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The fall, the forfeiture of God: judgment, repentance, and the mature priesthood

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

The Fall in the books:

Self Exaltation

“Come— let us reason together saith the Lord”

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It isn’t possible to list all the scenarios, or all the books,

But there are many examples given.  The scripture is full of stories (both old and new testament) of people who upheld covenant with their God, and exalted him in the earth; but this is an account of people who did not— and instead upheld themselves when given the opportunity to serve God, or self; and the consequences of sow and reap that come with becoming God’s enemy, or opponent.


The Fall of Lucifer, though not necessarily detailed out in the book of Genesis— his planting of his nature into humanity is; and with this we see that he removed his face from God, did not reverence God, did not desire to be under God— but instead to be his own judge magistrate inside of himself (god) and lead himself, turned around (became all that God holy and righteous is not), and fell away from holiness, pure light, perverted himself/defiled himself, and exalted his own amazingness (beauty): self exaltation, self rising to the high places within, and leading self there, based in self reasoning, and self understanding (regardless of truth), and becoming estranged from the truth (and he’s a person) all at the same time: the origin story and genesis of rebellion (turning away from God’s face) and self exaltation.

And he tempted Adam and Eve to exalt themselves into the high place for a moment in time, to ponder what they could have if they would only listen to his nature for a moment, and heed what he was dishing out— which was to turn away from the face of God, and come and think, reason, learn, delve into, ponder, judge, decide, and lead oneself: exaltation of self, losing the face of God, not reverencing God, and not taking his counsel or leadership (as a Father over us) any more.

And we were enticed of our own lust of this power and ability— and we forfeited the Lord God in the secret place just to come into our own power and exaltation; and we fell into it hook, line, and sinker (fishing terms for, took the bait, and paid the consequences of our own lust).

We, to this day, must kill this nature/mind, and minding— and come back around in the Garden to exalt God once again, to not lean on our own understanding, judgment, reasoning, or decision making; but come back around to BOW to our God and creator once again, not exalt the CREATED (lucifer, man, the fallen), and not place emphasis and focus on the created, but the creator.

If we continue to place the emphasis on the created ‘in any way,’ we are no different than Adam and Eve in the garden all over again, where the emphasis, focus, what tickles their fancy was to see what all they could do, be, know, learn, walk in— ‘like God’ —but not under God, in reverence to God, subject to God, exalting God, but instead: man.

Adam and Eve introduced sin into the world, and the true manifest sons of God (child offspring) will not be those manifesting themselves.  They will not be those pointing to man, the created— but instead will be those manifesting Jesus in them: and Jesus pointed to the Father at all times, never man, never himself, never the created— but the creator. 

The manifest sons of God are not manifesting anything, they are allowing SOMEONE to manifest in and through them, just as Jesus had the Father living in him, and manifesting his own works through him: these are the offspring duplicates of Christ Jesus in the earth, the earthen vessels.  There are no other sons, for all sons are in THE SON, and THE SON— exalted the creator, not the created, not himself.

The ONLY ONE who will ever exalt the created, is God himself, and he will do it in due season (this speaks of maturation), and he will do it— because he himself is exalted within this man:  God’s glory, is God’s glory— and the children of God are those whom the Father and Son are in, and working through, who have bowed out of the exaltation room (high places of the mind, emotions, will, decisions, and deeds areas of the soul of man), and God himself is able to have dominion in this man.

Dominion is God’s, and always has been over his creation: has he been given back the keys of the kingdom in each soul?  Does he rule in his own purchased vessels?  Does man seek to be amazing, known by all (famous), seen and heard, validated in and of himself?  

Or does man once again choose to go back to the garden (heart/soul) and exalt God into the high places?


Note: Lucifer and Adam and Eve— the originator of the fallen way, and the onset people who began that nature inside all of us born thereafter… They died.  Lucifer first fell away, became estranged, that is death— and then death passed upon all men, for all have sinned— or fallen away from God and his likeness, and his headship.

Death— is a consequence of man leading himself by the fallen nature, and we will see this again, and again, and again in the scriptures.

It is only through understanding we were dead in our sins and trespasses, and our Lord Jesus Christ came to bring us from death, out of all that fallenness and nature of, into life— which is into relationship with him again, the truth again, and to be reformed back into it by his workmanship within us, as we exalt him into the high places again, inside.

This is how man passes from death to life.  This is how one dies to all that is the flesh nature, and is raised in all that is the Spirit nature (life), and is brought into all truth by the holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth.

Death is the beginning state of all men, and all must be born again into life in Christ Jesus, where the life of Christ Jesus is exalted within each man, and that man leans into Christ Jesus— who is the way, he is the truth, and life is only truly found in and with him.

Death is the beginning, death to the flesh carnal nature, and minding the tree of knowledge alone, leaning on our own reasoning, understanding, decision making, and because it’s what suits our flesh; and life is resurrected when the truth, the person of life, is resurrected into the soul of each man, and he is exalted within, and man dies to exaltation: when man, the created, is no longer exalted, but the creator is, where he is looked to, revered, and hailed in praise and adoration, in respect, and preference, in preeminence within each soul: and in this— a soul is saved and brought into life eternal, by he whom is the eternal life himself.

Death, a true death— is the key, or is the platform that launches us into life: if we die with him, we are raised with him: this means— if we follow after his way (he is the way), and we carry our cross of death, we will be buried with him (as he died to leading self, or self exaltation, and crucified and condemned sin in the flesh; it died, and was buried, estrangement was buried, rebellion to God died and was buried, self exaltation died and was buried, self died— so that onenness could be lived).

And thus… With the death, and being together with him in it all, being like same with him in it all— we can also be raised into life with him in it all, and come out from the grave as being one with his Spirit again, and reformed, conformed back into the image of God, who exalts the Father and the truth, in the earth:  these are sons who have passed from death of self, unto life as one, in unity with the Creator once again, who EXALT THE CREATOR WITHIN, just as Jesus does, and diverts all glory to God, and God alone.

But note as we go on how either one will die in the flesh dirt-suit because he would not die within, or where one died within to self exaltation— he was born anew, born again into exaltation of the Creator and relationship with him:  death is the beginning, life as one with the Creator, where he is in the seat of authority within man, exalted there once again into his rightful place within the heart of man, the high places within the soul— this is where true life begins, and where the sons born after Christ Jesus, and into Christ Jesus— resemble, followed after, were conformed back into the proper image, erect, of man, in the earth:  the created man who exalts God, within, and without— and no longer himself.

Death = estranged from God, not one, no reverence, self worship, no life.

Life = together with God, unified, reverent to him and his headship once again, worshiping God (focus on him), and now alive in Christ Jesus, and Christ Jesus alive in this man.

*Each time man exalted himself in the fallen nature— a death of some sort happened, an abortion of something happened, a consequence of rebellion happened— and the promises did not come to fruition as they could have;  because man separated himself (estranged himself) from the face of God, not adhering to what God said or commanded, lost faith in God, leaned upon their own understanding or decisions and actions, went their own way, manipulated, or tried to control things themselves.  

But make no mistake— each time man’s own self became the focus, and man led himself, reasoned for himself, devised things for themselves, reacted quickly— instead of slowed themselves to seek God’s face and respond together with God, thought they could hide the heart's contents and motives from God:  and yet God sees and knows all.

Either man will kill the carnal nature with its inclinations to be a self god, or a man will die in some fashion: it is the natural course of events when man will exalt death, and not life (the truth and relationship with God, personally, exalting both within the high places of man).

For life begins— when there is death to death (estrangement and rebellion, and self exaltation accompanied by the fallen nature, backed by the fallen and demonic: hence, the old Adam dies, and the new creation in Christ Jesus is born anew, and lives inside each man).


Sons of God— are like Jesus, who exalted the Father and creator of all, into the high places, revered him, and placed him back into his proper relational role within— and handed back the keys to the kingdom (soul) to the rightful owner: now in Christ Jesus, we are to have done this— for he is the purchaser of our souls, yes, as the Savior, with his blood he doth redeem.

If man continues to point to man— even in the exaltation of, or the speech all the time, or thoughts all the time, of the amazingness of the manifest sons, or the 144,000, or the chosen… then man will run alongside the original fall of mankind still, because he has subtly taken his eyes off of the creator, once again, and placed the beauty on the created:  when in truth, all that is created is only an expression of the creator himself, and all due reverence of beauty— belongs to God himself.  We are called only to bow to him, and come into agreement with him, and couple with his Spirit (as one spirit together); but make no mistake about it— we are to bow to him.

So— there are many messages about how man will be this or that, or is— but where are the messages that only point to God, that only revere and exalt God once again?  

The mature sons speak of God, the Father, the Son, the Lamb, the Savior, the Redeemer, the King, the Bridegroom, the Captain of the host of heaven, the Judge, the High Priest— they do not speak of themselves, for they themselves are mere vessels: humble, lowly, not self exalted vessels, but instead— they go low to push up God holy within.  

These are they who are not named, pointed at, who need not validation of man, who need not to be credited (for they know it is only God erect in them that enables such base creatures, such fallible creatures, to do any good at all, in this fallen world that exalts everything except God holy and righteous): these are those who do not speak of man at all— but of God.  

These are they who spread the gospel— which is God and the availability of God to couple with wayward man once again, and redeem him.  These are they who have not lost the face of God, and replaced his face with their own.  These are they who are not on the topic of man at all— but whose topic within them is God all day long, and on their lips— is his name, not their own; in their eyes is his face, not their own, in their minds his his exaltation, not their own, in their hearts they seek after him, and for all to know him— not them.  They are the ones who will bring God to others, because they have died.

Where are the messages that turn a very easily self exalted creation (man) —unto the creator again?  Where are the messages that speak of him and his glory of his person?  Where are the sons and daughters who exalt the name of the Lord, in the land of the living?  And why do we desire to always make everything about us?

Jesus died for us, making everything about us: are we not called to die and make everything about God?

Where is our focus?  Where is our worship focused, who are we facing inside all the time, when we talk about us, when we think on how awesome the sons are, and what beauty they have?  Do we not understand that the son can do nothing of himself, and that without Christ in us— we are dung, we are dead, we are not alive, we lost true beauty, we fell?

And that without exalting him within, without coupling to his Spirit within, without allowing him to reform us inside— we will continue to exalt the created being, instead of the creator— and the first adam will still be alive and kicking within, with his lusts that conceive sin, and bring about death.

Let us look at how many times self exaltation, man placing himself in the seat of worship, in the seat of reasoning, in the seat of judgment— how, and in what ways he fell, and what consequences that had.

*And note:  these are only some examples as there are far too many to list them all in each book of the bible.



Cain killed his brother Abel in a fit of anger after God warned him that sin was near: the created exalted, not the creator: self exaltation, leaning on own reasoning and understanding, and one’s own judgment of right and wrong, good and evil/bad. 

Genesis 4:7-8

“If you do well, shall you not be accepted? And if you do not well— sin lies at the door. And unto you shall be his desire, and you shall rule over him.  And Cain talked with Abel, his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel, his brother, and slew him.”

Abraham and Sarah doubted God's promises and plans, which led them to go their own way (exaltation of man, the flesh nature ruling), and caused generational consequences still going on today in tribal warring: Ishmael and Issac. 

Genesis 16:1-2

“Now Sarai Abram's wife bore him no children: and she had a handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar.  And Sarai said unto Abram— Behold now, the Lord has restrained me from bearing: I pray you, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her. And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai.”

Here Sarai leaned upon her own reasoning and understanding, did not have faith in the Lord that he would ‘in time’ bring out his own promise of word given— and thus man and his fallen nature was exalted above God, once again, in self exaltation: emphasis on the created, and not the creator.



Pharaoh leaned on his own understanding, would not heed God’s message of salvation, and angered God: in this— his fate was sealed when he chose to exalt himself, his own reasoning, lusts and judgment: and he paid a hefty price, and so did his people:  God sent ten plagues to Egypt as punishment for Pharaoh's treatment of the Israelites:  Blood, Frogs, Gnats, Flies, Dead livestock, Boils, Hail, Locusts, Darkness, and Death of firstborn. [Exodus chapters 7-13]

The Israelites:  After Moses ascended the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments, the Israelites worshiped a golden calf that Aaron cast; his own brother (the high priest) was the ringleader, the orchestrator of the making of the golden calf for the people of the wilderness to worship, face, bow down to, dance before, and reverence— NOT GOD HOLY; and in this— Aaron eventually paid a heavy price (as well as the whole elder generation of the people of God in the wilderness— with his life lost in the wilderness, as well as theirs; they did not make it into the promises of God.  

They never left the wilderness testing— choose this day whom you will serve.  They chose to serve themselves, chose to exalt self, chose to lean on self, and paid a hefty price in consequences; because Aaron was INFLUENCING OTHERS to walk in pride and rebellion to God holy, and to not reverence God, nor hearken unto God, but instead— to hearken unto their own lusts and desires.

The people died in Exodus 32, and Aaron— in numbers 20.



Leviticus speaks of the holiness of the LORD; a holy and righteous God who seeks to dwell in the midst of a holy and righteous people:  a call to holy living for those who are in covenant.

The Book of Leviticus speaks of purity, sacrifices, and moral conduct, demonstrating the importance of a relationship with God, the truth, and  based in obedience and reverence to his person and nature; the importance of living a life set apart for God. 

Two of Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, offer ‘unholy fire’ at the tabernacle, and a fire from the Lord consumes them.

Leviticus 10:1-3

“And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put incense thereon, and offered strange fire before the Lord— which he commanded them not.  And there went out fire from the Lord, and devoured them, and they died before the Lord.  Then Moses said unto Aaron— This is it that the Lord spake, saying— I will be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and before all the people I will be glorified. And Aaron held his peace.”

The point here?

Nadab and Abihu were not sanctified unto the Lord, they were not living proper unto the Lord, in reverence of him, had other things exalted within, were not sanctioned to go to the altar and offer anything in that state— and with doing so, they offered strange fire, or polluted sacrifice and offering, as other gods (idolatry) was offered at the fire: and all things not holy will be consumed by the holy fire of God: and death passed upon them, for they were not sanctified, consecrated, nor commanded by God to come forth: they were out of line, out of protocol, out of relationship and reverence to God holy.  

And the holiness of God consumed them.

When the children of God are sanctified and consecrated unto God, and called forth to walk in that holy fire with him, in righteousness, and true heart exaltation of the truth and person of God— the fire will not even so much as cause a smoke to be smelled upon them (like the hebrew boys in the fire with the 4th, the Son of God), for they have BECOME one with the fire (God).

Death came to them in the physical— because they would not die the death within, to come into life, righteousness, and holiness of a sanctified and consecrated life unto God; and instead— offered something profane upon the altar (prayer, actions, etc).  

We will either die carrying our cross, and die the death to death, or death to the carnal nature being exalted within, self exaltation and leadership— or we will die another death, but death is required of all men.

The Lord said—  ‘I will be sanctified in them that come nigh to me, and before all the people I will be glorified.’ 

Aaron held his peace because he knew his sons were not reverent unto God, drawn nigh to him, to his person, his truth, his holiness, his righteousness, or his nature within them:  God searches the hearts, and it is not lips (or lip service) that truly exalts God, but it is with hearts we exalt God (souls given over in the high places, in a purity, unto God to rule and reign within).

He was pretty clear and blunt in this lesson— God will be glorified among the people, God will be glorified— GOD WILL BE GLORIFIED IN HIS PEOPLE…. when he is revered inside his people, as they draw nigh to him inside their hearts/souls: the opposite of man dwelling on the topic of man, self, and the glory for himself.



The Book of Numbers teaches us about the importance of trusting and obeying God.  It highlighted the Israelites' repeated struggles with their faith and rebellion during their journey through the wilderness, but also  demonstrated God's unwavering faithfulness and commitment to his covenant with them— even in the face of their disobedience:  he was long-sufferingly patient with them, and continued to express his faithfulness to his person, and fruit of his Spirit, even during their disrespect toward him. 

The book of Numbers does emphasize the consequences of rebellion as well as the need to follow God's instructions to enter the Promised Land. 

Consequences of serving themselves inside, over and over again— bring about consequences in the physical lives, eventually: all that is sown spiritually, eventually comes to fruition in the natural— when God sees men are continuing to sow in estrangement, sin, and death: and then— sow and reap takes place: delays, hardships, and even physical death.

The people are set against Moses (sanctified men or women of God, essentially), and do not come out of this stance; even Aaron and Miriam are against him at times, and pay the consequences of: because Moses is interfacing with God face to face, and bringing his will into play (words, decrees, actions) by this direct and reverent relationship. 

Numbers 12:9-10 

"And the anger of the LORD was aroused against them, and He departed. And when the cloud departed from above the tabernacle, suddenly Miriam became leprous, as white as snow. Then Aaron turned toward Miriam, and there she was, a leper."

Korah’s rebellion: (Numbers 16)

Numbers 16:1-3

“Now Korah…. took men:  And they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown:  And they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them— You take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them: wherefore then lift you up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord?”

Here, Korah and men with him, rose up against God and God’s judgment.  How?  Because God ordained Moses and Aaron, and brought his will in, with the people he chose— but Korah leaned upon his own reasoning, exalted himself within, grew estranged from God and revering God within, and equated himself with being ‘just as holy’ as Moses or Aaron, or anyone else God has put in a leadership role… and in doing all of that— he denigrated the men chosen of God holy, and thus, personally, God holy: Korah and his men were swallowed up by the earth, and died.

The fall of Moses when he disobeyed God's instructions and struck the rock instead of speaking to it to bring forth water:  Jesus was that Rock, and Moses struck him in anger and disobedience, without gentleness speaking to the Rock (God) and asking reverently for God to pour forth the living water unto the people: and Moses paid a heavy price for this disobedience— he died in the wilderness, and did not come into the promised land. [Deuteronomy 34:1-12]



Deuteronomy 31:11-17

“When all Israel is come to appear before the Lord your God in the place which he shall choose, you shall read this law (10 commandments) before all Israel in their hearing.

Gather the people together, men and women, and children, and your stranger that is within your gates— that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear the Lord your God— and observe to do all the words of this law:  And that their children, which have not known anything— may hear, and learn to fear the Lord your God— as long as you live in the land, when ever you go over Jordan to possess it.

And the Lord said unto Moses— Behold, your days approach that you must die: call Joshua, and present yourselves in the tabernacle of the congregation, that I may give him a charge. And Moses and Joshua went, and presented themselves in the tabernacle of the congregation.

And the Lord appeared in the tabernacle in a pillar of a cloud: and the pillar of the cloud stood over the door of the tabernacle.

And the Lord said unto Moses— Behold, you shall sleep with your fathers; and this people will rise up, and go a whoring after the gods of the strangers of the land, whither they go— to be among them, and will forsake me— and break my covenant which I have made with them.

Then my anger shall be kindled against them in that day, and I will forsake them, and I will hide my face from them, and they shall be devoured, and many evils and troubles shall befall them; so that they will say in that day— Are not these evils come upon us, because our God is not among us?

And I will surely hide my face in that day for all the evils which they shall have wrought— in that they are turned unto other gods.”

It’s always when the face of man (his inside man, soul/heart) turns away from God— loses his face, reverence to him, worshiping him— that man turns to other gods (namely himself and the devils that will back the fallen nature and inclination to lean upon one’s own understanding and counsels).  And when man does this— he has gone a whoring after other gods, meaning— he is pursuing that which devils pursue:  self gains, self exaltation, self focus, self glory, estranged from God, exalting God, exalting the truth, exalting righteousness, and note: it’s when God brings blessing in that they grow fat— and this manifests itself finally, because man was after the blessing, the fatness— and not God in his true heart motives at all.

Those who are for God, to exalt God, in truth within— they will speak of God, face God, revere God, be set in proper position (down, low, humble, out of the seat of authority within, placing God in the high places), live the truth in authenticity, truly love God from the center of their being— not seeking his hand, but his face.

Blessings over time, will reveal what man had his heart set on:  either God, or God’s hand.

Job worshiped God in fatness, or in leanness, and Paul said he had learned how to be in abundance or abased— both still worshiped God from a true place in their hearts: their motives were pure, and they defiled not themselves with idols (other gods), but knew God’s goodness and sovereignty in their lives.

Those who are in it for what they can get— will always speak about the ‘getting,’ and not the begotten:  they will seek and speak of the glory, and not so much the one who manifests the glory in every vessel— God himself.

Where are God’s people who are only bringing forth the gospel, even still?

Where are the people of God who are bringing forth God, rolling the red carpet out for God to the people of the land of the living?  Where are the people of God who say— with God all things are possible, with God, we are strengthened in Christ to do all things with him?

Where are the messages that are exalting God in this generation— as opposed to the cotton candy messages exalting man?  Where are the prophecies, and those prophesying the mind of God, the mission of God, the desires of God (his will) unto a lost and dying (estranged from him) world?

Where is the exaltation of God, on the lips of his people?

Because every time I’ve watched man exalt man (in any way, even thinking he is holy, and mature, and due exaltation), man fell, fell hard, and died a death in some fashion (a further estrangement from God), and was demoted (sometimes, out of their dirt suits) by God himself.

His words to me were this— ‘Look, Listen, Discern,’ in regards to this current time period, and what man was pushing forth in the church: pastors, preachers, evangelists, teachers, prophetic voices, apostolic persons, watchmen, or the average lay person decreeing a thing.

He said…


Word from the Lord


“You all (many, or most) are exalting people and things that are not giving God the glory, or giving God their minds, mouths, and vessels to serve and exalt him: and my people perish for a lack of true knowledge.  My people have grown fat in my household once again, and with their fatness— pride has crept in and deluded them:  they exalt man once again, and under the guise of pointing toward the sons, man, and not me.

I am the reason men are raised from death to life.  I am the reason there is any good in man.  I am the Spirit that brings man out of error and into the truth.  I am the one in which my bride is to exalt, and honor, and speak of in her beloved (she speaks not of herself).  I am the one who was lost in the garden, when man’s mind, heart, thoughts, desires, and actions left me behind to go his own way, and placed himself on his lips.  I am the one whom men need to come back to in union within, and bow to.  I am the one whom the world needs to hear about— just as the Son exemplified, and all sons born into him, following him, will exemplify to the world.  

I am looking deeply, introspectively, within the souls/hearts of man (everywhere), definitely in my own house, or the temple that is to be mine— and I am looking to see who is on the mind, God, or sons?  I am looking to see what is on the lips of my people— God, or the sons?  I am looking to see if it’s the high Priest they speak about— or the little priests in training under me, sons.  I am looking to see if they are exalting the little king (sons) in the earth, or the high King.

Look, Listen, Discern:  for satan will roam around seeking whom he can devour inside, in the high places, he is amongst the clouds, the spirits of men, seeking after the souls of men— that men should exalt men, and not God, like is his way.

He is seeking who will seek to be exalted in the earth, and who will speak of the created, and who will place all glory upon the created, who will begin to place the created in the role of the Savior, the Redeemer, the King, the Creator.

He is attempting to lure man once again (and the church is his highest calling to pervert) into exaltation of the created, in subtle ways.

Do you like to hear about how amazing the sons of God are, or will be?  Do you like messages that speak about how God will lift man up, and exalt sons in the earth— more than you desire for God to be lifted up, and God to be exalted in the earth?

Do you get your fancy tickled when the messages and posts, and videos are about you— rather than solely on God, and exalting God, and bowing to God, and getting reformed by the hand of God, becoming reverent and obedient to God, receiving his counsel, leadership, reproof, and scourging in your vessel?

Do you not like, or comment in gratitude to the messages that explain to mankind, the fall of mankind, which was the exaltation of mankind?  Do those messages not fulfill the lusts of your flesh, to hear what you desire to hear, or that do not make it all about man?

I made it all about man already, dear children.  I gave my only begotten Son, that all should come to him, and bow to him, to turn in repentance toward his face, the face of God once again, that all would bow to the truth once again; and that all would bow out of the high places, tear down the self exaltation— which is the altars in the high places, the self focus, the self topics, the self desires, and return in the garden to the exaltation of your covenant partner once again:  me.

I exalt man, IN DUE SEASON: and due season is due maturation, and approval of: maturation— is the death of self, to live unto Christ Jesus now.  It is the place where self is dead, and life is now corporately lived in Christ Jesus, and amongst the body— for Christ Jesus and for the body:  all dominion— his, all glory— his, all headship— his, all counsel— his, all decision making— his, all manifestation— his, preeminence— his:  it is where the garden fall is rectified in a total surrender of the high places and whom is exalted.

The manifestation of the sons of God— is when the Father manifests himself through Christ Jesus, into the sons, and he stands erect in them in the high places:  the manifestation— is of God himself, not man.  

Man will have bowed out, died to self being displayed, and all speech, all power, all decisions, all actions— are that of God himself within this reverent vessel now:  my sons who will manifest— will be vessels who bring me, their God, to the people, and I will be the manifestation of the sons:  I will manifest myself, for they have truly died, and become one with me— melded into me, and I am erect in them.

Who is speaking of the vessels, dear children (the sons), or who is speaking of the vessel possessor, the God of the temple, the Spirit that indwells his people?

Because if you are not careful— you will see, read, listen to, and watch the luciferian display of the created, above the creator, once again: and in this— you will have not been raised in life yet, nor died to self yet, but will have exalted the adamic nature still yet, within.

To come out of a fall, one must arise: this is not you, this is me.

When man chose self leadership and exaltation— God’s leadership and exaltation fell within man: it will be when man raises God into the high places again, that God will arise in his people.

Who is risen in the high places of the human soul and heart, my people?”


Psalm 132:4-5, 7-8, 13, 17

(David speaking)

“I will not give sleep to my eyes, or slumber to my eyelids— until I find out a place for the Lord— a habitation for the mighty God of Jacob.  We will go into his tabernacles: we will worship at his footstool.

Arise, O Lord, into your rest; you, and the ark of your strength.  For the Lord has chosen Zion; he has desired it for his habitation.

There I will make the horn of David to bud: I have ordained a lamp for my anointed.”


The child of God is to not rest, until a place is made for the resting of the Spirit of the Lord and his truth, inside of us, the temple: a habitation for the mighty God, himself, where we will WORSHIP HIM.

And in this— the Lord can arise in his people, he can shine for his light has come— HIS LIGHT HAS COME— not our own, and the ark of his strength will be established in our lives: for he chooses Zion, his people, the people of new Jerusalem— to be his habitation.

And here, he, born of the lineage of David, he who budded and does reign on the throne forever, being the anointed one forever (the messiah), who is alive in God’s sons— he, is to be exalted, and worshiped, and honored, and praised, and he is to be on our lips, and moved into his abode.

And if he is— if Christ is alive and indwelled within, well, then he will be doing as he always has in the life of the son;  he will be exalting the Father, the way, the truth, and his fruit of this exaltation of God— will show forth in the earth.

Those— are the true sons of God; and it has little to do with knowledge or revelation, it has to do with exaltation of the knowledge of God, and the revelation of Christ:  it is Christ revealing to creation that he is erect within a man, and his fruit will show forth; the same fruit he exemplified in the Son, will come forth in the sons.

And the Son— exalted the Father and the truth:  he became one with both exaltation of the Father, and with living the truth: and in him— we are called to give the same to our Father even now.

Exalt God, crucify the flesh, place his name on our lips (that’s him as a topic), and face him within, be ambassadors in a foreign land— bring him to all people, give all dominion to him within— coming full circle from taking it from him in the garden, cause God to rise within— not fall, resume the image of the Son, all ye sons:  for Jesus has shown the way.

Exaltation of the created being— above the creator, will result in a fall:  the fall is— where God was demoted from the high place, and man resumed the position: it will take a deliberate exaltation of God being placed back in reverence— for the fall to be undone, and for righteousness, truth, and the God of— to be raised into the high places of the hearts and souls of men again.

And he will force no man to do this: but he is searching hearts, even to this day: and the serpent is still turning man to exalt himself, in subtle ways.

When man exalts man— something dies or is aborted, never reaches what it could have— if God would have been placed in the seat of authority, with reverence.



After only the youngsters were permitted to go forth into the promised land with Joshua and Caleb (not even Moses, everyone else died on the other side of the promises, and Jordan), whoredoms once again flourished, idolatry was exalted, man did as man desired, even after great victories with God and with godly leadership.

Man still chooses to exalt his own will, reasoning, and exaltation of— even in the house of God, and consequences always come to be, both in the spiritual, and in the physical: God brings forth some really blunt examples of consequences, again, and again, and again.

Achan, as an example, stole goods from Jericho and the Israelites lost the battle at Ai.  Achan stole a Babylonian robe, 200 pieces of silver, and a gold bar from Jericho— which were meant to be devoted to God.

It’s the devotion to God, it’s giving God his due, or failing to— and exalting man instead, and man’s lustful desires to gain unto himself— that causes the breakdown once again in the garden of man: and God being demoted, God, his face, his name, his presence, his preeminence has fallen in man again— and man has risen (or satan, rather has risen) to the high places once again; and of course— a death occurs.

God punished Achan and his family by stoning them to death. God also gave Achan a night to consider his sin and repent, but Achan did not take advantage of God's mercy.

It’s alway a forfeiture that occurs, and it begins in the hearts/souls of God’s people where they first demote God from the high places, and this is the fall of mankind.



The book of Judges highlights six judges during this time and shows their increasing corruption. These judges start off fairly well (Othniel, Ehud, Deborah) but become increasingly worse: the book ends with incredibly lawless people.

[Excerpt taken from online] 

“Israel was supposed to drive the Canaanites out of the land of Israel; but unfortunately, Israel not only failed to drive the Canaanites out, they became exactly like the Canaanites in the worst possible ways. They raped, murdered, worshiped idols, and even sacrificed their own children. They were overcome by pride, lust, vengeance, cowardice, and idolatry.

One judge sacrificed his young daughter. One judge married a Philistine, slept with a prostitute, and shacked up with a woman who tried to have him killed on multiple occasions. One judge said he didn’t want to be the people’s king, but named his son, “Abimelech” (My-Father-Is-King). That warped young man, by the way, grew up and murdered all of his brothers so he could rule.

The book of Judges is absolutely spilling over with blood. People were whipped, stabbed, crushed, and burned with fire.

When they were overcome by death, Israel reverted to her old ways and that judge’s long legacy came to nothing. It was like he had never lived, because there was no long-lasting change.” – Wes McAdams –

Another book with cases too numerous to mention— of man going his own way, not God’s way, and not exalting God within, nor his righteous ways exalted into the high places: but leaning upon his own ways, understanding, and leadership.

Even in those God was using:  “Gideon beat and killed his brethren out of vengeance and ended his life in idolatry, Barak was a coward, Samson was a womanizer who died taking personal vengeance on his enemies, and Jephthah sacrificed his own daughter because of his warped theology.” –Wes McAdams



The book of Ruth is actually a very redemptive book, and shows God is actually on a mission to restore what has been eaten by the canker worm, if you will— and how God uses all things together for good, to those that love him:  and through Ruth's loyalty— Naomi is restored.

But it does showcase one example of leaning on our own understanding once again, and not on God’s sovereignty, or his desire to restore all things, when Naomi begins to believe that God is at the heart of all her troubles.

Ruth 1:13

“Would you tarry for them till they were grown— would you stay for them from having husbands? Nay, my daughters; for it grieves me much for your sakes that the hand of the Lord is gone out against me.”

Boaz recognizes his responsibility and marries Ruth— providing for Naomi; and here the widow is restored. Ruth and Boaz have a son named Obed, who becomes the grandfather of King David.  God was working his hand in all these seemingly devastating events (and they were devastating, but only seemingly for length of days, or duration); and the latter end was GOOD, stately good.



Saul’s disobedience and lack of reverence toward God is many, but some of the ways in which he leaned into himself, and not into God, nor reverencing God within was when he did not wait for Samuel before fighting the Philistines, he replaced Samuel with Ahijah, he blamed Jonathan for God’s silence, he plundered livestock, killed men, women and children— but left the king and best livestock alive (disobedient to God’s direction):  When Samuel learned of this, he told Saul that God had rejected him as king.

He sought necromancy from the witch of Endor, unto the life of Samuel being conjured up, and God sent a ‘tormenting’ spirit upon Saul as punishment for his rejection of God's word.

Saul leaned into himself, and away from God (estrangement), and death comes to men who live this way: even men in the house of God, anointed, and chosen.

The sons of Eli were greedy, lustful priests— who used their authority to take the best meat from sacrifices, before giving a portion to God.

And the sons of Samuel, Joel and Abijah, accepted bribes and cheated people in court.

When man begins to lean into himself, and away from God, loses God’s face, and loses God in their thoughts, leaning into his counsel, knowledge, direction, and wisdom— and his name ceases to be that which is brought forth (his words, his character, his headship), and instead man leans into his own name, character, and headship— a death happens.

And we are to come through death— into life, and that life is life in Christ, where it is now not us who lives within, but Christ: we are dead, the only son that now lives, is the one new Son, Christ Jesus, and we have bowed out, and let him come into the high places, and we have melded into him, and we are one with him:  this means— he is erect, he is exalted, his mind is erect, his ways and thoughts that are higher is erect, his dominion is erect (we could have our own, it was gifted to us, but there is a sacrifice called for if we are to be one with our God again), his will is erect, his headship is erect: all sons live and breathe, and find their being INSIDE CHRIST.

And all manifest sons, will manifest Christ to the world, for he will be the manifestation in them, and they will be the humility unto God, in order for God to stand up within them:  these cast God back up, where the fall took him out.

These— know their place:  These exalt the Bridegroom, not herself the bride.  These exalt the Savior— not they who were saved.  These exalt the Creator— not they, the created vessel.  These exalt the Redeemer— not they who desperately needed the Redeemer.  These exalt the truth— not the lie.  These exalt the high God— not the little god.  These exalt the High priest— not the little priest or priesthood itself.  These exalt the Righteous King— not the little kings who receive his righteousness, it’s his.  

These exalt the person of God— not themselves: these themselves have died, so Christ may live.



King Ahab was a king who promoted the worship of other gods in Israel, and was considered to be the worst king in the Old Testament. Ahab's marriage to Jezebel, a pagan woman who hated God's people, contributed to his evil: and both died when exalting themselves above God.

King Manasseh followed the practices of the nations that God drove out before the Israelites.  Ahaziah followed the lead of Jeroboam and others who led Israel away from God.

Joseph was hated by his half-brothers, who sold him to traveling merchants, resulting in him being imprisoned in Egypt, but God used him to help the Pharaoh: working all things together for good, though through very trying times.

Solomon's fame brought wise men and royals from far away to seek his counsel, which distracted him from God. This led to the end of peace for Israel and war in the land.

1 Kings 11:4

“For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father.”

Solomon's son was Rehoboam, and it was his poor handling of the people's concerns after Solomon's death that led to the splitting of the kingdom into two parts: the Kingdom of Judah (southern) ruled by Rehoboam, and the Kingdom of Israel (northern) which was established by Jeroboam, one of Solomon’s former officials who led a rebellion against Rehoboam's harsh policies. 

Division of tribes:  The tribes of Judah and Benjamin remained loyal to Rehoboam and formed the Kingdom of Judah, while the remaining ten tribes established the Kingdom of Israel under Jeroboam: and thus— the scattering of God’s people.

The kings who were considered good in the bible were those who actively promoted worship of the true God, and upheld God's laws.   Prophets like Elijah and Elisha played a crucial role in calling kings back to faithfulness, and often faced significant opposition for their actions. 

Even amidst the nation's repeated failures, God continued to show mercy and offer opportunities for repentance: and still does.

Are we turning our faces and hearts toward God, righteousness, authenticity of a purity to worship God within— and turn from our own worship?

Do our eyes seek his face?  Do our ears seek his voice?  Do our thoughts exalt him into supremacy?  Does our hearts bring him into remembrance upon our beds of intimacy?  Do our lips speak of him, and praise his name?

Or do we speak more about man than we do his God?

If so— we must still come through the death, and be brought into life in Christ Jesus: who ever (forever) lives to bring glory to the name of the Father. 

And the Father who seeks to glorify the son.

And the Spirit who will couple with, and will bring all men into the truth of the Messiah/Lamb/Word/Truth/Way/Bridegroom/Savior/King, and Lord of us: our God.

Nowhere in there does it say that man should be exalting man, or the created exalting the created:  our Father will exalt the sons in due season, as he exalted the Son in whom we all find our lives.

The Spirit will bring us into this truth as we yield and give all preeminence and supremacy to God within our high places, and we revenge all disobedience, bringing us into obedience with his Spirit:  but we are required to return our Lord God to the high places, to which he was demoted, and fell from our high places when we kicked him out in the original fall of mankind.

This reunion— in the high places of man— is what the gospel exemplified:  Christ died so that this could and would take place once again: but it is our reasonable service to cast down all wicked imaginings that would place anyone there against God, against the knowledge and awares of God being there, and every high thing that exalts itself (that’s man exalting the created man inside, above God): for satan will sit in the temple of God, exalting himself into the place of God, as if he is God.

Who is on our lips?  Who is in our thoughts?  Who are we bringing to the world?  Who is alive in us?  Is it God— or us?  Have we died— or yet need to?  Are we the topic— or is it God once again, in the garden?

Are we Looking, Listening, and Discerning the words coming out of people in the house of God (firstly ourselves), because behind those words lurks the originator of those words, and the person being exalted:  in the life of Jesus (in whom we are to be living) the word was of the Father, the exalted person was God the Father, the speech was of the truth, and he became the most humble servant of the Lord God who ever lived, and yet lives.

So— are we found in him, and he in us?

If so— we will be speaking the same things he spoke of:  The Father, the truth, the way, righteousness, holiness, sanctification, consecration, the Word(s) of God, his Kingdom, his dominion, his authority, his supremacy, his preeminence, he being the husband leading his woman— she his reflection bringing him forth.

When I hear more about the created, than the beauty and glory of the creator— I am taken all the way back to the fall of Lucifer, the one who was brought forth to reflect the light of God, but who darkened, because his eyes turned toward himself:  we have been warned.



In the Book of Chronicles, Jehoshaphat and Ahab are examples of people who grieved God through disobedience:  Ahab leads Jehoshaphat into war against Syria.  Jehoshaphat disregards the prophet Micaiah's warnings and joins Ahab in a war against Syria. And Jehoshaphat's disobedience leads to God's wrath.

Chronicles offers a message of hope for a coming Messiah who will restore the nation, and exemplify the proper relationship with the Almighty.



“The priest and scribe Ezra was deeply grieved when he learned that the Israelites had married foreign women, which was a violation of God's commands.  The people of Israel broke their covenant with God by intermarrying with pagan nations and adopting their sinful customs. This was a major reason for their exile in the first place.  The book's main message is that the people needed to renew their fellowship with the Lord through spiritual reformation and restoring the temple.” [online summary]


Nehemiah:  This story highlights the importance of returning to God's covenant and faithfully following his instructions.

Nehemiah 6:1-4

“Now it came to pass when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and Geshem the Arabian, and the rest of our enemies, heard that I had builded the wall, and that there was no breach left therein; (though at that time I had not set up the doors upon the gates;)  That Sanballat and Geshem sent unto me, saying— Come, let us meet together in some one of the villages in the plain of Ono. But they thought to do me mischief.  And I sent messengers unto them, saying— I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you?  Yet they sent unto me four times after this sort; and I answered them after the same manner.”

Sanballat began to slander Nehemiah, and seek all manner of ways to deter him from completing his tasks, and in accordance with the Lord’s instructions.

Nehemiah 6:5-8

“Then sent Sanballat his servant unto me in like manner the fifth time with an open letter in his hand;  Wherein was written, It is reported among the heathen, and Gashmu says it— that you and the Jews think to rebel: for which cause you build the wall, so that you may be their king, according to these words.

And you have also appointed prophets— to preach of you— at Jerusalem, saying— There is a king in Judah: and now shall it be reported to the king according to these words. 

Come now therefore, and let us take counsel together.

Then I sent unto him, saying— There are no such things done as you say, but you feign them out of your own heart.”


“Nehemiah had accepted great personal sacrifice to demonstrate that he was not in this for himself. The idea of appointing prophets to say what the leader wanted to hear was offensive to Nehemiah. He was being accused of the very things he sacrificed to be blameless regarding.

Nehemiah’s response to the three-fold attack of pretended friendship, slander, and false religion makes us admire him as a leader; but we can love and admire Jesus far more.

‘Come down to the plain of Ono,’ they said to Nehemiah. They also said to Jesus, ‘come down from the cross.’  But Jesus was doing a great work – the greatest work – on the cross and would not be stopped.

They slandered Nehemiah, but he didn’t defend himself. He spoke the truth and trusted in God. Jesus was also slandered and did not challenge His critics – He spoke the truth and trusted in His Father in heaven.

A false prophet offered Nehemiah an easy way out – but it was a way of fear and disobedience:  Nehemiah would have none of it.  Jesus was also offered a way out of crucifixion – if Jesus would just worship Satan, all the kingdoms of the world would be delivered to Him.  Jesus rejected this seemingly easier way, too.” –Enduringword . com

There is always a temptation to go another way, not the way of the Lord God, not the way he is leading a man: the temptation to think, decipher, and decide for himself— and carry through in actions of self leadership.

Nehemiah kept his gaze on the Lord.  Nehemiah kept reverence to the face of God, kept God’s instruction, did not divert from God’s mission in the earth, and was able to discern with the Spirit of God what satan’s temptations were— to lean away from God’s headship in his life.

Jesus was the same:  he kept his gaze on the Lord God, reverence to his face, kept his instruction and will at the forefront, stayed on mission— did not divert from that mission, and was able to overcome the devil’s temptations every time he came with them— to lean away from God’s headship in his heart/soul/mind/actions.

If we do not think satan will come to us to offer us the opportunity to make it all about us as well, we are foolish:  choose this day whom you will serve; choose this day whom you will exalt.



Haman was hanged on the gallows he had built for Mordecai.  Mordecai and Esther were Jews, and Haman was Macedonian:  Mordecai and Esther, and consequently her husband the King Ahasuerus (pronounced— Achashverosh) of Persia honored the Lord God of the Jews.

Because Haman set himself against the Lord God, and exalted his own agenda through manipulation and deceit— his downfall was the same as every other man who sets himself against God, and against righteousness, and becomes the enemy of God: death, and the death of his sons as well.


Isaiah:  Isaiah was a prophet called by God to deliver his words to Israel. The book of Isaiah is full of warnings about the Israelites' coming judgment and accounts of their rebellion and sin. 

Isaiah 63:10  

"Yet they rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit. So he turned and became their enemy and he himself fought against them."

It’s always man’s choice to uphold God in the high places within each man, or not: and these stories in scripture detail out what happens, again, and again, and again when man does not choose to uphold covenant with God holy, nor exalt him within them, nor cling to righteousness.


Jeremiah: Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, prophesied that the people of Judah would be captured, enslaved, and exiled to Babylon. The people of Judah rejected Jeremiah's warnings and continued to rebel against God. In the end, Judah was exiled to Babylon, and enslaved by the Babylonians.  The Jewish people were forcefully taken from their homeland and taken to Babylon in captivity, and made slaves to Nebuchadnezzar and his family.



[Online quote summation of the book of Ezekiel.]

“The primary lesson from the Book of Ezekiel is that even amidst severe judgment and exile, God remains faithful to his people and offers hope for restoration, emphasizing the importance of repentance, turning away from sin, and recognizing God's sovereignty, even when facing difficult circumstances; the book strongly conveys the consequences of idolatry and rebellion against God while simultaneously promising a future renewal and new covenant with his people. 

Ezekiel's visions powerfully illustrate God's holy nature and his righteous judgment against sin and idolatry, highlighting the consequences of disobedience. 

Individual Responsibility:  Unlike other prophetic books, Ezekiel emphasizes individual accountability for sin, teaching that each person will be judged based on their own actions. 

Promise of Restoration:  Despite pronouncements of judgment, Ezekiel consistently delivers messages of hope, promising a future restoration of Israel and the temple, signifying God's desire to renew his covenant with his people. 

The Importance of Repentance:  The book strongly encourages the Israelites to turn away from their sinful practices and repent, emphasizing the possibility of transformation through genuine remorse. 

God's Presence and Power:  Ezekiel's visions showcase God's omnipresence and power, demonstrating that even in exile, God is always with his people.”

This is a beautiful summation, because, whilst we are looking into the exaltation of man, instead of God, which causes the downfall of each man who will walk this walk, making God his opponent, we can see the beauty in those who walk the other way.

We see the beauty in a covenant relationship upheld, the encouragement to walk that way, exalting God holy, heeding God holy, uniting with God holy— and just how long-suffering our God is, in his attempt to give us ample time to repent, desiring that we should: and even when he brings judgment to his people— he’s still hoping, waiting, and encouraging his people to repent, and turn back to him.

He’s always got redemptive hopes and plans at the forefront of his agendas in the earth:  judgment is due to sowing a relationship with God’s enemy, pride, and the fallen realm; but God is always desiring to see repentance, a complete turn around during times of judgment from partnering with satan— so that God can turn the captivity of his people again, by the same spiritual laws of sow and reap:  God is not mocked, what a man sows he will reap.

Sow unto God reverence and righteousness, heeding and obeying him (which is his definition of loving him), and you will reap God as your ally, as you uphold covenant with him: this is what true marriage is.

A proper marriage exalts the other, and feeds the other: God is honoring us, and feeding us, and caring for us— are we honoring him the way he asked us to?  Are we feeding his sheep like he asked us to?  Are we caring for him and his interests inside of us?  

Because marriage partners exalt the other, give honor to the other:  our job as his children is to be like Jesus in the earth:  honor our marriage covenant with our Father, exalt him, speak of him, speak of his kingdom, work for him, care for his people— we WORSHIP whom we SERVE.

Service = worship, and worship = service.

So— are we loyal spouses to our God?  Are we serving and worshiping him in the earth?  Or are we worshiping ourselves, making it about ourselves, and honoring the created still?

This will help each man gauge whether he has come full circle in the garden (heart) yet, or is still focused upon man in the earth: Jesus— served/worshiped the Father in the earth, and cared for his people (served), and fed his people (served), and gave himself for them, are we?

If we worship God (serve him) in our minds, thoughts, desires/wills, actions, words, time, affection, etc— we will do as Jesus does in an earth suit:  we will serve and honor God, and we will care for his people.



The Book of Malachi emphasizes a strong call for the people of Israel to return to faithful covenant with God, strongly showcasing the importance of proper worship, offering sincere sacrifice, demonstrating ethical behavior— as God will judge those who neglect their duties and promises (he weighs all in the balances, this is just in the law of the Spirit). 

It also prepares his people for, and announces the coming of the likes of the spirit of Elijah to prepare the way for the Lord's return; essentially, it highlights the consequences of unfaithfulness, and the need for genuine devotion to God. 

Religious hypocrisy:  The priests are criticized for offering substandard sacrifices, showing a lack of respect for God's commands; as well as a call for ethical living:  Malachi condemns injustices like mistreating widows and orphans, whilst also urging people to live morally. 

It also speaks of the promise of a coming day of judgment (again, neither malignant nor benign, depending upon which side of God and righteousness, and upholding or not upholding covenant one finds themselves on): God will ultimately judge those who are unfaithful to their covenant. 

Malachi 2:1-9

“And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you.

If you will not hear, and if you will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the Lord of hosts— I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yes, I have cursed them already, because you do not lay it to heart.

Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it.

And you shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you, that my covenant might be with Levi, saith the Lord of hosts.

My covenant [compact and league] was with him of life and peace; and I gave them to him (life and peace) for the fear wherewith he feared [morally revered] me, and was afraid [prostrate] before my name [position, honor, authority, character and renown].

The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity [evil, injustice or unrighteousness] was not found in his lips [his termination, vessel, language or speech]: he walked [behaved, conversed, exercised, marched and traveled] with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity.

(*So he had life and peace, and equity— fairness and prosperity because he feared the Lord, and iniquity was not found on his lips, but turned away from it.)

For the priest's lips [his termination, vessel, language or speech] should keep knowledge [awares], and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger [dispatched deputy: an angel, prophet, priest, teacher, ambassador] of the Lord of hosts.

But you are departed [turned aside or] out of the way; you have caused many to stumble [waver in weakness, decay, be overthrown, or fall] at the law; you have corrupted the covenant of Levi, saith the Lord of hosts.

Therefore have I also made you contemptible [disesteemed, disdained, despised, scorned] and base [lowered and humbled] before all the people— according as you have not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law.”


What is the Lord’s point in all of this detailing out the reprobate inadequacies of the priesthood?  That he has a standard with his servants— and we cannot forget the priesthood is to function as our High Priest functions in his character, righteousness and holiness, as we serve him:  set apart unto, and in reverence unto, the most high God of all of creation, (and we are called to be a peculiar people, a royal and eternal priesthood).

Malachi 2:17

“You have wearied the Lord with your words. Yet you say— Wherein have we wearied him? When you say— Everyone that does evil— is good in the sight of the Lord, and he delights in them; or— Where is the God of judgment?”

The point here is that we are not called to be a people of hypocrisy— a people who walk in darkness, do not live as the Lord leads us to live and exemplified in his own walk, and get to say to all people who live this way… ‘You are good in this, the Lord receives you as you are, and blessing and prosperity are for you,’ for he does not. 

A child of the most high God is a seedling sprout off the Lord’s branch, and God’s root: he will be as his holy and set apart from the world big brother (Jesus) was in the earth, and yet still is.  It is his desire to raise more up after him, who follow him in the earth, and become full stature mature priests of the Lord, in the land of the living— just like him.

Where is the God of judgment— is a haughty statement made by a people who do not fear the Lord’s headship over his people.  It is a statement that screams— ‘We will keep on with this, for he will surely not bring judgment unto us.’  

And yet— time and time again, as most all of these examples given today in this work put forth— exemplify that it was indeed, HIS HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS who received the bold, blunt swing of the battle ax to their tree roots, when they placed themselves in the position of ‘enemies of God,’ and of righteousness, and lack of holiness being set apart from the world, and unto God:  and instead— upheld idolatry, evil, and all manner of reprobate ways— and forsook the duties of a pure priesthood in the earth.

Our Lord is in an attempt to raise up a proper priesthood (servants) in the earth:  a family of prophetic (hearing the heart, mind, will/desires/command of the Lord in the earth), apostolic (foundation layers, upon the truth, righteousness, and holiness— being set apart, consecrated and sanctified unto, and in the Lord), evangelical, pastoral (feeding and caring for his sheep), teaching (his ways and standard of precepts, character, disposition of the most high God, the way, the truth, and life in Christ) priesthood:  helping the Lord to raise up a young priesthood in how to serve in the earth realm— as they watch, and learn from their high Priest in the heavenly realm.

For our priesthood is scarcely in proper position or protocol (in an infancy stage) in the earth realm, and lacking laborers for the harvest.  So our Lord is raising up the tip of the spear, the first fruits to come forth in this priesthood of mature sons— to assist the others in how to serve at the altar of heaven, in the earth.  

The priesthood has need to mature and grow, to come forth:  the manifesting sons will have our Lord manifesting himself through his servant vessels; and they will be serving at the altar in heaven, and in the earth.

There is a priesthood who is already doing this.  They have been working the altar with the Lord, they have been following in the Lamb’s life upon earth, as well as the High Priest’s life in the heavenly dimension of intercessions, with service, decree, and power— found weeping between the porch and the altar with the High Priest himself.

Matthew 11:4-5

“Jesus answered and said unto them— Go and show John again those things which you do hear and see:  The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.”

This is the walk of the Son in the earth, and we are sons in him— and this is what the priesthood is:  are we carrying out the same in the earth, today, as he commissioned us to from the beginning?  Are we working the altar with the High Priest, Jesus, who worked the altar with authority from heaven— to bring sight, cause to walk proper— being healed, cleansed, opening the ears, raising the dead up, and bringing the gospel (the good news of restored relationship with God through Christ, in repentance, turning to face him again) to the destitute?  Literally (physically) or figuratively/symbolically/spiritually, in all ways?  

Because that is the priesthood erected in the earth— and our Lord brought us this example, as he walked it out, and then commissioned his students to go forth in this.

The priesthood is already in service— but many are just talking about it, while our Lord is waiting on us, desiring for us, and calling us forth to SERVE IN IT, even now: for it’s already in swing and motion in the earth, and has been:  but in what state does he find it in?

His goal is to raise it up, and in fullness of his standard that he has laid out for it:  and in him— we can, and should, and will do all things; best we get busy getting sanctified, consecrated, and busy with, and about, our Father’s business in the earth.

For if not— we are serving and worshiping our own selves, and on our own missions in the earth— attending to our own business of what we desire to do, think on, and reason is good to partake in:  he’s watching who is not only speaking, and teaching, but DOING the priesthood in the earth— for we have need of a functioning priesthood, and a people who can demonstrate it.

The Order of Melchizedek, is the Order of the King of righteousness— and his priesthood of altar servants in heaven and earth: it is the Order, or body of altar servants who carry dominion in the earth, for the King of righteousness is both High Priest and High King:  these bow to him in both positions in the earth, and because of this study of not only the High King, but of the High Priest, and serving him in both positions— they carry him in his authority, and walk with him in his humility to serve in heaven and earth.

This is the active priesthood in the earth— and it has need to gain more servants, sanctified, and in communion with, and service to— the High King and High Priest of our confession/profession.

We must know him in BOTH positions: High King, and High Priest— for lacking one or the other will not do.

To know him as High King, the child of God in the earth, will reverence him in bowing to his authority in their vessel.  They will seek to sacrifice their own understanding, perceptions, reasoning, and decision making (with speech and actions yielded) to his: headship.

He will have supremacy and preeminence in them, and they will lay their lives down to serve the truth within their vessels, to serve the way inside their vessels (hearts, mind, wills), and come into life in Christ (under the crown) in their inner man.  They will seek to do his will, having their will conformed to his, and they will bring forth the decree from the high Judge of heaven, in all situations— as they will reverence him in asking his will for all, and every specific situation they come into in the earth realm:  they are ambassadors who will do nothing less than the will of their commanding captain, King, and magistrate: they are little lions in training under the High commander of heaven, and are learning order, rank, and submission the King of kings, and Lord of lords.

To know him as High Priest they will study not only his authority, but his heart, mind, will, and humble service unto mankind, as he serves at the altar interceding for wayward man, continually.  They will come to him and seek him in tears— between the porch and the altar— between the place of introduction to circumstances, and the follow through of walking to the altar to see and hear how he is interceding over this situation in heaven; and this priest in training will declare what he is, and do what he sees him doing in heaven— and so his will and decree will come forth in the earth realm: they are oxes in training, unto service of the High Priest, and humanity.  

This priest will watch him move both as laid down life, and also as high decision magistrate in heaven: and that is the Order of the Righteous King (Melchizedek) and the High Priest of our confession— Jesus Christ, and how his priests in training must know him, and do work with him to bring heaven’s decrees and service, into fruition in the earth realm: kings and priests who see through the eye of the eagle, and carry the man-face of God in his image and completeness, or wholeness.

The latter two chapters of Malachi describe the judgment and humbling coming to a wayward priesthood— in order to give her an opportunity to repent and come back to him, his ways, and his headship: it is the same today.

He has redemptive purposes to all he does, especially in judgments of what will unroll in the earth— due to what has been sown, and must be reaped— when his mercy and grace, and ample time to repent, has come to a culminating time of reaping what has been sown.

All hard judgment comes because of two reasons:  it was sown by humans, and God’s grace period (long-suffering, and ample time to repent period) has reached it ending point, and will now come forth with what has been being sown, because it’s not changing, but continuing: and he seeks to arrest the development, so as to save a remnant.


The whole new testament is full of examples of people in God’s household, including Pharisees and Sadducees, disciples, and Gentiles— who both walked with the Lord God and kept covenant with him, and those who did not.  Those who honored him, and those who did not.  Those who upheld righteousness, sanctification, and consecrating a holy life unto God, and those who did not.  

And those who stumbled, got rebuked, corrected, chastised and scourged— because they were loved by God: for they are the children of God, and every son he receives.

We can learn from them all.

We can learn to not be religious hypocrites— as the Pharisees. We can learn to be believers in the resurrection— unlike the Sadducees.  We can learn to believe in Christ Jesus even when we haven’t known him yet— like the Samaritan, and Gentiles who met him on his journey in the earth (Roman centurion, too).  We can learn from the disciples (who later became foundation builders in the truth, and walked out the works of the priesthood in signs, miracles, and wonders), who were corrected, rebuked, chastised, scourged (whipped into shape) by our Lord Jesus and his Holy Spirit; who also learned to become humble to his Spirit (and one another), and who learned to come into one accord and work together, in service to the High King, Lamb, Ox, and High Priest of our confession.

Some of the biggest offenders (Saul/Paul, and Peter) became some of the most beloved of the Lord, and biggest servants of the priesthood in the earth: under the High Priest and King.

We have hope in this, and we have conviction in this, and we have direction in this.

The churches (which are people, individual and collectively) are the body of believers: and this body of believers the Lord saw their alignment with him, but he had a few things against them too:  and he sought to bring them around into wholeness, and maturity; it is why their examples are in the scripture— to learn from them all:  what they did right, and what they did wrong— that we should take it all in, and apply it to our lives properly, with his Spirit, being brought into all truth, and maturity in Christ Jesus.

The apocalypse, or the revelation of Jesus (as they are synonymous) is where Jesus is revealed to the inhabitants of the earth, to his household, to his partner in the earth (his bride), and it’s the making ready of a people for him to receive.

It details the fight against this in the spirit realm, which is worked in the souls of men and what they align with in the earth— either giving power to the dragon and beast, or to God’s heavenly host, and the Lord God’s will in the earth.  And it details the Lord God upholding his own, as well as bringing his own through trying times that will form them into his likeness and image in the earth, and get them busy about serving the King in the earth, and the mandate of heaven.

The revelation of Jesus, that John brought forth, is an ongoing situation in each and every soul; as well— it is a revelation of him to the world, in his humble servant-sons.  

The manifestation of the sons, is because of the manifestation of the Son within them; where he has preeminence and supremacy in them, and it’s all about him, not them, for they have died— and it is he who now lives in them, as they have bowed out, and have reformed to serve the King in the earth (their vessels and lives).

The manifestation of the sons and the priesthood— is nothing more than the Son, and the High Priest— living out the second half of his week (and the millennial reign) with, and in his people:  it is he who lives now, in them.  And in this— they have truly entered eternal life in Christ Jesus, and eternal life has entered them in the earth.

The priesthood, and the sons will come forth— because the Son has need to come forth even yet, into the earth, as one with his people, to continue to bring more into the fold, to continue to heal, set free, and deliver people into his love, his embrace, his family, and safety.  

The priesthood of manifest, mature sons— will bring both the Lamb (ox), and the High King to each and every man, situation, and circumstance in the earth— for he reigns in them, and they are humble to him, and serve him in the earth.

All correction— is for edification.  All judgment— is a call to repentance.  All time to reap— is because God must show man what he has been sowing, in order for him to see clearly his idolatry, or his obedience to the way, the truth, and life with God holy; in order to change, turn, and come back to God, righteousness, holiness— being set apart, sanctified by the Word, and consecrated unto God in the earth.

Nothing God does is without, or outside of his passionate love to seek and to save, and to reconcile to him— what has been lost, gone to ruin, and estranged from him:  he is grieved to lose even one, and died so that ALL could have the opportunity to come back to him; but the choice is man’s to make.

When we serve self— we fall.  When man serves self— God is ejected out of the high places within man.  When man will not allow God to lead him, correct him, reform him, and sanctify him by the Word— becoming the truth incarnate— then man perishes:  and he desires that none should perish, but that all would repent (turn back to him and his ways inside of each man), and be saved.

We still, at this juncture in time we have need of two things.

One— for the laborers of the priesthood to grow, and come into maturity, and actions of, in the earth realm— doing the Word with God, doing the truth with God, doing the great commission (with acts of) unto a lost and dying (estranged) world.  

And second being the need for us to see the error of our ways, the place of pride within God’s people, the stubbornness, and rebellion to his Spirit within, the complacency, the desire to be served by God— instead of serving God and humanity, and hypocritical actions.

Because if we do not see this now, if God does not arrest this development of a wayward household of corrupt priests in the earth (in large, but not in total) —then the priesthood will never grow, come into maturity, and the laborers will never increase, and the large harvest of souls that are to come into salvation and the family of God, will be in jeopardy.

We are not on this earth, in this time, born in such a time period of this by accident, but by design: and we are not here to be served by God (he already did that in his life and death for us), we are here to SERVE GOD and HUMANITY— in the ministry (his), in the great commission (to seek and to save that which is lost, bringing them to him, so that others can be saved too, and come into the family of God); and in demonstration of the great commission, and will of God in the earth— bringing forth the works of the priesthood, in service to the High King, and High Priest— in our actions, with demonstration of power and authority, unto people who need an encounter with the High King, and the High Priest:  brought forth by the ambassadors of the Kingdom of God (the government kingdom of God), brought in, and in demonstration of— in the earth, through his priesthood.

The priesthood is already in action— and priests are already serving.  Stop reading posts, listening to videos and podcasts— and go GET BUSY with the High Priest and King, and DO THE PRIESTHOOD IN THE EARTH:  for others already are.

And in this— more will come into being about our Father’s business in the earth:  we do not have need of more talkers, but doers.  And God is not here to serve us— but we, him.  He first loved us— now, do we love him back, and have we laid our lives down to serve his command in the earth?  Because that is the call and commission.

We are not here for such a time as this for God to serve us— but because he’s calling forth the mature priesthood, son-servants of the most High God, Father, High King, and High Priest of us:  we are born to serve, and with authority— for we are in him, and he is in us; and he desires a worthy and honorable vessel— to do the Father’s works— through the sons.

Are his people— apocalypse?  Are his people revealing Jesus?  Because we are called to: and in order to do so— he must be alive, erect, and in charge within man; and man— must be subservient, giving all supremacy (judgment and rule), headship, and preeminence— unto him.

He said to me tonight:


“Janet, if my people have heard a handful of messages about the priesthood, or the manifest sons, or the 144,000, or the Romans 8 children of God— they’ve heard enough about the children to become the children we are teaching about.

I am less interested in speaking about the mature children of God, and more interested in my people BEING the mature offspring of God, in the steps of the Son of man himself: Yahshua Ha Mashiach, Jesus the Christ.

Do my people understand, Janet, that my priesthood is already introduced, and working?  Do my people understand that whilst they wait for the full manifestation of my Spirit through my people— others are already working the priesthood with me, and will be promoted for such when the fuller manifestation of my Spirit comes forth with them?

Do my people understand that those who are working the priesthood, right now, will be those who will teach and help bring up the others who are ‘waiting’ for something to come forth unto them— instead of working the priesthood with me now?

The priesthood is not waiting to be employed, it is already working in those who are sitting at my feet and serving me in it.

The High Priest is always in action— who has come up to serve with me at the altar?  Who understands what this means?  Who has gotten to know me, and inquired of me?  Who has died so that I may live within them, and guide them, and call them to service with me?

The priesthood will ever grow, but dear, it’s already in action, though very few are working it in two realms with me.

It’s much less important to speak ‘of’ the priesthood, and much more important to introduce people ‘into’ the service industry of the priesthood; and help them gain first love relationship back with God and his Spirit, so that they can serve the King and High Priest in the earth, unto the great commission.

The priesthood are great commission servants.  The priesthood are the most sacrificial servants— not speaking, doing, not hearing only, or getting revelation only— but becoming what Jesus was in the earth, with him, and by becoming one with him.

Imagine if I asked all who are speaking and teaching about the 144,000, or the priesthood, or the manifest sons— what they did with me this week that was working the priesthood, working the altar, working the mission field with me as a manifest son?  Would they, could they, detail it out to someone— like the retelling of a true story of our time together as we labored together in two realms?

If they could not— are they doers, or just talkers?  Are they servants of the most high, or are they flatterers with much knowledge and speech?

I am the one who knows these things— and my desire is that we would emphasize to all my children the need to BE the word, BE the truth with me— and go about doing the great commission:  my servants are busy working the mission field with me already, they are doers of the word.

I am making disciples, students of me and my ways, as in heaven, so in earth: I am not waiting for the priesthood to manifest, I am waiting for people to begin to serve in the priesthood now— and then I will bring it forth in a larger measure when I have enough with me, serving, who can help me bring others up in the way.

I am not a talker only— I am a doer.  My word never goes out and comes back unfulfilled, or unprofitable:  can my children say the same?  Are they living what they preach or teach?  Because that is the goal— that my seed would have taken, and that many more look and behave just as my Son in the earth, for he is erect in their earth.

I have rank and order in my kingdom, and those who have been working the mission field, not just talking about it, or speaking of the priesthood, but working in it— they will help me raise up the others: and these— they are humble, they exalt me, they speak of me, they honor me and point to me in all they do.  There is no other way by which man is saved— and they know it.

I am the way, the truth, and the life— and no man comes to the Father, but through and by me:  these priestly servants of mine bring me to each man they encounter, and I minister the truth to them, in love, and in power.

My priesthood functions in both heaven and earth— and some are already working it, and are bringing others into how to do relationship with me, and how to hear me, and how to honor me, and how to cast self down, and how to stop being rebellious to my person, love, and truth inside their hearts, how to yield to me, how to love me back as I have asked: obedience to me.

Some are going without in this earth, some have sacrificed all, some have laid all things, people, and possessions down, and have paid a severe price in the earth, just to serve me and my mission in the earth:  it is the same you know.  

My mission has not changed— it is nothing more than to seek and to save that which has been lost, and bring it back into my fold;  are my people pointed toward that as the thing that warms their hearts the most, to do my mission work in the earth?

Because Jesus delights in one sinner saved, and in fact all of heaven rejoices when one does.  Do my people?  Are they serving and working the mission field with me even now?  Or are they waiting on something that will benefit them?  

I will exalt those who do not desire to be exalted, who only desire me, and to serve me, and to fulfill my desires in the earth.  I will exalt those who do not desire a name, title, recognition, or accolades.  I will exalt those, simply, who look like Jesus Christ, for he is in them and bringing himself forth.

He is about my business in the earth, Janet, and he is soon to bring out his mature ones, who will stoop down continually to raise up the others: those who already wear the Lamb’s clothing of humility in sackcloth and ashes, and work the altar with him: they are his student priests, and I have need of them in the earth.

Many do not consider themselves priests with Yahshua like this— but they are successfully working the altar with him in intercessions even now, carrying their brother’s burden to the Father with Christ; as well as working to clothe, feed, give drink and provision to my family, and those in need in the earth.

And conversely— there are those with much knowledge, much revelation, much in the way of understanding ‘of’ the priesthood, but who are not working the altar, the mission field, or serving the destitute and poor of the earth— as they should be; and instead have gone the way of self focusing on ‘what will be,’ instead of what is presented to them on a daily basis in the way of opportunity to lay one’s life down at the altar, and in the mission field to serve.

Some who do not think they fit the qualifications of being called a priest in the Order of Melchizedek will be surprised to see that they are indeed working in it already.  And conversely— some who think they are already qualified, and already a 144,000 caliber man of God, serving God in the way— will find that they have been passed by initially, because they were not working the altar and mission field, but only talking about it.

I am not mocked, Janet— what a man sows, goes after, actually lives— will be weighed in the balance, and a reaping of the same will come forth: for this is what man desires.

Much like those who serve in private, will be exalted in public by God; those who exalt speech in public, but do not serve in private with God— will be weighed accordingly: and rank will come forward, and those who do— will teach and lead; and those who do not work the altar and the mission field, even now— will learn and follow.

I exalt in due season, and I exalt that which is humble:  do we understand this?  I exalt that which is low, I lift that which is down the lowest, doing the most work, going unnoticed by nearly all— except me.

Those who are pushing themselves forward to be seen, heard, validated, honored, and noticed— but who are not working the mission field in the trenches, who are not weeping between the porch and the altar (literally), who are not interceding in prayers, and in actions for the people of the earth…

Well, they will see what my ranking is, and what I have need of them to be invested in:  to go low, to serve, to do, to weep and intercede, to become a duplicate son in the earth, and do as the exemplary Son detailed out to do:  serve and lay their lives down, giving up all to work alongside your High Priest, the Lamb, in the Ox role in the earth.

Many do not desire to do that, Janet.  They desire to be an eagle, to be a lion, to be a mature man-faced one— but the Ox, as the Lamb is— they do not revere: and yet— my priesthood are the oxes, who have gone before God and seen from his place (the eagle), who love as the Son (man-faced), and who will be seated with him at his throne— because he is enthroned in them.

But make no mistake dear children— the priesthood is the Ox, first and foremost: who desires to serve all as Jesus does?

These are they whom the Son will bring forth: the ox does not boast of himself, but in silent service he plows, and he works hard in the harvest field, he puts all he has into all he does, and does not look back— but is driven forward by the Master who guides him in the earth:  and he plows other people’s land, and he ministers his strength to others, for the benefit of their field.

These are my priests, Janet;  and they are already working and serving with me.

It is better that we teach them of this now, so that more will stop speaking on the priesthood, and instead— cause the children of God to come into remembrance of the High Priest, and to call them to come to him and serve him in heaven and in earth.  Teaching them how to couple with him, and how to lay their lives down, demonstrating this in the earth by their example— encouraging more to join the labor of the harvest.

We know what they look like, we know what fruit they bring forth, we know they will be busy about the Father’s business their entire time in the earth, we know they will be humble, and sacrificial, merciful, loving, and beautiful to encounter— for they will introduce Christ to all.

It’s better to inform them that I am calling them up to come to work with me in the priesthood, ALREADY:  and to bid them to come.  For the time of talk only is over— it is time to step up and live the priesthood in the earth, for I already am;  and those in me, and I in them— where I am the one at the helm— already are.

It’s time to call forth the mature, who are living it— to teach and lead those who need to learn, and follow after Christ too, in the earth: by their example: doers, not hearers only.”

—the most High God



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