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The Father wants to raise his own children up– in the way.

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Proverbs 22:6

“Train up a child in the way he should go–

and when he is old– he will not depart from it.”


HE– is the Interpreter; and scripture (him} is the truth to follow.

(Breakdown with Strong’s definitions in [brackets].)


Daniel 5:12

“Forasmuch as an excellent spirit, and KNOWLEDGE [wisdom intelligence, reason and understanding], and UNDERSTANDING [intelligence], INTERPRETATION of dreams, and showing of hard SENTENCES [an enigma], and DISSOLVING [unraveling] of DOUBTS [a knot, a riddle], were found in the same Daniel– whom the king named Belteshazzar: now let Daniel be called– and HE WILL SHOW THE ‘interpretation’.”

Enigma– puzzling, mysterious, hard to understand; root definition, to SPEAK ILLUSIVELY, a FABLE [story].


One of the works of ministry that prophetic people walk in, is dream interpretation– or symbolic, figurative, parabolic interpreting; this is the hidden, and spiritually descriptive language of our God of parables– for he is a storyteller– who enjoys his children being illustratively enlightened– whilst doing some soul searching and digging: Proverbs 25:2

“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings [that’s us]– is to search out a matter.”

He enjoys giving his children secret knowledge of him, of how his mind works, what his wisdom and understanding is– as all Fathers enjoy, when raising up their children into maturity; but he as well, likes to FOSTER OUR IMAGING, our imaginations again– as life on earth sets to quench the imagination of men, women and children– by means of ridicule.

Satan knows this– and will begin early in a person’s life to stifle, and cause one to desire to SHUT DOWN, and not ENGAGE WITH– their imaginations, and free thinking, explorative minds– in order to STOP MAN from CREATING in this realm, with their God.

We are CREATIVE, as our God is THE GOD OF ‘All Creations;’ this is an area the fearless in God, will rise up in again– for God is calling his fearless, free-thinking, big dreaming, BOLD children– to rise in this hour, and pick up HIS WAYS again– because these will be his MANIFESTING CHILDREN, in grossly dark times.

It is then– his light shines the brightest; it is in very dark times, when all others are fearful and lost, and hopeless and doubtful– that he will call his WARRING CHILDREN forward– to walk in the ways of the ancient paths again– with him.


INTERPRETATIONS– flow from the Spirit of God himself; we learn his LANGUAGE {he is the God of communication– the God of Words}, and we hear his voice, and we see the visuals he is sending us– and then we REITERATE them; in essence– this is the prophetic– as the prophet/priest, does what the Father is showing and telling him.


The bible is not to be interpreted by man– it is to be detailed out by HIS SPIRIT– as he leads us; we are to ASK him– as it is him in spirit essence– what he is saying by having ‘this particular part,’ in scripture; he leads us into all truths and understanding.

We have many people wondering, currently–

“But what is the truth?? This one says this, and the next one contradicts this one, and claims the opposite; I don’t know what to believe!”

WHOA– there is only ONE TRUTH, and Yah’shua said “I am that truth;” so, if we want to know the truth, not only is he the one with it, HIS WORD {scripture} –is where you find it.

If we are sitting around, day after day, after day– and we are GETTING OUR GOD, THROUGH ‘others–’ we are not GETTING OUR GOD, as HE SET UP TO DO.

HE– said, “I am your Father, and I will raise you;” it is a fearful man who needs to get all their information about God– from ‘a man.’

He told us– “you need no man to teach you;” and yet, this is where I see men and women run to– HUMANS– to learn second hand about THE TRUTH– that’s a PERSON!


1 John 2:27

“The anointing– which you have received of him– abides in you, and you do not need any man to teach you: as the same anointing teaches you OF ALL THINGS, and IS TRUTH, and is NO LIE– and even as it has taught you– you shall abide in him.”


Do we run to our neighbors to learn about our husbands, wives and children?? –of course not.

Why are we SO FEARFUL that God is not smart enough, capable enough or DESIRING to ‘teach us himself,’ especially when he SAID SO??

FEAR tells a man– “you might get it wrong, what if?? Are you sure?? Is that really what he meant??” And it does this– TO TRIP YOU UP FROM ‘believing’ IN HIM.

What do I mean– in believing he’s almighty, your Father, fully capable of teaching you, correcting you, and leading you; when we live by the– “I just don’t knows,” and the “what ifs??”

We are walking in fear, and doubt and unbelief– because we do not just read the scripture, study it out {meaning DIG with him, research a matter– it’s what kings do}, ASK him what it means and what he meant– and TRUST HIM to LEAD US INTO ALL TRUTH.

I have learned that with God– the MORE one RISKS IN FAITH/trustthe bigger the ways God is able to COME THROUGH for me, and to DO BIG THINGS– that other people’s lives will not have with him– for they do not TRUST BIG with him.

He desires to do INCREDIBLE THINGS with us– but if we walk in fear, doubt and unbelief inside– he cannot– for we stifle his prophetic, spiritual flow; we stifle HIS ACTUAL PERSON, from being able to be AMAZING, ALMIGHTY, all CAPABLE and BOLD and BIG in our lives.

He wants to explain your dreams to you; he wants to DIG IN with you– but we have to shut the other voices, opinions, arguments, debates, and doctrinal, dispensation interpretations of men OUT– in order to SET GOD ON THE THRONE INSIDE US, and pay attention to what HE IS SAYING and SHOWING: this is what Yah’shua did, and what we are to do, as well.

Remember, DOUBTS– are KNOTS; and God’s people are all KNOTTED UP, because they are following ‘men–’ and NOT God. We must follow God, and TRUST God, that he is enough, and well capable to teach us and lead us into ALL TRUTH– or we are not following God, by God, to COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD.

We are then following MEN, BY MEN– to get THEIR INTERPRETATION– of God; BRETHREN– don’t even take ‘my’ word for it– GO AND INQUIRE OF THE LORD YOURSELVES– and hear and see what HE is telling you.

I am not your Father– HE IS; I am not your leader– HE IS. I am only his ‘vessel’ of which he speaks through, and manifests himself through; but even in that– YOU NEED ‘him’ TO TELL YOU THAT’S THE TRUTH!

If we are having ‘second-hand’ relationships with God only– we are not having INTIMACY with him; other brethren are for affirming, fellowship, and comradery IN our Father. But we are not to REPLACE HIM, nor give OUR INTERPRETATIONS of scripture at all.

I do not set out to PROVE A THING TO YOU, of ‘my own’ understanding; I will fail if I do. I will fail you, God and myself– and I will not do that.

My job is to LITERALLY take the Word of God– and dissect it WITH GOD’s Spirit, and LISTEN– as he details it out– through a PROCESS of raising me up, as his child, and as his STUDENT.


That is how it works.

We become STUDENTS– then he TEACHES US; if we do not become students, who are DIGGERS, really– they dive in with him, and get all covered in the Word of God, with him– If we don’t become ‘students,’ we will become CONSUMERS.

And if we become consumers– we will consume what OTHERS feed to us: slaves to other men and women– and we will not be UNDER GOD– we will be ‘under men.’

INTIMACY WITH GOD– is stepping away from what everyone else is saying and doing– to see what GOD IS SAYING and DOING; and then, afterwards– coming back together with our brethren– to pour over what God has been showing us in private.

We don’t have to be as wise as the next child of God to our right, or to our left– but we DO have to give God the glory, the honor, the CREDIT– for being our ‘Father.’

He told us not to let anyone else be called our ‘fathers’ in this earth realm.

And a FATHER– raises his child up in the way; he never intended for ‘man’ to be fulfilling that role in entirety.

HIs ministers are to MINISTER, which is to say– ATTEND TO– his other children, and him.

We are not to REPLACE him, or his role in his children’s lives.

And OUR JOB– is not to place other men and women in that role– where only HE belongs.


G1328 – Interpreter

Definition: an EXPLAINER.

H4397 – Messenger



Job 33:22-24

“Yea, his soul draws near unto the grave, and his life to the destroyers.

23 If there be a messenger with him– an INTERPRETER– one among a thousand, to show unto man– his uprightness: 24 Then he is gracious unto him, and says– Deliver him from going down to the pit: I have found a ransom.”


H3887 – Interpreter


We are to LET HOLY SPIRIT ‘intercede’ unto us, and intercede means– intervene on behalf of another; root definition– ‘INTERVENE’ and ‘GO + BETWEEN.’

When Holy Spirit is allowed to be our INTERCESSOR, our INTERPRETER, our TEACHER, our GO-BETWEEN– we then, understand from THE MIND OF CHRIST himself, and then all we are to do– is REITERATE IT to others.

But we are NOT ‘to be’ the Holy Spirit– we are to engage the Holy Spirit, listen to him, and then get together with our brethren, and pour over what he has shown and told us, and detailed out.

When we come together, he can reform things that we misunderstood, as he comes over his anointed children, and we discuss and receive his revelation concerning matters; but all his children SHOULD BE ‘in agreement’ of what is taught and said in scripture– for ALL OF THEM, his children– OUGHT TO BE UNDER THE SAME ‘ONE–’ him.

The only time we are in disagreement, is when ‘another spirit’ is involved with ‘their’ teachings, opinions and interpretations; that can be men and women led of their own understanding, demon entities influencing others, carnal unsanctified fleshy lives talking– instead of God, earth wisdom and intellect– and on, and on I could go.

BUT– when ‘HE–’ is in charge, we all come to the SAME UNDERSTANDING, as we ‘come together,’ with the RIGHT SPIRIT AT THE HELM {him}, and we are HUMBLE, and LISTEN, and ASK HIS SPIRIT to ‘confirm’ as we sit together, discuss, share and fellowship.

FEAR– for far too long, along with PRIDE and DOUBT– have been at the helm of man– which is to say– at the controls center within our minds and hearts– and it is time God the Father is allowed back in where man, devils, flesh and earthly-sensual wisdom has been at the motherboard within.

There is only ONE TRUE INTERPRETER, GO-BETWEEN, INTERCESSOR– and the Lord told us who that is– Yah’shua Hamashiach, the Messiah– and he sent us his Spirit, sent of the Father himself– and HE– is the great advocate, comforter INTERCESSOR of us.

HE– is the only one that should be giving the BRUNT OF YOUR TEACHINGS; HE– should be telling you what is true, and who is speaking it.

LISTEN to him, for if we cannot hear him confirm men and women, or deny their teachings– we are misled, and we are following men, and not God; and ‘men’ have become– the LEADERS OF US– and God has been dethroned from within: and the KINGDOM– is within.


Matthew 1:23

“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”


God is WITH US; we either believe that truthfully– or we DON’T.

And if he is with us– we need no man to teach us; his Spirit is sufficient in all things, and is to bring us into all truth.

If you had no other man on earth with you, and no bible to read– he’d still come to you INSIDE, and make his abode with you– and raise you up into all truth, if you desired him to do so; we ought to give him that opportunity, and PROVE our loyalty and love, and trust to him– and DO THAT– whilst we are here with others, too.

We CAN; I DO, and you can too.

But it will take GREAT RISK– which he tells me, translates into– GREAT FAITH.

Because he said–

“Janet, without you trusting me BIG, I cannot SHOW MYSELF BIG IN YOUR LIFE; and that means– I cannot DO BIG and MIRACULOUS THINGS in your life. And I cannot BE MYSELF, in the ways in which I WANT TO SHOW MYSELF TO YOU.


I will never forget that talk.


Daniel 5:16

“And I have heard of you, that you can make interpretations, and dissolve doubts: now if you can read the writing, and make known to me the interpretation thereof– you shall be clothed with scarlet, and have a chain of gold about your neck– and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom.”


Daniel– is not God; he is God’s REITERATOR, his RETELLER of all God has said and shown. He DISSOLVES THE KNOTS– which is the definition of DOUBT.

We are to RECEIVE of the great interpreter himself– the Holy Spirit of God– and then ASSIST {that’s the definition of minister} unto the others– with what God has poured out, and dropped into us.


Ecclesiastes 8:1

“Who is as/like the wise man– and who knows the interpretation of a thing? A man's wisdom makes his face shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed.”


It is GOD’S WISDOM that we entertain and host within us– through his 7 spirits: first– The Spirit of the Lord {vital– he must be present}, WISDOM, Counsel, Understanding, Mighty, Knowledge, and, The Fear of the Lord {honor and reverence}; but it IS– HIM– and FROM HIM.

Man, when he exercised his OWN THINKING and REASONING ‘fell,’ in the garden; we ought to know by know if you want to ‘un-fall,’ or be RIGHTED, and JUSTIFIED {which is to say, stand up proper again}, we must GO TO HIM, and INQUIRE OF THE LORD, and ONLY HIM– first and foremost.


God will teach, and he will confirm through others; he is faithful to do so.

But if we are not going to him, hearing from him, and we are entertaining and hosting the opinions and reasonings, and interpretations of others– instead of him FIRST– we are REPEAT OFFENDERS, failing to PUT GOD AT THE HELM and MOTHERBOARD of our lives: essentially– we fail to make God, our God– in our HEARTS; and our hearts are full of fear, and doubt and confusion– because of this.


2 Peter 1:20-21

“Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21 For the prophecy came not in old time by THE WILL OF MAN– but holy men of God– who SPOKE AS THEY WERE ‘moved’ BY– the Holy Ghost.


H1566 – Intermeddleth



Proverbs 18:1

“Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeks and intermeddleth with all wisdom.”


James 3:14-17

“But if you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts {that’s competition}– glory not– and lie not against the truth.

15 This wisdom descends not from above– but is earthly, sensual– devilish.

16 For where envying and strife is {that’s competitions and pride}– there is CONFUSION and EVERY EVIL WORK.

17 But THE WISDOM THAT IS ‘from above–’ is first PURE, then PEACEABLE, GENTLE, and EASY TO BE ENTREATEDfull of MERCY and GOOD FRUITS {that’s results, outcomes}, WITHOUT PARTIALITY, and WITHOUT HYPOCRISY.”


If we want to INTERMEDDLE with God’s 7 spirits, of which HIS WISDOM– is one of them– we must INTERMEDDLE WITH– HIM!

We must stop seeking ‘man’ for all things pertaining to GOD– and seek GOD– FOR ALL THINGS PERTAINING TO GOD; otherwise, he is not our God, nor the Father of our ways– ‘man–’ and his wisdom is.

And if we cannot discern whether they speak the truth, walk with the Spirit of Truth, or are getting the truth– WE ARE IN DANGER OF BELIEVING LIES and INTERPRETATIONS that are ‘of another.’

Just like Eden and the garden– all over again; it ‘sounds’ likely– but IS IT THE TRUTH– because he’s a person, and Adam and Eve– did not consult the ACTUAL ONE WHO ‘said’ it all– God.

And in that– they believed ‘another,’ and HEEDED ANOTHER’S COUNSEL.



Do what our original carnal lineage, father and mother DID NOT DO– AND SEEK GOD FIRST, BEFORE YOU BELIEVE ANYTHING, and GET CONFIRMATION!!

He is our Father, and he has GOOD COUNSEL, and he is faithful to DETAIL HIMSELF to us– and properly, at that.

Scripture– is him in his Spirit essence in teachings; address HIM– when wanting to know the truth– then CONFIRM with, by, and through his other children.

We are here for CONFIRMATION, and to PROVE– with whom, what Spirit we are under; sit with a man long enough– and you will KNOW– what ‘spirit’ is at the helm of him: himself, God, a devil, DEVILS, flesh carnal nature-unredeemed-in inferior wisdom– but it will be known, if you see with God’s eyes, and hear what he is saying.

You will SEE and you will HEAR– if you are putting effort in with God; but it WILL REQUIRE trust, and loyalty unto God, with a demeanor of– I WILL NOT QUIT.

And we show him that– by trusting in him to raise us up– in his ways, without panicking and running to every wind of doctrine.

He’s pretty darn good at interpreting himself–

but we need to let him do that.


H6293– Intercessor



Isaiah 59

1 “Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened– that it cannot save– neither is his ear heavy– that it cannot hear.”

10 “But we grope for the wall– like the blind– and we grope as if we had no eyes: we stumble at noon day– as in the night; we are in desolate places as dead men.”

13 “In transgressing and lying against the Lord– and DEPARTING AWAY FROM OUR GOD– speaking oppression and revolt, CONCEIVING and UTTERING FROM THE HEART– WORDS OF FALSEHOOD.”

16 “And he [God] saw that there was NO MAN, and wondered that there was NO INTERCESSOR {assisting go-between}: therefore HIS ARM– brought salvation unto him– and HIS righteousness– sustained him.”

19 “So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord SHALL LIFT UP A STANDARD against him.

{That’s a CALIBER man with God– that he will raise up; he keeps telling me– “Janet– WE MUST RAISE THE STANDARD [the bar] UP AGAIN!”

And that means the caliber man we are inside, toward and with God– living resolutely, boldly, and UNDER HIS LEAD– no compromise– cleaned up, and holy.}

20 And the Redeemer shall come to Zion {the heavenly kingdom}, and unto them –WHO TURN FROM TRANSGRESSION– in Jacob, says the Lord.

{To let others lead us, and not God– is to TRANSGRESS HIS ‘way.’}

21 As for me– this is my covenant with them, says the Lord–

MY SPIRIT THAT IS UPON YOU, and MY WORDS WHICH I HAVE PUT IN YOUR MOUTH– shall not depart out of your mouth, nor out of the mouth of your seed, nor out of the mouth of your seed's seed {that means he will ALWAYS BE WITH THEM}, says the Lord– from henceforth and forever.”


He is not slack about that; he is not incapable, or remiss to carry this out: IT’S HIS DREAM to raise his own children up.

I pray we let him do that– and TRULY– begin to WALK IN FAITH, which is TRUST.

For “FAITH– WITHOUT WORKS {practicing it}

– IS DEAD,” he said.

That means we have to WORK THAT MUSCLE of TRUST WITH HIM– if we are going to be pleasing to him– and that takes RISK; because he said– “without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that comes to God must believe that HE IS A REWARDED OF THEM WHO DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM.” (Hebrews 11:6)


1 Timothy 2

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all– supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks– be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all who are in authority– that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and COME TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH.

5 For there is ONE God, and ONE MEDIATOR– between God and men– the man, Christ Jesus; 6 Who gave himself a ransom for all…”


He gave us ‘his Spirit,’ when he left this earth, after fulfilling his mission of Calvary, and his mission of HIGH RABBI teacher, to his students– of which we are to follow in their footsteps, and fall in line under the great Rabbi as well.



HE– is to bring us into ‘all truth,’ for he is THE SPIRIT OF; man is not the Spirit of Truth– GOD IS, and ‘man’ is to REITERATE, and CONFIRM what the Spirit is saying and showing– but man can be fallible– so verify.

Only GOD– is not fallible; and man is to learn straight from God– and if he errs– God is faithful to correct his own: that is, if they walk in humility with him.

Folks– the ‘way of’ Babylon, was to have MAN THE LEADER; Babylon had wicked men walking with devils, unto wicked alliances and, led to disastrous and DIVISIVE {all language and peoples separated after it’s fall}, out comes.

They DID NOT HEED GOD HOLY, HIS VOICE or his COMMANDMENTS– and they LED THEMSELVES: man, led man– into destruction.


Jeremiah 27:18

“But if they be prophets, and if the word of the Lord be with them– let them now make intercession to the Lord of hosts– that the vessels who are left in the house of the Lord, and in the house of the king of Judah, and at Jerusalem– GO NOT TO BABYLON.”


He is saying– “if you are truly walking with the Lord, go make INTERCESSION unto ME {that’s talk and do something with him, about something, seeking his counsel and instructions}, and GO NOT THE WAY OF BABYLON.

If Babylon, and Adam and Eve in the garden– followed ‘MAN LOGIC–’ which was really DEVIL LOGIC, REASON, and INSTRUCTING– we ought to DO THE OPPOSITE!

Since the ‘garden–’ God has been attempting to BRING US FULL CIRCLE, each and every one of us– BACK TO THE BEGINNING, and unto the GOALS HE HAD– FROM THE BEGINNING: which was to walk and talk in the cool of the dayraising up his own children.

But instead, DEVILS injected themselves, MAN injected themselves– and their reasoning and logic– and WE FELL, and we FELL HARD.

Do we understand what that ‘fall’ really was??

IT WAS A ‘falling away–’ FROM GOD, IN OUR LEADERSHIP ROLE, within our lives!!


2 Thessalonians 2:1-4

“Now we beseech you, brethren– by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him– 2 That you be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled– neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us– as the day of Christ is at hand.

3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come A FALLING AWAY– first– and that man of sin be revealed: the son of perdition; 4 who OPPOSES and EXALTS HIMSELFabove all that is called God {anyone doing this, is a man of perdition}, or that is worshiped; so that HE– as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” {will seek to DO THE SAME!}

Did we catch that– the person of perdition [if we fit the bill, too] will be a man who both EXALTS HIMSELF [reason, logic, position], as well as– OPPOSES ALL THAT IS CALLED, GOD; and they are not SET IN ALIGNMENT WITH ALL THAT IS GOD.


That is what is meant by ‘THE GREAT FALLING AWAY;’ it will look like this– when we are in it!

And I see that.


{As they are to be following scripture–

and living authentically, and accordingly}

PLEASE– ‘fall back’ into the ARMS of our Lord God again, and ERECT HIM INSIDE OF YOU as GOD again– as your LEADER, FATHER, and COUNSELOR; and then– GO CONFIRM ALL HE TEACHES YOU, in the world– with your brethren: but HE IS– the interpreter, counselor, Father, mediator, teacher– and ONE WITH ALL THE WISDOM.



Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart– and lean not unto your OWN UNDERSTANDING {that means consult him}. 6 In all your ways– ACKNOWLEDGE HIM– and he shall direct your paths.”


THAT– is what Adam and Eve– DID NOT DO; they did not CONSULT GOD, CLEAR THINGS UP WITH HIM, and instead– followed their own reasoning– which was given to them, courtesy of DEVILS: the same is going on now, as nothing is new under the sun.

FALL BACK INTO HIS ARMS and COUNSEL; return to him– and come FULL CIRCLE– back to Eden and the garden, for we are still there…

In that we have THE OPPORTUNITY NOW– through Messiah, and his Holy Spirit– to RETURN TO GOD, and RECEIVE HIS COUNSEL, to CLEAR UP ALL MATTERS, and BRING US BACK INTO– ‘the truth.’


Romans 8:26

“...the Spirit itself makes intercession for us… 27 And he {God} –who searches the hearts– knows what is the mind of the Spirit– because HE MAKES INTERCESSION FOR THE SAINTS– according to the will of God.”

Hebrews 7:25

“Wherefore HE IS ABLE also– TO SAVE THEM {that means save you, teach you, help you– in all ways} TO THE UTTERMOST – who come unto God– by him– seeing he ever lives to make INTERCESSION for them.“


God is capable of doing it all himself, in raising his children up; but he DESIRES for us to COME INTO UNITY.

We accomplish BOTH OF THOSE– allowing God to raise us individually, at home, and then coming together in unity.

We are to LEARN OF GOD ALONE, and then COME TOGETHER to CONFER, and POUR OVER– what he has privately given to us.

Men– are not God; and God– is not a man– he came ‘as’ one. Meaning, he came– in all like manner as what a man looks, feels, and operates like– BUT HE IS GOD, and HEis Father and Creator– and we are to LEARN ALL THINGS– from him.

Please– allow him to do that in your lives; because if everyone else perished, and you were alone with him– this is what he would do, this is what you would do– and it is what his desire has been all along– anyway.

Why don’t we GIVE HIMHIS DREAM– and return back to our Father, to learn of all things– all truth– BY HIM, as he is the Spirit of Truth.

H7189– TRUTH

Hebrew: קשׁט קשׁט

Transliteration: qosheţ qoshţ

Pronunciation: {ko'-shet} kosht


G225 & 230 – TRUTH

Greek: ἀληθῶς

Transliteration: alēthōs

Pronunciation: al-ay-thoce'

Definition: TRULY, VERITY.


John 8:32

“And you shall know the truth– and the truth shall make you free.”

John 14:6

“Jesus said unto him– I am the way, the truth, and the life”

John 16:7

“Nevertheless I tell you the truth– It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I do not go away– the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart– I will send him to you.”

John 16:13

“When he, the Spirit of truth, is come [to you] –he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself [rep– himself]; but whatsoever he shall hear [of the Father and Son], that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.”

John 17:17

“Sanctify them through your truth: and your word– is truth.”

[p.s. –17, is the number of Victory; I’d pay attention to that verse, as it is double 17.]

The Word of God–

is Yah’shua Hamashiach–

the Messiah.

2 Corinthians 6:7

“By the word of truth…” [word– is doctrine here]

Ephesians 1:13-14

“In whom you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth– the gospel of your salvation– in whom also after that you believed– YOU WERE SEALED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF PROMISE {sealed, he’s in there with you!}; 14 Who is the earnest of our inheritance– until the redemption of the purchased possession– unto the praise of his glory.”

HE’S IN THERE WITH YOU, if you have accepted him– and HE IS MORE THAN CAPABLE to raise you up, child of God– he is your Father!

1 Thessalonians 2:13

“For this cause also we thank God, without ceasing– because, when you received the word of God, which you heard of us– you received it NOT AS THE WORD OF MEN– but as it is in truth, the word of God– which effectually WORKS ALSO IN YOU– who believe.”

1 Timothy 3:15

“...that you may know how you ought to behave yourself in the house of God– which is the church of the living God– the pillar and ground of the truth.”

Where is the kingdom, and the temple of the Lord now??

→ IN US.

We are to KNOW how to conduct ourselves inside, because HIS SPIRIT IS SEALED IN WITH US, BRINGING US INTO ALL TRUTH {as he is the Spirit of Truth}, and the TRUTH IS THE WORD, so we ought to know it, and THAT– is the ‘pillar,’ and ‘foundational’ ground– of Truth.

He– is the Cornerstone, upon which the church is built; we are the building blocks, bricks, or stones– each one of us.

And HE– is more than capable to raise us up, to build upon our start [foundation], and to reform his workmanship– HIMSELF– as he is our Father, Creator, and God.

2 Timothy 2:15

“Study {the Word} to show yourself approved– unto God– {you–} a workman that needs not to be ashamed– rightly dividing the word of truth.”

1 Peter 1:22

“Seeing you have purified your souls in obeying the truth– through the Spirit…”

1 John 2:27

“The anointing– which you have received of him– abides in you, and you do not need any man to teach you: as the same anointing teaches you OF ALL THINGS, and IS TRUTH, and is NO LIE– and even as it has taught you– you shall abide in him.”

HE IS ENOUGH– we are to CONFIRM, and AFFIRM the Spirit, one to another; but he is the Father, the Interpreter, and the Truth, it’s all right there at our fingertips, and he’s available inside of us, as we are sealed unto him.

We are to let him tell it to us, teach us, and conform to it: which is HIM, and his way; and a Father is more than capable of raising his child– HIMSELF.

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Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Feb 06, 2023



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