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“The Bond”

Writer's picture: Janet LynnJanet Lynn


H632 – Bond

Definition— an obligation or vow (of abstinence), binding.

H631 – Bind & Bound

Definition— to yoke or hitch up to, to fasten, to join, battle: gird, harness, hold or keep to, make ready, order or prepare, prisoner in bonds to, set in array (means— arranged in order).

Numbers 30:2

“If a man vows a vow unto the LORD, or swears an oath to bind his soul with a bond— he shall not break his word, he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth.”


There is a point in this verse that is related to swearing and making a vow to do something— the point is— FOLLOW THROUGH; we are a people who are not ‘exactly’ like God holy, in that we often break our promises we make— but God, does not.

He is attempting to show us just how incredibly important it is to understand that when we say we are going to do something— that we carry that vow out; because a vow, or an oath— is ‘binding.’

Let’s see what the definition of these words, binding, swear, oath and vow are— according to the dictionary.

Oath— a solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one's future action or behavior; a sworn declaration that one will tell the truth. Synonyms: pledge, affirmation, word of honor, bond, guarantee.

Vow— a solemn promise to do a specific something; a dedication to someone. Synonyms: pledge, bond, covenant, commitment, word of honor.

Swear— make a solemn statement or promise undertaking to do something or affirming that something is the case; root definition— to answer. Synonyms: undertake, assert, declare, vow, proclaim, pronounce, profess, guarantee, maintain, invoke.

Binding— a strong covering holding things together, fastening together tightly, obligation that cannot be broken, cohere into a single mass— united, impose a legal contractual obligation on; Synonyms: bond, unite, join, permanent, obligatory, unbreakable, hitch or chain together.


I say all of that because God is attempting to show us just what a covenant bond means, and how serious it is to be taken— especially, by him.

When God vows a vow— says he’s going to do something, makes a promise— he FOLLOWS THROUGH; he isn’t wishy-washy, and he doesn’t turn back easily.

For instance, he vowed he would never flood the entire earth again, and wipe out humanity that way, for their sin and iniquity, and wicked abominations— and as a show of his fidelity to his word in this manner— he gave us the rainbow, as a reminder of his vow.

He hasn’t forgotten his word, and he aims to remind us of his promise, by showing us— his vow still stands.

When we say we are going to do something, however— we often fall short; but, here, in this verse above, we are to understand that when we say we will do something— we are to be faithful, and follow through— or don’t make a vow/promise, with our integrity of character tied to it.

Because we are expected to be loyal, and uphold our contractual agreements.

This is related to our covenant marriage agreement with God— ‘the bond’ we made together; God is going to uphold his end of the bond, vow, contractual and legal binding covenant with us— we are required to do the same.

When Israel would not hold up ‘the bond’ with God— when they deserted God and they ‘walked another way,’ with ‘other gods and idols—’ we saw the destruction, recompense and dissolution of his people.

Not because God desired that— on the contrary, all his people were wandering, upholding other gods and idols as Most High in their lives, and perishing altogether on the broad path leading to destruction eternal; but it was because his people were upholding ‘the bond,’ a covenant agreement with satan— and God Holy wished to save ‘some,’ any and all that would be saved: a remnant.

Let us define a covenant, according to the dictionary.

Covenant— an agreement contract drawn up legally, by a deed; an agreement which brings about a relationship of commitment between God and his people. Root definition— agree.

When we vow, swear and make an oath to someone— it is a binding contract; a contract that is legal, attested, agreed upon— and brings about an intimate relationship with commitment between two individuals; two people now agree upon something— and walk that out.

God understands we are not perfect— but one thing God does expect of us, is that when we do such a conscious, and serious thing as to ‘vow a vow’ unto someone (especially him), we will follow throughKNOWING we are tying ourselves up, legally and contractually— to whatever it is we have ‘bound’ ourselves to.

This is why he says to leave our answers to simply, yes or no; because anything else is a vow, and is to be VERY seriously adhered to, and upheld— as we have now ventured away from a simple yes, or no— and into a VOW; and a vow, oath, or swearing to (a promise) —is to be UPHELD.

Definition uphold— confirm or support, maintain a custom or practice; Synonyms: confirm, endorse, sustain, validate, justify, approve, stand by, defend, stick up for, maintain, preserve, continue, protect, keep, hold to, strengthen and nurture.

A vow/promise, oath, covenant— is to be taken

very seriously; it is to be upheld.

So, when God says something as serious as he’s going to make a spiritual ‘contract’ with humans— a marriage of two becoming one, and binding themselves together— in a legal, contractual, spiritual way— he is very much going to uphold his end of the agreement.

A covenant is a ‘bond’ that is to be upheld; and when we are upholding a ‘bond’ agreement (as it said— two will now agree), we are nurturing, confirming, endorsing, sustaining, validating, justifying, approving, stand by, defending, stick up for, maintaining, preserving, continuing in, protecting, keeping, hold to, and strengthening— that ‘union,’ that is legal and contractually to be upheld.

Can we understand why ‘vowing’ something is so important now?

Can we understand that when we swear to uphold something— it’s serious?

Can we understand that when God says he’s going to do something— he will?

Do we see that loyalty and faithfulness is a given, from God’s end of the covenant bond, legal agreement?

Do we see that, if God takes his promises, oaths, vows and proclamations seriously— we are required to uphold the covenant, ‘the bond,’ as well?

Do we remember when God said— “and they did not uphold the covenant,” and what befell his people?

Folks— it’s because, when we DO NOT uphold the covenant with God Holy— we are actually upholding the covenant ‘bond’ with satan; we are ALWAYS upholding one or the other— we are NEVER without covenant with one kingdom or the other in this realm: we are to be choosing, this day— whom we will serve; for we ARE serving— one or the other.

We are in chains, or ‘bonds,’ with one kingdom, or the other, at all times; I pray we see and understand this truth.


Romans 1:28-32

“And even as they did not like to retain [possess and hold] God [supreme Divinity] in their knowledge [recognition, full discernment acknowledgement] —God gave them over [surrendered and yielded up, and transmitted them to, and delivered them up] to a reprobate [unapproved, rejected, worthless, castaway] mind [intellect— thoughts, feelings and will], to do those things which are not convenient [becoming, fit];

29 Being filled with all [wholly] unrighteousness [injustice, moral wrongfulness of character, life or actions— iniquity], fornication [harlotry and idolatry], wickedness [depravity, malice, sins of iniquity], covetousness [avarice— extreme greed for wealth or material gains— fraudulency, extortion practices of greed], maliciousness [badness, depravity or malignity, trouble, evil malice, naughtiness and wickedness]; full of envy [ill will, jealousy and spite], murder [slay people], debate [quarrelsome contention, strife], deceit [a decoy, trick, bait— wile, crafty], malignity [bad character, mischievous]; whisperers [slanderer, malicious statement maker— example, gossiper], 30 Backbiters [slanderer, talkative against another], haters of God [hateful toward God, impious— showing no respect/reverence], despiteful [insulters, maltreaters, injurious], proud [standing out, attracting attention— conspicuous, haughty], boasters [braggers], inventors [contrivers] of evil things [worthless, injurious, harmful, ill— things], disobedient [unpersuadable, contumacious— stubborn, wilful, disobedient to authority] to parents…

31 Without understanding [unintelligent, wicked, foolish], COVENANT BREAKERS [not in agreement, treacherous to compacts— formal agreement or contract between two parties, enter into a formal agreement— ‘with, make a covenant,’ root definition], without natural affection [hard hearted towards kindred], implacable [truceless, truce-breakers], unmerciful [merciless]:

32 Who, knowing [recognising, fully acquainted with the knowledge and perceiving] the judgment [decisions, statutes and ordinances of the righteousness] of God, that they which commit [habitually execute and accomplish, do] such things [this sort of character or individuality] → are worthy [deserving, or suitable, due reward] of death [literal, or figuratively], not only doing the same— but having pleasure [think well of, feel gratified with/in, well pleased] in them —who do them.”


I have included MUCH of these verses because I want us to understand ‘who’ God says are— ‘haters of God,’ it is all these types of behaving people; and I believe he is quite clear here, as he describes— those who have been ‘given over’ to satan’s mindsets and actions: the reprobate man’s mindset.

The reprobate man’s mind is set against God— and is not an upholder of covenant, vow, swearing the oath unto— nor upholder of ‘the bond,’ of marriage with God— where two become one.

My largest focus here —is the part of ‘covenant breakers.’

Covenant breakers toward the union of the New Covenant Yahshua made, are— not in agreement with God, treacherous to the compact— formal agreement or contract between God and man— who have entered into a formal agreement— the ‘making of a covenant.’

Upholding a covenant with someone, is as simple as upholding a relationship with that person → in honor, thanksgiving, and gratitude— with a full heart to come through for that person— and do, and commit to what was agreed upon.

Do we know what we agreed upon, when we ‘entered into’ a covenant with the Almighty God?

We agreed to honor, and to hold, to love and to cherish one another— forever more: we entered holy matrimony.

When we forget who is our DEARLY BELOVED— we have forsaken the compact, covenant, oath— we swore with a vow, unto each other: ‘The Bond,’ has been broken.

Upholding ‘the bond,’ is as simple as placing God in his rightful position within, and giving him honor, preference (he’s number one honcho inside, not self), loving him— which means diverting care, concern, focus and attention with affections, toward him— and GIVING TO GOD, not receiving, or TAKING ‘only.’

He’s not looking for a perfect partner— he himself is perfect, and can help us, and reform us, and work with us, in all our ways; he is looking for LOYALTY in a ‘spouse.’

He is looking for who HONORS HIM; he is looking within to see, in side our hearts, if we truly CARE FOR HIM, as our husband, spouse, one we are united with— or if we are actually reprobate inside: reprobate— moral castaways, rejected and unapproved in mind— intellect, thoughts, feelings, and wills— set against him.

Do you care about his feelings, mind, heart, plans— his person?

Do you love him, show him your attention, focus, affections toward him— and him alone as Most Highly regarded one inside you— not what he can provide, but HIM?

Do you honor, cherish, hold him dear to your heart, mind, emotions, and days?

Do you behold his beauty and copious splendor (his glory), and long to have more of him, closer, and in new ways have him reveal himself to you?

Do long to, and put effort into obeying him (which he said was how we begin to love him), what he tells you, how he leads your heart and mind, what his scripture has taught us?

Because— if so— you are upholding the marriage covenant with him— and ‘the bond’ of the two of you: where two have now become one.

Because he is doing ALL THAT— unto us, and daily, hourly and minute by minute.

The enemy may be the ADVERSARY of our souls— but he is— THE LOVER OF OUR SOULS, every minute and second, of everyday.

We have EVERYTHING, when we have been

offered and gifted a marriage ‘bond’ to HIM!!

We have been gifted his Holy Spirit, his true personal essence to become ‘one with,’ in holy matrimony of the spiritual kind— and in that, we become holy matrimony, covenant UPHOLDERS; for we are quite literally— HOLDING HIM UP, EXALTING HIM— within, in the place he belongs, as our Beloved.

I only pray I bring him some sort of satisfaction as a bride unto him; I pray he finds himself well pleased in some manner, by being yoked up, and in ‘bonds’ to me.

I pray he finds union with me, desirable— for we have become one— and I desire to please my beloved; for my beloved— pleases me.

If we are desirous to LIFT HIM within, then we are UPHOLDING HIM, and we are UPHOLDING THE COVENANT: ‘The Bond’ of our marriage union.

He is the MOST LOVELY, our Beloved; and he finds us— IRRESISTIBLE, it’s why he killed himself for us, before we ever needed him to (before the foundations of all that exist in the material).

He was UNWILLING to ‘not make a way;’

he HAD TO— because he loves us that much.

And in a person like that, the person of LOVE that our God is, and possesses of himself— he deserves a ‘sold out’ bride; he deserves everything we’ve got: not perfection— FULL ON EFFORT at the union, ‘The Bond.’

If we are giving him that—

we are upholding our marriage vows to him.

Marriage is not upheld, without effort— both here in this material world, and in the spiritual heavens; we must ‘work at’ a marriage— if it is to succeed.

And marriages are TWO WAY STREETS— it’s not one person doing all the heavy lifting, and the other skating through; it’s two people, becoming each other's ‘help meets,’ or PARTNERS.

Sure, one may be stronger in many ways— but BOTH— work at the ‘union of’ intimacy, love, honoring each other, gratitude, awe of each other— beholding the beauty that is ‘our spouse,’ and making sure they KNOW they are a ‘treasure’ in the heart of their ‘other half.’

Song of Solomon 2:16 —

“My beloved is mine, and I am his:

he feeds among the lilies.”

My Beloved— ‘feeds among the lilies,’ means— he is adorned in the most beautiful ways, and I feed him my love and adoration— there, in the garden of intimacy.


H4562 – Bond

Definition— a band (a binding around)

Ezekiel 20:37-38

“And I will cause you to pass under the rod [punishing correction, scepter of rule], and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant:

38 And I will purge out from among you the rebels [rebellious— desires to resist authority], and those who transgress [quarrel, revolt, apostatize] against me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn [temporarily abide], and they shall not enter into the land of Israel [and remember, the name Israel, which is Jacob’s name now, means— HE WILL RULE LIKE GOD, and posterity of future generations]: and you shall know that I am the LORD [eternal self-existent one].”


When we refuse to uphold God within, in the place of honor and respect, making him our most important one inside— we have dishonored our Maker and Father, and in that— we will come under the rod of correction; the rod of correction comes to those who are ‘supposed to be’ in COVENANT BONDS with God almighty, holy and true— but are TRANSGRESSING the ‘marriage vows.’

He will purge out from among the body of people, or group of people who claim to be his— in name or proclamations only— but whom actually DISHONOR, THROW DOWN and REJECT the ‘union,’ or the covenant; they are, rebellious— and desire to resist his authority in their lives.

They are quarrelsome against him, which means— they revolt, and are apostate against him; apostate— one who truly renounces their beliefs and principles, in actions, or actions and proclamations; root definition— ‘deserter, runaway, slave, apostate.’

And he says— Where they are temporarily abiding (or— hanging out— think internally abiding, in their actions, thoughts, intents and deeds, within) —and he will NOT BRING THEM INTO the ‘promises,’ or where Israel goes— essentially, Zion, the holy city.

Symbolically and spiritually, Israel means, those— WHO WILL RULE LIKE GOD; and if we are not being ruled inside ‘like God holy,’ we will not enter the ‘land’ in which our spiritual faith family of God is brought into— for we upheld ‘another’ within, and we truly belong to another, not God holy.

[Not you Sheila– inside joke, she will laugh.]

And in recognizing and understanding, through the ‘rod of correction—’ they shall know that he is the LORD— the eternal self-existent one.

He upholds those who uphold

covenant with him: marriage.

And marriage with, and unto God holy— is to be honored, respected, cherished, and exalted within; it is not in word only, but in deed (actions), and from a TRUE heart.


G4886 – Bond

Definition— a joint tie, that is a ligament— a uniting principle, control, banded together.


Ephesians 4:3

Endeavoring [use speed, earnestly make efforts and diligence] to keep [watch, guard, fortress in militarily defend, maintain, uphold, preserve] the unity [oneness] of the Spirit [current, breeze and winds of— vital principles, mental disposition, rational soul], in the bond of peace [prosperity, at one, in rest].”


That’s huge, folks— he said— Use speed, earnestly making efforts and diligence to keep, watch guard— like a fortress, in a military defense— maintaining and upholding, preserving the MARRIAGE UNION OF ONENESS (the unity) —by the Spirit…

Or otherwise known as— the current that flows, the breeze inside that blows of the winds of God, the vital principles he shares, of the mental disposition of God to us— a RATIONAL SOUL; and in that— we keep the bond, or the— joint tie, like a ligament— the uniting principles and control, banded together in peace— or at-one-ment, at rest, in prospering.

Upholding our marriage to him, with loving, honoring, attentive, adoring and cherishing affections of love and focus, making him MOST HIGH, or MOST HIGHLY REGARDED within us— brings on…

“A current, breeze and wind that blows from God holy, unto us— giving us a RATIONAL MIND, via vital principles of God that he shares— through his mental disposition; and when we keep ‘The Bond,’ or the joint ties that bind us together, like a ligament— the uniting principles and control of God with us, we become two, who have BANDED TOGETHER in peace— or at-one-ment again, and are prospering because of the ‘union’ of marriage being upheld; and we are AT REST together.”

I just believe that is PHENOMENAL, and given to us, by such a short verse; but one that is PACKED with understanding, love and commitment, from our loving and provisionary God.

{Let’s continue with another verse from

that same root of ‘bond.’]


Colossians 3:14

“And above all these things, put on charity [benevolent affections, a love feast]— which is the bond of perfectness [completeness].”


When they listed in scripture to put on charity, above all the other things, they listed: bowels of mercy, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering, forbearing one another, forgiving one another… but above all those attributes we need to keep and practice, he said— PUT ON CHARITY.

Because charity is ‘benevolent’ affections, and a love feast; benevolent— well meaning and kindly, charitable— rather than gaining for self; root definition— ‘to wish well upon.’

We need to be merciful, kind, humble in mind (not overbearing, and showing off, exalting self), meek, patiently long suffering with people— forbearing, or patiently practicing self discipline of character— about others, and forgiving; but we will be and do all that— IF— we practice, hold and keep— charity within us.

For charity is BENEVOLENT, meaning— it is kind, prefers others receive, rather than for self, and wishes wellness upon others: it’s partaking in an affectionate love feast.

When we practice CHARITY toward God— we are upholding the marriage covenant; charity toward God is feasting in love together, one toward the other— wishing well for the other, because charity is BENEVOLENT— as it prefers the OTHER RECEIVE an affectionate love bombing, and feast together in oneness of that love.


G1210 – Bonds

Definition— to bind in bonds, knit together, twist/wind together.

Colossians 4:3-4

“Withal, praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance— to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds: 4 That I may make it manifest [apparent, and shown], as I ought to speak.”


When we read things like— ‘make it manifest,’ or apparent what I ought to speak, and show unto others— of Christ, it is only THROUGH Christ, and his Spirit, or flow of breeze winds, the current of him within, that operates the rational, and principled mind of Christthat we can do that.

And if we uphold him within, in the marriage covenant, ‘The Bond’ of holy matrimony, honoring him, cherishing him, handing over all to him in authority of us, and leading of us, preferring him over self— then do we step into that upholding of marital covenant with him— and he is able to do all that within us.

Upholding ‘The Bond,’ or where two become one, in spiritual marriage, unto the Most High and holy God, the Maker of us, our Father— is so much more than speaking proclamations and utterances— it is walking out LOVE, quite literally, through our actions and deeds of making him— NUMBER ONEover ourselves, life itself, what we can gain, have, swim in, buy, sell or take pleasure in.

For we have come to understand, the ONLY pleasure there is, in truth, that is WORTHY TO BE PRAISED (honored, and worshiped) —IS HIM: he is the treasure of our hearts, unto us— his faithful bride.

{More verses for the same usage of bonds— G1210}


Deuteronomy 6:4-9

“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God— is one LORD [self-existent, eternal one]: 5 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.

6 And these words, which I command [enjoin you in, send and lead] you this day— shall be in your heart: 7 And you shall teach them diligently unto your children— and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way [course in life, actions], and when you lie down [sexual connection, lover, ravish], and when you rise up [get up and do, perform, rouse].

8 And you shall bind them for a sign [signal, flag and beacon] upon your hand [charge and dominion, ministry and service], and they shall be as frontlets [forehead knowledge, presence, regard, countenance] between your eyes.

9 And you shall write [record, engrave, inscribe] them upon the posts [prominent places] of your house [court, palace, temple], and on your gates [doors and openings].”


I encourage you to continue reading Deuteronomy 6, I love that chapter, and there is SO much more good stuff, even immediately following these verses— but, there is much SPIRITUAL/SYMBOLIC stuff here.

First, our Lord God is ONE OF A KIND— there is only one true God, and he is LORD over all— for he is not created, and everything, and everyone else is; he is the self-existent and eternal one.

We ought to remember that, it makes it easier to see our place, and where he ought to be the HIGHEST ONE within our lives, meaning— the one we exalt in time, focus, love, adoration, and lead and authority over us; and we are to love him with ALL of our hearts, souls and might.

Hearts— the innermost parts of a man, the parts that make him— himself, in personality, desires, affections, pursuits, etc.

The soul— the place of thinking, emoting and decision making within man; the place where we spend our time throughout our days, and where we exalt ideas or persons, within.

Our Might— all our strength to uphold God into the highest position within us, with everything we got; all our effort and hard work to throw self or satan, out of that position, and to UPLIFT GOD into his rightful position: using our every bit of fight and strength to throw self down, and UPHOLD GOD, and our MARRIAGE of honor to him— inside all our places and parts.

‘The Bond—’ where two become one; and One, rules over the other in the authoritative role of ‘leader of me—’ which is NOT supposed to be ‘me,’ but instead— the self-existent eternal one, who has HIGHER WAYS, and HIGHER THINKING than me; the one who is capable of leading this relationship, and I acquiesce to his rule and lead: my husband.

And his words (his own words and speech) he will write in our hearts; he will enjoin himself to us inside of us, and we will teach him to our children.

We will teach his words and speech when we sit in our houses, when we walk our paths and course in life— when we lie down to have sexual relations with a lover, ravishing them— and when we rise up, and go about our days.

And our Lord’s words will be bound to our handsor our dominion, ministry and service, always.

And we will write, engrave and inscribe them upon the PROMINENT PLACES within our hearts and souls, our lives (the door posts) —of our COURT, PALACE or TEMPLES (bodies/souls— lives), and upon our gates, or DOORS and OPENINGS (think mouths, and spiritual gates).

We will honor him, his words and his principles, that are kept between the frontlets of our eyes— or foreheads, thoughts, minds and countenance— all the time; for he is our BELOVED, and we are our BELOVED’S.


Deuteronomy 11:1 & 18-21

11 “Therefore you shall love the Lord your God, and keep his charge [watch, sentry, post and position— duty], his statutes [appointed ordinances, his manner and customs], his judgments [verdicts, decisions and formal decrees], and his commandments [laws and precepts— general rules of behavior and thought; root definition— ‘warn and instruct’], always.

18 Therefore shall you lay up these words in your heart, and in your soul— and bind them for a sign upon your hand— that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.

19 And you shall teach them to your children— speaking of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.

20 And you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house, and upon your gates: 21 That your days may be multiplied [given in increase, authority, excel, grow up], and the days of your children— in the land which the Lord swore unto your fathers to give them— (will be) as the days of heaven upon the earth.”

[Note in the same book, it is mentioned twice.]


For the sake of the fact that we just broke down what that verse means, as it was spoken twice in Deuteronomy 6— I will highlight the first and the last verses here, as in importance to break down.

The first— We shall love the Lord our God, and keep his charge— his watch, sentry, post and position of duty he has given to us, as his ambassadors, his children, his spouse and bride he is married to— giving all his kingdom to, in marriage…

As well as his statutes— or his appointed ordinances, his manner and customs— these now, in the new covenant marriage to him, would be— what his person conducts himself in; like— his principles, a rational mind of Christ, stuck between our eyes, in our countenance, thoughts and mind— carrying his words with us always; his mannerisms and ways about him, his appointed ordinances are not the ordinances of the old covenant, but of the new covenant.

Ordinances— legislation enacted by an authority, a decree given by an authority figure; root definition— ‘put in order, arranged in ranks.’

Folks, that means, according to the summing up of ALL OF THE LAW NOW, ‘in Christ Jesus—’ we are to LOVE HIM with everything we have, then turn and love the others the same way, as we love ourselves; which is— loving and honoring God properly, and upholding our ‘bond’ with him— is loving ourselves properly: he is NUMBER ONE, Most Highly One regarded within us.

And when regarding him over ourselves— we will uphold his ordinances— what he ORDAINS, DECREES and how he LEADS US; which is through— ‘putting him in order, within the arranging the ranks within us,’ —he, in his PROPER POSITION: it is NOT, living the old covenant customs.

It is now— We live the customs of God himself, led by God himself, in our INNERMOST PARTS of us, heart, soulmind, emotions and decision making parts of us: we EXALT HIM, ‘within.’

We uphold his judgments, or the verdicts, decisions and formal decrees that he decrees to our individual lives, and we uphold his commandments, or his— laws and precepts— which are his general rules of behavior and thought; with the root definition of precepts being, to— ‘warn and instruct;’ and we will do this always, giving him the Most High position, within our hearts, minds, and lives: making him— GOD TO US.


Proverbs 3:1-12

“My son, do not forget my law; but (instead) let your heart keep my commandments: 2 For length of days, and long life, and peace— they shall add to you.

3 Let not mercy and truth forsake you (be forgotten by you in your lives and hearts): bind them about your neck; write them upon the table of your heart: 4 So you shall find favor and good understanding [intelligence, successes and knowledge, policies or wisdom]— in the sight of God, and man.

5 Trust in the Lord —with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge [know, see, sense, recognize, acquaint, be aware of] him— and he shall direct [straighten, direct, even out, make pleasant and prosper] your paths [well trodden road, path, race and rank of travel].

7 Be not wise [intelligent, skilful, cunning] in your own eyes— but fear [revere] the Lord, and depart from evil [moral wickedness]— 8 It shall be health to your navel, and marrow to your bones.

9 Honor the Lord with your substance [increase, riches, what you’ve been given], and with the firstfruits [beginning chiefest— the gross, or principal amount received] of all your increase: 10 So your barns [storage centers] shall be filled with plenty— and your presses shall burst out with new wine.

11 My son— do not despise [have disdain for, refuse or reject] the chastening [reproof, warning instructions, restraints of (bonds), corrections and discipline] of the Lord; neither be weary of his correction: 12 For whom the Lord loves— he corrects [rights, convicts, argues with to justify, disputes, pleads with and reproves]; even as a father (corrects), the son in whom he delights [is pleased with, approves of, enjoys, favors].”


These are the last verses used in the definition of ‘bonds,’ regarding G1210; but much is revealed here spiritually/symbolically too.

We see here that we gain length of days, long life, and peace— when we don’t forget, but instead KEEP his laws, his commandments— which we discussed already, means— his personal conduct, character, principles, rational mind, and leadership in our lives, as we make him Most Highly regarded one inside of us: because NOW, upholding the covenant means— upholding HIM as number one inside, most treasured one, and leader of me and my ways.

Because ‘the law—’ is now summed up in and by Christ— as he COMPLETED IT ALL, and flawlessly, so now we are to ADHERE TO HIS LEADERSHIP, hence— our God, and he will lead us to BE AS HE IS.

He said…

“To sum up obedience to the Law now, since my mission as, and of Messiah, has been completed— making the way back to union with God the Father now, is— LOVE GOD WITH EVERYTHING YOU’VE GOT, and in that— you are loving yourselves properly, if you are placing me in the leadership role of you; and then, turn around, and love the others the same.”

In that— we live out the fulness of the Law,

and do you know why??

Because, folks— THAT IS WHAT HE IS CONTINUALLY LIVING, and in this new covenant marriage— we are ‘bonded’ to him, in him, with him and by him— and so, what HE IS DOING, we are going to find ourselves doing/partaking in, TOO.

The Son— loves the Father with everything he’s got—

and then, he turned— and loves us the same too.

He turned, after marrying the Father spiritually, and committing to him wholeheartedly— as he lived in this earth, representing the average child of God— and he gave us IT ALL → back at us.

And now we are to love God the Father also, with everything we’ve got, because the example Son, who ROCKED EVERYTHING OUT FLAWLESSLY, made the way of reconciliation, of ‘The Bond’ to the Father again, possible.

And in that— we are to DO AS THE SON HAS DONE— for we are in him, learning, and becoming one withhis ways, conduct, character and person.

He is ‘a Son’ of God too, just like us— and we are to be ‘joined to’ him, so he can— SHOW US THE WAY.

He is the way to be, he is the truth of how a ‘son’ of God should be, and he is that life; he will lead us in those paths of right living with God— if we will get out of our own way, and ALLOW HIM to be the leader of us, and our ways: and then, thereby— we have brought honor unto our marriage ‘bond,’ and we are upholding the eternal self-existent one— as the MOST HIGHLY REGARDED ONE, in our marriage union.

And when we do not forget to live in TRUTH, and with and by, MERCY— binding them about our necks, meaning— always in remembrance of, as a burden is beared around our necks…

We will gain favor and good understanding— or, intelligence, successes and knowledge, policies and wisdom— in the sight of God, and man.

And if we will TRUST our Lord, with all our heart, and lean not unto our own understanding, but instead— ACKNOWLEDGE HIM, or— know, see, sense, recognize, acquaint, be aware of him…

He will direct, or— straighten, direct, even out, make pleasant and prosper our paths, or well trodden roads, race and rank of travel— that we will traverse down, in this earth and life.

It is evil to think of oneself as wise, because in that— we have forgotten that all good wisdom comes from God, and we have now successfully— exalted ‘self’ accomplishments, within; meaning— like the haughty heathen kings of old, who thought they conquered God’s people all by themselves and their own might— we have forgotten that EVERYTHING of true wisdom, skill, and accomplishment, is only gained byexalting and yoking up to, in ‘bonds’ with— God Almighty, holy, true and WISE.

Honor God, by giving him back the first fruits of our increase, that he has given to us; that means— the gross we take in, the first big ole lump sum of what God has given us— give back to God from that in which was given us.

So, if it was wisdom he blessed us with— give it back toward God; sow unto him good thoughts, a deep heart of understanding and affections with that wisdom; and then turn, and give it to the others, the body.

If it was food, ask God where to give a portion of the first lump sum of garden veggies to; “which people, Lord, do need these fruits, as you have increased my allotment of sustenance?”

Whatever he has given to us in blessing, prosperity and number— give it back toward him, and he will guide you how to do that; and in doing so, YOUR storehouses of plenty, will always be FULL (he will continue to give out to you), and your presses (or your crushing and efforts), will continue to provide you with ‘the new wine,’ or the INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP OF BLESSING and PROVISION— from, and with, your partner: the bridegroom, the one we are ‘bonded to,’ and have become ONE with.

And when we, as ‘his sons,’ do not have disdain for, refuse or reject his corrections, reproof, warnings of instructions, his restraints of bonds (holding us in a certain conduct of our ‘jointly’ lived person with him now, as one), in discipline of him…

And we don’t grow weary with him correcting us, and disciplining us, molding and maturing us…

Because he corrects those he loves…

And correction means— he rights them, from being crooked, and he convicts them, and argues with them to justify them— disputing his ways, character and conduct becoming him— and pleads with them, and reproves them…

If we allow him to do all that, and we don’t ‘kick against his prods,’ or pricks, with our hearts and minds to reform…

Like a father corrects a ‘son,’ or child of his that he loves; we will become a ‘son or daughter’ he delights in— whom he is well pleased with to be joined to, and approves of, as well as enjoys, and favors.

This is ‘The Bond,’ of the marriage of ONENESS, that we should all aspire to; and in that, as we effort at it— we honor him, making him the MOST HIGHLY REGARDED ONE, in our marriage union.

This, is GIVING PREFERENCE, and HONOR— unto the ‘better half,’ in marriage: this, is UPHOLDING THE COVENANT with God.

He is CONSTANTLY, upholding us → in his thoughts, heart, actions, plans, provision and love— we ought to do the same, and give him back— the first fruits of this love union, that he gave to us first.

John 4:19—

“We love God, because he first loved us.”


H7194 – Bind

Definition— tie, physically gird, confine, mentally in love league, join together, knit stronger.

Isaiah 49:14-19

“But Zion said— The Lord has forsaken me, and my Lord has forgotten me.

15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she would not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yes, they may forget— yet I WILL NOT FORGET YOU.

16 Behold, I have engraved [scribed you, enacted and cut in stone— decreed and printed] you, upon the palms of my hands [hollow of my grip (embrace), the dish or sling that holds you, the power of my branch]; your walls [adjoining protections] are continually before me.

17 Your children shall make haste; your destroyers and those that made you waste— shall go forth (away) from you.

18 Lift up your eyes roundabout, and behold: all these that gather themselves together, and come to you (as like children).

As I live, says the Lord— you shall surely be clothed [wrapped around and arrayed] with them all (prospering in children, or people, not alone)— as with an ornament [excellence]; bind them on you, as a bride [wife] does.

19 For your waste [decayed, destroyed] and your desolate [or, grown numb, devastated, stupefied, astonished and destroyed] places, and the land of your destruction [demolition]— shall even now be too narrow [to tightly pressed, and distressed, vexed], by reason of the inhabitants [those dwelling and remaining about]— and they who swallowed you up [destroyed you, and devoured you] → shall be far away.”


We may have said from time to time, that— The Lord has forgotten me, but…


“I have engraved, or inscribed you, enacted, cut in stone— and decreed and printed you, upon the palms of my hands; the hollow of my grip (or embrace), the dish or sling that holds you, in and by the power of my branch (his person); and your walls— the adjoining protections I have hedged you in with— are continually before me.”

He will make our CHILDREN run around earnestly, jubilantly about us— and those who have come to destroy us— will be driven FAR FROM US.

“Look at all these who come to you— As I live, says the Lord— you shall surely be clothed, or wrapped around and arrayed with them all (prospering in children, or people, not alone)— like you are adorned in excellence; bind them (wear the people I have given you, cherish them, love and honor them) on you (the ornaments, or gifts) —as a bridal wife does.”


I don’t know who is?!!!

“I will not forget you, I will bless you, with many people/children; you will not be alone, but will be arrayed like the bride you are to me (the partner you are to me), and will wear, or sport the blessings of a family about you.

I hold you in the hollow of my grip, embracing you, lovingly— you are written all over my heart, mind and soul— you are my Beloved; your protection— is always before me (most important); and your ENEMIES → I will take far away from us.”

THAT IS OUR GOD— and THAT— is who we are MARRIED TO, in this ‘bond;’ as two, become ONE ENTITY in marriage covenant now: THAT— is our bridegroom.

Can we see ‘why—’ he should be upheld

as the Most Highly regarded one within??

He is UNLIKE ANY OTHER— our God, our Lord— IS ONE LORD; there is no other like him!!!!


H2280 – Bind

Definition— to wrap firmly, (figuratively) to rule, bind up, gird about, govern, healer wrapping up.

Isaiah 61:1

“The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD has anointed [rubbed me with oil, consecrated and painted] me to preach good tidings [to be refreshed, rosy, cheerful, to announce good news] to the meek [depressed in mind, gentle, needy and saintly, humble, lowly and poor]; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted [crushed], to proclaim liberty [freedom and spontaneity of outflow— clear and pure] to the captives [those carried away], and to open the prison [jail cells, figuratively— salvation from sin]— to those who are bound;

2 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord— and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort [pity, console, avenge, ease] all who mourn [lament];

3 To appoint unto those who mourn in Zion— to give unto them, beauty [embellishments like bonnets] for ashes [a covering over ruin], the oil of joy [cheerfulness, welcome and gladness] for mourning, the garment of praise [laudation— sing over in praises] for the spirit of heaviness [feebleness, dimming]; so that they might be called trees of righteousness [prosperity and morally right] → the planting of the Lord [garden heart plantings], that he might be glorified [embellished, adorned by them, boast himself in them].

4 And they shall build [begin to obtain children, repair and set up] the old wastes [desolation, decayed places of destruction]— they shall raise up [lift, perform, pitch, establish] the former [ancestral] desolations [that have grown numb, been devastated, astonished, destroyed and laid waste to]— and they shall repair [rebuild, restore, and renew] the waste [utterly destroyed] cities, and the desolations of many generations [revolutions of time, an age, posterity].”


His Spirit has come upon me, because he has anointed me, or— rubbed me with oil, consecrated and painted me to preach good tidings, or ways to be refreshed, become rosy, cheerful, and to announce good news— to the meek— or those depressed in mind, who are gentle, needy and saintly— the humble, lowly and poor.

He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, or— those who are crushed, and to proclaim liberty of freedom— and with a spontaneity of outflowclear and pure— to the captives, who are those carried away into captivity of the adversary of our souls; and he has called me to open the prison jail cells, (figuratively— bringing them salvation from sin)— to those who are bound up in it.

He has called me, and painted me, in an anointing of his Spirit —to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord— and the day of vengeance of our God; as well as to comfort, or pity, console, avenge, and ease— all those who mourn, or lament within.

He has called me, and anointed me to appoint unto those who mourn in the family— and to give them, beauty, or— embellish them, like bonnets upon their heads— for ashes (or their woes and tribulations) a covering over them; and to bring them the oil of joy, cheerfulness, welcome and gladness → for mourning; and the garment of praise, or laudation— a singing over of praises— for the spirit of heaviness, which is feebleness, and dimming.

So that they will be called trees of righteousness, or prosperity and moral uprightness, which then they are— the planting of the Lord, the garden heart plantings of the love union, ‘The Bond’ of the marriage upheld; and so that he might be glorified embellished, and adorned by those who honor and love him— boasting himself in them.

How BEAUTIFUL is that?!!!

He is the MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON I KNOW, and he UPHOLDS ME, in ‘The Bond,’ the marriage: and I pray— he finds himself well pleases with my love, honor, gratitude, heart, mind, will, actions, affections, time, focus and person.

He is DESERVING of the place of MOST HIGHLY REGARDED in this marriage union; he is our eternal, self-existent Father, bridegroom and God: and he is worthy to be praised.


The ties that ‘bind;’ the covenant of marriage:

The Bond, and the bonded.

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Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
Prabhakara Rao Rajarapu
15 de mai. de 2023



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