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"The Day of the Lord" (Part 2)

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn

Zephaniah 1:14-18

“Near– is the great day of the Lord.

Near and coming– very quickly.


The Day of the Lord!

In it– the warrior cries out bitterly.

A day of wrath

is that day.

A day of trouble and distress

A day of destruction and desolation

A day of darkness and gloom

A day of clouds and thick darkness.

A day of trumpet and battle cry

against the fortified cities…

And the high corner towers.

I will bring distress on men

So that they will

walk like the blind

(Like Saul– on Damascus road,

kind of CORRECTION.)

Because they have sinned against the Lord.

And their blood will be poured out like dust

And their flesh– like dung.

(utter waste)

Neither their silver, nor their gold,

Will be able to deliver them


The Day of The Lord’s WRATH.

And all the earth will be devoured


the fire of


For He will make a complete end,

Indeed a terrifying one,

Of all the inhabitants of the earth.”

He is wanting us ‘to think upon this’ DAY; for it is when we do NOT HEED THE LORD, in his opportunities– in ‘the harshness that is to come’ upon the earth in ‘justice’ and ‘judgments–’

That we end up in a state of ‘Judgment’ and ‘Harvest.’

I am praying we are JUST BEING WARNED OF THIS RIGHT NOW– but we shall ‘see,’ if man is repentant unto God in the judgments coming in now, or if man will stick tight to his wicked ways

Bringing in

‘The Greater Judgment.’

(I stand in intercessions over this–

but ‘she’ ain’t look’n promising yet,

on the ‘repentance’ vein

–in this nation yet.)

Isaiah 13:9-11

“Behold, the day of the Lord is coming,

Cruel, with fury and burning anger,

To make the land a desolation;

And He will exterminate its sinnersfrom it.

For the stars of heaven and their constellations

Will not flash forth their light;

The sun will be dark when it rises, and the moon will not shed its light.

Thus– I will punish the world for its evil

–and the wicked for their iniquity;

I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proud and abase the haughtiness of the ruthless.”

There he is telling us ‘why,’ he’s doing it, WHO THEY TRANSGRESSED UPONhim, and it’s because of ‘the ARROGANT and PROUD,’ in our lands.

And the Arrogant and Proud, he will – ABASE THEM, and BRING THEM LOW, and PUNISH– the WICKED.

Job 20:28-29

“The increase of his house will depart;

His possessions will flow away ‘in the day of His anger.’

This is the wicked man’s portion from God,


the heritage decreed to him, by God.”

Okay, so– the increase of this type of person’s ‘house,’ so….

belongings, property, flesh, provision, authority, influence, etc…

As all of these are used as ‘house–’ which is to say ‘container,’ or ‘containment lot-in-life,’ essentially, and many more analogies…

The increase in this wicked person’s life– will FLOW AWAY/DRY UP, in…

‘The Day of God’s anger, and this wicked person’s heritage and portion in life– is COMPLETE DESTRUCTION.

Isaiah 13:4-6

A sound of tumult– on the mountains,

(I think of volcanoes)

–Like that of many people!

A sound of– the uproar of kingdoms,

–of nations gathered together!

The Lord of *hosts


Mustering the Army



They are coming from a far country

(folks, in my spirit’s ‘eye,’ I saw Russians;

take that to the Lord please– as I just saw them

–in uniform, as I type…

so I haven’t spoken to him much yet about it,

but he just said,

“Janet– I NEED youto mention this.”)

From ‘the farthest horizons–’

(still see Russians…sounds like– they ‘come from,’ the other side of the earth.)

The Lord, and–

His instruments of indignation

–To destroy the whole land.

He just said,

“Yes, and they will be just that for me; I am bringing judgment to America


the world will watch her ‘travail,’ under

MY PRESENCE in the land–

‘bringing her around–’



I’m taking this in JUST LIKE YOU;

And I feel queasy right now.)

Wail– for The day of the Lord is near!

It will come– (and) as destruction from

the Almighty.”

I can hear you; I can hear you saying…

Why would he do this??

What kind of a God would do this??

How will we survive??

Where should I go??

What should I do??

This can’t be true, I DON’T BELIEVE IT!!

Can it be saved, stopped or uphended??

How many will survive, will any??

What will become of us– afterwards??

What about his ‘Bride,’ if she is in the midst of these people, what will become of her??

What about the rapture??

What about The Latter Rain??”

I can hear ‘all these hearts,’ and their questions and cries– and SO MANY MORE!!!

(It’s actually overwhelming in the Spirit sometimes.)

But in it all, is his pen, his plan, his justice and his love to reconcile– it has a purpose; and he will be coming in with some of the most MIRACULOUS moves, restorations, new beginnings, harvest sown = harvest reaped, and he’s coming with his harvesters.

There will be a mixed harvest coming in, on the heels of judgment; but in it, is all the promise and miracles, for a miraculous environment is hardly where no sin abounds

nah, it’s in the ‘midst of great darkness,’ that his ‘Lights,’ shine so brightly.

The darkness will comprehend us not, we will be the ‘embodiment’ of Christ ‘in earth-en’ again– in US, doing ‘life’ how it was supposed to be walked out with Godbefore the ‘fall.’

If God did not ‘need’ us here, we would be at home with him already; he needs us alright, and we will be the first and only line of defense in these times to come.


Because you see, ‘he has had it’ with ‘the way things have been;’ he does not want to use worldly ways and methods to do anything– he wants man to ‘conform to’ HIS IMAGE


he won’t be coming to his home

with him later on…

Because he wasn’t ‘seriously’ buying into Christ and the Kingdom and the ‘sacrifice–’ they were ‘in it’ for ‘other reasons.’

“Now,” Christ has been telling me…

“People will come to me ‘honestly’ now…


they will not come to me at all.”

I don’t reckon I’ve ever seen this side of how God is talking with me lately, and that’s okay– I’m still getting to know him too, and I have the fear of the Lord over me just talking with him about these topics.

But he said…

“You’ve never faced my anger Janet; it is not a ‘small thing,’ and the world is about to ‘see’ it.”

Yes, I have not seen his anger, only in scripture; but I know thisI’M GLAD I WON’T BE ON THE RECEIVING END.

He isn’t expecting perfection here, but he expects FULL PARTICIPATION and LOYALTY; a life lived DELIBERATELY and with DEDICATION and HONOR unto him.

He says…

“It’s what the world is devoid of.


if I have to

Judge the WICKED



‘wicked deeds done against me.’


–the righteous will be by–

to watch, and live through it.

Saving with me…


But I am not slack to repay

that in which was given to me…

that which was ‘worked,’ and ‘sowed into.’

I repay, and I repay– JUSTLY.

My children –NEVER GET ‘justice’ alone–


‘and then some,’


their ‘Father’ in heaven.”

Joel 3:12-14

Let the nations be aroused

Come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat…

For there I will sit to judge– all the surrounding nations.

Put in the sicklefor the harvest is ripe.

Come, tread– for the wine press is full.

The vats overflow– for their wickedness is great.

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!


The day of the Lord– is near


The Valley of Decision.

(“Yes,” he said–

‘the cup is full’ Janet.”)


“We are ‘in a moment of decision’ in most lives right now Janet; all humans will be tightening down with me, or they will be giving up on me entirely, and entering


Some, no matter what– will not come home with us, but I wish to save all that ‘will’ child.”

Romans 2:16

In the dayGod shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ ‘–according to’ my gospel.”

He just said…

“I will judge men, according to how I said in my bible; I will judge you all by ‘what you put in–’ BACK AT ME

‘According to



So, ‘if we ain’t livin’ that; we are ‘sinning’ in that ‘way,’ HIS SCRIPTURE WAY, the ‘only way’ he conducts himself and runs his kingdom.

And if ‘anyone preaches A DIFFERENT JESUS,’ one based ‘not on holiness, repentance of wicked hearts, pharisaical living, and REFORMATION TO HIS IMAGE…’

And they are ONLY PREACHING: prosperity, blessing, upgrades, anointings, mantels, ANGELS

(my God Jesus–

angels are being given

MORE AIR TIME in ‘discussions,’


these days–

but I digress)...

Money, provision, titles, ministries (not mine, theirs), power, authority

And so much more

Then they are, ‘like satan did to me,’ ATTEMPTING TO TEMPT and SUBVERT YOU



Because his ‘wicked operations’ are SET UP IN MANY OF MY CHILDREN’S hearts RIGHT NOW; and I AIM TO COME AND ‘destroy’ THAT ESTABLISHMENT OF LIES– thereby ‘saving them.’

I am straight forward.

I am not confusing.

I say what I mean– and mean what I say; my children operate the SAME AS I DO


They are ‘wayward,’ prodigals AT BEST– and AT WORST– they are ‘WOLVES,’ seeking to LEAD YOU ASTRAY, and ‘into their dinner table,’


For you ‘go to them,’ and YOU EAT FROM THEIR ‘TABLE OF OPTIONS.’

What do you all ‘think’ I meant when I said…


And ‘I’


of ‘my stuff,’ WAY, POWER and MIGHT,

through ‘my character,’



and WITH…

ALL ‘my stuff;’


It is ‘MY’ stuff.

I PREPARE ‘the table’ FOR YOU…

OF ‘MY STUFF,’ and ‘they’


For ‘evil–’ ONLY GETS –its DEMISE for ‘reward.’

All those making fun of us right now, will be WATCHING US PARTAKE IN MY PROVISION, UPGRADE and BLESSING…

When others are ‘suffering,’ BECAUSE…



The wicked will now, during their JudgmentSEE MY CHILDREN that suffered– get FULFILLED BY MY LOYALTY, and MY FAITHFULNESS to…

DO WHAT I SAID I WOULD DO– and BE WHO I AM; those ‘with me,’ will REJOICE WITH ME, and those ‘against me,’ WILL MOURN.


My children with me in themARE ALSO THE ANSWER; and as many people that SEEK ME ‘in them’ TO HUMBLE THEMSELVES, REPENT, and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS

Will FIND ME; and I will COME, and SUP WITH THEM TOO!

I will ‘set a place for them,’ at OUR TABLE TOO; I LOVE THEM!

Let us ‘see’ WHO LOVESME.’ ”

Amos 5:18-20

“Alas– you who are longing for the day of the Lord…

For what purpose (do you) willthe day of the Lord be to you??

It will be darkness

and not light.

As when a man flees from a lion

And a bear meets him

(it will be, as soon as you’re safe from one thing–

another comes to you.)

Or goes home, leans his hand against the wall– and a snake bites him.

Will not the day of the Lord be darkness– instead of light??

even gloom with no brightness in it?

Isaiah 2:12

“For the Lord of hosts will have a day of reckoning against everyone who is proud and lofty, and against everyone who is lifted up,

–that he may be abased.”

He will bring low– the arrogant and prideful.

John 12:48

“He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke– is what will judge him –at the last day.”

Romans 2:5-6

“But –after your hardness and impenitent heartyour treasure up for yourself– wrath, against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God;

6 Who will render to every manaccording to his deeds.”

Isaiah 11:11

Then it will happen –on that day– that the Lord

Will again recover, the second time, with His hand…

The remnant of His people, who will remain…”

Micah 4:6-7

“In that day” –declares the Lord…

I will assemble– the lame

Gather –the outcasts…

–even those whom

I have afflicted.

I will make the lamea remnant

And the outcasts– a strong nation.

And the Lord will reign over them in Mount Zion

–from now on, and forever.”

Joel 2:32

“And it will come about that whoever calls on the name of the Lordwill be delivered;

For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem

There will be those who escape– as the Lord has said. –even among the survivors whom the Lord calls.”

Zechariah 9:16-17

“And the Lord their God will save them in that day– as the flock of His people;

For they are as the stones of a crownsparkling in His land.

For what comeliness and beauty will be theirs!

Grain will make the young men flourish, and new wine –the virgins.”

He WILL– take care of ‘his’ during these times; but one must be ‘truly reconciled’ and have the Holy Spirit as ‘the witness’ of– with them.

Isaiah 4:3-4

“And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remains in Jerusalem– shall be called holy, every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem:

4 When the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof– by the spirit of judgment, and by the spirit of burning.”


“I will do this yet again Janet– all must come truthfully to me, for I will burn and purge THE FILTH from ‘my house,’ and those that are left, those that ‘remain,’ WILL BE *HOLY, dear; no longer will anyone in my house– blaspheme my name.

I am The Spirit of Judgment

The Spirit of BURNING.”

Malachi 4:1-2

“For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace; all the arrogant and every evildoer will be chaff; the day that is coming will set them ablaze, says the Lord of hosts– so that it will leave them neither root –nor branch.

But for you who fear My namethe sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings, and you will go forth and skip about like calves from the stall.”

This is what he wants FOR EVERYONE; an opportunity to live outside of all the wickedness, and people causing it.

So he will come with his judgments and harvests, and he WILL CLEANSE THIS PLACE— and THAT— ishis GREAT LOVE.

For if he did NOT– no one would change, and all would ‘perish in their ways.’

John 6:40

“For this is the will of My Fatherthat everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him– will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up –on the last day.”


is his mission and heart.

2 Timothy 4:8

“In the future– there is laid up for me, the crown of righteousness– which the Lord, the righteous Judge– will award to me on that day; and not only to me– but also to all who have loved His appearing.”

Isaiah 4:2

“In that daythe Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth –will be the pride and the adornment of the survivors of Israel.”

Zechariah 12:10

I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication

So that they will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him like the bitter weeping over a firstborn.”


“They MUST come back to their first love Janet, and that’s me; they came from me, and I am LOVE– and they must ‘return to me’ in TRUE LOVE, as well.

They must ‘TURN FROM–’ where they have been living –estranged from me

and COME HOME TO ME, in love, and in truth, and in holiness.”

1 Thessalonians 5:2-3

“For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night.

(are the virgins prepared??)

While they are saying,

“Peace and Safety!”

Then destruction will come upon them, suddenly, like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape.”

At that point, it’s too late for the wicked; this is why he is saying– ‘repent, while you still can, and seek him now!’

Matthew 24:43-44

Be sure of this– that if the head of the house had known at what time of the night the thief was cominghe would have been on the alert and would not have allowed his house to be broken into.

(demons– in people,

and not prepared


CLEAN with God

For his RETURN.)

For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.”

Ezekiel 13:5

You have not gone up into the breaches, nor did you build the wall around the house of Israel to stand in the battle on the day of the Lord.”

Zephaniah 2:1-3

Gather yourselves together, yes, gather,

Oh nation without shame,

Before the decree takes effect—

The day passes like the chaff

(quickly here– AND GONE!)

Before the burning anger of the Lord comes upon you…

Before the day of the Lord’s anger comes upon you.

Seek the Lord,

All you humble of the earth

Who have carried out His ordinances;

Seek righteousness, seek humility.

Perhaps you will be hidden


The day of the Lord’s anger.”

Malachi 4:5

“Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord.”

And AGAIN– he will ‘release’ Elijah’s anointing upon MANY– to bring in ‘the Last Harvest.’

Be prepared for ‘OUR’ recompense from the Lord as well, all of us that have been obedient to him in his way, under his ruleserving the brotherhood.

And also–

An ELISHA anointing– for ‘those the Lord prepared–’ he just said…

“For SOMEI told them they would carry this– but I ALSO TOLD THEM, the ‘price it would take,’ and they walked it out with me.”

All that he is doing is ‘just,’ and was sown, and all that he is doingis from Love, and to reconcile with his family; how we ‘respond to him,’ during this time period,

however long, however hard–

–will determine MANY THINGS.

It will determine ‘how you get along here’ during the harshest of times.

It will determine ‘the level of anointing’ you will walk in.

It will also be determining– your ‘position,’ in God’s governing body, during the Millenial Reign on Earth.

The ‘time’ –will be tough– the hardest, really,

for many humans– even God’s ‘body’ that reaps a ‘good’ harvest…

Because they will watch those they loveperish in their ways– and it will be many; but we will listen and obey the Lord, and we will walk in signs, miracles and the unsaved

The unchanged in heart and belief– will come to me in DROVES— to reconcile with their Father and Creator.


All I am doing is with GOOD REASON, and it’s ETERNAL– in its purposes.

Hold tightEVERYTHING'S GOING ‘upside down;’ but rememberI AM IN IT, and ‘all this,’ IS MINE.”

Matthew 24:33

“So, you too– when you see all these things, recognize that He is nearright at the door.”

Luke 21:11

“And there will be great earthquakes– in various places, plagues and famines; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.”

Matthew 24:21

“For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will (be again.)”

He wants to WARN OF ‘this Day;’ he has not told me it is ‘here,’ right now– but he keeps pressing upon me, that …


Soon it will come, and we must let them know it’s POINTING THAT WAY– in our heading.

So we need to warn them that ‘THE LAST PUSH’ is here– and it’s going to be a ‘reckoning’ right now.

Those that will STAND WITH MEwill walkout the other side of this with me, but it will be a battle…and it will be miraculous, and it will be WORTH IT.”

I am still taking all this in; and I am praying we prepare ourselves, both in the earth right now, and inside ourselves with God.

Much is coming, and I know I’m only given a ‘glimpse’ of the matters and plans; but I know this…

WE HAVE TO GET SERIOUS; if we do not– we will have ‘a tough boat to row’ for quite some time.

Our children– deserve our fight; GOD’S CHILDREN, those behind us,

those looking up to us

deserve for us to FINALLY, take God at face value and become genuine with him– becoming Pure, Whole hearted with him.

Because, in the end– that’s the ‘only way,’ anyhow.

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