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The Deadly Trio of PRIDE

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

“Pride [lust] of Flesh, Pride of Life, Pride [lust] of the Eyes


Christ, the exemplary Son of all sons— was not exempt from the temptations of pride— and neither are we.


Matthew 4

“Then Jesus was led up (of the Spirit) into the wilderness— to be tempted [tested and scrutinized, enticed of DISCIPLINE] by the devil.

2 And when he had fasted [abstained— refused the flesh— a religious activity] forty days and forty nights— he was afterward an hungred [pinched in toil, famished and craving].

3 And when the tempter [same root of tempted in Strong’s—tested and scrutinized, enticed of DISCIPLINE] came to him, he SAID [spoke]— If you are the Son of God— COMMAND [speak and grant] that these stones [mill-stumbling] be made bread [raised, ‘shew’ bread].

4 But he answered and said— It is written, Man shall not live [be quickened] by bread [loaf, raised— ‘shew’ bread] alone— but by every [the whole of, all] word [utterance, matters and topics commanded] that proceeds [is discharged and projected, issued forth] out of the mouth of God [the supreme magistrate deity].”


Temptation’s definition in Strong’s— tested and scrutinized, enticed to fall from our DISCIPLINE.

Matthew 28:19-20 – "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." Make— DISCIPLINED ONES.

As well, Christ was participating in a religious or consecrated act unto the Father, of DENYING THE FLESH‘when’... satan came to tempt him; Father is not stupid— he ‘led’ the Son into the waste land (symbolic of the wasting of man when he is tempted of the devil), and it was when the ‘flesh carnal nature’ was ABASED, and unto the raising up of the Spirit nature within him: which is what fasting is for, and accomplishes.

Father led him unto the devil, and he was at his spiritually strongest state —because he had HABITUALLY FASTED.

So, when the one who comes to tempt us, or tests and scrutinizes us— enticing us to LOSE OUR DISCIPLINE under the Holy Spirit and Father— it would be wise to be one who ‘fasts’ the carnal life— in order to succeed during the sifting, or ‘sorting’ phase— like Christ was DISCIPLINED to do.

Then, he SAID [spoke]— we need to remember, temptation will come when satan ‘speaks’ to us; are we throwing down the thought speech inside, and taking satanic speech captive (handcuffed) unto Christ… taking it all to his face to be dealt with, as we take dominion (which means— chuck it out, and replace it with the truth), are we??

Because satan can only tempt us through what he ‘leads us’ into— and that comes by counsel, and counsel comes by giving ideas and suggestions, which comes by WORDS.

So, can we see why the words of our thoughts are to be REGULATED by the Mind and Dominion of Christ?

Can we see we need to drag everything to his feet, for him to RULE OVER IT, and help us CAST IT OUT, and DOWN— from those wicked imaginations?!

SPEECH— is involved with satan’s counsel; and thoughts— are inundated by speech.

The next thing, after satan ‘speaks’ to us in a temptation, will be when he desires to — COMMAND US (which is speak to in orders).

He is only ‘counseling,’ or speaking to man, so he can RULE MAN; command him about, and INSTEAD OF GOD HOLY. He literally only wants to puppet us— and unto our demise, at that: steal, destroy, and kill us entirely— if we will allow him to.

And let’s remember the definition of bread— raised, ‘shew’ bread; this is significant because satan is going to at’tempt’ to cause us to SHOW UP, and SHOW OUT— pride of life; and he’s going to do that, by tempting us to give into the LUST OF the flesh, and eyes: desires, and perceptions of intellect and decision making, that benefits ‘self.’

He was at’tempting’ to do that with Christ, the ultimate and exemplary Son— whom we are to LEARN from, in his example.

Do we understand we will be tested and tried, sifted and enticed of satan to— LOSE OUR DISCIPLINE TO GOD THE FATHER, THE SON and THEIR HOLY SPIRIT— to lead us in all our ways, and to fall into ‘another’s’ attributes, nature, and counsel??

To couple up with another leader of us in our lives— SELF— as that is satan’s way, and he is the leader of it!

The first temptation that satan came to fulfill, in tempting man (the son of man, all of us— Christ included— as he was ‘tempted as/like we are’ —Hebrews 4:15) —was to tempt his FLESH, with food— and moving outside the lead of the Holy Spirit of God the Father.

And Yahshua clears this up by saying— “We men don’t live simply by foods we put into our bodies— we live, because the Father DECREES the matter, from his all powerful dominion in heaven, over all of creation.”

And we ought to remember that; for we too will have times of scarcity of food— and no matter— we are sustained by the decrees of heaven; Father will care for us, as he has cared for all of his creatures— man included— for all of time.

Satan knows how ‘hangry’ the human flesh can get, and he knows how weak most men are— in giving into the screaming child nature he sowed us with— for it is, after all, ‘satan’s nature;’ but Christ— didn’t fall for the weaknesses of the flesh— he stood in the strength of the Spirit.

2 Timothy 1:7

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

POWER, and of a ‘sound mind,’ at that.

We all understand God has given us a spirit of Love, for he is the Spirit of Love— but he’s SO MUCH MORE THAN JUST LOVE; his Spirit comes with power and a sound mind too— as well as all the other ‘nature’ attributes and fruits of his Spirit.

Christ knew he had the full availability of a sound mind— which is a DISCIPLINED MINDdisciplined faculties to swim in the mind of the Father, through the Holy Spirit, be led of him— and come to the victory over the temptations of the devil; and he did just that when he pointed out that we prosper not by food, truly— but by the DECREES of the Father above all this.

One of the biggest challenges we will have in life— is shutting up the flesh carnal nature— that wants to FEED ITSELF all of the time.

Let us note— how many times satan will attempt to ‘command’ around, order around the Lord, as well; it was his desire to ‘sit in the congregation of the North.’


5 “Then the devil took [received him near, and associated with in an assumed office— to learn] him up into the holy [sacred and blameless— pure morally, consecrated— most holy] city [the walled place, town], and set him on a pinnacle [wing-tip, extremity, top] of the temple [the center of the sanctuary, the entirety of the precinct, the sacred place],

6 and said [related to him in discourse of speech, harangued, bidded and boasted as he described and uttered] to him— If you are the Son of God, cast yourself down: for it is written— He shall give [command] his angels charge [command] concerning you: and in their hands [power]— they shall bear you up [keep you]— lest at any time you should dash [trip up and stumble] your foot against a stone [a mill-stumbling].

7 Jesus said unto him— It is written again, You shalt not tempt [test thoroughly] the Lord [SUPREME CONTROLLER] your God [supreme magistrate— highest judge and ruler].”


The devil took, or— received him near, and associated with in an assumed office— to “learn him;” do we understand what that means??

The Father led Christ into a position in time where he knew satan would come to him, thinking he was at his ‘weakest’ point in the flesh (but he was at his Spiritual strongest point) —and satan would try to SCHOOL HIM, in his ‘inner man,’ his spirit and soul.

Because why now??

Because it was his duty and office to give Christ the option to reject and disobey God the Father (because that’s what all men, born of a woman go through— THE CHOOSING this day, whom they will serve).

So, do we understand there are always 2 TEACHERS PRESENT, 2 FATHERS TO CHOOSE FROM: God holy, The Father/Spirit— or satan, the father of lies, rebellion and perversion of self leading— who is right in his own perceptions (eye).

And then he took Christ, he took the son of man (child of a woman) up into the holy, sacred and blameless— pure, morally consecrated— most holy city [the walled place]; this is symbolically, or figuratively important to understand that…

Satan will at’tempt’ to PULL YOU FROMthe holy, blameless, morally pure, consecrated unto God the Father, most holy— PLACE; to counsel you into ‘falling’ from that place, INSIDE— unto your inner man/spirit/soul; the place ‘walled in,’ hedged in by the Holy Spirit of God— to replace that throne with— the ‘defiled spirit’ of satan.

And do we understand where that ‘holy hedged place’ is, where God is to be enthroned in, and not the defiled one??

Inside the HEARTS OF MAN— the ‘secret place.’

Satan took him to school him in his counsel and ways, appealing unto his heart— TEMPTING HIM THERE… and he set him, or ESTABLISHED HIM— on a pinnaclea wing-tip, extremity, top of the temple, which is —the center of the sanctuary, the entirety of the precinct, the sacred place: THE HEART OF MAN (symbolically/spiritually).

{No coincidence a ‘wing’ was mentioned to: we are to choose the wings or arms of the Lord God holy— or those of satan}

And then satan said, or— related to him in discourse of speech, harangued (which means— pestered by a lengthy and aggressive speech), bidded and boasted— as he described and uttered to him.

Satan will come to pester us with lengthy discourses inside, lengthy debating of counsel inside, over issues— if we entertain him; for some have entertained angels, unaware— even FALLEN ONES!!!

He will bid (draw/entice) and boast of the things that appeal to our flesh or lusts of… as he describes and utters to us his counsel.

Once again it is followed by a tempting command— orders of what to do, when, and how; and he’s tempting man (the Son of man) to do something of his OWN VOLITION, of HIS OWN DESIRESoutside the lead of the Father and Spirit— and to usurp dominion right then and there.

To ‘order angels’ around, by forcing his dominion.

Do we see and hear of this in the charismatic churches today??

Do we see and hear that we are to simply— ‘DECREE A THING,’ and it shall be done??

Did we forget the part where the sons of God are to ‘pray in’ the FATHER’S WILL TO THIS EARTH REALM??

“Hallowed by thy name, thy kingdom come (that’s beckoning HIS RULE and DOMINION to come), thy will be done (that’s ACQUIESCING to HIS RULE and DESIRES)... into this earth realm, as your dominion is Most High, in the spirit realm.”

Christ exemplified how to pray to the Father, and that was to teach us to SEEK HIS WILL— not to DECREE OUR OWN.

And Father’s will changes with each individual life— it’s audacity and arrogance that believes we KNOW THE FATHER’S WILL, without asking him.


“He shall give [command] his angels charge— command— concerning you.”

This would be commanding the armies— which would have been rightful under his command— as he is commander of angel armies under Father, as all dominion is put in his hand since before the foundation, as they are established as ONE, forever.

But —this would have been USING HIS ROLE OF EQUAL TO THE FATHER’S DOMINION (as Son of “God,” not Son of “Man”), and he relinquished his divinity in the earth, to SERVE THE FATHER.

We are to do this too; we may be equal to Christ on the throne, with and through him— but we are to be HUMBLE SERVANTS, as he is too— unto the WILL OF THE FATHER: no usurping his Most High dominion— or we will fill the role of ‘satan’ in our lives.

I see the church foolishly do this often— as I ask…

“Do they even CONSIDER YOU Father? Do they even consider your will beforehand— or do they willy-nilly DECREE A THING, to ESTABLISH A THING, whether or not you BACK THAT THING?! Because devils are all too eager to assist, Father— they love attention upon their abilities.”

Then satan said— ‘These angels will do as you command (he wanted him to use his dominion by his own desires and lead) and in their hands or power— they will bear you up or keep you— so you don’t, at any time— dash, or trip up and stumble— against a stone [a mill-stumbling].’

Interesting that the temptation is to command with his dominion, usurping the Father’s dominion— to cause ANGELS to do his bidding, or FOLLOW HIM…

Isn’t that what satan did, when ⅓ fell with him, as he led them into perdition by usurping the leadership role over God the Father too??

So as to cause the angels to be commanded by him as LEADER NOW, not the Father

To ‘keep him,’ which is to PROTECT HIM, which is the role of the Father and his lead of the Most High magistrate…



We, now have Christ as our CORNERSTONE, the firm foundational stone in the building of our temple (or person/life); or— if we will self lead, audaciously and arrogantly— considering not the Father, the Son, or their holy Spirit, even now— we will have played the role of self leader, and satan, in our own lives— and will now NOT have Christ— AS OUR CORNERSTONE OF SOLID BUILDING, foundationally…

But will now instead— TRIP OVER HIM (as leader), as he has now become— THE STUMBLING BLOCK OF OFFENSE (which means the Rock whose character and leadership we are offended by, and reject having in our hearts and minds— because we reject him), to which we are PULVERIZED OVER: the millstone of stumbling!

That's a huge understanding folks.

The stone is offered to all: but is he a building block unto us, of a sure foundation— or, is he a stumbling, pulverizing mill-stone— whom we will TRIP-UP over, as it/he pulverizes us, as the TRIPPING (offense), is so hardcore???

But Jesus said satan— “It is written again, You shall not tempt or test thoroughly— the Lord SUPREME CONTROLLER— your God; the supreme magistrate— and highest judge and ruler.”

He said this to point out— ‘created man’ might get bowled over and deceived by a corrupt cherub— but NOT THE MOST HIGH GOD, who knows all, sees all, and rules over all!

You cannot ‘tempt’ or TEST HIM— he will TEST OUT ON YOU, being the MASTER OF ALL THINGS (schooled headmaster of all knowledge and understanding); and fallen reasoning will fail every time against him.

You ‘shall not’ means it’s literally NOT PERMITTED, not POSSIBLE; satan is a fool to think God could not see his deceptions (temptations dressed elegantly) from a gazillion miles away, so to speak: it’s impossible to tempt God— which is what Christ was stating, and it’s UNLAWFUL to do so.

As well Jesus was stating— the Christ will not do that to the Father; he was stating he WILL NOT WALK AS LUCIFER/SATAN— and ‘tempt’ his Father to ‘do the will of the son.’

Christ means— anointed one; we are anointed ones— who are NOT TO DO THAT TO THE FATHER, either.

It is unlawful to do so; it is unlawful, or unrighteous to try to ‘test’ God to do the will of another— when it’s NOT HIS WILL DO SO.

This was about trying to get the ‘son/Son,’ to COMMAND or ‘force’ the Father (his leader) to FOLLOW THE COMMANDS OF THE SON— backward from humility and servitude— to ‘lead’ himself, as this is

’the pride of life’ temptation— to USURP the authority and lead of the Father in the life of— the ‘son.’

Sons— FOLLOW the leader, the Father— not the other way around. Satan was attempting to get the Son to force the Father’s hand, and ‘command’ the angels to uphold Christ— which was why Yahshua said— “You shall not tempt the LORD, your God.”

He was saying— GOD THE FATHER DIRECTS ALL THINGS, and it is unlawful, unrighteous, and iniquitous to ‘command the Father,’ or even TEMPT HIM TO ‘move his hand,’ outside of his own will; it would be very disrespectful— and the devil knew this.

This temptation to usurp the dominion of the Father as leader, was also a temptation of the pride of Life— which is to lead one’s self in what is desired and right in one’s own power upon this earth: it is to walk in dominion— NOT BY the lead of the Holy Spirit.

Not only was satan tempting Christ to COMMAND THE FATHER AROUND— but to lead himself outside the will of the Father.

I have seen this in the compromised church— deliverance ministries led by demons, reprobate men and women— who are operating OUTSIDE OF the will of the Father, and by the lead of demons, who are all too eager to put on a ‘show,’ to WOW mankind; and men are nonetheless wise to these ploys— yet they have been going on for millenia: sorcerers, magicians, witches, warlocks and diviners.

If we are a person who is WOWED BY the supernatural alone— and know not the Father or the Son intimately through their Spirit— we can, and will be— led astray by a supernatural being, who will walk in the giftings they were gifted with from the beginning; and ‘man—’ will be none the wiser, think— “it changed the person’s appearance, or demeanor— it must be of God!”

THIS— is why Christ leads the charge and way now; he knows the way to— safety, the way to truth, the way to discernment, the way to righteousness, the way to the heart of God himself— for all children of the Father; and it is through OBEDIENCE TO HIM.

Not to usurp dominion and charge— but to acquiesce all dominion and charge of orders— to the Most High himself: the Father above.

And how will we know the will of the Father— if we are not ASKING, and are only DECLARING what we ‘think’ the will of the Father is??

This is that hit or miss approach in the world of deliverance.

We ought to be very mindful of what we are doing— as to whether we are being tempted by the flesh carnal nature or the pride of Life (working dominion and giftings with power to wow) to ‘do a thing—’ or if it’s by the lead of the Father above; because if we are not analyzing our minds and wills with the Holy Spirit of God— we will be duped and

‘MAN’ -ipulated by satan as well.

This example, unto the Son of man, Christ himself— ought to give us ample warning of what satan is coming at us to do as well; to get us to MAKE CHOICES OUTSIDE OF THE WILL OF THE FATHER— to assume dominion and authority ‘of our own;’ it is— after all— what he, Lucifer did, and leads all others to be tempted to do, as well.


8 “Again, the devil took him up [received him near, and associated with in an assumed office— to learn] into an exceeding [great, chiefest] high [lofty place or character— highly esteemed] mountain [rise, or rear up— lifting itself above the plains]— and showed (he’s always alluring mankind) him all the kingdoms [royalty, high rule and reign] of the world → and the glory [dignity, honor, praise and worship] of them; 9 and said [related to him in discourse of speech, harangued, bidded and boasted as he described and uttered] to him—

All these things I will give [relinquish, grant, commit, deliver up] to you— if you will fall down (bow to) and worship [kiss and lick the boot master’s hand— like a dog, fawn over and crouch to in prostrating yourself in reverent homage and adoration unto] me.

10 Then Jesus said [related to him in discourse of speech, harangued, bidded and boasted as he described and uttered] unto him— Get yourself hence [lead yourself to withdraw, retire and sink out of sight— DEPART HENCE], Satan: for it is written [described]— You shall worship [kiss and lick the boot master’s hand— like a dog, fawn over and crouch to in prostrating yourself in reverent homage and adoration unto] the Lord [supreme controller, master] your God [magistrate deity Most High], and him only [solely] shall you serve [minister unto, and pay homage to in services rendered of worship].

11 Then— the devil left him [was sent forth— commanded to leave], and, behold— angels [messengers who bring tidings] came and ministered [attended and waited upon in servitude] unto him.”


Again, the devil took him up and received him near, whilst associating with him (communing) in an assumed office role— to “learn him,” or school him— if he would be schooled by him.

And when he did so, he went to school him, or counsel him in an exceeding, or great, chiefest high and lofty place (or symbolically, a character nature; he went to counsel him in the ways of— “how to be lofty in one’s own character, to usurp God as leader, and to do what THOU WILT, not what God wills.”

He symbolically, or spiritually— was appealing to the HIGH PLACE WITHIN MAN, where God is to be seated and enthroned within: the HEART OF MAN— that has ‘thoughts and intents’ of its OWN.

The temptation was to be highly esteemed, or highly regarded— as that is the definition in Strong’s of ‘exceeding;’ and then he attempted to ‘school him’ at the— mountain, or place that rises, or rears up lifting itself above; that, as well, would be— THE HEARTS OF MEN.

And it was there that the devil came— and showed— he’s always alluring mankind with all the kingdoms — or elite and royal status in the earth (rich and famous, powerful), the high rule and reign within the world; it’s no different now.

And the temptation is to GAIN ONE'S OWN ‘glory,’ which means in Strong’s → dignity, honor, praise and worship— unto self, in the earth realm: what is desirable for self purposes— like Eve, in the garden (heart, symbolically too); as it was DESIRABLE TO HER (lust of the eyes, perceptions, AND flesh, AND LIFE— to choose what was best for self— self leadership, whilst DISOBEYING God).

Eve desired to ‘be like God,’ which was originally satan’s Modus Operandi; he just led us to do/want/will —the same.

And he’s always speaking his counsel and options to us, as he SAYS— or, otherwise means to relate to us in discourse of speech haranguing us— or pestering aggressively us, as he bids (he can only bid us, or beckon us— but we have the ability to ‘JUST SAY NO,’ as the saying goes) and he will boast of his ‘ideas’ and options— as he describes his utterances of counsel to us.

BUT— we do have the ability to say

“no, satan— NO!”

He tempts us with— “All these things” that he will “give, or relinquish, grant, commit, deliver up” to us; can we understand how fake deliverance, or should I say— “the show” is put on now??

He will offer you things, if you allow him to be the god inside you; and he will put on a ‘show;’ but in the end— you end up worse than your previous state, and follow him into perdition on the BROAD PATH.

If a ‘show’ of power is all that is required to convince us it’s of God holy— well, satan can do that; BUT— what really took place??

Power and dominion here, comes from power and dominion being given in the spirit realm: either of God holy, or of satan— where he currently stands in dominion— where he’s been ‘allowed’ to.

But a show, is a show— and both the false prophets, as well as the magicians, diviners, and witches and warlocks of Baal— have shown up, and shown out— against God’s true children; it isn’t the ‘show of’ that matters or defines— it’s the MOST HIGH GOD IN DOMINION, that gains the victory in the end.

But it takes a RIGHTEOUS MANto even fulfill that role; and unrighteous men, to fulfill the roles of— magician, diviner, witch, warlock and false prophets or orators.

If we will fall down and bow to him, in worship— kissing and licking the boots of the satanic master’s hand— like a dog, fawn over and crouch to and prostrating ourselves in reverent homage and adoration unto him— HE WILL GIVE A SHOW!!

But you won’t ‘really’ be in control—

he will be puppeting you.

You have the choice to have God guide you around, and order your steps— or have satan pull your strings, and dictate your path; but either way— YOU DO HAVE A MASTER, even when you ‘think,’ you do not!

But the Son, Jesus, was so wisely schooled in the Holy Spirit at this point, and he said— or, related to him in discourse of speech, harangued him in aggressive counsel, bidded and boasted— as he described and uttered unto him—

“Get yourself hence, lead yourself to withdraw, retire and sink out of sight— DEPART HENCEFORTH, Satan: for it is written and described, or detailed out already, and decreed—

You shall worship, kiss and lick the boot Master’s hand— like a dog, fawn over and crouch to, and prostrate yourself in reverent homage and adoration unto → the Lord; the supreme controller, and YOUR Master— YOUR God; the magistrate deity Most High over you. And him solely— shall you serve, minister unto, and pay homage to in services rendered of worship.”

WHO-WEE— he stuck it to him, in— who is whom— inside the world of DOMINION: Father led Christ to ‘cast him out’ ONCE AGAIN— in a verbal throw down— of ‘what is written,’ or decreed already— concerning satan (Lucifer), and HIS PLACE— ‘under’ God. 😁

And it was then— that the devil left him —was sent forth— and commanded to leave; and it was then that the angels —or, messengers who bring tidings— came to minister and attended to, and wait upon him in servitude— the Son (or the sons, in our case now) —heir to the throne with the Father (to which is the way in which we come to be heirs too— through the Son, and living in unity/harmony/as ONE with, and in him).

This all was the pride of, or the LUST OF the ‘eyes,’ as it was SHOWING something to Christ, and at’tempting’ to get him to do something— again— OUTSIDE THE WILL OF THE FATHER, and ‘unto’ the LUSTS OF THE ‘son’ of man.

Satan will at’tempt’ to LURE us, or tempt us as well— with what our eyes want— our desires and perceptions of ‘what is good to eat,’ like Eve in the garden; it ‘appealed’ to her LUST OF PERCEPTION, and flesh as well.

Christ knew better, as ALL DOMINION is in the hand of the Father, no matter what satan is allowed to ‘influence’ right now, in the earth realm; that is only because of the ‘will of man’ to begin with.

When we fell in the garden— we ‘handed’ satan our wills to lead— and henceforth, he has had dominion of kingdoms since.

But let us not be remiss in stating—

“The earth, and fulness thereof, is the Lords!

It’s only an illusion that satan has all dominion here— God actually does, and especially where his ‘sons’ uphold covenant with him; and he LOVES NOTHING MORE THAN TO SHOW SATAN THAT, as he wills— through his manifesting children, throughout time.

If Jesus would have accepted the dominion of the kingdoms offered him, to bow to satan— not only would he not have finished and completed his mission of salvation, to die at the cross and be resurrected to bring us all redemption (symbolizing we have to die to self as well, to be ‘reborn’ anew— resurrected the New Man creation) —but also, he would have ‘taken dominion’ of the kingdoms over, where truly— the Father stands in full dominion of, and satan— appears to be, temporarily, by the sleight of hand usurping, that he did— in taking man’s dominion in the fall.

And then— Christ would have been ‘worshiped,’ as THE SON OF GOD— and not the Father, and thereby— the Son, would have usurped the role of the Father in dominion— and the ‘sons’ are to FOLLOW, not lead; and the Son— would have then done…

JUST WHAT LUCIFER DID— as Lucifer is the leader, or originator of USURPING THE ROLE OF THE FATHER (which we will get at, in the next verses shared), and would have ‘taken worship’ unto himself, and out of the hand of the Father.

That is what man did in the original fall— TOOK LEADERSHIP OF HIMSELF, UNTO HIMSELF— and took the kingdoms (leadership in the earth) out of the hand of the Father— putting all dominion to make choices here, in OUR HANDS: self gods.

This was exactly what satan has been doing all along— and we ought to be mindful of pride, and just how dastardly it really is— as it takes up God’s role, and replaces him in it— as it dishes to ‘self,’ what self desires.

Yahsua was wise to this— and RESISTED THE DEVIL; Father did tell us to RESIST THE DEVIL— and he will flee from you; he surely did for Christ, it says so.

And then— the angels came to minister unto him.

I’ll take a big ole serving of that too— ministering angels who will come alongside us— when we humble ourselves before the face and feet of the Father: bow low, to be raised up in redemption and resurrection.


We have begun to see how satan tempts us with the different temptations of the prideful carnal nature— but let us see what God says will happen to ‘satan’ (and remember, satan is a title— that anyone can fit, if they follow the ‘fallen one’); pride has to be killed out, by LIFE; and LIFE— only comes by One, and we must life with him in unity, as One with him— to gain entry into life— life eternal: he is the DOOR to it.

And LIFE ETERNAL— only comes to us, from the Self-existent ‘eternal’ One himself.

Life is not a ‘thing’ to be grasped— but a PERSON to be grasped onto, and grafted into; where two— become ONE.

HIGH DOMINION— was not a ‘thing to be grasped’ by the Son, and should not be by us either; we ought to DELIGHT in going unto the Father to lead us in all our ways, and bring us into, and under— the Truth: which is TRUE REALITY.

It didn’t end well for satan, any of the times God has enacted his DOMINION ‘over’ satan— and booted him; and he will still yet be booted several times more: satan’s always are booted/estranged/cast away.

The Millennial Reign— he will be booted once again, for 1,000 years— CHAINED and BOUND; and then, in the Lake of Fire— imprisoned for all of eternity, booted once again from God’s presence— after his final judgment.

Let us not partake with him; and come out from among the Egyptian and Babylonian ways of— bondage (Egyptian), and self fulfillment in perversions (Babylon); so as to not get ‘booted’ by our OWN WILL (leadership, as we consider ourselves, and not God Most High, our creator), as well.


Isaiah 14:11-22

“Your pomp [arrogance of excellency, your majesty and swelling of pride] is brought down [descended to the lower region and cast down, fallen, hanged and subdued] to the grave [the world of the dead— hades, the subterranean retreat, including it’s accessories and inmates— the grave, pit and hell] and the noise of your viols (beautiful sounds): the worm [rapidly breeding maggot] is spread [strewn over the surface of— one’s bed to lie in] under you (the devouring), and the worms [voracious maggots, the crimson grubs, the scarlet worms] cover you.

12 How you are fallen [cast down from, failed from, fell from, judged from, overthrown from, perished from, smited out] from heaven [lofty place, higher ether where celestial bodies revolve]— O Lucifer [the morning star brightness]— son of the morning [dawn, rising]!

How you are cut down [destroyed, like felling a tree (cutting it down), hewn down] to the ground (reference of humbling and death) —who did weaken [decay, overthrow and abase in wasting] the nations [mass of people, gentiles, troops of people]!

13 For you said [answered, boasted self, charged, commanded, considered, declared, demanded, intended, named, published, reported, talked, thought, and uttered] in your heart [most interior part, place where you bethink of yourselves, and have understanding— and mind]—

I will ascend [be high, mount up, arise, exalt, increase, recover, restore, scale and set up, shoot forth, and work] into heaven [lofty place, higher ether where celestial bodies revolve], I will exalt (same as ascend) my throne [seat— which is of authority] above [upper, over head, atop] the stars [figuratively— a prince or principalities] of God [the Almighty One]: I will sit [sit down, judge, ambush in quiet, dwell, remain and cause to settle and marry, establish, habitat, lurk, settle down and tarry] also upon the mount [range area of promotion] of the congregation [appointed assembly, and place of meeting], in the sides [flanked rear recess border] of the north [hidden, dark places— the unknown, north wind (spirit is often called a wind)]: 14 I will ascend [be high, mount up, arise, exalt, increase, recover, restore, scale and set up, shoot forth, and work] above the heights [elevation] of the clouds [dense darkness]; I will be like [compared to, and considered like] the most High [elevated one, lofty supreme].

15 Yet you shall be brought down [descended to the lower region and cast down, fallen, hanged and subdued] to hell [the world of the dead— hades, the subterranean retreat, including it’s accessories and inmates— the grave and pit], the sides [flanked rear recess border] of the pit [hole, cistern or prison— dungeon].”


Satan’s pomp, or arrogance of excellency…

the majesty he believed he obtained, and the swelling of pride he walked in…

is brought down, descended to the lower region— cast down, fallen, hanged and subdued to the grave— or the world of the dead— hades, the subterranean retreat; and it will include all its accessories and inmates— the grave, pit and hell.

If we are going to follow stupid people (satan)— we will win stupid prizes— or awards, or be rewarded with stupid results— too.

He’s the leader of rebellion against the Almighty, Most High and Holy One— and whoever follows in ‘his footsteps,’ not the paths of righteousness following Christ— will win his destination and legal sentence too.

The worm, or rapidly breeding maggot is spread, or strewn over the surface of your bed you lie in; that would be the circumstances one finds himself in.

And under you— the devouring will take place, and the worms— or, voracious maggots of the crimson grubs, the scarlet worms— will cover you.

This is stating— he’s dead, estranged from God, and because of that— ROTTING; because maggots come to the dead, to break them down into smaller parts, as they devour the carcass.

Interesting these worms, or maggots, are detailed as ‘red’ grubs, ‘scarlet’ worms— the blood of death, the walking dead; or otherwise— those who are temporarily appear as if they are ‘alive,’ but are truly already dead in all ways: death covers the satanic, as it covers satan.

Should we choose to uphold what satan upholds—

we will earn the stupid prizes,

or rewards that satan will reap with him.

Satan is fallen— cast down from, failed from, fell from, judged from, overthrown from, perished from, smited out— from heaven, or the lofty place, the higher ether where celestial bodies revolve (move and orbit);

The high lofty placewhere is that spiritually speaking in man?

The heart/mind of man— his center most parts where he reasons and chooses; that is the orbit and place satan moves inside of man.

He was kicked out of God— from walking up and down in him like that— and man is to kick him out too; kick him out from walking up and down in the building blocks (stones) too!

Lucifer— the morning star brightness— the son of the morning, or dawn, and rising; do we think he’s stupid, or unalluring??

He captivates man, INSIDE, as he walked up and down in the building blocks of God, and was ‘over,’ or head of, chief of the mercy seat— where man and God commune.

He knows God intimately, detailed (albeit, he’s cocky and twisted and WAY ‘lesser of a being,’ but smarter than us on our own); he ‘resembles’ HOLY LIGHT— but he is ‘dark light.’

He will cause man to ‘appear’ to walk in the Light, and with the Light, the holy and true presence of God— but will deceive them into walking with him, with his impostor light, that is actually ‘dark light,’ but ‘appears’ to look the part.

He is the morning star, ‘the brightness—’ the son of the morning, or dawn, and rising.

He will attempt to ‘come over us too,’ inside the hearts and minds of man (their innermost parts), and will cause himself, and SELF in man— to RISE, as he DAWNS his counsel upon them (think— enlightenment); deceiving them into reasoning that this option, this light— is holy light, and the light of the One true God.

But it is in fact— ‘dark light,’ and will lead men astray, as it allures and speaks to their carnal desires.

2 Corinthians 11:14

“And marvel not— for Satan himself is transformed [disguised] into an angel [messenger who brings good tidings] of light.”

We need to be wise ‘as’ serpents for a reason— we need to understand deception, discernment and reason with the mind of Christ— to be ‘wise as serpents.’

Because we need to KNOW OUR GOD

to spot the impostor!

For the impostor will be ‘disguised;’ folks— that means if it’s possible for the very elect to be deceived by how subtle the difference is between God and satan— to the unlearned, unrefined man— THEY WILL BE!

Because he has been at this for a looooooooong time, and he knows how to ‘play man,’ and how to ‘appeal to’ man’s carnal nature— he seeded it into them after all.

God cut him down, destroyed him in his domain— like felling a tree, hewning it down to the ground (reference of humbling and death estrangement from him); we ought to take note that if we want to ‘run with devils’ too— we will find ourselves estranged of God, cast out and down, and chopped down like a tree; that ought to be scary to us— if we are to be ‘grafted in,’ not CUT OFF!

Satan—who weakened men and women with his nature— caused them to decay, be overthrown and abased in wasting.

He will cause you to waste, be overthrown, and decay— if you adhere to his counsel, leading and nature.

And it will be because we too— answered, boasted self leadership over God holy, demanded, intended, published, reported it, thought it, and uttered and followed through doing it too— just like satan, and by his lead and example— not Christ’s; which was of humility and servitude, finding himself WILLINGLY UNDER THE FATHER, in dominion and rule.

All because the hearts of men will THINK FOR THEMSELVES, and find their UNDERSTANDING THERE (their minding), and will as well have…

Ascended— or found themselves— up high (inside), mounted up on the throne within, exalted, recovering and restoring all dominion unto self, scaling and setting up that operation and work— and shooting forth in it!

In ‘heaven,’ or the ‘lofty place,’ the higher ether where celestial bodies revolve— or circle and orbit there; as man will have followed satan in his ways and exalted himself into the throne position and seat of authority— atop, over the head of all princes, or principalities— which are high rulers of leadership: princes.

Isn’t Christ the Prince of peace, or the Principal one, or Principality and ruler over peace

which is safety and welfare.

Have we been found satanic— if we have seated ourselves in the role of— “I know what’s best for me?” For that is the seat of ‘welfare’ and ‘safety;’ and THAT’S THE LORD’S HIGH RULE— not ours.

Satan said— I will exalt my throne, or seat of authority, once again— he’s speaking of inside men, where we are concerned— overtop of the principalities (high ranking) of God, the Almighty One.

God has angels and high ranking princes to assist us— but we will get satan if we are not running with God; and I mean giving him all dominion and rule of leadership in our lives, becoming disciplined ones under him.

Satan said— ”I will sit down and judge all matters inside the minds and hearts of men— I will ambush them in quiet, dwell there and remain there— causing myself to settle and MARRY TO THEM, establishing myself there habitually (think about our habits), LURKING as I settle in and tarry awhile there.

I will also sit upon the mountain range area of promotion, within man— where the appointed assembly is to take up residence (think holy angelic leadership), the meeting place; and in the sides, or flanked rear recesses and border of the north, otherwise known as— THE HIDDEN PLACES, DARK PLACES of the UNKNOWN ‘wind’ (spirit) —INSIDE MAN!

I will be highly mounted, arising within them, exalted, and increased in restoring, recovering and scaling up, shooting forth within man, as I work my works in them— from the elevated place of dense darkness within them (the unknown, places we reason matters).”

And he said— he will be like, or compared to, and considered like the most High and elevated one, the lofty supreme One.

Folks— if we place him there— and don’t see all this deception, and throw down the wicked imaginations he’s pushing forth in us, and subdue him— and cast him out → he will lead us to hell!

Because that’s where he is going, as verse 15 states.

“Yet you shall be brought down [descended to the lower region and cast down, fallen, hanged and subdued] to hell [the world of the dead— hades, the subterranean retreat, including it’s accessories and inmates— the grave and pit], the sides [flanked rear recess border] of the pit [hole, cistern or prison— dungeon.”

We will descend down into the ‘lower region,’ cast down, fallen, hanged and subdued (handcuffed) and thrown into prison the world of the dead (which means, those estranged from God), hades— the subterranean (that’s below earth) retreat [that’s not a fun retreat folks].

That includes all the decor and accessories of hell imprisonment (think tormenting agents and tools), as well as— inmates, prisoners with satan… that find themselves in the ‘grave,’ or ‘pit.’

And the ‘pit,’ or hell— has sides, or borders of its prison or dungeon; meaning— walls and gates for to be trapped in for all of eternity.

I really, really, REALLY HOPE we are all seeing that satan is cunning, not stupid; and man is stupid— commonly and moreover— than satan is… WHEN WE WILL NOT STUDY TO SHOW OURSELVES APPROVED, nor COME OUT FROM AMONG ‘her,’ (Jezebel and satan— and his ways), nor become REFORMED OFFENDERS: former offenders, who NO LONGER OFFEND → which is walk in sin habitually, which is INIQUITY.

For satan is the original INIQUITOUS ONEand all those who will walk his ways and paths of character, nature and actions— will find themselves at his final destination, with him.


22 For I will rise up against them, says the Lord of hosts— and cut off from Babylon— the name, and remnant, and son, and nephew, says the Lord.”


God has plans for satan, and all little satans who follow him on his paths; he will CUT THEM OFF from his tree, domain and person/presence; all those who will not come out of Babylon— will partake in her plagues— which means, RUIN: she is considered ‘the empire of confusion.’

Every name and person— will go down with that ship— that ‘relationship’ with satan— that is.


Portion from:


The Struggle Between Two Principles

The Apostle Paul states the struggle this way— put off the deeds of the person who once were, and put on the character of the new person you now are.

Note in verse 12 Paul says, “cast off the works” but in verse 14 he says, “put on the Lord Jesus Christ.” We put off the works, and put on a person.

One is behavior, the other is character.

Romans 13:12-14

“The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. 13 Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. 14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.”

This is the struggle of the two principles: The Spirit of Christ and the new person you are— and the struggle of the flesh and the deeds of the old man— which you once were.

Paul describes it another way:

A. The Law of the Flesh vs. the Law of the Spirit.

This is a more common way of the New Testament explaining it. For example, in Romans 8 he says anybody that walks by the flesh shall perish but if you walk according to the Spirit you shall live.

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Romans 8:14). In Galatians 5:16 and following, Paul says, “I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.”

What Paul establishes in this text, once again, is his doctrine of the law of opposing principles.

B. The Law of Opposing Principles.

You need to know this principle because it’s always operating. Awake or asleep, it’s always there. There are those who teach the law of opposites. What they teach is that for everything in life there is an opposing force— and nothing can exist without that. I don’t subscribe to that.

But I do believe there is a law of opposing principles and it goes like this: If you nourish and satisfy one principle— the other principle is malnourished. If you feed one —the other is starved.

This principle works when there are opposites that are connected, that are inextricably linked —such as hot and cold, up and down, or opposing points on the compass.

Illustration: Hot and cold is a perfect example of what I’m trying to communicate this morning.

If I feed the fire— the cold is dissipated if not totally eliminated. But if I don’t feed the fire— the fire decreases and the cold increases. In this case all I have to do is not feed the fire— and automatically the heat dissipates, decreases, and the cold rises.

I don’t have to bring in large blocks of ice for the cold to increase; all I need to do is not give the fire any fuel.

When the heat dissipates, cold sets in. The same is true in the spiritual.

If you are not feeding the new man— then automatically, you are feeding the flesh and it is strengthened. This is the law of opposing principles.

If my love of God increases my love of sin decreases. If your heart grows in its fondness and affection for God, automatically your love for that which is unholy and evil decreases in accordance.

To the same degree one rises the other decreases. If I do not feed the love of God, then the love of God automatically decreases and with it the love of sin increases. To the degree one gains the other loses.

That’s why I’ve told you over and over that the only thing you need to do in order to spiritually decline is —nothing. Nothing at all.

To NOT feed the new person —is to automatically

feed the flesh → the opposing principle.

It’s not necessarily doing evil things, and this is where we’ve been shipwrecked and deceived in our thinking.

We think to live a worldly life is to do certain things that are taboo, or to do things that we are explicitly told not to do; but that’s not all there is to it.

It is as simple as not feeding the new man— the new heart, the spirit, the soul of believer. By not feeding it, you are allowing the coldness of sin to increase.

You never arrive at a place in this life where the law of opposing principles is finished. The flesh is weakened but it never dies. The flesh is like a tiger. You never kill the tiger. You can cage it, you can starve it—and you must—but it’s always looking for a way out. It’s always looking for an opportunity to regain supremacy— and it’s always there until we’re out of this world.

The Struggle Never Ceases;

It continues throughout our lives.

A. The Mistake of the Young Christian.

He or she prematurely declares victory. Every victory over temptation or lust —weakens that sinful desire. The more this happens the less the moral struggle within the heart and soul of the believer. The struggle never ends, but it becomes less acute and you’re not aware of it as much. The more you gain victory over temptation and sin, the less your struggle— because your spirit has increased and the flesh has been weakened.

But herein lies a problem for the young believer. He or she doesn’t feel the struggle over certain temptations anymore, and wrongly concludes he or she is forever and finally rid of it.

As a consequence —they no longer feed their spirit in the same way that helped them to starve the flesh in these areas of temptation.

They cease to watch and pray. And with time— it returns and completely surprises and shocks the believer.

(Janet here— remember the quiet ambush

I spoke of earlier, above??)

I’ve heard it over and over again, “Man, I thought I was free from that thing. I thought that was no longer an issue for me. I thought God had delivered me from that.”

Sin is very patient; it can wait months, it can wait years. If you don’t keep the vigil and feed the heartespecially in that area of weakness or the single besetting sin— you may think you’ve gotten victory over it, but my dear friend— it’s just waiting for a moment to pounce and conquer.

Now the struggle progresses to a struggle to believe God’s love and acceptance as before, which can lead to a struggle with assurance of salvation.

“I no longer have joy like I once had, I’m no longer having the success over my temptations like I once had, maybe this was all a delusion. Maybe I just had a heated moment of emotions and I made a commitment but it wasn’t real. Maybe I’m not His after all.”

So the cycle begins, this yo-yo, and roller coaster effect of hot and cold, light and darkness in the life of a believer.

When I sense the loss of God’s love— my love for God decreases— because my love is always dependent on His love for me. This is seen over and over in the Scripture.

We didn’t love God first; God loved us first. Our love for God is reflexive. It’s a reflex of His love in your heart.

“Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

If I’m not experiencing the love of God— then my love for God decreases. This is why I have been rehearsing the love of God to you lately, praying that you will believe it and therefore experience it.

And if you experience it— you will increase

in your love for God and others.

A young believer who has not been educated or discipled by an older, more mature believer who has gone through this— has no idea.

They think— “this is it!”

They think they’re on the upward climb and they have no obstacles in the way. They believe they are victorious. You remember those days, don’t you?

Has it been so long for some of you that you can’t remember? I know for a few of you, you haven’t been saved for more than a year. There’s been others of you who have been saved for a time.

Remember the emotions of those first few weeks or months?

The emotions of those first few days are just the beginning; God has something even better.

The moment that emotion, that excitement, diminishes— don’t think God has deserted youno;

He’s wanting to lead you to higher ground!

It’s not the absence of God— it’s the activity of God. He’s working within you to lead you to a place where emotions are not the king and guide.

His goal is for you to walk by your faith in Him, because He dwells in the spiritual realm. The only way you can please God is to relate to Him by the avenue and agency of faith.

But there is a second problem.

The new believer becomes addicted to these emotions. He equates intense emotions with the presence and love of God.

The moment God begins to turn down the dial and he no longer can feel such intensity of heart, emotion, and affection— he begins to think something is spiritually wrong.

There maybe— But the new believer is at a very dangerous crossroads at this point.

This is very much the way of every Christian. You can read every biography of great saints before us and you will invariably find in all of them —after their conversion— was a period where they felt their heart went cold; and a lot of them even wondered if they had been genuinely converted.

I could recite name after name after name.

There are very few exceptions to this.

There comes a time in your walk with God, where God is going to purposefully shut down your emotions, and you cannot feel; he will not make His presence visibly manifested in the emotional part of our being.

That’s purposeful for your wellbeing, your development, for your good.

It’s our Lord’s way to inspire us to go into deeper intimacy—

in our relationship with God.

This mistake can plague you for years, not making it a new Christian’s problem. There are some of you today who have not learned this.

You’ve not got it yet; you’ve not seen it.

God has not made it your truth yet. You’ve been saved for multiple years and you’re still wrestling over the “good ol’ days.”

“Oh, if I could just have them. If I could just recreate it, if I could just have God do that again in my life, I would be satisfied.”

No, you wouldn’t. You can’t. Your heart was made for something more than what you received back then. If that was all to salvation then, you’re right, you need to get back there— but there is a whole lot more to this thing.

B. Growth in Grace is an Exercise in Vigilance.

This is what Paul is telling us.

This is not “Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

It’s not an out of body experience— the body must be disciplined.

The body must be trained.

If you are to know intimacy with Jesus, you cannot eliminate or leave behind the body and its important role of walking with God.

So what does Paul tell us? Be vigilant in putting off.

Then he summarizes putting off —at the end of verse 14.

“make no provision for the flesh,

to fulfill its lusts.”

We get the first part of the list of things to put off back in verse 12. Things like putting off: works of darkness, revelry (code for orgies), drunkenness, lewdness (sexual immorality), lust (which is the same as the preceding word —just in case you didn’t get it the first time), strife, and envy.

We understand putting those off. It’s the last part of the list in verse 14 that proves as elusive as a greased pig. This is hard for us to get: make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.

The word provision is unique in that it is one of the few words that give you the definition of the Greek word it translates. It consists of the prefix ‘pro,’ meaning either— for, or forward— and the word vision.

It simply means to see forward

or the word foresight.

The only other time it is used in the New Testament is Acts 24:2 when the prosecution against Paul addresses Governor Felix. It is translated foresight in this verse— “Seeing that through you we enjoy great peace, and prosperity is being brought to this nation by your foresight.”

What does the word foresight here mean? For every need that you have, that you have foreseen— what do you do?

You start making provision.

You’re going to get hungry on Tuesday, therefore you know—foresight—you’re going to get up and go to work on Tuesday.

The provision is based upon— foresight.

Therefore, what Paul is telling us is— do not think ahead about how you are going to satisfy the desires of the flesh that will lead your heart away from Jesus.

Don’t think about satisfying the cravings and longings that are natural to us. These aren’t necessarily sinful— they may not be wrong— but if you give them thought, and undo-importance— you are already under the jaw and claw of the enemy.

Another way to say it is as one translation states— “and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.”

Don’t think about it. This is true about every temptation: You’ve got to shut down the mind’s occupation with the thought.

Remember Isaiah 26:3?

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”

We explained how to do this battle in the mind—

and the battleground is certainly the mind—

It's the first theater of conflict.

You must learn how to shut down the mind’s occupation with that temptationthat alluring thought, that consideration of disobedience, and the desire of fulfilling the flesh.

Don’t make provision for it.

Don’t think about it.

Don’t let your mind muse over it.

Don’t let the mind admire it.

→ Deal with it immediately!

You can’t pretend you don’t have the desire.

That never works.

→ You must note it and fight it.

There are many things you and I enjoy doing that have no sin value whatsoever— there’s nothing wrong with them. But if I indulge them long enough, am I not strengthening the flesh, even if there’s no evil in it?

Did you know that is why fasting is so important?

Food is a necessary thing. God created you to run off the fuel of food, and therefore He gave you wonderful taste buds that perform and actually enjoy the wonderful requirement of fueling your body.

He wanted it to be a pleasurable experience and therefore He created all of these wonderful tastes.

BUT— if I feed this body every time it’s hungry, every time it wants something, every time I think I’m hungry even when I’m not, what happens to the flesh?

→ It becomes stronger.

It becomes harder and harder to say “no” to yourself.

There are other reasons for fasting than this—just to bring your body under submission and you tell the body what it will do and won’t do instead of the reverse.

This is why Paul said to married couples in 1 Corinthians 7 that it is good that they abstain from sexual relations for a season. It helps to bring the body into submission, but not for too long— lest you become subject to Satan’s temptations.

There are many good things that God has given us that stimulate these bodies or stimulate the mind. But being always preoccupied with the stimulation of joy and happiness and pleasure —is dangerous.

That means then you’re going to have to say “no” to even good things— so you have mastery over yourself, and not let the good things have mastery over you.

You need to be careful about pumping into your soul entertainment, even if it’s clean entertainment. Too much of it strengthens the flesh.

I didn’t say entertainment was wrong— I said too much of it is.

Not having any control is dangerous.

Eating is entertainment for most.

But over-indulge— and what happens?

You don’t have mastery over your body anymore. It’s not just how much you weigh, it’s about how much your flesh, and your appetites— control you.

Paul is saying don’t feed the flesh, don’t make provision for it, don’t let the mind go there. But it’s not just ‘putting off.’

You have to be vigilant in ‘putting on.’

“Put on the Lord Jesus Christ.”

There are other things he tells us to put off but this is the only thing in this text he tells us to put on.

“Put on the Lord Jesus Christ.”

When you go to Colossians 3 and he tells you to put on the qualities of the new man, but in essence he summarizes it in these words: put on the Lord Jesus Christ.

To put on simply means —to clothe. To put on Christ is to clothe the soul with the character traits and habits of Christ.

That means you have to learn to do the same things Jesus did in order to help Him do what the Father commanded.

Jesus brought His body under submission He prayed, He fasted, He got alone in solitude— He did many of these spiritual disciplines in order to prepare Himself, so that when He was in the heat of the battleHe was equipped and ready.

If you wait for the battle to start doing these things— you will lose.

Put on the very person of Christ. Put on His character traits. Put on the habits of Jesus.

What a man has to do is think about things that deal with the beauty and the excellence of the person of Jesus Christ. He has to put his mind upon Christ. He has to clothe the mind in the habits and characteristics and traits of Jesus.

That’s the weaponry against that flesh.

It’s not just looking away— but actively, vigilantly fighting to think about Christ— who He is, what He’s done, His beauty and glory and excellence.

What I’m telling you is if you will do those things in obedience— and you put your lock, stock, and barrel in Christ, trusting Him wholeheartedly— He will give you the grace to do it, and you’ll do it.

*And that’s not legalism.

What did Jesus tell the spiritually declined Ephesians was the remedy for their lackluster love for Him? He said— “repent and do the first works.”

What does He mean by doing the first works?

He means do the things you did because you were first in love and that love was glowing, hot with passion and ablaze with affections.

First love is entirely caught up with loving a person and makes a person do things sacrificially for the person loved— but they don’t feel sacrificial.

When love begins to feel sacrificial, then it’s no longer first love or strong love. (meaning burdensome)

The Ephesus church was doing all the right things, and they were doing it better than anyone else couldbut they left their first love.

They were not doing these things because their hearts were ablaze in affection for Christ, it was because it was simply the thing they had to do.

As you feed the spirit— you will starve the flesh.

You will also enjoy a more intimate knowledge of Jesus, which will lead to emotions. Please listen— I do not believe in an emotionless Christianity— but emotions must function under the rule and authority of the truth and faith.

Your emotions must go to the cross.

You’re going to have to die to being ‘happy.’

That pursuit of happiness that we’re all taught from childhood on up, is the very ruse of the Devil for the Christian.

The pursuit of happiness—

always leads to unhappiness.

You have to die to the desire for pleasure and happiness in the moment. Bring that emotion and desire under the rule and authority of the truth and faith in that truth and when you do, my dear friend— you will begin to enjoy pleasures and joys you have never yet tasted.

There are pleasures for the child of God who is willing to let the past remain in the past, and press forward to the mark of the prize of the high calling of Christ Jesus.

“Oh that I may know Him!” said the Apostle.

“Oh that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection in the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable to His death.”


Was Paul a sadomasochist?

Was he into torture?

Was he some guy who was crazy and thought the more he suffered the greater he would be with God?

Not at all.

No— he knew life with Christ.

He knew the sacrifices of Jesus— for our joy.

And if this was the way to joy for Jesus— then it must be for us.

Do you think if Jesus sacrificed everything for your joy— that there is anything too great for you to sacrifice to Him??

So today— feed the Spirit, starve the flesh— and enter into the joys of the Lord.



We’re all going to have to choose daily, hourly, and minute by minute— whom we are going to serve. This doesn’t change after a time…this goes on the entire time we are in this realm; as satan is not going to ‘lay off us’ at any point.

And the point of entry for him to lead us, counsel us, and get us to do his works— is through the FLESH.

Through the flesh nature, and feeding it— we fall, and we fall— again, and again and again— until we will subdue it, and live unto the New Creature Creation in Christ.

He’s supposed to be ‘finishing a work’

he began in us.

What do we think that ‘work’ is??

It is LEADING US to OVERCOME THE DEVIL— to crush him under our feet; he said ‘our feet’ for a reason; we are the ones who have to agree to submit ourselves to his leadership, handcuff the carnal and satanic nature— and bring it into the dominion of God; which means— DRAG IT BEFORE THE FACE OF GOD TO BE DEALT WITH.


NO RUNNING, NO EXCUSES, NO IGNORING— the mind, thoughts, heart, desires, and imaginations; DEAL WITH THEM, WEIGH THEM WITH CHRIST, and THROW THEM DOWN and OUT— when they are ‘not of Christ.’

But folks— in order to do that— WE MUST BE ANALYZING OURSELVES WITH GOD HOLY; if we are going to fail to self regulate with God— satan will regulate us— for that is THE BROAD EASY WAY.

Discipline— and ‘being’ a DISCIPLINED ONE UNDER CHRIST— matters; it life and death— MATTERS!

Pride kills; humility, servitude, discipline of character toward, and under Christ, with consideration and honor unto God holy— SAVES, and brings LIFE.

Please become ONE IN AGREEMENT WITH, and UNDER THE RULE OF— God the holy Father of us.



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Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Jun 22, 2023



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