estrangement, hell and separation.
It’s not what we claim— it’s what we be live’n in our hearts FOR REAL; it’s what, and who we are really EXALTING WITHIN— that shows and tells us who the ‘Most High’ one is in our lives/person.
If we don’t want to marry him (come into unity with his person/conduct/ways, then we are fundamentally rejecting salvation— which is re yoking to him; and if we are refusing to re yoke to him, and rejecting salvation fundamentally— and we exalted another within, whether self, or others humans, etc— then we are found UNWORTHY OF HIM; and we have REJECTED THE MARRIAGE ‘offer,’ which is Salvation in Christ.
Or, otherwise called: marriage to Christ.
Matthew 22:11 — “And when the king came in, to see all the guests (invited to the wedding), he saw there was a man— who DID NOT HAVE ON ‘a wedding garment:’ 12 and he said to him— Friend, how did you come in here, not having on a wedding garment?? And he was speechless.”
Those are the words of Christ in this parable— and will be the same to those of us who think we can ‘enter in’ any ole way we choose or make up in our minds (hyper grace, no reformation, etc); he REQUIRES WEDDING ATTIRE, and we only get that when we are going to be MARRYING CHRIST; which again, means— we WANT TO, WE DESIRE TO BE REFORMED INTO HIS IMAGE, YOKE UP TO HIM— and ‘return to him,’ in truth— placing him above ALL OTHERS.
If we will not do that— he will throw us out/reject us, finding us unworthy; all because the truth in our hearts is that we didn’t want him to refine us, work on us, and reconform us— nor be ‘tied to him.’
Matthew 22:13 — “Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
There is a consequence of convincing ourselves in hyper grace, or just KNOWING HE’S THE SAVIOR and saying YES WITH OUR WORDS, but ‘no—’ with our hearts, in truth and actions.
He searches THE HEARTS, scripture states— not our words— words can lie; truth and fidelity (faith) is what he’s searching for.
2 Chronicles 16:9 — “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth— to show himself strong in the behalf of those— whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein you have done foolishly: therefore from henceforth you shall have wars.”
He’s searching for FAITH in him, which is one truly yoking to him— and in those people— he will show himself through them, STRONGLY— on their behalf; because they are married to him, truthfully.
But also— WAR— comes to us, when we do not; war 'spiritual,’ comes to us— and if we don’t deal with spiritual separation and dishonor, and rebellion to God— which is not wanting to me in union to him, marriage— we will reap physical realm war.
It’s always a spiritual issue— first; and who we exalt within— is who our God is; and who we exalt within, is who we place NUMBER ONE PRIORITY in our lives.
Hebrews 13:4 — “Marriage [G1062] is honorable in all, and the bed— undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers— God will judge.”
Does this mean he will judge, or sentence people in the earth realm that cheat on each other— well, yes; but it’s much more than that, and primarily— a spiritual marriage reference.
He’s stating— if we will refuse his marriage proposal (salvation yoking and refinement/reformation, coming into his image and unity with him again) —and we CLAIM WE ARE SAVED and IN UNION WITH HIM (marriage) —then, the ‘bed of union’ has been defiled, and ‘another god’ has been found within, and then thereby— we are ADULTERERS (two-timers), and whores to the marriage.
Truly reverencing the Lord God, our groom— matters; and how we do that— is with our actions and heart stance.
We say “yes” to him, in words, and deeds/actions, and we reform to him— which means, let him reform us from our offender ways, and become reformed people into holiness, and his image once again.
This is why James said— “Yes— a man may say— You have faith, and I have works (actions): show me your faith without your works— and I will show you my faith → by my works.”
Without the ‘show of love,’ and that’s what works/deeds/actions really are folks— proof of our love for him, in following him and his lead/commands— we are feigning love, ‘faking’ love— and we are upholding vain/empty words or declarations.
Really true love— comes with COMMITMENT and HONOR, and EFFORTS; commitment and honor come with actions AND declarations— not only words, but WORDS ‘with’ ACTIONS.
Revelation 19:7 — “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage [G1062] of the Lamb has come— and his WIFE has ‘made herself’ READY.”
Note— it’s OUR JOB to ‘make ourselves ready,’ for the bridegroom; think, wise or unwise virgins— they were, both groups— bidden— but only one set of ‘virgins,’ were CHOSEN TO ENTER IN WITH THE BRIDEGROOM; and those— were the ones who had INTIMACY WITH THE GROOM 'continuously,’ in that they had ‘the oil,’ which is the anointing, which only comes when one has YOKED UP WITH THE LIVING GOD, in ‘union,’ or marriage…
And UPHOLDS IT— honors, praises, exalts him within— spotlighting HIM as Most High One in their hearts, truthfully.
Revelation 19:9 — “And he said to me— Write— Blessed are they who are called unto the marriage [G1062] supper of the Lamb. And he said to me— These are the true sayings of God.”
Note, those who ‘showed up,’ and said ‘yes’ to him, in truth from their hearts, words and actions— who made him the NUMBER ONE PRIORITY and FOCUS in their lives— were called up to the wedding, and the supper celebration; they have been found with the clean, refined wedding garments on— and it’s the LAMB’S MARRIAGE.
Which means— emphasis on SALVATION; we must understand salvation is YOKING TO HIM in marriage, and we must be faithful and honoring wife; willing to EXALT HIM, BOW TO HIS DOMINION IN OUR LIVES— or we are not the bride of Christ who will be called up to the wedding.
Proper garments must be on, saying yes— in word and deeds must take place— honoring, praising, highlighting him as number one in our lives must be true— or we will be ‘not allowed entrance in’ to that ceremony.
Upholding marriage union, understanding what marriage is, what is expected, and how to do it properly— matters.
Isaiah 54:5 — “For your Maker— is your husband [H1166]; the LORD of hosts is his name; and your Redeemer— the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth— he shall be called.”
Important we reverence him in these titles and manners, within our hearts; our Maker— is our husband, and husband here is interchangeable with ‘marriage,’ in the Strong’s; so, we are seeing we are MARRIED TO our Maker, when we are married to our Lord/bridegroom.
He is the LORD of hosts— all of heaven's armies and kingdom rule, and he is our REDEEMER— buying us back in ‘marriage’ unto himself, to be yoked to in union; and he is the Holy One of Israel (spiritual family of faith) —and he’s the God of the whole earth.
Are we marrying to, coming into agreement with, being turned back into the image of, yoked up to in life— OUR MAKER— reverencing, honoring, praising, commending, heralding his person in testimonies of, celebrating him, singing our adoration of him to him, massively joined to him, and bringing dignity to our marriage union with him??
Because that’s the definition once again— of Praise— which was interchangeable with Marriage, in H1984.
Isaiah 62:4
“You shall no more be termed— Forsaken; neither shall your land be termed Desolate— anymore: but you shall be called Hephzibah [my delight is in her], and your land— Beulah [hebrew word for Bride, or married]: for the LORD delights in you— and your land shall be married [H1166].”
When we marry him, our bridegroom the Messiah— we are no longer forsaken (rejected) and we are no longer desolate (wasted life) —he will call us his delight and his bride; and our ‘land,’ or person— will be MARRIED TO HIM: yoked as one entity now.
Are we beginning to understand marriage unto him, is tied in, and cannot be separated from true salvation??
Jeremiah 3:14 — “Turn, o backsliding children— says the LORD [of hosts, kingdom rule emphasized here]; for I am married [H1166] to you: I will take you one (by one) of a city, and two of a family— and I will bring you to Zion: 15 And I will give you pastors according to my heart, who shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.”
Zion is his promised land, spiritually speaking— his home, kingdom and domain; here he’s saying— YOU MUST REPENT— BECAUSE YOU ARE MARRIED TO ME.
We must uphold the covenant with him (marriage); and in doing so, he will bring us into his domain/heaven/union with him.
And he will give us leaders who will feed us his knowledge and understanding— this is what I am attempting to do right now.
Jeremiah 31:32 — “Not according to the covenant (marriage) that I made with their fathers (ancestors) in the day that I took them by the hand, and brought them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they broke— even though I was A HUSBAND [H1166] to them— says the LORD:
33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel— After those days, says the Lord— I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and I will be their God— and they shall be my people.”
The New Marriage covenant is upheld, and is ‘a good marriage,’ when we have his LAW (person and conduct) WRITTEN IN OUR INNERMOST PARTS, IN OUR HEARTS; and then— he becomes OUR GOD, and WE— HIS PEOPLE.
Psalms 86:11 — “Teach me your way, O LORD; I will walk in your truth: unite [H3161] my heart to fear your name.”
Uniting to him, becoming one with him, means— loving what he loves, hating what he hates— ONENESS— as we become ‘same’ in our inner man, center most; and in this— we FEAR HIS NAME— as he ‘teaches us’ his WAYS.
This is the sanctification/union process— we cannot dismiss this part of marriage— where two, become one— as they are joined in matrimony.
Without him teaching us his truth and ways— we remain in lies, and the broadpath.
Yoking, is union— union, is marriage; marriage to him— is to be upheld, honorable, and with dignity, in the right clean wedding garments; there is ‘no other entrance’ into the wedding/marriage of the Lamb.
H571 – True
1 Samuel 12:24 — “Only fear [honor] the LORD, and serve him in truth [H571] with all your heart: consider how great things he has done for you.”
We need to recall all he has done for us, and who he is— quite literally, as he is a person of character and love, above and beyond anyone else; his ways are far superior to ours, and that includes— how to love.
So, it is said here, we are to love him in true nature, which is, according to Strong’s H571 definition— with STABILITY (resolutely), CERTAINTY, TRUTH, TRUSTWORTHINESS, ASSUREDNESS and ESTABLISHED, FAITHFUL in union with, and unto him.
Joshua has something to say about loving God holy in a true nature as well in Joshua 24:14 — “Now therefore— fear the LORD, and serve him in SINCERITY and truth [H571]: and put away the gods which your fathers served, on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve the LORD.”
When he states we ought to honor God in sincerity of heart and truth, he is saying once again that it’s imperative we do it with— STABILITY (resolutely), CERTAINTY, TRUTH, TRUSTWORTHINESS, ASSUREDNESS and ESTABLISHED, FAITHFUL in union with, and unto him.
Because when God’s people did not unite in marriage covenant to him in these ways…
They yoked up with other ‘gods;’ because what we give our hearts, time, focus, devotion and affections to— WE WORSHIP; and what we worship— has become THE GOD WE ARE YOKED UNTO: in marriage covenant.
When the enemy becomes the kingdom we exalt within— we have become estranged from God, his person, his conduct, his kingdom and his ways— we are led of another, and no matter WHAT WE CLAIM— at best— we are SPIRITUALLY ADULTEROUS.
At worst— we are not ‘his,’ at all.
When we uphold the ‘gods of Egypt,’ and ‘the gods of the flood,’ what he is saying is…
We are upholding satan’s ways, kingdom, and eating off his table of options of ‘how to live—’ and we are estranged from God— and in rebellion to him; and we recall what happened to the Egyptians, the murmerers in the wilderness, and the flood folk that were not in Noah’s ark, right??
They were destroyed earthly— and destroyed in the afterlife.
Upholding marriage, covenant, and unity with a ‘kingdom’ and it’s king— matters; when we uphold other ‘gods,’ which means FOLLOW ANOTHER AS NUMBER ONE INFLUENCER and LEADER OF ONE'S LIFE (self, others, etc) —we have chosen another kingdom, with another god of it— to be married to, to be yoked to.
This is why he said he
Isaiah 10:27 — “And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off your shoulder, and his yoke from off your neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed— because of the anointing.”
Note— the yoke, or marriage to satan, his broadpath and lustful ways and leadings— is DESTROYED, not broken, DESTROYED— by the anointing; and the anointing of the Lord God holy— comes through UPHOLDING THE MARRIAGE, and— reverencing him, commending him, remaining faithful to him, lauding and singing praises unto him, celebrating him, following his commands and leadership, making him number on priority in our lives of persons exalted, spotlighting him, and bringing dignity to our marriage union.
If we are unwilling to be yoked to God, we will remain yoked to satan— and will depart with him, later on, as well.
Marriage to God is through FREE WILL OF THE HEART, NOT THE MIND; marriage to God is not KNOWLEDGE OF GOD— satan has knowledge of God, but NO TRUTH WAS FOUND IN HIM.
That means he HAD GOD ALL ALONG— but didn’t want to be like him, united to him, or in submission to him, under him as DOMINION RULER IN HIS LIFE: he exalt ‘another,’ instead, as NUMBER ONE HONCHO— himself.
WE MUST HONOR GOD, TRUTHFULLY, and it’s a free will choice; and actions are involved in true reverence, love, and upholding of a marriage.
Without actions— we are people of proclamations only— we are sayers, but not DOERS OF THE COVENANT; and marriage involves ‘doers’ of the covenant; brides of Christ are marriage upholders— who uphold the Most High God within— and ‘another,’ they will not follow.
John 3:33 — “He who has received his testimony (witness of Christ), has ‘set his seal’ (or heart, attesting, resolutely) —that God— is true [G227].”
He is true— and the definition here is— Truthful, and OPEN ABOUT IT, as it said— ‘not concealing,’ not HIDDEN.
When we receive the truthful account of the Messiah, we set our hearts resolutely toward him, in union marriage, set about to uphold that union marriage— because we come to the understanding, IN OUR HEARTS, that God is true: truthful.
He will not lie to us, and he is trustworthy, and faithful; we too— need to be faithful partners, and praise him in marriage union— for ALL HE IS, not all he can do, or take us to, or give to us: ALL HE IS.
When we honor him, for him— and not ‘what he can provide,’ we will then begin to hold him up in marriage, spotlighting him, praising him, commending him, and celebrating him— bringing dignity into our marriage to him.
How are we doing with this
toward our earthly spouses??
Luke 12:40-43
“Be therefore ready also: for the Son of man comes at an hour when you think not.
41 Then Peter said to him— Lord, are you speaking this parable unto us, or to all?
42 And the Lord said— Who then is that faithful [G4103] and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household— to give them their portion of meat in due season?
43 Blessed is that servant— whom, when his lord comes— he shall find so doing.”
Upholding the marriage, with the bridegroom, united to the Father and Maker once again, is— BEING ABOUT MY FATHER’S BUSINESS, till the bridegroom comes.
This is the servant, or wise virgin who walks united in marriage to the bridegroom— and will watch, and keep about the great commission, making disciples of all nations— until he comes.
Steward is mentioned— this means, house manager, overseer, governor— in Strong’s; and a faithful one is mentioned, which means— TRUSTWORTHY, TRUSTFUL, FAITHFUL, SURETY— according to G4103.
We must ‘uphold’ our groom, in marriage— and we praise him, spotlight him, celebrate him, commend him, massively join together with him, laud him in song, and bring dignity to our marriage [praise, according to all Strong’s definitions]: making him NUMBER ONE PRIORITY, MOST HIGH, in our hearts and actions— in addition to our proclamations.
If we are only claiming to love our spouse, but our actions do not match up— we are deceived, and feigning to exalt our partner above ourselves, or from a truthful heart stance.
Many want to claim we need not works or deeds; and I ask— what marriage is held together by words alone— and not actions??
1 Corinthians 1:9 — “God is faithful [G4103] by whom you were called into fellowship [partnership, participation, intercourse, benefaction (gift, root meaning— do well), communion] of his Son— Jesus Christ, our Lord.”
God is faithful— trustworthy, and of surety— and we were called into fellowship, or— partnership, participating with him, in intercourse or communion, as benefactors of this union, we do well with the gift; and through Christ— the one we are married to: he— who IS— the gift given us.
Philippians 4:3 — “And I intreat you also, true [G1103] yokefellows [co-yoked laborers, colleagues], help those women who labor with me, in the gospel, with Clement also, and with my other fellow laborers, whose names are written in the book of life.”
I include this because Paul is making a point to address ladies in the ministry— God has not forgotten his ladies in scripture, and gives credit to their hard work with him to witness Christ to the world; but here, as well, I would like to emphasis— YOKEFELLOWS, and FELLOW LABORERS.
Yokefellows we are— when we marry the bridegroom, in covenant marriage union; and we become co-laborers, fellowshipping in marriage to the Almighty God and Maker— as a couple.
Note here— these are written in the book of Life; marriage covenant union, and upholding it properly— matters.
Psalms 5:11 — “Let all those who put their trust in you rejoice: let them ever shout for joy— because you defend them: let them also who love [H157] your name— be joyful in you.”
Are we— do we come before him, and are we joyful to him, about JUST HIS PERSON, alone— who he is, not all he has or brings, just HIM??
And then— are we doing that to, and with, our spouses down here??
Psalms 26:8 – “LORD, I have loved [H157] the habitation of your house, and the place where your honor dwells.”
Are we, are we praising and honoring him, just him, for his person— not in words only, but practical deeds and actions?
Psalms 11:7 – “For the righteous LORD loves [H157] righteousness; his countenance beholds the upright.”
Beholds— gazes upon, perceives, contemplates with pleasure, has vision of— sees.
Are we beholding him, in our hearts, minds and actions?
Are we coming to him to praise him up, celebrate him, honor him, massively join up to him, sing to him, be merry with him, rejoice, give thanks and bring dignity to our marriage to him?
Are we doing that with our spouses in the carnal??
Deuteronomy 7:7-8
“The Lord did not set his love [H2836] upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people; for you were the fewest of all people:
8 But because the Lord loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he swore to your fathers— (when) the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen— from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.”
This is simply a reason to honor him, alone— he is the one, when we marry him, who sets us free from marriage union to the evil one; he opens our prison gates, and he sets us free— THROUGH MARRIAGE.
When we marry spouses in this world too— we are being set free from ESTRANGEMENT, all the same; in setting us free from satan’s kingdom, we are coming out of estrangement to God, marrying him, and then are ADOPTED, ACCEPTED.
Well, when we marry in this world, we are coming out of SEPARATION, and coming into UNITY too— we are no longer STRANGERS, but UNITED; it’s all a mirror reflection of our ‘first love’ relationship.
This is what is meant by—
“we will return them to their first love, Janet.”
That’s what he told me, because he wants to introduce himself fully to us, and then show us how HE LOVE US, so we can turn around and LOVE HIM THE SAME— and then, turn— and love our EARTHLY FAMILY PEOPLE the same.
Children to parents = marriage, partnership, union and relationship; we need to understand everyone we have sworn ourselves to love— we are in UNION with, partnership with, in one way or another.
So, in the ways in which God has been showing us we are to love him, and the ways in which he loves us— we then are to turn around and love our spouses, kids, friends, etcetera— the same ways: BUT— God is Most High in our hearts, above all others; but we are to love them in the same manner.
Psalms 91:14 — “Because he has set his love [H2836] upon me, I will deliver him, therefore: I will set him on high— because he has known my name.
15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him.
16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.”
We all know this psalm quite well—
but did we catch all this?
Because I set my love upon God (and we’ve detailed out what that means in praise, and marriage honor— exalting him as number one in our lives, above all others, and obeying him, giving him dominion) —God will deliver me.
Deliver me how, from what??
SATAN, and the other kingdom, and disannul that marriage union; he will save me from marriage to satan, and give me HIMSELF.
He will set me on high— that’s equal to the throne with him, because he’s my husband to the crown; and he’ll call me— AND I WILL ANSWER HIM (those are the ones that wanted marriage to him, and came for the wedding when called).
He will HONOR US— we are to learn from this, if he honors us— we are to honor him; love God with everything— then turn, and love the others this same way.
Honor— praise, celebration, commending, massively joining to, confessing, giving thanks to, rejoicing in merrily, exalting as number one priority above all others— bringing dignity to our union and covenant.
We don’t make our spouses in the earth number one above God, but we do, over everyone else— second only to God; are we??
Are we honoring God how we are supposed to, and then our spouses the same??
Because we have a LOT of dysfunction in the family units, and it’s a plot and ploy of the enemy to dissolve the marriage; that’s his whole agenda: to make, upholding marriage in fidelity and true love— DEFUNCT.
He does this through self exaltation— he gets us to honor our own needs, wants and desires— above our spouses, and to fuss and complain if we don’t get taken care of ‘our way;’ instead of just loving each other, giving preference to the other, first and foremost— honoring our spouse above self— like God demonstrated, in Yahshua.
Jesus put FATHER, ABOVE ALL OTHERS; we are to do this too, and then, in our marriages— our spouses down here, are to be reverenced and lifted above all others— CHILDREN INCLUDED, FRIENDSHIPS, etcetera and so on: with only God holy above them.
If we are not loving God properly— we need to start doing that; if we are not loving our spouse properly, biblically and in/like God loves— we need to start doing that.
Marriage— is to be prize, praised and priced— meaning, VALUABLE; and praise, or reverence, confession, thanks, rejoicing, celebrating, merriment, singing to, kneeling to, and blessing one in adoration, triumphing massively and abundantly— together, addressing one another, commending one another, making famous or well known— the other— through stories or testimony, and bringing dignity unto…
Is a HUGE part of a ‘good marriage,’ or union.
What we do in ‘good marriage union’
Dwell together.
Shine, make a show of, boast, rave, celebrate them, commend, be a fool for, sing to and of them, find them worthy of praise and honor.
NUPTIALS, WEDDING, ESPOUSE— first have to actually marry each other in commitment.
Make him MASTER (head over), MARRY— Beulah (hebrew word for Bride or be married), HAVE DOMINION OVER, BE HUSBAND married to WIFE.
If we won’t place our spouses as priority, committed in relationship to, and accountable to— we are on the self throne still; he must become our Mister, which is one definition of Lord, or husband. Are we placing our spouse in the rightful position within our hearts, minds and actions— and throwing self down off that altar??
Come into being together, arise and be assembled, be found of one another (I see you, inside— for real), be finished— no other as number one above them (earth husbands are 2nd to God), follow them, be kept by them (loyalty, fidelity), grow with them, be made taken by them.
TO BE or BECOME ONE, JOIN— that’s in agreement with— ONENESS, UNANIMITY— agreement of all parties.
I understand it’s not working with all spouses this way— but we are talking about efforting at this, with all communication and efforts to get on the same page— and pray about that unity, agreement and understanding— so we are not a house divided.
True means— Stable, certainty (trust), truth lived, trustworthy, assured and established as faithful, legitimate, genuine and sincere.
In Love— AFFECTION FOR— defined as— to affect or influence, cling to, join, delight in, deliver, desire, to fondle— or caress, be compassionate unto, show mercy upon, or pity, kindle the relationship, love in a social and moral sense, benevolence toward (not animosity), a love feast over… and… to be a friend to, fond of, have personal attachment of sentiment toward, to kiss.
Embracing especially— the judgment and the deliberate assent of the will— chiefly of the heart, and— of the head.
Praise goes along with marriage— so let us recall what was said in the beginning of this.
Definition of praise according to Strong’s first— REVERE, WORSHIP, BEMOAN, CONFESS, GIVE THANKS.
Now, the dictionary definition of praise— express warm approval or admiration of, express respect or gratitude— especially in song; root definition— ‘to prize, praise and price.’
Are we— Have we??
Are we expressing these attributes toward our spouse, God or otherwise??
Are we prizing them, placing them at a price far above others, and praising them??
Are we only complaining to them, and making ourselves the priority we speak of all the time— thereby exalting self and our needs and desires, above theirs??
Are we shining a spotlight on them— AND FOR PRAISE, not admonition, ridicule or displeasure??
Are we preferencing them over self??
Are we boasting of them??
Are we doers, and not just proclaimers— does our spouse KNOW, because of our actions, not just our words— that we love them? God gave us free will, he won’t force us to honor one another— we are not robots. We can KNOW to be or do something a certain way— we can have the KNOWLEDGE OF— but if we never put the knowledge into actions— we are feigning love.
Are we placing our spouses above all other, except God himself?? Are we placing ourselves second, and spouse third?? Are we saying YES with our mouths, but NO— with our hearts??
Because they are to be like how the Son was in this life— toward the Father— number 2, in submission and preference to, honoring the Father— over himself, and a life unto himself in the earth; this we are to do as well with our spouses.
Are we yoking up in commitment and honor to our spouses properly, because remember in 2 Chronicles 16:9 —war comes when we don’t. Spiritual, inside man issues, and then conduct issues come into our marriages when we are not upholding our spouse properly, inside first— then in actions.
(And again, I understand there are issues in marriages with this, it’s why we are doing this teaching; but as well— why you need to be interceding ON BEHALF OF your spouses, on the regular. That means fighting FOR THEM to God, not against them, complaining about them— that’s making a case AGAINST THEM, becoming the accuser of the brethren.)
Are we two-timing our spouses, and do not actually have them in the HIGH place in our lives?? (not MOST high, place) Are we still the most important one in the marriage??
If we have made our spouse the priority (God, or earthly— with God MOST high one) —then the marriage will glow, that’s the ANOINTING, folks; we often wonder about the glow in partnerships— or why folks are SO anointed.
Because the marriage is anointed— when it’s PLEASING BOTH PARTIES, and they are ONE, IN HARMONY: the anointing with God, is the same.
Have we gained marital salvation with our earthly spouses?? And what I mean is— salvation is saving, and making whole, restoring once again; so, in that— are our marriages SAVED??
Have we gained wholeness, union, agreement, coupled up to— and not estranged from, or strangers from each other?? Because if not— our union needs work. And do that— by loving our spouse properly, as defined above.
When we will love our spouse properly— NO MATTER WHAT WE GET IN RETURN, we have done it unto God— and he will do everything he can to bless that! That’s when our ‘brother,’ or husband, or wife— means more than us— and we have successfully thrown self off the pedestal, or throne in our hearts.
Are we efforting at becoming ONE WITH our spouses in the earth realm, like we are efforting at becoming one with our God??
What I mean is— are wanting to come into agreement, work things out, discuss them, see the truth, the light, the way— CO-LABOR together with our spouses— to bring us into harmony??
Are we loving our spouses in and with SINCERITY??
Do we have other gods before our spouses??
(excluding God holy, MOST high)
Because what we give our hearts, time, focus, devotion and affections to— WE WORSHIP; if we are worshiping others, or other things over our spouses (even God) —then we are adulterous.
Are we CLEAR, HONEST and FORTHRIGHT with our spouses, communicatively and in actions??
Truthful, and OPEN ABOUT, as it said— ‘not concealing,’ not HIDDEN.
Are we holding secret things inside, and not addressing them, harboring ill will toward, and bad thoughts of them— because that’s all BREATHING INSIDE YOU. It’s alive— and will continue— if we don’t deal with all the hidden stuff.
Are we honoring our spouses for WHO THEY ARE, intrinsically, not what they can DO FOR US??
Are we showing our spouses, like Christ is OUR GIFT TO US, IN MARRIAGE— do they get the same from us?? Do they know they are our TREASURE in this life, by our words and actions??
Are we YOKE FELLOWS, and FELLOW LABORERS together, like Paul said?? To Christ, or to our spouses.
Are we beholding them, in our hearts, minds and actions?? That means— adoring them, and seeing them worthily, and honorably.
Have we thanked our spouses for ADOPTING US, ACCEPTING US, and pulling us out of ESTRANGEMENT, and being ALONE in this world?? Because some, are still alone, and thank God they have MESSIAH— whom they thank continually for adopting them into his family.
But are we thanking our spouses for INTIMACY; because it’s a treasure and a gift.
When our spouse calls us, like Christ calls us— do we answer them?? Literally or spiritually— in our hearts or with our mouths… do we honor them??
Do we have to have OUR WAY, really… I mean it… not just saying we don’t— but what does the heart scream if we don’t get our way??
Many want to claim we do not need works or deeds; and I ask— what marriage is held together by proclamations, or words alone— and not actions??
Reverence him, FOR HIM— not what he can give, not what we can ask for; and then love the others the same.
(with examples)
Come before his presence and speak only about him— speak your love to him— with other ways— other than words.